Spelling suggestions: "subject:"programmierung"" "subject:"programmierungs""
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Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Fütterungsintensität während der Aufzucht auf Milchleistung und physiologische Kennwerte beim Milchrind / eine ZwillingsstudieMlaouhi, Amel 23 February 2011 (has links)
In einem Fütterungsversuch mit 15 weiblichen, genetisch identischen Zwillingspaaren wurde der anhaltende Effekt energetisch unterschiedlich konzentrierter Futterrationen auf Körper- und Blutmerkmale zwischen dem vierten und 21. Lebensmonat erfasst. Die gleichen Merkmale wurden an den Tieren auch während der Laktation erhoben, als die Tiere einheitlich gefüttert wurden. Zusätzlich wurde die Milchleistung untersucht. Während der Aufzucht wurden Körpergewicht, tägliche Gewichtszunahme, Rückenfettdicke und Widerristhöhe von der Fütterungsintensität signifikant beeinflusst. Körpergewicht und Rückenfettdicke zeigten vom siebenten bis 15. Lebensmonat die größten Unterschiede zwischen den Fütterungsgruppen. Im Gegensatz zum Körpergewicht, wurde der Fettansatz bis zum 21. Lebensmonat kaum gebremst. Für die Serumkonzentrationen von Insulin, Glukose und beta-Hydroybuttersäure und die Erythrozytenindizes MCV und MCH konnte ein signifikanter Fütterungseinfluss während der gesamten Aufzuchtphase nachgewiesen werden. Kortisol, Kreatinin, ASAT, GGT, GLDH, MCHC, Leukozytenzahl, Thrombozytenzahl reagierten auf den Fütterungsstimulus nur innerhalb bestimmter Altersabschnitte. Bis zum neunten Monat differierte der Insulinspiegel zwischen den Fütterungsgruppen kaum, ab dem 10. Lebensmonat aber sehr deutlich. Es kann daher ausgeschlossen werden, dass der Insulinspiegel im präpubertären Abschnitt die Entwicklung der späteren Milchleistung beeinflusste. Nach dem Abkalben war die intensiv gefütterte Gruppe stärkeren metabolischen Belastungen ausgesetzt und hatte eine geringere Milchleistung als die moderat gefütterte Gruppe. Offensichtlich wurde der Stoffwechsel durch die vorangegangene Fütterung geprägt, da der Fettansatz in der Intensivgruppe bei gleicher Fütterung früher einsetzte und auch intensiver erfolgte. Einige Kennwerte beim Jungtier korrelierten signifikant mit der späteren Milchleistung. Altersabhängige Veränderungen der Korrelationskoeffizienten weisen auf unterschiedlich sensible Phasen für die Prägung der späteren Milchleistung hin. / In a feeding trial with 15 pairs of genetically identical female twins, the effect of feeding intensity on body condition and blood parameters were investigated between the fourth and 21st month. The same traits were analysed on the cows during the first lactation when the animals were uniformly fed. In addition to these traits, the milk yield was investigated. During the rearing period; body weight, daily weight gain, back fat thickness, and withers height were significantly influenced by feeding. The largest differences between the feeding groups in body weight and back fat thickness were seen between the ages of seventh to 15th months. In contrast to body weight, back fat thickness hardly exceeded the 21st month between the groups. The serum concentrations of insulin, glucose, beta-Hydroxybutyric acid, and the erythrocyte indices MCV and MCH showed a significant feeding effect throughout the growing period. Cortisol, creatinine, Aspartate transaminase (AST), y-glutamyltransferase (GGT), Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), white blood cells (WBC) and platelet responded to the feeding stimulus only within certain ages. At age nine months, insulin levels were barely differed between the feeding groups but were distinct as from the 10th month. It can therefore be concluded that insulin levels at the pre-pubertal development affects the subsequent milk yield. After calving, the intensively fed group had more metabolic stress and had a lower milk yield than the moderately fed group. Obviously, the metabolism was programmed in the previous feeding period. There was an early onset and a more intensive fat deposition in the intensive group though; they had the same feeding level. Some traits in young animals were significantly correlated with subsequent milk yield. Age-dependent changes in the correlation coefficients suggest the fact that differences in sensible juvenile phases in traits could contribute to milk yield later.
