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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flertalet hinder i vägen : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas och ideellt verksammas erfarenheter av livssituationen och föreställningar om kvinnor med adhd / Multiple obstacles in the way : A qualitative study on the experiences of professionals and employees of the life situation and societal attitudes of women with adhd

Johansson, Gabriella, Johansson, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Forskning visar att det föreligger en underrepresentation vad gäller kvinnor med adhd, samt att fler studier behövs på området. Personer som möter målgruppen regelbundet kan ha en djupgående förståelse för deras situation. Syftet med den aktuella studien var därför att, i en svensk kontext, undersöka professionella vid lärosäten och ideellt verksamma inom intresseorganisationer, och deras erfarenheter av att möta kvinnor med en adhd-diagnos, i arbetet. Närmare bestämt om deras perspektiv på livssituationen och samhälleliga föreställningar som omger den berörda gruppen. En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med åtta deltagare, som besvarade frågor rörande livssituationen i olika kontexter, samt de attityder som de anser att kvinnorna bemöts med. Empirin analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys, som sedan tolkades med hjälp av Goffmans teori om stigma samt den miljörelativa handikappmodellen. Studiens resultat visade att kvinnor med adhd möter flertalet utmaningar i såväl arbets- som familjeliv, samt att de ofta har negativa upplevelser av sin skolgång, utifrån exempelvis bristande anpassningar och omgivningens förväntningar på prestation. Vidare framkom att livssituationen påverkas av samhälleliga föreställningar, där personer med adhd som grupp förknippas med flertalet negativa etiketter. Det föreligger skepticism gentemot diagnosens symptom och dess giltighet, vilket kan resultera i att specifikt kvinnor undviker att berätta om sin diagnos. Kvinnor diagnostiseras dessutom vanligtvis senare i livet då de, i motsats till män, sällan motsvarar stereotypa adhd-symptom. Sett ur den miljörelativa modellen visade resultatet att det föreligger ett flertal utmanande hinder i omgivningen, särskilt för kvinnor med adhd. Med hjälp av Goffmans teori om stigma synliggörs dessutom hur de blir dubbelt stigmatiserade då de blir ifrågasatta för innehavandet av en diagnos, oavsett symptombild. Studien implicerar att det krävs vidare forskning om kvinnor med adhd och deras livsvillkor på skilda plan, vilket kan motverka både felaktiga föreställningar och bristande kunskap. / Research shows that there is an underrepresentation of women with adhd, and that more studies are required in the field. People who meet the target group regularly can have a deep understanding of their situation. The purpose of the current study was therefore to investigate the experiences of professionals at education institutions and employees at non-profit organizations, in their work with women with an adhd diagnosis, in a Swedish context. More precisely about their perspective on the life situation and societal attitudes that surround the affected group. A qualitative interview study was completed with eight participants, who answered questions regarding the life situation in different contexts, as well as the attitudes that women with adhd encounter. The interview data was analyzed through thematic analysis, which was then interpreted using Goffman's theory of stigma and the relational model of disability. The results of the study showed that women with adhd face numerous challenges in both work and family life, and that they often have negative experiences from their attendance at school, based on, for example, insufficient adaptions and the expectations of performance from the surroundings. Fruthermore, it emerged that the life sitatuon is affected by societal attitudes, where people with adhd as a group are associated with several negative labels. There is skepticism towards the symptoms and validity of the diagnosis which can result in, specifically, women avoiding sharing their diagnosis. Women are also usually diagnosed later in life as they, contrary to men, rarely correspond to stereotypical adhd symptoms. From the perspective of the relational model, the results showed that there are severeal challenging obstacles in the environment, especially for women with adhd. Usin Goffman's theory of stigma, it is shown how they are also doubly stigmatized since they are questioned for having a diagnosis, regardless of the way their symptoms are shown. The study implies that further research is requiered on women with adhd and their living conditions on various levels, which can counteract both misconceptions and a lack of knowledge.

