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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Målbildsintervention som hälsofrämjande insats : Kvalitativ metod med öppna brev / Mental goal imagery training intervention as a health promotion initiative : Qualitative method with open letters

Hedström, Adam, Skog, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Introduktion: Mental målbildsträning har genom tidigare forskning visat sig vara en effektiv metod för ökad prestation inom idrott. Samtidigt är mentala förmågor viktiga i hälsofrämjande arbete på individ, grupp och samhällsnivå. Studier inom ämnet visar bland annat på ökad grit och self-efficacy samt att upplevelser av mental träning har en koppling till hälsofrämjande mål hos allmänheten.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utifrån ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv undersöka deltagarnas upplevelser av sju dagars målbildsträning.Metod: Interventionsstudien var av kvalitativ metod med öppna brev via online-formulär. 20 deltagare, män och kvinnor mellan 23-62 år lyssnade på vägledd målbildsträning sju minuter om dagen i sju dagar. Sammanställning av resultat gjordes i en latent analys.Resultat: Resultatet presenteras utifrån ett huvudtema “Målbildsträning har gett ett större fokus och känsla av drivkraft mot målbilden” samt tre underteman “Uppskattning och ett lugn”, “En vilja att fortsätta mot målet” och “Högre tro på egna förmågan”. Målbildsträning ökar den mentala inställningen att tro på den egna förmågan, uppnå en trygghet i sin drivkraft samt en avkopplande attityd till att vara i nuet för att få insikt i agerandet som krävs för att uppnå sin hälsofrämjande målbild.Slutsats: Interventionsmetoden visade sig upplevas som en ny och motiverande form av mental träning. Deltagarna beskriver en ihärdighet och kämparanda, en högre tro till sin egen förmåga samt en kontroll över sin hälsa. Detta visar att målbildsträning med fördel kan användas i hälsofrämjande arbete även efter bara en veckas träning. / Introduction: Mental goal imagery training has through previous research proved to be an effective method for increased performance in sports. At the same time, mental abilities are important in health-promoting work at individual, group and community level. Studies in the subject show among other things increased grit and self-efficacy and that experiences of mental training are linked to public health goals that promote health.Purpose: The aim of the study was to, from a health promotive perspective, examine the participants experience of seven-day mental goal imagery training.Method: The intervention study was of a qualitative method with open letters through online forms. 20 participants, men and women aged 23-62 listened to guided mental goal imagery training seven minutes a day for seven days. Summary of results was done in a latent analysis.Result: The result is presented by a main theme "Mental goal imagery training has given a greater focus and sense of driving force towards the mental goal image" as well as three sub-themes "Estimation and a calm", "A will to pursue the goal" and "Higher belief in one's own ability". Mental goal imagery training increases the mental attitude of believing in its own ability, achieving a sense of safety in its will to achieve, and a relaxing attitude to being in the moment to gain insight into the action required to achieve its health promotion goal. Conclusion: The intervention was perceived as a method proved to be a new and motivating form of mental training. The participants describe a sustainability and driving force, a higher belief in their own ability and control over their health. This shows that mental goal imagery training can with advantage be used in the work of health promotion, even after only one week of training.

Oron är stor även om den som missbrukar är vuxen! : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om behovet av stöd för anhöriga till personer med missbruk