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Experimental and mathematical analysis of the central carbon metabolism in cancer and stem cellsZasada, Christin 11 September 2017 (has links)
Die Entstehung von Tumoren und damit einhergehenden Veränderungen wurden insbesondere im letzten Jahrzehnt kontrovers diskutiert. Bisher standen nur wenige Datensätze mit ausreichender Datendichte zur Verfügung um eine umfassende Untersuchung der Regulation des Stoffwechsels durchzuführen. Die in dieser Arbeit zusammengefassten Projekte adressieren verschiedene Aspekte der Stoffwechselregulation und beschreiben die Verknüpfung von Zellkulturexperimenten mit innovativen Hochdurchsatz-Technologien, komplexer Datenanalyse und Computer-basierter Modellierung zur Bestimmung der Stoffwechselflüsse in eukaryotischen Zellen. Die Kombination von GC-MS und LC-MS basierten Technologien ermöglicht die quantitative Analyse des zentralen Kohlenstoffwechsels. Markierungsexperimente mit stabilen Isotopen (pSIRM) erlauben die dynamische Analyse der Stoffwechselaktivität. In verschiedenen Projekten wurden das Proteom und Metabolom von Krebszellen, humanen Stammzellen (hESCs), induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen (iPS) und deren dazugehörigen differenzierten Vorläufer- oder Nachfolgerzellen bestimmt.
Die multivariate, statistische Analyse der Daten ermöglichte die Differenzierung verschiedener Zelltypen basierend auf der Kombination aller quantitativ bestimmten Daten. Quantitative Bestimmungen der Poolgrössen, Isotopeninkorporationen, sowie der extrazellulären Raten in neuronalen, pluripotenten Vorläuferzellen (Luhmes d0) und Neuronen (Luhmes d6) ermöglichte die Bestimmung der Stoffwechselflusskarte beider Zelltypen unter Verwendung der instationären metabolischenen Flussanalyse (INST-MFA).
Die Etablierung einer Qualitätskontrolle für GC-MS basierte Daten (MTXQC), sowie die Zuordnung der GC-MS Fragmente zur Molekülstruktur, ermöglichten den Ausbau des
Netzwerkes des zentralen Kohlenstoffwechsels und die Implementierung der Daten für die metabolische Flussanalyse. / Metabolic reprogramming of the central carbon metabolism (CCM) is highly debated during the last decade. It describes the rearrangement of nutrient consumption for providing energy and building blocks for cellular proliferation and maintenance. So far, only sparse data are available for an in-depth analysis of metabolic reprogramming events. The herein summarised projects address metabolic programming from different perspectives and show the implementation of cell culture experiments, cutting-edge high-throughput technologies, bioinformatics, and computational modelling into one workflow providing the determination of metabolic flux maps of mammalian cells. The combination of GC-MS and LC-MS-based methodologies enable the quantitative analysis of proteins and metabolites of the CCM. Pulsed stable isotope-resolved metabolomics (pSIRM) experiments allow monitoring the fate of nutrients within the network of the CCM. The time-dependent and position-specific incorporation of carbon-13 leads to an indirect measurement of the metabolic flux, the only one functional readout of a cell.
High-throughput technologies were applied in four projects to gain insights in metabolic reprogramming in cancer cell lines, human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and their derived fibroblasts. A global principal component analysis demonstrated the discrimination of phenotypes by different classes of quantitative data.
The comparison of metabolic and protein levels confirms the presence of the Warburg effect in both cell types. Though, the executing enzymes vary regarding their isoenzyme identity and expression levels.
Methodological improvements provided the implementation of GC-MS derived data for INST-MFA. The mapping of GC-MS derived fragments to the molecule structure enables an extension of the CCM network. Robustness of the input data has been improved by the development of a R-scripting based quality control tool (MTXQC).
