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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Donne e politica a Roma tra III e II secolo a.C. / Women and Politics in Ancient Rome from IIIrd Century B.C. to II Century B.C.

VALENTINI, ALESSANDRA 26 March 2010 (has links)
Negli ultimi decenni il tema della condizione femminile nel mondo antico è stato oggetto di innumerevoli studi che hanno analizzato ogni aspetto del ruolo della donna nella società. Si è rilevato, tuttavia, che la critica moderna ha posto l’attenzione in modo cursorio e mai sistematico sugli aspetti e le implicazioni degli interventi femminili in campo politico . La ricerca ambisce di esaminare in quale modo si sia prodotto il coinvolgimento delle donna nelle dinamiche politiche della società romana per l’arco cronologico compreso tra il III e il II secolo a.C. prestando particolare attenzione all’evoluzione e alle finalità di questo rapporto così come la tradizione antica ne reca memoria. La partecipazione politica per le donne non è prevista in nessuna forma dal mos maiorum e, tuttavia, gli autori antichi testimoniano in più occasioni in cui sono i soggetti femminili a prendere parte attiva alla vita politica della città. Sono queste vicende che costituiscono il focus di questa ricerca che si propone l’obbiettivo di definire le modalità del rapporto donne e politica, individuando le occasioni, le circostanze e le dinamiche della partecipazione femminile alla vita politica della Roma del III e II secolo a.C. / In the last decades scholars focused on every aspects of the women position in Ancient Roman society. However several works paid attention in no systematic way on aspects and implications of female political presence. This research focus on the female political participation and try to explain in which way Roman women play an active role in Roman politics between IIIrd and IInd century B.C. with specific attention to the identification of the evolution and the aims of this role as mentioned in ancient authors. In fact the mos maiorum doesn’t embrace women active participation in politics but anyway ancient authors frequently remember women play a first part in Roman politics. These events are the focus of the research and its aims is to explain the dynamics, the occurrences and circumstances of women political participation from the ancient authors’ mentions.

(Dis)empowering marginalized children? : Local NGOs’ role for social capital in Eastern Congo (DRC).

Magi, Dante January 2017 (has links)
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): one of the richest nations in natural resources; one of the poorest in human rights. In the past decades, DRC has undergone two civil wars, alongside with a history of exploitive colonization. In North Kivu Province, DRC’s most volatile province, non-government organizations (NGOs) take leading roles to provide welfare for marginalized groups, such as orphans, children involved in armed conflicts or living on the streets. This case study aims to describe how two local NGOs operate in order to explore the ways they are making use of social capital to empower marginalized children in North Kivu Province. I chose empowerment and social capital theories combined with a contextualized model of analysis created by the author and based on meaning condensation to analyze the interviews collected from eight workers from NGOs specialized in child welfare. The main findings (1) reinforce that networks between and among NGOs have great potential to impact positively the work on marginalized groups and (2) highlight that volunteer participation and community leaders have vital roles in such organizations. / République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) : un des pays les plus riches en ressources naturelles ; une des plus pauvres en droit de l’homme. Pendant les deux dernières décennies, RDC a enduré deux guerres civiles ajoutées à une histoire d’exploitation coloniale. À la province du Nord Kivu, la région la plus volatile de DRC, organisations non gouvernementales (ONGs) jouent un rôle principal d’apporter assistance aux groupes marginalisés tels comme orphelins, enfants engagés aux conflits armés et enfants (dit) de la rue. Cette étude de cas se propose à décrire comment deux ONGs locales fonctionnent afin d’explorer leurs respectives utilisations de capital social pour épanouir des enfants marginalisés au Nord Kivu. J’ai choisi les théories de capital social et d’autonomisation liés à un modèle d’analyses créé par l’auteur et basée sur la méthode condensation deiiisignification pour analyser les interviews collectées de huit employés d’ONGs spécialisées dans l’assistance aux enfants marginalisés. Les conclusions générales (1) renforcent que les réseaux entre et dedans les organisations ont la potentialité d’avoir un impact positif sur le travail avec des groupes marginalisés et (2) soulignent que l’engagement volontaire et la participation de leaders communautaire jouent rôles capitaux dans ces organisations.

Návrh systému financování výstavby rodinného domu / Suggestion of a Financial Concept for the Development of a House

Šimek, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyzes available methods of financing of a new housing construction with the focus on the possibilities of concurrent investment. The above analysis is demonstrated in a model case study. Practical part contents selection of the products to be analyzed from each evaluated field: suitable mortgage loan, finance market investment, the investment to the alternate heating equipment of the home and photovoltaic power plant. Than demonstrate the possibilities of decreasing the price of the loan with the assistance of concurrent investment into the financial markets or the alternative investment. The risk of investing has been taken into consideration as well. At the end are demonstrated comparative analysis and evaluation of all financing possibilities resulting in suggesting the most suitable method of home loan financing.

