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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da capacidade de suporte de solos "in situ" em obras viarias atraves do Cone de Penetração Dinamica : estudo experimental / Evaluation of in-situ bearing capacity of soils in road buildngs through the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer : experimental study

Berti, Carolina 19 December 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Cassio Eduardo Lima de Paiva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T16:48:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Berti_Carolina_M.pdf: 4127695 bytes, checksum: f8e52fd73231b7c47f0a12b5c7e759cc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa procurou estabelecer uma correlação entre os valores de capacidade de suporte resultantes dos ensaios CBR (Califórnia Bearing Ratio) versus DCP (Dynamic Cone Penetrometer), realizados com o solo proveniente de vias não-pavimentadas dentro do Campus da UNICAMP, situado em Campinas, São Paulo. O Cone de Penetração Dinâmica (DCP) é caracterizado como um equipamento simples, portátil e de baixo custo, cujo ensaio revela ser praticamente não-destrutivo. Com ele é possível determinar o perfil de resistência de camadas de solo compactadas ou em seu estado natural, controlar a execução de obras viárias e avaliar estruturas de pavimentos. Uma investigação do solo através de ensaios DCP e CBR conduziu ao desenvolvimento de modelos de regressão, correlacionando a capacidade de suporte obtida através de ensaios ¿in situ¿ com o auxílio do DCP, e ensaios de laboratório utilizando o ensaio de CBR e DCP. Através das informações contidas na literatura técnica, dos procedimentos experimentais efetuados e das análises de regressão realizadas, ficou evidenciado o relacionamento entre o DCP e o CBR, validando as correlações estabelecidas e propondo modelos próprios, aumentando a confiabilidade dos resultados dos ensaios DCP para avaliação da capacidade de suporte de solos / Abstract: This research establishes a correlation among the strength or supporting values of the tests: CBR (California Bearing Ratio) versus DCP (Dynamic Cone Penetrometer), accomplished with the soil originating from no-paved roads inside of the Campus of UNICAMP. The Cone of Dynamic Penetration (DCP) it is characterized as an equipment simple, portable and of low cost, whose tests reveals to be practically no-destructive. DCP test determines the profile of resistance of soil layers compacted or in your natural state, to control the execution of road buildings and to evaluate structures of pavements. An investigation of the soil through DCP and CBR tests led to the development of regression models, correlating the strength measures obtained through in-situ tests with the aid of DCP and laboratory tests using the CBR and DCP. Through the information contained in the technical literature, of the made experimental procedures and of the regression analyses accomplished, the relationship was evidenced between DCP and CBR, validating the established correlations and proposing own models, increasing the reliability of the results of the DCP tests for determining strength values of soils / Mestrado / Transportes / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Caractérisation et valorisation des matérieux latéritiques utilisés en construction routière au Niger / Characterization and valorization of lateritic materials used in road construction in Niger

