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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anmerkungen zur retrospektiven Erfassung von Lebensereignissen und Lebensbedingungen bei Verlaufsuntersuchungen: Bewertung und Vergessen

Dehmel, Sabine, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 1984 (has links)
Aus der Einleitung: "Retrospektive Befragungsmethoden zur Erfassung sozialer Situationen und sozialer Ereignisse spielen in der entwicklungspsychologischen, der klinischpsychologischen und psychiatrischen Verlaufsforschung trotz ihrer immanenten Methodenschwächen eine bedeutende Rolle. Ihre Nachteile liegen bei der Erfassung längerer Zeitabschnitte in konkreten Erinnerungsmängeln, Deutungsversuchen und dem Bemühen vieler Personen, retrospektiv Kausalverbindung herzustellen. Aufgrund forschungspraktischer Probleme und ihrer größeren Ökonomie lassen sich jedoch in vielen, vor allem hypothesengenierenden Studien retrospektive Untersuchungsansätze nicht durch prospektive Verlaufsstudien ersetzen. Dies gilt sowohl für die Erfassung der "natürlichen", nicht systematisch/ experimentell beeinflußten Krankheitsverläufe bestimmter Patientengruppen, als auch für epidemiologisch-orientierte Langzeituntersuchung unbehandelter Fälle und gesunder Kontrollpersonen (Blohmke 1975, v. Cranach und Wittcxhen 1980). [...]"

An Empirical Investigation of Personality and Situational Predictors of Job Burnout

Caudill, Helene L. (Helene Litowsky) 12 1900 (has links)
Empirical research exploring the complex phenomenon of job burnout is still considered to be in its infancy stage. One clearly established stream of research, though, has focused on the antecedents of the three job burnout components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment. In particular, situational characteristics have received a great deal of attention to date. Four situational factors: (1) role ambiguity, (2) role conflict, (3) quantitative role overload, and (4) organizational support were included in this analysis to test their significance as predictors of job burnout. Another set of antecedents that has received far less attention in job burnout research is personal dispositions. Individual differences, most notably personality traits, may help us understand why some employees experience burnout whereas others do not, even within the same work environment. Four personality characteristics: (1) self-esteem, (2) locus of control, (3) communal orientation, and (4) negative affectivity were included to test their significance as predictors of job burnout. An on-site, self-report survey instrument was used. A sample of 149 human service professionals employed at a large government social services department voluntarily participated in this research. The main data analysis techniques used to test the research hypotheses were canonical correlation analysis and hierarchical analysis of sets. While role ambiguity showed no significant associations with any of the three job burnout components, the remaining situational factors had at least one significant association. Among all the situational characteristics, quantitative role overload was the strongest situational predictor of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, while organizational support was the strongest situational predictor of personal accomplishment. The personality predictor set as a whole showed a significant relationship with each of the job burnout components, providing strong proof that dispositional effects are important in predicting job burnout. Among all the personality characteristics, negative affectivity was the strongest personality predictor of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, while communal orientation was the strongest personality predictor of personal accomplishment. Comparisons between the personality and situational predictor sets revealed that personality characteristics were the stronger predictor for all three of the job burnout components. No interactions among the situational and personality predictors proved significant.

Undersökning av IT-stöd för ett av Europas snabbast växande telekomföretag / Survey of IT Support for one of Europe's Fastest Growing Telecoms Companies

