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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplicação de um procedimento usando preferência declarada para a estimativa do valor do tempo de viagem de motoristas em uma escolha entre rotas rodoviárias pedagiadas e não pedagiadas. / Application of a procedure using stated preference for value of travel time estimation in a choice context involving tolled and non-tolled routes.

André Nozawa Brito 19 March 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação baseia-se na aplicação de um procedimento empírico envolvendo técnicas de preferência declarada para a estimativa do valor do tempo de viagem de motoristas em deslocamentos regionais, em um contexto de escolha entre rotas pedagiadas e não pedagiadas. Inicialmente é feita uma revisão das abordagens teórica e empírica sobre a valoração do tempo. São também revistos os conceitos básicos de outros dois elementos fundamentais na metodologia aqui utilizada: a teoria da escolha e técnicas de preferência declarada. Uma aplicação a um estudo de caso específico é feita usando informações coletadas em ampla pesquisa de preferência declarada, realizada em 2005 com motoristas de automóvel em diversos pontos da malha rodoviária do estado de São Paulo. O desenho experimental da preferência declarada envolvia três atributos: tempo de viagem por uma rota pedagiada, custo tarifário e tempo de viagem por uma rota não pedagiada. O conjunto das informações foi analisado e utilizado na obtenção de modelos de escolha discreta do tipo logit multinomial; os valores do tempo de viagem foram obtidos a partir dos coeficientes estimados em funções de utilidade aditivas e lineares nos parâmetros. Analisou-se também a variação do valor do tempo em função de características do motorista e da viagem, questão abordada através da estimação de diferentes modelos por segmentos da amostra e da especificação de funções de utilidade que incorporam variáveis dummies para representação das características analisadas. Os resultados indicaram, para a escolha específica estudada, valores de tempo médios de cerca de R$ 16/h, variando de R$12/h a R$23/h para diferentes segmentos de viajantes analisados. A duração da viagem foi uma importante característica associada a variações no valor do tempo, que decresceu na medida em que as durações aumentaram. Variações expressivas no valor do tempo de viagem foram também observadas para viagens a lazer, motoristas de renda familiar baixa e aqueles com alta posse de veículos. / This dissertation is based on the application of an empirical procedure using stated preference techniques for the estimation of the value of travel time for drivers in regional trips, in the context of a choice between tolled and non-tolled routes. It first reviews the theoretical and the empirical approaches for the valuation of travel time and then presents the basic concepts of two other topics relevant for the methodology adopted: choice theory and stated preference methods. An application to a specific case study is then presented, using information from a stated preference survey conducted in 2005 with a large sample of car drivers intercepted at several points in the highway network of the state of São Paulo. The stated preference experimental design considered three attributes: trip time on a tolled route, value of toll and trip time on a non-tolled route. Survey data were analyzed and used for the estimation of discrete choice (multinomial logit) models; values of travel time were derived from estimates of coefficients of an additive linear in the parameters utility function. The specification of the models and the segmentation of the sample allowed the estimation of the variation of travel time according to some selected driver and trip characteristics. Results indicated, for the specific choice context analyzed, an average value of travel time of approximately R$16/h, varying from about R$12/h to R$23/h for different segments of travelers. Trip length was an important characteristic influencing the variation of the value of travel time, which declined as trip length increased. Other important effects were found for leisure trips, for travelers with low income and for those with high family car ownership.

Administração de antibióticos por via subcutânea: uma revisão integrativa da literatura / Administration of antibiotics by subcutaneous injection: integrative literature review

