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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring forms of masonry vaults built without centering

Neupane, Babita 16 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Professionellas attityder och förhållningssätt gällande personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning och sexualitet

Reyers, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Tidigare forskning visar på att professionella som arbetar i en verksamhet inom LSS (Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade) har en inverkan på personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning och deras sexualitet. Denna inverkan beror på de professionellas attityder samt förhållningssätt. Om attityderna samt förhållningssätten är negativa gällande personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning och deras sexualitet, och inte fungerar normkritiskt, påverkas de individer som exempelvis bor på en LSS-bostad negativt.Syftet med den här undersökningen var att belysa attityder samt förhållningssätt hos professionella som arbetar på LSS-bostad, samt hur de resonerar i dilemman som berör sexualitetsfrågor. Det var av vikt att de professionella arbetar på LSS- bostad och ingen annan LSS verksamhet eftersom det var attityder samt förhållningssätt gällande personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning och deras sexualitet i hemmet jag skulle undersöka. För att besvara undersökningens frågeställningar har den kvalitativa metoden fokusgrupp samt vinjettstudier använts. Teorin om sexuella script har använts vid analys av undersökningens empiri.I undersökningen synliggjordes en osäkerhet hos de professionella angående hur de bör arbeta med samt prata om sexualitetsfrågor gällande personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Osäkerheten grundar sig i en otydlighet för vad som förväntas av de professionella i sådana situationer. / Previous scientific research has shown that professionals working in an activity within LSS (the Swedish Act Concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments) have an influence on persons with intellectual disability and their sexuality. This effect depends on the professional’s attitudes and approach. If the attitudes and approach are negative regarding persons with intellectual disability and their sexuality, and doesn’t work norm-critical, the individuals who live in LSS accomodations will be affected in a negative way.The purpose of this survey was to illustrate the attitudes and approach among professionals who works in an LSS accomodation and how they reason in dilemmas regarding sexuality questions. It was important that the professionals worked within an LSS accomodation and not another LSS activity, since it was the attitudes and approach regarding persons with intellectual disability and their sexuality in the home environment that I was going to survey. The qualitative method focus group and vignette studies have been used to answer the questions of the survey. The theory about sexual scripts has been used in the analysis of the empirics of the survey.The survey showed an uncertainty among the professionals regarding how they should handle and discuss questions concerning sexuality regarding persons with intellectual disability. The uncertainty is based on an ambiguity regarding the expectations on professionals in these situations.

Lust att föda. En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors lustfyllda och sexuella upplevelser under födandet

Karlsson, Ingrid January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the present thesis is to find deeper knowledge about women’s experiences of sexuality, desire and pleasure during childbirth. In this thesis there are statements of women’s different kinds of pleasurable and sexual feelings and experiences during birth. Furthermore, factors that may influence some women’s feelings and experiences of a sexual kind are discussed in relation to the common notion that women above all feel fear and pain when giving birth. The thesis is based on ten unstructured interviews with women who have all given birth, most of them recently and in some cases more than ten years ago. The women had all stated before the interview that they had had some kind of pleasurable and/or sexual experiences during or in connection with their childbirth.Result: Almost all of the women who were interviewed had, before giving birth, been unaware about the possibility of lustful and sexual dimensions during labour. There was one statement of experiences not being pleasurable at all during the actual birth but this woman mentioned pleasurable sensations after the baby was born. Some of the women experienced pleasurable and lustful sensations during contractions while others experienced orgasm or preorgasmic sensations during the last part of the pushing stage. There were informants who experienced feelings of desire and/or orgasmic sensations in spite of having epidural analgesia. The women who had experiences of desirable and sexual sensations all stated that these were exclusively personal with no participation from their partners. Nearly all of the participating women had kept these desirable and sexual experiences to themselves and not mentioned them to their partners or anyone else. An important finding was that feelings of shame and different kinds of taboos were the women’s main explanations for not talking about it. Discussion: The scientific literature in this field suggests the possibility of talking about four different discourses about birth. In this thesis the first is called “medical discourse”, with pain/painreleif, monitoring/security, riskthinking and technical development. The second one is named “discourse of ’naturalness’ ”, with influences of earthpower, “naturalness”, sexuality and awareness of the body. The third one is called “religious discourses”, with influences from the madonna myth, shame and taboos. The fourth discourse is called “feminist discourses” where rights, independent choices and sexuality are constituents. The findings suggests that these discourses influence each person`s experience while giving birth. The findings also suggest that, in accordance with the Sexual Script Theory, the influences can be seen on an inter-personal level, in an intra-personal level as well as on a cultural level.Conclusion: The Sexual Script Theory might be applicable as a way to understand women's experiences of sexuality while giving birth.

