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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Représentation cérébrale des récompenses selon leur nature : une approche par neuroimagerie fonctionnelle chez le sujet sain et le joueur pathologique / Cerebral representation of reward according to reward type : a functional neuroimaging investigation in healthy subjects and pathological gamblers

Sescousse, Guillaume 02 February 2011 (has links)
Les récompenses possèdent plusieurs fonctions importantes, liées au plaisir, à la motivation et à l’apprentissage, qui façonnent notre comportement au quotidien. Il est aujourd’hui bien établi que ces fonctions sont prises en charge par un ensemble de régions cérébrales appelé « système de récompense », dont la perturbation peut générer des comportements inadaptés tels que l’addiction. Néanmoins, toutes les récompenses ne sont pas équivalentes, et il n’y a pas lieu de penser que le cerveau répond de façon identique à chacune d’entre elles. Nous avons testé cette hypothèse à l’aide de l’Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf), en adoptant trois angles d’approche différents. Une première expérience s’est concentrée sur la distinction entre récompenses primaires (i.e. ancestrales et concrètes) et secondaires (i.e. évoluées et abstraites), étudiée ici à travers l’exemple des images érotiques et de l’argent. En plus d’un réseau cérébral activé en commun par ces récompenses, nos résultats ont montré une dissociation au sein du cortex orbitofrontal (OFC), recruté spécifiquement dans sa partie postérieure par les récompenses primaires, et spécifiquement dans sa partie antérieure par les récompenses secondaires. Ce résultat soutient l’idée générale d’un gradient de complexité croissante le long de l’axe postéro-antérieur de l’OFC. Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons comparé, au moyen d’une approche méta-analytique quantitative, les activités cérébrales rapportées dans la littérature en réponse à des gains monétaires, des goûts plaisants et des stimuli érotiques visuels. Les résultats obtenus étayent les conclusions de la première étude, et confirment parallèlement l’existence de réponses cérébrales spécifiques à chaque type de récompense. Enfin, dans la troisième étude, nous nous sommes intéressés au jeu pathologique, en formulant l’hypothèse d’un déséquilibre de la sensibilité aux récompenses monétaires versus non-monétaires. Les résultats obtenus confortent cette prédiction, en suggérant principalement une perturbation du traitement des récompenses non-monétaires dans le striatum ventral des joueurs. Dans l’ensemble, ces résultats apportent un éclairage nouveau sur l’architecture fonctionnelle du système de récompense, à la fois chez des individus sains et des individus joueurs pathologiques / Rewards serve several important behavioural functions related to motivation, pleasure and learning. At the cerebral level, reward processing is thought to rely on a well-defined set of brain regions known as the “reward system”, whose disruption has been linked to maladaptive behaviours such as addiction. However, a wide variety of rewards exists, and there is no reason to think that the brain responds equivalently to all of them. In order to test this assumption, we used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), with three different perspectives. In a first experiment, we investigated the distinction existing between so-called primary (i.e. primitive and concrete) rewards and secondary (i.e. evolved and abstract) rewards, studied here through the examples of erotic pictures and monetary gains. In addition to a common brain network recruited regardless of reward type, our results revealed a functional dissociation within the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), whose posterior part responded specifically to primary rewards, while its anterior part responded specifically to secondary rewards. Interestingly, this finding supports the idea of a complexity gradient along the postero-anterior axis of the OFC. In a second study, we used a quantitative meta-analytic approach to compare the brain activations reported in the literature in response to monetary gains, pleasant tastes and erotic pictures. The results are in line with the conclusions drawn from the first experiment, and confirm the existence of reward-type-specific responses in the brain. Finally, we conducted a third study focusing on pathological gambling, and aiming to test the hypothesis of an imbalance in the sensitivity to monetary versus non-monetary rewards. The results bring evidence supporting this view, and essentially demonstrate an impaired processing of non-monetary rewards in the ventral striatum of gamblers. Overall, this work sheds new light on the functional architecture of the reward system, both in healthy subjects and pathological gamblers

Inférence statistique à travers les échelles / Statistical inference across time scales

