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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta de especificação formal em SDL de uma rede de comunicação automotiva baseada no protocolo FlexRay com geração automatica de codigo java / A proposal for a formal specification using SDL of an invehicle network based on the FlexRay protocol with automatic Java code generation

Rezende, Daniel Cesar Felisberto 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Walter da Cunha Borelli / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T06:48:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rezende_DanielCesarFelisberto_M.pdf: 1288199 bytes, checksum: f1529cd12e6f799944821614b3c9750c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de especificação formal em SDL de uma rede de comunicação intraveicular baseada no protocolo de comunicação FlexRay com geração automática de código Java. O modelo proposto se baseia naquele apresentado na especificação padrão do protocolo FlexRay, porém algumas contribuições foram feitas a fim de gerar uma rede FlexRay funcional e executável. O modelo SDL gerado confere uma formalização comportamental ao sistema, permitindo a sua validação e a simulação de suas principais funcionalidades e casos críticos através da ferramenta SDL TAU Suite. Depois de o sistema ser modelado, simulado e validado é gerado código Java para execução do sistema criado. Para isso, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta geradora de código Java que recebe como entrada um arquivo com as especificações em SDL e tem-se como resultado um sistema descrito em Java que faz uso de sockets para comunicação entre os processos. / Abstract: This work presents a proposal of formal specification using SDL for an in-vehicle network based on the FlexRay protocol with automatic generation of Java code. The proposed model is based on that presented in the standard specification of the FlexRay protocol, although some contributions were made in order to generate a functional and executable FlexRay network. The SDL model generated provides the system a behavioural formalization, making it possible to validate and simulate its key features and critical cases by the use of the tool TAU SDL Suite. After the system is modeled, simulated and validated is generated Java code for implementing the system created. For this reason it was developed a tool for generating Java code that receives as input a file with the specifications in SDL, and delivers as result a system written in Java that makes use of sockets for communication between processes. / Mestrado / Telecomunicações e Telemática / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica

Propostas de implementação de qualidade de serviço na arquitetura VPN MPLS, utilizando linguagem de especificação formal SDL orientada a objetos e análise de desempenho utilizando o simulador OPNET

Castro, Marcel Cavalcanti de 21 December 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Walter da Cunha Borelli / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T00:34:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Castro_MarcelCavalcantide_M.pdf: 1488533 bytes, checksum: 5a2e57ba0fe96d5603c60ef84835b558 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta propostas de implementação de qualidade de serviço na arquitetura VPN MPLS e analise de desempenho destas propostas. São desenvolvidos sistemas com base na arquitetura VPN MPLS e sugerido uma proposta de expansão da arquitetura VPN MPLS para mapeamento dinamico das prioridades dos clientes VPN na rede do provedor de serviço atraves da inserção do valor de prioridade de rota na tabela vrf e modificações realizadas no protocolo MP-BGP. As propostas foram especificadas utilizando a linguagem de especificação formal SDL orientada a objetos a partir da ferramenta SDL TAU Suite. Esta ferramenta permite simular os sistemas especificados, a partir de diagramas MSC, e validar estes sistemas para detecção e correção dos erros de logica e de especificação. A analise de desempenho das propostas foi realizada com o uso do simulador Opnet Modeler / Abstract: This work describe proposals for the implementation of quality of service (QoS) in VPN MPLS architecture, and their performance analysis based on simulations are presented. New systems are developed based on the VPN MPLS architecture, and it is being proposed an extension for the VPN MPLS architecture to construct a dynamic mapping of VPN clients priorities into service provider network through the insertion of priority field at vrf table and MP-BGP protocol modification. All these systems were specified using the SDL object-oriented formal language with the SDL TAU Suite tool (Telelogic, Sweden). This tool allows the simulation with MSC diagrams of the specified systems, and the validation of these systems by detecting and correcting logical and specification errors. The performance analysis of these proposals were realized through the Opnet Modeler simulator / Mestrado / Telecomunicações e Telemática / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica

Measuring dimensions of goods modules with 2D laser scanners on a conveyor belt / Dimensionsmätning av godsmoduler på ett transportband med 2D-laserskannrar

