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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse de la transformation institutionnelle des organisations de microfinance en milieu rural au Sénégal

Mbaye, Khady 17 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse à travers une étude de cas, le parcours d’un programme de micro-crédit rural mis en place par l’ONG Plan International, transformé en institution formelle et intégré aujourd’hui dans l’un des plus grands réseaux mutualistes du Sénégal : l’UM-PAMECAS (Union des Mutuelles du Partenariat pour la Mobilisation de l'Epargne et du Crédit au Sénégal). Notre objectif était de montrer comment les organisations de microfinance concilient les logiques sociale et financière, à priori en opposition, dans leur mode d’action après une transformation institutionnelle. Compte tenu de la diversité des règles et des modes d’actions observés au sein des organisations étudiées, nous avons mobilisé l’économie des conventions pour construire notre cadre d’analyse. La thèse s’appuie sur une analyse qualitative diachronique des logiques en présence, de façon à comprendre ce qui les soustend, les mécanismes et enjeux de pouvoir qui les font évoluer et se stabiliser. Sur une période s’étalant de 2006 à 2008 nous avons mené des enquêtes auprès de 169 personnes aux statuts divers (salariés, élus, bénéficiaire des crédits, etc.). Ce travail a apporté un éclairage sur le processus de transformation institutionnelle des organisations de microfinance rural et ses enjeux. Nous avons montré que grâce à une méthodologie combinant plusieurs principes relevant de cités différentes mais essentiellement rattachés à une « logique sociale », les organisations de microfinance de premières générations ont permis à des personnes vivant en milieu rural, dont le profil socio-économique n’intéressait pas les banques commerciales, d’accéder aux services financiers. La transformation institutionnelle induite par des facteurs exogènes et endogènes a apporté des bouleversements auxquelles les organisations devaient faire face pour assurer leur pérennité. Notre recherche a montré que pour réussir cette transition et éviter des conflits, des concertations doivent être menées tout au long du processus avec l’ensemble des acteurs afin que tous s’entendent sur le but de la transformation, la façon dont le processus doit être mené et les réformes à mettre en place. En outre, les nouvelles procédures mises en place doivent être en adéquation avec les spécificités locales. Par ailleurs, cette thèse a montré la forte prédominance des tontines. Ces dernières ont fortement évolué et se sont enrichies grâce à l’hybridation de règles marchandes, domestiques et civiques qui en font aujourd’hui, des dispositifs locaux concurrençant fortement la collecte de l’épargne au niveau des structures formelles / This thesis analyses, trough a case study, the operation of a rural micro-credit program implemented by Plan international NGO. It has then been changed into a formal institution and integrated into one of the largest network of mutual organizations in Senegal: UMPAMECAS. Our objective was to show how micro-finance organizations reconcile social and financial logics that are primarily contradictory, in their action after institutional changes. Considering the diversity of rules and operation modes observed in the institutions under scrutiny, we have mobilized the convention economy to build the framework of our analysis. The thesis is based on a diachronic quantitative analysis of those logics to understand what underlies them, power mechanism and stakes that make them evolve and stabilize. For a period from 2006 through 2008, we surveyed 169 people from different (wages-earners, elected, credits beneficiaries, etc.). This work has cast light on the transformation process of rural microfinance and its stakes. We have shown that, thanks to a methodology combining several principles from different cities, but essentially related to a “social logic”, the first generation of microfinance institutions have enabled several people living in rural areas, whose economic profile did not appeal to commercial banks, to get access to financial services. The institutional transformations induced by endogenous and exogenous facts have brought changes which should be dealt with by the institutions to ensure their sustainability. Our research has shown that to survive the transition and avoid conflicts, consultations should be conducted all through the process with all the stakeholders for all to agree on the objective of the transition, the way the process should be conducted and the reforms that need to be implemented. Besides, the newly implemented procedures should match local specificities. Furthermore, this thesis has shown the supremacy of the “tontine” systems (rotating saving and credit associations). Those systems have deeply evolved and enriched due to the hybridization of commercial, domestic and civic rules that make them today local organizations that strongly challenge formal structures in the collecting of savings

Educação do campo e Ensino Médio em Agroecologia: estudo de caso da Escola 25 de Maio, Fraiburgo/SC

