Spelling suggestions: "subject:"burchase intention"" "subject:"pourchase intention""
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Relación entre marca e intención de compra en restaurantes tradicionales de fast food en personas de 18 a 35 años que consumen en el sector 6 de Lima Metropolitana / The relationship between the brand and the purchase intention in traditional fast food restaurants in 18 to 35-year-old people that consume in sector 6 of Metropolitan LimaDesposorio Paredes, Yashayra Vannia, Pimentel Rabines, Mariell Alessandra 19 January 2021 (has links)
Los restaurantes de fast food han tenido una gran acogida en el Perú, ya que, en los últimos años, aumentaron sus ventas y abrieron nuevos locales; sin embargo, con la aparición del e-commerce se desconoce qué tanto ha cambiado el desempeño de los restaurantes tradicionales en este sector. Partiendo desde este punto, la presente tesis, busca conocer la existencia de una relación entre la marca y la intención de compra en restaurantes tradicionales de fast food en personas de 18 a 35 años que consumen en el sector 6 de Lima Metropolitana. Así como también, conocer si tres de las dimensiones de la marca (calidad percibida, riesgo percibido y valor de cliente), pueden generar una intención de compra en estos restaurantes.
La metodología empleada en esta investigación tuvo un alcance correlacional y un diseño no experimental/transeccional/correlacional-causal; además, se utilizó una investigación exploratoria como soporte, la cual tiene la siguiente estructura: En primer lugar, se realizaron tres entrevistas a profundidad, con el objetivo de conocer el sector; así mismo, se realizaron dos focus group de ocho personas entre 18 a 35 años, para conocer más acerca del consumidor y sus preferencias. En segundo lugar, se aplicaron 250 encuestas efectivas en escala de Likert, con preguntas divididas de forma equitativa entre las dimensiones de la marca y la variable intención de compra; obteniendo como resultado que el valor del cliente es la dimensión con la correlación más alta.
Adicionalmente, se muestra una comparación con los resultados obtenidos en otro país, así como también, las conclusiones y recomendaciones a los usuarios interesados en el tema. / In the last few years, fast food restaurants have been well received in Peru with their increased sales and their new establishments; however, there is nothing that proves how traditional restaurants performance has changed in this sector after e-commerce appeared. This investigation seeks to know about the existence of a relationship between the brand and the purchase intention in fast food traditional restaurants in 18 to 35-year-old people that consume in sector 6 of Metropolitan Lima. Also, to figure out if the brand’s dimensions (perceived quality, perceived risk, and customer value) could generate a purchase intention in this kind of restaurants.
For this investigation, the methodology had a correlational scope with an non experimental/cross-sectional /causal-correlational design; in addition, as support was used an experimental investigation that handles the following structure: First, three in-depth interviews that were made with the objective of knowing more about the sector, at the same time, two focus group to know better about the consumers and their preferences. In second place, 250 surveys were applied on a Likert scale with questions divided in an equitable way between the brand’s dimensions and the purchase intention variable, in which the obtained results prove that customer value is the dimension with the highest correlation.
In addition, there is a comparison with the obtained results in another country, as well as provided conclusions and recommendations for interested users. / Tesis
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The good, the bad, and the framed : A study of behavioral economics and the framing effect on tobacco free snusMuleba, William January 2020 (has links)
This study sets out to explore attitudes and intentions towards nicotine product goods and how it is affected by the goal framing effect. The presence of this effect has been shown in the advertising of both green products and everyday products. The aim of this research is to explore whether or not this also holds true when it comes to unhealthy products, more precisely tobacco free all white nicotine products. A quasi experimental study was conducted with the use of a fictitious brand of All-white tobacco. All 63 participants in the three different experimental groups of the study met the mandatory age requirement. One of the three groups received a positively framed advert, another received a negatively framed advert, whereas the last group acted as the control group and therefore received a neutral advertisement stimuli. All participants submitted their answers on a questionnaire created for this study, which was validated using Cronbach’s alpha and factor analysis. The results suggest that the use of goal framing is beneficial when advertising nicotine product goods. Both positive and negative goal-framing showed a greater effect on purchase intention and product attitude than the control group. The negative goal-framing advert proved to be statistically different than the control group when measuring product attitude. Furthermore, the positively framed advert showed a statistically significant difference in effect on both product attitude and purchase intention compared to the control group. The findings suggest that positively framed goal-framing has an effect on both attitudes and purchase intention, compared to the neutral stimuli. The negatively framed goal-framing had an effect on attitudes, compared to the neutral stimuli. The practical implication of this study could possibly be that when constructing advertisements for tobacco free snus products, it could be preferable to make use of the positive goal-framing effect in order to affect the consumers purchase intention and attitude towards the product. This study has confirmed to some extent that the framing effect is a factor prevalent in the advertising of tobacco free products. For further research it would be highly interesting to delve deeper in comparing positive and negative goal-framing in order to find further evidence of which one has greater effect on consumers.
