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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A relação entre grupos de eventos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de competências individuais / The relationship between groups of learning events and individual competence development

Cassimiro, Wagner Toyama 17 December 2009 (has links)
Este estudo se propôs a analisar a relação entre grupos de eventos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de competência. Buscou-se compreender quais deles eram considerados mais relevantes para o desenvolvimento de diferentes competências do indivíduo no trabalho. Na revisão bibliográfica, quatro grupos de eventos de aprendizagem emergiram: Aprendizagem Conceitual, Aprendizagem Provocada, Aprendizagem Experiencial e Aprendizagem Experiencial Induzida. Estes grupos foram confrontados com quatro tipos de competências que foram selecionados a partir da análise de 28 tipologias: Social, Funcional, Cognitiva e Metacompetência. A pesquisa quantitativa contou com a análise de 223 respondentes válidos. A amostra foi composta por ex-alunos da FEA-USP dos cursos de administração, economia e contabilidade. Foram aplicados testes de análise de variância para avaliar as hipóteses e testes de análise de correspondência para o aprofundamento da análise. Os resultados evidenciaram a importância dos grupos de eventos de aprendizagem informal, sobretudo o de Aprendizagem Experiencial para o desenvolvimento das quatro competências avaliadas. Os grupos de eventos de aprendizagem formal desenvolvem menos todas as competências e são ainda menos relevantes para o desenvolvimento da Competência Social e da Competência Funcional, em especial para a primeira citada. Além disso, no aprofundamento da análise, 24 eventos tiveram a frequência analisada e foram confrontados com 11 variáveis de perfis. Dos 264 testes Qui-quadrado realizados, 35 deles apresentaram significância estatística, dos quais foi possível analisar a relação entre as categorias em 34 mapas perceptuais gerados pela análise de correspondência. / This study aims to analyze the relationship between groups of learning events and competence development. It tries to understand which of them were considered the most relevant for the development of different individual competences in the professional field. In the bibliography review, four groups of learning events were found: Conceptual Learning, Experiential Learning, Caused Learning and Experiential Induced Learning. These groups were confronted with four types of competence that were selected after an analysis of 28 typologies: Social, Functional, Cognitive and Metacompetence. The quantitative study had the participation of 223 valid respondents. The sample was composed by FEA-USPs alumni of the following areas - Management, Economics and Accountancy. After, One-way ANOVA tests were done to verify the hypothesis, as well ANACOR tests were run to make a profound study. The results emphasize the importance of the groups of informal learning events, mainly on the Experiential Learning. The groups of formal learning events have a lower development of all competences and they are still less relevant to the development of the Social Competence and the Functional Competence, especially for the first one quoted. Furthermore, in a deeper study, 24 learning events had their frequencies analyzed and they were compared with 11 profile variables. 264 Chi-square tests were done and 35 of them presented statistical significance. On the end, it was possible to analyze the relationship among categories on 34 perceptual maps produced by ANACOR tests.

Introvertní učitel na prvním stupni ZŠ / Introverted teacher in the primary school

Schreierová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The thesis examines the personality of an introverted teacher at elementary school. In the theoretical part, it shows the profession of teacher through the professional competences and activities of which the profession of teacher consists. Following is a brief overview of personality theories, which aims towards a deeper understanding of the personality of man and a closer understanding of the concepts of introversion and extraversion. It also addresses the strengths and weaknesses of introversion and lists four types of introverted perception of the world. The empirical part examines how the introverted type express itself in the role of teacher and what are his strengths and weaknesses. Both men and women currently working as teachers at elementary school were approached for the research. An online personality questionnaire was used to identify the personality type of individual respondents. Method of in-depth interview was chosen for the data collection itself. Only respondents with an introverted personality type were selected for in-depth interviews. The results of the research brought a deeper understanding of the personality of the introverted teacher. It describes the specific needs, which are important for an introverted person of a teacher in relation to the performance of his work....

