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Analyse des systèmes pétroliers de l'offshore algérien oriental : quantification, modélisation stratigraphique et thermique / Petroleum system analysis of the Eastern Algerian offshore : quantification, stratigraphic and thermal modelingArab, Mohamed 01 June 2016 (has links)
La marge algérienne est un domaine complexe, bordé au sud par les zones internes des Maghrébides (AlKaPeCa) qui chevauchent les zones externes telliennes vers le sud. La partie offshore de ce système constitue un bassin d‘arrière arc où s‘est déposée une série sédimentaire mio-pliocène reposant sur un substratum de nature et d‘origine variables spatialement. L'objectif de ce travail a consisté à analyser et modéliser le fonctionnement des systèmes pétroliers et à quantifier les volumes d‘hydrocarbures accumulés. Avant de procéder aux différentes modélisations numériques, stratigraphiques et thermiques, un modèle géologique conceptuel a été élaboré sur la base des données de géologie de terrain et de sismiques. La continuité terre- mer du socle kabyle a permis une extrapolation stratigraphique entre des formations oligo-miocènes en affleurement et les unités acoustiques définies dans le bassin offshore. L‘analyse tectonique dans les deux domaines a abouti à une évolution en trois phases : (1) syn-rift où le bassin a été ouvert en transtension à partir de l‘Oligocène supérieur-Aquitanien, (2) phase post-rift durant laquelle il y a eu le développement des bassins intra-arcs, la collision AlKaPeCa- Afrique et le magmatisme, (3) phase d‘inversion où la marge devient active essentiellement à partir du Quaternaire. En définissant l‘ensemble des éléments des systèmes pétroliers avec des incertitudes variables, la simulation du fonctionnement de ces derniers par modélisation de bassin 2D/3D a montré des possibilités d‘accumulation d‘huile et de gaz majoritairement près de la marge, entre 20 et 65 km de la côte avec un maximum de portée de 70 km dans le golfe de Bejaia. / The Algerian margin is a complex domain, limited to the south by the Maghrebian internal zones (AlKaPeCa) that overthrust the external Tellian zones southward. The offshore part of this system constitutes a back-arc basin, where a mio-pliocene sedimentary series were deposited over a substratum of laterally variable origin and nature. The goal of the present work consisted in analyzing and modelling the petroleum system at work and calculating hydrocarbon volumes. Before proceeding to different numerical basin, stratigraphic and thermal modelling, a conceptual geological model is required and was performed based on field geological studies and stratigraphic and structural interpretations of the seismic profiles. The extension of the continental crust beyond the foot of the margin, allows determining a chronostratigraphic model by extrapolation of the outcroping oligo-miocene formations onshore to the acoustic pre-messinian units defined in the offshore basin. Besides, a tectonic analysis in both onshore and offshore domains gave rise to three main steps of evolution: (1) syn-rift phase where the basin was opened by transtension since Late Oligocene- Aquitanian, (2) post-rift phase in which intra-arc basins were developed, AlKaPeCa and Africa docked and magmatism activity took place, (3) inversion phase where the margin became active mainly since Quaternary times. After defining the different petroleum system elements taking into account variable uncertainties, the 2D/3D petroleum system model depicts possibilities of oil and gas accumulations mainly close to the margin, between 20 to 65 km from the coastline to the north with a maximum range of 70 km in the Bejaia Gulf.
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Systém pro pokročilou vizuální teleprezenci / Advanced Visual Telepresence SystemDavídek, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
The introduction of this document presents some basic principles of visual telepresence with analysis of important aspects of the design. Afterwards there is a brief ovrewview of some of the applications of telepresence systems. Subsequently there is a description of the basic parameters and functions of the human visual perception system including the head motion parameters. This document examines the creation of telepresence apparatus through which is the user able to percieve visual stimuli accross distance. The device consist of camera with wide FOV positioned on the last link of the servo-motor chain with 3 DOF. Camera view is projected into scene in position read from actual motor posture. The scene is perceived through the HMD Oculus Rift (DK1, DK2) where the actual head-orientation read from the HMD inertial sensors is the entered end value for the rotation angles of the servomotors. A \csharp (WPF) program was developed for the controling and setting of motors which handles the byte communication through RS485-USB converter and also configures and starts the telepresence mode. The telepresence scene is drawn with help of SharpDX and SharpOVR - the \csharp wrappers of DirectX and LibOVR.
