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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de gestión del uso de software para la automatización de la fase de planificación de la revisión sistemática

Cuayla Obregon, Elvis Martin, Zumaeta Correa, Roger 28 February 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, los investigadores dedican una buena cantidad de tiempo en la detección y búsqueda de artículos científicos relevantes de forma manual. El desarrollo de estas investigaciones se realiza de forma empírica sin tener en cuenta un modelo tecnológico para el cumplimiento de estándares en su proceso. Por ello, de un tema particular, el proceso rara vez es sustentado con algún procedimiento sistemático para garantizar que se revisó de manera objetiva y que todo el material pertinente está incluido. Existen procedimientos y marcos de trabajo en otras disciplinas como la medicina, pero no son ampliamente conocidas o utilizadas en las demás carreras. Este proyecto propone un Modelo de Gestión, soportado por distintas herramientas de software, con el fin de automatizar la fase de planificación de la revisión sistemática. Esta propuesta se realizó mediante la necesidad de mejorar la satisfacción del investigador al momento de realizar búsquedas de papers relacionados a sus trabajos de investigación. Se desarrolló una interfaz web como canal entre el Modelo de Gestión propuesto y el investigador, con el fin de mostrar el resultado obtenido por el modelo indicando mejoras en tiempo y calidad al momento de realizar búsquedas de papers. Además, como Plan de continuidad se propone un proyecto en base a las siguientes fases de la revisión sistemática, apoyándonos en la revisión de la literatura obtenida en la etapa de análisis del modelo propuesto. / Currently, researchers spend a good amount of time detecting and searching for relevant scientific articles manually. The development of these investigations is done empirically without taking into consideration a technological model for compliance with standards and process. Therefore, on a particular issue, the process is rarely supported by any systematic procedure to ensure that it was objectively reviewed and that all relevant material is included. There are procedures and frameworks in other disciplines such as medicine, but they are not widely known or used in other careers. This project proposes a Management Model supported by different software tools, in order to automatize the planning phase of the systematic review. This proposal was made through the need to improve the satisfaction of the researcher when searching papers related to their research work. A web interface was developed as a link between the proposed Management Model and the researcher, in order to show the result obtained by the model giving improvements in time and quality when searching papers. In addition, as a Continuity Plan, a project is proposed based on the following phases of the systematic review, based on the review of the literature obtained in the analysis stage of the proposed model. / Tesis

Cost-effectiveness of riociguat and bosentan for the treatment of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

Ashaye, Ajibade O. 08 November 2017 (has links)
OBJECTIVE: To conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis of riociguat and bosentan in the management of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) from a United States payer perspective. METHODS: A Markov model was developed following the recommendations of the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research - Society for Medical Decision Making Modeling Good Research Practices. A cohort of patients with inoperable CTEPH or post-pulmonary endarterectomy CTEPH were simulated over their lifetime. Health outcomes were measured as quality-adjusted life years (QALY). Efficacy and safety data were obtained from BENEFiT and CHEST-1 trials. Drugs costs, associated costs for the management of CTEPH, were obtained from Redbook and published information such as the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUPnet) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Physician Fee Schedule. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed to assess the robustness of the model projections. RESULTS: Riociguat was more effective than bosentan with an incremental cost of $132,065 and an incremental quality-adjusted life year (QALY) of 0.20, corresponding to an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of -$649,380 per QALY (in favor of riociguat). Riociguat had a lower total discounted lifetime cost compared to bosentan ($2,307,488 versus $2,439,555). Probabilistic sensitivity analyses confirmed dominance of riociguat in 74% of the Monte Carlo simulations. CONCLUSIONS: Results of this model indicates that riociguat is more effective and less costly than bosentan in the management of patients with inoperable CTEPH or post-pulmonary endarterectomy CTEPH.

