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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Normatiewe aspekte van die vertolking van 'n akte van menseregte

Hefer, Josephus Johannes Francois 06 1900 (has links)
Wetgewing wat onbestaanbaar is met die bepalings van Wet 200 van 1993 as die hoogste reg is nietig tensy geoorloof volgens die maatstawwe van art 33 (1) 1 en die Konstitusionele Hof en die provinsiale en plaaslike afdelings van die Hooggeregshof is bevoeg om dit ongeldig te verklaar. Die beoordeling van die geldigheid van wetgewing waardeur inbreuk gemaak word op 'n Fundamentele Reg of Vryheid in Hoofstuk 3 verleen 1 vereis in eerste instansie die vertolking van die betrokke bepaling van die Hoofstuk. In die lig van die besondere karakter van 'n grondwet en die gebrek aan omlyning van die verleende regte en vryhede 1 moet die vertolking nie volgens geykte metodes geskied nie I maar wel doelgerig aan die hand van die waardes onderliggend tot die Handves as geheel. Waardes wat nie herleibaar is tot die grondwet self nie en die persoonlike filosofiee van die regters behoort die howe egter nie te beinvloed nie. / Legislation inconsistent with the provisions of Act 200 of 1993 as the supreme law is of no force and effect and the Constitutional Court and the provincial and local divisions of the Supreme Court may declare it invalid, unless it complies with the criteria of a permissible limitation under sec 33(1). Before the validity of legislation impinging upon a Fundamental Right or Freedom conferred in Chapter 3 can be considered, the relevant provision of the Chapter must first be interpreted. In view of the special nature of a constitution and the generality of the conferred rights and freedoms, the ordinary methods of interpretation should not be applied. Chapter 3 must be interpreted purposively taking into account the values underlying the Bill of Rights as a whole. Values not founded in the Constitution and the personal philosophies of the judges ought not to influence the courts. / Private Law / LL.M.

Constitutional facts and their judicial ascertainment in the United States Supreme Court with a comparative reference to the practice of the Australian High Court

Kenny, Susan Coralie January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

The use of peer review as an evaluative tool in science

Eigelaar, Ilse 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Peer review as an institutional mechanism for certifying knowledge and allocating resources dates back as far as 1665. Today it can with confidence be stated that it is one of the most prominent evaluative tools used in science to determine the quality of research across all scientific fields. Given the transformation within the processes of knowledge production, peer review as an institutionalised method of the evaluation of scientific research has not been unaffected. Peer reviewers have to act within a system of relevant science and find themselves responsible to the scientific community as well as to public decision-makers, who in turn are responsible to the public. This dual responsibility of reviewers led to the development of criteria to be used in the evaluation process to enable them to measure scientific excellence as well as the societal relevance of science. In this thesis peer review in science is examined within the context of these transformations. In looking at the conceptual and methodological issues raised by peer review, definitions of peer review, its history and contexts of application are examined followed by a critique on peer review. Peer review in practice is also explored and the evaluation processes of four respective funding agencies are analysed with regards to three aspects intrinsic to the peer review process: the method by which reviewers are selected, the review criteria by which proposals are rated, and the number of review stages within each review process. The thesis concludes with recommendations for possible improvements to the peer review process and recommended alternatives to peer review as an evaluative tool. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Portuurgroep-evaluering as 'n geïnsitutsionaliseerde meganisme in die sertifisering van kennis en die toewys van hulpbronne dateer terug so ver as 1665. Huidiglik kan dit as een van die mees prominente metingsinstrumente van die kwaliteit van navorsing in alle wetenskaplike velde beskou word. Die transformasies wat plaasgevind het binne die prosesse waar kennis gegenereer word, het ook nie portuurgroep-evaluaring as 'n geïnstitusionaliseerde metode van evaluering ongeraak gelaat nie. Portuurgroep-evalueerders bevind hulself binne 'n sisteem van relevante wetenskap. Binne hierdie sisteem het hulle 'n verantwoordelikheid teenoor die wetenskaplike gemeenskap sowel as die publiekebesluitnemers wat op hul beurt weer verantwoordelik is teenoor die publiek. Hierdie dubbele verantwoordelikheid het tot gevolg die saamstel van kriteria waarvolgens evalueerders wetenskaplike uitmuntendheid sowel as relevansie tot die breër samelewing kan meet. Hierdie tesis ondersoek portuurgroep-evaluering teen die agtergrond van hierdie transformasies. Die konseptueie en metodologiese aspekte van portuurgroepevaluering word ondersoek deur eerstens te kyk na definisies van portuurgroepevaluering, die geskiedenis daarvan en kontekste waarbinne dit gebruik word. Tweedens word gekyk na kritiek gelewer op portuurgroep-evaluering. Portuurgroep evaluering binne die praktyk word ook ondersoek waar vier onderskeie befondsingsagentskappe se evaluerings prosesse geanaliseer word. Hierdie analise word gedoen in terme van drie essensiële aspekte binne portuurgroep- evaluering. Hierdie drie aspekte is as volg: 1) die wyse waarop evalueerders geselekteer word, 2) die evalueringskriteria waarvolgens navorsingsvoorstelle gemeet word en 3) die hoeveelheid evalueringsfases binne die protuurgroep-evaluerings proses. Laastens word aanbevelings ter verbetering van die portuurgroep-evaluerings proses as ook voorstelle tot moontlike alternatiewe tot portuurgroep-evaluering as 'n evaluerings instrument gebied.