Kuhn, Angélica 16 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:32:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Angelica Kuhn.pdf: 1307978 bytes, checksum: f421b28430430eb794e16a014d7717ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-16 / The Rural Education in Brazil is a relatively new movement that emerges in the 1990s, from the struggles and experiences of rural social movements. Based on the studies that have already developed the subject, this research aims to situate the High School course integrated to the technical professional educational in Agroecology, of the School 25 de Maio, located in the rural community of Vitória da Conquista, Fraiburgo / SC. This curse has the MST as its main protagonist. The guiding problem of this research was to understand how the current rural context influences the paths of the graduates in this course. The procedures included in this research include the application of a semi-structured questionnaire to graduates of the class of 2009, semi-structured interviews of four graduates and analysis of the Pedagogical Political Project of the School 25 de Maio. This research is a Study of a Case and for its analysis it was used rural education concepts of Roseli Caldart; sustainability of Stahel; work and education of Marx ansd Engels. The research results confirm our hypothesis, revealing that the High School propose of the School 25 de Maio is advanced in relation to the reality of current rural context, demonstrates a lack of an effective policy of land reform, to the detriment of the Brazilian State option for the agribusiness, creating difficulties for the retention of young gradua tes in the rural community and the exercise of their professional of Agroecology Technical. Thus, young graduates end up migrating to the city in order to search for jobs to fund their studies and often help compose the family income / A Educação do Campo é um movimento relativamente novo, que surge na década de 1990, a partir das lutas e experiências dos movimentos sociais do campo. Partindo dos estudos já desenvolvidos sobre o tema, a presente pesquisa busca conhecer o percurso de jovens egressos do curso de Ensino Médio em Agroecologia da Escola 25 de Maio, localizada no Assentamento Vitória da Conquista, Fraiburgo/SC, o qual tem o MST como principal protagonista. O problema norteador desta pesquisa foi compreender de que forma o contexto atual do campo influencia os percursos de egressos do referido curso em relação à permanência ou não no campo, ao trabalho e à continuidade dos estudos. Os procedimentos utilizados foram a aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado aos egressos da turma formada em 2009, entrevistas semiestruturadas a quatro egressos e análise do Projeto Político Pedagógico da Escola 25 de Maio. Para a análise do que aqui se configura um estudo de caso, são utilizados os conceitos de Educação do Campo, de Roseli Caldart, sustentabilidade, de Stahel e trabalho e educação de Marx e Engels. Os resultados da pesquisa confirmam a nossa hipótese, revelando que a proposta de Ensino Médio da Escola 25 de Maio é avançada em relação à realidade atual do campo, pois apontam que a falta de uma política efetiva de Reforma Agrária, em detrimento da opção do Estado brasileiro pelo agronegócio, dificulta a permanência dos jovens egressos no campo e o exercício da profissão de técnico em agroecologia. Com isso, os jovens acabam migrando para a cidade em busca de empregos para custear os estudos e, muitas vezes, ajudar a compor a renda familiar

Direito e educação ambiental: um diálogo entre o dever ser da norma jurídica estatal e o dever ser de quem deve cumpri-la / Right and environmental education: a dialogue between the duty to be of the state rule of law and the duty to be of who must fulfill it.