Souley Issiakou, Mahamadou 08 December 2016 (has links)
Les latérites sont les sols les plus utilisés dans les travaux de génie civil, plus particulièrement en construction routière dans la plupart des pays de la zone intertropicale. Ce sont des sols résiduels ou détritiques provenant de l’altération des roches préexistantes. Ces sols contiennent en quantité appréciable des oxydes de fer et d’aluminium, de la kaolinite et de la silice, mais de faibles quantités d’oxydes de titane, de manganèse, de magnésium, …, etc. La grande diversité des composés chimiques des latérites rend leur caractérisation malaisée. En outre, les documents normatifs et les guides techniques utilisés pour le dimensionnement des chaussées en Afrique subsaharienne pour la plupart inadaptés, ne prennent pas en compte la spécificité des conditions climatiques et environnementales des formations latéritiques dans les projets routiers. Une caractérisation interdisciplinaire de ces sols avec la prise en compte des facteurs intervenant dans le processus de latéritisation permettrait de déterminer des propriétés plus précises, plus pertinentes et beaucoup plus représentatives. Ce travail a pour vocation la caractérisation et la détermination de l’aptitude des sols latéritiques du sud-ouest du Niger. La zone concernée par l’étude comporte sept gisements latéritiques aux contextes géologiques forts différents les uns des autres. Notre étude, basée sur diverses approches a permis de déterminer les propriétés géotechniques et mécaniques des sols d’une part et les propriétés chimiques et minéralogiques d’autre part. À l’issue de l’étude, deux catégories de sols sont à distinguer : [1] les sols de bonne portance : d’indice CBR de l’ordre de 100 contiennent en moyenne une teneur en fines n’excédant pas 12% et un indice de plasticité inférieur à 15. Pour ces sols, la portance dépend beaucoup de la taille des particules. Ces derniers ont une résistance élevée au cisaillement et un angle de frottement interne effectif φ’ de l’ordre de 40° ainsi qu’une cohésion effective c’ supérieure à 10 kPa. Leur comportement est dilatant au cours du cisaillement. Ils présentent de faibles valeurs en indice de vide et en perméabilité. De même, leur amplitude de tassement est faible. La bonne portance de ces sols se justifie principalement par leur teneur appréciable en oxydes de fer. L’attaque de la matrice fine par ces derniers se fait de manière diffuse ou par concrétionnement sous forme de cercles d’oolithes et de pisolithes ovoïdes tangents. [2] les sols de faible portance : la fraction fine et l’indice de plasticité sont élevés, respectivement de l’ordre de 25 et 30. La portance est de l’ordre de 30, l’angle de frottement interne inférieur à 30° et la cohésion inférieure à 5 kPa. Ces sols résistent faiblement au cisaillement et leur comportement est contractant, c’est-à-dire celui d’un sable lâche. Ils sont plus compressibles, encore moins perméables avec un coefficient de gonflement élevé. La faible portance de ces sols est imputable à leur faible teneur en oxydes de fer, ainsi que le mode d’attaque qui se fait de manière isolée.L’amélioration des sols présentant une faible portance a été expérimentée en y rajoutant séparément une certaine teneur en liant hydraulique (ciment), en chaux (CaO) et en nodules latéritiques. Les analyses minéralogiques et chimiques ont montré que l’ajout des produits a conduit à une modification texturale et a favorisé la mise en place de composés chimiques néo-synthétisés ayant pour rôle principal de renforcer les liaisons entre les éléments minéraux contenus dans les échantillons de sol latéritique. Dans la plupart des cas, les échantillons améliorés ont présenté une bonne portance validant ainsi leur aptitude en construction routière. / Laterites are the most commonly used soils in civil engineering works, particularly in road construction in most countries of intertropical region. These are residual or detrital soils resulting from the alteration of pre-existing rocks. These soils contain a considerable quantity of iron and aluminum oxides, kaolinite and silica, but small quantities of titanium oxides, manganese, magnesium, etc. The large diversity of the chemical compounds of laterites makes their characterization difficult. Moreover, specification documents and technical guides used for road design in sub-saharan Africa, most of them unsuitable, do not take into account the specificity of climatic and environmental conditions of laterite formations in road projects. An interdisciplinary characterization of these soils, taking into account the factors involved in the lateritization process, should make it possible to be determined more precisely. It’s also the best way to get more relevant and much more representative properties. The aim of this work is to characterize and determine the lateritic soils suitability of southwestern Niger in road construction. The area covered by the study consists of seven lateritic deposits with strong geological different contexts from one to another. Our study, based on various approaches, made it possible to determine the geotechnical and mechanical properties of the soils on the one hand and the chemical and mineralogical properties on the other hand. At the end of the study, two categories of soils are to be distinguished: [1] soils with good bearing capacity : CBR of around 100 contain average fines content not exceeding 12% and a plasticity index less than 15. For these soils, the bearing capcity depends very much on the size of the particles. They have a high shear strength, an effective internal friction angle φ' of the order of 40° and an effective cohesion c' greater than 10 kPa. Their behavior is dilatant during shear. They have low values in void ratio and in index permeability. Similarly, their amplitude of settlement is low. The good bearing capacity of these soils is mainly justified by their appreciable iron oxides content. The attack of the microstructure by the latter is done in diffuse way or by concretionary circles of oolites. [2] the soils of low bearing capacity : the fine fraction and the plasticity index are high respectively of the order of 25 and 30. The bearing capacity is around 30, the internal friction angle is less than 30° and the cohesion less than 5 kPa. These soils are weak to the shear and their behavior is contracting (loose sand behavior). They are more compressible and less permeable with a high swelling coefficient. The low bearing capacity of these soils is attributable to their low iron oxide content and to the mode of attack which is carried out in isolated way.The improvement of soils with low bearing capacity has been tested separately by adding a certain amount of hydraulic binder (cement), lime (CaO) and lateritic nodules. Mineralogical and chemical analyzes showed that the addition of the products led to a textural modification and favored the production of neo-synthesized chemical compounds whose main role was to strengthen the links between the mineral elements contained in the lateritic samples. In most cases, the improved samples showed good bearing capacity and validated their road pavement suitability.