Le raisonnement du juge constitutionnel : Jalons pour une structuration herméneutique du discours juridique / The constitutional judge’s reasoning : Basis of the hermeneutical structuring for legal knowledge

Thibaud, Vincent 17 June 2011 (has links)
« Lorsque, à l’occasion d’une instance en cours devant une juridiction, il est soutenu qu’une disposition législative porte atteinte aux droits et libertés que la Constitution garantit, le Conseil constitutionnel peut être saisi de cette question sur renvoi du Conseil d’Etat ou de la Cour de cassation… ». Le nouvel article 61-1 de la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958 a ouvert un champ contentieux inconnu en France : celui de la constitutionnalité de la loi en vigueur. Le pouvoir de révision constitutionnelle a renforcé et étendu la compétence d’une institution à caractère juridictionnel, le Conseil constitutionnel, bénéficiant d’une qualité spécifique d’attribution tirée de la source constitutionnelle. Dans un vocabulaire juridique largement admis, le juge constitutionnel est distinct d’autres catégories de juges : « juges ordinaires », ou « internationaux ». La question initiale est alors la suivante : pourquoi peut-il être fondé juridiquement de penser et de promouvoir le postulat, selon lequel le contrôle de la constitutionnalité des lois doit s’exercer de façon concentrée ? Parce qu’il apparaît qu’en France, le discours sur le juge constitutionnel et la justice constitutionnelle procède non d’un discours interne au système juridique (discours du droit) mais sur un discours externe (discours sur le droit), celui des juristes savants et de la prétention à connaître de façon scientifique l’objet juridique.Faisant le choix d’un paradigme herméneutique pour la connaissance juridique, le présent travail propose de traiter la question de la spécificité de l’office juridictionnel dans l’opération d’application du droit qui s’y rattache. La spécificité de la norme constitutionnelle fonde celle d’une fonction constitutionnelle au sein de l’ordre juridique, permettant de modéliser la voie d’un espace processuel de résolution éthique des conflits d’interprétation constitutionnelle. / “If, during proceedings in progress before a court of law, it is claimed that a legislative provision infringes the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, the matter may be referred by the Conseil d’État or by the Cour de Cassation to the Constitutional Council…”The new article 61-1 of the Constitution of October 4th, 1958, strengthens the constitutional review of laws in France. For that purpose, the jurisdictional remit of the Constitutional Council has been extended. By its constitutional habilitation, this institution would be in a position to benefit from the recognition of a special authority. In the prevailing legal vocabulary, to describe a legal system such as the French one, the constitutional judge is singled out from other judges (“ordinary” judges for example, etc.).Therefore, the first question to be asked is: why should it be legally founded to think and promote the basic premise which is that the constitutional review of laws shall be exercised by a single body? In France indeed, developments about the constitutional judge or constitutional justice don’t stem from an internal perspective of the juridical system but originates from the external discourse of learned lawyers who ambition to scientifically approach law.With a hermeneutical paradigm for legal knowledge, this study tries to deal with the question of a judicial office through a process of normative concretization. In this view, the characteristics of the constitutional norm found a constitutional function into the legal order. Then, it seems to be possible to imagine a processual space allowing the ethical resolution of interpretative conflicts.