Digitalisering av arbetsmiljöarbetet i byggbranschen : En nulägesanalys / Digitalization of Occupational Health and Safety : A Study of the Current Situation

Vilhelmsson, Elsa, Wedin, Linda January 2020 (has links)
Byggbranschen är en riskfylld industri med ett stort antal olyckor i jämförelse med andra branscher, vilket är en indikation på att åtgärder för att hindra detta krävs. Samtidigt har digitaliseringen framgångsrikt etablerats mer och mer trots att det gått långsamt jämfört med andra branscher. Många positiva effekter på arbetsmiljöarbetet har påvisats men än så länge har produktionen varit svår att nå. Frågan kring hur den svenska branschen ligger till med digitaliseringen för att förbättra arbetsmiljöarbetet kvarstår. Examensarbetets syfte är därmed att beskriva nuläget samt belysa möjligheter och utmaningar med digitaliseringen av arbetsmiljöarbetet. En annan anledning till studien är att identifiera viktiga faktorer för implementeringen av digitala verktyg och ta reda på hur framtiden kan se ut. En kvalitativ intervjustudie användes för datainsamlingen där nio respondenter deltog. Studiens resultat visar på att åtgärder och ansträngningar inom arbetsmiljöarbetet har förbättrats under de senaste åren men ännu finns det mycket kvar att göra. Våra resultat visade att digitala verktyg ofta används för arbetsmiljöarbetet men det uppstod en diskussion om vad som är digitalt och inte. Mallar i olika format används fortfarande i många situationer och ses inte som digitalt för alla. Det finns stora möjligheter med digitaliseringen av arbetsmiljöarbetet. Några av dem är ökad kontroll, tidsbesparingar och enklare kommunikation. Även då det finns stora möjligheter finns en del utmaningar bland annat antalet verktyg, en lagstiftning som fortfarande inte fullt ut tillåter en fullständig digitalisering för detta ändamål samt att det finns ett motstånd mot förändring. För att enklare kunna implementera digitala verktyg är det viktigt att visa på nyttan, börja smått, identifiera nyckelpersoner som kan leda förändringen och leverera tydliga strategier. I framtiden önskas mer standardiseringar, ökade krav från byggherrar samt ett större involverande från fler projektdeltagare. / The construction industry is hazardous with a high number of accidents compared to other industries, which is an indication that actions to prevent those are required. Meanwhile, digitalization is successively established in the construction industry, however, not with the same pace as in other industries. Digitalization generates several positive effects on occupational health and safety, but has so far had limited success in the production phase. As of today, the present status of digitalization in order to improve occupational health and safety in the Swedish construction industry remains unclear. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to identify the current status and describe the existing opportunities and challenges with digitalization for occupational health and safety. Moreover, another reason for this study is to identify important factors for the implementation of digital tools and find out what the future may hold. In order to study the present status, a qualitative interview study was performed for the data collection where nine representatives participated. The results of the study show that actions and efforts in occupational health and safety has improved over the last years, although much more is yet to be done. Furthermore, our results show that digital tools are often used in occupational health and safety. There is, however, a discussion around what is digital and what is not. Templates in different forms, for instance, are still used in various situations and are not to be seen as digital for some. As of today, there are great benefits with the digitalization of the work of occupational health and safety, including increased control, time savings and easier communication. On the other hand, there are a number of challenges, including the vast number of digital tools, a legislation that still not fully approves a complete digitalization for this purpose, and it exists a resistance to change. To be able to more easily implement digital tools, it is important to highlight benefits, start small, identify key persons that can lead the change and provide clear strategies. In the future, there is a wish for a greater degree of standardizations, increased requirements from clients and finally involvement of more project participants.

