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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phonologie et morphosyntaxe du Dzùùngoo de Samogohiri

Solomiac, Paul Creissels, Denis. January 2008 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Sciences du langage : Lyon 2 : 2007. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. Index.

Uloga bazičnih psiholoških potreba i samoregulacije u prevladavanju percepcije nestabilnosti zaposlenja

Knežević Jasmina 28 July 2015 (has links)
<p>Oblast rada i radnog angažovanja značajno se menja poslednjih decenija; promene se vide u povećanoj nezaposlenosti, promenljivim radnim okolnostima i povećanoj nestabilnosti posla, intenzivnijem stresu kod zaposlenih i novim izvorima stresa na radu (Sverke et al., 2004; De Cuyper, Bernhard-Oettel, Berntson, De Witte, &amp; Alarco, 2008). Burke (1998) ukazuje da je percepcija povećane nestabilnosti zaposlenja funkcija nezaposlenosti i velike zastupljenosti ugovora o radnom angažovanju na određeno vreme u svim granama industrije i mnogim zanimanjima. Neizvesnost i nekontroli&scaron;uća priroda samog događaja nestabilnosti zaposlenja potenciraju subjektivni doživljaj pretnje, dok je individualna spremnost da se percipira i odgovori na pretnju (prag pretnje) uslovljena različitim situacionim i individualnim faktorima. S obzirom na potvrđenu ulogu bazičnih psiholo&scaron;kih potreba i struktura selfa u percepciji stresa (pretnje), vrednovanju stresa i odgovoru na stres u različitim životnim domenima (Skiner &amp; Edge, 2002; Hodgins &amp; Knee, 2002; Hodgins, 2008), pred istraživanje je postavljeno sledeće pitanje: kakva je povezanost zadovoljenosti bazičnih psiholo&scaron;kih potreba na radu i stila samoregulacije svakodnevnog pona&scaron;anja sa nivoom pretnje u percepciji nestabilnog zaposlenja? Da bi se dao odgovor na ovo pitanje sprovedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 310 zaposlenih oba pola, iz 24 organizacije različite po veličini, profilu, strukturi i karakteru vlasni&scaron;tva iz Severno-bačkog okruga AP Vojvodine. Konstrukt percepcije nestabilnosti zaposlenja je sme&scaron;ten u okvire teorije samodeterminacije (Self &ndash; Determination Theory), koju su razvili Disi i Rajan sa saradnicima (Deci &amp; Ryan, 1985), prema kojoj nestabilnost zaposlenja predstavlja frustraciju osnovnih psiholo&scaron;kih potreba (Vander Elst, Van den Broeck, De Witte &amp; De Cuyper, 2012). Koncept prevladavanja sme&scaron;ten je u okvire kibernetske teorije stresa i prevladavanja koju je formulisao Edvards (Edwards, 1992) u okviru koje se prevladavanje konceptualizuje kao poku&scaron;aj da se smanje i elimini&scaron;u negativni efekti stresa na psiholo&scaron;ku dobrobit pojedinca. Percepcija nestabilnosti zaposlenja određena je kao dostupnost radne uloge za izvr&scaron;ioce u neko dogledno vreme, a čine je tri kvalitativno različite dimenzije: osećaj nemoći, jačina pretnje i verovatnoća gubitka posla. U istraživanju su kori&scaron;ćeni sledeći instrumenti: Skala percepcije nestabilnosti zaposlenja (Knežević i Majstorović, 2013), Kibernetska skala prevladavanja (Cybernetic coping scale; Edwards &amp; Baglioni, 1993), Upitnik EFQ (The Ego Functioning Questionnaire; Majstorović, Green-Demers &amp; Legault 2008), i Skala zadovoljenosti bazičnih psiholo&scaron;kih potreba na radu (Mladenović, 2009). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da bazične psiholo&scaron;ke potrebe ostvaruju moderatorski efekat na proces stresa koji je nastao usled nestabilnosti zaposlenja, moderirajući afektivni aspekt ovog doživljaja: sa povećanjem zadovoljenosti bazičnih psiholo&scaron;kih potreba snižava se nivo pretnje unutar percepcije nestabilnosti zaposlenja i smanjuje osećaj nemoći zaposlenog u odnosu na pretnju. U predikciji afektivnog doživljaja pretnje izdvajaju se dve potrebe - potreba za autonomijom i kompetencijom. Zadovoljenost ove dve potrebe utiče i na aktivniji odnos prema stresnom događaju kakav je nestabilnost zaposlenja, odnosno, povećava upotrebu strategije promena situacije. Nivo zadovoljenosti bazičnih psiholo&scaron;kih potreba povezan je sa kvalitetom samoregulatornih procesa - zadovoljenost potreba podstiče razvoj integrisanih self - struktura, dok, nezadovoljenost bazičnih potreba potencira razvoj impersonalnih self - struktura. Nagla&scaron;ena vulnerabilnost u situaciji nestabilnosti zaposlenja utvrđena je samo kod zaposlenih koji imaju prethodno iskustvo gubitka posla, zaposlenih koji su slabijeg materijalnog stanja, zaposlenih koji imaju manju socijalnu podr&scaron;ku i zaposlenih koji su nižeg nivoa obrazovanja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je kvalitet samo-regulacije povezan sa nivoom pretnje u percepciji nestabilnog zaposlenja: sa povećanjem integrisanosti samoregulacije smanjuje se doživljaj jačine pretnje, dok upotreba impersonalne samoregulacije povećava i doživljaj jačine pretnje i osećaj nemoći pred pretnjom. Takođe, povećana integrisanosti samoregulacije podstiče aktivan odnos prema stresu u situaciji nestabilnosti zaposlenja sa intencijom uspostavljanja kontrole nad situacijom. Rezultati istraživanja pružaju osnovu za kreiranje organizacijskih intervencija usmerenih ka jačanju otpornosti prema stresu izazvanog percepcijom nestabilnosti zaposlenja i povećavaju uvid u specifičnosti radnog konteksta i fenomena nestabilnosti zaposlenja u Srbiji. Realizovano istraživanje je prvo istraživanje o percepciji nestabilnosti zaposlenja u Srbiji i kao takvo ono može imati značajne implikacije na teoriju i praksu istraživanja organizacijskog stresa i blagostanja zaposlenih u Srbiji. Ograničenja se tiču, pre svega, karakteristika transferzalnog istraživačkog nacrta, kao i činjenice da su sve varijable merene iz istog izvora - samoprocene zaposlenih. Buduća istraživanja bi trebalo da&nbsp; uključe nove varijable kako bi se jo&scaron; bolje razumele interindividualne razlike u doživljaju nestabilnosti zaposlenja i mehanizmi koji leže u osnovi ovog fenomena (varijable ličnosti i druge motivacione varijable).</p>