L’application du principe d’interprétation stricte de la loi pénale par la chambre criminelle à l’aune des mutations de la légalité criminelle / Implementation of the principle of strict construction of criminal law by the Criminal Division of the French Supreme Court of Appeal (Court de Cassation) in light of changes in legality

Thomas, Lucie 24 September 2014 (has links)
L'article 111-4 du Code pénal prévoit, par une formule laconique, que « la loi pénale est d'interprétation stricte ». Corollaire de la légalité criminelle, ce principe a vocation à protéger les individus des risques d'une répression arbitraire en soumettant toute atteinte à leur liberté au strict domaine de la loi, expression de la volonté générale. À dépasser les désaccords entourant les théories de l'interprétation, analysée comme un procédé de révélation ou de construction de sens, cet impératif intervient a minima comme une limite à la liberté de l'interprète. Or le principe de légalité dans lequel l'exigence tire son fondement a subi d'importantes mutations. L'admission de la représentation, l'inflation législative, et l'instrumentalisation de la fonction intimidatrice de la norme pénale, ont en effet entraîné une certaine déliquescence de la loi. L'instauration de contrôles de constitutionnalité et de conventionnalité de la loi participent à ce mouvement. Par un effet de balancier, le recul de la loi s'est traduit par une recrudescence du pouvoir judiciaire. Chargée de contrôler la conventionnalité de la loi et les conditions de renvoi d'une question prioritaire de constitutionnalité, la chambre criminelle a vu son office profondément modifié. La protection effective de la liberté individuelle est dorénavant réputée être mieux assurée par le contrôle judiciaire des normes pénales que par le recours à la loi : la légalité formelle se mue en une légalité matérielle. Or, en qualité de corollaire de la légalité criminelle, le principe d'interprétation stricte est nécessairement atteint par cette mutation. Bien que demeurant pareillement formulé, il voit en effet son fondement substantiellement modifié. L'exigence d'une stricte interprétation étant originellement justifiée par déférence à l'égard de la volonté générale exprimée par la loi, la reconnaissance de l'incapacité de cette dernière à la saisir entraîne une certaine souplesse dans l'application du principe. Dès lors qu'il est compétent pour contrôler la loi, le juge est par ailleurs davantage enclin à se libérer de son emprise. Il convient alors de s'interroger sur la manière dont la chambre criminelle applique le principe d'interprétation stricte de la loi pénale à l'aune des mutations de la légalité. Il apparaît que, sans suivre une ligne de conduite précise, la chambre criminelle tend à influer sur la politique pénale en usant de son pouvoir d'interprétation pour réajuster, de manière conjoncturelle et par touches d'ajustements ponctuels, le seuil de la répression fixé par le législateur. Dans un système de hiérarchie des normes se transformant en réseau normatif, l'interprétation devient outil de construction de la norme pénale. / Article 111-4 of the Penal Code succinctly provides that “criminal law is to be interpreted strictly”. Deriving from the principle of legality, the principle of strict construction intends to protect individuals from arbitrary repression by submitting any infringement on their freedom to the strict scope of the law, which is the expression of the general will. Setting aside the disagreements regarding the theory of interpretation – analyzed as a method of either revealing or constructing meaning – this imperative, at least, limits the interpreter's freedom. However, the principle of legality, on which the imperative of strict construction is based, has undergone significant changes. The adoption of a representative system, legislative inflation, along with authorities taking advantage of the deterrence provided by criminal norms has, to a degree, led to a decline of the law. The establishment of constitutionality and conventionality reviews of the law has also contributed to it. As a result of a seesaw effect, the decline of the law resulted in an increase in the role of the judiciary. The Criminal Division of the French Supreme Court of Appeal (Court de Cassation) is responsible for reviewing the conventionality of the law and the referral procedure of preliminary rulings on constitutionality. Consequently, the Criminal Division's function has undergone major changes. Protecting individual freedom is now deemed more effective when carried out by the judicial review of criminal norms rather than by resorting to the law. Procedural legality turns into substantive legality. Therefore, as a result of the principle of legality, the principle of strict construction is affected by this transformation. Even though the principle of strict construction remains formulated in the same way, its founding principle has substantially changed. The requirement of a strict construction was originally justified out of deference for the general will, which is expressed by the law. Thus, the acknowledgement of the law's incapacity to grasp the general will leads to some flexibility in the implementation of the principle. Since the judge has the authority to review the law, he is more inclined to interpret it freely. How the Criminal Division implements the principle of strict construction of criminal law in light of changes in legality needs then to be examined: The Criminal Division tends to influence criminal policies, even though it does not seem to be following a particular course of action, by exercising its power of interpretation to adjust, as circumstances dictate, the threshold for punishment set by the legislator. In a normative hierarchy system that turns into a normative network, interpretation becomes a tool to construct criminal norms.