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Grounding global seeds: a contextual comparison of the politico-ecological implications of genetically modified crops for farming communities in Alberta (Canada) and Andhra Pradesh (India)Kumbamu, Ashok 11 1900 (has links)
The main objective of my dissertation is to analyze and compare the socio-ecological implications of the adoption of genetically modified (GM) seeds and alternative agroecological farming methods for farming communities in Alberta, Canada and Andhra Pradesh, India localities situated in contrasting geopolitical, socio-cultural, and structural-institutional contexts in the global economy. For this research, the adoption of GM canola in Alberta and GM cotton in Andhra Pradesh are used as comparative case studies to explore the qualitative impact of agricultural biotechnology on farming communities.
Many studies have examined the potential impact of GM crops, but few have looked beyond economic cost-benefit analysis. In this dissertation, I examine social and cultural aspects of farmer decision-making in the adoption of the new seed technology, farmer receptivity to new cropping methods, knowledge translation between laboratory and farmer, and the impact of global knowledge-based technology on local knowledge systems, socio-cultural practices, the nature-society relationship, and gender relations. I use a global ethnography methodology and draw on a series of field interviews with farmers to provide sociological insight into how global processes of the Gene Revolution impact different farming communities in different localities in the world-economy.
In this dissertation I argue that the debate about the new agricultural technologies (e.g. GM seeds), the environment and agrarian crises should not be narrowed to the question of new technologies per se. Rather it should be understood from an agrarian political ecology perspective articulating political economy (neoliberal governance at global, national and provincial levels, and the processes of dispossession of primary agricultural producers from their means and conditions of production), socio-cultural systems (the construction of hegemonic discourse about genetically modified organisms, agricultural deskilling, gender relations), and ecosystems (a process of mastering nature, monoculturization, environmental risks, metabolic rift) in the context of neoliberal globalization.
My fieldwork study of the Gene Revolution provides closer, more fine-grained research and analysis of its impacts with sensitivity to local class and status, gender and cultural issues, and the ways in which farmers technology adoption decisions can dramatically alter overall quality of life, local knowledge systems, community development, the sustainability of agriculture and the ecosystem itself.
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Intégration et conflits d'espaces - les dynamiques territoriales des Pokot (Nord-Ouest du Kenya)Huchon, Jean 07 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
S'appuyant sur une analyse de la situation des Pokot, cette étude vise à définir les modèles employés pour intégrer les populations du nord-ouest kenyan à l'Etat-nation et à examiner sous quelle forme ces modèles sont appropriés par la société locale. Conçu comme une zone tampon entre les no man's land semi-arides du nord et les hauts plateaux fertiles du sud, le district de West-pokot est aujourd'hui un référent territorial indiscutable, objet de revendications politiques et de conflits sur ses bordures. Pourtant, l'organisation des filières bétail et céréales génère un processus d'évolution différenciée entre les espaces de la plaine et de la montagne. Les producteurs élaborent des stratégies de recomposition et de renforcement territorial, en dehors de toutes considérations des échanges de complémentarité et des relations de proximité entre le haut et le bas de l'escarpement du Rift. A la vision d'un seul territoire ethnique homogène s'impose donc plutôt celle de deux territoires de productions distincts entre lesquels naissent de nouveaux conflits.