Kaya, Özlem, Uludag, Hülya January 2013 (has links)
Allt fler organisationer väljer att förbättra och förnya sin verksamhet genom att använda informationssystem. Verksamheter idag har blivit allt mer beroende av IT- stöd i form av system samt webbapplikationer, eftersom det automatiserar och effektiviserar arbetsprocessen. Verksamheter med ett fullt fungerande IT-stöd leder, lyfter och styr företaget framåt i utvecklingen. Nyttan av ett IT system kan mätas då systemet är anskaffat och befinns i en förvaltningssituation. I förvaltningssituationer används IT system vilket kräver att dessa underhålls och omskapas efter verksamhetens utveckling. Studien syftar till att kartlägga alla IT-system och webbapplikationer för Tele2 Butikerna AB samt för varje system identifiera användare, accessroller, funktioner, förvaltningsresurser och förbättringsområden. Detta har utförts genom att skapa en nulägesanalys och en behovsanalys av verksamheten med hjälp av flera olika metoder. I examensarbetet har dokumenterade metoder använts för skapande av nulägesanalys och behovsanalys, vilka har stått i grund för de metoder som behärskar genom uppsatsens gång. Kartläggningen bestod främst av datainsamling via intervjuer med de anställda ute i butikerna samt på huvudkontoret. Slutligen har en rapport överlämnats till Tele2 som motsvarar önskemålen från uppdragsgivaren. / Increasing numbers of organizations are choosing to improve and innovate through the use of information systems. Businesses today have become more dependent on IT support such as systems and web applications as it automates and streamlines the work process. Organizations with a fully functional IT support leads, lifts and controls the company forward in development. The benefits of an IT system can be measured when the system is acquired and placed in a management situation. IT systems are used in management situations which require maintaining and re-engineering for business development. The study aims to identify all IT systems and web applications for Tele2 Butikerna AB and also for each system identify users, access roles, system functions, management recourses and possible improvements. This has been done by creating a situation analysis and a needs analysis of the business with help from different methods. The thesis contains documented methods that has been used for the creation of the situation and needs analysis. These have been the basis during the thesis approach. The survey consists of data collection through interviews with the employees in the stores and at headquarters. Finally, a report has been submitted to Tele2 corresponding to the wishes of the client.

"När vi arbetar i team är kommunikationen det viktigaste" : Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av akuta situationer på en barnklinik / "When we work in teams, communication is the most important thing"

Åkerblad, Ellen, Öblom, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: För att optimera vården av svårt sjuka eller skadade barn är kommunikationen i teamarbetet viktigt. Att arbeta i stressande akuta situationer innebär att kommunikationen kan brista och utgöra en risk för barnets säkerhet. För att optimera samarbetet under teamarbete är kommunikationen viktig. Motiv: Få studier rapporterar teamarbete och kommunikation vid vård av svårt sjuka eller skadade barn. För att säkra vården av akut sjuka och skadade barn finns behov av att undersöka kommunikation under teamarbete vid akuta situationer som inkluderar barn. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av kommunikation och teamarbete vid vård av svårt sjuka eller skadade barn.     Metod: Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativ metod. Tre sjuksköterskor och sju barnsjuksköterskor anställda på en barnklinik på ett sjukhus i södra Sverige deltog i studien. Individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer användes för att samla data och intervjuerna transkriberades i sin helhet. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera texten vilket resulterade i två kategorier och fem subkategorier. Resultat: Analysen av intervjuerna resulterade i kategorin “Att skapa förutsättningar för god kommunikation” baserade på subkategorierna “Möjligheter i kommunikationen” och “Hinder i kommunikationen”. Kategorin “Att arbeta säkert” baserades på subkategorierna “Samarbete och ledarskap”, “Förväntningar i teamet” och “Utveckla träning och reflektion”. Konklusion: Studien beskriver betydelsen på god kommunikation för ett gott samarbete med vårdteamet. Resultatet indikerar att det finns behov av scenarioträning, vilket kan ge sjuksköterskorna möjlighet att öva på kommunikation och teamarbete i en lugn och kontrollerad miljö. Kommunikation och teamarbete är centrala och viktiga begrepp inom vården, därför är framtida forskning väsentlig för en säker och jämställd vård. / Background: To optimize the care of seriously ill or injured children, communication in during teamwork is important. Working in stressful emergency situations means that communication is lacking and thus increase the risk to jeopardize the children’s safety. In order optimize the collaboration during teamwork in critical situations, communication is important. Motive: Few studies report teamwork and communication in the care of seriously ill or injured children. To ensure the care of critical ill and injured children, there is a need to explore communication during teamwork in critical situations that include children.   Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe nurses' experiences of communication and teamwork in the care of critical ill children. Methods: In this study a qualitative method was used. Three nurses and seven pediatric nurses employed at a pediatric clinic at a hospital in southern Sweden participated. Individual semi-structured interviews were used to collect data and the interviews were transcribed verbally. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the text, which resulted in two categories and five subcategories. Result: The analysis resulted in the category “Creating conditions for good communication” based on the subcategories “Opportunities in communication” and “Obstacles in communication”. The category "Working safely" was based on the subcategories "Cooperation and leadership", "Expectations in the team" and "Develop training and reflection". Conclusion: The study describes the importance of good communication for a good collaboration in the team when caring for critical ill or injured children. The results indicate that there is a need for scenario training, which can give nurses the opportunity to practice communication and teamwork in a calm and controlled environment. Communication and teamwork are central and important concepts in healthcare, therefore future research is essential for safe and equal care.