Ian Nairn: subtopia e Townscape / Ian Nairn : subtopia and Townscape

Pavesi, Lorenza 27 April 2011 (has links)
Em junho de 1955, o periódico inglês The Architectural Review publicou uma edição especial chamada Outrage escrita pelo jovem crítico Ian Douglas Nairn (1930-1983) que teve um profundo impacto no debate sobre a reconstrução do pós-guerra. Essa dissertação analisa a trajetória intelectual e profissional de Ian Nairn e seu envolvimento com um modelo de intervenção ambiental e metodologia de projeto urbano articulada pela The Architectural Review a partir de 1947 e conhecida com o nome de Townscape. Ao explorar o contexto histórico e cultural na Grã-Bretanha do pós-guerra e o clima intelectual específico na Review essa pesquisa pretende avaliar a esquecida contribuição de Nairn em promover o ideário Townscape na Grã-Bretanha e no exterior. Também pretende demonstrar como esse ideário determinou sua visão e esteve presentes não apenas em seu trabalho para a Review mas também em uma diversa gama de mídia. Não só sua visão era profundamente influenciada pelo ideário Townscape mas podemos afirmar que ele acrescentou ao Townscape algo muito pessoal e essa marca foi importante para a visibilidade dos princípios Townscape e portanto para uma ampla penetração dos mesmos. / In June 1955, the English periodical The Architectural Review published a special edition called Outrage by young critic Ian Douglas Nairn (1930-1983), which had a profound impact on the post-war reconstruction debate. This dissertation analyzes Ian Nairn\'s professional and intellectual trajectory, and his involvement with a model of environmental intervention and urban design methodology articulated by the Architectural Review beginning in 1947 and known under the rubric of Townscape. By exploring the historical and cultural context of post-war Great Britain, as well as the specific cultural climate within the Review, this study aims to assess Nairn\'s largely forgotten contribution in promoting Townscape ideals both in Great Britain and abroad. It also aims to demonstrate how these ideals determined his vision and were present not only in his work at the Review but also across a wide range of media. In addition, we also assert that Nairn added his own unique signature, which was key to the increasing visibility of Townscape ideals and therefore to their dissemination.

