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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effect of Information Structuring on Analytical Knowledge Acquisition

Al-Gharaibeh, Rami Salah 18 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.


Dixon, Deirdre Painter 11 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

A study of listening comprehension of academic lectures within the construction-integration model

Jeon, Jihyun 10 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Медиативные технологии в работе с семьями, находящихся в трудной жизненной ситуации : магистерская диссертация / Mediatory technologies in working with families in difficult life situations

Сунегина, Ю. А., Sunegina, Y. A. January 2023 (has links)
В выпускной квалификационной работе рассмотрено понятие семьи и основания, по которым семья может считаться как находящаяся в трудной жизненной ситуации, определены основные понятия и характеристики восстановительного подхода и обозначены нормативно-правовые основы его применения в социальных службах. Опыт применения и реализации медиативного (восстановительного) подхода в урегулировании семейных конфликтов в практической деятельности социальных служб был изучен на примере работы специалистов-медиаторов некоммерческой организации. В заключении сделан вывод о готовности специалистов к реализации медиативного подхода при работе с семейными конфликтами, а также о возможностях и ограничениях данного подхода. / The final qualifying work examines the concept of family and the grounds on which a family can be considered to be in a difficult life situation, defines the basic concepts and characteristics of the restorative approach and outlines the legal framework for its application in social services. The experience of applying and implementing the mediation (restorative) approach to resolving family conflicts in the practical activities of social services was studied using the example of the work of specialist mediators of a non-profit organization. In conclusion, a conclusion was drawn about the readiness of specialists to implement the mediation approach when working with family conflicts, as well as the possibilities and limitations of this approach.

Using visualization to support identification and assessment of threat of nearby adversaries : An aid for after action reviews in air combat simulation

Persson, Tomas January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this work has been to develop a design suggestion of a visualization system that supports training instructors and air force units during After Action Reviews (AAR) in training at the Swedish Air Force Combat Simulation Center (FLSC). The suggestion was developed through a design study consisting of interviews, a demonstration and a design workshop in parallel with an iterative prototyping process. The study resulted in a visualization system that indicates enemy aircraft at threatening distances to support identification of critical situations. To support the following threat assessment, visualizations that automatically present radar lock-on information and missile envelopes are suggested. Although radar lock-on information and missile envelopes has been presented in earlier visualizations they have not been adapted to the mode of operations of the AAR. Adapting the visualizations to the AAR would make the threat assessment easier and more effective to conduct. The purpose of the visualization is to make it easier for training instructors and air force units with limited experience of simulation training to conduct a high quality AAR through emphasizing relevant situations and points of interest.

Mathematical comprehension facilitated by situation models: Learning opportunities for inverse relations in elementary school

Hassler, Ryan Scott January 2016 (has links)
The Common Core State Standards call for more rigorous, focused, and coherent curriculum and instruction, has resulted in students being faced with more cognitively high-demanding tasks which involve forming connections within and between fundamental mathematical concepts. Because mathematical comprehension generally relates back to one’s ability to form connections to prior knowledge, this study sought to examine the extent to which current learning environments expose students to connection-making opportunities that may help facilitate mathematical understanding of elementary multiplicative inverses. As part of an embedded mixed-methods design, I analyzed curriculum materials, classroom instruction, and student assessments from four elementary mathematics teachers’ classrooms. A situation model perspective of comprehension was used for analysis. The aim of this study was thus to determine how instructional tasks, representations, and deep questions are used for connection-making, which is the foundation of a situation model that can be used for inference-making. Results suggest that student comprehension depends more on connection-making opportunities afforded by classroom teachers, rather than on learning opportunities found solely within a curriculum. This included instruction that focused on deeply unpacking side-by-side comparison type examples, situated examples in personal concrete contexts, used semi-concrete representations to illustrate structural relationships, promoted efficiency through the sequence of presented representations, and posed deep questions which supported students’ sense-making and emphasized the interconnectedness of mathematics. By analyzing these key aspects, this study contributes to research on mathematical understanding and provides a foundation for helping students facilitate transfer of prior knowledge into novel mathematical situation. / Math & Science Education

Anställningstrygghet inom bemanningsbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om visstidsanställdas upplevelse av sin anställningstrygghet