The impact of an oil spill on artisanal fishermen in Baía de Guanabara and possibilities for a sustainable future

Peipke, Erica January 2006 (has links)
Brazil is a country with enormous social differences and, alongside the advancements of the industrialdevelopment and the creation of a modern society, a large part of the Brazilian population lives under fairly poor conditions, providing their subsistence by the practice of traditional knowledge; employing primitive tools and methods. One example is the sector of artisanal fishery, which at present accounts for about half of the active fishermen in Brazil (Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, 2005). Even though these so called artisanal populations are not part of the industrialisation, they commonly suffer the consequences of the intense exploitation and unsustainable use of natural resources caused by the industrial development. The purpose of this report is to describe how the sustainability of the local artisanal fishermen population in Baía de Guanabara was affected by the oil spill at the Duque deCaxias refinery (REDUC) in January 2000. A further objective of the report is to answer how asustainable development of this population can be promoted in the future. In order to fulfil these objectives a field study was conducted in Baía de Guanabara, which included local fishermen fromfour different colonies and associations in the bay and key informants representing other stakeholders involved in the oil spill. In the report the impact of the accident on the artisanal fishermen population of Baía de Guanabara is described and several measures are discussed, which might be valuable inorder to promote a sustainable development of artisanal fishermen communities in the future. / www.ima.kth.se

Effektivisering av lagerstruktu

Salih, Azad January 2021 (has links)
I dagsläget tas enbart hänsyn till variation i geometri. Detta leder till att moduler som levereras inom kort befinner sig längst ner i högen. Projektet handlar om att göra en nulägesbeskrivning och analys för att hitta slöserier samt en studie över hur en lageryta ska formas för att utnyttjas maximalt.  Teori i form av kurslitteraturen i och vetenskapliga artiklar har tillämpats i rapporten. Teorin omfattar lagerstyrning och lagerutformning för ena frågeställningen och lean för den andra frågeställningen. Datainsamlingen har gjort med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod, då personalen har intervjuats. Med hjälp av teorin har förbättringsförslag för företaget tagits fram. Svar på de två olika frågeställningarna har framställts. Företaget har många faktorer som resulterar i en ineffektiv modulhantering och det som påverkar mest är informationsflödet. Företaget uppmuntras till att utnyttja lagerpersonalens kompetens och förbättra informationsflödet. / The report is an analysis of the current situation at the warehouse at the company Vossloh nordic switch systems in Örebro. Vossloh Nordic Switch Systems manufactures prefabricated switches for the railway industry. The switches consist of two to three modules weighing between 6 to 25 tons depending on the type of module. In accordance with the customer contract, Vossloh produces and stores the switches until the customer wants them to be delivered, this leads to the switches spending a long time in the warehouse. Since switches cannot be installed during the colder period out in the field, the company has high and low seasons regarding deliveries of switches. The company has an internal goal to even out the finished goods inventory and believes that free stacking of the switches leads to safety risks. The free stacked modules are in a random order and this leads to many unnecessary lifts, from which the staff collects from the module piles. Due to inadequate information flow, the various factors for the modules are not taken into account. The company has four factors that result in the modules lying here wildly.

Polisiära övningar mot pågående dödligt våld : En innehållsanalys av polisens övning POLKON HT2020

Nilsson, Ylva, Engelholm, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera polisens övning POLKON HT2020 och hur övningen kunde förstås utifrån den kunskap som finns om pågående dödligt våld. Vidare syftade studien till att ta reda på hur kunskapen och analysen av övningen kunde användas för att planera framtida övningar. Materialet som användes i studien bestod av polisens material från övningen POLKON HT2020 som genomfördes hösten 2020 i Jönköping. Syftet med övningen var att poliserna skulle öva på att möta och bekämpa pågående dödligt våld. Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Innehållsanalysen kopplades sedan samman med kriminologisk forskning samt rutinaktivitetsteorin och kognitiva psykologiska teorier. Resultatet visade att de moment som genomfördes i övningen i stor utsträckning överensstämde med den kunskap som finns om pågående dödligt våld. Framtida övningar bör bygga på kunskap om brottstypen för att på samma sätt förbereda poliserna på skarpt läge. / The purpose of this study was to analyze the POLKON HT2020 drill and how its content can be utilised in comparison to the knowledge available about active shooter situations. Additionally, the study aimed at investigating how this knowledge and the analysis of the drill could be used in planning future police drills. The material used in the study consisted of the police´s written material about the POLKON HT2020 drill, which was done during fall 2020 in Jönköping. The purpose of the drill was to prepare the officers to handle an active shooter situation. The material in the study was examined by qualitative content analysis. The result of the content analysis was put in relation to criminological research, routine activity theory and cognitive psychological theories. The results showed that the drill to a large extent corresponds with currently available knowledge about active shooter situations. According to the conclusion of this study, future drills should be planned using criminological research and theory in order to guarantee the same knowledge as the POLKON HT2020 for future officers involved.

