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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Métabolisme et traduction des ARNs mitochondriaux chez la levure Schizosaccharomyces pombe / Metabolism and translation of mitochondrial RNAs in the yeast schizosaccharomyces pombe

Dujeancourt, Laurent 19 December 2012 (has links)
Les mitochondries sont des organites présents dans la plupart des cellules eucaryotes et spécialisés dans la production d’énergie, via la chaîne respiratoire localisée dans leur membrane interne. les mitochondries possèdent leur propre génome et leur propre système d’expression participant à la biogenèse des complexes respiratoires. En particulier la machinerie de traduction mitochondriale, comme les complexes respiratoires, est d’origine génétique double, nucléaire et mitochondriale. de nombreuses maladies humaines résultent de défauts de l’expression des gènes mitochondriaux et en particulier de mutations de facteurs impliqués dans la traduction mitochondriale. la levure schizosaccharomyces pombe est un modèle de choix pour identifier ces facteurs et comprendre leur fonctionnement car c’est un micro-organisme simple et physiologiquement plus proche des eucaryotes supérieurs que ne l’est saccharomyces cerevisiae. Lors de ma thèse j’ai tout d’abord participé à la mise en place de nouveaux outils permettant de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de la traduction mitochondriale, en étiquetant le mitoribosome de s. pombe au niveau de la petite et de la grande sous-unité. Par la suite j’ai mis au point des expériences de fractionnement sur gradient de saccharose pour analyser la sédimentation du ribosome associé ou dissocié et tester si des facteurs donnés sont liés au mitoribosome. Dans un second temps je me suis intéressé à des facteurs qui pouvaient être impliqués dans la terminaison de la traduction. En fait le seul facteur de reconnaissance des codons stop connu chez s. pombe, Mrf1, n’est pas essentiel, et j’ai cherché à comprendre pourquoi. Deux enzymes, des peptidyl ARNt hydrolase (PPR) nommées PPR3 et PPR4 possédant toutes deux un motif GGQ comme Mrf1, semblaient être de bons candidats pour expliquer que s. pombe puisse se passer de Mrf1. J’ai montré que ces facteurs jouent un rôle dans la biogenèse mitochondriale et plus précisément que PPR4 est à la fois un suppresseur multicopie et un gène létal synthétique de l’absence de Mrf1. Pour finir j’ai travaillé sur une famille de protéines de s. pombe prédites comme impliquées dans le métabolisme des ARN mitochondriaux : les protéines à pentatrico peptide repeat (PPR). Ainsi il existe au moins 9 protéines PPR chez s. pombe nommée de PPR1 à PPR8 ainsi que l’ARN polymérase mitochondriale, Rpo41. L’étude de ces protéines PPR a permis de mettre en évidence qu’elles interviennent toutes dans le métabolisme des ARN à différentes étapes, majoritairement stabilité et traduction, et qu’elles ont souvent des cibles spécifiques. Par exemple la protéine PPR3 est impliquée dans la stabilité du petit ARNr rns alors que PPR4 est un activateur spécifique de la traduction de cox1 et que PPR2 est un activateur général de la traduction mitochondriale dont la cible reste à définir. Globalement, ces travaux montrent que s. pombe est un excellent modèle des fonctions mitochondriales, aussi bien pour les études fondamentales que comme outil pour appréhender les organismes plus complexes comme l’homme. / Mitochondria are organelles present in most eukaryotic cells and specialized in the production of energy via the respiratory chain located in their inner membrane. Mitochondria have their own genome and their own system of gene expression, which is involved in the biogenesis of the respiratory complexes. The mitochondrial translation machinery, like the respiratory complexes, has a dual genetic origin, both nuclear and mitochondrial. Numerous human diseases result from defects in the expression of mitochondrial genes and especially mutations of factors involved in mitochondrial translation. The yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a useful model for the identification and functional analysis of these factors because it is a simple organism that is physiologically closer to higher eukaryotes than Saccharomyces cerevisiae. During my PhD I first participated in the development of new tools to further our understanding of mitochondrial translation, by tagging the small and large subunits of S. pombe mitoribosome. In addition I set up fractionation experiments on sucrose gradients to analyze the sedimentation of associated or dissociated mitochondrial ribosomes and test whether given factors are bound to mitoribosome. I also became interested in factors that could act in the termination mitochondrial translation. Surprisingly, the only factor known to recognize stop codons in S. pombe, Mrf1, is not essential, thus I tried to determine which other proteins might also be involved in translation termination. S. pombe contains four predicted peptidyl tRNA hydrolases (Pth), two of which, Pth3 and Pth4, have a GGQ motif like Mrf1, which is thought to contribute directly to the hydrolysis of the peptidyl-tRNA bond. Thus they seemed to be good candidates to explain how S. pombe can survive without Mrf1. I have shown that Pth3 and Pth4 play a role in mitochondrial biogenesis and that Pth4 is both a high copy suppressor and a synthetic lethal of the ∆mrf1 mutant. Finally I worked on the Pentatrico Peptide Repeat family of proteins (PPR), predicted to be involved in the metabolism of mitochondrial RNA. There are at least nine PPR proteins in S. pombe named Ppr1 to Ppr8 and the mitochondrial RNA polymerase, Rpo41. The study of these PPR proteins has shown that all of them are involved in the metabolism of RNA at different stages, mainly stability and translation, and that they often have specific targets. For example Ppr3 is involved in the stability of the small rRNA rns while Ppr4 is a specific activator of the translation of cox1 and Ppr2 is a general activator of mitochondrial translation whose target remains to be identified. Overall, these studies show that S. pombe is an excellent model for mitochondrial functions, both for fundamental studies and as a tool for understanding more complex organisms such as man.