Offenders to university : potential routes for offenders to access Higher Education

West, Gordon January 2014 (has links)
Currently, offender education, in general, is inadequate in supporting offenders to progress to university, succeed in Higher Education (HE) and progress into sustainable employment. In the community the picture is grim regarding offender education with little literature or policy to support academically able offenders to break free of low-level attainment constraints imposed by institutionalised stereotypical support mechanisms. What little exists is focused on low level attainment: a little Maths and English and basic employability support. Probation staff are ill-equipped to support higher ability offenders due to lack of systems, limited educational offer and funding systems and targets that are designed to support short-term crime reduction targets, at the cost of well documented educational needs of offenders. What is not so well documented is that there is a significant minority group of offenders who are capable and could progress to university, if they had support, encouragement and a probation education system that acknowledged that not all offender needs are linked to basic skills and behavioural issues. It is this one size fits all education system that is at the heart of poor attainment, progression and success and this has been repeatedly reported through independent studies from OFSTED. If probation cannot support lower level education attainment above the minimum standards expected by government, what hope is there for higher ability offenders to access support and education to enable them to progress to HE? This study aims to contribute to the policy debate in community based offender education in the UK by answering the central research question of this thesis: How do you design a community based offender education model that incorporates support to access Higher Education? Preliminary aims include exploring alternative delivery and funding models to encourage and support offenders in and into Higher Education. This fresh approach to offender education is aimed at reducing marginalisation and increasing participation in HE. The literature review has been segmented into three chapters. Chapter one explores the current situation of offender education, using the Leitch report as a structure of enquiry. Chapter two progresses onto vocational training, NVQs and unitised accreditation as possible routes for offenders to gain access to higher-level skills. The final chapter of the review explores a possible model for the formation of a self-funding organisation formed for the purpose of supporting offenders towards and throughout their HE journey. This chapter uses literature drawn from corporate university texts and case studies of charitable organisations. There are overlapping themes throughout this document, drawing on a wide scope of literature to determine the benefits to individuals, organisations and society as a whole of the development of an organisation designed to help offenders gain access to support, funding and progression in and into HE. Each chapter of the literature review highlights existing knowledge on the subject area and this has influenced the design of the methodology of this study i.e. stakeholder analysis using case studies. Changes to policies related to funding for higher-level education for offenders, attitudes and perceptions of offender education and ability and support structures to help offenders achieve their true potential are required. The conclusion of this thesis demonstrates that the current offender education system in the UK is inadequate and potentially subjugates those offenders who are capable of progressing to higher education, either due to not knowing how to progress to HE, normally due to intergenerational poor levels of education, or due to having other barriers that need supporting whilst studying for a degree. Higher education is proven to change life aspirations, positively affect health and impact on families and communities for generations. Why not for offenders?