Bunnstad, Frida, Stenman, Melissa January 2022 (has links)
Visstidsanställda inom bemanningsbranschen har en utsatt position på arbetsmarknaden på grund av att de riskerar att med kort varsel förlora sin anställning. Bemanningsbranschen är väletablerad i Sverige och många arbetare har någon gång haft en relation till ett bemanningsföretag genom att själva arbeta via dem, eller via vänner eller kollegor med erfarenhet av det. I studien undersöks frågan kring hur bemanningsanställda med visstidskontrakt upplever sin anställningstrygghet. Genom att undersöka bemanningsanställdas upplevda oro för framtiden, närvarande ledarskap, sysselsättningstrygghet, inkomsttrygghet och flexibilitet ger studien en bild av hur bemanningsanställda mår i sin anställning. Studien bygger på intervjuer med åtta bemanningsanställda som är visstidsanställda. Studiens resultat visade att visstidsanställdas livssituation och kontakt med sin chef på bemanningsföretaget har en stor betydelse för den upplevda anställningstryggheten. Dessutom upplevde de anställda att otryggheten kring anställningen bidrog till en viss oro inför framtiden. Studien kan bidra till en ökad förståelse för de faktorer som har betydelse för bemanningsanställdas upplevelse av sin anställningstrygghet. / Fixed-term employees in the staffing industry have a vulnerable position in the labour market, due to the risk of losing their employment with a short notice. The temporary agency industry is well established in Sweden and many workers have at some point had a relationship with a temporary agency company by working with them themselves or through friends or colleagues with experience of it. The study examines the question of how temporary agency employees with fixed-term contracts experience their job security. By examining temporary employees' perceived concerns about the future, present leadership, occupational security, financial security and flexibility, the study provides a picture of how temporary employees feel in their employment. The study is based on interviews with eight temporary agency employees with fixed-term contracts. The results of the study showed that the life situation of fixed-term employees and contact with their manager at the temporary agency company were of great importance for the perceived job security. In addition, the employees felt that the insecurity concerning their employment contributed to uncertainty concerning the future. The study can contribute to an increased understanding of the factors that are important for temporary agency workers experience of their job security.

Speech Act Deixis / A situated dynamic account for observational and experimental insights into spoken German

Buch, Friederike Linde 24 May 2024 (has links)
Diese Dissertation führt den Beweis, dass Sprechaktbezug nicht anaphorischer, sondern deiktischer Natur ist, und stellt ein formales Modell für denselben vor. Korpusdaten in gesprochenem Deutsch und Daten aus Fernseh-Talkshows zeigen, dass man sich nur mit demonstrativen Ausdrücken auf Sprechakte beziehen kann. Zusätzlich unterstützen zwei Experimente die Beobachtung, dass Sprechaktbezüge nicht mit Personalpronomen getätigt werden. Nur selten lassen Muttersprachler des Deutschen ein gegebenes Personalpronomen auf einen Sprechakt referieren, und nur selten wählen sie das Personalpronomen, um sich auf einen gegebenen Sprechaktreferenten zu beziehen. Die klare Präferenz liegt beim Demonstrativum. Um auf Entitäten außerhalb des Diskurses zu referieren, nutzt man im Deutschen Demonstrativ-, nicht aber Personalpronomen. Dementsprechend sollten Sprechakte als Ereignisse im Äußerungskontext und nicht als Teil von sprachlicher Form und Bedeutung aufgefasst werden. Bestehenden Diskurstheorien mangelt es an einer Unterscheidung zwischen Anaphern und Deixis, während umgekehrt Theorien über sprachliche Bezüge sich nicht mit Sprechakten beschäftigen. Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (SDRT) integriert nicht-sprachliche Objekte als Diskursreferenten in die Diskursstruktur, was auch für Sprechakte gilt. Dieser Umstand erlaubt allerdings Anaphern auf Sprechakte. Da sich schwach referentielle Ausdrücke wie Personalpronomen nicht auf Sprechakte beziehen können, muss die Ontologie von Sprechakten in SDRT überdacht werden. Hier wird eine SDRT-Variante vorgestellt, die als Diskursmodell zwei Informationsquellen umfasst, nämlich a) semantische Äußerungsinhalte und b) die physische Umgebung der Gesprächsteilnehmer (d.h. ihre "joint attention"), dargestellt als zwei DRSen. Das Modell unterscheidet systematisch zwischen anaphorischem und deiktischem Bezug und dadurch auch zwischen Bezug auf sprachlichen Inhalt und auf sprachliche "Behältnisse": Sprechakte. / This dissertation provides evidence that reference to speech acts is deictic, not anaphoric, and furthermore introduces a formal model of speech act reference. Corpus data from spoken German as well as observed data from German TV talk shows demonstrates that speech acts are exclusively referred to by demonstrative expressions. Additionally, new experimental evidence supports this observation and shows that speech acts are not referred to by personal pronouns. German native speakers rarely make given personal pronouns refer to a speech act, nor do they decide for a personal pronoun to refer to a given speech act referent when forced to choose between personal and demonstrative pronouns. Demonstratives are strongly preferred. In German, demonstrative pronouns rather than personal pronouns are used to refer to objects external to the discourse. Consequently, speech acts should be modeled as events in the utterance context rather than as parts of linguistic form and meaning. Existing theories of discourse structure lack a distinction between anaphora and deixis, while theories of reference do not integrate the concept of a speech act. Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (SDRT) introduces non-linguistic entities in discourse structure. This includes speech acts, which are introduced as discourse referents, which in return predicts anaphoric reference to speech acts. Since reference to speech acts with weak expressions like personal pronouns does not occur, the status of speech acts in SDRT must be redefined. As variant of SDRT, I propose a discourse model that comprises the two information sources of a) semantic content of utterances and b) immediate physical environment of the interlocutors (i.e. their joint attention), which are represented as a pair of DRSs. This model systematically distinguishes between anaphora and deixis, and therefore between reference to linguistic content and reference to linguistic containers: speech acts.