The enterobacterial repeated intergenic consensus (ERIC) sequence

Wilson, Lindsay Anne January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Establishing the Role of Digital Repeat Photography in Understanding Phenology and Carbon Cycling in a Subarctic Peatland

Garnello, Anthony John, Garnello, Anthony John January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, I establish and explore the role of phenology in understanding the rapidly changing environment of a subarctic peatland. First, I demonstrate how digital repeat photography can be used to characterize and differentiate distinct plant communities using two years of images. Each habitat is composed of different plant functional groups, promoting the individualistic approach to characterization that near-earth remote sensing tools can provide. The camera-product Relative Greenness successfully characterized interannual variability in seasonal growth for each habitat type. Across habitats, there was a direct relationship between advancement of spring onset and active season growth though this overall pattern showed habitat-specific variance. The camera images were also useful in characterizing the flowering phenology of an ​eriophorum​-rich fen habitat, for which a metric named Intensity was created. These results suggest that employment of phenology cameras in highly heterogeneous subarctic environments is a robust method to characterize phenology on a habitat to species scale. Next, I explored the role that this phenology product has in modeling Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) also measured at the field site. I hypothesized that the explanatory power of the phenology index, which is conceptually tied to a measure of photosynthetic capacity, would be tightly linked to the timescale it was used for: At sub-daily timescales, environmental forces would dominate, though when averaged over days to weekly scales, the biology represented through the camera index would be more influential. I show that at multiple time scales the environmental factors outperform the camera index when modeling NEE. Together, these studies begin to explore the applicability of phenology camera systems in subarctic environments.

Unemployment insurance, unemployment duration and reemployment : microeconometric evaluations / Assurance-chômage, durée de chômage et retour à l'emploi : évaluations microéconométriques