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Μελέτη ιζηματογενών διεργασιών και τεκτονικών δομών στον Κορινθιακό κόλπο, με τη χρήση γεωφυσικών μεθόδων. / Study of sedimentary processes and tectonic structures in the Gulf of Corinth, using marine geophysical methods.Στεφάτος, Αριστοφάνης 22 June 2007 (has links)
Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή βασίζεται στην ανάλυση ενός ευρύ φάσματος δεδομένων θαλάσσιας σεισμικής ανάκλασης (μονο-κάναλα και πολυ-κάναλα) με στόχο την μελέτη της γεωτεκτονικής δομής, και των μηχανισμών που ελέγχουν τις ιζηματογενείς διεργασίες πλήρωσης της λεκάνης του Κορινθιακού κόλπου, του πλέον ενεργού τμήματος της ευρύτερης Κορινθιακής τάφρου, και ενός από τα ταχύτερα διανοιγώμενα τμήματα ηπειρωτικού φλοιού παγκοσμίως. Πιο συγκεκριμένα η διατριβή ασχολείται με: (1) την αναγνώριση και λεπτομερή χαρτογράφηση των υποθαλάσσιων ρηγμάτων του Κορινθιακού κόλπου και τη σύνδεσή τους με τις τεκτονικές και σεισμολογικές παρατηρήσεις στην ευρύτερη Κορινθιακή τάφρο, (2) τη διερεύνηση του βάθους του γεωλογικού υποβάθρου και της δομής του Κορινθιακού κόλπου, (3) τη μελέτη των ενεργών ιζηματογενών διεργασιών και της επίδρασης της ενεργού τεκτονικής στους μηχανισμούς διασποράς και απόθεσης ιζημάτων. Η διατριβή αποτελείται από εννέα (9) κεφάλαια. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο (1), επιχειρείται μια σύντομη βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση των έως σήμερα δημοσιευμένων εργασιών σχετικά με την τάφρο του Κορινθιακού. Ακολουθούν δύο σύντομα κεφάλαια, το κεφάλαιο 2 όπου προσδιορίζεται και περιγράφεται γεωγραφικά η περιοχή ερευνών και το κεφάλαιο 3 όπου αναπτύσσεται η μεθοδολογία της παρούσας μελέτης. Στο κεφάλαιο 4 παρουσιάζεται μια συνολική, ευρείας κλίμακας μελέτη των υποθαλάσσιων ρηγμάτων του Κορινθιακού κόλπου και παρουσιάζεται η χαρτογράφηση τους. Στο τέλος του κεφαλαίου ακολουθεί μια εκτενής συζήτηση γύρω από την σημασία των ευρημάτων της παρούσας έρευνας σε σχέση με τις υπάρχουσες δημοσιεύσεις. Στο κεφάλαιο 5, παρουσιάζονται τα συλλεγμένα δεδομένα της πολυ-κάναλης σεισμικής ανάκλασης που επέτρεψε την σεισμική απεικόνιση της τεκτονικής τάφρου έως και το βάθος του αλπικού υποβάθρου. Ακολουθεί το κεφάλαιο 6 όπου αναλύονται διεξοδικά οι κύριες ιζηματογενείς διεργασίες στο δυτικό Κορινθιακό κόλπο και συσχετίζονται με τη λεπτομερή τεκτονική χαρτογράφηση της περιοχής. Στο τέλος του κεφαλαίου 6, παρατίθεται επιπλέον η αξιολόγηση των βασικών μοντέλων ταξινόμησης των ιζηματογενών συστημάτων βαθιάς θάλασσας με βάση τα ευρήματα της διατριβής για το δυτικό Κορινθιακό κόλπο. Στο τέλος καθενός από τα κεφάλαια 4, 5 και 6 πραγματοποιείται σύνθεση των αποτελεσμάτων και αναπτύσσεται συζήτηση ως προς την σημασία των παρουσιαζόμενων ευρημάτων της έρευνας. Στο κεφάλαιο 7 επιχειρείται μία σύντομη περίληψη και ανακεφαλαίωση των βασικότερων συμπερασμάτων της διατριβής,. Στο κεφάλαιο 8 γίνεται παράθεση της χρησιμοποιημένης βιβλιογραφίας, ενώ το κεφάλαιο 9 αποτελεί μια σύντομη σύνοψη της διατριβής στην αγγλική γλώσσα. Τέλος, στο παράρτημα Ι παρατίθενται τα βασικά στοιχεία και χαρακτηριστικά του ερευνητικού πλόα του ωκεανογραφικού σκάφους R/V Maurice Ewing που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Κορινθιακό κόλπο το καλοκαίρι του 2001, για την συλλογή πολυ-κάναλων δεδομένων σεισμικής ανάκλασης χρησιμοποιώντας ένα σύστημα που περιελάμβανε ένα συνδυασμό από τις μεγαλύτερες σεισμικές πηγές και συστοιχίες υδροφώνων σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο. / The seismic reflection surveys over one of the most active and rapidly extending regions in the world, the Gulf of Corinth, have revealed that the gulf is a complex asymmetric graben whose geometry varies significantly along its length. A total of 104 offshore faults were recognized on the seismic sections and a detailed map of the offshore faults has been produced. The offshore fault map of the Gulf of Corinth, shows that a major fault system of nine distinct faults limits the basin to the south. The northern Gulf appears to be undergoing regional subsidence and is affected by an antithetic major fault system consisting of ten faults. All these major faults have been active during the Quaternary. Uplifted coastlines along their footwalls, growth fault patterns and thickening of sediment strata toward the fault planes indicate that some of these offshore faults on both sides of the graben are active up to present. Our data ground-truth recent models and provides actual observations of the distribution of variable deformation rates in the Gulf of Corinth. Furthermore they suggest that the offshore faults should be taken