Začínající učitel ve funkci třídního učitele / Teacher-beginner as a class teacher

Steiningerová, Iva January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of beginning primary school form teachers and the introduction into their profession. The aim of the thesis is to analyse what professional competence a graduate in Primary School Teacher Training needs for the role of a form teacher in terms of theoretical justification and practical knowledge and skills. To discuss and argue for a concept of a form teacher work preparation in the pre-graduate preparation. It investigates the teacher personality and its changes within the historical context. It describes historical development of teachers education and the current situation in the Czech Republic. It deals with a professional standard model, represents professional competences of the primary school and teacher standards. The form teacher is viewed from different angles. It deals with his work content, activities he should do, duties and competences. It defines the term professional ethics and code of ethics for teachers. This paper determines professional norms, values and responsibility which are accepted by every single educator in his profession. The core task of the practical part was a comparison of the questionnaire results and dialogues with the analysis of my own experience in the aspect of professional competences and form teacher competences. The...

Kompetensers betydelse för ledarskapet : Att tänka på vid rekrytering av chefer / Things to consider when recruiting managers

Svalland Fridholm, Tilde, Hjerdt, Alexandra January 2023 (has links)
Önskvärda ledarskapskompetenser är ett väl utforskat område, dock finns det relativt lite forskning som berör ämnet inom industrin i Sverige. Syftet med denna studie var därför att få en ökad förståelse för vad medarbetare som är verkande i en global industriorganisation upplever som viktiga kompetenser för ett optimalt ledarskap. Studien bygger på empiri från nio kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda från den globala industriorganisationen. Resultatet visar att chefer som besitter både generisk- och yrkeskompetens visar sig tillsammans uppnå det mest optimala ledarskapet. Slutsatsen som dras är att medarbetarna upplever en kombination av generisk- och yrkeskompetens som mest gynnsamt och att de ej går att styrka att den ena kompetensen är viktigare än den andra. Ytterligare en annan slutsats som denna studie kan bidra med är en ny synvinkel till teorin gällande uppdelningen mellan generisk- och yrkeskompetens. Empirin i studien har visat en sammanslagning av både generisk- och yrkeskompetens och menar att om dessa särskiljs helt åt kan det uppvisa en missvisande bild av kompetenserna. / Desirable leadership skills are a well-explored area, however, there is relatively little research on the subject within industry in Sweden. The purpose of this study was therefore to gain an increased understanding of what employees who are working in a global industrial organization experience as important competencies for optimal leadership. The study is based on empirical evidence from nine qualitative semi-structured interviews with employees from the global industrial organization. The result shows that managers who possess both generic and professional competence together achieve the most optimal leadership. The conclusion that is drawn is that the employees experience a combination of generic and professional competence as the most favorable and that they cannot prove that one competenceis more important than the other. Another conclusion that this study can contribute is a new point of view to the theory regarding the division between generic and professional competence. The experience in the study has shown an amalgamation of both generic and professional competences and believes that if these are separated completely, it can present a misleading picture of the competences.

Faktorer som kan främja eller försämra förutsättningarna för att socionomen kan ha ett långvarigt yrkesliv i ett patient-eller klientnära arbete / Factors that can promote or worsen the conditions for the social worker to have a long term professional working life in patient - or client related work.