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Unga konsumenters attityder till marknadsföring genom TikTok : En kvantitativ studie kring attityder till marknadsföring genom TikTokHempel, Ossian, Johnsson, Anton, Nordling, Dante January 2020 (has links)
Inledning: I inledningen redogörs för hur digitala sociala nätverk har växt fram och tagit en allt större plats i konsumenters vardag vilket har gjort dem till utmärkta marknadsföringskanaler. Därefter förklaras det nyaste stjärnskottet bland sociala medier, TikTok, och dess potentiella roll inom marknadsföring. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur marknadsföring genom sociala medier påverkar unga svenska konsumenters attityder. Frågeställningar: Utifrån studiens syfte har två frågeställningar formulerats: 1. Vilken påverkan har marknadsföring genom TikTok på unga konsumenters kognitiva och affektiva attitydkomponent samt beteendekomponent? 2. Vad har bakgrundsvariabler (demografiska och användning) för effekt på unga konsumenters attityder till marknadsföring genom TikTok? Teori: I studiens teoriavsnitt presenteras sociala medier som marknadsföringsverktyg mer utförligt. Därefter förklaras det komplexa begreppet attityd som delas in i tre olika attitydkomponenter. Vidare beskrivs teori runt word-of-mouth, content marketing, Generation Z, skillnader mellan könen samt skillnader mellan olika typer av användare Metod: Studien är grundad i en kvantitativ metod och en tvärsnittsdesign har tillämpats. Empirin har samlats in genom enkäter online. Data har sedan analyserats i det statistiska programmet SPSS med T-tester, korrelationsanalyser och ANOVA-analyser. Slutsats: Studien har visat att marknadsföring genom TikTok inte har en positiv påverkan på konsumenters attityder. Dock är detta den första studien av sitt slag och det krävs därför mer forskning för att stärka eller förkasta resultatet. Word-of-mouth och content marketing hade ett starkt positivt samband med konsumenternas attityder. Det fanns inga skillnader mellan könen. En liten skillnad upptäcktes mellan olika användare där de som någon gång publicerat något på TikTok hade positivare kognitiv attityd än de som aldrig publicerat något. / Introduction: The introduction consist of how the digital world of social networking has evolved and been given more room in the individuals everyday life which has made it possible for the platforms to become excellent marketing channels. Then the study presents the new sensation TikTok and their potential part in marketing. Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the influence of TikTok marketing communications on young consumers’ cognitive, affective and behavioral attitude components in Sweden. Research questions: Based on the study’s purpose the following research questions where phrased: 1. What influence do TikTok marketing communications have on young consumers’ cognitive, affective and behavioral attitude components? 2. What influence do background variables have on young consumers’ attitudes towards marketing through TikTok? Theory: The theoretical part of the study provides more in-depth explanations about social media as a marketing tool, the complex concept of an attitude which can be divided into three different components. Furthermore, the theories of word-of-mouth, content marketing, Generation Z, differences in genders attitudinal responses, and differences among various types of users, are described. Method: The study is based on a quantitative method and a cross-sectional design was applied. An online survey was used via self-administered questionnaires that where distributed through a snowball sampling. Data was analyzed through the statistical tool SPSS by using T-tests, bivariate correlation analysis and ANOVA analysis. Conclusion: The study discovered that young consumers displayed unfavorable attitudes towards marketing communications through TikTok. However, both word-of-mouth and content marketing was positively correlated to attitudes. No significant differences were found between genders. Individuals who had at least posted content sometime on TikTok displayed more favorable cognitive attitudes than those who had never posted on TikTok.