Duval, Céline 07 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le problème d'estimation à travers les échelles pour un processus stochastique. Nous étudions comment le choix du pas d'échantillonnage impacte les procédures statistiques. Nous nous intéressons à l'estimation de processus à sauts à partir de l'observation d'une trajectoire discrétisée sur [0, T]. Lorsque la longueur de l'intervalle d'observation T va à l'infini, le pas d'échantillonnage tend soit vers 0 (échelle microscopique), vers une constante positive (échelle intermédiaire) ou encore vers l'infini (échelle macroscopique). Dans chacun de ces régimes nous supposons que le nombre d'observations tend vers l'infini. Dans un premier temps le cas particulier d'un processus de Poisson composé d'intensité inconnue avec des sauts symétriques {-1,1} est étudié. Le Chapitre 2 illustre la notion d'estimation statistique dans les trois échelles définies ci-dessus. Dans ce modèle, on s'intéresse aux propriétés des expériences statistiques. On montre la propriété de Normalité Asymptotique Locale dans les trois échelles microscopiques, intermédiaires et macroscopiques. L'information de Fisher est alors connue pour chacun de ces régimes. Ensuite nous analysons comment se comporte une procédure d'estimation de l'intensité qui est efficace (de variance minimale) à une échelle donnée lorsqu'on l'applique à des observations venant d'une échelle différente. On regarde l'estimateur de la variation quadratique empirique, qui est efficace dans le régime macroscopique, et on l'utilise sur des données provenant des régimes intermédiaire ou microscopique. Cet estimateur reste efficace dans les échelles microscopiques, mais montre une perte substantielle d'information aux échelles intermédiaires. Une procédure unifiée d'estimation est proposée, elle est efficace dans tous les régimes. Les Chapitres 3 et 4 étudient l'estimation non paramétrique de la densité de saut d'un processus renouvellement composé dans les régimes microscopiques, lorsque le pas d'échantillonnage tend vers 0. Un estimateur de cette densité utilisant des méthodes d'ondelettes est construit. Il est adaptatif et minimax pour des pas d'échantillonnage qui décroissent en T^{-alpha}, pour alpha>0. La procédure d'estimation repose sur l'inversion de l'opérateur de composition donnant la loi des incréments comme une transformation non linéaire de la loi des sauts que l'on cherche à estimer. L'opérateur inverse est explicite dans le cas du processus de Poisson composé (Chapitre 3), mais n'a pas d'expression analytique pour les processus de renouvellement composés (Chapitre 4). Dans ce dernier cas, il est approché via une technique de point fixe. Le Chapitre 5 étudie le problème de perte d'identifiabilité dans les régimes macroscopiques. Si un processus à sauts est observé avec un pas d'échantillonnage grand, certaines approximations limites, telles que l'approximation gaussienne, deviennent valides. Ceci peut entraîner une perte d'identifiabilité de la loi ayant généré le processus, dès lors que sa structure est plus complexe que celle étudiée dans le Chapitre 2. Dans un premier temps un modèle jouet à deux paramètres est considéré. Deux régimes différents émergent de l'étude : un régime où le paramètre n'est plus identifiable et un où il reste identifiable mais où les estimateurs optimaux convergent avec des vitesses plus lentes que les vitesses paramétriques habituelles. De l'étude de cas particulier, nous dérivons des bornes inférieures montrant qu'il n'existe pas d'estimateur convergent pour les processus de Lévy de saut pur ou pour les processus de renouvellement composés dans les régimes macroscopiques tels que le pas d'échantillonnage croît plus vite que racine de T. Enfin nous identifions des régimes macroscopiques où les incréments d'un processus de Poisson composé ne sont pas distinguables de variables aléatoires gaussiennes, et des régimes où il n'existe pas d'estimateur convergent pour les processus de Poisson composés dépendant de trop de paramètres / This thesis studies the problem of statistical inference across time scales for a stochastic process. More particularly we study how the choice of the sampling parameter affects statistical procedures. We narrow down to the inference of jump processes from the discrete observation of one trajectory over [0,T]. As the length of the observation interval T tends to infinity, the sampling rate either goes to 0 (microscopic scale) or to some positive constant (intermediate scale) or grows to infinity (macroscopic scale). We set in a case where there are infinitely many observations. First we specialise in a toy model: a compound Poisson process of unknown intensity with symmetric Bernoulli jumps. Chapter 2 highlights the concept of statistical estimation in the three regimes defined above and the phenomena at stake. We study the properties of the statistical experiments in each regime, we show that the Local Asymptotic Normality property holds in every regimes (microscopic, intermediate and macroscopic). We also provide the formula of the associated Fisher information in each regime. Then we study how a statistical procedure which is optimal (of minimal variance) at a given scale is affected when we use it on data coming from another scale. We focus on the empirical quadratic variation estimator, it is an optimal procedure at macroscopic scales. We apply it on data coming from intermediate and microscopic regimes. Although the estimator remains efficient at microscopic scales, it shows a substantial loss of information when used on data coming from an intermediate regime. That loss can be explicitly related to the sampling rate. We provide an unified procedure, efficient in all regimes. Chapters 3 and 4 focus on microscopic regimes, when the sampling rate decreases to 0. The nonparametric estimation of the jump density of a renewal reward process is studied. We propose an adaptive wavelet threshold density estimator. It achieves minimax rates of convergence for sampling rates that vanish polynomially with T, namely in T^{-alpha} for alpha>0. The estimation procedure is based on the inversion of the compounding operator in the same spirit as Buchmann and Grübel (2003), which specialiase in the study of discrete compound laws. The inverse operator is explicit in the case of a compound Poisson process (see Chapter 3), but has no closed form expression for renewal reward processes (see Chapter 4). In that latter case the inverse operator is approached with a fixed point technique. Finally Chapter 5 studies at which rate identifiability is lost in macroscopic regimes. Indeed when a jump process is observed at an arbitrarily large sampling rate, limit approximations, like Gaussian approximations, become valid and the specificities of the jumps may be lost, as long as the structure of the process is more complex than the one introduced in Chapter 2. First we study a toy model depending on a 2-dimensional parameter. We distinguish two different regimes: fast (macroscopic) regimes where all information on the parameter is lost and slow regimes where the parameter remains identifiable but where optimal estimators converge with slower rates than the expected usual parametric ones. From this toy model lower bounds are derived, they ensure that consistent estimation of Lévy processes or renewal reward processes is not possible when the sampling rate grows faster than the square root of T. Finally we identify regimes where an experiment consisting in increments of a compound Poisson process is asymptotically equivalent to an experiment consisting in Gaussian random variables. We also give regimes where there is no consistent estimator for compound Poisson processes depending on too many parameters