Fremigacci, Florent 29 November 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’évaluer l’impact de l’Assurance-Chômage sur les trajectoires individuelles à partir de données administratives françaises. Le premier chapitre étudie les conséquences de la réforme de 2003 sur le chômage des seniors. L’analyse économétrique repose sur une approche combinée par Régression avec Discontinuité et Différence de Différences. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence une réduction significative des durées de chômage suite à l’adoption de la réforme. Le deuxième chapitre propose quant à lui une évaluation du dispositif d’Activité Réduite. Ce système autorise les chômeurs indemnisés à cumuler une partie de leurs allocations avec le salaire provenant d’emplois temporaires. L’estimation d’un modèle de durée multivarié permet d’isoler l’effet causal du dispositif tout en tenant compte de l’endogénéité potentielle de la durée d’activité réduite et du phénomène d’attrition. L’impact sur les transitions vers l’emploi apparaît relativement modeste. Néanmoins, l’effet observé se révèle plus important pour les demandeurs d’emploi rencontrant des difficultés de réinsertion sur le marché du travail. Le troisième chapitre considère enfin le lien entre la générosité de l’indemnisation et la récurrence des périodes de chômage. Le cadre retenu est celui des modèles autorégressifs à effets fixes sur données de panel.Les principaux résultats indiquent que la générosité passée de l’indemnisation n’exerce pas d’effet persistant sur la durée des épisodes de chômage. Celle-ci s’expliquerait essentiellement par l’hétérogénéité individuelle et les conditions d’indemnisation dont bénéficient les individus à leur inscription au chômage. / The aim of this thesis is to assess the effects of Unemployment Insurance and related programs on individual labourmarket paths using French administrative data. Chapter one investigates the effects of the 2003 UI reform onunemployment of older workers using a combined Regression Discontinuity / Difference-in-Differences approach.The results suggest that reform had a structural impact on the distribution of unemployment durations, which shifteddownwards in response to benefits cuts. Partial benefit program (Activité Réduite) that allows registered job seekersto concurrently receive part of their unemployment payments and wages from temporary jobs is analyzed in chaptertwo. The results emerging from the estimation of a multivariate duration model correcting for the endogenousnature of the time in program and accounting for attrition suggest a weak effect of this scheme on transitions toemployment. The impact is however most sizable for the individuals with low labor market prospects. Chapter threestudies the relationship between the generosity of unemployment compensation and unemployment persistenceusing a panel vector autoregressive fixed effect model estimated on count data. The results suggest that past benefitsgenerosity does not affect the duration of unemployment spells, this latter being mainly explained by individualeffects and potential benefits duration.

Identification des protéines PPR impliquées dans l'épissage des ARN messagers dans les chloroplastes et les mitochondries chez Arabidopsis Thaliana / Identification of PPR proteins involved in RNA splicing in chloroplast and mitochondria in Arabidopsis Thaliana

Falcon de Longevialle, Alexis 10 September 2010 (has links)
Le mécanisme d’épissage dans les organites est décrit comme étant l’ancêtre du spliceosome nucléaire. Cependant même si les protéines composant ce dernier sont bien connues, seulement quelques facteurs d’épissage ont été identifiés et caractérisés dans les chloroplastes et les mitochondries. Beaucoup de protéines ayant la faculté de se lier à l’ARN ont acquis des fonctions dans l’épissage, en effet un certain nombre de protéines sans véritable lien ont un rôle essentiel, avec différents degrés de spécificité dans l’épissage de la plupart des introns chloroplastiques chez les plantes. La plus grande famille de protéines se liant à l’ARN est la famille des protéines à domaines « pentatricopetide repeat » (PPR). Ces protéines sont impliquées dans la plupart des processus post-transcriptionnels dans les organites. En 2006, parmi les centaines de protéines PPR décrites chez les plantes, seulement une PPR avait été décrite comme nécessaire à l’épissage d’un intron. Ainsi, PPR4 est absolument et spécifiquement nécessaire pour l’épissage en trans de l’intron 1 de rps12 dans les plastes (Schmitz-Linneweber et al., 2006), suggérant que d’autres protéines PPR pourraient être impliquées dans l’épissage des ARN des organites. Le sujet de cette thèse porte sur la caractérisation d’autres protéines PPR impliquées dans ce processus. En utilisant des approches de génétique inverse et des outils mis en place dans le cadre de la thèse afin de détecter des défauts d’épissage par PCR quantitative, sept nouvelles PPRs impliquées dans l’épissage d’un certain nombre d’introns dans les plastes et les mitochondries ont pu être caractérisées. Dans l’optique de rechercher si des protéines PPR, impliquées dans l’épissage mais aussi dans l’édition des ARN, interagissent avec d’autres protéines, des approches de TAP-TAG ont été réalisées et sont également présentées dans ce manuscrit. L’identification de partenaires protéiques pour 3 PPRs impliquées, nous a ainsi permis de redessiner nos modèles et d’émettre de nouvelles hypothèses. Enfin, une dernière partie est consacrée à la découverte d’isoformes d’épissage pour des gènes PPR sans introns. Phénomène qui permettrait de réguler l’expression des gènes PPR, et/ou d’augmenter la diversité des protéines PPR. / The RNA splicing mechanism in organelles is described to be ancestral to that of the nuclear spliceosome. However, whereas this last complex is well known, only very few splicing factors have been identified and characterized in chloroplasts and mitochondria. Many RNA binding proteins have acquired roles in RNA splicing, and indeed a variety of often unrelated RNA binding proteins have essential functions in splicing of many plastid introns in plants, with varying degrees of specificity. The largest family of RNA binding proteins in plant organelles is the pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) family. PPR proteins are involved in diverse post-transcriptional processes in organelles. In 2006, among hundreds of higher plant proteins of this family, only one was described as being required for a splicing event - PPR4 was shown to be absolutely and specifically required for the trans-splicing of the rps12 intron 1 in plastids (Schmitz-Linneweber et al., 2006). The main purpose of this PhD thesis was to characterize other PPR proteins involved in this process. By using a reverse genetics approach and by developing tools for the detection of splicing defects, seven new PPR proteins involved in RNA splicing of a subset of chloroplast or mitochondria introns have been characterized. In parallel, in order to characterize proteins involved in PPR-containing complexes, a TAP-TAG approach has been carried out on a few PPR proteins involved in splicing or editing of organellar RNA. The identification of partner proteins of 3 PPR proteins allows us to draw new mechanistic models and new hypotheses. Finally, the final part of the manuscript describes the discovery of splicing isoforms of PPR-encoding mRNAs. Alternative splicing may be involved in regulation of PPR gene expression and/or in increasing the diversity of the PPR protein family.