Accès, pratiques et usages des technologies d’information et de la communication en éducation au sein de l’espace francophone : études de cas réalisées au Viêt Nam, en Moldavie, au Burkina-Faso et en République Démocratique du Congo / Access, practice and use of information and communication technologies in education within the francophone zone : cases studies in Vietnam, Moldova, Burkina-Faso and the Democratic Republic of Congo / Acces, practici și utilizări ale tehnologiei informației și comunicației în domeniul educației, în cadrul spațiului francofon : studii de caz realizate în Vietnam, Republica Moldova, Burkina Faso și Republica Democratică Congo / Tiếp cận, thực hành và sử dụng Công nghệ thông tin trong giáo dục ở không gian Pháp ngữ : nghiên cứu trường hợp ở Việt Nam, Moldavie, Burkina-Faso và Cộng hòa Dân chủ Congo

Thibeault, Eric-Normand 20 November 2014 (has links)
La thèse questionne les facteurs permettant la pratique et l’usage des technologies numériques en soutien à la scolarisation dans le domaine des technologies éducatives au niveau des écoles secondaires. A partir d’un regard croisé entre différents terrains de l’espace francophone et s’appuyant sur les pratiques, le chercheur analyse des éléments comparatifs dans le secteur des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) en éducation entre les pays suivants : le Viêt Nam, la Moldavie, le Burkina-Faso et la République Démocratique du Congo. Un regard croisé permet de comparer les conditions influençant l’usage des TIC au sein de la Francophonie institutionnelle. La recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une thèse de doctorant menée au sein de Laboratoire Éducation et Apprentissage (ea 4071) à l’université Paris René Descartes et présente les résultats de quatre études de cas effectuées de 2010 à 2013 auprès d’élèves (n = 3 236) et des enseignants (n = 467) des pays ciblés membres de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF). Le chercheur décrypte les données collectées en liens aux conditions d’accès, aux pratiques et à l’usage des technologies numériques dans les établissements du niveau secondaire. La recherche a été effectuée par questionnaire pour collecter les données quantitatives. Le chercheur a également eu recours aux groupes d’entretien focalisé pour colliger les données qualitatives. La démarche croise, la territorialité du phénomène d’usage des technologies numériques en soutien à l’apprentissage en milieu éducatif. En Moldavie et au Viêt Nam, la recherche a porté une attention particulière à l’analyse de l’usage des TIC en soutien à l’enseignement et à l’apprentissage du français langue étrangère (FLE). Le champ de la recherche se situe dans l’espace Francophone, dans sa diversité et sa pluralité. Nous analyserons les évolutions et tenterons d’expliquer les raisons des retards pour certains pays ainsi que les nombreux obstacles d’accès aux TIC. Nous chercherons à jeter les voiles de l’usage des TIC dans des contextes qui semblent austères. Les résultats de l’enquête dévoilent que la démarche d’appropriation des TIC par les professeurs de français connaît un processus qui semble s’accroître au Viêt Nam et en Moldavie. Il ressort des pratiques contrastées lorsque l’on croise les résultats des enquêtes. L’analyse de l’accès aux outils informatiques et leur intégration en classe révèlent que les usages sont nettement plus soutenus par les enseignants dans les pays de l’est de l’Europe (Moldavie) et en Asie (Viêt Nam) par rapport aux pratiques observées sur le continent Africain (plus spécifiquement au Burkina-Faso et en République Démocratique du Congo). Enfin, une étude de cas a été menée au sein des espaces publics numériques : Maisons des savoirs de la Francophonie. / The thesis questions the different elements which allows the practice and use og Information and Communication Technologies in educational teaching in secondary schools. From a cross analysis between different fields within the francophone space and by leaning on the educational practices, the rechearcher analyses the comparing elements in the ICT sector in education between the following countries : Vietnam, Moldavia, Burkina-Faso and the Democratic Republic of Congo. A cross analysis allows the comparasion between the different inflencing conditions in the practices and use of the ICTs within the environment composing the diversity of the institutional Francophonie. The research has taken place during a doctorac theses at the Laboratoire Education et Apprentissage (ea 4071) at the Pris René Descartes university and presents the results of four case studies done between 2010 and 2013 with students (n=3236) and teachers (n=467) in target countries within members of the Organisation international de la Francophonie (OIF). The researcher analyze the data that has been collected related to the conditions of access, practises and the use of digital technologies in the secondary school level. The research has be done by questionnaires in order to collect the quantitative data. The researcher has also used focalized group interviews in order to collect quanlitativ data. The compared approach, the territoriality of the phenomenon of the use of digital technology as a support in an educational learning environment. In Moldavia and i Vietnam, the research has paid special attention to the analysis ot het use of ICT as a support in teaching and learning French as a second language, français langue étrangère (FLE). The research fiel is situated within the Francohpone space, with all its diversity and plurality. We analyse the evolution and seek to explain the reasons for the delays of certain countries as well as numerous obstacles to