Eliete Farias Azevedo 14 December 2011 (has links)
A administração de medicamentos por via subcutânea é considerada segura, de manuseio simples e descrita como alternativa às vias intravenosa e intramuscular em pacientes em cuidados paliativos (CP) com difícil acesso venoso. A escassez de estudos e a pouca divulgação dessa via parenteral para administração de antibióticos restringem o seu uso. Portanto, realizou-se uma revisão integrativa da literatura, com objetivo de identificar e analisar as evidências disponíveis na literatura científica sobre o uso de antibióticos por via subcutânea em pacientes com difícil acesso venoso em CP quanto à tolerância local e à eficácia terapêutica, utilizando-se como referencial teórico a Prática Baseada em Evidências. Para a busca e seleção dos estudos, foram utilizadas 5 bases de dados: LILACS, CINAHL, PUBMED, EMBASE e Biblioteca Cochrane. A amostra foi de 17 estudos, sendo 4 com nível de evidência forte (nível II), 5 com nível de evidência moderada (nível III) e 8 com nível de evidência fraca (nível V e VI). Foram encontrados 10 antibióticos: Ertapenem, Ceftriaxona, Cefepime, Teicoplanina, Ampicilina, Tobramicina, Amicacina, Netilmicina, Gentamicina e Sisomicina, sendo Ceftriaxona o antibiótico mais estudado. A eficácia terapêutica foi satisfatória por via subcutânea a partir dos parâmetros farmacocinéticos, quando comparados às vias intravenosa e intramuscular, variando de um estudo para o outro de acordo com características da população estudada, dose e concentração do antibiótico. A confirmação da eficácia terapêutica por parâmetros clínicos foi avaliada em 1 estudo sobre Ceftriaxona com melhora dos sintomas clínicos dos pacientes. Sobre a tolerância local, constatou-se que, quanto maior a diluição do antibiótico, melhor a tolerância. Exceto a Tobramicina, todos os Aminoglicosídeos foram associados a lesões graves com evolução para necrose tecidual. A baixa tolerância reforça a restrição de uso apenas para essa classe de antibióticos. Para Ampicilina e Ertapenem não se observou intolerância local. Com Teicoplanina, a tolerância local foi boa: apenas 1 relato de dor e eritema quando se utilizou água para injeção como diluente. Com Cefepime, foram observados 2 casos de edema leve com eritema seguido de mínima dor, e 1 caso de prurido local. Para Ceftriaxona com 2 g associado a lidocaína a 1% observou-se dor e necrose tecidual; com 0,5 g não se observou intolerância alguma, e com 1 g observou-se boa tolerância, porém, em todos os casos com placebo salino ou hialuronidase prévios houve queixa de dor. As previsões de eficácia terapêutica e a boa tolerância constatadas para os antibióticos por via subcutânea sugerem uma possibilidade a ser considerada quando se deseja uma via de administração parenteral alternativa. Entretanto, recomenda-se cautela e avaliação criteriosa devido à lacuna existente sobre o uso de antibióticos por via subcutânea em pacientes em CP e suas necessidades e condições específicas. Embora os dados evidenciados fortaleçam o corpo de conhecimento de enfermagem na tomada de decisão para a implementação da assistência, faz-se necessária a realização de mais estudos com nível de evidência forte e de boa qualidade metodológica que comprovem ou refutem a efetividade desses antibióticos por via subcutânea para os pacientes em CP. / The administration of medication by subcutaneous route is considered safe, simple to handle and described as an alternative to intravenous and intramuscular routes in patients in palliative care (PC) with difficult venous access. The lack of studies and the little disclosure of this parenteral route to administer antibiotics restrict its use. Therefore, this integrative literature review aimed to identify and analyze the evidences available in scientific literature on the use of antibiotics by subcutaneous route in patients with difficult venous access in PC regarding the local tolerance and therapeutic efficacy, using as theoretical framework Evidence-Based Practice. The following five databases were used in the search and selection of studies: LILACS, CINAHL, PUBMED, EMBASE and Cochrane Library. The sample consisted of 17 studies, 4 with strong level of evidence (level II), 5 with moderate level of evidence (level III) and 8 with low level of evidence (level V and VI). Ten antibiotics were found: Ertapenem, Ceftriaxone, Cefepime, Teicoplanin, Ampicillin, Tobramycin, Amikacin, Netilmicin, Sisomicin and Gentamicin. The antibiotic Ceftriaxone was studied the most. The therapeutic efficacy was satisfactory via subcutaneous route, according to the pharmacokinetic parameters when compared to intravenous and intramuscular routes, varying from study to study according to characteristics of the studied population, dose and concentration of the antibiotics. Confirmation of the therapeutic efficacy by clinical parameters was evaluated in one study about Ceftriaxone with improvement of clinical symptoms of patients and cure of the infection. With regard to local tolerance, it was found that the higher the dilution of the antibiotic, the better the tolerance. Except for Tobramycin, all aminoglycosides have been associated with severe injury progressing to tissue necrosis. The low tolerance reinforces the restriction of use only to this class of antibiotics. No local intolerance was observed for Ampicillin and Ertapenem. Teicoplanin showed good local tolerance: there was only one report of pain and erythema when using water as diluent for injection. With Cefepime, the following was observed: 2 cases of mild edema with erythema followed by minimal pain, and 1 case of local itching. For Ceftriaxone 2 g associated with Lidocaine 1%, pain and tissue necrosis was observed, with 0.5 g no intolerance was observed, and with 1 g there was good tolerance, however, in all cases with previous saline placebo or Hyaluronidase there was complaint of pain. Predictions of therapeutic efficacy and good tolerability observed for antibiotics with subcutaneous route suggest a possibility to be considered when there is need of an alternative parenteral route for administration. However, there is for caution and careful evaluation as there is a gap on the use of antibiotics vie subcutaneous route in PC and their specific needs and conditions. Although the evidenced data strengthen the body of knowledge for nursing in decision making for the implementation of care, there is need of further studies with strong level of evidence and good methodological quality that can prove or refute the effectiveness of these antibiotics through subcutaneous route to patients in PC.