into consideration in explaining the high extension rates and the uplift scenarios of the northern Peloponnesos coast. The observed coastal uplift appears to be the result of the cumulative effect of deformation accommodated by more than one fault and therefore, average uplift rates deduced from raised fossil shorelines, should be treated with caution when used to infer individual fault slip rates. Multi-channel seismic reflection data, over the western part of the Gulf of Corinth, image the whole sediment package and the alpine basement. The thickness of the sediments in the west Gulf of Corinth ranges between 1000 ms and 1386 ms, increasing towards the east. The deep seismic sections image a great number of faults most of which sole against the basement reflection. The vast majority of intrabasinal faults do not cut throw the surface sediments. These faults terminate at the base of a 200 ms thick surface sediment layer and therefore they are very difficult to recognize in the high resolution single channel seismic sections. The multi channel seismic sections in the west Gulf of Corinth verify a polarity shift of the graben’s asymmetry to the north. A major south dipping fault running along the axis of the basin, displaces both the whole sediment pile and the alpine basement showing a total throw of 580 ms. Further north, along the north slope, a tectonic horst displaces the alpine basement. This evidence suggest that at least one south dipping major fault should be included in the models trying to explain the proposed high deformation rates deduced from GPS surveys. The compilation of the very high resolution seismic reflection profiles collected over the last two decades in the western Gulf of Corinth; provides insights to the sedimentary processes of the fastest spreading sector of the Corinth rift. At best these seismic profiles image the uppermost 400 meters of the sedimentary column, which, considering the minimum and maximum proposed sedimentation rates corresponds to the last 200 ka of the rifts evolution. Seismic profiles reveal a total of 29 north and south dipping faults. These faults produce seafloor escarpments, with heights ranging between 100 m and 400 m. Strata thickening towards the fault planes suggest syn-sedimentary fault activity while in some cases absence of specific correlative reflections from the hangingwall block, suggest finite displacement that exceeds 480 m. Average fault orientation suggests an E-W trending structural grain with some NW-SE faults. Faults located close to the Gulf’s margin constitute the major basin bounding structures that produce accommodation space for the synrift sedimentation. Along the south margin these faults exhibit a right stepping configuration, which is also reflected on the coastline’s shape. In-between successive bounding faults well developed transfer zones are formed. These relay ramps constitute extensive gently dipping slopes that control drainage through river course diversion. Offshore sedimentation in front of the relay ramps builds thick strike-elongated base of slope aprons. The base of slope apron consists of a succession of sand and mud turbidites. Well-developed U-shape channels run through the apron surface. These channels are considerably wide and deep (up to 650 m wide and 100 m deep) showing a more or less stabilized subaqueous drainage network. A basin axis parallel fault in the middle of the basin cuts through the surface sediments and separates basin deposits into a south and a north sector. A 10.7 km long, 210 - 910 m wide and 40 – 60 m deep trubidite channel is nested along the fault trace of this intrabasinal fault. This axial channel is intersected by the lateral channel network that drains the adjacent south slope, serving as the terminal conduit fro the subaqueous drainage network. This pattern produces a highly effective transport network that allows for the coarse grained sediments to reach the deepest part of the Gulf of Corinth. Hangingwall sediments along both the north and the south margin exhibit progressive strata thickening towards the faults that define the basin plain - slope contact. Tilted sediment layers occupying the hangingwalls show an increase of tilt angles with depth, suggesting listric geometry for these faults. Along the south margin this sediment tilt is even more evident and appears to exert a control on the gravitational sediment mass movement deposition. Along the north margin, a tectonic horst running along the shelf-edge produces a structural barrier that traps land-derived clastic sediments within the shelf zone. The north-dipping fault