ICT access. We seek to reveal the use of ICT in austere contexts. The results reveal that the CTI appropriation process by French teachers is a growing process in Vietnam and Moldavia. Contrasting practices are standing out when crossing the survey results. The analysys of access to IT tools and the integration in teaching reveals that the user is significantly more sustained by teachers in eastern Europe (Moldavia) and Asia (Vietnam) as to practices on the African continent (specificity Burkina-Faso and the Democratic Republic of Congo). Finally, a study has been done within the public digital space as Multimedia center named : Maisons des savoirs de la Francophonie. / Teza examinează factorii care permit practica și utilizarea tehnologiei digitale pentru susținerea școlarizării, în domeniul tehnologiilor educaționale din școlile de nivel secundar. Plecând de la o nouă perspectivă între diverse teritorii din lumea francofonă și bazându-se pe practicile din mediul educațional, cercetătorul analizează elementele comparative din domeniul tehnologiilor de informație și a comunicațiilor (TIC) în domeniul educației dintre următoarele țări : Vietnam, Moldova, Burkina Faso și Republica Democrată Congo. O nouă perspectivă permite compararea condițiilor care influențează utilizarea TIC în zona care constituie diversitatea Francofoniei instituționale. Cercetarea este parte a unei teze de doctorat din cadrul Laboratorului de Educație și Învățământ (ea 4071) la Universitatea Paris René Descartes și prezintă rezultatul a patru studii de caz efectuate între 2010 și 2013 pe lângă elevii (n=3 236) și profesori (n=467) din țările vizate, membre ale Organizației Internaționale a Francofoniei (OIF). Cercetătorul decriptează informațiile culese cu privire la condițiile de acces, practicile și utilizarea tehnologiei digitale pentru școli la nivel secundar. Cercetarea a fost efectuată printr-un chestionar pentru a culege datele cantitative. Cercetătorul a recurs de asemenea la focus-grupuri pentru a colecta date calitative. Noua abordare combină teritorialitatea fenomenului de utilizare a tehnologiei digitale susținând sistemul educațional. În Moldova și în Vietnam, studiul a acordat o atenție deosebită analizei utilizării TIC pentru susținerea predării și a învățării limbii franceze ca limbă străină (FLE). Domeniul cercetării este în spațiul Francofon, în diversitatea și pluralitatea acestuia. Vom analiza evoluțiile și vor încerca să explicăm motivele întârzierii în anumite țări, precumși numeroasele obstacole de acces la TIC. Vom încerca să influențăm utilizarea TIC în contexte care par a fi austere. Rezultatele cercetării arată că demersul de familiarizare cu TIC a profesorilor de franceză prezintă o creștere în Vietnam și Moldova. Acest lucru reiese din practicile contrastante în momentul în care sunt comparate rezultatele cercetărilor. Analiza accesului la mijloacele informatice și integrarea acestora în clasă arată faptul că utilizările sunt mult mai susținute de către profesorii din țările din estul Europei (Moldova) și Asia (Vietnam) decât din Africa (mai specific în Burkina-Faso și Republica Democratică Congo). În plus, s-a făcut un studiu de caz în cadrul spațiilor publice numerice : Maisons des savoirs de la Francophonie. / Luận văn đặt vấn đề về những nhân tố cho phép thực hành và sử dụng công nghệ số hỗ trợ dạy học trong lĩnh vực công nghệ giáo dục ở khối trung học. Từ một góc nhìn chéo giữa nhiều vùng miền khác nhau của không gian Pháp ngữ và dựa vào thực tiễn trong môi trường giáo dục, người nghiên cứu phân tích các yếu tố so sánh việc ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin (CNTT) trong giáo dục ở những quốc gia sau đây : Việt Nam, Moldavie, Burkina-Faso và Cộng hòa dân chủ Congo. Một góc nhìn chéo cho phép so sánh các điều kiện ảnh hưởng đến việc thực hành và sử dụng CNTT trong một không gian đa dạng của Tổ chức cộng đồng Pháp ngữ. Nghiên cứu thực hiện trong khuôn khổ luận văn tiến sĩ được tiến hành ở Phòng Nghiên cứu Giáo dục và Học tập (ea 4071) ở trường Đại học Paris René Descartes và trình bày kết quả của bốn trường hợp nghiên cứu thực địa từ năm 2010 đến 2013 đối với học sinh (n=3.236) và giáo viên (n=467) các quốc gia nói trên là thành viên của Tổ chức quốc tế Pháp ngữ (OIF). Người nghiên cứu giải mã các dữ liệu thu thập liên quan đến những điều kiện tiếp cận, thực hành và sử dụng các công nghệ số ở trường trung học. Nghiên cứu đã được thực hiện bằng bảng câu hỏi để thu thập dữ liệu định lượng. Người nghiên cứu cũng đã phỏng vấn một nhóm giáo viên và học sinh nhằm thu thập các dữ liệu định tính. Phương pháp tiến hành gặp nhau ở tính lãnh thổ của hiện tượng sử dụng công nghệ số hỗ trợ học tập trong môi trường giáo dục. Ở Moldavie và Viêt Nam, nghiên cứu đã đặc biệt lưu tâm phân tích việc sử dụng CNTT trong dạy và học tiếng Pháp ngoại ngữ (NN). Trường nghiên cứu trong phạm vi không gian Pháp ngữ đa dạng và đa chiều. Chúng tôi sẽ phân tích sự tiến triển và cố gắng giải thích lý do chậm trễ của một số quốc gia cũng như nhiều trở ngại khi tiếp cận CNTT. Chúng tôi cũng tìm hiểu việc sử dụng CNTT trong những bối cảnh tưởng như khó khăn. Kết quả điều tra hé lộ rằng tiến trình chiếm hữu CNTT của các giáo viên tiếng Pháp có gia tăng ở Việt Nam và Moldavie và làm nổi bật thực tế tương phản khi giao hòa các kết quả điều tra. Phân tích việc tiếp cận và đưa công cụ tin học vào lớp học đã tiết lộ rằng việc sử dụng CNTT nhận được sự ủng hộ rõ nét của giáo viên các nước Đông Âu (Moldavie) và châu Á (Việt Nam) so với thực tế quan sát được ở châu Phi (đặc biệt là ở Burkina-Faso và CHDC Congo). Cuối cùng, việc nghiên cứu trường hợp cụ thể đã được tiến hành ở các không gian số công cộng : các Nhà tri thức Pháp ngữ.