Současná podoba bodovacích systémů na vybraných specializovaných oddělení pro léčbu závislostí v psychiatrických léčebnách a nemocnicích v ČR / Current form of the point scheme in chosen specialized wards for substance abuse treatment in psychiatric and general hospitals in the Czech Republic

Mladá, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis has following goals: (1) to describe the original form of the point scheme suggested by doc. Jaroslav Skála (2) to describe the contemporary form of point schemes in chosen specialized wards for substance abuse treatment in psychiatric and general hospitals in the Czech Republic (3) to describe differences among contemporary forms of point schemes and the point scheme suggested by Jaroslav Skála (4) to find out, whether there are efforts to work with the forms of point schemes; (5) to describe reasons, why some wards tend to change the point schneme. This thesis is devided into the theoretical and practical part, conclusion and following discussion. Theoretical part deals mostly with the theory of the point scheme - its founder, formation, history and theoretical background. It also deals with its place in behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapy and contingency management. The practical part describes the original form of the point scheme, it also describes contemporary forms of point schemes and then compares them with the original form following chosen criterions. This part also deals with the problem, why the point scheme is not used in some wards, especially why they retreated from it. The research questions are answered in the conclusion. The discussion contains the...

It Takes Two to Tango : En studie om organisationer i finans och försäkringsbranschen och deras syn på att behålla medarbetare

