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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

青春系列──從類型觀點看2002-2008台灣同志電影 / Young line--a genre analysis of 2002-2008 Taiwan gay and lesbian movies

林佳誼, Lin, Chia Yi Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於近年台灣出現一系列以小品模式呈現之同志題材電影,且能與社會情境多方呼應,本研究遂擬由類型(genre)的觀點,借用「青春系列」之名,探討此一類型究竟呈現出哪些樣貌特徵,如何演變?是否具備做為一種電影類型的要素?而其特徵與演變反映、關聯到什麼樣的社會文化等情境因素?類型特徵與社會脈絡間如何互動?是否呼應吻合,抑或有落差不一之處,又各如何詮釋? 在研究方法上,本研究挪用J. Swales「文本∕情境導向類型分析程序」(text-driven/situation-driven procedure for genre analysis ),試圖結合二者,除選定《藍色大門》、《十七歲的天空》、《盛夏光年》以及《渺渺》等四部範例文本,整理其「內容」、「風格」、「結構」與「目的」外,也指認出特定傳播情境,探討此類型的生成因素,以期能夠在雙向考量下,呈現出文本與情境間相互作用的連結關係,亦即類型的動態本質。 研究析論結果確實指向類型與情境脈絡之間的緊密構連。「青春系列」同時受到外來作品在概念手法上啟迪,又承繼著在地同類作品的核心傳統主題,成就出兼容並蓄的特殊風貌。而台灣社會對於同志議題在公私領域不同層次上,既開放肯定又有所保留的態度,也恰能解釋類型社群基礎。另外此類型於台灣電影工業低潮應運而生,低迷的產業活動召喚了像「青春系列」這樣具有彈性、定位明確並可預期回收成本的小品,系列作品的成功也帶動整體產業谷底反彈,更反映出台灣電影工業發展方向轉變的時代意義。 / In view of a series of Taiwan’s gay themed films appearing in a sketch mode in recent years and their topic have always responded to the social contexts in multiple ways. Thus, this study adopted the point of view of “genre”, borrowed the name of “Young Line”, and then to explore what appearances and characteristics this kind of films had presented, how they would change in the future, and whether they possessed those elements to be a genre of films. Moreover, what kind of contextual factors such as social cultures that the characteristics and changes of those films reflected and had been related to? How did the characteristics of this genre interact with the social contexts? Whether they responded to the coincidence or there were differences between each other? Then how to interpret each kind of these situations? This study adopted J. Swales’ “text-driven/situation-driven procedure for genre analysis” as the research methods, and attempted to combine these two procedures together. “Blue Gate Crossing”, “17 Formula”, “Eternal Summer”, and “Miao Miao”, these four films were selected to be the exemplary texts and to systemize their “content”, “style”, “structure”, and “purpose”. In addition, particular communication situations were also identified to probe into the generating factors of this genre of films. With the two-way considerations, this study expected to present the relational connections which interacted between the texts and the situations, and that is the dynamic nature of the genre. According to the results of this study, there was a tight articulation between the genre and the situational contexts for a certainty. “Young Line” series are inspired by the concepts and techniques of foreign films; at the same time, they also inherit the core traditional themes of local films of the same genre. Therefore, the series have achieved a particular inclusive style. With regard to the gay issues, Taiwan society has possessed a positive but also reserved attitude toward the public and private levels, and this can precisely explain the community base of this genre. Furthermore, this genre of films came with the tide of fashion when Taiwan’s film industry was at low ebb. The depressed industrial activities elicited those sketch films which were flexible, clear-targeted, and expected to have cost recovery such as “Young Line”. The success of this series was one of the forces which leaded the whole industry rebound from the bottom, and this reflected the significance of the time of the change of Taiwan’s film industry’s development direction.

A Logical Theory of Joint Ability in the Situation Calculus

Ghaderi, Hojjat 17 February 2011 (has links)
Logic-based formalizations of dynamical systems are central to the field of knowledge representation and reasoning. These formalizations can be used to model agents that act, reason,and perceive in a changing and incompletely known environment. A key aspect of reasoning about agents and their behaviors is the notion of joint ability. A team of agents is jointly able to achieve a goal if despite any incomplete knowledge or even false beliefs about the world or each other, they still know enough to be able to get to a goal state, should they choose to do so. A particularly challenging issue associated with joint ability is how team members can coordinate their actions. Existing approaches often require the agents to communicate to agree on a joint plan. In this thesis, we propose an account of joint ability that supports coordination among agents without requiring communication, and that allows for agents to have incomplete (or even false) beliefs about the world or the beliefs of other agents. We use ideas from game theory to address coordination among agents. We introduce the notion of a strategy for each agent which is basically a plan that the agent knows how to follow. Each agent compares her strategies and iteratively discards those that she believes are not good considering the strategies that the other agents have kept. Our account is developed in the situation calculus, a logical language suitable for representing and reasoning about action and change that is extended to support reasoning about multiple agents. Through several examples involving public, private, and sensing actions, we demonstrate how symbolic proof techniques allow us to reason about team ability despite incomplete specifications about the beliefs of agents.