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Att ta ett felsteg i sportens värld : En komparativ studie om hur atleters personliga varumärken påverkas av etiska, respektive lagliga överträdelserBjörklund, Tanja, Michaelsson, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
För professionella atleter har det blivit allt viktigare med starka, personliga varumärken. Det är av stor vikt för personliga varumärken att associeras med positiva och attraktiva attribut då detta influerar konsumenter i deras val av konsumtion. Personliga varumärken representerar olika värderingar, och utifrån dessa värderingar bygger konsumenter upp särskilda förväntningar. Om ett personligt varumärke, i detta fall en atlet, avviker från konsumenters förväntningar kan det komma att påverka varumärkets anseende och det kan bli svårt att reparera skadan som avvikelsen orsakat. Etiska, respektive lagliga överträdelser är exempel på avvikelser som kan störa förväntningarna konsumenter har på atleter. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om konsumenters uppfattningar och konsumtion av atleters personliga varumärken ändras efter att atleter begått etiska, respektive lagliga överträdelser, samt att undersöka vad konsumenter anser om olika återhämtningsstrategier atleter använt sig av för att reparera sina personliga varumärken. För att undersöka detta har Therese Johaug och Tiger Woods valts ut som studieobjekt. Tillsammans med litteratur och tidigare forskning används de två atleternas personliga varumärken, deras överträdelser och återhämtningsstrategier för att besvara studiens syfte och forskningsfrågor. Studien använder metodkombination och 162 konsumenter har svarat på studiens enkätundersökning och åtta konsumenter har deltagit i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien visar att överträdelser, oavsett etisk eller laglig karaktär, påverkar konsumenters uppfattningar om atleters personliga varumärken negativt. Vidare visar studien att konsumenters intentioner att konsumera atleters personliga varumärken minskar för hälften och är oförändrade för hälften, oavsett överträdelsens karaktär. Slutligen visar resultatet att konsumenter föredrar strategier där atleter tar på sig ansvar och ber om ursäkt för överträdelsen. Det visar sig även vara fördelaktigt om den anklagade atleten försöker sätta händelsen i en mer fördelaktig kontext, samt förklarar hur åtgärder ska vidtas för att överträdelsen inte ska återupprepas. / For professional athletes it has become increasingly important to maintain strong, personal brands. It is of great importance for personal brands to associate with positive and attractive attributes as this affects consumers in their choice of consumption. Personal brands represent different values, and on the basis of these values, consumers build up specific expectations. If a personal brand, in this case an athlete, deviates from consumer expectations, it can affect the brand's reputation and it can be difficult to repair the damage caused by the deviation. Ethical and legal transgressions are examples of deviations that can disrupt the expectations consumers have of athletes. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether consumers’ perception and consumption of athletes' personal brands change after athletes have committed ethical or legal transgressions, as well as to examine how consumers perceive the different recovery strategies athletes have used to repair their personal brands. To study this, Therese Johaug and Tiger Woods have been selected as study objects. The two athletes’ personal brands, their different transgressions and recovery strategies are used along with literature and previous research related to the subject to answer the study's purpose and research questions. The study uses a method combination and 162 consumers responded to the study's survey and eight consumers participated in semi-structured interviews. The study shows that transgressions, regardless of ethical or legal character, negatively affect consumers’ perceptions of athletes’ personal brands. Furthermore, consumers’ intentions to consume athletes’ personal brands were found to decrease for half of them, and maintain the same for the other half, regardless of the character of the transgression. Finally, the results show that consumers prefer image repair strategies where athletes take responsibility and apologize for the transgression. It was also shown to be favorable if the athlete tried to put the transgression in a more advantageous context and explained what actions that were going to be made to prevent the transgression from being repeated.
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Factors that influence the purchase intention of sustainable apparelproducts relating young consumers in the Netherlands.Holstvoogd, Ezra January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: This research’s purpose is to test previous used factors that influence the green purchase intentions of apparel products on a not yet tested target group, young consumers in the Netherlands. The goal that goes with the purpose is to stimulate the sustainable apparel consumption in the Netherlands. Research design: To fulfill the purpose of this study, an online questionnaire has been distributed to young consumers in the Netherlands. A total of 400 valid respondents were collected through the convenience sampling- and snowball sampling method. With the valid respondents the multiple linear regression and hierarchical linear regression were conducted. Findings: The current study has found enough evidence to statistically prove that attitude, subjective norm, perceived environmental concern, a low aesthetic risk, and willingness to pay premium have a positive influence on the purchase intention. The study did not find enough evidence to statistically prove that perceived behavioral control, perceived environmental knowledge, and perceived consumer effectiveness have a positive influence on the purchase intention.
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Efectos de la experiencia web en la intención de compra en línea por millennials en sitios web de retailers minoristasBriceño Yañez, Stephanie Matilde, Cabezas Navarro, Alexandra 17 January 2022 (has links)
Propósito - El actual contexto evidencia un incremento en la atracción hacia las compras en línea en sitios web de retailers minoristas. Asimismo, se evidencia un cambio en el comportamiento de los usuarios millennials y los factores que afectan su intención de compra. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el efecto de los factores de la EW (usabilidad, interactividad, confianza y estética) en la intención de compra en línea de los usuarios en sitios web retail, específicamente en la categoría ropa, en Lima Metropolitana. Los descubrimientos del estudio ayudarían a los retailers minoristas en el diseño de sitios web más efectivos.