Adolfsson, Ida, Broberg, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
"Hur arbetar organisationers ledning med att behålla sina medarbetare? -Vad har motivationsfaktorer för betydelse?" Idag har många organisationer hög personalomsättning vilket oftast ses som ett problem. När en organisation har lagt ner tid och resurser på rekrytering så krävs det fortfarande arbete kring personalfrågor. För att behålla medarbetare inom organisationer, för att inte bli av med dem, så krävs ytterligare arbete vilket organisationer bör vara medvetna om. Syftet med den här studien är att ta reda på ledningens arbete kring motivation för att behålla befintliga medarbetare. Studien ämnar till att ta reda på hur de motiverar medarbetare för att ge en ökad arbetstillfredsställelse och därmed få medarbetare att inte vilja lämna organisationen. För att kunna uppnå syftet med studien har vi med en kvalitativ metod genomfört fem djupgående intervjuer. Dessa intervjuer har gjorts på personer med en ledningsposition inom finans och försäkringsbranschen. Empirin visar de olika ledarnas arbetssätt gällande rekrytering och hur de själva motivera individer. Alla respondenter har fått möjligheten att med egna ord själva berätta vad som är motivation för dom. Empirin visar även vilka belöningssystem dessa organisationer har och vad ledningen anser dessa har för effekt. Bland annat resonerar tidigare forskning kring personalomsättningskostnader samt vad som krävs för att behålla befintliga medarbetare inom organisationen. Tidigare forskning visar även att det råder delade meningar om vad motivation är, hur det uppfylls och vem som bär ansvaret för att upprätthålla motivation. Resultatet visar att det finns specifika motivationsfaktorer som kan vara avgörande för om medarbetare stannar eller väljer att avsluta sin tjänst. Rekrytering visar sig också spela roll vid arbetet kring att behålla medarbetare. / "How does organizational management keep their employees?" -Of what significance are motivational factors? Today, many organizations have high employee turnover which is often seen as a problem. When an organization has invested time and resources in recruitment, it still requires work on personnel matters. In order to retain employees within organizations further work is needed which organizations should be aware of. The purpose of this study is to find out how the management work with motivation as a factor to keep existing employees. The study aims to find out how they motivate employees to give greater job satisfaction and thus get people not wanting to leave the organization. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, we have with a qualitative approach conducted five in-depth interviews. The respondents of these interviews did all have a leadership position in the financial or insurance business. The empirical data shows how the various leaders complete their recruitments and how they motivate individuals. All respondents got the opportunity to, with their own words, describe what motivation is for them. The empirical data also shows which reward systems these organizations use and what kind of effect it has. Earlier research shows what kind of employee costs there are and what it takes to retain existing employees within the organization. Previous research also shows that there is a disagreement between authors about what motivation is, how it is fulfilled and whom that is responsible for maintaining motivation. The result shows that there are specific motivational factors that can determine whether employees stay or choose to give their notice. Recruitment is also shown to be significant in the work on retaining employees.

Meccanismi di ricompensa e lateralizzazione inter-emisferica nei processi decisionali: componenti motivazionali e la vulnerabilità a comportamenti di dipendenza / REWARDS MECHANISM AND INTER-HEMISPHERIC LATERALIZATION INDECISION-MAKING PROCESSES: MOTIVATIONAL COMPONENTS AND VULNERABILITY IN ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS

FINOCCHIARO, ROBERTA 14 February 2017 (has links)
Lo scopo della presenta ricerca è analizzare il ruolo del sistema di ricompensa in relazione al costrutto BIS/BAS (Behavioural Inhibition System/ Behavioural Activation System) in un contesto sano e di dipendenza da sostanza. Il lavoro ha inoltre esplorato l'asimmetria cerebrale frontale nelle scelte decisionali che implicano stimoli di ricompensa e condizioni punizione. I risultati hanno confermato l'ipotesi di un anomalia del sistema di ricompensa in individui con alto BAS e in pazienti con dipendenza da sostanza, che sovrastimavano la ricompensa immediata a scapito di quella a lungo termine durante l’Iowa Gambling Task. Un’altra componente cruciale emersa da questo progetto è una iper-attivazione del lobo frontale di sinistra rispetto a quello di destra in risposta alle opzioni più rischiose. Questo "effetto di sbilanciamento inter-emisferico” potrebbe essere considerato come un indicatore critico del comportamento decisionale disfunzionale nella dipendenza o come fattore di vulnerabilità allo sviluppo di dipendenze. Infine, questo "modello di squilibrio corticale" è stato applicato ad altre forme di dipendenza comportamentale, misurate con l’Internet Addiction Test (IAT). In effetti, un aumento dell'attività frontale di sinistra è stata osservata per gli individui ad alto IAT in risposta a stimoli premianti. In particolare, i risultati ottenuti sottolineano l'importanza di un modello integrato di dipendenza che tiene conto del sistema motivazionale (BIS/BAS) correlato alla lateralizzazione dell'attività corticale. / The aim of this PhD research was intended to analyze the role of the reward system by the BIS/BAS (Behavioural Inhibition System/ Behavioural Activation System) construct in healthy and addiction context. It explored the frontal brain asymmetry in decisional choices implying reward stimuli and punishment conditions. Results confirmed the hypothesis of a “reward bias” induced by high-BAS individuals and patients suffering from Substance Use Disorder (SUD) to overestimate the immediate reward to the detriment of the delayed reward during the Iowa Gambling Task. Another critical component is the frontal left-hyper activation of the brain in response to more risky options. This "inter-hemisphere" unbalancing effect can be considered as a critical indicator of the dysfunctional decision behavior in dependence or as a vulnerability factor to the development of addiction. Finally, this “cortical imbalance model” was applied to other forms of behavioural addiction, measured by the Internet Addiction Test (IAT). Indeed, an increased left frontal activity was observed for high-IAT individuals in response to rewarding stimuli. In particular, the results underlined the importance of an integrated model of addiction that takes into account the motivational system (BIS / BAS) related to the lateralization of cortical activity.