of this horst acts as the master fault for the Eratini sub-basin, a secondary half-graben structure that hosts a 262 ms thick sediment pile. This study demonstrates that the western Gulf of Corinth is a pre-dominantly tectonically controlled depositional system with unstable boundaries. Minor to meso-scale drainage systems enter the Gulf along the fault controlled basin margins, providing the basin with a significant clastic sediment load. The seismic facies analysis resulted in the identification of five different depositional systems along the base of slope and the basin plain. Base of slope fans, a base of slope delta-fed apron, a major turbidite channel running along the axis of the basin plain, typical basin plain deposits, moat graben deposits adjacent to a major fault and an area dominated by high energy shallow channels and chutes, constitute the sedimentation pattern of the Western Gulf of Corinth. The interplay between the river courses and active faulting controls sediment availability along the basin margins. Dependent on the availability of allocthonous sediments and the prevailing sedimentary processes on the seafloor, the southern basin margin has been separated into a series of constructional and destructional type depositional systems. Active tectonic deformation along the basin margins and within the basin floor provides the necessary metastable conditions and the high energy potential for coarse grained sediment transport to high water depths. Furthermore active faulting exerts the primary control on both sediment transport pathways and the respective facies distribution pattern. This active sedimentation pattern offers an excellent opportunity to test the applicability of deep water sediment deposition systems. Indeed, the classification models proposed by Reading & Richards, 1994 and Richards et al., 1998, were tested in the western Gulf of Corinth. The models were proven quite consistent to the observations although our data show that actual sediment deposition systems are much more complicated. Seismic reflection profiling is a vital tool in assessing basin-formation and structural architectures. The seismic reflection surveys in the Gulf of Corinth demonstrate the effectiveness and importance of the methods in answering vital questions concerning the structure of the submerged sector of the Corinth rift. Seismic facies analysis combined with the application of sediment depositional system analysis offer a highly efficient and rapid technique for the delineation, characterization and prediction of the established sedimentation processes and their deposits. The results of this study would refine the existing tectono-sedimentary facies prediction models, which are broadly utilized in the oil industry.
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Grounding global seeds: a contextual comparison of the politico-ecological implications of genetically modified crops for farming communities in Alberta (Canada) and Andhra Pradesh (India)Kumbamu, Ashok Unknown Date
No description available.
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Geophysical constraints on mantle viscosity and its influence on Antarctic glacial isostatic adjustmentDarlington, Andrea 29 May 2012 (has links)
Glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) is the process by which the solid Earth responds to past and present-day changes in glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets. This thesis focuses on vertical crustal motion of the Earth caused by GIA, which is influenced by several factors including lithosphere thickness, mantle viscosity profile, and changes to the thickness and extent of surface ice. The viscosity of the mantle beneath Antarctica is a poorly constrained quantity due to the rarity of relative sea-level and heat flow observations. Other methods for obtaining a better-constrained mantle viscosity model must be investigated to obtain more accurate GIA model predictions.
The first section of this study uses seismic wave tomography to determine mantle viscosity. By calculating the deviation of the P- and S-wave velocities relative to a reference Earth model (PREM), the viscosity can be determined. For Antarctica mantle viscosities obtained from S20A (Ekstrom and Dziewonski, 1998) seismic tomography in the asthenosphere range from 1016 Pa∙s to 1023 Pa∙s, with smaller viscosities beneath West Antarctica and higher viscosities beneath East Antarctica. This agrees with viscosity expectations based on findings from the Basin and Range area of North America, which is an analogue to the West Antarctic Rift System.