Using Repeat Color Photography as a Tool to Monitor Rangelands

Howery, Larry D., Sundt, Peter C. 12 1900 (has links)
6 pp. / Originally published: 1998 / This article provides an introduction to repeat color photography and explains how it can be used as an important part of a comprehensive rangeland monitoring program. Reviewed 12/2014. Originally published 05/1998.

Novel bioinformatics tools for elementary repeat assembly, repeat domain discovery, and TE-based analysis of substitution rates

Liu, Xiaolin 03 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Functional analysis of two pentatricopeptide repeat proteins in maize: 玉米中三十五肽重複蛋白PPR1703和PPR87的功能研究. / 玉米中三十五肽重複蛋白PPR1703和PPR87的功能研究 / Functional analysis of two pentatricopeptide repeat proteins in maize: Yu mi zhong san shi wu tai zhong fu dan bai PPR1703 he PPR87 de gong neng yan jiu. / Yu mi zhong san shi wu tai zhong fu dan bai PPR1703 he PPR87 de gong neng yan jiu

January 2014 (has links)
三十五肽重複蛋白是線粒體和葉綠體中與RNA轉錄后加工相關的一個家族蛋白。PPR蛋白特異性的和RNA結合,在RNA編輯,剪接,形成成熟的5’端以及蛋白質翻譯等方面起著重要作用。由於PPR蛋白家族很龐大,目前很多PPR蛋白的功能還未知。在這個論文里,我們對兩個三十五肽重複蛋白 PPR1703和 PPR87進行了分子水平上的功能分析。 / PPR1703基因編碼一個含有17個重複結構的P型PPR蛋白。GFP螢光定位的結果顯示,這個蛋白定位於線粒體。爲了研究這個蛋白的功能,我們從UniformMu突變群中分離了ppr1703-1突變體。在ppr1703-1突變體中,PPR1703基因的表達完全喪失。這個基因的突變抑制了胚和胚乳的發育,導致空果皮(emp)表型。這個基因的突變導致部份花粉的發育不良,從而破壞了3:1的分離比。通過比較野生型和突變體線粒體基因的表達發現,nad7第二個內含子的剪接功能在突變體中幾乎喪失。隨後的研究發現,PPR1703基因缺失突變體無法組裝線粒體複合物一,喪失線粒體複合物一活性進而誘導了與交替氧化途徑相關的基因的表達。我們的實驗結果證明,PPR1703基因負責線粒體基因nad7第二個內含子的剪接,並且影響了玉米胚和胚乳的發育。 / PPR87基因編碼一個定位於線粒體的E型PPR蛋白。在PPR87基因缺失型突變體中,有3個線粒體編輯位點的功能消失,他們分別是:NADH脫氫酶1的740編輯位點,NADH脫氫酶7的739編輯位點和膜定位和轉運蛋白的139位點。還有3個編輯位點的功能減低,他們分別是:NADH脫氫酶4L的110位點,膜定位和轉運蛋白的138位點和细胞色素C成熟蛋白亚基的1492位點。在PPR1703突變體中,胚和胚乳的發育受到抑制。我們的工作證明PPR87基因負責多個線粒體RNA位點的編輯,這個基因的突變破壞了線粒體的正常功能,進而影響了種子發育。 / Pentatricopeptide repeat proteins (PPR) are a large family of proteins in land plants with functions implicated in RNA processing in mitochondria and chloroplasts. Each PPR protein is believed to recognize and bind specifically its target sequence in the transcript, performing the function of RNA editing, splicing, 5’ and 3’ end maturation and protein translation regulation. Because of the family size, functions of many PPRs are unknown. In this thesis, we demonstrate the molecular characterization of PPR1703 and PPR87 in maize. / PPR1703 is a P subclass PPR protein, containing 17 PPR repeats. PPR1703-GFP analysis indicated that PPR1703 is targeted to the mitochondrion, which is consistent with bioinformatics prediction. To reveal its function, we isolated a Mutator (Mu) insertional mutant from the UniformMu population in maize, named ppr1703-1. The insertion abolishes the expression of PPR1703, constituting a null allele. The mutant shows severely arrested embryo and endosperm development, causing an empty pericarp phenotype. Its pollen development is partially affected, causing a distortion from 3:1 segregation. Comparative study of the entire mitochondrial transcripts between the WT and the mutant revealed that the nad7 intron 2 splicing is dramatically reduced in the mutant. This deficiency is accompanied by reduced mitochondrial complex I assembly and its activity. These results indicate that PPR1703 is required for mitochondrial nad7 intron 2 splicing and embryogenesis and endosperm development in maize. / PPR87 is an E subclass of the PLS subfamily PPR protein, which was showed to be targeted to mitochondria as well. The Mu-insertional mutant showed embryo and endosperm development arrest at coleoptilar stage. Analysis of the mitochondrial transcripts revealed that loss function of the PPR87 abolishes the C-to-U editing of multiple sites including nad1-740, nad7-739 and mttB(orfX)-139; and also significantly decreases the editing in nad4L-110, mttB(orfX)-138 and ccmFn-1492. These results indicate that PPR87 functions in the C-to-U editing of multiple sites in several transcripts and such editing is essential to the mitochondrial function, thus the embryogenesis and endosperm development in maize. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Yang, Yanzhuo. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 79-98). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Yang, Yanzhuo.