Haddad, Cecilia de Lara 17 December 2007 (has links)
A degradação ambiental é cada vez mais crescente no mundo atual, deixando conseqüências, muitas vezes irreversíveis, no ar, na água, no solo, na fauna, na flora e para todas as sociedades humanas, fato que coloca em risco as condições de sobrevivência da vida sobre a Terra. Neste sentido, observa-se um aumento gradativo no desmatamento das florestas, na erosão dos solos, na perda da biodiversidade, na destruição da camada de ozônio, no aquecimento global do planeta e na contaminação das águas. Neste sentido, estudos científicos já denunciam o elevado nível escassez de água e estimam que, em 25 anos, bilhões de pessoas estarão vivendo em locais de moderada ou considerável falta da mesma. Os problemas mais graves que afetam a qualidade da água de rios e lagos decorrem, entre outros motivos, dos lançamentos de esgotos domésticos tratados de forma inadequada, de controles inadequados de efluentes industriais, de práticas agrícolas deficientes e dos desmatamentos. Neste contexto, a necessidade de preservação e conservação da natureza levou a criação de diversos mecanismos legais, entre os quais se destacam para o presente trabalho: o Código Florestal, a Lei de Crimes Ambientais e o Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação. Entretanto, apesar da existência destas medidas legais, têm-se observado que o caráter meramente punitivo da legislação ambiental é ineficaz como medida para a preservação, a conservação e a utilização sustentável dos recursos naturais. Em decorrência do exposto, a presente pesquisa procurou diagnosticar, através de revisão de bibliografia e de estudos de percepção, os motivos da ineficácia das leis citadas. Para isto, foi escolhida como área de estudo a Sub-bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão do Moinho, localizada em Nazaré Paulista/SP, uma região de extrema importância, uma vez que é abundante em recursos hídricos. Ademais, este local está inserido em duas APA\'s sobrepostas: Do Sistema Cantareira e Piracicaba/Juqueri- Mirim, decretadas, justamente, para assegurarem a proteção dos cursos d\'água da região. Assim, na parte inicial deste trabalho, foram encontradas cinco principais causas do descumprimento das leis ora analisadas: 1º) separação na relação ser humanonatureza e consagração do positivismo jurídico; 2º) desconhecimento das leis pela maioria da população; 3º) diferença de percepção do que é correto estabelecido nas leis ambientais e do que é correto para quem deve cumpri-la; 4º) crimes ambientais cometidos por motivos econômicos ligados à subsistência e 5º) falta de fiscalização. Na segunda parte, foram propostas ações em Educação Ambiental, baseadas em estudos de percepção, utilizando como instrumento a legislação de proteção à natureza, cujo objetivo principal foi proporcionar o diálogo entre o dever ser da norma jurídica estatal e o dever ser de quem deve cumpri-la, contribuindo para que outras pesquisas possam, a partir destes resultados, elaborar normas jurídicas de proteção ambiental que retratem valores e percepções de todos os grupos sociais envolvidos nesta questão. / The environment degradation is growing continuously in the contemporary world, leaving consequences, almost irreversibles on air, water, soil, fauna and flora. This fact put in risk de life survival conditions on earth.In this sense has been looked (NOTICED) a gradate increase, that is almost irreversible, in the forest felling, soil erosion, biodiversity lose, ozone layer destruction, global warming and water contamination.In this manner scientific studies report the increase on water lack (shortage), and consider that in 25 years, billons of people will be living in places with low water sources. The most serious problems that affect the rivers and lakes water quality are caused among others reasons, because of the throwing of non-well treated domestic sewer, noncorrectly controlled industrials drains, deficient agricultural practices and the felling. Across this context, the need of nature conservation and preservation, benefit the creation of law mechanism, emphasized on this study: Forest Code, Environmental crimes law and National System of conservation units. Meanwhile even existing this conservation and preservation rules has been looked that the only punish character of the environmental law is not an effective way to preserve, to conserve and to sustainable use natural resources. Consequently like showed in the topics above, this research looked to discover (diagnose), by bibliography checking and perception research, the reasons of the ineffectiveness of that kind of environmental laws. To develop this study was chosen the Moinho Creek hydrographic basin in Nazaré Paulista/SP, an important region, because of the many water resources, already been included in two APAs superimposed: Cantareira System and Piracicaba/Juqueri-Mirim, decreed to ensure the protection of the water courses in that region. This way, in the introduction (beginning part) were found 5 principal causes of non-fulfillment of the laws analyzed further up. 1. Separation of the relationship human being - environment and the consecration of legal positivism. 2. Most of the population ignorance about laws. 3. Perception difference between what is right of the point of view of the environmental laws and what is right of the point of view of who must fulfill the law. 4. Environmental crimes committed by economic motivation linked with survive. 5. Lack of oversee. In the second part were suggested Environmental Education acts, using environmental protection laws as tools, based on perception studies, which aim was to give a dialogue between the duty to be of the environmental state rule of law and the duty to be of who must fulfill it, contributing in order to help with this findings to other researches, to develop state rules of environmental protection that reflect the values and the perception of the social groups involved in this affair.