Section two compares bedrock elevations in Antarctica to crustal thicknesses, to infer mantle temperatures and draw conclusions about mantle viscosity. Data from CRUST 2.0 (Bassin et al., 2000), BEDMAP (Lythe and Vaughan, 2001) and specific studies of crustal thickness in Antarctica were examined. It was found that the regions of Antarctica that are expected to have low viscosities agree with the hot mantle trend found by Hyndman (2010) while the regions expected to have high viscosity are in better agreement with the trend for cold mantle.
Bevis et al. (2009) described new GPS observations of crustal uplift in Antarctica and compared the results to GIA model predictions, including IJ05 (Ivins and James, 2005). Here, we have generated IJ05 predictions for a three layered mantle (viscosities ranging over more than four orders of magnitude) and compared them to the GPS observations using a χ2 measure of goodness-of-fit. The IJ05 predictions that agree best with the Bevis et al. observations have a χ2 of 16, less than the null hypothesis value of 42. These large values for the best-fit model indicate the need for model revisions and/or that uncertainties are too optimistic. Equally important, the mantle viscosities of the best-fit models are much higher than expected for West Antarctica. The smallest χ2 values are found for an asthenosphere viscosity of 1021 Pa•s, transition zone viscosity of 1023 Pa∙s and lower mantle viscosity of 2 x 1023 Pa∙s, whereas the expected viscosity of the asthenosphere beneath West Antarctica is probably less than 1020 Pa∙s. This suggests that revisions to the IJ05 ice sheet history are required. Simulated annealing was performed on the ice sheet history and it was found that changes to the recent ice load history have the strongest effect on GIA predictions. / Graduate
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Rift Valley fever : challenges and new insights for prevention and control using the “One Health” approachAhmed Hassan Ahmed, Osama January 2016 (has links)
Rift Valley fever (RVF) is an emerging viral zoonosis that causes frequent outbreaks in east Africa and on the Arabian Peninsula. The likelihood of RVF global expansion due to climate change and human anthropogenic factors is an important issue. The causative agent, RVF virus, is an arbovirus that is transmitted by several mosquito species and is able to infect a wide range of livestock as well as people. The infection leads to mass abortions and death in livestock and a potentially deadly hemorrhagic fever in humans. RVF has severe socio-economic consequences such as animal trade bans between countries, disruption of food security, and economic disaster for farmers and pastoralists as well as for countries. Human behavior such as direct contact with infected animals or their fluids and exposure to mosquito bites increases the risk for contracting the disease. To better understand the challenges associated with RVF outbreaks and to explore prevention and control strategies, we used the One Health approach. The local community had to be involved to understand the interaction between the environment, animals, and humans. We focused on Sudan, Saudi Arabia, and Kenya. First, we systematically reviewed the literature and then we performed cross sectional community-based studies using a special One Health questionnaire. Climatic and remote sensing data were used in combination with statistics to develop a sub-region predictive model for RVF. For both Saudi Arabia and Sudan, the ecology and environment of the affected areas were similar. These areas included irrigation canals and excessive rains that provide an attractive habitat for mosquito vectors to multiply. The surveillance systems were unable to detect the virus in livestock before it spread to humans. Ideally, livestock should serve as sentinels to prevent loss of human lives, but the situation here was reversed. Differences between countries regarding further spread of RVF was mainly determined by better economic and infrastructure resources. In Sudan, there was a lack of knowledge and appropriate practices at the studied community regarding RVF disease symptoms and risk factors for both animals and humans. The community was hesitant in notifying the authorities about RVF suspicion in livestock due to the lack of a compensation system. The perceived role of the community in controlling RVF was fragmented, increasing the probability of RVF transmission and disease. In Kenya, our study found that better knowledge about RVF does not always translate to more appropriate practices that avoid exposure to the disease. However, the combination of good knowledge, attitudes, and practices may explain why certain communities were less affected. Strategies to combat RVF should consider socio-cultural and behavioral differences among communities. We also noticed that RVF outbreaks in Kenya occurred in regions with high livestock density exposed to heavy rains and wet soil fluxes, which could be measured by evapotranspiration and vegetation seasonality variables. We developed a RVF risk map on a sub-regional scale. Future outbreaks could be better managed if such relevant RVF variables are integrated into early warning systems. To confront RVF outbreaks, a policy is needed that better incorporates ecological factors and human interactions with livestock and environment that help the RVF pathogen spread. Early detection and notification of RVF is essential because a delay will threaten the core of International Health Regulations (IHR), which emphasizes the share of information during a transboundary disease outbreak to avoid unnecessary geographical expansion.
