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Snižování oxidů dusíku z proudu spalin na speciálních katalyzátorech / Reduction of nitrogen oxides in flue gas on special catalystsVávra, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on experimental reduction of nitrogen oxides on special catalysts. The latest and state-of-the-art flue gas cleaning technologies are used. Selective catalytic reduction results in the desired level of pollution. It is necessary to meet the prescribed emission limit. A ceramic honeycomb filter based on vanadium and titanium is used as the catalyst. The entire measurement is carried out on the experimental INTEQ II unit, which is installed in the flue gas cleaning laboratory at NETME Center. It is shown which operating parameters achieve better efficiency of flue gas cleaning. Comparison of the BASF and CERAM catalysts is also performed. Finally, a material balance of the system is performed and a new external electric heater is designed to accelerate the heating process.
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Použití protlačovacích zkoušek na miniaturních discích pro materiály s vyšší úrovní strukturní nehomogenity / The use of small punch tests for materials with a higher level of structural inhomogeneityGordiak, Michal January 2020 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with evaluating applicability of correlation relationships between material characteristics determined by Small Punch Test and standard tensile test for material AlSi7Mg0,6 manufactured by casting and technology SLM. Results of Small Punch Tests are correlated with yield strength, tensile strength, elongation, and Young's modulus of elasticity. For each material characteristic various correlation methods are compared, while for each method corresponding coefficients are determined. Consequently, the applicability of individual methods is evaluated by substituting coefficients determined by various studies. Primarily analyzed are correlation methods for which future normalization is expected. The results of master's thesis show that structural inhomogeneity caused by SLM process does not result in high inaccuracies in determining material characteristics. Larger impact on material characteristics has high porosity, which was identified in cast material and led to significant deviations in evaluating tensile strength and elongation.
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Exploring the Population Characteristics of Direction-Selective Ganglion Cells Across the Retinal Space / Exploring the Population Characteristics of Direction-Selective Ganglion Cells Across the Retinal SpaceSvato, Jan January 2020 (has links)
V minul©m stolet byl vynaloen znaÄn vzkum na pochopen, jak jsou vizuln informace kdovny neurlnmi populacemi a jejich obvody. Celkov obraz, kter vyplynul z tohoto sil, naznaÄuje, e vizuln informace jsou nejprve zpracovny sloitmi obvody v stnici a nslednÄ peneseny do vych mozkovch struktur. Ukazuje se, e stnice i mozek si vyvinuly pozoruhodnÄ sofistikovan© vpoÄty pro extrakci tÄchto informac. FunkÄn studie tÄchto neuronlnch transformac byly provdÄny pomoc elektrofyziologickch nebo zobrazovacch technik. Tyto techniky omezovaly analzu prostorovch specializac stnice, a to buÄ poÄtem dostupnch elektrod (v elektrofyziologii) nebo velikost zorn©ho pole (FOV) (v zobrazovacch experimentech). Pro ukzku â zznamy aktivit gangliovch bunÄk stnice (RGC) byly omezeny na relativnÄ malou oblast (~ 200 x 200 um2) za pouit nejmodernÄjch zobrazovacch technik. Ve sv© diplomov© prci jsem prozkoumal novÄ vyvinutou metodu vyuvajc FOV, kter je 40krt vÄt ve srovnn s FOV konvenÄnch optickch metod, co mi umoilo pekonat toto technick© omezen. Prce vyuv tuto novou zobrazovac metodu k prozkoumn populaÄnch charakteristik smÄrovÄ selektivnch gangliovch bunÄk (DSGC) v stnicch my. Replikac ji znmch populaÄnch vzorc jsme verifikovali, e nae nov zobrazovc metoda funguje. Prce dle zkoum Äinky pomocnch ltek pro zven mry infekce RGCs. Tyto pomocn© ltky tak mohou potencilnÄ usnadnit nezaujat© zaznamenvn aktivit RGCs. Prce navc pedstavuje nov stimul pro inspekci receptivnch pol (RF) RGCs. Tento nov stimul pekonv konvenÄn stimuly pouvan© v souÄasnch studich jak v rozlien vyprodukovan©ho RF, tak v nezbytn©m Äase prezentace stimulu a otevr tak dvee pro nsledujc studie, kter© mohou poprv© popsat distribuÄn vzorce receptivnch poli napÄ stnic a zlepit tak klasifikaci bunÄÄnch td.
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Vývoj procesních parametrů technologie Selective Laser Melting pro výrobu lisovací formy pneumatik / Development of SLM process parameters for manufacturing of mold segment for molding tiresMěchura, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with finding suitable process parameters for the production of molding segment by SLM technology. It consists of a combination of structures, shells, thin slats and bulk parts. The tested material is maraging steel 300. The research part deals with the problem of choice of suitable process parameters, such as laser power and speed, hatch distance and thickness of the built layer. The achievable mechanical properties of the parts and the choice of the suitable structure were also examined. In the thesis were found suitable process parameters for printing of bulk parts and structures.
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On the Performance of In-Band Full-Duplex Cooperative CommunicationsKhafagy, Mohammad Galal 06 1900 (has links)
In-band full-duplex, by which radios may simultaneously transmit and receive over the same channel, has been always considered practically-unfeasible due to the prohibitively strong self-interference. Indeed, a freshly-generated transmit signal power is typically ten orders of magnitude higher than that of a naturally-attenuated received signal. While unable to manage such an overwhelming interference, wireless communications resorted to half-duplex operation, transmitting and receiving over orthogonal channel resources. Recent research has demonstrated the practical feasibility of full-duplexing via successive sophisticated stages of signal suppression/cancellation, bringing this long-held assumption down and reviving the promising full-duplex potentials. Full-duplex relaying (FDR), where intermediate nodes may now support source-destination communication via simultaneous listening/forwarding, represents one of two full-duplex settings currently recommended for deployment in future fifth-generation (5G) systems. Theoretically, it has been widely accepted that FDR potentially doubles the channel capacity when compared to its half-duplex counterpart. Although FDR doubles the multiplexing gain, the effective signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can be significantly degraded due to the residual self-interference (RSI) if not properly handled.