Tillman, Linnéa January 2019 (has links)
Den som lever i en nära relation till en individ med missbruksproblematik påverkas oftast negativt. Den anhörige kan känna skuld och skam över situationen och det är vanligt att fysiska och psykiska problem för den anhörige förekommer. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vuxna anhörigas behov av stöd. Studien har valt att använda sig av en kvalitativ metod med intervjuer för att få fram ett resultat. Informanterna är vuxna anhöriga till en vuxen individ med missbruksproblem. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys har använts i studien för att undersöka anhörigas upplevelser av stöd. Anhöriga i den här studien har sökt stöd genom anhörigorganisationer som har hjälpt och stöttat de anhöriga till att förstå och klara av sin situation. Anhöriga lever ofta med en känsla att de är ensamma i sin situation och inte vet vart de kan vända sig för att få stöd. Slutsatsen är att anhöriga behöver sociala nätverk som kan ge socialt stöd. I rätt sociala nätverk kan den anhöriga inte bara bli en mottagare av stöd utan också skänka andra anhöriga stöd, vilket stärker dem båda. / The person who lives in a close relationship with an individual with some sort of addiction is usually adversely affected. The relative can feel guilt and shame about the situation and physical and mental problems is common in the relative’s life. The aim of this study is to investigate the needs of support to adult relatives. The study has chosen to use a qualitative method with interviews. The informants are adult relatives of an adult with problems of addiction. A qualitative content analysis has been used in the study to investigate relatives' experiences of support. Relatives in this study have searched for support through organizations for relatives who have helped and supported them to understand and cope with their situation. Relatives often feel that they are alone in their situation and they do not know where to turn to get support. The conclusion of this study is that relatives need social networks that can provide social support. In the right social network, the relative will not only become a recipient of support but also donate support to other relatives, which strengthens them both.

Ungdomars upplevelser av påverkan i relation till vuxna : En fenomenologiskt inspirerad studie utifrån ett agens och empowermentperspektiv / Adolescents' experiences of influence in relation to adults : A phenomenological inspired study from a perspective of agency and empowerment

Olsson, Katarina January 2018 (has links)
Barn har rätt att påverka sina liv utifrån barnkonventionen, vilket brister i dagsläget. Studien syftar till att synliggöra ungdomars upplevelser och åsikter om påverkan i relation till vuxna rörande det de anser är viktigt att få påverka i sina liv. Få studier finns om vad unga anser är viktigt att påverka eller om vad vuxna kan göra för att främja deras påverkansmöjligheter, varpå även det ämnas undersökas. Studien intar ett agens och empowermentperspektiv. Inspiration för ansatsen hämtas från fenomenologin där fokus kretsar kring individens upplevelser. Resultatet baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem ungdomar boende i Västra Götalands län, vilka är 16 eller 17 år. Materialet analyserades med tolkande fenomenologisk analys och centrala delar ur det utifrån ungdomarnas upplevelser är: det är viktigt att få möjlighet att påverka allt i sina liv, möjligheten att påverka enklare saker finns, vid komplexa sådana tas de ej på allvar. Att skapa tillit mellan sig och vuxna utgör en påverkansstrategi och samspelet mellan ungdomen och den vuxne påverkar hela processen. Vuxna kan främja möjligheterna till påverkan genom inkludering och att vilja förstå deras perspektiv. Samhället har skyldighet att arbeta för allas lika rättigheter. Så länge ojämlika förhållanden existerar är främjandet av barns rättigheter aktuellt. / According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, children have the right to impact their own lives, which is inadequately implemented in today's society. The present study aims to highlight experiences from adolescents, who voiced their opinions on their perceived ability to impact decisions affecting matters central in their lives. Few studies exist regarding which areas adolescents consider most important to influence, nor regarding what adults can do to assist them in this. The current study captures a perspective of agency and empowerment and its approach is inspired by phenomenology. The result is based on semi-structured interviews involving five 16-17 year old adolescents living in Västra Götaland County, Sweden. The material was analysed with an interpretative phenomenological analysis methodology. The main findings show that adolescents' view the ability to impact all imoprtant matters in their lives as imperative and that while they do perceive that they are allowed to influence basic things, they are not taken seriously in regard to more complex matters. The findings suggests that adults can encourage impact by including adolescents in decision making and show willingness to understand their perspective. All societies have an obligation to promote equal rights. As long as unequal rights exist, promotion of the UN Rights of the Child is crucial.

