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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nusikalstamą veiką imituojančių veiksmų atlikimas įrodinėjimo procese / Execution of criminal act simulating actions in the averment process

Juozainis, Darius 09 July 2011 (has links)
Teisėsaugos institucijos kovoje su organizuotu nusikalstamumu sėkmingai gali kovoti tik pasitelkdamos efektyvias priemones – tokias kaip nusikalstamą veiką imituojančių veiksmų atlikimą. Ši priemonė apibrėžiama kaip formaliai nusikalstamos veikos požymių turinčių veiksmų, kurie yra sankcionuoti teismo arba Generalinio prokuroro ar jo įgalioto Generalinio prokuroro pavaduotojo, atlikimas turint tikslą išaiškinti planuojamą, pradėtą ar padarytą nusikalstamą veiką. Magistrinio darbo tikslas yra išnagrinėti nusikalstamą veiką imituojančių veiksmų atlikimo teisinį reglamentavimą ir galimybes panaudoti gautus šių veiksmų atlikimo metu duomenis įrodinėjimo procese. Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismo ir Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo nagrinėtų bylų analizė išryškino pagrindines problemines sritis naudojant nusikalstamą veiką imituojančius veiksmus. EŽTT suformuota pozicija remiasi Texeira de Castro prieš Portugaliją byla ir išryškina pagrindinius principus, kurie legalizuoja nusikalstamos veikos imitavimo metu gautus duomenis: 1. Nusikalstamą veiką imituojantys veiksmai yra naudojami įtariamojo asmens, kuriam pradėtas ikiteisminis tyrimas, atžvilgiu; 2. Nusikalstamą veiką imituojantys veiksmai yra pasyvūs. Nusikalstamos veikos iniciatorius yra pats įtariamasis; 3. nusikalstamą veiką imituojančių veiksmų atlikimo sankcionavimas yra teismo kompetencijoje. Užsienio valstybių nusikalstamos veikos imitavimo veiksmų atlikimo teisinio reglamentavimo analizė parodė, kad duomenys gauti atliekant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / „EXECUTION OF CRIMINAL ACT SIMULATING ACTIONS IN AVERMENT PROCESS“ Police and other law enforcement structures to struggle against organized crime have very powerful tool named as execution of criminal act simulating actions. This legal proceeding is definable as actions by the nature are very similar to crime actions that are authorized by court or general prosecutor or deputy general prosecutor and have the purpose to solve the crime. The purpose of this master’s degree study is to reveal a legal framework of executing of criminal act simulating actions and possibilities to use results gained during this action in averment process. The studies of European Human Rights Court’s, Lithuania Constitutional Court’s and Lithuania Supreme Court’s cases showed up the main problems of usage of criminal act simulating actions. The European Human Rights Court position is based on Texeira de Castro case and exposes the main principles of legality: Usage of criminal act simulating actions could be only against person who is suspected and there is a procedural proceeding against him; Usage of criminal act simulating actions has to be passive. Initiator to commit a crime has to be suspected person; Authorization to use criminal act simulating actions should be the Court privilege. Studies of foreign legal framework of usage of criminal act simulating actions disclosure that results discovered during above mentioned procedures could not be used as direct evidence in averment process. Only... [to full text]

Kardomųjų priemonių sistema baudžiamajame procese: lyginamasis aspektas / System of the measures of constraint in criminal procedure: comparative aspect

Kursevičius, Marijus 19 December 2006 (has links)
Constitution provides inviolability of human rights and freedoms as fundamental value of modern civilization. Human rights and freedoms, however, should not be treated as absolute or immovable category. What should be realized and always emphasized is that any person has not only rights, but also obligations, which means that interests of individual can be lawfully defended only with due regard to the relevant rights of another person. If someone fails to respect and violates human rights of another person, then he renounces relevant part of his rights. And this may become a legitimate ground for restriction of the rights of offender. This paper doesn’t refer to restriction of human rights as a result of the effective judgment of conviction, but to situations, where the person is in detention, under arrest or his other rights are restricted because of being reasonably suspected of the criminal offence or there are reasonable grounds to believe that the person who committed criminal offence might flee or impede investigation, i.e. refers to measures of compulsion exercised by the State. One of such measures of compulsion are measures of constraint. This is the strictest form of compulsion exercised by the State in respect of individual, on whom punishment has not yet been imposed. This paper doesn’t make any detailed analysis of the grounds for or procedure of infliction thereof, as they are thoroughly and clearly regulated by the law on criminal procedure. This paper seeks... [to full text]

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