Se – än lever jag! : Livsåskådning och lärande i livets slutskede / Look – I’m still alive! : View of life and learning in the end of life

Krook, Caroline January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of the study has been, by adopting a view of life and a learning perspective, to reach an understanding of the way in which cancer patients in a palliative care context understand and cope with their existential life situation. I asked the following questions: 1) How does their personal view of life influence the patients’ understanding and coping with the illness and existential life situation? 2) What existential questions are central to the patients? 3) What is personal learning all about? 4) What prerequisites are important for fostering the patients’ personal learning? Interviews focusing on narratives were conducted with ten patients who have an incurable cancer disease. The interviews were taped and transcribed into texts. A hermeneutic method was applied to understand the content and import of the patients’ narratives. The results show that the patients achieve closure, which involves them making reassessments, adapting their life to the illness, being reconciled with themselves and with their relation to their surroundings. It is also about them wishing to bequeath a legacy and hand down desirable qualities, values and merits for future generations. Taking this view of life as their basis, the patients interpret their illness, existential questions and life situation, and structure their existence so as to make it comprehensible and meaningful. Life narratives can serve as a tool in enabling caregivers to identify patients’ existential questions, view of life, learning requirements and the way they make sense of things (”meaning-making”). By means of view of life support counselling caregivers can identify the patients’ personal ideas, values and support their needs. The patients can reach an awareness of their personal view of life. Reappraising and developing this can be viewed as a form of perspective shift or learning.

Sjuksköterskor i beroendevården och deras erfarenheter av att möta anhöriga när deras närstående räknas som vuxen och byter vårdform / Nurses in addiction care and their experiences in meeting relatives of adult patients who are changing form of care

Clasing, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Background: When a person has a pattern of psychoactive substance and/or alcohol use that is causing damage to health family members are affected. The quality of life of parents, siblings, children, partners and other relatives may be severely impaired. When young adults transition from child/youth to adult care it involves changes for the patients as well as for relatives. To be able to support relatives, deeper knowledge is needed about the way nurses perceive the situation of relatives. Aim: The aim is to investigate how nurses perceive the situation for relatives when a person is being treated in addiction care, as well as the consequences for relatives when patients are being transferred from children/youth care to adult care.  Method: This is a qualitative study with an inductive approach. Eight semi-structured interviews have been carried out with nurses working within addiction care. The collected data was analysed according to qualitative content analysis. Result: Data analysis resulted in the formulation of two categories, with two sub-categories in each. The first category describes relatives’ situation at transition from child/youth care to adult care with two sub-categories are lack of transparency and changed life situation. The second category describes relatives’ situation with constant worry when having a relative with pattern of psychoactive substance and/or alcohol use. This category formulated with sub-categories psychological burden and social burden. Discussions: The result is discussed in relation to Afaf Ibrahim Meleis’ transition theory and other relevant research. Transition theory provides support for changed life situation of relatives within addiction care, which may be important to know in order to develop nursing care. / Bakgrund: I samband med att en person har ett skadligt bruk av alkohol eller droger påverkas anhöriga. Livskvaliteten kan försämras allvarligt för såväl föräldrar, syskon, barn, partner som andra anhöriga. När unga vuxna byter vårdform och övergår till vuxenlivet sker förändringar för patienten men även deras anhöriga. För att stödja anhöriga till närstående som har ett skadligt bruk av alkohol eller droger behövs fördjupade kunskaper om hur sjuksköterskor uppfattar anhörigas situation. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor beskriver anhörigas situation när närstående vårdas i beroendevården samt vad som händer med anhöriga när närstående övergår från barn och ungdomsvård till vuxenvård. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta sjuksköterskor verksamma inom beroendevården. Det insamlade datamaterialet analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Dataanalysen resulterade i två kategorier med två underkategorier vardera. Den första kategorin är den som beskriver anhörigas situation vid övergång från barn och ungdomsvård till vuxenvård med underkategorier: bristande insyn och förändrad livssituation. Den andra kategorin beskriver anhörigas situation med ständig oro när man har en närstående med skadligt bruk av alkohol eller droger. Denna kategori formuleras i två underkategorier vilka var psykisk merbelastning och social merbelastning. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån Afaf Ibrahim Meleis transitionsteori samt annan relevant forskning. Transitionsteorin ger stöd för den förändrade livssituationen för anhöriga inom beroendevården, vilket kan vara viktigt att känna till för att utveckla omvårdnaden.