Pratiques traditionnelles chez les sages-femmes autochtones du Nunavik et programme de formation

Bedon, Peggy S. M. 12 1900 (has links)
Les communautés inuites de la Baie d’Hudson au Nunavik (Québec) se distinguent des autres communautés autochtones par leur réappropriation des naissances depuis 1986 et par la création d’un programme de formation de sages-femmes locales. Cela a permis de mettre un terme à une longue période de transfert des femmes pour accouchement en structure hospitalière, à des kilomètres de leur village. De plus, ce programme a pour objectif de réintégrer les pratiques traditionnelles au sein d’une obstétrique moderne afin d’offrir aux femmes des services de qualité et culturellement appropriés. Le but de notre étude était d’établir si le programme de formation de sages-femmes autochtones du Nunavik a permis de concilier ces deux approches d’enseignement différentes : l’une axée sur le savoir traditionnel, et l’autre concernant les normes de qualité de soins à respecter. Une méthode de recherche qualitative a été adoptée et les données ont été recueillies à l’aide d’entrevues réalisées auprès de cinq sages-femmes inuites et de six étudiantes sages-femmes du programme de formation du Nunavik, au sein des trois villages de la Baie d’Hudson pourvus de centre de naissances. L’analyse qualitative des données ne permet pas de confirmer la réintégration du savoir traditionnel dans la pratique des sages-femmes autochtones. Les résultats révèlent, en effet, une rareté des pratiques traditionnelles connues et/ou utilisées par celles-ci (notamment l’utilisation de plantes ou de remèdes médicinaux, les postures d’accouchement, les manœuvres obstétricales, etc) en relation avec la période périnatale. Les croyances ou codes de conduite à respecter pendant la grossesse semblent bénéficier d’une meilleure transmission, mais ne font plus l’unanimité au sein des communautés. Concernant le volet de l’obstétrique moderne, le programme de formation semble conforme aux exigences actuelles occidentales, étant reconnu par l’Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec depuis septembre 2008. De plus, les sages-femmes et les étudiantes sont conscientes de la nécessité de recevoir une formation de qualité. Elles aimeraient bénéficier d’une plus grande rigueur dans l’enseignement théorique ainsi que d’une meilleure continuité du processus d’apprentissage. La difficulté retrouvée dans la mixité de l’enseignement de ces deux savoirs (traditionnel et moderne) semble donc être liée plus particulièrement au savoir traditionnel. Les sages-femmes et étudiantes inuites souhaitent protéger et promouvoir leur patrimoine culturel, mais plus dans une optique de responsabilité communautaire que dans le cadre d’un programme de formation. Une collaboration entre les volontés des communautés concernant la réintégration de ce patrimoine et la réalité actuelle de la biomédecine demeure primordiale pour continuer à garantir la sécurité et la qualité des services dispensés. / The Inuit of Hudson’s Bay in Nunavik (Quebec) have distinguished themselves from other indigenous communities by re-asserting their autonomy over the care of pregnant women within their community. A strong sense of self-determination led to the abandonment of the practice of transferring pregnant women for delivery at hospitals far from their village and, in 1986, to the creation of a program to train midwives locally. In addition, this program tries to reinstate traditional practices alongside the teaching of modern obstetrics in order to offer women services which are both of high quality and culturally suitable. The aim of our study was to determine whether the training of indigenous midwives in Nunavik has helped to reconcile these two different approaches to teaching: one being the focus on traditional practices, and the other on standards of care. A qualitative research method was used with data collected by means of interviews. Respondents included five Inuit midwives from within the three Hudson’s Bay communities having local birthing centres, as well as six student midwives from the Nunavik midwifery program. Analysis of the data does not allow for confirmation of the reintegration of traditional knowledge in the practise of indigenous midwives. The results of this research reveal, in effect, a rarity of traditional practices being applied throughout the perinatal period (E.g. use of medicinal plants, positions used during delivery, various delivery manoeuvres). The beliefs or codes of conduct in respect to pregnancy seem to profit from a better transmission, but are not utilized equally within the communities. In regards to the modern obstetrics component, the program appears to be in conformity with current Western requirements, having been recognized by the Order of the Midwives of Quebec since September, 2008. Moreover, both midwives and students are conscious of the need to receive quality training in their field. They would like to profit from a greater rigor in the teaching of theory, as well as more continuity in the process of apprenticeship. The difficulty found in the teaching of these dual types of knowledge (traditional and modern) thus seems to relate more particularly to the area of traditional practices. Inuit midwives and students wish to protect and promote their cultural inheritance, but more within the perspective of community responsibility that within the framework of a training scheme. A collaboration between the wishes of the communities, concerning the rehabilitation of their cultural inheritance, and the current reality of bio-medicine, remains paramount in order to continue to guarantee the safety and the quality of the services provided.