Studie náměstí v České Skalici / Study of the square in České Skalice

Rejzek, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to design a suitable layout of the square in České Skalice. The work deals with the design of parking places, bus bays, barrier-free sidewalks and the design of pedestrian crossings and places for crossing. The other part is the layout of greenery and the improvement of the center of the square. In the framework of the work, three variants of the arrangement were elaborated. The most preferred option was further elaborated.

Efecto en el módulo dinámico de la mezcla asfáltica modificada con añadido de residuos triturados de la industria cerámica

Solarte Vanegas, Norma Cristina 02 September 2022 (has links)
[ES] El uso y reúso de residuos es una de las mayores preocupaciones de la sociedad actual. De hecho, en el mundo se producen más de 6,5 mil millones de toneladas de residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD) cada año, de las cuales entre 2,6 y 3 mil millones de toneladas corresponden a residuos inertes de la construcción y de la demolición, dentro de los cuáles está el residuo cerámico. Entre los diferentes factores que están presentes en la falta de manejo de los residuos cabe destacar el desbordamiento de la producción de los mismos, la no aplicación de la política de las 3R, reciclar, reparar y reusar, y la falta de proyectos investigativos que incluyan experimentación con residuos inertes que puedan validar el uso de dichos materiales en diferentes producciones industriales. En ese sentido, construir concretos asfálticos con inclusión de residuos industriales como la cerámica triturada sin respaldo científico podría llevar a los gobiernos a realizar un detrimento patrimonial. Sin embargo, una investigación experimental que incluya el uso de residuos cerámicos en la elaboración de una mezcla de concreto asfáltico que permita conocer su desempeño por medio de ensayos de laboratorio de última tecnología, puede lograr disminuir la brecha de incertidumbre para que los gobiernos puedan tomar decisiones con soluciones económicas y competitivas en zonas con bajos y medianos niveles de tránsito. En esta tesis se desarrollan ensayos de módulos dinámicos en probetas de concreto asfáltico convencional y con inclusión de 30% y 35% de residuo triturado cerámico, tanto en España como en Colombia, lo cual permite analizar, comparar y evaluar internacionalmente el comportamiento de estas mezclas considerando diferentes temperaturas y confirmando su uso en vías de bajos y medianos volúmenes de tránsito. Finalmente, se propone el uso de mezclas asfálticas con inclusión de residuo triturado de cerámica al 30% para ofrecer una opción de reúso, que proporcione un respaldo científico que permita la implementación en carreteras y la integración de instrumentos regulatorios, económicos, educativos e informativos. De esta manera se ayuda a mitigar el problema de los residuos y se amplía la cobertura de la red pavimentada ofreciendo accesibilidad y movilidad a comunidades que de otra forma no podrían conectarse. / [CA] L'ús i reus de residus és una de les majors preocupacions de la societat actual. De fet, en el món es produïxen més de 6,5 mil milions de tones de residus de construcció i demolició (RCD) cada any, de les quals entre 2,6 i 3 mil milions de tones corresponen a residus inerts de la construcció i de la demolició, dins dels quins està el residu ceràmic. Entre els diferents factors que estan presents en la falta de maneig dels residus cal destacar el desbordament de la producció dels mateixos, la no aplicació de la política de les 3R, reciclar, reparar i reusar, i la falta de projectes investigativos que incloguen experimentació amb residus inerts que puguen validar l'ús dels dits materials en diferents produccions industrials. En eixe sentit, construir concrets asfàltics incloent-hi residus industrials com la