Modelling human decision under risk and uncertainty

Hunt, Laurence T. January 2011 (has links)
Humans are unique in their ability to flexibly and rapidly adapt their behaviour and select courses of action that lead to future reward. Several ‘component processes’ must be implemented by the human brain in order to facilitate this behaviour. This thesis examines two such components; (i) the neural substrates supporting action selection during value- guided choice using magnetoencephalography (MEG), and (ii) learning the value of environmental stimuli and other people’s actions using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In both situations, it is helpful to formally model the underlying component process, as this generates predictions of trial-to-trial variability in the signal from a brain region involved in its implementation. In the case of value-guided action selection, a biophysically realistic implementation of a drift diffusion model is used. Using this model, it is predicted that there are specific times and frequency bands at which correlates of value are seen. Firstly, there are correlates of the overall value of the two presented options, and secondly the difference in value between the options. Both correlates should be observed in the local field potential, which is closely related to the signal measured using MEG. Importantly, the content of these predictions is quite distinct from the function of the model circuit, which is to transform inputs relating to the value of each option into a categorical decision. In the case of social learning, the same reinforcement learning model is used to track both the value of two stimuli that the subject can choose between, and the advice of a confederate who is playing alongside them. As the confederate advice is actually delivered by a computer, it is possible to keep prediction error and learning rate terms for stimuli and advice orthogonal to one another, and so look for neural correlates of both social and non-social learning in the same fMRI data. Correlates of intentional inference are found in a network of brain regions previously implicated in social cognition, notably the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, the right temporoparietal junction, and the anterior cingulate gyrus.

La récompense en droit du travail : Contribution à l’étude du pouvoir de l’employeur / Reward within labor law.- Contribution to the study of the power of the employer.

Berthier, Pierre-Emmanuel 13 December 2012 (has links)
La récompense a toujours été associée à l’exercice d’un pouvoir sur autrui. Elle est le moyen, conjugué avec la sanction, d’obtenir d’un individu qu’il adopte la conduite attendue par un décideur. La récompense s’est en effet affirmée dans de nombreux systèmes disciplinaires tels que la discipline scolaire, militaire ou encore carcérale. Au sein des rapports de travail, des ouvrages de gestion des ressources humaines de même que des théories de « l’incitation » ou « des motivations » ont bien intégré l’idée d’une récompense comme moyen d’obtenir des salariés une conduite attendue par l’employeur. Sont organisés à cette fin concours d’entreprise ou classement des salariés en fonction de leurs performances ; sont distribués cadeaux, gratifications, primes d’ancienneté, primes d’assiduité, primes d’objectifs, ou encore stock options ; sont enfin favorisées les évolutions professionnelles au moyen de formations, de promotions ou de « parcours de carrière ». Le pouvoir qu’exerce l’employeur sur ses salariés comporte alors une dimension : la récompense. Pourtant, malgré sa banalité pratique et théorique, la récompense paraît avoir été injustement oubliée par le droit et les juristes du travail. L’objet de cette étude est de tâcher de combler cette lacune. La révélation d’un pouvoir de récompenser conduit à revenir sur une certaine conception, largement admise, selon laquelle le pouvoir en droit privé s’exprime par des actes juridiquement contraignants pour autrui. Après avoir livré une définition de la récompense, l’étude a pour ambition de déterminer les qualités de ce pouvoir et d’en décrire le régime. / Reward has always been linked to the exercise of power over others.Combined with sanction, this is the way a decision-maker uses to get somebody to behave properly.Reward has indeed become asserted in many disciplinary systems, such as school, military or prison discipline.Within work relations, human resources studies and “incitative”, or “motivations” theories have perfectly understood the idea of reward as a means for the employer to get the expected behavior from their employees.Thus, contests and employees rating based on their performance are organized; gifts, gratuities, seniority bonus, attendance bonus, premium bonus or stock options may be given; at last, career evolution is facilitated by vocational training, promotions, and career pathways.The power that an employer has on their employees will then have a dimension: reward. However, reward seems to have been unfairly forgotten by law and work jurists despite its practical and theoretical casualty.The aim of this study is to fill this gap.Rewarding leads back to a particular conception, which has largely been accepted, that power within private law is expressed by legally binding acts. After giving a definition of reward, the ambition of this study is to define the qualities of this ability, and then, to describe its functions.