Örtenblad, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syftet är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar socionomer i ett klient-eller patientnära arbete och som kan bidra till förståelse för vad som kan bidra till ett långt och hållbart yrkesliv i det sociala arbetet. Socionomen tillhör kontaktyrkena vilket innebär att det finns risker som kommer med yrket. Socionomen kan till exempel drabbas av psykisk ohälsa på grund av att ej kunna bemästra den stress som kan uppstå i mötet med patienten eller klienten när egna känslor väcks, men, hen kan också påverkas negativt av brister som finns i organisationen. Studiens frågeställningar har varit att undersöka vilka faktorer som kan främja och vilka faktorer som kan försämra förutsättningarna för ett långvarigt och hållbart yrkesliv i ett patient-eller klientnära arbete. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med socionomer som har arbetat minst femton år i det sociala arbetet där resultatet sedan har analyserats med självbestämmande teori (Self determination theory, SDT). Resultatet visar att det finns både främjande och försämrande faktorer som kan påverka ett långvarigt yrkesliv beroende på hur organisationen väljer att agera i frågor som kan underlätta arbetsvillkoren, men, också att socionomen själv kan bidra genom eget agerande som att förstå hur egna livserfarenheter kan påverka i mötet, lära sig att reflektera och utveckla självkännedom tillsammans med kollegor och genom handledning. När socionomen upplever behovstillfredsställelse av autonomi, kompetens och tillhörighet i organisationen och i det patient-och klientnära arbetet bidrar det till att öka motivation vilket leder till bättre förutsättningar för socionomen att kunna arbeta länge och hållbart i det sociala arbetet. En slutsats av studien är att socionomen fortsättningsvis kommer att möta både känslomässiga och organisatoriska utmaningar i det patient-och klientnära arbetet. Sammantaget behöver hen förstå hur hen kan förhålla sig till båda och lära sig att bemästra dessa då det leder till yrkeskompetens. Beroende på hur bra socionomen förstår att tillgodose egna behov, lära sig att sätta gränser, använder sig av reflektion samt har tillgång till bra handledare och socialt stöd på arbetsplatsen så kan det bidra till goda strategier som underlättar för ett långvarigt arbetsliv, till exempel att regelbundet använda sig av egenvårdsstrategier som ger återhämtning. / The purpose of this study is to examine which factors that affect the social worker in client- or patientrelated work and which can contribute to an understanding of what can contribute to a long and sustainable professional life in social work. The social worker belongs to the human care professions, which means that there are risks that come with the profession. The social worker can for example suffer from mental illness due to not being able to master stress that can arise in the meeting with the patient or client when their own feelings are aroused, but the can also be negatively affected by shortcomings that exist in the organization. The study´s questions have been to examine which factors ca promote and which factors can worsen the conditions for a long-term and sustainable professional life in patient- or client related work. Five semi-structured interviews have been conducted with social workers who have worked at least fifteen years in social work, where the results have been analyzed using Self determination theory, SDT. The results show that there are both promoting and deteriorating factors that can affect a long-term professional life depending on how the organization chooses to act in matters that can facilitate working conditions, but also that the social worker can contribute through his own actions such as understanding how his/her/they own life experiences can affect in the meeting, learning to reflect and develop self-awareness togehter with colleagues and through supervision. When the social worker experience need satisfaction of autonomy, comptence and belonging in the organization and in the work close