ceràmica triturada sense respatler científic podria portar als governs a realitzar un detriment patrimonial. No obstant això, una investigació experimental que incloga l'ús de residus ceràmics en l'elaboració d'una mescla de concret asfàltic que permeta conéixer el seu exercici per mitjà d'assajos de laboratori d'última tecnologia, pot aconseguir disminuir la bretxa d'incertesa perquè els governs puguen prendre decisions amb solucions econòmiques i competitives en zones amb baixos i mitjans nivells de trànsit. En esta tesi es desenrotllen assajos de mòduls dinàmics en provetes de concret asfàltic convencional i incloent-hi 30% i 35% de residu triturat ceràmic, tant a Espanya com a Colòmbia, la qual cosa permet analitzar, comparar i avaluar internacionalment el comportament d'estes mescles considerant diferents temperatures i confirmant el seu ús en via de baixos i mitjans volums de trànsit. Finalment, es proposa l'ús de mescles asfàltiques incloent-hi residu triturat de ceràmica al 30% per a oferir una opció de reus, que proporcione un respatler científic que permeta la implementació en carreteres i la integració d'instruments reguladors, econòmics, educatius i informatius. D'esta manera s'ajuda a mitigar el problema dels residus i s'amplia la cobertura de la xarxa pavimentada oferint accessibilitat i mobilitat a comunitats que d'una altra forma no podrien connectar-se. / [EN] The use and reuse of waste is one of the greatest concerns of today's society. In fact, more than 6.5 billion tons of construction and demolition waste (CDW) are produced in the world each year, of which between 2.6 and 3 billion tons correspond to inert construction and demolition waste. demolition, among which is the ceramic waste. Among the different factors that are present in the lack of waste management, it is worth highlighting the overflow of their production, the non-application of the 3R policy, recycling, repairing and reusing, and the lack of research projects that include experimentation with inert waste that can validate the use of these materials in different industrial productions. In this sense, building asphalt concrete with the inclusion of industrial waste such as crushed ceramics without scientific support could lead governments to carry out a patrimonial detriment. However, an experimental investigation that includes the use of ceramic residues in the elaboration of an asphalt concrete mixture that allows knowing its performance through state-of-the-art laboratory tests, can reduce the uncertainty gap so that governments can take decisions with economic and competitive solutions in areas with low and medium levels of traffic. In this thesis, tests of dynamic modules are developed in conventional asphalt concrete specimens and with the inclusion of 30% and 35% of crushed ceramic residue, both in Spain and in Colombia, which allows the behavior of these mixtures to be analyzed, compared and evaluated internationally. Considering different temperatures and confirming its use in roads with low and medium volumes of traffic. Finally, the use of asphalt mixtures including 30% crushed ceramic waste is proposed to offer a reuse option that provides scientific support that allows implementation on roads and the integration of regulatory, economic, educational and informational instruments. In this way, it helps to mitigate the waste problem and expands the coverage of the paved network, offering accessibility and mobility to communities that otherwise would not be able to connect. / Solarte Vanegas, NC. (2022). Efecto en el módulo dinámico de la mezcla asfáltica modificada con añadido de residuos triturados de la industria cerámica [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185790 / TESIS

Development of Multiple Linear Regression Model and Rule Based Decision Support System to Improve Supply Chain Management of Road Construction Projects in Disaster Regions