Att vara ny i akuta situationer : En litteraturöversikt över nyexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda akut sjuka patienter / To be new in acute situations : A literature review of newly graduate nurses’ experiences of caring for acutely ill patients

Tyrén, Ebba, Österbacka, Jakob January 2023 (has links)
Background: Newly graduate nurses experience the transition into working as a nurse as overwhelming due to a lack of work experience. Working with acutely ill patients requires readiness to act where not only adequate treatment and interventions are important but also where every second matters. Aim: The aim was to describe newly graduated nurses’ experiences of caring for acutely ill patients. Method: A literature review was carried out using Friberg’s four-step model where data from a total of nine studies with quantitative and qualitative research studies were analyzed. Results: The result emerged in two categories and five sub-categories that indicated that newly graduated nurses feel unprepared and insecure in handling and treating acutely ill patients. They question their ability to care for their patients and are afraid of making mistakes which may cause harm to the patient. Newly graduated nurses also felt an urge to take control of the acute situation. The five sub-categories are as followed: fear of making mistakes, feeling unprepared, take control, feelings of inadequacy and lastly questioning one’s ability. Conclusion: Collegial support and having a preceptor were crucial factors that facilitated newly graduated nurses to adequately care for acutely ill patients. By giving the right support to newly graduate nurses they feel less afraid, stressed and less overwhelmed. Readiness to act was found to be something that a nurse developed over time and by experiencing acute situations. / Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Att börja arbeta som nyexaminerad sjuksköterska kan vara utmanande, särskilt vid vård av akut sjuka patienter som kan bli försämrade väldigt hastigt. Akuta situationer kräver snabba åtgärder vilket kan upplevas extra påfrestande för den nya sjuksköterskan. Akut sjuka patienter kan påträffas oavsett vilken typ av arbetsplats som sjuksköterskan är verksam inom, och snabbt insättande åtgärder och en tillgänglig vård kan minska miljontals dödsfall och funktionsnedsättningar världen över. Den här litteraturöversikten utgick från ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv och hade som syfte att beskriva hur nyexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplevde att vårda akut sjuka patienter. Studiens resultat bestod av nio vetenskapliga artiklar och påvisade chockartade upplevelser där de nyexaminerade sjuksköterskorna var oförberedda och var rädda för att göra misstag. De strävade också efter att skapa kontroll i den akuta situationen, vilket kunde uppnås genom stöd från kollegor och erfarenhet av akuta situationer. Resultatet beskrev också upplevelser av att inte kunna möta kraven i det nya yrket med känslor där den nyexaminerade sjuksköterskan ifrågasatte sin egen förmåga och kände sig otillräcklig. I bakgrunden beskrevs sjuksköterskeprofessionen och dess kärnkompetenser, vidare beskrevs akutsjukvård och de vårdvetenskapliga begreppen “vårdande” och “handlingsberedskap” som kan relateras till akutsjukvård. I metoden användes totalt nio vetenskapliga artiklar, varav sex kvalitativa, två kvantitativa och en med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. I diskussionen diskuterades nyexaminerade sjuksköterskors reaktioner på akuta situationer och olika typer av påverkan som kollegor kan ha. Stöd från kollegor och en tilldelad handledare var faktorer som möjliggjorde för den nyexaminerade sjuksköterskan att vårda akut sjuka patienter. Rätt stöd minskade rädsla, stress och gjorde sjuksköterskan mindre överväldigad.

Using dynamic task allocation to evaluate driving performance, situation awareness, and cognitive load at different levels of partial autonomy

Patel, Viraj R. 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The state of the art of autonomous vehicles requires operators to remain vigilant while performing secondary tasks. The goal of this research was to investigate how dynamically allocated secondary tasks affected driving performance, cognitive load, and situation awareness. Secondary tasks were presented at rates based on the autonomy level present and whether the autonomous system was engaged. A rapid secondary task rate was also presented for two short periods regardless of whether autonomy was engaged. There was a three-minute familiarization phase followed by a data collection phase where participants responded to secondary tasks while preventing the vehicle from colliding into random obstacles. After data collection, there was a brief survey to gather data on cognitive load, situation awareness, and relevant demographics. The data was compared to data gathered in a similar study by Cossitt [10] where secondary tasks were presented at a controlled frequency and a gradually increasing frequency.