to the patient and client, it contributes to increase motivation which leads to better conditon for the social worker and to have a sustainably work life A conclusion of the study is that social workers will continue to face both emotional and organizational challenges in patient- and client related work. All in all, the social worker needs to understand how to both relate and learn to master this as they lead to professional competence. Depending on how well the social workers understand  their own needs, can set boundaries, learn to reflect and have access to supervisors and social support, this will contribute to strategies that promote factors that facilitate a long-term working life, for exemple self-care strategies.

Revisión crítica: aspectos a reforzar en relación al manejo de medicamentos inotrópicos por el profesional de enfermería en el servicio de emergencia

Villalobos Bocanegra, Jenilee Selena January 2024 (has links)
Esta investigación crítica denominada “Aspectos a reforzar en relación al manejo de medicamentos inotrópicos por el Profesional de Enfermería en el Servicio de Emergencia”, presenta el objetivo de determinar qué aspectos se deben fortalecer en el manejo de inotrópicos por el personal de enfermería en las áreas de emergencia, la justificación se basa en que un error durante la administración de estos fármacos genera efectos adversos en la salud del paciente. La metodología aplicada fue Enfermería Basada en Evidencia (EBE), donde según el esquema de MARCO PS se formuló la pregunta clínica: ¿Cuáles son los aspectos a reforzar en relación al manejo de medicamentos inotrópicos por el profesional de enfermería en los Servicios de Emergencia? Para la búsqueda de bibliografía, se utilizaron distintas bases de datos, entre los años 2018-2023, en idiomas: español, inglés y portugués; encontrando doce investigaciones, las cuales fueron sometidas a la validación de Gálvez Toro y sólo 4 aprobaron. La investigación seleccionada fue: “Calidad en la administración de medicamentos inotrópicos en profesionales de enfermería de un hospital de Tabasco, México” la cual se analizó con la lista de chequeo ASTETE. Ante la pregunta planteada: el nivel de conocimientos y la forma en que estos fármacos son administrados, son aspectos a reforzar, ya que las principales fallas se encontraron en estos ámbitos, por lo que se sugiere desarrollar estrategias de supervisión y capacitación en aquellos aspectos críticos identificados con la finalidad de prevenir eventos adversos y salvaguardar la seguridad del paciente. / This critical review called "Aspects to be reinforced in relation to the management of inotropic medications by the Nursing Professional in the Emergency Service", presents the objective of determining which aspects should be strengthened in the management of inotropic medications by nursing staff in the emergency areas, the justification is based on the fact that an error during the administration of these drugs can generate adverse effects on the patient's health. The methodology applied was Evidence-Based Nursing (EBE), where according to the MARCO PS scheme, the clinical question was formulated: What are the aspects to be reinforced in relation to the management of inotropic drugs by the nursing professional in Nursing Emergency Services? For the bibliography search, different databases were used, between the years 2018-2023 in languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese; finding twelve investigations, which were submitted to validation by Gálvez Toro and only 4 approved. The selected research was: “Quality in the administration of inotropic drugs in nursing professionals in a hospital in Tabasco, Mexico” which was analyzed with the ASTETE checklist. Given the question posed: the level of knowledge and the way in which these drugs are administered are aspects to be reinforced, since the main failures were found in these areas, therefore it is suggested to develop supervision and training strategies in those critical aspects identified in order to prevent adverse events and safeguard patient safety.