Uso da via transpericárdica para infusão de células mononucleares de medula óssea em suínos induzidos ao infarto agudo do miocárdio / Use of the transpericardic route for infusion of bone marrow mononuclear cells in acute infarct of the myocardium in induced swines

Érika Renata Branco 14 December 2007 (has links)
As doenças cardiovasculares continuam sendo a primeira causa de morte no Brasil (32%) representando a terceira maior causa de internação hospitalar. Apesar dos avanços terapêuticos das últimas décadas, estudos epidemiológicos consideram o infarto agudo do miocárdio (AMI) uma das maiores causas de morbidade e mortalidade, sendo a maioria, ligados a realização de terapias não adequadas, dos quais 50% das mortes ocorrem nas primeiras 2 horas do ocorrido e 14% morrem antes de receber atendimento médico. O objetivo deste estudo foi de avaliar a técnica de infusão transpericárdica de células mononucleares de medula óssea (CMMO) em suínos. Três suínos fêmeas, pesando 25Kg foram induzidas ao AMI, com auxilio de cateter balão colocado no 1° ramo diagonal da artéria coronária interventricular por 45 minutos, seguido por infusão de 1x108 CMMO marcadas com Hoechst® pela via transpericárdica. O grupo controle foi composto por 3 animais, os quais receberam infusão de 1x108 CMMO marcadas com Hoechst® através da mesma técnica. Os resultados revelaram distribuição homogênea das CMMO no miocárdio, concentrando-se especialmente na área infartada, enquanto que o grupo controle apresentou distribuição homogênea ao longo do miocárdio. Nós concluímos que a técnica transpericárdica é viável para infusão de CMMO em processos de isquemia cardíaca. / Cardiovascular illnesses continue to be the first cause of death in Brazil (32%), representing the third major reason of hospital internment. Although the therapeutics advances in the last decades, epidemiologic studies considered the acute myocardium infarct (AMI) to be one of the most causes of morbidity and mortality (30%), most of, related to the institution of non-adequate therapy, thereby 50% of deaths in the early two hours of the event and 14% dying before any medical assistance. Currently therapies include stent angioplasty, Thrombolytic medication and aortic-coronary venous grafting; while in experimental area the cellular therapy has been largely investigated being the cells infusion technique investigation the most enthusiastic issue. This study aimed to evaluate the transepicardic infusion technique of bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC) in swine. Three female swine, averaging 25 kg, were induced to AMI, with the aid of a balloon catheter displaced on the first interventricular diagonal branch of the coronary artery for 45 minutes, following to the infusion of 1x108 BMMC stained with Hoescht® by the transepicardic technique. Sham operation was carried out in three animals (Control group), which received infusion of 1x108 BMMC stained with Hoescht® by the same technique. The results revealed an inhomogeneous distribution of the BMMC in the myocardium, being more concentrated in the infarcted area, while the control group presented a homogeneous distribution along the myocardium. We concluded the transpericardic technique would be acceptable to the infusion of BMMC in cardiac ischemic processes.


NELSON HENRIQUE DHEIN 23 January 2007 (has links)
[pt] O assunto deste trabalho é o dimensionamento otimizado de rotas de microondas, utilizando-se técnicas de decomposição. O modelo matemático utilizado é baseado nos critérios de projetos de sistemas de microondas, adotado no Brasil, pela empresa Brasileira de Telecomunicações S.A., EMBRATEL, e é constituído por uma função objetivo não linear, várias restrições de desigualdades, sendo algumas não convexas. A solução do problema foi obtida usando-se o método de decomposição dual, e o algoritmo da aproximação da tangente. Alguns exemplos simulados e outros reais, foram resolvidos, com auxilio de um computador IBM 4341. / [en] The purpose of this work is to present a method for optimization of microwave routes in radio relay links, using decompositions techniques. The mathematical model is based on microwaves systems design criteria adopted in Brasil by the Empresa Brasileira de Telecomunicações S.A., EMBRATEL, and consists of a nonlinear objective function, several inequalities constraints, some of them nonconvex. The problem was solved by the dual decomposition techniques through the tangent approximation method. Some simulated exeamples and others real ones, were solved with the aid of an IBM 4341 computer.