Micro-scale variability of atmospheric particle concentration in the urban boundary layer

Paas, Bastian 08 January 2018 (has links)
Für die Luftqualitätsbewertung in Städten sind Informationen zur raumzeitlichen Variabilität luftgetragener Feinstäube auf kleiner Skala von wichtiger Bedeutung. Standardisierte Messverfahren, zur Bestimmung von Partikelkonzentrationen, sind mit hohem Aufwand verbunden, weshalb dichte Messnetze fehlen. Partikelausbreitungsmodelle sind kompliziert in der Anwendung und/oder benötigen hohe Computerrechenleistung. Infolgedessen gibt es bezüglich örtlicher Partikelkonzentrationen große Informationslücken. Diese Arbeit untersucht die mikroskalige Variabilität von Aerosolen in Raum und Zeit mit unterschiedlichen Methoden. Es wurden Erhebungen mit mobilen Sensoren und eine Passantenbefragung durchgeführt. Weiterhin wurden in dieser Arbeit die physikalischen Partikeltransportmodelle ENVI-met und Austal2000 in ihrer Leistung bewertet und in angewandten Studien eingesetzt. Weiterhin wurde ein neuronales Netzwerk zur Vorhersage von Partikelkonzentrationen entwickelt. Die Untersuchungen erfolgten in den Städten Aachen und Münster. Es konnten unerwartete Verteilungsmuster hinsichtlich der Massekonzentration von Partikeln beobachtet werden. In einem innerstädtischen Park wurden diffuse Partikelquellen identifiziert, mit einem deutlichen Hinweis darauf, dass feuchtgelagerte Wegedecken einen maßgeblichen Anteil an lokalen Partikelimmissionen hatten. Weiterhin wurde Straßenverkehr als wichtiger Beitrag zum städtischen Aerosol identifiziert. Passanten, die verschiedenen Partikelkonzentrationen ausgesetzt waren, konnten diese perzeptiv nicht unterscheiden. Simulationsergebnisse von Austal2000 und ENVI-met wiesen Unterschätzungen im Vergleich zu Messwerten auf. Das entwickelte neuronale Netzwerk prognostizierte Partikelkonzentrationen teilweise mit hoher Genauigkeit. Das große Potenzial von neuronalen Netzen für die Vorhersage von Partikelkonzentrationen in räumlicher und zeitlicher Ausdehnung, auch für den Bereich der Luftqualitätsüberwachung, wurde aufgezeigt. / Knowledge about the micro-scale variability of airborne particles is a crucial criterion for air quality assessment within complex terrains such as urban areas. Due to the significant costs and time consumption related to the work required for standardized measurements of particle concentrations, dense monitoring networks are regularly missing. Models that simulate the transmission of particles are often difficult to use and/or computationally expensive. As a result, information regarding on-site particle concentrations at small scales is still limited. This thesis explores the micro-scale variability of aerosol concentrations in space and time using different methods. Experimental fieldwork, including measurements with mobile sensor equipment alongside a survey, and modeling approaches were conducted. Applied simulation studies, a performance assessment of two popular particle dispersion models, namely Austal2000 and ENVI-met, as well as the development of an ANN model are presented. The cities of Aachen and Münster were chosen as case studies for this research. Unexpected patterns of particle mass concentrations could be observed, including the identification of diffuse particle sources inside a park area with strong evidence that unpaved surfaces contributed to local aerosol concentration. In addition, vehicle traffic was proved to be a major contributor of particles, particularly close to traffic lanes. Results of the survey reveal that people were not able to distinguish between different aerosol concentration levels. Austal2000 and ENVI-met turned out to have room for improvement in terms of the reproduction of observed particle concentration levels, with both models having a tendency toward underestimation. The newly developed ANN model was confirmed to be a fairly accurate tool for predicting aerosol concentrations in both space and time, and demonstrates the principal ability of the approach also in the domain of air quality monitoring.