La compétence en emploi peut-elle prédire la santé psychologique des enseignants?

Stamate, Alina Nusa 12 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat porte sur la relation entre la santé psychologique au travail, les besoins fondamentaux et la compétence en emploi. En plus de valider un questionnaire de compétences en emploi (QCE), cette thèse propose que les compétences en emploi puissent prédire la santé psychologique au travail par la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux dans le domaine de l’enseignement. Le premier article a pour objectif de présenter la conception et la validation de l’instrument de mesure des compétences en emploi dans le domaine de l’enseignement. Une première étape dans notre étude a permis l’identification de trois solutions factorielles possibles : structure à un seul facteur, structure à deux facteurs et structure à un facteur de deuxième ordre. Les matrices des corrélations des énoncés étaient fiables, se prêtaient bien à l’analyse factorielle exploratoire et présentaient de bonnes cohérences internes. La deuxième étape de notre étude a été de type confirmatif. Chacune des trois solutions factorielles proposées a été analysée, ce qui a permis l’identification du modèle le mieux ajusté compte tenu des seuils empiriques des indices retenus pour l’analyse par équations structurelles. L’étude réalisée sur un échantillon d’enseignants québécois démontre que nous pouvons conclure aux bonnes qualités psychométriques de l’instrument analysé. Les limites et les apports de cette étude seront aussi présentés. Le deuxième article examine les liens entre les compétences en emploi dans le domaine de l’enseignement, la santé psychologique au travail et la satisfaction des trois besoins fondamentaux (autonomie, compétence et affiliation). Un modèle de médiation est testé par des analyses de modélisation par équations structurelles. Dans ce modèle, on considère que la satisfaction des trois besoins fondamentaux (autonomie, compétence et affiliation sociale) agisse comme médiateur dans la relation entre les compétences en emploi et la santé psychologique au travail. Une relation de médiation partielle (Baron & Kenny, 1986) a été trouvée dans notre échantillon, en utilisant l’analyse de rééchantillonnage par « bootstrap », dans le cadre de la modélisation par équations structurelles. Les limites de la recherche, ainsi que des suggestions de recherches futures seront proposées. / This following thesis bears on relationship between psychological health, the basic needs and work competence. In addition to validating a questionnaire for work competencies (QCE), this thesis composed of two articles, proposes that the work competencies can predict psychological health in the workplace by meeting the basic needs, in the field of teaching. The first article aims to present the design and validation of the measurement instrument of work competencies in teaching. A first step in our study allowed the identification of three possible solutions factor: a single factor structure, two-factor structure and factor structure of the second order. The correlation matrix of the statements was reliable, lend them well to exploratory factor analysis and showed good internal consistency. The second step of our study was confirmatory type. All three possible solutions factor were analyzed, which allowed the identification of the best-fitting model given the empirical evidence threshold selected for the structural equation analysis. The study conducted on a sample of teachers in Quebec shows that we can conclude with good psychometric properties of the instrument analyzed. The limitations and contributions of this study are also presented. The second article examines the relation between work competencies, psychological health at work and the satisfaction of the basic needs (autonomy competence and affiliation). A mediation model is tested by analysis of structural equation modeling. In this model it is assumed that the satisfaction of the basic needs act as mediator in the relationship between work competencies and psychological health at work. A relationship of partial mediation (Baron & Kenny, 1986) was found in our sample, using the analysis of resampling by bootstrap in the context of structural equation modeling. The limitations of the research and suggestions for future research are proposed.