Optimización de rutas de transporte en la distribución física de equipos celulares de un operador logístico en la ciudad de Lima - Perú

Tataje Lovera, Elizabeth Carolina, Montenegro Giraldo, Marycely January 2015 (has links)
La tesis de investigación estuvo orientada a la optimización de las rutas que operan en el transporte de la distribución de mercancía de equipos celulares que se encuentra a cargo del Operador Logístico, a través de la aplicación de la metodología de programación lineal con el uso del solver de Excel. Para lo cual el primer trabajo realizado fue la búsqueda de información asociada al tema de tesis para la confección del marco teórico y la definición de los conceptos básicos utilizados en el tema como son por ejemplo los términos de Investigación de operaciones, programación lineal, distribución física, transporte, ruta óptima y simulación; para posteriormente continuar con el diagnóstico de la situación actual y el análisis de la problemática existente en la distribución física de los productos, relacionado al diseño y desempeño actual de las rutas en la empresa. Luego con la identificación y selección de las rutas a optimizar, se procedió a encontrar la ruta óptima en distancias para cada una de ellas, a través del uso de la programación lineal y uso del software Excel en donde se ingresaron los datos correspondientes de cada ruta. Finalmente se presentaron los resultados obtenidos de cada simulación realizada en el software informático, en donde luego del análisis y comparación entre las distancias de las rutas reales y las rutas ideales simuladas, se pudo comprobar la disminución de distancias a través del uso de la ruta óptima. La disminución de distancias en las rutas disminuyó también el costo de combustible utilizado en la unidad de transporte. The thesis research was oriented to the optimization of routes operating in the transport of distribution of cellular equipment that is in charge of the Logistics Operator, through the application of linear programming methodology. For which the first work was the search for information associated with the thesis topic to prepare the framework and the definition of the basic concepts used in the subject as such terms are operations research, linear programming, physical distribution , transportation, simulation and optimal route; and then continue with the diagnosis of the current situation and identify the problems in the physical distribution of products related to the design and performance of current routes in the company. Then with the identification and selection of routes to optimize, we proceeded to find the optimal route distances for each of them, through the use of linear programming and using the software Excel where the data of each route is entered. Finally the results of simulation performed on each computer software, where after analysis and comparison of the distances of the actual paths and routes ideal simulated showed it was found decreasing distances through the use of the optimum route. Decreasing distances on routes also reduced the cost of fuel used in the transport unit.

Färdvägsmiljöer vid cykling för transport : En studie av en modell om uppfattningar av färdvägsmiljön hos cyklister