Výběr a implementace informačního systému / Information System Selection

Deneš, Samuel January 2021 (has links)
The content of this master’s thesis is the analysis of human resources governance and its current state, the projecting of business processes and asset management owing to which the incoming information system will be selected and implemented. Undoubtedly, the company separation from its erstwhile owner, which ensured the termination of the present system’s technical support, represented the main initiative for the realization of the new system.

Vícekriteriální optimalizace elektromagnetických struktur založená na samoorganiující se migraci / Multiobjective optimization of electromagnetic structures based on self-organizing migration

Kadlec, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Práce se zabývá popisem nového stochastického vícekriteriálního optimalizačního algoritmu MOSOMA (Multiobjective Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm). Je zde ukázáno, že algoritmus je schopen řešit nejrůznější typy optimalizačních úloh (s jakýmkoli počtem kritérií, s i bez omezujících podmínek, se spojitým i diskrétním stavovým prostorem). Výsledky algoritmu jsou srovnány s dalšími běžně používanými metodami pro vícekriteriální optimalizaci na velké sadě testovacích úloh. Uvedli jsme novou techniku pro výpočet metriky rozprostření (spread) založené na hledání minimální kostry grafu (Minimum Spanning Tree) pro problémy mající více než dvě kritéria. Doporučené hodnoty pro parametry řídící běh algoritmu byly určeny na základě výsledků jejich citlivostní analýzy. Algoritmus MOSOMA je dále úspěšně použit pro řešení různých návrhových úloh z oblasti elektromagnetismu (návrh Yagi-Uda antény a dielektrických filtrů, adaptivní řízení vyzařovaného svazku v časové oblasti…).