Systém odměňování ve vybraném podniku / Remuneration System in a chosen Firm

Mejzlíková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The work deals with the remuneration of employees in KOVO Koukola Ltd. The main aim of this thesis is to define the theoretical concept of pay for workers and confronting him with a reasonably functioning system in a particular company.

Belöningssystemets påverkan på målkongruens : En kvalitativ fallstudie i en marknadsföringsbyrå

Ottosson, Jonatan, Andersson, Pontus January 2019 (has links)
Background & problem: Modern day companies face increasingly harsh economic conditions,which in turn increases the pressure to meet markets requirements. When more stringentdemands are made on corporate finances, it is necessary to have sufficient knowledge aboutthe management of limited resources. Companies justify their existence by striving to achievetheir goals, financial as well as non-financial. Therefore, it is important to be aware that thereare a number of different goals at different levels of a company. One way of influencing theemployee’s personal goals and to create performance that is in favor of the organization’soverall goals is by using reward systems. The balance between rewarding employees to achievethe goals of an organization whilst consuming a limited amount of resources available for thispurpose is a challenge for all managers.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse how a reward system is designedin accordance with company goals.Method: The thesis is based on a case study with a qualitative research strategy. The study isbased on previous research on reward systems and goal congruence. The conducted surveyconsisted of interviews with people who have a good understanding of reward systems.Result and conclusions: For the sales force, it is common to base the financial part of a rewardsystem on commission, a performance-based system. The results strongly suggest that financialrewards should be combined with non-financial rewards to increase the total benefit of theoverall reward system. Among these, personal responsibility, free working hours and praise, orpositive feedback should be emphasized. The conclusions of the study show that through theuse of a well-designed reward system, companies can create goal congruence despite a lack ofclear goals and in some cases even when these goals have not reached the employees. / Bakgrund & problemdiskussion: Dagens företag möter allt hårdare ekonomiska villkor som isin tur leder till att det ställs högre krav för att överleva. När det ställs högre krav på företagensekonomi krävs det en god lära om hushållning med begränsade resurser. Företag skapar sittexistensberättigande genom att sträva efter att uppnå sina mål, finansiella som icke-finansiella.Därför är det viktigt att vara medveten om att det finns en rad olika målbilder inom olika nivåeri ett företag. Ett sätt att påverka de anställdas personliga målbilder och få dem att prestera ilinje med organisationens övergripande mål är att nyttja belöningssystem som styrmedel.Balansgången mellan att genom belöning styra sina anställda mot att uppnå organisationensmål och samtidigt förbruka en begränsad mängd resurser, som är tillgängliga för detta ändamål,är en utmaning för alla företagsledare.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera hur ett belöningssystem designas iriktning med företags mål.Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en fallstudie med kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Studien bygger påtidigare forskning om belöningssystem och målkongruens. Undersökningen utgjordes avintervjuer med personer som har god kännedom om belöningssystem.Resultat och slutsatser: För säljkåren är det vanligt förekommande att basera den finansielladelen av ett belöningssystem kring provision, ett prestationsbaserat system. Resultaten talarstarkt för att finansiella belöningar bör kombineras med icke-finansiella belöningar för att ökaden totala nyttan av det sammantagna belöningssystemet. Bland dessa läggs störst vikt främstvid eget ansvar, fria arbetstider och beröm, eller positiv feedback. Slutsatsen visar att företaggenom nyttjandet av ett väl designat belöningssystem kan skapa målkongruens trots enavsaknad av tydliga mål och i vissa fall även då dessa mål inte nått ut till de anställda.

Avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde: percepção sobre as condições de trabalho e de vida entre profissionais de enfermagem, de hospital universitário no município de São Paulo / Health-related quality of life: perception on living and working conditions among nursing professionals of an university hospital of São Paulo

Silva, Amanda Aparecida 02 March 2009 (has links)
Introdução - O ambiente psicossocial do trabalho em enfermagem influencia diretamente a qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores desta área. Diferenças entre as categorias profissionais nesta profissão podem se traduzir em diferenças na percepção de saúde e de condições de trabalho. Objetivo - Avaliar as associações entre condições de trabalho e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) de enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem. Métodos Foram coletados dados em um hospital universitário no município de São Paulo, de uma população de 696 enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem, população predominantemente feminina (87,8%) e que trabalhava em turnos diurno e noturno. Os dados coletados a partir de questionário correspondiam a informações sobre aspectos sóciodemográficos, condições de trabalho e de vida, hábitos de vida e sintomas de saúde referidos desta população. Foram também utilizados os questionários: Questionário Genérico de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida (SF-36), Escala de Estresse no Trabalho e Desequilíbrio Esforço-Recompensa (ERI). Foram ajustados modelos de regressão logística ordinal de chances proporcionais para cada dimensão do SF-36. Resultados Aproximadamente 22% da população foi classificada como trabalhando em condições de alto desgaste e 8% em desequilíbrio desfavorável entre esforços e recompensa no trabalho. Vitalidade, dor e saúde mental foram as dimensões do SF-36 com pior avaliação. Os modelos de regressão múltipla 5 demonstraram: alto comprometimento associado a todas as dimensões do SF-36, e ERI desfavorável associado a todas as dimensões relacionadas à saúde mental. Alto desgaste no trabalho, ERI desfavorável, alto comprometimento e ser enfermeira associaram-se de maneira independente aos resultados desfavoráveis da dimensão de aspectos emocionais. Conclusões As dimensões relacionadas à saúde mental foram as que mais sofreram influência dos fatores psicossociais do trabalho. ERI desfavorável e alto comprometimento mostraram-se mais significativos à saúde desta população comparados com altas demandas e baixo controle. Os resultados indicam que a análise conjunta dos modelos de desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa e demandacontrole contribui para a discussão sobre os papéis profissionais, condições de trabalho e QVRS de profissionais de enfermagem. / Introduction- The psychosocial work environment influences the quality of life of nursing professionals. Differences among job titles may lead to distinct perceptions of working conditions and health status. Aim-To evaluate working and living conditions and quality of life associated with health (HRQL) among nursing professionals. Methods- Six hundred ninety six nursing professionals, registered nurses and nurse assistants, predominantly females (87.8%), working day or night shifts, participated in a study carried out in an university hospital of São Paulo, Brazil. Data collection took place during 2004-2005 and included a comprehensive questionnaire including sociodemographic characteristics, life styles, working and living conditions, and health outcomes. HRQL was evaluated using the short form questionnaire of quality of life (SF-36). Working conditions included the job stress scale, effort-reward imbalance (ERI), and other environmental and occupational stressors. Ordinal logistic regression of proportional ratios was used to evaluate each of SF-36 dimensions. Results- Imbalance of the effort-reward ratio and high work strain were mentioned by 7.8% and 22.1% of the participants, respectively. Vitality, pain and (poor) mental health were the SF-36 worse perceived outcomes. The multiple regression models showed: over commitment associated with all SF-36 dimensions, and unfavorable ERI associated with mental health dimensions. High 7 job strain, unfavorable ERI, over commitment, and being a registered nurse were independently associated with negative emotional outcomes. Conclusions- The dimensions associated with mental health were significantly influenced by psychosocial factors at work. Unfavorable ERI and over commitment were more significantly associated with health compared to high demands and low control. These results show the importance to jointly evaluate ERI and demand- control models to discuss professional roles, working conditions and HRQL of nursing professionals.

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