‘Talking’ During Early Romantic Courtship: An Empirical Examination of Potential Sex Differences in Self-Reported Beliefs and Behaviors

Anderson, Eric James 05 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis tests various hypotheses from a variety of research traditions that predict the likelihood for potential sex differences in "talking": a newly-emergent phase of romantic courtship. Data for this study was derived from a purposive sample of 566 students enrolled during the Fall 2011 semester generated using a self-administered survey available on the East Tennessee State University SONA system. Statistical analyses using chi-square, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and binary logistic regression reveal statistically significant differences for males and females on beliefs about sexual exclusivity and sexual activity during the "talking" phase. Significant behavioral differences exist in whether "talking" is viewed instrumentally as a means for information gathering. However, contrary to expectation, males and females did not reveal significant differences in how they defined "talking." It is suggested that future research further expand the types of variables included, and further efforts be made to combine quantitative and qualitative data sources.

Individuella upplevelser av sexuallivet efter en förvärvad hjärnskada-en intervjustudie

Ek, Ann-Sofie January 2010 (has links)
Det finns tidigare studier som visat att sexuallivet påverkats efter förvärvade hjärnskador. I denna studie avsågs att lyfta personernas individuella perspektiv. Intervjustudien omfattar nio personer som förvärvat en hjärnskada för mer än ett år sedan, och som deltagit i hjärnskaderehabilitering vid Skånes universitetssjukhus. Åldern på deltagarna varierade mellan 25 och 64 år, och ålder vid skadetillfälle eller insjuknande var 16-55 år. Frågeställningar i uppsatsen var huruvida personerna i studien upplevt förändringar i sexuallivet efter att ha förvärvat en hjärnskada, och hur personerna hanterat detta, samt om det förekom skillnader i mäns och kvinnors upplevelse. I resultatet framkom att förändringar skett inom flera områden relaterade till sexualitet. Tydligast var förändringar som påverkats av trötthet, förändringar i erektion, lubrikation samt orgasmförmåga. Förändringarna påverkade även sexualiteten på det interpersonella planet. Dessa förändringar tolkades och hanterades olika av deltagarna. I analysen har scriptteorin använts, samt resonemang om copingprocesser. Slutsatsen är att sexualitet är en viktig del i rehabiliteringsprocessen, och att program som omfattar detta bör utvecklas / Sexuality is a central part of life among people in general. What happens to sexuality when a person suddenly acquires a brain injury as a result of severe illness or an accident? The focus at primary rehabilitation concerns more obvious functions which are aimed to make the person more independent in daily life. Questions about the personal experience of how the brain injury has affected identity as a male or female, and questions about sexuality can therefore be neglected. A review of earlier studies shows that sexuality is affected among persons who have acquired a brain injury. Sexuality can be seen as constructed both on intra psychic and interpersonal level, and script theory can be used to analyze changes in experiences of sexuality. AIMS: The aim of the current study was to illuminate the personal perspective of sexual changes among persons who had acquired a brain injury. Has the brain injury resulted in changes of the experienced sexual life, and if so how did the person manage these? Methods: In the current study nine people, both women and men were interviewed. The participants aged between 25 and 64 years had acquired a brain injury at the age between 16 and 55. All participants had acquired the brain injury for more than one year ago, and all had participated in a rehabilitation program at Skåne University Hospital. Results: Changes in sexuality was seen in relation to common consequences of brain injury such as fatigue and difficulties concerning concentration. Changes also appeared in relation to the ability to achieve erection, lubrication and orgasm (the intrapsychic level). There were also changes at the interpersonal level for example role changes in the relationship. All changes were managed in different ways by the participants including different coping strategies. Not all coping strategies were efficient for the person.Conclusions: Sexuality can be seen as a vital part of the rehabilitation process and therefore rehabilitation programs including sexuality should be developed. Partners’ perspective should also be considered.