Hägglund, Elin, Westerling, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
Summary Aim The study examines a theoretical model developed to capture cyclist´s perceptions of the route environment. The survey focuses on if level two and three in the theoretical model captures what it´s intended to do. More specific we ask ourselves how the three appraisals (unsafe/safe by traffic reasons, stimulating/inhibiting route environment, unsafe/safe by other reasons) in the model´s second level relates among themselves and if these three appraisals can capture the degree of environmental well-being/unwell-being in the model´s third level. The questions were: Do the three appraisals differ among themselves? What is the difference/-s in such cases? And, is there a correlation between any of the three appraisals and environmental unwell-being/well-being? What is the correlation in such case?   Method The gathering of data was done through questionnaires. The participants got to assess their perceptions of four photographs on route environments. The assessment was done by four questions too each photograph. The four appraisals in the theoretical model about the route environment, which the study is based on, have formed the basis for respectively question. The four questions read: “How unsafe/safe by traffic reasons would you feel in this route environment?” ([1] unsafe/safe by traffic reasons). “To what extent do you assess that this route environment would stimulate/inhibit your cycling?” ([2] stimulating/inhibiting route environment). “How unsafe/safe by other reasons than traffic would you feel in this route environment?” ([3] unsafe/safe by other reasons) and “How would you assess your environmental well-being/unwell-being in this route environment?” ([4] environmental well-being/unwell-being). To rate the photographs The ACRES (Active Commuting Route Environment Scale) 15-degree point scale has been used. 157 students from The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, aged from 19 to 43 years, were included in the study, of which 62 students were males (mean age: 24,3 years) and 95 students were females (mean age: 23,4 years). The data was analyzed with Pearsons correlation analysis, dependent t-test and multiple regression.   Results The dependent t-test analysis showed that there was a significant difference in assessments between all of the appraisals for photography 1, 2, and 3. Photograph 4 showed a significant difference in assessments between the appraisals [1] unsafe/safe by traffic reasons and [2] stimulating/inhibiting route environment and between [1] unsafe/safe by traffic reasons and [3] unsafe/safe by other reasons. However, no significant difference was shown between [2] stimulating/inhibiting route environment and [3] unsafe/safe by other reasons. The correlation matrices for each photograph showed a significant correlation between [4] environmental well-being/unwell-being and the three appraisals. However, the multiple regression analysis showed no significant correlation between the appraisals [1] unsafe/safe by traffic reasons and [4] environmental well-being/unwell-being. This applies for all four photographs.   Conclusion Appraisal [1] unsafe/safe by traffic reasons seems to be distinguished from the other two appraisals. Appraisal [3] unsafe/safe by other reasons and appraisal [2] stimulating/inhibiting route environment may possibly be distinguished from each other. The appraisals [2] stimulating/inhibiting route environment and [3] unsafe/safe by other reasons may have an effect on [4] environmental well-being/unwell-being during cycling. Appraisal [2] and [3] can to 30-57% explain the changes of [4] environmental well-being/unwell-being during cycling of the four route environments that were assessed in this study. Appraisal [1] Unsafe/safe by traffic reasons does not seem to have an effect on the degree of [4] environmental well-being/unwell-being during cycling. With that being said level 2 and 3 of the theoretical model about the route environment do partially work. This study was an attempt, through photographs, examine a theoretical model about the route environment but more studies are needed to explore uncertainties of this model. / Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Studien granskar en teoretisk modell framtagen för att fånga cyklisters uppfattningar av färdvägsmiljön. Undersökningen fokuserar på om nivå två och tre i den teoretiska modellen fångar vad de är ämnade att göra. Mer specifikt frågar vi oss hur de tre utsagorna (otrygg/trygg av trafikmässiga skäl, otrygg/trygg av andra orsaker och stimulerande/motverkande färdvägsmiljö) i modellens andra nivå förhåller sig sinsemellan samt om dessa tre utsagor kan fånga graden av miljömässigt välbefinnande/ovälbefinnande i modellens tredje nivå. Frågeställningarna var: Skiljer sig de tre utsagorna åt sinsemellan? Hur ter sig skillnaden/-erna i sådana fall? Och finns det ett samband mellan någon/några av de tre utsagorna och miljömässigt välbefinnande/ovälbefinnande? Hur ser sambanden i sådana fall ut?   Metod Datainsamlingen skedde genom enkäter. Respondenterna fick bedöma sina upplevelser av fyra fotografier på färdvägsmiljöer. Bedömningarna skedde genom fyra frågor till varje fotografi. De fyra utsagorna i den teoretiska modellen om färdvägsmiljön som studien bygger på har legat till grund för utformningen av respektive bedömningsfråga. De fyra frågorna lyder: ”Hur otrygg/trygg av trafikmässiga skäl skulle du känna dig i denna färdvägsmiljö?” ([1] otrygg/trygg av trafikmässiga skäl). ”I vilken grad uppfattar du att denna färdvägsmiljö skulle stimulera/motverka din cykling?” [2] stimulerande/motverkande färdvägsmiljö). ”Hur otrygg/trygg av andra orsaker än trafiken skulle du känna dig i denna färdvägsmiljö?” ([3] otrygg/trygg av andra orsaker) samt ”Hur skulle du uppfatta ditt miljömässiga välbefinnande/ovälbefinnande i denna färdvägsmiljö?” ([4] miljömässigt välbefinnande/ovälbefinnande). För skattning av fotografierna har ACRES (Active Commuting Route Environment Scale) 15-gradiga skala använts. 157 studenter från Gymnastik-och idrottshögskolan i åldrarna 19-43 år inkluderades i studien, varav 62 studenter var män (medelålder 24,3 år) och 95 studenter var kvinnor (medelålder 23,4 år). Dataanalyserna gjordes genom Pearsons korrelationsanalys, beroende t-test och multipel regression.   Resultat Analysen med beroende t-test visade att det fanns statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i skattningarna mellan samtliga utsagor för fotografi 1, 2 och 3. För fotografi 4 kan man se att det fanns en signifikant skillnad i skattningar mellan utsagorna [1] otrygg/trygg av trafikmässiga skäl och [2] stimulerande/motverkande färdvägsmiljö samt mellan [1] otrygg/trygg av trafikmässiga skäl och [3] otrygg/trygg av andra orsaker. Dock fanns det ingen signifikant skillnad mellan [2] stimulerande/motverkande färdvägsmiljö och [3] otrygg/trygg av andra orsaker. Korrelationsmatrisen för varje fotografi visade att det fanns ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan [4] miljömässigt välbefinnande/ovälbefinnande och de tre utsagorna. Dock visade den multipla regressionsanalysen inget signifikant samband mellan utsaga [1] otrygg/trygg av trafikmässiga skäl och [4] miljömässigt välbefinnande/ovälbefinnande. Detta gäller för samtliga fyra fotografier.   Slutsats Utsaga [1] otrygg/trygg av trafikmässiga skäl verkar kunna särskiljas från de två övriga utsagorna. Utsaga [3] otrygg/trygg av andra orsaker och utsaga [2] stimulerande/motverkande färdvägsmiljö kan möjligtvis särskiljas från varandra. Utsagorna [2] stimulerande/motverkande färdvägsmiljö och [3] otrygg/trygg av andra orsaker verkar kunna påverka graden av [4] miljömässigt välbefinnande/ovälbefinnande under cykling. Utsaga [2] och [3] kan till 30-57% förklara förändringen av [4] miljömässigt välbefinnande/ovälbefinnande under cykling för de fyra färdvägsmiljöer som bedömdes i den här studien. Utsaga [1] otrygg/trygg av trafikmässiga skäl verkar inte kunna påverka graden av [4] miljömässigt välbefinnande/ovälbefinnande under cykling. Med detta sagt fungerar nivå 2 och 3 i den teoretiska modellen om färdvägsmiljön delvis. Denna studie var ett försök att med hjälp av fotografier granska en teoretisk modell om färdvägsmiljön men fler studier behövs för att utforska oklarheter i denna modell.