O controle judicial das decisões proferidas pelo Carf favoráveis ao contribuinte

Xavier, Bianca Ramos 31 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-08-09T13:09:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Bianca Ramos Xavier.pdf: 1868376 bytes, checksum: 709d0860aaadf206a69d052f98068979 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-09T13:09:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bianca Ramos Xavier.pdf: 1868376 bytes, checksum: 709d0860aaadf206a69d052f98068979 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-31 / Analyze the ruling effects on the phenomenon of tax incidence will be the purpose of this doctoral dissertation. The goal is to investigate if the Judiciary can deconstitute it in cases of the favorable decision to the taxpayer's interests. In case of the positive answer to establish the deconstitution boundaries of the Carf's decision. This research will be very important because the judicial review main will result in the weakening of tax administrative litigation and the glut of tax litigations at the judicial level. The analysis will be carried out taking into account the role of the tax assessment on the tax incidence, the structure of the tax administrative litigation, the administrative judicial review of doctrine of administrative acts and, finally, the possibility of judicial review of 64 Carf's lawsuits / A proposta da presente tese de doutorado é analisar os efeitos da decisão administrativa sobre o fenômeno da incidência tributária. O objetivo é pesquisar se o Poder Judiciário pode desconstituí-la nas hipóteses em que a decisão for favorável aos interesses do contribuinte e, caso a resposta seja positiva, estabelecer os limites para a desconstituição da decisão proferida pelo Carf. A investigação é relevante, pois, a possibilidade ampla e irrestrita da revisão judicial acarretará no enfraquecimento do contencioso administrativo tributário e no abarrotamento das lides tributárias em âmbito judicial. A análise será realizada levando-se em consideração o papel do lançamento tributário no fenômeno de incidência tributária, a estrutura do contencioso administrativo fiscal, a visão da doutrina administrativista sobre a revisão judicial dos atos administrativos e, por fim, a possibilidade da revisão judicial das decisões do Carf, notadamente sobre o princípio da segurança jurídica, levando-se em conta, inclusive, as 64 ações judiciais ajuizadas com o propósito específico de discutir o mérito das decisões do Carf

Australian reviewers of children's books: an empirical report

Milne, Patricia A., n/a January 1990 (has links)
This thesis reports on a study which developed a profile of the reviewers of children's books in Australia. It then compared the profile with one which was developed by Kathleen Craver in 1984 of children's book reviewers in the United States. Five research questions were addressed by this study relating to reviewers and their opinions regarding review aspects, reviewer roles and review practices within the framework of their personal and professional background. Craver surveyed the reviewers from School Library journal because as a group, they provided the greatest potential for statistical significance of all the reviewing journals in the United States. As no Australian journal enjoys either the number of reviewers or the circulation of School Library journal, reviewers from eight journals which are most used by teacher and children's librarians were selected to form the population for this research. These journals are Fiction Focus, LINES, Magpies, Reading Time, Reviewpoin t, Review Bulletin, Scan and Tasmanian Resources Review. The reviewer profile which emerged from this study was very similar to Craver's in that it was not one which could be entirely defined in terms of group characteristics. Selected cross tabulations either with the particular journals, demographic details, or other variables, particularly those relating to reviewer experience failed to produce predictable behaviourial correlations. However, reviewers were united on certain issues which can be attributed to their own professional background.

The Effects of Online Third-party Opinions toward Consumer Purchasing Decision on Cosmetic Products in the Thai Market

Bubphapant, Jitpisut, Thammasaro, Ramrada January 2012 (has links)
Title:  The effects of online third-party opinions toward Consumer Purchasing Decision on cosmetics products in Thai market Seminar date: June 4th , 2012 Course: Master thesis in International marketing, 15 credits Purpose: The overall purpose of this research is to explain the understanding of the effects of online third-party opinions toward consumer purchasing decision process on cosmetics products in Thai market. This includes the investigation of effective used of online third-party opinions with regards to source credibility and product involvement, specifically toward cosmetics products. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework of this research is based on literature concerning online third party opinion, consumer decision journey (CDJ), product involvement and source credibility. Methodology: Both quantitative and qualitative method was applied. And thus a questionnaire with 147 respondents on Thai market and two interviews of expert marketers were conducted. The respondents for questionnaire are Thai women with specific age range and criteria. Conclusion: The online third-party opinion plays the important role in nowadays in the marketing perspective. And it does affect the consumer purchasing decision process both pre-purchase and post-purchase stage. However, it mostly affects in Consider and Evaluation Stage. With regards to the product involvement and source credibility applying to cosmetics products, these two variables affect to the use of online third-party opinion. Online third-party opinion works best with high involvement product. However, low involvement product also be considered as suitable to use with online third-party opinion. For source credibility, both online expert and consumer reviews perform better when using with high involvement product comparing with low involvement one.

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