A Semantic Situation Awareness Framework for Indoor Cyber-Physical Systems

Desai, Pratikkumar 29 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Psychosocial Long-Term Effects of Young Adult Cancer Survivors: Study Protocol of the Longitudinal AYA-LE Long-Term Effects Study

Geue, Kristina, Mehnert-Theuerkauf, Anja, Stroske, Isabelle, Brock, Hannah, Friedrich, Michael, Leuteritz, Katja 31 March 2023 (has links)
Background: About 3% of new cancer cases affect young adults aged between 15 and 39 years. The young age, the increasing incidence and the relatively good prognosis of this population lead to the growing importance to investigate the psychosocial long-term and late effects. The aims of the AYA-LE long-term effects study are: first, to assess the temporal course and related factors of life satisfaction and psychological distress of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors; and second, to examine a specific topic in each of the yearly surveys in a more differentiated way. Methods: This study represents a continuation of the longitudinal AYA-LE study. The existing sample of AYA cancer patients (t1: N = 577; t2: N = 514; aged between 18 and 39 years at diagnosis; all major tumor entities) was extended by four further survey points (t3: 2018, t4: 2019, t5: 2020, t6: 2021). In addition, a comparison sample of young adults without cancer was collected. We measured longitudinal data for outcomes such as quality of life, psychological distress, and fatigue with standardized questionnaires. Furthermore, each survey point included a different cross-sectional topic (e.g., health behavior, occupational situation, and compliance). Discussion: The AYA-LE long-termeffects study will show the long-termconsequences of cancer in young adulthood. We expect at least complete data of 320 participants to be available after the sixth survey, which will be completed in 2021. This will provide a comprehensive and differentiated understanding of the life situation of young adults with cancer in Germany. The findings of our study enable a continuous improvement of the psychosocial care and specific survivorship programs for young cancer patients.

Situationsbasiertes Scheduling von Echtzeit-Tasks in verteilten eingebetteten Systemen

Meier, Tobias 13 October 2023 (has links)
Die Anforderungen an die verfügbare Rechenkapazität von Steuergeräten in der Automotive und Avionik-Domäne steigen kontinuierlich an. Dieser Anstieg ist auf die steigende Bedeutung von softwarebasierten Funktionen zurückzuführen, sowie auf die damit einhergehende steigende Anzahl und Komplexität der softwarebasierten Funktionen. In dieser Dissertation wird die Berücksichtigung der Situation (z. B. die geographische Position oder die Geschwindigkeit) als ein möglicher Ansatz beschrieben, um den steigenden Bedarf an Rechenkapazität der softwarebasierten Funktionen zu decken. Die benötigte Rechenkapazität einer softwarebasierten Funktion verändert sich in Abhängigkeit von der momentanen Situation. Durch die Berücksichtigung der Situation bei der Verteilung der Rechenkapazitäten entstehen freie Rechenkapazitäten, welche durch komplementäre softwarebasierte Funktion verwendet werden können. Die Zielsetzung dieser Dissertation ist es, eine situationsbasierte Verteilung der Rechenkapazität auf die softwarebasierten Funktionen des verteilen eingebetteten Systems zu erreichen.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Zielsetzung 1.3 Struktur der Arbeit 1.4 Zusammenfassung 2 Grundlagen 2.1 Situationsbasierte Systeme 2.2 Eingebettete verteilte Systeme 2.2.1 Architektur 2.2.2 Echtzeit-Tasks 2.2.3 Echtzeit-Scheduling 2.2.4 Echtzeit-Kommunikation 2.2.5 Steuergeräte der Zieldomänen 2.3 Prozessmigration in verteilten Systemen 2.3.1 Prozesssegmente 2.3.2 Möglichkeiten der Prozessmigration 2.4 Application checkpointing 2.5 Zusammenfassung 3 Stand der Forschung 3.1 Situationsbasiertes Scheduling für eingebettete verteilte Systeme 3.1.1 Semi-Statische Systeme 3.1.2 Dynamische Systeme 3.2 Situationsbasiertes Scheduling für Multi-Core Systeme 3.2.1 Situationen in HAMS 3.2.2 HAMS Architektur 3.2.3 Wissensdatenbank 3.3 Semi-Statische Netzwerkkonfiguration 3.4 Zusammenfassung 4 Situationsbasiertes Scheduling in verteilten eingebetteten Systemen 4.1 Analyse der Zielsetzung 4.2 Technische Ziele 4.3 SiVES-Sched Konzept 4.3.1 Erweiterter HAMS 4.3.2 Situations-Wissensdatenbank 4.3.3 TLS Master 4.3.4 Task-Migration 4.3.5 TLS Slave 4.3.6 Software Defined Network 4.3.7 TLS-KM 4.4 Zusammenfassung 5 Evaluation 5.1 Konzept der Evaluation 5.2 Evaluationsumgebung 5.2.1 Hardwareumgebung 5.2.2 Softwareumgebung 5.3 Rekonfiguration des verteilten eingebetteten Systems 5.3.1 Evaluation I: Erstellung der SWDB 5.3.2 Evaluation II: Durchführung der Rekonfiguration 5.3.3 Evaluation III: Dauer des kritischen Abschnitts 5.3.4 Evaluation IV: Vermeidung von Informationsverlust 5.4 Zusammenfassung 6 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 6.1 Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit 6.1.1 Konzept 6.1.2 Evaluation 6.2 Ausblick 7 Appendix Literaturverzeichnis Nomenklatur Thesen Eigene Veröffentlichungen