The Effect of Notetaking and Review Among Eighth-Grade Students

Risch, Nancy Lindbergy 01 May 1989 (has links)
A study was conducted in which both notetaking and review were systematically varied in order to examine viii eighth-grade student's notetaking and performance behaviors. Three formats of notes (Matrix, skeletal, conventional) were examined in combination with three notetaking strategies (take notes/review own notes, take notes/review expert notes, listen/review expert notes) to form nine conditions. Subjects viewed a videotaped lecture, reviewed their respective set of notes, and were administered the following performance tests: structured recall, factual recognition, application, and synthesis. The number of ideas, number of words, and an efficiency calculation was obtained for each notetaking protocol. Results indicated that subjects reviewing a matrix format outperformed those reviewing a skeletal outline format on the application test, a higher-order measure. Subjects recorded an average of less than 30% of the total lecture ideas, and females recorded significantly more words and ideas than did males. Females also outperformed males on tests of structured recall and factual recognition. Speculation was that females' more complete product of notes contributed to their higher performance on the factual-ordered tests. Their performance was not significantly different from males' on the higher-ordered tests.

Navigera i det nya livet : Närståendes upplevelser av stöd vid strokesjukdom / Navigate in the new life : Relatives’ experiences of supporting within stroke disease.

Widell, Linnea, Bjelkne, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Background: Approximately 25,000 people in Sweden receive a stroke diagnosis annually. Stroke can lead to major consequences such as loss of bodily functions that will affect the daily life of the stroke survivor. Family, and those caregivers who are living closely with the patient play an important role in the stroke survivor’s life and they are often expected to contribute with support. It is important to identify the needs of people close to the patient in an early stage. As well as involving them in their special needs during the process as it increases their sense of manageability. Nurses' area of responsibility is based on enabling participation and seeing both patients and relatives. Relatives have an expectation of contributing support to the patient. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe relatives' experiences of support related to stroke. Method: A literature-based study and an analysis of seven qualitative scientific articles. Results: The analysis resulted in one main theme: the navigation in a new life. The results showed how important information and knowledge is for the relatives to; achieve good support, to not develop an illness as a result of their support efforts, adjusting to their new role and situation in a better way to create a positive environment. Conclusion: Relatives described a difficult situation where they experienced fear and concern. Professional support assisted the relatives in the situation. By observing the situation, a profound understanding can be reached and by involving relatives, thus contributes to an improved health. / Livet efter stroke kan ge omfattande konsekvenser för både patienten och närstående. Ett stort behov av hjälp i hemmet fanns hos patienten, närstående har visat sig vara en stor resurs för den strokedrabbade och i den vårdandeprocessen som följer. Men att stå bredvid en person som drabbats av stroke upplevdes som svårt, eftersom en stroke innebar förändringar i det dagliga livet. Tidigare forskning visade att närstående i samband med stroke ofta upplevde ett sämre mående, de prioriterade patienten och glömde bort sig själva i situationen eftersom patienten hade ett stort behov av hjälp. Från sjuksköterskan kunde de närstående få stöd för att lättare kunna hantera situationen och samtidigt ha en god hälsa själva. Sjuksköterskan har därför en betydelsefull roll gällande att ge god omvårdnad till den drabbade patienten men samtidigt till de närstående. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att beskriva närståendes upplevelser av stöd i samband med strokesjukdom. För att författarna skulle förstå vilka känslor och tankar närstående upplevde användes kvalitativa artiklar. En litteraturbaserad studie utfördes, vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades och bildade resultatet. Resultatet påvisade att närstående som gått igenom denna situation upplevde att stödet var varierat och hade en önskan att vara involverade i mötet tillsammans med patient och sjuksköterska. Huvudtemat kom att bli navigera i det nya livet. Fyra underteman kunde identifieras, bland annat närståendes egna strategier för att kunna hantera vardagen lättare beskrevs i ett undertema. Vidare framkom från resultatet att närståendes behov att vägledas från sjuksköterskan samt hur sjuksköterskor gav information och kunskap och hur detta upplevdes från närstående. Studien visade att närstående upplevde en minskad hälsa och att stödet till närstående varierade, därmed bör närstående involveras i större utsträckning samt att stödet kan preciseras från sjuksköterskor.