Strandberg, Filip, Freij, Johan January 2017 (has links)
A company wants to measure and verify the size of goods modules, transported on a conveyor belt, with the help of two 2D laser scanners (LMS100). The resulting measurements will be written to a database whereafter the modules will be moved by an automatic lifting device to a storage. The dimensions and possible any protrusions need to be known to avoid collision. The goal with this project is to write three modular libraries. One library for communicating with the LMS100 scanner, one library for calculating the dimensions of the goods modules and one library for handling the database. A graphical user interface (GUI) was also created which was implemented with an existing graphical library, Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL). A Raspberry Pi 3 has been used as a hardware platform which communicates with two LMS100 via ethernet. All code is written in the programming language C. LMS100 communicates with so called telegrams and the library implements these with TCP sockets. The structure of these can be found in the manufacturer’s datasheet. The calculating library uses trigonometric functions with measurement values from the scanners. The database library uses sqlite3 for a serverless database. The testing of these libraries was first done on a small scale with only one scanner and a small box placed a few decimeters in front of the scanner, to verify the functionality of the libraries. The company later provided a larger test rig with a remote controlled  platform, which drove between the scanners. When measuring objects with this test rig, the system showed an adequate ability to verify the size of the goods module. An inherent measurement error of a few millimeters of the scanners is shown, but this doesn’t affect the functionality in the final product which will measure considerably larger objects. Some functions are prepared for future development but aren’t yet ready for use. The protrusions of the goods modules aren’t yet discovered by the system. The calculating library is prepared to be able to detect these, but the evaluation of them aren’t ready. If the goods module is at an angle, the system measurements will be faulty. For every scanned segment the coordinates are saved and in future development it will be able to detect the angle. / Ett företag vill med hjälp av två stycken 2D-laserskannrar (LMS100) mäta och verifiera storleken på godsmoduler som transporteras på ett transportband. Mätresultatet ska skrivas till en databas varefter modulerna med en automatiskt styrd avlastare förflyttar dem till ett lager. Dimensioner och eventuella utstick på modulen måste vara kända för att undvika kollision. Målet med arbetet är att skriva tre stycken modulära bibliotek. Ett bibliotek för kommunikation med LMS100, ett bibliotek för beräkning av godsmodulens dimensioner och ett bibliotek för databashantering. Till detta skapades även ett grafiskt användargränssnitt (GUI) som implementerades med hjälp av ett färdigt grafikbibliotek, Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL).  En Raspberry Pi 3 har använts som hårdvaruplattform som kommunicerar med två stycken LMS100 via ethernetanslutning. All kod skrivs i programspråket C. LMS100 kommunicerar med s.k. telegram och biblioteket implementerar dessa via TCP sockets. Strukturen på dessa går att läsa i tillverkarens datablad. Beräkningsbiblioteket använder trigonometriska funktioner med mätvärden från skannrarna för beräkning. Databasbiblioteket använder sig av sqlite3 för en serverlös databas. Testning av dessa bibliotek skedde först på en småskalig nivå med endast en skanner och en liten låda placerad några decimeter framför skannern,  för att verifiera funktionaliteten på berörda bibliotek. Företaget bidrog senare med en testrig i större skala med en fjärrstyrd plattform, som körde mellan de två skannrarna. Vid mätning av objekt i denna testrig visade systemet en tillräckligt god förmåga för att kunna verifiera storlek på godsmoduler. Ett medföljt mätfel i millimeterskala finns i skannrarna, men detta påverkar inte funktionaliteten i den slutgiltiga produkten som ska mäta mycket större objekt. Vissa funktioner är förberedda för framtida utveckling men är inte färdiga för användning. Utstick på godsmodulerna upptäcks inte av systemet än. Beräkningsbiblioteket är förberett för att kunna upptäcka dessa, men utvärderingen av dem är inte färdigt. Om godsmodulen är vriden på transportbandet mäter systemet fel. Koordinater finns för varje skannat segment så att man ska kunna upptäcka denna vinkel i framtida utveckling.

Audio a video vysílání s využitím real-time protokolu / Audio and video streaming using real-time protocol

Křenek, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis focus on transmiting multimedia over computer network. There are detailed informations about protocols RTP and RTPC in a first part because a transmition over a network is realized by using these protocols. Some basic multimedia terms, FFmpeg codecs and SDL library are described in next chapters. A multimedia player using FFmpeg and SDL is implemented in a second part of thesis. The player is console application and it has basic user interface. The player reproduces video and audio from a given file. RTP communication is described in next chapters of the second part. RTP server and client are implemented there too. They are console aplications and they use data coded by Theora or Vorbis. There are summarized results in a conclusion.