Anwar, Waqas January 2019 (has links)
Supply chain operations of construction industry including road projects in disaster regions results in exceeding project budget and timelines. In road construction projects, supply chain with poor performance can affect efficiency and completion time of the project. This is also the case of the road projects in disaster areas. Disaster areas consider both natural and man-made disasters. Few examples of disaster zones are; Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Haiti and many other countries with similar environments. The key factors affecting project performance and execution are insecurity, uncertainties in demand and supply, poor communication and technology, poor infrastructure, lack of political and government will, unmotivated organizational staff, restricted accessibility to construction materials, legal hitches, multiple challenges of hiring labour force and exponential construction rates due to high risk environment along with multiple other factors. The managers at all tiers are facing challenges of overrunning time and budget of supply chain operations during planning as well as execution phase of development projects. The aim of research is to develop a Multiple Linear Regression Model (MLRM) and a Rule Based Decision Support System by incorporating various factors affecting supply chain management of road projects in disaster areas in the order of importance. This knowledge base (KB) (importance / coefficient of each factor) will assist infrastructure managers (road projects) and practitioners in disaster regions in decision making to minimize the effect of each factor which will further help them in project improvement. Conduct of Literature Review in the fields of disaster areas, supply chain operational environments of road project, statistical techniques, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and types of research approaches has provided deep insights to the researchers. An initial questionnaire was developed and distributed amongst participants as pilot project and consequently results were analysed. The results’ analysis enabled the researcher to extract key variables impacting supply chain performance of road project. The results of questionnaire analysis will facilitate development of Multiple Linear Regression Model, which will eventually be verified and validated with real data from actual environments. The development of Multiple Linear Regression Model and Rule Based Decision Support System incorporating all factors which affect supply chain performance of road projects in disastrous regions is the most vital contribution to the research. The significance and novelty of this research is the methodology developed that is the integration of those different methods which will be employed to measure the SCM performance of road projects in disaster areas.

Tillämpning av visuell artificiell intelligens inom temporär trafiksäkerhet för att uppnå en säkrare, effektivare och mer miljövänlig verksamhet : Ökad säkerhet, effektivitet och miljömässig hållbarhet med visuell artificiell intelligens / Application of visual artificial intelligence in temporary traffic safety to achieve a safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly operation

Airiman, David, Schöldin, Casper January 2024 (has links)
Syfte: Examensarbetet syftar till att undersöka var företagsverksamheter inom trafiksäkerhet och tillfällig trafikledning kan tillämpa visuell artificiell intelligens (AI) för att uppnå en säkrare, miljövänligare och mer kostnadseffektiv verksamhet.  Frågeställningar: “Hur kan tillämpning av visuell artificiell intelligens användas för identifiering av temporära skyddsanordningar vid vägarbeten?”; “Hur kan tillämpning av visuell artificiell intelligens användas för identifiering av personlig skyddsutrustning vid vägarbeten?”; och “Vilka förändringar kan ske gällande företagsverksamhetens säkerhet, kostnader och koldioxidutsläpp vid tillämpningen av visuell artificiell intelligens vid vägarbeten?”. Metod: Denna studie utfördes med en abduktiv ansats och en mixad forskningsdesign. Där en teoretisk referensram utifrån vetenskapliga artiklar och en empiriinsamling bestående av en fallstudie, intervjuer med anställda, och beräkningar baserat på data från fallföretaget analyserades för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Slutsats: Genom att adressera utmaningarna och utnyttja möjligheterna som teknologin erbjuder kan AI-kameror vara ett värdefullt verktyg för att främja en säkrare och mer hållbar arbetsmiljö vid vägarbeten samt en mer gynnsam verksamhet. Genom att tillämpa visuell artificiell intelligens, för att identifiera korrekt användning av personlig skyddsutrustning vid vägarbeten och kombinera det med manuella inspektioner, kan säkerheten för arbetare förbättras och korrekt användning av personlig skyddsutrustning (PPE) säkerställas. Slutligen indikerar studien att tillämpning av visuell artificiell intelligens vid vägarbeten har potential att förbättra säkerheten för arbetare, trafikanter och civilpersoner runtom, minska kostnaderna för företagen och minska miljöpåverkan genom minskade koldioxidutsläpp. / Aim: This thesis aims to investigate how businesses within traffic safety and temporary traffic management can apply visual artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve safer, more environmentally friendly, and cost-effective operations. Research questions: “How can the application of visual artificial intelligence be used for identifying temporary protective devices on road construction sites?”; “How can the application of visual artificial intelligence be used for identifying personal protective equipment on road construction sites?”; and “What changes can occur regarding the company's operational safety, costs, and carbon emissions with the application of visual artificial intelligence on road construction sites?”. Methodology: This study was conducted using an abductive approach and a mixed research design. A theoretical framework based on scientific articles and an empirical data collection consisting of a case study, interviews with employees, and calculations based on data from the case company were analyzed to answer the study’s research questions. Conclusion: By addressing the challenges and leveraging the opportunities that technology offers, AI cameras can be a valuable tool in promoting a safer and more sustainable work environment on road construction sites, as well as for more favorable operations for companies. By applying visual artificial intelligence to identify correct usage of personal protective equipment on road construction sites and combining it with manual inspections, worker safety can be improved, and proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) can be ensured. Finally, the study indicates that the application of visual artificial intelligence on road construction sites has the potential to improve the safety of workers, road users, and civilians nearby, reduce costs for companies and decrease environmental impacts by reducing carbon emissions.