Přístup k umírajícím v hospicích z pohledu speciálního pedagoga / Approach to dying people in hospices from the point of view of a special pedagogue

Mrázková, Marie January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with clients suffering from mental and sense disease staying in hospices in the Czech Republic. The first chapter is aimed to the history and the present of hospice and palliative care. The second chapter presents specifics of communication and approach to the clients with mental and sense disease. The third chapter deals with professional qualification of the staff working in hospices with such clients. The fourth chapter is aimed to satisfying of existence and existential needs of clients with mental and sense disease. This chapter also indicates some differences in the ways of satisfying these needs in relation to other dying people. The last part of this diploma thesis presents research project which deals with mapping of experiences of hospice staff with clients with mental and sense disease. The research also identifies the specificity of care provided to these clients and describes how the existence and existential needs of these clients are satisfied. It tries to understand how the hospice workers are given their professional competence. Qualitative type of research was used for the project; quantitative part includes semistructured dialogues and group discussion. The research part is based on analysis of seven dialogues and three group discussions with hospice...

Análise das diretrizes curriculares nacionais e da política nacional de atenção básica com foco nas competências das profissões de saúde no Brasil / Analysis of the national curriculum guidelines and the national policy of primary care focusing on the competencies of the health professions in Brazil

Siqueira, Rebecca de Holanda Mencarini e 18 January 2019 (has links)
Introdução: O debate sobre a formação de profissionais da saúde no mundo tem valorizado a integração entre o sistema de educação e o sistema de saúde. Paralelamente, ganham força a educação baseada em competências como também a ideia de competências profissionais que favoreçam a qualidade do cuidado centrado na pessoa, apoiado no trabalho colaborativo. No Brasil, políticas públicas valorizam tanto a formação quanto as práticas profissionais voltadas à atenção primária à saúde (APS), podendo ser considerados exemplos em nível federal, as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) e a Política Nacional de Atenção Básica (PNAB). Entretanto, as normas jurídicas ainda são objetos pouco estudados apesar de sua relevância como expressão do controle formal da sociedade e também por sua capacidade de promover avanços na integração necessária entre a formação e o exercício profissional. Objetivos: Analisar o conteúdo das competências das DCN à luz da APS e identificar pontos de articulação com a PNAB, caracterizar as competências elencadas nos documentos regulatórios da graduação e da prática da saúde na APS por meio da PNAB, caracterizar a inter-relação entre as competência destes diferentes cursos e identificar a interface das DCN com a PNAB. Método: Trata-se de análise documental, a partir da continuidade de pesquisa financiada pela OPAS intitulada \"Regulação das Profissões de Saúde no Brasil: mapeamento jurídico e institucional, identificação dos pontos de articulação e desarticulação e formulação de propostas para a harmonização regulatória\", cujo relato segue as recomendações do Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research. A análise foi realizada de duas maneiras: análise de conteúdo temática (adotando o quadro teórico dos atributos da APS como categorias a priori) e análise lexical, com apoio do Software Iramuteq. Os documentos escolhidos foram as DCN dos cursos de medicina, enfermagem e terapia ocupacional e PNAB (versão 2011), sendo selecionados e analisados os trechos que descrevem as competências esperadas do egresso (nas DCN) e as atribuições comuns e específicas dos profissionais na PNAB. Resultados: As duas formas de análise mostram que os documentos normativos abordam o atributo da integralidade de forma expressiva. A frequência dos atributos na PNAB é maior do que nas DCN. Há diferenças conceituais discretas entre os cursos e características distintas de linguagem. Como limitação, é importante pontuar que os resultados dizem de um contexto histórico e político específico, já transformado com a publicação da nova PNAB em 2016. Contudo, entende-se que a dissertação investiga e contribui para o reconhecimento também de aspectos permanentes das políticas públicas e demonstra a convergência, prevista nos documentos, entre os cursos/profissões bem como corrobora para o papel dos marcos normativos como forma de controle social formal. Conclui-se que há a necessidade da presença de atributos da APS nas competências das DCN e nas atribuições dos profissionais na PNAB, reforçando a necessidade de repensarmos os documentos que regulam a formação e buscarmos a elaboração de novas versões, viabilizando a prática colaborativa na saúde, já que estes atributos permitem a articulação entre as práticas profissionais / Introduction: The discussion about the health professional\'s formation has been enriched by the convergence between the educational and health systems around the world. The education based on competencies has increased importance as the idea of professional competencies that favor the quality of person-centered care, supported by collaborative work. In Brazil, public policies value as training as professional practices focused on primary health care (APS). The National Curricular Guidelines (DCN) and the Nacional Policy of Primary Care (PNAB) can be considered as examples at the federal level. However, the current legislation is still a matter of studies despite its relevance as an expression of formal control of society and also for their ability to promote progress in the necessary integration between training and professional practice. Objectives: To analyze the content of the competences of the DCN in the light of the APS and to identify points of articulation with the PNAB, to characterize the competences listed in the regulatory documents of the graduation and health practice in the APS through the PNAB, to characterize the interrelation between the different courses and identify the interface of the DCN with the PNAB. Method: This is documentary analysis, based on the continuity of research funded by PAHO entitled \"Regulation of Health Professions in Brazil: legal and institutional mapping, identification of points of articulation and disarticulation and formulation of proposals for regulatory harmonization\", whose report follows the recommendations of the Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research. The analysis was carried out in two ways: thematic content analysis (adopting the theoretical framework of APS attributes as a priori categories) and lexical analysis, with the support of Iramuteq Software. The selected documents are from the DCN related to medical, nursing, occupational therapy schools and PNAB (2011 version). These documents describe the expected competencies of the egress (according the DCN) and the common and specific assignments of the professionals in the PNAB. Results: The analysis show the normative documents approaching the attribute of integrality expressively. The frequency of attributes in the PNAB is greater than in the DCN. There are discrete conceptual differences between courses and distinct language characteristics.As a limitation, it is important to point out that the results refer to an specific historical and political context, already changed with the publication of the new PNAB in 2016.Although, it is well knowledge that the master\'s thesis investigates and contributes to the recognition about the permanent aspects of public policies and demonstrates the convergence predicted in the documents between the courses / professions as well as corroborates the role of normative milestones as a form of formal social control. It is concluded that there is a need for the presence of APS attributes in the competencies of the DCN and in the attributions of the professionals in the PNAB, reinforcing the need to rethink the documents that regulate the training and seek the elaboration of new versions, enabling the collaborative practice in health , since these attributes allow the articulation between the professional practices

Os desempenhos da enfermeira na Saúde da Família - a construção de competência no processo de trabalho / Performances of nurses in the Family Health Strategy - building competence in the work process