Medverkade i ungdomsorganisationen Rapatac – vad hände sedan? : En studie om upplevelser av medverkandet gällande skolsituation, socialt nätverk och hälsa / Participated in the youth organization Rapatac – what happened after? : A study about experiences of participation regarding school situation, social network and health

Björklund, Elin, Hansson, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftade till att beskriva upplevelser bland individer som tidigare har medverkat i Rapatac och nuvarande medarbetare på Rapatac gällande vad ett medverkande i ungdomsorganisationen kan innebära för individernas skolsituation, sociala nätverk och hälsa. Fyra individer som har medverkat i Rapatac och två medarbetare intervjuades i en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjustudie. Teorier som användes i studien var den utvecklingsekologiska systemteorin och teorin om KASAM. Resultatet visade att upplevelserna av medverkandet gällande skolsituation, socialt nätverk och hälsa liknar varandra. Generellt upplevde intervjupersonerna att medverkandet i Rapatac har bidragit till positiv förändring. I vilken utsträckning individerna upplevde att medverkandet förändrade deras skolsituation, sociala nätverk och hälsa skilde sig. I relation till den tidigare forskningen inom området uppvisade studiens resultat ett flertal likheter. / The aim of the study was to describe experiences among individuals who previously have participated in Rapatac and current co-workers at Rapatac regarding what a participation in the youth organization can mean for the individuals school situation, social network and health. Four individuals who have participated in Rapatac and two co-workers were interviewed in a qualitative semi-structured interview study. Theories used in the study were the ecological systems theory and the SOC theory. The result indicated that the experiences of the participation regarding school situation, social network and health are similar to each other. In general, the interviewees experienced that the participation in Rapatac has contributed to positive change. The extent to which the individuals experienced that the participation changed their school situation, social network and health differed. In relation to previous research within the field the results of the study showed several similarities.

Finanční krize a její vliv na zaměstnanost v ČR / The financial crisis and its impact on employment

Řezníčková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the influence of the global financial crisis on the employment and specific effects on the labour market in the Czech Republic. The emphasis is based mainly on employees and unemloyed people involved by this problem. In general, the reader is introduced genesis and development of the financial crisis in 2008 in the U.S. and the "spillover" to the mortgage bubble arend the world and EU and its theoretical basis was outlined in the theory of financial crisis. Other theoretical bases of human capital theory as explaining citizen's attitudes to education and social dealing theory, which follow up the nature and reasons of social dealing and theory of human potential. The thesis submitted to the fundamental facts about employment in the analysis in the years 2008 - 2011. Based on the negative economic development and in response to the financial crisis, was adopted in employment in the EU and Czech Republic some support, but also restrictive measures with which the reader is present. More space is devoted to the attitudes of employers and employees in companies that are in crisis and are forced to adopt anti-crisis measures and, if measures are not effective, companies must find ways to address the serious financial crisis, such as consolidation, merger, rehabilitation,...

Přicházející krize české sociologie? / The Coming Crisis of Czech Sociology?

Štrojsa, Miloš January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "The coming crisis of czech sociology?" is talking about the current situation of czech sociology. In the last fifteen years there have been evident efects, which have a negative influnce on position of sociology in czech society. The first effect is the academic crisis (mass growth of university education). The second effect is the crisis of humanities (underrating of humanities). Also, there is an existence of specific developmental problem. These efects have desintegrative consequences on czech sociology, which contens with unprecedented growth of university students. Afterwards, these students are not able to find adequate job position in this field of study. This thesis talks about all these fenomens. In the first part, this thesis describes the enviroment of current state of czech sociology and puts emphasis on the above mentioned topics- problem situation of university education, uncertain position of humanities and complicated development of sociology as a science. The second part describes current situation of czech sociology. There is analysed, the masification of university educucation and its impact on sociological fields taught in six public academical departments. Also, there is a part talking about the growing number of sociologists- what will happen with them after their...

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