Predicting mortality in pulmonary tuberculosis: A systematic review of prognostic models

Bert-Dulanto, Aimée, Alarcón-Braga, Esteban A., Castillo-Soto, Ana, Escalante-Kanashiro, Raffo 01 January 2021 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis is a highly prevalent disease in low-income countries; clinical prediction tools allow healthcare personnel to catalog patients with a higher risk of death in order to prioritize medical attention. Methodology: We conducted a literature search on prognostic models aimed to predict mortality in patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. We included prospective and retrospective studies where prognostic models predicting mortality were either developed or validated in patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. Three reviewers independently assessed the quality of the included studies using the PROBAST tool (Prediction model study Risk of Bias Assessment Tool). A narrative review of the characteristics of each model was conducted. Results: Six articles (n = 3553 patients) containing six prediction models were included in the review. Most studies (5 out of 6) were retrospective cohorts, only one study was a prospective case-control study. All the studies had a high risk of bias according to the PROBAST tool in the overall assessment. Regarding the applicability of the prediction models, three studies had a low concern of applicability, two high concern and one unclear concern. Five studies developed new prediction rules. In general, the presented models had a good discriminatory ability, with areas under the curve fluctuating between 0.65 up to 0.91. Conclusion: None of the prognostic models included in the review accurately predict mortality in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, due to great heterogeneity in the population and a high risk of bias. / Revisión por pares

Are Champions an Effective Strategy for Improving Knowledge Use and Outcomes in Healthcare Settings?

Santos, Wilmer John 10 January 2022 (has links)
The effectiveness of champions in increasing the use of innovations and improving outcomes across health care contexts is not well synthesized in the literature. A systematic review was conducted using the JBI systematic review method. A total of 35 studies (37 articles) were included in the review. The use of champions was related to improvements in system/facility use of innovations. However, the evidence pertaining to causal relationships between use of champions and use of innovations or outcomes is currently inconclusive according to the findings of systematic review. Key limitations of the included primary studies were the use of observational study designs (n = 28) and the lack of detailed description of the champion strategy (n = 26). Future studies that evaluate the effectiveness champions should:1) clearly describe the champion strategy in detail, 2) use experimental design in conjunction to process evaluation, 3) and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of deploying champions.

Gambling and Video Games: What Do We Know? Should We Worry?

Ginley, Meredith K., Pfund, Rory A., Collie, Christin N. 28 May 2019 (has links)
In the United States, at least 65% of adults have gambled and/or played a video game in the past year. An emerging form of entertainment combines gambling and video game play and has led to an approximately $30 billion per year industry. Despite an explosion in growth, this form of potentially high-risk behavior has received little research attention. This paper will present a systematic review of the available peer-reviewed and grey literature related to gambling on video games. Our review identifies three major methods of combining gambling and video games. First is betting directly on the outcomes of eSports, either with money or via skin gambling. Second is gambling within video games where players purchase a chance to win a valued prize or consumable virtual item (e.g., loot box, prize crate, gacha). Prizes change the within game experience, from superficial items that change an in-game character’s appearance to items that substantially improve a player’s chance of winning. Further, if desired, these items can be sold for actual money in secondary marketplaces. Third, there are gamified casino games with the sequential, skill-based feel of video games and real money at stake. Implications: This paper is the first comprehensive review of this nascent literature. Results will provide clinicians with important insights into the language and behaviors of clients who gamble on video games. Further, findings may have future policy implications as some gambling on video games is potentially accessible to underage gamblers.

Factors Associated with Domains of Food Literacy in Women Living in the United States

Gamez, Helen January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

A System Using Deep Learning and Fuzzy Logic to Detect Fake Yelp Reviews

Bai, Jun 30 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Engaging Peer Response in First-year Composition: Writers, Readers, and Rapport

McKeehen, Shannon R. 19 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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