Μελέτη καταλληλότητας ανθρακικών πετρωμάτων ζώνης Ωλονού-Πίνδου του Ν. Αιτωλοακαρνανίας για χρήση τους σε έργα οδοποιΐας

Παπαδόπουλος, Παναγιώτης 16 May 2014 (has links)
Στην εργασία αυτή αξιολογούνται οι πετρογραφικές και φυσικομηχανικές ιδιότητες που καθορίζουν την καταλληλότητα των ανθρακικών σχηματισμών του Νομού Αιτωλοακαρνανίας Δυτικής Ελλάδας,που ανήκουν στη ζώνη Ωλονού-Πίνδου ηλικίας Άνω Κρητιδικού.Σκοπός είναι να συσχετισθούν οι ιδιότητες αυτές,να προσδιοριστεί η συμπεριφορά των αργιλικών προσμίξεων και να καθορισθεί η καταλληλότητας τους,για χρήση τους ως αδρανή σε έργα οδοποιϊας.Δυο από τις δοκιμές που προσδιορίζουν την καθαρότητα των αδρανών είναι η δοκιμή ισοδύναμου άμμου και η δοκιμή μπλε του μεθυλενίου,τα αποτελέσματα των οποίων συσχετίστηκαν με τις πετρογραφικές και φυσικομηχανικές παραμέτρους των πετρωμάτων. / In this paper we evaluate the petrographic and physicomechanical properties which determine the suitability of carbonate formations of Aitoloakarnania Western Greece , in Olonos - Pindos unit Cretaceous age.The objective is to relate these properties to determine the behavior of clay impurities and determine the suitability for use as aggregates in road construction.Two of the tests that used to determine the purity of the aggregates is the sand equivalent and methylene blue, the results of which were associated with the petrographic and physico-mechanical parameters of rocks .

Gestion et valorisation des Mâchefers d’Incinération de Déchets non Dangereux (MIDND) : Etude du comportement des polluants inorganiques traces au cours de la maturation et en fonction de la granulométrie / Management et valorization of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash : Studying the behavior of inorganic trace pollutants during weathering and as a function of particle size