Diseño / metodología /enfoque - De 486 cuestionarios distribuidos a jóvenes millennials en Lima Metropolitana, se obtuvieron 400 respuestas efectivas. Asimismo, se empleó un muestreo no probabilístico con una técnica de muestreo por conveniencia. La data recolectada fue procesada mediante SPSS. Se utilizó el Alfa de Cronbach para comprobar la fiabilidad de las escalas. Un análisis factorial exploratorio fue ejecutado para la reducción de datos que permitió explorar las variables en estudio. Finalmente, se realizó una regresión lineal múltiple para determinar la estructura de relación entre las variables.
Hallazgos - Los resultados muestran que la usabilidad, interactividad, confianza y estética son los factores de la EW que afectan positivamente y significativamente la intención de compra en línea en usuarios millennials en Lima Metropolitana. Se propusieron 4 hipótesis las cuales fueron aceptadas en su totalidad.
Originalidad / valor - La presente investigación comparte información relevante acerca de los efectos de los factores de la EW en la intención de compra en línea. Además, amplía el conocimiento respecto a la importancia del diseño de sitios web efectivos integrando los factores más relevantes como usabilidad, interactividad, confianza y estética para mejorar la experiencia del usuario en línea. / Purpose - The current context shows an increase in the attraction to online purchases on retail websites. Hence, there is a change in the behavior of millennial users and the factors that seek their purchase intention. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the effect of EW factors (usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics) on the online purchase intention of users on retail websites, specifically in the clothing category, in Lima Metropolitan. The study's findings would aid retail retailers in designing more effective websites.
Design / methodology /approach - From 486 questionnaires distributed to millennials in Lima Metropolitana, 400 effective responses were obtained. Likewise, non-probability sampling was used with a convenience sampling technique. The collected data was processed using SPSS. Cronbach's Alpha was used to check the reliability of the scales. An exploratory factor analysis was performed for data reduction that allowed exploring the variables under study. Finally, a multiple linear regression was performed to determine the relationship structure between the variables.
Findings - The results show that usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics are the WE factors that positively and significantly affect online purchase intention in millennial users in Lima Metropolitana. 4 hypotheses were proposed which were fully accepted.
Originality / value - This research shares relevant information about the effects of Web Experience factors on online purchase intention. In addition, it expands the knowledge regarding the importance of effective website design by integrating the most relevant factors such as usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics to improve the online user experience. / Tesis / PE
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"Imagen de marca, calidad percibida del producto, el boca a boca electrónico y el país de origen en relación a la intención de compra en la categoría de electrodomésticos". / “Brand image, perceived product quality, electronic word of mouth and country of origin in relation to purchase intention in the home appliance category”.Callañaupa Vera, Anahí Sharon, Flores Iglesias, Claudia Alejandra 08 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad identificar las variables imagen de marca, calidad percibida del producto, el boca a boca electrónico y el país de origen en relación a la intención de compra en la categoría de electrodomésticos. Por lo cual, se tomará en cuenta diferentes papers relacionados con las variables en mención para poder analizarlos y encontrar diferentes relaciones entre ellas. Asimismo, se plantean diferentes hipótesis que ayudarán a seguir enriqueciendo la investigación cómo también se podrá conocer si estas cumplen con los objetivos planteados. / The present document aims to identify the variables brand image, perceived product quality, electronic word of mouth and country of origin in relation to purchase intention in the home appliances category. Therefore, different papers related to the mentioned variables will be taken into account in order to analyze them and find different relationships between them. In addition, different hypotheses are proposed that will help to continue enriching the research and to find out if they meet the objectives set out. / Trabajo de investigación
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El Social Media Marketing en Relación con el Brand Equity y el Brand Loyalty. / Social Media Marketing in Relation to Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty.Sanchez Arrus, Mariana, Ortiz Silvestre, Rain Dayane Nicolle 08 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación realiza un análisis del comportamiento de las variables: Marketing en los Medios Sociales, Imagen de Marca, Valor de Marca, Lealtad de Marca, Conocimiento de Marca e Intención de Recompra; las cuales se relacionan entre sí, y también, se analiza los efectos que estas tienen en la relación cliente / marca. Este trabajo, se considera relevante, debido a que puede ser beneficioso para que futuras marcas puedan mejorar su imagen y la relación con los clientes presentes y futuros.