Studium organizace a dynamiky bezmembránových buněčných kompartmentů / Study of the organization and dynamics of the membraneless cell compartments

Blažíková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
of Doctoral Thesis Title: Study of the organization and dynamics of the membraneless cell compartments Author: Michaela Blažíková Institute: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Physics of Charles University Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Petr Heřman, CSc., Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Physics of Charles University Abstract Eukaryotic cells contain many organelles and specific bodies. Beside the membrane delimited organelles such as nucleus, mitochondria or Golgi apparatus there are other structurally and functionally distinct membraneless structures in the cells. In this work we studied the self-organization processes, i.e. the processes that do not require specific interactions, of membraneless structures in nuclei, cytoplasm and plasma membrane of mammalian cells and yeast. The research was focused on the formation of nucleoli and Cajal bodies in mammalian cell nulei and processing bodies (P- bodies) in the cytoplasm of mammalian cells. The organization of MCC domains in the yeast plasma membrane (Membrane compartment of Can1) was studied as well. It was shown that nonspecific interactions as the result of macromolecular crowding could be one of the main driving forces in formation and stabilization of these...

Reprodukční strategie kvetoucích rostlin v afromontánních trávnících podél elevačního gradientu na Kamerunské hoře / Reproductive strategies of flowering plants in Afromontane grasslands along an elevational gradient on Mount Cameroon

Anýž, Dominik January 2021 (has links)
in English Montane conditions represent a relatively unfavorable climate for most plants and their pollinators. Consequently, zoogamous plant species growing at high elevations are expected to be pollen limited. According to the "reproductive assurance" and "transmission advantage" hypotheses, such pollen-limited plants will adapt more toward self-pollination than plants in communities with more reliable pollination. To test such predictions, I studied reproduction strategies and pollen limitation of ten zoogamous plant species at three elevations (2,800 m a.s.l. 3,500 m a.s.l. and 4,000 m a.s.l.) in montane grasslands on Mount Cameroon, West/Central Africa. I compared seed sets produces by plants with four treatments in our extensive hand-pollination experiments: autogamy, geitonogamy, outcrossing, and natural control. One experimental species was found to be self-incompatible, six species were partially self-compatible, and one was completely self-compatible and predominantly selfing. In five of these plant species, I compared the reproduction strategies and pollen limitation among the elevations. I found that pollen limitation did rise in two species, we expect this to be due to the fact that the species were already pollen limited at 2,800 m a.s.l. Contrary to the two hypotheses, selfing did...

Návrh bezpečného řídicího systému pro dvoukolové balancující vozidlo / Design of a fault-tolerant control system for a self-balancing two-wheel vehicle

Matějásko, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá návrhem nového řídícího systému, odolného proti chybám, pro nestabilní samo-balancující dvoukolové vozidlo typu Segway. Původní systém vozidla je podroben analýze rizikovosti jeho součástí a na základě výsledků jsou navržena opatření pro zvýšení jeho bezpečnosti. Je navržena nová topologie řídícího systému obsahující dvě samostatné řídící jednotky, redundantní senzoriku a voter. Pro řídící jednotky byl vyvinut software obsahující bezpečnostní algoritmy a mechanismy přepínání kontrolních výstupů. V práci jsou také představeny dva matematické modely vozidla různé složitosti, které jsou následně využity při HIL testování nově navrženého systému. Celý návrh byl proveden s využitím nástrojů pro Rapid Control Prototyping.

Samo-rotirajući impeleri u airlift reaktoru sa spoljašnjom recirkulacijom / Self-agitated impellers in an external-loop airliftreactor