Carter County, Tennessee: A Rural Community’s Response to Opioid Overdose Deaths

Mathis, S., Hagaman, Angela, Kirschke, David, Hagemeier, Nicholas E. 11 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Intergenerational Caregiver Loss and Successful Aging Opportunity Disruption of Bulgarian Elderly

Habermann, Daniel Georg 01 January 2019 (has links)
Identified by European research as an aging crisis, vulnerabilities in the rural Bulgarian elderly population such as intergenerational caregiver loss, are sociohistorical consequences and barriers to successful aging. This transcultural study investigated the aging crisis in rural Bulgaria to create a contextual definition of successful aging and to address successful aging and the identification of challenges and barriers faced by social workers and elders to support successful aging. Guided by continuity theory in aging and contextualized by overarching ecological systems theory, the research questions examined Bulgarian social workers' perceptions and expectations of successful aging and barriers to it. A collaborative action research design was commissioned with a purposeful sample of an 8-member participant group drawn from multileveled Bulgarian social workers affiliated with the rural elderly population. Data were distilled by a thematic analysis into perceptions, expectations, and barriers of successful aging, which were validated by triangulation through translation and repetitive member checking processes. The findings revealed no universal threshold of successful aging achievement, but because expectations were unmet due to systemic barriers successful aging is not occurring in Bulgaria. The study results might bring about positive change by unifying Bulgarian multilevel social work practice to restore successful aging opportunity for the rural Bulgarian population by actions that systemically respond to the identified barriers.

Social Workers' Perceptions of a Rural Emergency Mental Health Trauma Service

Getz, William L. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Studies have shown that emergency mental health trauma (EMHT) services can significantly reduce the long-term effects of trauma after a disaster. However, rural municipalities may find they do not have the capacity to create such a service, or may not realize that their disaster planning includes no provision for emergency mental health care. Such was the case in a rural island community in the state of Washington, where, in 2014, several residents initiated a discussion that helped to identify the community's lack of EMHT services. This project, framed by action research and based on collaboration theory, sought to advance the potential for the community's 21 resident social workers to address this issue collaboratively. Accordingly, the project's research question asked how social workers on south Whidbey Island perceived the issue of a rural EMHT service in their community. Data consisted of responses from 8 participants who completed mailed questionnaires and participated in brief telephone interviews. Descriptive coding analysis of the data confirmed a nearly universal lack of knowledge about an EMHT service, a clear perception of the need for such a service, and a unanimous commitment from the respondents to participate in addressing this problem. Such collaborative activity is expected to have a positive impact on the micro, mezzo, and macro levels of social work practice in south Whidbey, as well as on the community itself, not only in spearheading a dialogue about EMHT but also in activating a group of social workers who had no prior association.

An approach to rural suicide.

Fleming, Graham. January 2007 (has links)
Suicide rates have been relatively constant in Australia for over a hundred years, albeit peaking in 1997 and since returning towards historically average levels. Suicide now represents the commonest cause of violent deaths and exceeds deaths from motor vehicle accidents and armed conflict. There have been a number of national programs following the lead of Finland in the 1980s. Modern research has clearly demonstrated many of the risk factors, but they lack specificity in terms of prediction, and therefore the numbers needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of any intervention are particularly daunting. This makes research problematic and it is probably impossible to ever get Level 1 evidence because of the large numbers and expense required. Therefore many research studies are either epidemiologically oriented or directed to crisis care and treatment algorithms. Rural suicide presents particular challenges because of the increasing numbers of young and elderly men who take their lives, the lack of services available locally and the paucity of research in rural societies, with it usually being confined to examining risk factors and comparing them with urban populations. This thesis describes an approach to rural suicide which, whilst cognisant of the broad range of risk factors, was more directed to tackling poor mental health on a community basis, utilising local resources. It used four main approaches: educating the community to enhance mental health literacy by appreciating the causes of poor mental health; building the social capital or community capacity of existing resources; emphasising early identification and intervention of problems; and the establishment of a community child and adolescent program based in the local school, but with close liaison with the local medical practitioners. The educative approach to mental health literacy was to engage the whole community as widely as possible with special programs for general practitioners, nurses, and teachers; community capacity and social capital were increased by teaching the community warning signs, techniques to engage and refer to known entry points into the system; early identification was undertaken by screening for poor mental health within the doctors’ office, the hospital and the school; and a child and adolescent program was devised to detect dysfunctional students, formulate an assessment and management plan, and then evaluate the outcome. The most important results were a statistically significant reduction of suicides from twelve in ten years to one in the following decade, as well as a statistically significant reduction in the number of suicide attempts. In addition there was the establishment of a primary mental health service within the community which was independent of specific government finance and resources. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1292809 / Thesis(M.D.)-- School of Medicine, 2007.