Gonzales Ramirez, Maria-Lorena 04 December 2014 (has links)
L’enjeu actuel autour de la gestion des MIDND est de valoriser, dans la mesure du possible, les mâchefers sur les chantiers routiers à maîtrise d’ouvrage publique ou privée, tout en tenant compte de la réglementation en vigueur et en réalisant un suivi rigoureux dès l’élaboration jusqu’à leur mise en place. Un des freins de la valorisation des MIDND est relatif aux critères de qualité de plus en plus contraignants. Parmi les polluants potentiels qui peuvent entrainer des restrictions environnementales d’utilisation, les éléments trace métalliques (ETM), dont le comportement en fonction des paramètres que sont la maturation et la granulométrie reste peu connu, sont des plus préoccupants. Dans cette thèse, l’approche développée a permis de définir les conditions favorables au relargage des ETM suivants : Cu, Cr, Pb, Sb, Ni et Zn. La démarche scientifique s’articule autour de trois grands axes : Le premier axe concerne le développement d’une méthode de caractérisation pertinente des MIDND (notamment de la fraction organique et de la fraction minérale polluante) afin de pouvoir mieux juger de leurs qualités. La matrice initiale d’étude prélevée sur un site industriel ainsi que ses fractions granulométriques, ont été finement analysée, tant d’un point de vue physico-chimique qu’en ce qui concerne leur comportement environnemental. La modélisation géochimique basée sur ces données physicochimiques et de lixiviation permet d’identifier des phases majoritaires et de simuler le comportement du matériau dans la perspective de prévoir l’évolution du MIDND en conditions spécifiques de stockage ou de valorisation. Le deuxième axe décrit l’impact des conditions de maturation, et du fractionnement granulométrique sur l’évolution de la qualité des MIDND. Trois différentes conditions de maturation (naturelle sur plate-forme; accélérée sur petit tas; forcée) ont été étudiées. Les résultats montrent que les changements dans la composition chimique et minéralogique des MIDND étudiés et de leurs fractions granulométriques sont plus significatifs lorsque la maturation progresse. La maturation naturelle accélérée et la carbonatation forcée limite la lixiviation du Cu, du Pb et du Zn. Au contraire, la lixiviation du Cr, de Sb, des Cl- et des SO42- augmente lorsque le pH diminue. Le troisième axe est dédié à l’étude de l’utilisation des MIDND comme matière première secondaire dans un scénario de valorisation alternatif aux utilisations en sous-couches routières classiquement pratiquées. Le scénario consiste à incorporer les MIDND dans un coulis auto-compactant utilisable pour l’élargissement de chaussées ou le comblement de fossés. Une formulation a pu être définie. La conformité des performances mécaniques, géotechniques et environnementales aux spécifications d’usage normalisées, est encourageante pour les potentiels utilisateurs des MIDND en technique routière. / Current challenge of Municipal Solid waste Incineration (MSWI) bottom ash management lays in its valorization, mainly to be used in road construction projects. The process must take into account environmental regulations and conduct rigorous monitoring from production to utilization. One constraint in the assessment of MSWI bottom ash is related to quality criteria which is becoming more restrictive. Among potential pollutants that can cause environmental use restrictions are metal trace elements (MTE), whose behavior based on weathering and grain size is not yet well known and represent one of greatest concern. In this thesis, the developed research approach defined the favorable conditions for Cu, Cr, Pb, Sb, Ni and Zn release. The aforementioned approach is based on three pillars: The first pillar focuses on the development of a pertinent characterization method for bottom ash (including the polluting organic and mineral fraction) aiming at a better assessment of its properties. The initial study matrix, taken from an industrial site, was carefully analyzed from both, physico-chemical and environmental performances. Geochemical modeling based on physico-chemical and leaching data, allowed to identify the main mineral phases and to simulate material behavior with the purpose of predicting the evolution of MSWI bottom ash in specific storage or valorization conditions. The second pillar describes the impact of weathering conditions and size partitioning on MSWI bottom ash quality evolution. Three different weathering conditions (natural on industrial scale heap; accelerated on small heap; and forced) were studied. The results showed that changes in the chemical and mineralogical composition of MSWI bottom ash as well as in its size fractions are more significant when the weathering proceed. The natural accelerated weathering and the forced carbonation limited the leaching of Cu, Pb and Zn, whereas, the leaching of Cr, Sb, Cl and the SO42- increased as pH decreased. The third pillar focuses on the study of MSWI bottom ash alternative utilization as secondary raw material for the typically practiced road sub-layers construction. It consisted of incorporating MSWI bottom ash in a self-compacting material used for pavement sub-layer or coated road shoulders structures. A formulated material was obtained by mixing MSWI bottom ash, water and cement as a hydraulic binder. The results of the mechanical, geotechnical and environmental assessment are promising for MISWI bottom ash potential use in road construction.

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