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A survey of stochastic modelling approaches for liberalised electricity marketsMöst, Dominik, Keles, Dogan 07 February 2025 (has links)
Liberalisation of energy markets, climate policy and the promotion of renewable energy have changed the framework conditions of the formerly strictly regulated energy markets. Generating companies are mainly affected by these changing framework conditions as they are exposed to the different risks from liberalised energy markets in combination with huge and largely irreversible investments. Uncertainties facing generating companies include: the development of product prices for electricity as well as for primary energy carriers; technological developments; availability of power plants; the development of regulation and political context, as well as the behaviour of competitors.
The need for decision support tools in the energy business, mainly based on operation research models, has therefore significantly increased. Especially to cope with different uncertain parameters, several stochastic modelling approaches have been developed in the last few years for liberalised energy markets. In this context, the present paper aims to give an overview and classification of stochastic models dealing with price risks in electricity markets.
The focus is thereby placed on various stochastic methods developed in operation research with practical relevance and applicability, including the concepts of:
– stochastic processes for commodity prices (especially for electricity);
–scenario generation and reduction, which is important due to the need for a structured handling of large data amounts; as well as
–stochastic optimising models for investment decisions, short- and mid-term power production planning and long-term system optimisation.
The approaches within the energy business are classified according to the above structure. The practical relevance of the different methods and their applicability to real markets is thereby of crucial importance. Shortcomings of existing approaches and open issues that should be addressed by operation research are also discussed.
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Minimale Flussmoden als theoretisches Konzept für die funktionelle Analyse und modulare Beschreibung zellulärer StoffwechselnetzwerkeHoffmann, Sabrina 16 January 2012 (has links)
Der Stoffwechsel der Zelle besteht aus chemischen Reaktionen und Transportprozessen, deren Umsatzraten (Stoffflüsse) das Ergebnis genetischer, translationaler und metabolischer Kontrolle sind. Stoffflüsse erlauben daher wertvolle Einblicke in das interne Zellgeschehen, sind jedoch -- wenn überhaupt -- nur unter großem Aufwand experimentell bestimmbar. Ihre Vorhersage mittels mathematischer Modelle ist ebenfalls komplex; vereinfachend wird angenommen, der Stoffwechsel unterliege einer optimalen Regulation, wobei Optimalität vielfältig interpretiert wird. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Methode zur Flussvorhersage basiert auf der Annahme, dass sich die Synthesewege wichtiger Metabolite im Laufe der Evolution optimiert haben und unabhängig voneinander reguliert werden. Dies ermöglicht den Organismen: 1. sich einer variierenden Umgebung schnell anzupassen und 2. Störungen und Schäden auf kleinere Teilsysteme (Module) zu begrenzen. Kern der Methode ist die Vorhersage optimaler Synthese-Module: stationärer Flusszustände, die jeweils nur einen Metaboliten synthetisieren und dabei eine vorgegebene Zielfunktion minimieren oder maximieren. Diese minimalen Flussmoden (\textit{MinModen}) sind schnell und ohne Kenntnis enzymspezifischer Parameter zu berechnen, womit sie sich auch zur systematischen Überprüfung der Synthesekapazität großer Netzwerke eignen. Durch lineare Kombination der MinModen kann das Flussgeschehen komplexer Stoffwechselleistungen abgebildet werden. Hinsichtlich verfügbarer experimenteller Daten ist die Qualität der so gewonnenen Flussvorhersagen vergleichbar mit bisherigen Konzepten, und das, obwohl die Kombination optimaler Synthesen ein suboptimales Gesamtflussgeschehen ergibt. Vorteil der MinModen-Methode ist die flexible Integration zusätzlich verfügbarer Daten. So können beispielsweise durch Berücksichtigung Freier Gibbs-Energien und recherchierter Metabolitkonzentrationsbereiche thermodynamisch zulässige Flusszustände vorhergesagt werden. / The metabolism of a cell consists of chemical transformations and transport processes. Their rates (fluxes) are the result of genetic, translational and metabolic control and therefore carry valuable information about the internal state of a cell. However, metabolic fluxes are hard to determine by experiment and are therefore subject of mathematical prediction methods. In this work, a conceptually new method for the prediction of fluxes in large scale metabolic networks is developed. The method is based on the assumption of optimally evolved synthesis pathways that are regulated