Comparative cost-benefit analysis of renewable energy resources for rural community development in Nigeria / A.A. Ogunlade

Ogunlade, Abimbola Adegoke January 2008 (has links)
Rural development by means of providing uninterruptible power supply has become a priority among developing countries. Nigeria especially has on its top agenda the mandate to provide clean and cost-effective means of energy to the rural communities, hardest hit by wave of incessant outages of electricity supply. Renewable Energy (RE), a clean form of energy that can be derived from natural sources is widely available throughout Nigeria but is not harnessed. In this dissertation a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) framework is proposed for renewable energy towards rural community development in Nigeria as indicated in the 18-point recommendations of Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN). Moreover, a cost-benefit analysis tool is formulated and developed from the CBA framework in order to analyze comparatively the costs and intangible benefits of renewable energy projects for rural application. A case study demonstrating the working methodology of the proposed framework is presented in order to establish the cost-benefit components by assessing the comparative cost-benefit analysis of RE at a rural site of Nigeria. Erinjiyan Ekiti rural area is located for CBA assessment with three RE resources (solar, wind and small hydro) selected for consideration. Through the application of Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), the respondents' willingness to pay for RE supply is obtained and RE benefits in monetary terms computed. Using three economic decision criteria namely: Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR); the three RE resources are ranked according to their economic viability. The result of the analysis provides useful insight to investors and decision makers into how RE projects in rural community should be conducted. Foremost, it is revealed that all three RE options will be economically viable if implemented, though adequate caution must be taken when making a decision. Based on the CBA assessment, the Small-Hydro Power (SHP) option is ranked as the most viable option. However, this is swiftly negated if RE social impact, such as the spiritual belief of the rural dwellers, who rely on the only potential river as a medium of communication with their ancestors, are taken into consideration. Furthermore, a sensitivity assessment of the three RE options revealed that only solar photovoltaic (PV) option is marginally viable, thus turns negative upon an assumed increase in discount rate of only 17%. Herein, the proposed CBA framework provides a useful insight into an efficient method of appraising RE projects in rural communities. A CBA simulation tool is formulated and adapted from the CBA framework to enable quicker, reliable and automated means of assessing RE projects with a view to making wise investment decision. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Comparative cost-benefit analysis of renewable energy resources for rural community development in Nigeria / A.A. Ogunlade

Ogunlade, Abimbola Adegoke January 2008 (has links)
Rural development by means of providing uninterruptible power supply has become a priority among developing countries. Nigeria especially has on its top agenda the mandate to provide clean and cost-effective means of energy to the rural communities, hardest hit by wave of incessant outages of electricity supply. Renewable Energy (RE), a clean form of energy that can be derived from natural sources is widely available throughout Nigeria but is not harnessed. In this dissertation a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) framework is proposed for renewable energy towards rural community development in Nigeria as indicated in the 18-point recommendations of Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN). Moreover, a cost-benefit analysis tool is formulated and developed from the CBA framework in order to analyze comparatively the costs and intangible benefits of renewable energy projects for rural application. A case study demonstrating the working methodology of the proposed framework is presented in order to establish the cost-benefit components by assessing the comparative cost-benefit analysis of RE at a rural site of Nigeria. Erinjiyan Ekiti rural area is located for CBA assessment with three RE resources (solar, wind and small hydro) selected for consideration. Through the application of Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), the respondents' willingness to pay for RE supply is obtained and RE benefits in monetary terms computed. Using three economic decision criteria namely: Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR); the three RE resources are ranked according to their economic viability. The result of the analysis provides useful insight to investors and decision makers into how RE projects in rural community should be conducted. Foremost, it is revealed that all three RE options will be economically viable if implemented, though adequate caution must be taken when making a decision. Based on the CBA assessment, the Small-Hydro Power (SHP) option is ranked as the most viable option. However, this is swiftly negated if RE social impact, such as the spiritual belief of the rural dwellers, who rely on the only potential river as a medium of communication with their ancestors, are taken into consideration. Furthermore, a sensitivity assessment of the three RE options revealed that only solar photovoltaic (PV) option is marginally viable, thus turns negative upon an assumed increase in discount rate of only 17%. Herein, the proposed CBA framework provides a useful insight into an efficient method of appraising RE projects in rural communities. A CBA simulation tool is formulated and adapted from the CBA framework to enable quicker, reliable and automated means of assessing RE projects with a view to making wise investment decision. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