En este sentido, uno de los vacíos del estudio, es que muestra la postura desde el punto de vista de estudiantes que cumplieran con ciertas características solicitadas, más no se utilizó un público objetivo real. De esta forma, si bien los resultados brindan una perspectiva cercana a la del consumidor es necesario abarcar el punto de vista real de las marcas y la intención de compra (Almohaimmeed, 2019). Otro factor a considerar, es el lugar y las condiciones socioculturales, las cuales afectan el contexto de los resultados, por lo que no se podría generalizar los resultados según las investigaciones ya realizadas, sin embargo, si se considera una oportunidad para que pueda ser indagado en futuras investigaciones sobre el contexto sociocultural limeño. (Sehar Ashraf y Azam, 2019; Ismail, 2017). Además, el sector investigado impide que el modelo de valor de la marca se proyecte a otros rubros, ya que el tamaño de la muestra es muy limitado (Shabbir, Khan y Khan, 2017). / This research work performs an analysis of the behavior of the variables: Social Media Marketing, Brand Image, Brand Equity, Brand Loyalty, Brand Awareness and Repurchase Intention; which are related to each other, and the effects they have on the customer / brand relationship are also analyzed. This work is considered relevant, because it can be beneficial for future brands to improve their image and the relationship with present and future customers.
Furthermore, one of the gaps in the study is that it shows the position from the point of view of students who meet certain requested characteristics, but a real target audience was not used. Although the results provide a close perspective of the consumer point of view, but it is necessary to cover the real opinion of the brands and the purchase intention (Almohaimmeed, 2019). Another factor to consider is the place and the sociocultural conditions, which affect the context of the results, so thisones could not be generalized according to the investigations already carried out, however this is considered as an opportunity for it to be investigated in future research on the Lima sociocultural context. (Sehar Ashraf and Azam, 2019; Ismail, 2017). In addition, the investigated sector prevents the brand's value model from being projected to other areas, since the sample size is very limited (Shabbir, Khan and Khan, 2017). / Trabajo de investigación
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Brand Experience en el mercado de craft beers en relación al Purchase Intention y Brand loyalty.García López, María Fernanda, Ríos Guzman, Valeria Fernanda 08 July 2021 (has links)
El trabajo presente consiste en un análisis de una gran variable denominada Brand experience y como esta se relaciona al purchase intention y brand loyalty. Además se busca identificar la correlación entre la gran variable y las variables independientes como el nivel de experiencia afectiva con una marca, la experiencia intelectual con respecto al consumo, la experiencia sensorial con la oportunidad de compra y, finalmente, la lealtad como resultado de una buena experiencia. Se propone realizar un estudio cuantitativo no probabilístico a una muestra de 400 consumidores de cerveza artesanal mediante enfoques bivariados y multivariados en SPSS y Smart Less. / The present work consists of an analysis of the variable Brand experience and how it is related to other variables such as Purchase Intention and Brand Loyalty. In addition, it seeks to identify the correlation between the large variable and the independent variables such as the level of affective experience with a brand, the intellectual experience with respect to consumption, the sensory experience and the opportunity to purchase and finally, loyalty as a result of a good experience. It is proposed to carry out a non probabilistic quantitative study to a sample of 400 craft beer consumers using bivariate and multivariate approaches in SPSS and Smart Less. / Trabajo de investigación
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Brand Awareness, Brand loyalty, Brand association y product quality en relación a la intención de compra de smartphones. / Brand awareness, brand association, brand loyalty, perceived quality in relation to the purchase intentions.Sanchez Porras, Adriana Lucero 24 June 2021 (has links)
En la última década, el uso y consumo de smartphones (teléfonos inteligentes) ha ascendido de manera constante, así mismo la manera en la que los consumidores interactúan con las marcas se ha transformado a causa del acceso a conexión internet en smartphones, por ello, es fundamental conocer los factores que podrían influir en la decisión de compra de smartphones en los consumidores. En el presente paper, mediante un análisis cuantitativo buscará identificar la relación de las variables brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality y repurchase intention en la categoría de smartphones. / In the last decade, the use and consumption of smartphones has grown steadily, likewise, the way in which consumers interact with brands has changed due to access to internet connection on smartphones. It is essential to know the factors. In that way, it is essential to know the factors that could influence the purchase intention of smartphones in consumers. In this paper, through a quantitative analysis it seeks to identify the relationship of the variables brand awareness, brand association, brand loyalty, perceived quality and repurchase intention. / Trabajo de investigación
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