Le droit congolais du travail à l'épreuve de la déclaration de l' Organisation Internationale du Travail relative aux principes et droits fondamentaux au travail / The Congolese labour law at the trial of the ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work

Kalay Kisala, Patty 27 January 2016 (has links)
La Déclaration relative aux principes et droits fondamentaux au travail, adoptée par l’Organisation Internationaledu Travail (OIT) en 1998, a érigé, en « seuil social minimal », huit Conventions internationales du travail dites« fondamentales » concernant quatre thématiques : la liberté d'association et la reconnaissance effective du droitde négociation collective, l'élimination de toute forme de travail forcé ou obligatoire, l'abolition effective dutravail des enfants et l'élimination de la discrimination en matière d'emploi et de profession. Depuis 2001, laRépublique Démocratique du Congo, membre de l’OIT, s’est évertuée à ratifier l’ensemble des « conventionsfondamentales » de l’OIT et à rendre conforme sa législation nationale. Cependant, l’intégration de ces normesfondamentales s’avère relative. Le constat peut être fait d’imperfections et d’incohérences techniques des texteslégaux et réglementaires et, surtout, de problèmes très importants d’effectivité. Certains préalables socioéconomiquescomme politico-institutionnels ne semblent pas encore réunis pour donner une véritable assise auxprincipes et droits fondamentaux de la personne au travail tels qu’envisagés par la Déclaration de 1998. De plus,le contenu même de cette dernière apparaît trop limité par rapport aux préoccupations des travailleurs congolaiset aux droits fondamentaux qui, de fait, ne leur sont pas reconnus. Paradoxalement, si l’on se situe en RD Congoparfois en deçà des attentes de la Déclaration de l’OIT de 1998, la réalité des conditions d’emploi et de travaildes travailleurs appelle à réfléchir à l’au-delà des seuls principes affirmés par la Déclaration de l’OIT de 1998. / The Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work adopted by the International Labour Organisation(ILO) in 1998, erected by « minimum social floor », eight international labour Conventions say « fundamental»on four themes: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining,elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, the effective abolition of child labor and the eliminationof discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Since 2001, the Democratic Republic of Congo, amember of ILO, has striven to ratify the set of « core conventions» of the ILO and to conform its nationallegislation. However, integration of these core standards turns on. The finding can be due to technicalimperfections and inconsistencies in laws and regulations, and especially of very important problems ofeffectiveness. Some socio-economic as political-institutional prerequisites do not yet seem together to give a realfoundation for fundamental principles and rights at work as envisaged by the 1998 Declaration. In addition, thecontent of the latter appears too limited compared to the concerns of Congolese workers and human rightswhich, in fact, they are not recognized. Paradoxically, if one is in DR Congo sometimes below expectations ofthe ILO Declaration of 1998, the reality of conditions of work and worker called to think about beyond theprinciples alone affirmed by the ILO Declaration of 1998.