Det är väl inget jag kanske aktivt samtalar om. En kvalitativ studie kring föräldrars erfarenheter av att samtala med sina förskolebarn om sexualitet

Barth, Annika January 2017 (has links)
Barth, A. Det är väl inget jag kanske aktivt samtalar om. En kvalitativ studie kring föräldrars erfarenheter av att samtala med sina förskolebarn om sexualitet. Examensarbete i Sexologi 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, institutionen för socialt arbete, 2017.Barns sexualitet är ett ämne som väcker starka känslor bland vuxna i samhället och det har diskuterats vilken typ av information om sexualitet som är lämpligt för barn i låga åldrar att få ta del av. Det kan därmed bli svårt att veta hur man som förälder ska bemöta sexualitetsfrågor inför barnet. Syftet med denna uppsats blir således att undersöka om föräldrar har erfarenheter av att tala om sexualitet med sina förskolebarn (3-6 år) och deras förhållningssätt i samband med detta. Datainsamlingen har skett genom kvalitativa intervjuer med totalt åtta föräldrar, hälften mödrar och hälften fäder. Uppsatsens huvudfrågeställningar behandlar hur föräldrarna förhåller sig till att tala om sexualitet med sina förskolebarn, deras upplevelser av dessa samtal samt deras syn på omgivningens förhållningssätt vad gäller deras förskolebarns sexualitet.Resultatet visade att föräldrarna i studien samtalade reaktivt med sina barn, de avvaktade barnens frågor och förekom inte med någon information innan barnet själv frågade. Under samtalen var fokus från föräldrarnas sida att ha en öppen inställning mot att sexuella variationer förekom. De önskade förespråka sexuell njutning och önskade inte skuld- eller skambelägga deras barns sexualitet. Det föräldrarna såg som problematiskt med samtalen var att lägga informationen på rätt nivå samt hur barnens omgivning samtalade med deras barn. De önskade att barnen skulle uppleva sexualiteten som något positivt och naturligt. Nakenhet och rädsla för sexuella övergrepp gjorde att föräldrarna talade om gränser med sina barn för att skydda dem mot sexuellt utnyttjande. Nyckelord: Barns sexualitet, förskolebarn, föräldrar, sexuella script, socialkonstruktivism, systemteori / Barth, A. That's not something I might actively talk about. A qualitative study of parents' experiences of talking with their preschool children about sexuality. Degree Project in Sexology 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of social work, 2017. Children's sexuality is a topic that raises strong feelings among adults in society and it has been discussed what kind of information about sexuality that is appropriate for young children to get to know. It can thus be difficult for the parent to know how to deal with sexuality issues for the child. The purpose of this paper is thus to investigate whether parents have experience of talking about sexuality with their preschool children (3-6 år) and their approaches in relation to this. The data has been collected through qualitative interviews with a total of eight parents, half mothers and half fathers. The main issues of the essay deal with how parents relate to sexuality with their pre-school children, their experiences of these conversations and their views on the environment's attitude towards the sexuality of their pre-school children. The results showed that the parents in the study responded reactively to their children, they awaited the children's questions and did not come up with any information before the child asked about it. During the conversation, parents' focus was to have an open attitude towards sexual diversity. They wanted to advocate sexual pleasure and did not want to put shame on their children's sexuality. The problems parents experienced with the conversations were to put the information at a correct level for the children and how the children's surroundings were talking to their children. They wanted the children to experience sexuality as something positive and natural. Nudity and fear of sexual abuse caused the parents to talk about limits with their children to protect them from sexual abuse. Keywords: Children's sexuality, preschool children, parents, sexual script, social constructivism, systems theory

Den upprepade aborten - problem för vem?

Tinnert, Agneta January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study was from the beginning to examine why a woman who has made an abortion comes back for another one. Why does the risk taking continue, despite the fact that abortion is perceived as emotionally hard? How can this be understood?This study consists of a literature review and semi-structured interviews. I wanted to interview women who had made a decision to have a repeated abortion, but it was difficult to get that kind of interviews. I then decided to interview the staff who meets women searching for an abortion to have their attitudes and experiences of women coming back for another abortion. It is a qualitative research. I have tried to understand the phenomena "repeated abortion" by using theories based in social constructionism and gender perspectives. My conclusion is that the repeated abortion may not be a problem for the woman but for the care in which the abortion is performed.