Landcover change in Arctic Alaska observations through repeat photography /

McCarthy, Forrest G. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Wyoming, 2008. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on Sept. 3, 2009). Includes bibliographical references (p. 43-50).

The chloroplast lumen : New insights into thiol redox regulation and functions of lumenal proteins

Hall, Michael January 2012 (has links)
In higher plants oxygenic photosynthesis primarily takes place in the chloroplasts of leaves. Within the chloroplasts is an intricate membrane system, the thylakoid membrane, which is the site of light harvesting and photosynthetic electron transport. Enclosed by this membrane is the lumen space, which initially was believed to only contain a few proteins, but now is known to house a distinct set of >50 proteins, many for which there is still no proposed function. The work presented in this thesis is focused on understanding the functions of the proteins in the lumen space. Using proteomic methods, we investigated first the regulation of lumenal proteins by light and secondly by dithiol-disulphide exchange, mediated by the disulphide reductase protein thioredoxin. We furthermore performed structural and functional studies of the lumenal pentapeptide repeat proteins and of the PsbP-domain protein PPD6. When studying the diurnal expression pattern of the lumen proteins, using difference gel electrophoresis, we observed an increased abundance of fifteen lumen protein in light-adapted Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Among these proteins were subunits of the oxygen evolving complex, plastocyanin and proteins of unknown function. In our analysis of putative lumenal targets of thioredoxin, we identified nineteen proteins, constituting more than 40 % of the lumen proteins observable by our methods. A subset of these putative target proteins were selected for further studies, including structure determination by x-ray crystallography. The crystal structure of the pentapeptide repeat protein TL15 was solved to 1.3 Å resolution and further biochemical characterization suggested that it may function as a novel type of redox regulated molecular chaperone in the lumen. PPD6, a member of the PsbP-family of proteins, which is unique in that it possesses a conserved disulphide bond not found in any other PsbP-family protein, was also expressed, purified and crystallized. A preliminary x-ray analysis suggests that PPD6 exists as a dimer in the crystalline state and binds zinc ions. The high representation of targets of thioredoxin among the lumen proteins, along with the characterization of the pentapeptide repeat protein family, implies that dithiol-disulphide exchange reactions play an important role in the thylakoid lumen of higher plants, regulating processes such as photoprotection, protein turnover and protein folding.

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