independently of each other. This enables organisms: (i) to quickly adapt to a varying and complex environment and (ii) to modularly organize its metabolism in order to restrict internal disturbances and damage to smaller subsystems. The core of this method is the prediction of optimal ``synthesis-modules'''': stationary flux modes, each of which synthesizes a single metabolite while minimizing or maximizing a so-called objective function. These so-called minimal flux modes (MinModes) are rapidly calculable without knowledge of enzyme kinetics. As such they are suited for the determination of the synthesis capacity and the set of blocked reactions of large networks. Linearly combined, they allow for the representation of complex metabolic tasks. In contrast to previous approaches that optimize for the concerted accomplishment of complex metabolic tasks (e.g. biomass formation), optimizing single syntheses results in a rather suboptimal total network flux. However, with respect to available experimental data the prediction quality is comparable to previous (FBA) approaches. As major benefit, the method relies on a flexible structure that allows for the integration of diverse experimentally observed data. Here, incorporating free Gibbs-energy and metabolite concentration values enabled the prediction of thermodynamically feasible flux modes without prior restriction of flux directions.
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Well-Formed and Scalable Invasive Software Composition / Wohlgeformte und Skalierbare Invasive SoftwarekompositionKarol, Sven 26 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Software components provide essential means to structure and organize software effectively. However, frequently, required component abstractions are not available in a programming language or system, or are not adequately combinable with each other. Invasive software composition (ISC) is a general approach to software composition that unifies component-like abstractions such as templates, aspects and macros. ISC is based on fragment composition, and composes programs and other software artifacts at the level of syntax trees. Therefore, a unifying fragment component model is related to the context-free grammar of a language to identify extension and variation points in syntax trees as well as valid component types. By doing so, fragment components can be composed by transformations at respective extension and variation points so that always valid composition results regarding the underlying context-free grammar are yielded. However, given a language’s context-free grammar, the composition result may still be incorrect.
Context-sensitive constraints such as type constraints may be violated so that the program cannot be compiled and/or interpreted correctly. While a compiler can detect such errors after composition, it is difficult to relate them back to the original transformation step in the composition system, especially in the case of complex compositions with several hundreds of such steps. To tackle this problem, this thesis proposes well-formed ISC—an extension to ISC that uses reference attribute grammars (RAGs) to specify fragment component models and fragment contracts to guard compositions with context-sensitive constraints. Additionally, well-formed ISC provides composition strategies as a means to configure composition algorithms and handle interferences between composition steps.
Developing ISC systems for complex languages such as programming languages is a complex undertaking. Composition-system developers need to supply or develop adequate language and parser specifications that can be processed by an ISC composition engine. Moreover, the specifications may need to be extended with rules for the intended composition abstractions.
Current approaches to ISC require complete grammars to be able to compose fragments in the respective languages. Hence, the specifications need to be developed exhaustively before any component model can be supplied. To tackle this problem, this thesis introduces scalable ISC—a variant of ISC that uses island component models as a means to define component models for partially specified languages while still the whole language is supported. Additionally, a scalable workflow for agile composition-system development is proposed which supports a development of ISC systems in small increments using modular extensions.
All theoretical concepts introduced in this thesis are implemented in the Skeletons and Application Templates framework SkAT. It supports “classic”, well-formed and scalable ISC by leveraging RAGs as its main specification and implementation language. Moreover, several composition systems based on SkAT are discussed, e.g., a well-formed composition system for Java and a C preprocessor-like macro language. In turn, those composition systems are used as composers in several example applications such as a library of parallel algorithmic skeletons.