A Delphi Study To Construct A Script Concordance Test For Spiritual And Religious Competence In Counseling

Christmas, Christopher 01 January 2013 (has links)
The need to address spiritual and religious issues is well established in the counseling literature and in accreditation standards, however, many graduates counseling students do not feel prepared to address these issues. In the United States, the vast majority of clients consider themselves to be spiritual or religious, so counselors who lack competence in addressing spiritual and religious issues in counseling are likely to offer ineffective or perhaps unethical care to clients. Counselor educators must improve education and assessment in this critical specialty area of counseling. Of primary concern is a student’s ability to demonstrate spiritual competence in counseling. The 2009 ASERVIC Spiritual Competencies offer the most comprehensive standard of spiritual competence in counseling in any mental health profession, however there is no reliable and standardized assessment that measures demonstrated spiritual competency. Competency can best be measured when the examinee makes choices in a context that is similar or the same as that in which he or she will practice, therefore an effective competency measurement must include client cases. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a case based assessment for measuring clinical judgment in situations of uncertainty, called a Script Concordance Test, could be constructed by experts using the Delphi Method. This instrument was based on the 2009 ASERVIC Spiritual Competencies as the standard for demonstrated competence. iv The results of this study indicated that expert practitioners and educators could come to consensus on appropriate cases, appropriate competencies to measure in each case, items to assess competency in each case, and an instrument that included items assessing all 14 of the 2009 Spiritual Competencies. Additionally, the constructed instrument demonstrated excellent test retest reliability and adequate internal reliability. There are several implications for counselor education, First, this study provides evidence that expert practitioners and educators can come to consensus to construct a highly contextual instrument to measures clinical decision making about spiritual competence in counseling. Second, a promising new type of instrument with excellent reliability and strong content validity has been introduced to the field of counselor education. Third, with appropriate assessment, counselor education programs can begin to measure student competence, in terms of clinical judgment, on addressing spiritual and religions issues in counseling over time because this instrument is appropriate for use at different intervals throughout professional development. Fourth, the format of this instrument is also useful for educational purposes and reflective practice. Finally, the theoretical foundations of the Delphi Method and script concordance tests are compatible with one another and with instrument development. The researcher recommends that future studies to construct script concordance tests for other specialty areas of competence employ and refine this method.

Автоматизация расчета на продавливание и проектирование поперечной арматуры плит перекрытия на примере МФК «Университетский» по ул. Мира-Библиотечная-Комсомольская г. Екатеринбурга : магистерская диссертация / Automation of calculation for punching and design of transverse reinforcement of floor slabs on the example of MFC "Universitetsky" on the street. Mira-Library-Komsomolskaya, Yekaterinburg

Исупов, Н. С., Isupov, N. S. January 2022 (has links)
Автоматизация проектирования несущих конструкций – одно из стремительно развивающихся направлений в области BIM моделирования. В работе рассмотрены методики армирования железобетонных конструкций с применением информационной модели здания. По результатам исследования написаны два скрипта для среды визуального программирования Dynamo для автоматизации расчета на продавливание. / Automation of the design of load-bearing structures is one of the rapidly developing areas in the field of BIM modeling. The paper considers methods of reinforcing reinforced concrete structures using an information model of a building. According to the results of the study, two scripts were written for the Dynamo visual programming environment to automate the calculation for punching.

Unmoored: Exploring Identity and Change

Bondzie, Michelle 01 January 2022 (has links)
Many of the shifts in our identity are as surprising as they are inevitable. As with our bodies and our minds, it’s easy to forget that our identities are in a constant state of change — that is, until a situation forces us to face ourselves and examine who we’ve become. For adolescents, college students included, reckonings with their sense of self come frequently; they feel seismic each time they occur. My thesis will be a short screenplay in which the central character is recovering from severe executive dysfunction, the impairment of basic skills that include working memory, mental flexibility, and inhibitory control. She will confront the question at the heart of the Ship of Theseus: have I changed enough that I am now an entirely different person than I used to be? And if so, what now? As part of the story development process, I viewed films that told compelling stories about the impact physical changes can have one one's identity. I intend for my screenplay to explore the ability of a change in mental health to do the same.

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