Psychosocial aspects of living with congenital heart disease : child, family, and professional perspectives

Birkeland, Anna-Lena January 2012 (has links)
Background: The vast majority of infants born with congenital heart disease (CHD) reach adulthood because of the developments in cardiology in recent decades. This thesis aims to describe the psychosocial situation of child/adolescent cardiac patients and their families, investigate the situation faced by parents and siblings initially and over time, investigate the approaches paediatric cardiologists use in encountering the family, and describe the teamwork occurring in paediatric cardiology teams (PCTs) in Sweden. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework was based on a quality of life model applied to children, a stress-coping model, and a psychosocial approach including support, profession, and teamwork. Methods: The research combines quantitative data collection/analysis and qualitative research interviews/content analysis. Results: Complexity: The three grades of medical complexity differed regarding the number and severity of psychosocial symptoms, the children with the most complex CHD having the most severe symptoms. The most frequent symptoms in the whole patient group regarding various spheres were: healthcare and treatment-related needs in the external sphere, family symptoms in the interpersonal sphere, and mental/psychosomatic symptoms in the personal sphere. Coping: Being informed of a child’s/sibling’s heart disease has emotional consequences, so information, communication, and support are essential. Breaking the news of a child’s disease can be described as a turning point still significant after ten years. The professionalism of the doctor’s approach in breaking the news is crucial. Profession: Among paediatric cardiologists, how to break bad news to a family is an important concern, evident in findings regarding the significance of trust and confidence and the use of various emotional positions. Paediatric cardiologists commonly wish to be skilled at handling this situation, and attaining the needed skills calls for reflection, education, and sharing experience. Team: PCTs in Sweden aim and try to work in a structured way. In PCTs, there is a need for leadership, resource coordination, coaching, and a forum for joint reflection. Dependence on the physician on the team was identified in all PCTs. The challenge of managing increasing complexity at both the family and system levels requires interprofessional teams. Conclusions: These studies illustrate the psychosocial complexity and the need of psychosocial support. Emotional consequences, communication, information and support are essential both for the children, parents/families and for the professionals. To manage this complexity organizational alteration action plans are required. There is a need for a forum to stimulate dialogue and common reflection in the local PCT and at the regional and national centres.

Pratiques traditionnelles chez les sages-femmes autochtones du Nunavik et programme de formation