Entropy Maximisation and Open Queueing Networks with Priority and Blocking.

Kouvatsos, Demetres D., Awan, Irfan U. January 2003 (has links)
No / A review is carried out on the characterisation and algorithmic implementation of an extended product-form approximation, based on the principle of maximum entropy (ME), for a wide class of arbitrary finite capacity open queueing network models (QNMs) with service and space priorities. A single server finite capacity GE/GE/1/N queue with R (R>1) distinct priority classes, compound Poisson arrival processes (CPPs) with geometrically distributed batches and generalised exponential (GE) service times is analysed via entropy maximisation, subject to suitable GE-type queueing theoretic constraints, under preemptive resume (PR) and head-of-line (HOL) scheduling rules combined with complete buffer sharing (CBS) and partial buffer sharing (PBS) management schemes stipulating a sequence of buffer thresholds {N=(N1,¿,NR),0<Ni¿Ni¿1,i=2,¿,R}. The GE/GE/1/N queue is utilised, in conjunction with GE-type first two moment flow approximation formulae, as a cost-effective building block towards the establishment of a generic ME queue-by-queue decomposition algorithm for arbitrary open QNMs with space and service priorities under repetitive service blocking with random destination (RS-RD). Typical numerical results are included to illustrate the credibility of the ME algorithm against simulation for various network topologies and define experimentally pessimistic GE-type performance bounds. Remarks on the extensions of the ME algorithm to other types of blocking mechanisms, such as repetitive service blocking with fixed destination (RS-FD) and blocking-after-service (BAS), are included.

組織活動參與程度與研發主管職能之關聯性研究 / The Relationships between the participation of Organizational Activities and the Acquisition of R&D Managerial Competency