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Well-Formed and Scalable Invasive Software CompositionKarol, Sven 18 May 2015 (has links)
Software components provide essential means to structure and organize software effectively. However, frequently, required component abstractions are not available in a programming language or system, or are not adequately combinable with each other. Invasive software composition (ISC) is a general approach to software composition that unifies component-like abstractions such as templates, aspects and macros. ISC is based on fragment composition, and composes programs and other software artifacts at the level of syntax trees. Therefore, a unifying fragment component model is related to the context-free grammar of a language to identify extension and variation points in syntax trees as well as valid component types. By doing so, fragment components can be composed by transformations at respective extension and variation points so that always valid composition results regarding the underlying context-free grammar are yielded. However, given a language’s context-free grammar, the composition result may still be incorrect.
Context-sensitive constraints such as type constraints may be violated so that the program cannot be compiled and/or interpreted correctly. While a compiler can detect such errors after composition, it is difficult to relate them back to the original transformation step in the composition system, especially in the case of complex compositions with several hundreds of such steps. To tackle this problem, this thesis proposes well-formed ISC—an extension to ISC that uses reference attribute grammars (RAGs) to specify fragment component models and fragment contracts to guard compositions with context-sensitive constraints. Additionally, well-formed ISC provides composition strategies as a means to configure composition algorithms and handle interferences between composition steps.
Developing ISC systems for complex languages such as programming languages is a complex undertaking. Composition-system developers need to supply or develop adequate language and parser specifications that can be processed by an ISC composition engine. Moreover, the specifications may need to be extended with rules for the intended composition abstractions.
Current approaches to ISC require complete grammars to be able to compose fragments in the respective languages. Hence, the specifications need to be developed exhaustively before any component model can be supplied. To tackle this problem, this thesis introduces scalable ISC—a variant of ISC that uses island component models as a means to define component models for partially specified languages while still the whole language is supported. Additionally, a scalable workflow for agile composition-system development is proposed which supports a development of ISC systems in small increments using modular extensions.
All theoretical concepts introduced in this thesis are implemented in the Skeletons and Application Templates framework SkAT. It supports “classic”, well-formed and scalable ISC by leveraging RAGs as its main specification and implementation language. Moreover, several composition systems based on SkAT are discussed, e.g., a well-formed composition system for Java and a C preprocessor-like macro language. In turn, those composition systems are used as composers in several example applications such as a library of parallel algorithmic skeletons.
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Extraktion von Trends in der Phänologie komplexer Ökosysteme am Beispiel des westafrikanischen Niger Binnendeltas für den Zeitraum 1982‑2006 : Auswertung von NOAA‑AVHRR ZeitreihenSeiler, Ralf 04 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert die Phänologie photosynthetisch aktiver Vegetation mit Hilfe von NDVI Zeitreihen für einen Zeitraum von 24 Jahren (AVHRR‑GIMMS Daten). Neben einer Datierung des jahreszeitlichen Wechsels zwischen Wachstums-, Reife- und Seneszenzphase wird das Ziel verfolgt, Trends sowohl in phänologischen Ereignissen (Start-of-Season) als auch im NDVI zu identifizieren. Das, in der semi-ariden Sahelregion gelegene, Untersuchungsgebiet weist mit zwei sich teilweise überlagernden Vegetationsperioden eine komplexe Phänologie auf, deren Modellierung durch die sowohl in ihren Zeitpunkten als auch in ihren Ausprägungen hoch variablen Vegetationsabläufe erschwert wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist zunächst ein, auf der Fourieranalyse basierender, Ansatz zur flexiblen Glättung der NDVI Zeitreihen entwickelt worden. Um für die Trendanalyse lineare Regressionsverfahren einsetzen zu können, sind die Zeitreihen nach dem Komponentenmodell untergliedert worden (Subtraktion der Saisonfigur). Alternativ kam der saisonale MANN-KENDALL Trendtest zur Anwendung. Die NDVI Zeitreihen wurden ebenfalls auf Änderungen im mehrjährigen Mittelwert (Bruchpunkte) untersucht. Alle Auswertungen sind in einer eigenen Applikation umgesetzt worden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß Änderungen im NDVI Niveau eher abrupt als graduell verlaufen. Langfristige Trends weisen nur geringe Anstiege auf. Die Vegetation erholte sich von der Dürre 1984/85 nur im südlichen Teil des Untersuchungsgebietes, im Norden dominieren langfristig negative Trends. Brüche im mean der NDVI Zeitreihen korrelieren mit Brüchen im Abflußverhalten des Niger.