Compiling SDL Multiplayer Games to WebAssembly with Emscripten for use in Web Browsers / Kompilera SDL multiplayer spel till WebAssembly med Emscripten för användning i webbläsare

Falkmer, Oscar, Norrman, Martin January 2022 (has links)
Collecting and deploying online games made by inexperienced developers can behard. This is something KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) has a problem withpertaining to a course involving SDL and SDL_Net programming. A good solutionto this problem is to host these games on a website. An easy-to-use way of compilingand deploying multiplayer games and game-servers written in C as web applicationsand web servers was needed. Specifically for games written in C using SDL andSDL_net libraries. The compiler toolchain Emscripten was used to compile gameand server code from C to WebAssembly, that could then be used through the generated JavaScript functions. Communication between the client and the server washandled by WebSockets. As much of the Emscripten specific functions were to behidden behind C libraries, emulating the format of SDL_Net. The finished solutionsthat emulated the format of SDL_Net, consisted of two new libraries, one for theserver and the other for the client. The libraries successfully emulated the TCP partsof SDL_Net library. The browsers event scheduler necessitates applications to beable to return control back to it. This meant that the game codes endlessly loopingfunctions had to be rewritten to enable rendering in the browser. / Det kan vara svårt att samla in och distribuera onlinespel gjorda av oerfarnautvecklare. Detta är något som KTH (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan) har problemmed i en kurs som involverar SDL och SDL_Net programmering. En bra lösning pådetta problem är att köra dessa spel på en webbsida. Ett lättanvänt sätt att kompileraoch distribuera multiplayer-spel och spelservrar skrivna i C till webbapplikationeroch webbservrar behövdes. Specifikt för spel skrivna i C med SDL och SDL_netbiblioteken. Kompileringsverktyget Emscripten användes för att kompilera spel- ochserverkod från C till WebAssembly, som sedan kunde användas genom degenererade JavaScript-funktionerna. Kommunikationen mellan klienten ochservern sköttes av WebSockets. I största möjliga mån skulle Emscripten specifikafunktioner döljas bakom C-bibliotek som emulerade formatet av SDL_Net. Defärdiga lösningarna som emulerar formatet av SDL_Net bestod av två nya bibliotek,ett för servern och det andra för klienten. De emulerade framgångsrikt TCP-delarnaav SDL_Net biblioteket. Webbläsarens händelseschemaläggare kräver attapplikationer har möjligheten att återge kontroll till den. Detta gjorde att spelkodensoändligt loopande funktioner behövdes skrivas om för att kunna rendera i webbläsaren.

An exploratory study of student and instructor characteristics to determine the extent to which self-directed learning can be introduced in the undergraduate curriculum in the Philippines

Hsu, Jean Edwina, n/a January 1998 (has links)
This research was in the area of self-directed learning, largely resulting from the researcher's experience with it whilst in Australia. However, the intent of this study was to consider factors which would affect the implementation of self-directed learning principles into the Philippine context. Education in the Philippines can be described as primarily engaged in the transmission of knowledge. The structure and culture of education in the Philippines is one that largely supports a teacher-directed learning environment. Students are conditioned to be dependent on teachers and are used to studying with the security of a clear structural plan with very limited opportunities to apply self-directed learning principles. This approach to education produces static knowledge and denies the expression and cultivation of the learner. Hence, there is a need to promote self-directed learning as part of the curriculum. In attempting to introduce self-directed learning (SDL) in the Philippines, it is important to analyse student and instructor characteristics which could influence the extent to which it is applied in the undergraduate university curriculum. This research project gathers in-depth information on the conduciveness of integrating self-directed learning in the undergraduate curriculum of De La Salle University (DLSU) in the Philippines. This exploratory study aimed to respond to the statement "What is the level of readiness for self-directed learning of undergraduate students from De La Salle University? What are the student's perceptions of education, their role in the educational process, the role of peers and the role of their instructors? What is the instructor's education orientation? What are the perception of instructors on the purpose of education, the nature of learners, characteristics of learning experiences, management of learning experiences, evaluation and the relationship between the educators and learners and between learners themselves? Are these perceptions similar and would it be possible to introduce self-directed learning principles to an undergraduate curriculum for traditional students in De La Salle University?" The response to these questions could be used in determining whether self-directed learning principles could in fact be applied in the Philippines, as well as determine the appropriate balance of pedagogical and andragogical instruction techniques. Twenty-three instructors and one hundred students from De La Salle University in the Philippines participated in the study. Instructors completed the Educational Orientation Questionnaire and students completed the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Survey. Follow up intewiews were also conducted to confirm findings resulting from the survey. Findings indicate that instructors have an orientation that is a combination of both pedagogical and andragogical techniques and that students perceive themselves as having self-directed learning readiness. As a number of learning situations already utilise andragogical and self-directed learning principles, the challenge is to promote and encourage SDL and implement it on a wider scope. Some recommendations have been included in this research on how to implement it in De La Salle University.