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Imagining alternatives in the Emerald City: the climate change discourse of transnational fossil fuel corporationsCahill, Stephanie 04 October 2017 (has links)
Discourse has the power to organize thought—and therefore, to limit imagination. The purpose of this project is to trace the contours of climate change discourse constructed by transnational fossil fuel corporations, to make visible the ideological barriers it creates to imagining post-capitalist alternatives. It is undertaken in the context of a well-established urgency for global collaboration to halt, mitigate, and adapt to the social, economic, and ecological impacts of climate change, and takes as its point of departure the fundamental link between ecological degradation and the capitalist mode of production (with its accompanying imperatives of accumulation and profit), as well as the necessity of counter-hegemonic praxis to pursuing system-transformative change on the scale required for humanity to negotiate the looming crisis in a just and ecologically viable way.
Conceptualizing popular media as a discursive battleground in which the voices of corporations (through the evolving mediums of advertisement) are privileged, I employ critical discourse analysis to explore the framing of climate change messages by five major transnational oil and gas corporations, toward developing an analytical framework for the burgeoning climate change movement grounded at the intersection of global corporate capitalism and ecological degradation.
Climate change messages included images, videos, and narratives intended for public consumption which spoke to the source, resolution, and/or future of human-induced and climate-related ecological problems. These were drawn from corporate websites, blogs, Facebook and Twitter feeds, and YouTube channels over the course of 2016.
As action research, I have undertaken this project with the explicit aim of empowering climate movements – of which I count myself a part – to imagine alternative futures. To contribute to this aim, I have created a media literacy toolkit that links corporate climate change messages with the interests they represent to make visible the dynamics of power that mobilize those interests. / Graduate
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Parallel reality : tandem exploration of real and virtual environmentsDavies, C. J. January 2016 (has links)
Alternate realities have fascinated mankind since early prehistory and with the advent of the computer and the smartphone we have seen the rise of many different categories of alternate reality that seek to augment, diminish, mix with or ultimately replace our familiar real world in order to expand our capabilities and our understanding. This thesis presents parallel reality as a new category of alternate reality which further addresses the vacancy problem that manifests in many previous alternate reality experiences. Parallel reality describes systems comprising two environments that the user may freely switch between, one real and the other virtual, both complete unto themselves. Parallel reality is framed within the larger ecosystem of previously explored alternate realities through a thorough review of existing categorisation techniques and taxonomies, leading to the introduction of the combined Milgram/Waterworth model and an extended definition of the vacancy problem for better visualising experience in alternate reality systems. Investigation into whether an existing state of the art alternate reality modality (Situated Simulations) could allow for parallel reality investigation via the Virtual Time Windows project was followed by the development of a bespoke parallel reality platform called Mirrorshades, which combined the modern virtual reality hardware of the Oculus Rift with the novel indoor positioning system of IndoorAtlas. Users were thereby granted the ability to walk through their real environment and to at any point switch their view to the equivalent vantage point within an immersive virtual environment. The benefits that such a system provides by granting users the ability to mitigate the effects of the extended vacancy problem and explore parallel real and virtual environments in tandem was experimentally shown through application to a use case within the realm of cultural heritage at a 15th century chapel. Evaluation of these user studies lead to the establishment of a number of best practice recommendations for future parallel reality endeavours.
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