In this work, efficient protocols are devised for different FDR settings. Selective cooperation is proposed for the canonical three-terminal FDR channel with RSI, which exploits the cooperative diversity offered by the independently fading source/relay message replicas arriving at the destination. Closed-form expressions are derived for the end-to-end SNR cumulative distribution function (CDF) under Rayleigh and Nakagami-m fading. Further, the offered diversity gain is presented as a function of the RSI scaling trend with the relay power. We show that the existing diversity problem in simple FDR protocols can be considerably fixed via block transmission with selective cooperation. Beyond the single-relay setting, the outage performance of different opportunistic full-duplex relay selection (FDRS) protocols is also evaluated under Rayleigh and Nakagami-m fading. It is shown that, with state-of-the-art adaptive self-interference cancellation techniques, FDRS can offer the same diversity order of its half-duplex rival while supporting a higher level of spectral efficiency. FDRS is also analyzed when adopted by a spectrum-sharing secondary system while the primary spectrum user imposes an additional interference constraint. Finally, buffer-aided hybrid half-/full-duplex cooperation is addressed. To maximize the end-to-end throughput, joint duplexing mode and link selection is studied where the system leverages the buffer and outage state information at the transmitters. All theoretic findings are corroborated with numerical simulations, with comparisons to existing protocols.
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SLM 125 Single Track and Density Cube Characterization for 316L Stainless SteelGoss, Cullen 01 June 2019 (has links)
Selective Laser Melting is a rapidly developing additive manufacturing technique that can be used to create unique metal parts with tailormade properties not possible using traditional manufacturing. To understand the process from a most basic level, this study investigates system capabilities when melting single tracks of material. Individual tracks allow for a wide range of scan speeds and laser powers to be utilized and the melt pools analyzed. I discuss how existing studies and simulations can be used to narrow down the selection of potentially successful parameter combinations as well as the limitations of interpretation for single track information. Once we attain a solid understanding of what parameters perform well at a bead level, we can move onto looking at complete 3D parts. A challenge we have faced is creating near fully dense parts and determining a reliable density measurement technique that is accessible for operators at our university. Our results show that the previously determined optimized scan speed and laser power can consistently create parts with >99.5% density over a range of sizes using an analysis method utilizing readily available equipment and software.
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Integrating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Selective Optimization with CompensationMoeller, Mary 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Izolace bakteriální DNA z potravin s využitím magnetických nosičů / Isolation of bacterial DNA from foods using magnetic carriersBubeníková, Lucia January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the work was the selective isolation of bacterial DNA with help of magnetic carriers covered by streptavidine (PGMA-NH2-STV, MPG® Streptavidin). Conditions of functionalisation of carriers using two biotinylated probes were optimized: the amount of carrier, the amount of probe, binding of biotinyled probe to streptavidine. Purified DNA Lactobacillus was used for hybridization. DNA binding to the probe (DNA/DNA hybridization) and nospecific adsorption of DNA to the carrier were tested. Target DNA eluted from the carrier was identified using PCR with primers R16-1 and LbLMA1-rev and with primers P_eub and F_eub. The amount of probe bound to the carrier was estimated using UV spectrophotometry. It was estimated that biotinyled probe can be used for functionalisation in concentration 5 pmol/µl added to the carrier in the ration carrier : probe 1:1. It was shown that nonspecific DNA adsorption to the MPG® Streptavidin is significantly lower than to the carrier PGMA-NH2-STV.Using DNA/DNA hybridization and the MPG® Streptavidin, DNA from pure culture Lactobacillus was isolated. Procedure was applicated for DNA isolation from milk products.
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Simulace RF přenosového kanálu pro DVB-T v prostředí MATLAB / RF channel simulation in the MATLAB environmentDaďa, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Subject of this thesis is elemental description of DVB digital television and digitalization process of its terrestrial transmission according to DVB-T standard. The thesis characterizes in detail RF transmission channels used for wireless distribute of television. These channels ale mathematically described and their effect to OFDM signal is simulated in the MATLAB environment. It was created application with graphical user interface by this environment. Using simple setting of DVB-T and transmission channel parameters in the application user can simulate selective fading. Results of simulations with various settings are compared and analysed.
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Zneškodňování spalin znečištěných NOx / Treatment of flue gas polluted by NOxHanák, Libor January 2009 (has links)
There is an overview of secondary methods for NOX removal from stationary sources in the first part of master’s thesis. There are well known methods as SCR o SNCR, but also new and experimental ones. An accent is putting on catalytic filtration, especially on cloth filter, which will be used for experiments. An important part of master’s thesis is a project of new experimental unit for experiments with cloth and ceramic catalytic filters as well as with a bit of cloth filtration material. Unit has compact proportions, high-class measurement and control and wide application spectra. Other advantages of this equipment are fast and easy cleaning and installation. This unit, called INTEQ II, can be used in plants or in laboratories. There is prediction model created together with new technology. It enables calculation of efficiency at catalytic filters with variable conditions without many experiments. This model is elaborate and will be finished with dates from measuring. There in only summary of planned experiments in this thesis, because measurements at new unit have not done yet. Experiences with operations at unit INTEQ I were used for proposal of new equipment and for experiments planning.
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