Speech Comprehension : Theoretical approaches and neural correlates

Roos, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
This review has examined the spatial and temporal neural activation of speech comprehension. Six theories on speech comprehension were selected and reviewed. The most fundamental structures for speech comprehension are the superior temporal gyrus, the fusiform gyrus, the temporal pole, the temporoparietal junction, and the inferior frontal gyrus. Considering temporal aspects of processes, the N400 ERP effect indicates semantic violations, and the P600 indicates re-evaluation of a word due to ambiguity or syntax error. The dual-route processing model provides the most accurate account of neural correlates and streams of activation necessary for speech comprehension, while also being compatible with both the reviewed studies and the reviewed theories. The integrated theory of language production and comprehension provides a contemporary theory of speech production and comprehension with roots in computational neuroscience, which in conjunction with the dual-route processing model could drive the fields of language and neuroscience even further forward.

Cobalt catalyst supports for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis

Pardo-Tarifa, Fatima January 2017 (has links)
In the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis, CO and H2 (synthesis gas) are converted into hydrocarbons that can be further upgraded to high-quality fuels and chemicals. Different carbon sources such as natural gas, coal and biomass can be used as feed-stocks for the synthesis gas. In commercial applications, supported cobalt catalysts are commonly used in the FT synthesis, especially when the synthesis gas emanates from natural gas and when the desired final product is diesel. The activity and selectivity of a cobalt catalyst is dependent on several parameters, one of them being the support. The present thesis is focused on the design, synthesis and characterization of alumina and silica materials (with and without Ce and Zr promoters) with non-conventional morphology, and evaluation of their feasibility as cobalt supports in the FT synthesis. Ce- and Zr-alumina nanoparticles were synthesized by co-precipitation in water-in-oil microemulsion. The obtained product is amorphous alumina with highly dispersed promoters, resulting in strong cobalt-support interactions and low cobalt reducibility. By increasing the calcination temperature of the Ce-promoted support, crystalline CeO2 is obtained which apparently increases the cobalt reducibility and thereby the catalytic activity (per gram catalyst). The small pore size of the materials may induce diffusion limitations on the reactants arrival and/or result in very small cobalt particles, which favour methane over long-chain hydrocarbons.  Successful preparations of pore expanded mesoporous silicas with 1D, 2D and 3D pore structures via the atrane route, combined with the addition of swelling agents, have been demonstrated. The advantage of this method is that pore expansion can be achieved at mild conditions and there is no need for a post-synthesis process using an autoclave system. In larger silica support pores, larger cobalt particles will be formed and the weaker the cobalt-support interactions will be. This generally results in a higher cobalt reducibility for larger-pore supports and thereby a higher catalytic activity. / <p>QC 20171004</p>