Vérification symbolique pour les protocoles de communication

Bozga, Dorel Marius 17 December 1999 (has links) (PDF)
L'utilisation des méthodes formelles pour la conception de protocoles de télécommunication est désormais reconnue comme la seule approche en mesure de garantir leur bon fonctionnement avant la mise en service. Cependant, la complexité toujours croissante ainsi que les contraintes de fiabilité et de sûreté de plus en plus sévères nécessitent l'extension des formalismes de description et l'amélioration continue des méthodes et des techniques de validation. Cette thèse définit une représentation intermédiaire nommé IF pour la description de protocoles. IF est construit à base d'automates temporisés communicants à échéances. Les échéances permettent la modélisation explicite de l'urgence des actions et sont un moyen très fin pour décrire l'évolution temporelle d'un système. Les automates communiquent soit de manière asynchrone, par files d'attente, soit de manière synchrone par rendez-vous. La sémantique opérationnelle de IF est formellement définie et des techniques de simulation efficaces sont proposées. De plus, ayant une structure statique, IF permet l'application intensive des techniques d'analyse statique, comme par exemple celles issues du domaine de l'optimisation de code. Certains informations calculées de cette manière peuvent améliorer considérablement les performances de la validation automatique. Une plate-forme ouverte de validation a été mise en place autour de IF. Elle intègre un grand nombre d'outils autant académiques que industriels et couvre la plupart des techniques actuellement employées pour la vérification et le test des protocoles. Cette plate-forme a été utilisée avec beaucoup de succès sur des protocoles de communication réels, comme par exemple SSCOP ou STARI.

Spécification Modulaire et Analyse Compositionnelle de Systèmes Stochastiques

Delahaye, Benoît 08 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente des contributions originales pour la conception et la vérification de systèmes non-déterministes et stochastiques. Nos résultats sont divisés selon trois lignes directrices. Premièrement, nous généralisons la théorie des interfaces au cas stochastique, en s'appuyant sur le formalisme classique des chaînes de Markov à intervalles pour construire la première théorie de spécification compositionnelle pour systèmes stochastiques : les chaînes de Markov à contraintes. Deuxièmement, nous étendons la notion de contrats hypothèse-garantie et développons une théorie compositionnelle à base de contrats pour systèmes stochastiques, pour laquelle nous proposons des notions quantitatives de raffinement et de satisfaction. Finalement, nous proposons une méthodologie pour la vérification de systèmes complexes, basée sur une abstraction stochastique. Cette méthodologie, combinée avec le model-checking statistique, est appliquée avec succès à un cas d'étude industriel.

Merging Modelling Techniques: A Case Study and its Implications

Söderström, Eva January 1999 (has links)
<p>There are a countless number of methods in the field of Information Systems Development (ISD) today, where only a few have received much attention by practitioners. These ISD methods are described and developed using knowledge in the field of Method Engineering (ME). Most methods concern either what a system is to contain or how the system is to be realised, but as of now, there is no best method for all situations. Bridging the gap between the fuzzier "what"-methods and the more formal "how"-methods is difficult, if not impossible. Methods therefore need to be integrated to cover as much of the systems life cycle as possible. An integration of two methods, one from each side of the gap, can be performed in a number of different ways, each way having its own obstacles that need to be overcome.</p><p>The case study we have performed concerns a method integration of the fuzzier Business Process Model (BPM) in the EKD method with the more formal description technique SDL (Specification and Description Language). One meta model per technique was created, which were then used to compare BPM and SDL. The integration process consisted of translating EKD business process diagrams into SDL correspondences, while carefully documenting and analysing encountered problems. The encountered problems mainly arose because of either transaction-independence differences or method focus deviations. The case study resulted in, for example, a number of implications for both EKD and SDL, as well as for ME, and include suggestions for future work.</p>

Une méthodologie pour le test de conformité et d'interopérabilité des protocoles de mobilité

Ngani Noudem, Francine Viho, César January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse doctorat : Informatique : Rennes 1 : 2006. / Bibliogr. p. 115-119.

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