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Thermal room modelling adapted to the test of HVAC control systems / Thermisches Raummodell für den Test von Reglern für Heizungs-, Lüftungs- und KlimasystemenRiederer, Peter 05 November 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Room models, currently used for controller tests, assume the room air to be perfectly mixed. A new room model is developed, assuming non-homogeneous room conditions and distinguishing between different sensor positions. From measurement in real test rooms and detailed CFD simulations, a list of convective phenomena is obtained that has to be considered in the development of a model for a room equipped with different HVAC systems. The zonal modelling approach that divides the room air into several sub-volumes is chosen, since it is able to represent the important convective phenomena imposed on the HVAC system. The convective room model is divided into two parts: a zonal model, representing the air at the occupant zone and a second model, providing the conditions at typical sensor positions. Using this approach, the comfort conditions at the occupant zone can be evaluated as well as the impact of different sensor positions. The model is validated for a test room equipped with different HVAC systems. Sensitivity analysis is carried out on the main parameters of the model. Performance assessment and energy consumption are then compared for different sensor positions in a room equipped with different HVAC systems. The results are also compared with those obtained when a well-mixed model is used. A main conclusion of these tests is, that the differences obtained, when changing the position of the controller's sensor, is a function of the HVAC system and controller type. The differences are generally small in terms of thermal comfort but significant in terms of overall energy consumption. For different HVAC systems the cases are listed, in which the use of a simplified model is not recommended. This PhD has been submitted in accordance to the conditions for attaining both the French and the German degree of a PhD, on a co-national basis, in the frame of a statement of the French government from January 18th, 1994. The research has been carried out in the Automation and Energy Management Group (AGE), Department of Sustainable Development (DDD), at the "Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment" (CSTB) in Marne la Vallée, France, in collaboration with the "Centre Energétique" (CENERG) at the "Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris" (ENSMP), Paris, France and the Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Germany.
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Zur Analyse der Überlebensfähigkeit von Unternehmen / Methodisch-theoretische Grundlagen und Simulationsergebnisse / Analysis of economic viability of enterprises / Methodology, theory, and simulation resultsHinners-Tobrägel, Ludger 05 November 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2010Demierre, Andéol, Eggers, Monika, Garbe, Anselm R., Groß, Thomas, Jaenisch, Volker, Jung, Marco, Knopper, Klaus, Lang, Jens, Luithardt, Wolfram, Noble, Howard, Obst, Marcus, Pucklitzsch, Thomas, Schlittermann, Heiko, Schumacher, Stefan, Seidel, Philipp, Spillner, Josef, Tang, Kang, Walle, Bernhard, Wetzel, Ulrich 16 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage fanden am 13. und 14. März 2010 auf dem
Campus der Technischen Universität Chemnitz statt. Neben den Präsentationen
im Foyer zogen vor allem die Vorträge über 2500 Besucher zur 12. Auflage
der Veranstaltung.
Der Band vereint den Inhalt von 15 Hauptvorträgen und die Abstrakts von
76 weiteren Beiträgen und stellt damit einen Überblick über das weit
gefächerte Programm der Veranstaltung dar. / The Chemnitz Linux Days took place at the campus of the Chemnitz University
of Technology. Besides the presentations at the foyer the lectures were
first of all attractive for more than 2.500 visitors.
This volume contains the content of 15 main lectures and abstracts of 76
further talks and hence gives a survey of the broadly based program
of this event.
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