Bedon, Peggy S. M. 12 1900 (has links)
Les communautés inuites de la Baie d’Hudson au Nunavik (Québec) se distinguent des autres communautés autochtones par leur réappropriation des naissances depuis 1986 et par la création d’un programme de formation de sages-femmes locales. Cela a permis de mettre un terme à une longue période de transfert des femmes pour accouchement en structure hospitalière, à des kilomètres de leur village. De plus, ce programme a pour objectif de réintégrer les pratiques traditionnelles au sein d’une obstétrique moderne afin d’offrir aux femmes des services de qualité et culturellement appropriés. Le but de notre étude était d’établir si le programme de formation de sages-femmes autochtones du Nunavik a permis de concilier ces deux approches d’enseignement différentes : l’une axée sur le savoir traditionnel, et l’autre concernant les normes de qualité de soins à respecter. Une méthode de recherche qualitative a été adoptée et les données ont été recueillies à l’aide d’entrevues réalisées auprès de cinq sages-femmes inuites et de six étudiantes sages-femmes du programme de formation du Nunavik, au sein des trois villages de la Baie d’Hudson pourvus de centre de naissances. L’analyse qualitative des données ne permet pas de confirmer la réintégration du savoir traditionnel dans la pratique des sages-femmes autochtones. Les résultats révèlent, en effet, une rareté des pratiques traditionnelles connues et/ou utilisées par celles-ci (notamment l’utilisation de plantes ou de remèdes médicinaux, les postures d’accouchement, les manœuvres obstétricales, etc) en relation avec la période périnatale. Les croyances ou codes de conduite à respecter pendant la grossesse semblent bénéficier d’une meilleure transmission, mais ne font plus l’unanimité au sein des communautés. Concernant le volet de l’obstétrique moderne, le programme de formation semble conforme aux exigences actuelles occidentales, étant reconnu par l’Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec depuis septembre 2008. De plus, les sages-femmes et les étudiantes sont conscientes de la nécessité de recevoir une formation de qualité. Elles aimeraient bénéficier d’une plus grande rigueur dans l’enseignement théorique ainsi que d’une meilleure continuité du processus d’apprentissage. La difficulté retrouvée dans la mixité de l’enseignement de ces deux savoirs (traditionnel et moderne) semble donc être liée plus particulièrement au savoir traditionnel. Les sages-femmes et étudiantes inuites souhaitent protéger et promouvoir leur patrimoine culturel, mais plus dans une optique de responsabilité communautaire que dans le cadre d’un programme de formation. Une collaboration entre les volontés des communautés concernant la réintégration de ce patrimoine et la réalité actuelle de la biomédecine demeure primordiale pour continuer à garantir la sécurité et la qualité des services dispensés. / The Inuit of Hudson’s Bay in Nunavik (Quebec) have distinguished themselves from other indigenous communities by re-asserting their autonomy over the care of pregnant women within their community. A strong sense of self-determination led to the abandonment of the practice of transferring pregnant women for delivery at hospitals far from their village and, in 1986, to the creation of a program to train midwives locally. In addition, this program tries to reinstate traditional practices alongside the teaching of modern obstetrics in order to offer women services which are both of high quality and culturally suitable. The aim of our study was to determine whether the training of indigenous midwives in Nunavik has helped to reconcile these two different approaches to teaching: one being the focus on traditional practices, and the other on standards of care. A qualitative research method was used with data collected by means of interviews. Respondents included five Inuit midwives from within the three Hudson’s Bay communities having local birthing centres, as well as six student midwives from the Nunavik midwifery program. Analysis of the data does not allow for confirmation of the reintegration of traditional knowledge in the practise of indigenous midwives. The results of this research reveal, in effect, a rarity of traditional practices being applied throughout the perinatal period (E.g. use of medicinal plants, positions used during delivery, various delivery manoeuvres). The beliefs or codes of conduct in respect to pregnancy seem to profit from a better transmission, but are not utilized equally within the communities. In regards to the modern obstetrics component, the program appears to be in conformity with current Western requirements, having been recognized by the Order of the Midwives of Quebec since September, 2008. Moreover, both midwives and students are conscious of the need to receive quality training in their field. They would like to profit from a greater rigor in the teaching of theory, as well as more continuity in the process of apprenticeship. The difficulty found in the teaching of these dual types of knowledge (traditional and modern) thus seems to relate more particularly to the area of traditional practices. Inuit midwives and students wish to protect and promote their cultural inheritance, but more within the perspective of community responsibility that within the framework of a training scheme. A collaboration between the wishes of the communities, concerning the rehabilitation of their cultural inheritance, and the current reality of bio-medicine, remains paramount in order to continue to guarantee the safety and the quality of the services provided.