農村社區治理夥伴關係運作之研究-社會資本理論觀點 / The operation of partnership in Rural Governance - from social capital theory perspective

簡俊發, Chien, Chun Fa Unknown Date (has links)
我國的農村社區發展由政策性的部門計畫,轉變為制度性的地域性計畫,所強調的是農村社區的在地治理,然而農村特性不同,夥伴關係運作成為在地治理的重要手段,農村社區夥伴關係及其運作將是農村社區能否永續發展的關鍵。本研究以社會資本理論觀點,進行不同農村社區的夥伴關係運作的分析,以及農村社區夥伴關係之運作與夥伴關係社會資本之結構面、關聯面與認知面間的關聯性。並在同時注重夥伴關係社會資本的過程與階段性結果的考量下,針對成熟型的外獅潭社區、學習型的象山社區及多重社區型的無米樂社區三個個案,以半結構式訪談及統計檢定方法,透過質的分析方法瞭解農村社區夥伴關係的運作過程,並在量的方面,以問卷調查與檢定,瞭解階段性過程社會資本的構成與變動。 本研究發現,農村社區因社區特性形成差異性的夥伴關係運作模式,也會因人的因素與制度的改變,導致個別社區不同程度的運作困難。夥伴關係運作愈好,夥伴關係社會資本平均值愈高,然社會資本權重平均權值高並不意味著夥伴關係運作會較好,因夥伴關係運作與夥伴關係社會資本構成只是一個過程及階段性結果的呈現,因此如只著重在社會資本構成之量的調查,而缺乏質的夥伴關係運作過程分析的對比,分析結果將很有可能產生偏誤。另研究也發現,農村社區不僅需要可發揮地方性知識從而在建立社區共識下,形成夥伴關係的在地治理發展模式,在夥伴關係運作過程中,也必須得助政府公部門與許多專業者的持續性專業協助,完成社區發展工作,印證整合型農村發展應注重超在地(extra local)的新內生性農村發展模式。本研究因此提出政府宜積極培育農村社區發展之專職專業經理人、農村社區治理須有積極的人力培力及適時的人力更新,但變動幅度不宜過大、整合性的農村社區發展需長期的逐步累積,不宜遽變式的制度嵌入、農村社區夥伴關係運作透過機制移植雖可加快推動速度,但仍需給予調適期與因地制宜等農村治理等建議。 / The development of rural communities in Taiwan has transferred from sectoral plan approach to place-base approach which emphasizes local governance. The operation of partnership in rural governance is the important method in rural community due to the diversity of rural community types. The partnerships of rural community and its operation will be the key to the continuously development of the rural communities. Based upon the social capital theory, this study investigates the operation of partnership on three different kind rural communities. Semi-structure in-depth interview and statistical test approaches are used to understand the process of rural partnership and the change of social capital in the three rural communities. The investigation focus on the process of rural partnership by in-depth interview approach and the relation on the three dimension of social capital by statistical test so as to understand the change of both quality and quantity of social capital of partnership in the study cases. This study found that the mode of partnership operation is different and results in various difficulties due to the different characteristics of the community, human factors and institutional change. The average weight value of social capital is higher when the operation of partnership is better. However, the higher weight value of social capital doesn’t totally mean that the rural community has a better partnership operation because the weight can only represent a process or the result of the operation of partnership in a certain period. Therefore, there could be exist bias if the analysis focus only on quantity investigation without a contrast from quality analysis of partnership operation. In addition, this study also found that rural community needs instant assistance from government and specialist in the partnership process as well as they need to elaborate local governance within the community’s common vision. The important point to notice is that the comprehensive rural development should adopt ‘extra local’ specialty of new endogenous model .Furthermore, this paper also provides promising suggestions such as full-time position of professional manager , new rural human resources and a long-term vision for the future rural development in Taiwan.

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