林隆偉, Lin, Lung Wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,策略性人力資源管理被企業視為一項核心競爭優勢,透過人力資源規劃與組織運作結合,以達到企業經營的目的。因此,著重在管理職能對高組織績效影響效果之策略性人力資源探討愈來愈多,而在管理職能之實證研究,也多著重在管理群組對個人工作績效或部門績效之影響,其結果也證明管理職能之良窳確實會對個人或組織績效產生影響,可說明管理職能在企業營運中的重要性。然而,相較於結果面之研究,管理職能之前因面研究卻明顯地不足,少有研究將組織內外之管理措施或活動與管理職能的因果關係作進一步探討,特別是關於影響研發主管管理職能之前置因素探討。因此,本研究將聚焦於影響研發主管管理職能之前置因素,並探討影響管理職能之組織活動與管理措施為何,為企業培育研發主管時,提供具體且有效之建議。 本研究主張企業中的研發主管,因實際參與公司內的管理措施與組織運作,將能強化自身的管理職能。然而,有鑑於過去研究較少針對研發主管職能發展出符合理論與實務看法之分類與內涵,本研究在探究組織活動與研發主管職能之關係前,先行對研發主管職能進行文獻探究,並藉由業界主管深度訪談與專家效度問卷等多重方式歸納出重要之職能群組。本研究將研發主管職能分為三個職能群組與七個職能,分別為專業知能(包括產品發展能力與領導培育能力)、跨界知識轉換職能(包括搭橋溝通能力與知識管理能力)以及資源整合創新職能(包括資源協調能力、策略規劃能力與創新促進能力)。 同時,本研究認為內部與外部組織活動會對不同的研發主管職能產生影響。內部組織活動可分為專業能力的訓練、員工授權、團隊經營與工作指派;外部組織活動則著重於顧客經營活動。與過去研究不同的是,本研究認為除組織內部相關之措施外,研發主管亦應該要對外經營顧客關係,因為透過顧客關係之建立與維持,將能不間斷地接收顧客資訊,以為產品創新之來源,並提高主管個人之管理職能。 本研究以中高階研發主管為研究對象,而為避免相同方法偏誤之發生,由研發主管自評參與組織活動之程度,並由其直屬上司評量該研發主管之管理職能表現。本研究以問卷調查方式進行資料蒐集,共搜集14家公司、119位研發主管與26位直屬上司之資料,並以階層式迴歸分析資料。研究結果如下: (一) 訓練與專業知能為正向關係。 (二) 專業能力訓練與跨界知識轉換職能為正向關係。 (三) 專業能力訓練與整合資源創新能力為正向關係。 (四) 授權程度與專業知能為正向關係。 (五) 授權程度與跨界知識轉換職能為正向關係。   本研究另以個別職能為依變項進行分析,研究結果發現顧客經營活動與知識管理能力、創新促進能力呈正向關係。   而就上述之研究發現,本研究建議管理者應建立完整且具系統性之管理職能發展計畫,以做為培育現職工程師為日後之研發主管,並應將專業能力訓練、授權與顧客經營活動納入此培育系統中,以確保研發主管具備專業知能、跨界知識轉換職能以及資源整合創新職能等「技術」與「管理」的職能,以因應環境之變化與競爭,為企業永續經營奠定良好的基礎。 / In recent years, strategic human resource management (SHRM) has been regarded as core competitive advantage for frims to respond to uncertain environments. Because human capital can bring innovation into organizations, it is important to select, train, allocate and retain the human resources. Among these human catpial, competency is the essential component representing the knowledge, skills, and abilities. This study focuses on R&D competency, particularly R&D managerial competency. Moreoever, this study investigates the effects of organizational activities on R&D managerial competency to understand the complex relationships among organizational activities and RD managerial competency. This study suggests that R&D managers will be able to substantially enhance their managerial competency by progressively participating in organizational activities. However, fewer research pay attention on the typology and contents of R&D managerial competency, this study explores this construct before investigating its anticidents. The author reviewed R&D managerial competency literature, interviewed seneior R&D managers and analyzed expert opinion questionnaires to categorize R&D managerial competencies into three competency clusters and seven competencies: 1. Competency cluster of professional knowledge and skill  Product developemtn competency  Leadership competency 2. Competency cluster of integrative capacities  Bridging communication competency  Knowledge management competency 3. Competency cluster of optimizing resource and facilitating innovation  Leveraging resources competency  Strategy planning competency  Innovation stimulation competency Meanwhile, this study also claims that involvement in both internal and external organizational activities will have substantial effects on R&D managerial competency. Internal activities herein refer to professional training, empowerment, team management, and job assignment; whereas, external activities emphasize on fostering royal customer relationships. In contrast to pre-existing academic researches, this study suggests that, in addition to internal activities, R&D managers should progressively develop customer relations. The reason is that by understanding customer’s needs and absorbing most innovative ideas would no doubt be the origins of technology innovations. This study focuses on top and middle level R&D managers. In order to avoid common method variances, this study is to match and analyze data collected from 119 R&D managers and their supervisors (26 senior managers in total) of 14 companies in Taiwan electronic industry. Results showed that: 1. Professional training was significantly and positively related to to competency cluster of professional knowledge and skill. 2. Professional training was significantly and positively related to the competency cluster of integrative capacities. 3. Professional training was significantly and positively related to the competency cluster of optimizing resource and facilitating innovation. 4. Empowerment was significantly and positively related to competency cluster of professional knowledge and skill. 5. Empowerment was significantly and positively related to the competency cluster of integrative capacities. In addition, this study analyzes the sub-competency of the competency clusters, and found that customer management is positively related to knowledge management competency and facilitating innovation competency. In sum, this study suggests that organizations should set up an integrated and systematic program for potential engineers who might be competent R&D managers in the future. Furthermore, the findings of this study implies that this program should include professional trainings, empowerment, and customer-relationship management, and to ensure that R&D managers possesses “skill” and “managerial” competencies to make themselves the cornerstones for ever-competitive enterprises and to prepare themselves to be responsive to the constantly evolving environment.