Om papperstidningen försvann hade han fått psykos : En kvalitativ studie om tidningsdöden och unga universitetsstudenters nyhetskonsumtion / ”If the daily press dissapeared he would get a psychosis”

Bakalarska, Anna, Schytt, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
This report shows a qualitative study on how six young adults in the ages between 20-30 who are students at Linnaeus University in Kalmar percieve their news consumption habits and their use of news media on digital platforms. The aim of the study is to examine whether the six students feel the strogest connection with the press where they were raised or where they currently live, why they choose to use the media platforms they do and what meaning the use of the media bare to the students. We have seen a lack of information concerning why young people choose to consume news online instead of in printed media. The study is focused on theories concerning what affects people in their choice of media platforms and channels. This report shows that geographic nature, the quality of the content and which political ideology the daily press is founded on does not affect the respondents choice of media. Our study shows that the most important factor for the respondents is that the platform is easily accesssible and flexible. We can also see that the dissapering of the printed newspaper is connected to generations and techonology.

The management and preservation of indigenous knowledge in Dlangubo village in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Zimu-Biyela, Acquinatta Nomusa 07 1900 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to establish various practices of indigenous knowledge (IK) commonly used in the Dlangubo village, and methods and tools used in managing IK; to determine ownership protocols and what they know about the South African (SA) intellectual property (IP) laws; to explore the role of libraries and information and communication technologies (ICTs) in managing IK and, lastly, what model can be developed for the management of IK in the Dlangubo village, in KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa. In order to gain more insight about the problem studied, the socialisation, externalisation, combination and internalisation (SECI) model of knowledge management and the diffusion of innovation (DoI) model were adopted. The SECI model helped in understanding the modes of knowledge creation and transfer that were used in managing IK in the area of study. The DoI model was important in understanding the perceptions of the community about the South African intellectual property (IP) laws, the libraries and the ICTs in managing IK. This study used the constructivist theoretical underpinning and adopted the qualitative approach in order to inquire in depth and explore the studied phenomenon in the natural setting of the Dlangubo village. This approach allowed the researcher to engage in an in-depth interviewing process with the participants in order to explore IK management challenges and then get empirical evidence about the area studied. Flowing from the qualitative approach, the grounded theory (GT) was adopted because it uses the systematic inductive approach to inquiry followed by a constant comparison of categories in order to generate theory, which is grounded in data of the sampled participants of the Dlangubo village The findings of the study indicated that the practices that were predominantly used in the area of study included agricultural crop farming and livestock keeping, the initiation of girls into adulthood and beadwork. The in-situ preservation strategies were more common than the ex-situ preservation strategies. Most of the respondents indicated that they acquired IK through apprenticeship of family line. The majority did not have knowledge or had insufficient knowledge about the South African IP laws. In addition, they were not using the libraries and the ICTs in managing their IK. The model that was recommended was to have the cultural information centre where they can sit together and share their IK and skills, and market their finished products. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Immigration francophone en Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick : langues et identités : une approche sociolinguistique de parcours d’immigrants francophones à Moncton / Francophone immigration in Acadian New Brunswick : languages and identities : a sociolinguistic perspective on francophone immigrants living in Moncton