Kawata, Lauren Suemi 27 October 2011 (has links)
O trabalho da enfermeira pressupõe a compreensão da enfermagem enquanto prática social realizada a partir de necessidades de saúde em determinada época e espaço. No atual momento de reorientação do modelo assistencial, a Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) consiste em um campo de atuação para a enfermeira, de modo que a identificação dos desempenhos realizados por essa trabalhadora para o desenvolvimento das ações, com uma aproximação a seus determinantes, possibilita entender como o trabalho vem ocorrendo no cotidiano, assim como as potencialidades e dificuldades de sua transformação. Seguindo os referenciais teóricos do processo de trabalho em saúde e competência dialógica, este estudo qualitativo objetivou analisar e validar os desempenhos presentes nas ações das enfermeiras na Atenção Básica (AB) com foco na ESF, em relação ao cuidado individual, cuidado coletivo e organização e gestão para o cuidado. A metodologia foi construída a partir da compreensão de validação como o processo de confirmação dos desempenhos observados, pelas enfermeiras que atuam no espaço específico da rede de AB do município de Ribeirão Preto - São Paulo - Brasil. Os sujeitos foram enfermeiras da ESF e da rede de AB do município estudado, as quais assumiram a função de juízes neste processo de validação. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, foi utilizada a técnica da observação participante para identificar e analisar os desempenhos apresentados nas ações das enfermeiras nas situações do cotidiano. Posteriormente, entrevistas semiestruturadas e Oficina de Trabalho foram realizadas a fim buscar a validação dos desempenhos e uma aproximação aos determinantes dos mesmos. A análise do material empírico, mediante análise de conteúdo, usando a técnica de análise temática, construiu-se em processo, de modo que, ao final de cada etapa, o material analisado foi apresentado às enfermeiras para apreciação. Em relação à gestão, os resultados mostraram a identificação e validação dos desempenhos para as ações de: supervisão, trabalho em equipe, controle social, organização do trabalho, coordenação e planejamento. Para o cuidado individual e para cuidado coletivo, foi possível identificar e validar os desempenhos para as ações em: consulta de enfermagem, visita domiciliar, avaliação com classificação de risco, monitoramento e avaliação de vacina/reação adversa à vacina, atendimento para grupos educativos com indivíduos vulneráveis, vigilância epidemiológica. Os desempenhos descritos e validados evidenciaram que as enfermeiras utilizam diferentes estratégias de cuidado e mobilizam um conjunto amplo de atributos (conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes) articulados de acordo com as finalidades das ações. Mostraram também que a gestão do trabalho é centralizada nas enfermeiras. A falta de formação em algumas áreas, a dinâmica do trabalho em equipe desenvolvida na ESF, as definições de trabalho realizadas pela secretaria municipal de saúde, a cultura dos usuários e a infraestrutura foram citadas e/ou discutidas como possíveis determinantes dos desempenhos das enfermeiras captados Concluímos que o trabalho da enfermeira na ESF tem potência para contribuir na reorganização da assistência a partir da atenção básica. / The nurse\'s work requires the understanding of nursing as a social practice conducted in view of health needs at a given time and space. At the current moment of reorienting the care model, the Family Health Strategy consists of a field for the nurse, so that the identification of the performance conducted by that professional for the development of actions, with an approach to its determinants, makes it possible to understand how the work is occurring in everyday life as well as the potentialities and difficulties of its transformation. Following the theoretical of the work process in health and dialogical competence, this study aimed to analyze and validate the performance present in the actions of nurses in Primary Care focused on the Family Health Strategy, in relation to individual care, collective care, organization and management of care. The methodology was built upon the understanding of validation as the process of confirming the observed performance of nurses who work in the specific space of the Primary Care Network in the city of Ribeirao Preto, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Subjects were nurses from the Family Health Strategy and Primary Care Network who assumed the role of judges in this validation process. For the development of research, it was used the technique of participant observation to identify and analyze the performance showed in the actions of nurses in daily situations. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews and workshops were carried out to seek the validation of performance and an approach to examine the determinants of performance. The empirical data analysis through content analysis, using the technique of thematic analysis, was constructed in process, and at the end of each stage, the analyzed material was submitted for the appreciation of nurses. Regarding management, results showed the identification and validation of performance for actions of supervision, teamwork, social control, work organization, coordination, and planning. Related to the individual and collective care, it was possible to identify and validate the performance for actions of nursing visits, home visits, evaluation with risk classification, monitoring, and evaluation of vaccine/adverse reaction to the vaccine, attendance for educational groups with vulnerable individuals, and epidemiological surveillance. The described and validated performances evidenced that nurses use different care strategies and mobilize a broad set of attributes (knowledge, skills and attitudes) articulated in accordance with the purposes of action. They also showed that work management is centralized in nurses. Lack of training in some areas, dynamics of teamwork developed in the Family Health Strategy, definitions of work by the Municipal Health Secretariat, culture of the users, and infrastructure have been cited and/or discussed as possible determinants of the performance of nurses. It was concluded that the nurse\'s work in the Family Health Strategy has the potential to contribute to the reorganization of care from primary care.

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