Lukić Nataša 18 February 2017 (has links)
<p>Cilj doktorske disertacije je pobolj&scaron;anje hidrodinamičkih i<br />masenoprenosnih karakteristika airlift reaktora sa<br />spolja&scaron;njom recirkulacijom umetanjem samo-rotirajućih<br />impelera u uzlaznu cev. Uticaj ugradnje samo-rotirajućih<br />impelera na osnovne hidrodinamičke i masenoprenosne<br />osobine ispitivan je pri radu sa različitim tečnostima i<br />distributorima gasa. Rezultati su tumačeni poređenjem<br />vrednosti za sadržaj gasa u uzlaznoj cevi, za brzinu<br />tečnosti u silaznoj cevi, i za zapreminski koeficijent<br />prenosa mase, dobijenih za dve konfiguracije reaktora (sa<br />i bez impelera).<br />Rezultati disertacije ukazuju da ugradnja samo-rotirajućih<br />impelera dovodi do znatnog razbijanja mehurova i<br />smanjenja srednjeg prečnika mehurova gasa, naročito u<br />viskoznim rastvorima karboksimetilceluloze. Prividna<br />brzina gasa, vrsta tečne faze i tip distributora gasa u<br />velikoj meri utiču na efikasnost samo-rotirajućih impelera.<br />Dobijene vrednosti sadržaja gasa u uzlaznoj cevi su do<br />47% veće u konfiguraciji sa impelerima u odnosu na<br />konfiguraciju bez impelera. Iako samo-rotirajući impeleri<br />predstavljaju dodatni otpor proticanju tečnosti, njihovom<br />ugradnjom je u svim ispitivanim sistemima postignuto<br />relativno malo smanjenje brzine tečnosti (oko 10%).<br />Zahvaljujući impelerima, zapreminski koeficijent prenosa<br />mase uvećan je do 82% pri manjim protocima gasa. Pri<br />većim protocima, koji odgovaraju uslovima rada koji se<br />sreću u većini fermentacionih procesa, postignute su oko<br />20-30% veće vrednosti zapreminskog koeficijenta prenosa<br />mase.<br />Pored empirijskih modela, u ovom radu uspe&scaron;no su<br />razvijeni i modeli ve&scaron;tačkih neuronskih mreža kojim se<br />predviđaju sadržaj gasa u uzlaznoj cevi, brzina tečnosti i<br />zapreminski koeficijent prenosa mase za obe konfiguracije<br />airlift reaktora sa spolja&scaron;njom recirkulacijom.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was intensification of<br />hydrodynamic and mass transfer properties of<br />external-loop airlift reactor by means of self-agitated<br />impellers mounted in the riser section. The influence<br />of impellers&rsquo; insertion on the main hydrodynamic<br />and mass transfer characteristics was investigated for<br />various liquid phases and sparger types. The values<br />of riser gas holdup, downcomer liquid velocity and<br />volumetric mass transfer coefficient obtained in<br />configurations with and without impellers were<br />compared.<br />Results showed that the installment of self-agitated<br />impellers led to a significant bubble breakage and<br />decrease of bubble size, especially in viscous<br />carboxymethylcellulose solutions. The efficiency of<br />self-agitated impellers was immensely influenced by<br />superficial gas velocity, liquid phase, and distributor<br />type. Obtained riser gas holdup values were up to<br />47% higher in the configuration with impellers, in<br />comparison to the configuration wthout impellers.<br />Despite the fact that self-agitated impellers<br />represented an obstacle to liquid flow, relatively low<br />reduction of downcomer liquid velocity was attained<br />(about 10%). Furthermore, the insertion of impellers<br />induced up to 82% higher values of volumetric mass<br />transfer coefficient at lower superficial gas velocities.<br />At higher superficial gas velocities, i.e. conditions<br />mainly operated in various fermentation processes,<br />about 20-30% higher values of volumetric mass<br />transfer coefficient were achieved with impellers.<br />In addition to empirical correlations, artificial neural<br />network models were sucessfully developed to<br />predict riser gas holdup, downcomer liquid velocity<br />and volumetric mass transfer coefficient in both<br />external-loop airlift configurations.</p>

K laterálním interakcím v samoorganizovaných monomolekulárních vrstvách / Towards lateral interactions within self-organized monomolecular layers

Staněk, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This work aimed at the utilization of chemical principles for stabilization of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of carboranethiol derivatives on a flat gold surface. Ideas employing surface confined coordination complex formation and dipole-dipole intermolecular interactions were outlined and the respective literature survey was compiled. Preliminary experiments were carried out to test for their feasibility and surfaces modified with self assembled monolayers proved very sensitive to reaction conditions ordinarily used for bulk synthesis. The chemical sensitivity of the studied surfaces, the necessity of using appropriate surface-sensitive analytical techniques and the depth of the problem initially defined made this task both advanced and challenging. The formation of intermolecular coordination complexes with ω-carboxylated SAMs of meta-carborane-9-thiol was chosen to answer those issues, extending the previous work of the author on carboxylated carboranethiol isomers presented in his bachelor thesis. Concepts different of those based on coordination chemistry are briefly discussed as well, but more as prospects for future work and to present this work in a broader context to which it belongs. Characterization of molecules assembled on a surface in a single layer requires surface sensitive...

Eine historische Phonologie der Niger-Volta-Sprachen ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der Sprachgeschichte der östlichen Ost-Mandesprachen

Schreiber, Henning January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Frankfurt (Main), Univ., Diss.

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