Violette, Isabelle 12 November 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat contribue au champ de recherche sur l'immigration francophone en milieu minoritaire à partir du contexte acadien néo-brunswickois. Ce travail considère le phénomène de l'immigration francophone comme un analyseur de tensions et de confrontations socio-identitaires et linguistiques au sein de la société acadienne d'accueil. L'analyse fait ressortir un processus de transformation de la représentation politique ainsi que de l'identité collective de la communauté acadienne. De manière plus approfondie, cette recherche illustre le rôle des langues dans le projet migratoire et le projet d'intégration des immigrants francophones à Moncton en regard de sa situation de contacts de langues inégalitaires. Cette thèse adopte une approche interprétative et qualitative afin de privilégier le sens donné par les acteurs directement impliqués dans les phénomènes sociaux et linguistiques à l'étude. / This doctoral thesis is a contribution to the field of research on francophone immigration in a minority setting, more specifically in Acadian New Brunswick. This thesis is examining francophone immigration as a means of understanding and analysing identity and linguistic tensions amongst the Acadian host community. The analysis shows that Acadian society is undergoing a transformation process regarding its political representation and collective identity. The objective is to understand the role that languages play in the migration trajectory and the integration plans of francophone immigrants in Moncton with respect to its unequal linguistic situation. This thesis adopts an interpretative and qualitative approach that takes into account the points of view of the participants who are directly involved in the linguistic and social phenomena under review.

Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av vad som underlättar och hindrar evidensbaserad vård av ben- och fotsår : En kvalitativ studie / The district nurses´ experience of facilitators and barriers to evidence-based leg ulcer care : A qualitative study

Harrysson, Åsa, Henriksson, Camilla January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av vad som underlättade och hindrade evidensbaserad vård av ben- och fotsår inom primärvården. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta distriktssköterskor. Samtliga arbetade på hälsocentraler i södra Hälsingland. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Som teoretisk referensram användes PARIHS modellen. Huvudresultat: I studien framkom olika faktorer som underlättar respektive hindrar distriktssköterskor inom primärvården att arbeta efter en rutin för ben- och fotsår. Det som underlättade var ett välfungerande teamarbete på arbetsplatsen, att rutinen var anpassad så att den var lätt att arbeta efter och att den fanns lättillgänglig i datasystemet, specifik kunskap om sårvård och ett engagemang för patienten och för ämnet sårvård samt att patienten behöver stöd och utbildning för att kunna medverka i vården. Det som hindrade var bristande förståelse och engagemang från chef och kollegor, svårigheter att motivera patienterna till att medverka till behandling samt att journalsystemet inte var anpassat efter ben- och fotsårsrutinen. Slutsats: I studien framkom olika faktorer som underlättade och hindrade distriktssköterskor att använda sig av evidensbaserad vård av ben- och fotsår i det dagliga arbetet. Det som påverkade distriktssköterskornas användning av rutinen var i störst utsträckning faktorer i omgivningen. För att underlätta för distriktssköterskor att kunna arbeta enligt evidensbaserad sårvård måste ansträngningar göras för att undanröja hinder. PARIHS modellen kan användas som stödjande verktyg före, under och efter implementeringsprocessen. / Purpose: The purpose of the study was to describe district nurses' experiences of the facilitating and preventative factors that influence the use of evidence-based wound care in primary healthcare. Method : A qualitative interview study with semi-structured interviews was conducted with eight district nurses. All worked at health centers in southern Hälsingland. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed by qualitative content analysis. As a theoretical reference frame, the PARIHS model was used. Main outcome : The study revealed different factors that facilitate or prevent district nurses in primary healthcare to work for a routine for leg and foot ulcers. What facilitated was a well-functioning team work at the workplace, that the routine was adapted so that it was easy to work after and was easily accessible in the computer system, specific knowledge about wound care and commitment to the patient and on the subject of wound care and that the patient needs support and education to be able to participate in healthcare. What was prevented was insufficient understanding and commitment from the boss and colleagues, difficulty in motivating patients to participate in treatment and that the journal system was not adapted to the leg and foot routine. Conclusion : The study identified various factors which facilitated and prevented district nurses from using evidence-based care of leg and foot ulcers in their daily work. What influenced the use of the routine by district nurses was to the greatest extent factors in the environment. In order to facilitate district nurses to work according to evidence-based wound care, efforts must be made to eliminate obstacles. The PARIHS model can be used as a supporting tool before, during and after the implementation process.

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