Helping in the Workplace: A Social Cognitive Perspective

Kalanick, Julie Lynn 13 May 2008 (has links)
This study employed an experimental design intended to be an analog to the workplace to examine a person by situation interactive effect on OCBs, which were evaluated as prosocial behaviors. This study also sought to provide initial empirical support for the two-stage social cognitive model of OCBs proposed by Hauenstein and Kalanick (2008). Participants were 194 undergraduates. The study was a 2 (Helpfulness) by 2 (Fairness) design. After completing distracter tasks 1 and 2, participants received either a helpfulness prime or a control prime (task 3). Participants then either experienced either a fair manipulation or an unfair manipulation. Results indicated a distinction between the decision to help and helping effort, which has not been thoroughly examined in literature on OCBs. Results revealed main effects for the helpfulness prime and fairness manipulation on the decision to engage in helping. The nature of these effects was that participants helped more when they were primed with helpfulness and when they experienced fairness. However, once helping commenced, there was an interactive effect between helpfulness and fairness such that the helpfulness prime had a stronger effect on participants treated unfairly. Implications for future research on OCBs are discussed. / Ph. D.

Situación financiera y la toma de decisiones en una institución educativa 2019-2021

Caro Quintana, Ariana Zenaida January 2023 (has links)
El conocimiento de la situación financiera en las instituciones educativas permitirá identificar y resolver las dificultades económicas y financieras, a su vez ayudará a la adecuada toma de decisiones financieras y asignación optima de los recursos para generar valor. Ante esto, la presente investigación se enfoca en la situación financiera y la toma de decisiones en la institución educativa Master College, planteando como objetivo general determinar la situación financiera y la toma de decisiones en la I.E. Master College 2019-2021 y como objetivos específicos describir las características de la I.E. Master College de acuerdo al decreto legislativo N° 882: Ley de promoción de la inversión en la educación, describir la situación financiera del 2019-2021, evaluar la toma de decisiones del periodo 2019-2021 y establecer estrategias financieras. La investigación presenta un enfoque mixto, es de tipo aplicada con un nivel descriptivo; tiene un diseño no experimental y transversal. Se consideró como población a la Institución Educativa y se utilizó como muestra, de acuerdo al criterio de selección, toda la información financiera demostrada en los estados financieros. Se utilizó la técnica del análisis documental y la guía de entrevista al director de I.E. Master College. / Knowledge of the financial situation in educational institutions will allow identifying and resolving economic and financial difficulties, in turn will help to make adequate financial decisions and optimal allocation of resources to generate value. Given this, this research focuses on the financial situation and decision-making in the Master College educational institution, with the general objective of determining the financial situation and decision-making in the I.E. Master College 2019-2021 and as specific objectives describe the characteristics of the I.E. Master College according to legislative decree No. 882: Law for the promotion of investment in education, describe the financial situation of 2019-2021, evaluate decision-making for the period 2019-2021 and establish financial strategies. The research presents a mixed approach, it is of an applied type with a descriptive level; It has a non-experimental and cross-sectional design. The Educational Institution was considered as a population and all the financial information shown in the financial statements was used as a sample, according to the selection criteria. The documentary analysis technique and the interview guide to the director of I.E. Master College.

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