Reduction of acoustic fields of horn-like structures by optimization of network resonators / Réduction des champs acoustiques des structures en forme de dièdre par optimisation de résonateurs du réseau

Wang, Bin 15 December 2015 (has links)
Le bruit généré dans la zone de contact entre un pneumatique et une route peut être amplifié par des dièdres constitués des surfaces du pneumatique et la route. Cette étude est consacrée à l'optimisation et à la conception de bandes de roulement et de textures de la route pour réduire l'amplification de l'effet dièdre sur la base de l'annulation de sons. Les bandes de roulement et les textures de la route peuvent être considérées comme deux réseaux dans la zone de contact. Les surfaces du pneumatique et de la route peuvent être considérées comme des baffles. Un modèle de réseau à baffle est constitué pour le système pneumatique / chaussée, et des procédés de couplage multi-domaines sont développés pour le calcul des champs acoustiques autour des réseaux à baffles. Avec ce modèle, la réduction des amplifications de l'effet dièdre par les réseaux peut être estimée. Étant donné que les réductions sont autour des fréquences de résonance de l'air à l'intérieur des réseaux, des méthodes numériques simples pour estimer les fréquences de résonance sont développées. Afin de concevoir des réseaux pour obtenir les fréquences de résonance recherchées, une méthode d'optimisation sur la base des algorithmes génétiques est proposée. Les méthodes d'estimation des fréquences de résonance sont validées avec des mesures. Les méthodes d'optimisation et le modèle des réseaux bafflés sont également vérifiées par les expériences. Une structure avec un cylindre en bois et une feuille de contreplaqué est construite pour les validations. Un vrai pneumatique sur une feuille de contreplaqué est également mesuré et calculé avec les méthodes proposées. Les bandes de roulement sont optimisées avec les méthodes proposées. Plusieurs réductions des amplifications de l'effet dièdre peuvent être vues et sont estimées avec les méthodes de couplage multi-domaines. La dimension des motifs de texture de la route est également étudiée afin de trouver les réductions maximales des amplifications / The noise generated in the contact zone between a tire and a road can be amplified by horns constituted of the surfaces of the tire and the road. This study is devoted to the optimization and the design of tire treads and road textures for reducing the amplification of horn effect based on the sound cancellation. The tire treads and the road textures can be considered as two dimensional networks in the contact zone. The surfaces of the tire and the road can be seen as flanges. A model of flanged networks is established for the tire/road system, and multi-domain coupling methods are developed for the calculation of the acoustic fields around the flanged networks. With this model the reductions of the amplifications of horn effect by the networks can be estimated. Since the reductions are around the resonant frequencies of air inside the networks, simple numerical methods for estimating the resonant frequencies are developed. In order to design the networks to get wanted resonant frequencies, an optimization method based on genetic algorithms is proposed. The methods for estimating the resonant frequencies are validated with measurements. The optimization methods and the model of the flanged networks are also proved to be effective by the experiments. The wooden networks between a wooden cylinder and a sheet of plywood are built for the validation. A real tire on a sheet of plywood is also measured and calculated with the proposed methods. Last the tire treads are optimized with the optimization methods. Multiple reductions of the amplifications of horn effect can be seen and are estimated with the multi-domain coupling methods. The road brick dimension is also investigated in order to find the maximum reductions of the amplifications

Semantische Ähnlichkeitsanalyse nutzergenerierter Daten und empirische Untersuchung zu kartographischen Anamorphoten für touristische Navigationsanwendungen