POLICYFÖRÄNDRING OCH FLYKTINGKRISEN 2015 : En jämförande textanalys av Socialdemokraternas valmanifest 2014 och 2018

Hedman, Rena January 2023 (has links)
This study intends to study how the Social Democrats' (S) migration policy changed between 2014 and 2018. Comparison is made through a text analysis of election manifestos to describe S's stance after the refugee crisis in 2015 in relation to refugees and migration. S worked up the 'problem' over the years and as solution policy changes were carried out in the economic, social and political contexts in connection with the state's situation, where ideas and beliefs were based on the previous experiences and events. The study will be carried out by describing and following up the change in S migration policy between 2014 and 2018 in Bacchi's constructivist perspective on ideas and problem formulations in what concepts represent. This approach is regarded as a process that is to some extent continuously socially constructed by the exchange of opinions of policy actors. These are ideas that help policy actors create meaning and understanding of the world around them, and thus they form a basis for which interests and action options the policy actors act for and against in the policy process (Ohlsson, et.al, 2019:259). That is, they are ideas that give policy actors a purpose of understanding what the policy problem is and what the solutions are. The idea and ideology analysis method is used in this study to be able to compare, see and understand the importance of ideas in the creation of politics, what interaction and non-interaction between ideas means and why this is important to follow up in connection with the state's situation. To understand how ideas and concepts were problematized and social formulated through time in connection with the state's situation, the three text analytical questions of Bacchi's WPR approach were chosen which enable interpretation of the background knowledge, underlying assumptions made by S all political proposals.

Lärares realiseringar utifrån olika typer av respons. / Teachers' realizations based on different types of feedback.

Gidstedt, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
The subject of mathematics, based on my experience, is not something that students perceive as creative or exploratory. It seems to be common for teachers to struggle with implementing exploratory teaching methods. This study examines how teachers utilize realizations in various types of responses when students indicate, in some way, that they are not engaged in the mathematical discourse. The aim is to determine if this approach can enhance an investigative character in teaching. It is conducted using a modified version of the RTA tool and a modified version of Dimenäs' (1995) didactic response framework. A teacher's lessons have been transcribed, analyzed, and coded to identify correlations between response and realization. It was found that the teacher primarily exhibits a controlling character, and initially using multiple categories of realizations leads to a reduced need for categories in the teacher's response.

Representations of Redface: Decolonizing the American Situation Comedy’s “Indian”

Tahmahkera, Dustin 12 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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