Rhizobium inoculation, cultivar and management effects on the growth, development and yield of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Kellman, Anthony W. January 2008 (has links)
Genotypic differences in growth and yield of two common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) cultivars to Rhizobium inoculation and management were investigated. In 2003-04, the two bean cultivars (Scylla and T-49) were combined with three inoculant treatments (strains CC 511 and RCR 3644, and a control of no inoculation), two fertiliser levels (0 and 150 kg N ha⁻¹) and two irrigation treatments (irrigated and rainfed). There was no nodulation on either cultivar. To further investigate the symbiotic relationship, 16 rhizobial isolates, including the two used in the first field experiment, were combined with the cultivar Scylla and evaluated in a greenhouse. Subsequently, five Rhizobium isolates were chosen for further field evaluation, based on signs of early nodulation in the greenhouse trial. The second field experiment in 2004-05 combined the five inoculant strains (RCR 3644, UK 2, H 20, PRF 81, PhP 17 and a control) with two bean cultivars (Scylla and T-49). In the greenhouse, nodule number varied from 7 (UK 2) to 347 (H 441) nodules plant⁻¹ at 51 DAS and from 13 (UK 1) to 335 (CIAT 899) nodules plant⁻¹ at 85 DAS. In 2004-05, in the field, nodulation was also variable, ranging between 1 and approximately 70 nodules plant⁻¹, with higher nodules numbers plant⁻¹ being found on cultivar T-49. Of the isolates used in the field, strains H 20, PRF 81 and PhP 17 produced 70, 25 and 12 nodules plant⁻¹ at 70, 40 and 54 DAS respectively. Nodules formed were of various sizes and more than 80 % were pink to dark red in colour denoting the presence of leghaemoglobin and active N fixation. The remaining nodules were either green or white. The importance of selecting an appropriate cultivar for the growing conditions was highlighted in these experiments. Leaf area index, leaf area duration intercepted radiation and final utilisation efficiency were significantly affected by cultivar. In both seasons cv. T-49 reached maturity (dry seed) before Scylla, while unirrigated plants reached green pod maturity seven days before irrigated plants. Plants of cv. Scylla gave a final TDM of 730 g m⁻²; compared to the 530 g m⁻² produced by T-49. The average growth rate was 7.0 and 5.2 g m⁻² day⁻¹ for Scylla and T-49 respectively (2003-04). Plants receiving 150 kg N ha⁻¹ produced 665 g m⁻² TDM which was 12 % more than was produced by unfertilised plants. The application of 150 kg N ha⁻¹ gave an average growth rate of 6.4 g m⁻² day⁻¹ compared to 5.7 g m⁻² day⁻¹ from plants with no N. Inoculation in the field had no significant effect on TDM in both seasons. Temperature affected growth and DM accumulation. Accumulated DM was highly dependent on cumulative intercepted PAR. Air temperatures below the base temperature (10 °C) affected growth in 2004-05, resulting in plants accumulating just 0.24 g DM MJ⁻¹ PAR during early growth. This increased to 2.26 g DM MJ⁻¹ PAR when the temperature was increased above the base temperature. There was a strong relationship between LAI and intercepted PAR. A LAI of 4.0-4.5 was required to intercept 90-95 % of incident solar radiation. Cultivar significantly (p < 0.001) affected radiation use efficiency (RUE). Scylla had a RUE of 1.02 g DM MJ⁻¹ PAR compared to T-49 at 1.18 g DM MJ⁻¹ PAR. Seed yield was significantly (p < 0.001) affected by cultivar and fertiliser application. Cultivar Scylla produced 467 g m⁻² which was 76 % more than T-49, while a 12 % increase in seed yield was observed in N fertilised plants over unfertilised plants. Only cultivar significantly affected HI, while the yield components that had the greatest effect on seed yield were hundred seed weight and pods plant⁻¹. Inoculation significantly (p< 0.05) affected 100 seed weight (2004-05). Plants inoculated with strain H 20 had the highest 100 seed weight at 25.2 g with cv. Scylla producing larger seeds than T-49. The belief that local environmental conditions play a major role on field survival of bacteria, led to the use of PCR methods to identify field nodulating organisms. Amplification of genomic DNA from parent isolates using primers fC and rD generated a single band for each isolate. Isolates were identified to the species level as either Rhizobium or Agrobacterium, using the highly conserved internally transcribed spacer (ITS) region and are known to nodulate common bean. The DNA extracted from the isolates recovered from nodules of field grown beans gave multiple bands with primers fC and rD. Five distinct banding patterns were observed. All of these were different from those of parent isolates. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA demonstrated that nodules of field grown beans in Canterbury were inhabited by Pseudomonads either alone or in association with other root nodulating organisms. The inability to identify the inoculant strains in nodules of field grown beans does not rule out their infection and nodulating function in the cultivars used. The results suggest the possibility of both Rhizobium and Pseudomonads cohabiting in the nodules of field grown beans. The aggressive nature of Pseudomonads on artificial media, possibly out competing the inoculant rhizobia is proposed, leading to the inability to identify the inoculant strain from the nodules of the field grown beans by PCR methods. The need to identify the nodule forming or nodule inhabiting bacteria in the nodules is necessary to classify the importance of these organisms and their economic benefit to agricultural production. This study also underlines the importance of using PCR methods to gain valuable insights into the ecological behaviour of Rhizobium inoculants and nodule inhabiting organisms.

Unsteady gas flows and particle dynamics in the shock layer formed by the impingement of a supersonic two-phase jet onto a plate / Instationäre Strömungen und die Dynamik von Partikeln in der Stoßschicht beim Aufprall eines zweiphasigen Überschallfreistrahls auf eine Platte

Klinkov, Konstantin 10 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.

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