Pippig, Karsten 17 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich den Möglichkeiten, Nutzer bei der touristischen Navigation besser zu unterstützen. Dabei werden zum einen Methoden einer nutzerorientierten thematischen Routenplanung aufgezeigt und zum anderen kartographische Anamorphoten als visuelle Navigationshilfe diskutiert. Der erste Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Methoden zur nutzerorientierten semantischen Filterung themenrelevanter Gebiete im Allgemeinen und zur individuellen thematischen Rou-tenplanung im Besonderen. Derzeit existieren verschiedene technische Ansätze für Routenplanungen, die touristisch relevante Orte zu einem spezifischen Thema auf Basis nutzergenerierter Webinhalte bestimmen und zu Themenrouten kombinieren. Es existiert jedoch, nach Auffassung des Autors, kein Ansatz für eine wirklich individuelle Routenplanung, bei der Nutzer frei das Thema und den Start- und Endpunkt einer Route definieren können. Die erste Methode, Kontinuummethode, basiert auf der Generierung eines thematischen Pseudokontinuums. Hier werden Daten der Plattformen Wikipedia, Flickr und Panoramio kombiniert und mittels der Kerndichteschätzung zu Pseudodichtekontinua transformiert. Mithilfe der Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) als Methode der semantischen Ähnlichkeitsbestimmung werden dann den Pseudodichtekontinua Themenrelevanzwerte zugeordnet und so relevante geographische Gebiete zu einem nutzerdefinierten Thema gefiltert. Für eine thematische Routenplanung werden diese Themenrelevanzwerte auf ein Wegenetz übertragen. Die zweite Methode, Sequenzmethode, baut auf der semantischen Ähnlichkeitsbestimmung auf und ordnet georeferenzierte Wikipedia-Artikel entsprechend ihrer Themenrelevanz. Diese werden dann sequenziell in die Routenberechnung integriert. Eine durchgeführte Nutzerbefragung bestätigt, dass beide Methoden geeignet sind, um themenrelevante Routen zu bestimmen. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit widmet sich der Eignung anamorphotischer Darstellungen als Navigationshilfe. Navigation als Problemlösungsprozess lässt sich hierarchisch-sequenziell in Teilprozesse unterteilen, die je nach Aufgabe bzw. Problemstellung unterschiedliche Visualisierungsformen fordern. Anamorphoten können das Kartenbild hinsichtlich eines bestimmten Sachbezuges verzerren und so die Karteninterpretation bei diesen unterschiedlichen Navigationsprozessen erleichtern. In der Arbeit wird zum einen eine umfassende deutschsprachige Taxonomie zu Anamorphoten eingeführt und zum anderen eine empirische Untersuchung zur Nutzung epizentrisch-gerichteter Distanzwertanamorphoten für die Navigation vorgestellt. Dabei liegt der Fokus der Studie auf dem Einfluss der Egozentrizität und Verzerrung bei der Karteninterpretation in einzelnen Navigationsprozessen und inwieweit zeitbe-schreibende Darstellungen bei der Navigation und Wegfindung hilfreich sind. / This thesis deals with means of a better support to touristic navigation processes. Methods for a user-orientated thematic route planning are presented on the one hand and, on the other hand, the usabilty of distorted cartograms as visual navigation aids are discussed. In the first part of the thesis, two methods are presented for a user-orientated semantic selection of theme-relevant areas in general and for an individual thematic routing in particular. Several technical approaches to a touristic tour planning, which connects popular locations to specific theme routes based on user-generated web content have been published in the recent years. However, no approach exists to the author’s knowledge, which allows truly individual theme route planning in a way that a user can define a theme as well as a starting and end point of the route. The first method, continuum method, is based on the generation of a thematic pseudo continuum. Here, data of the web platforms of Wikipedia, Flickr and Panoramio are combined and transformed to a pseudo continuum by using the kernel density estimation. A semantic similarity analysis based on the Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) is carried out to predict thematic-relevance values, which are matched to the pseudo continuum and, thus, to select relevant geographic areas concerning a specific theme. These thematic-relevance values are transferred to a road network for the purpose of a thematic routing. The second method, sequence method, is based on a semantic similarity analysis as well and ranks Wikipedia articles according to their thematic relevance. These ranked articles are sequentially integrated into the routing. A completed user survey confirms the suitability of both methods to generate theme-relevant routes for touristic purposes. The second part of the thesis deals with the usability of distorted visualisations as navigation aids. Navigation as a problem-solving process can be hierarchically-sequentially divided into subtasks, whereas visualisation can be optimised for a certain task or problem. Cartograms in forms of distorted visualisations can adapt to a certain semantic focus and effectively support users in the navigation process. Within the scope of this thesis, an extensive German-language taxonomy of distorted cartograms has been compiled. Moreover, an empirical study on the usability of epicentrically directed distance cartograms in navigation processes is covered. The focus of this study is set on the influence of distortion and egocentricity of visualisations in the map interpretation and how time-describing representations can help the user in navigation and wayfinding processes.

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