Skolsköterskors upplevelser av arbetssituationen : - en intervjustudie / School nurses’ experiences of the work situation : - An interview study

Larsson, Maria, Persson, Mona January 2017 (has links)
Abstrakt Bakgrund: Skollagen ligger till grund för den samlade elevhälsan, som ska arbeta för att främja elevers välmående och lärande genom att arbeta med hälsofrämjande och förebyggande insatser. Skolsköterskan som tillhör den medicinska elevhälsan arbetar med insatser på individ- och gruppnivå. Skolsköterskan har en mångfald av arbetsuppgifter, alltifrån enklare sjukvård till samtal, hälsosamtal och vaccinationer. Arbetet är mångfacetterande och komplext och till stor del ett ensamarbete. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa skolsköterskors upplevelser av arbetssituationen. Design: Kvalitativ metod Metod: Nio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades ordagrant och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med framtagande av domäner, kategorier och underkategorier. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två domäner, fyra kategorier och nio underkategorier. En domän blev Arbetssituationens positiva anda med kategorierna Möten som stärker arbetssituationen med underkategorierna; Arbetskollegor som stöd och Kontaktnät tryggt och trivsamt. Känslor av möjligheter och stimulans; Positivt med självständig planering, Förändringsvilja och utvecklingsvisioner och Inspirerande och trivsam arbetsmiljö. Andra domänen blev Arbetssituationens negativa anda med kategorierna Kraven överstiger resurserna; Frustration och otillräcklighet och Tidsbrist och Svåra möten och ensamt arbete; Hantera komplicerade situationer och att inte nå fram samt Känsla av ensamhet. Slutsats: Skolsköterskorna upplever glädje och gemenskap i sin skolmiljö men också brist på tid och resurser som ibland leder till känslor av otillräcklighet. Resultatet pekar mot att skolsköterskan behöver mer resurser och mer tid i deras yrkesroll för att upprätthålla den positiva andan som finns samtidigt som yrket ses som världens bästa jobb. Resultatet visar också att verktyg behövs för att hjälpa skolsköterskan i deras pedagogiska roll men också i att hantera svåra situationer. Nyckelord: skolsköterska, upplevelser, arbetssituation, omvårdnad, kvalitativ innehållsanalys, krav-, kontroll- och stödmodell. / Abstract Background: School law in Sweden (Skollagen) is the basis for the overall student health, which will work to promote the well-being and learning of students by working on health promotion and prevention. The school nurse who belongs to medical student health is involved in efforts at individual and group level. The nurse has a variety of tasks, ranging from easier healthcare to conversations, health calls and vaccinations. The work is multifaceted and complex and largely a loneliness. Aim: The purpose of the study was to highlight the school nurses' experiences of the work situation. Design: Qualitative method. Method: Nine semistructured interviews were conducted. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed by qualitative content analysis and domains, categories and subcategories emerged. Results: The analysis resulted in two domains, four categories and nine subcategories. One domain became The positive spirit of the working situation with the categories Meetings that strengthen the work situation with the subcategories; Work colleagues as support and Contactnet safe and enjoyable. Feelings of opportunities and stimulus; Positive with independent planning, Willingness to change and developmental visions and Inspiring and pleasant working environment. The other domain became The negative spirit of the working situation with the categories The requirement exceeds the resources with the subcategories; Frustration and inadequacy and Lack of time and Difficult meetings and lone work; Managing complicated situations and Not reaching and feeling of loneliness Conclusion: School nurses experience joy and community in their school environment, but also lack of time and resources that sometimes lead to feelings of inadequacy. The result indicates that the school nurse needs more resources and more time in their professional role to maintain the positive spirit that is at the same time as the profession is the world’s best job. The results also show that tools are needed to help the school nurse in their educational role but also in dealing with difficult situations. Keywords: school nurse, experiences, work situation, nursing, qualitative content analysis, demand-, control- and support model

Interagir pour collaborer et apprendre à distance avec les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication : approche méthodologique d'étude des interactions d'une formation à distance / Interacting for online collaboration and learning with the use of Information and Communication Technologies : methodological approach for studies on content analysis of a distance course

Panchoo, Shireen banu 17 December 2010 (has links)
Afin de comprendre les démarches d'apprentissage des apprenants dans un campus numérique, nous avons focalisé notre recherche sur l'analyse de leurs interactions synchrones en situation tutorale et avec les pairs. L'idée est de rechercher des facteurs pour l'encadrement et le soutien à distance des apprenants qui font face aux problèmes tels que l'isolement, la démotivation et l'incertitude. Bien que les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TICs) soient considérées comme un outil indispensable pour combler la distance, elles ne suffisent pas pour aider les apprenants à persister dans leurs études. Par le biais d'un questionnaire, nous avons découvert les étapes importantes des démarches des acteurs et par la suite, nous avons entamé l'analyse qualitative : nous nous sommes appuyés sur les modèles de Kuutti [96] et d'Engeström [87] au niveau macro et, pour approfondir davantage notre étude, la grille d'analyse Panchoo/Jaillet a su relever la nature des interactions. L'analyse quantitative couplée avec les représentations visuelles ont pu démontrer les tendances diverses dans les réunions synchrones et les comportements des acteurs. Les 84 réunions analysées ont dévoilé qu'il y a davantage d'échanges qui abordent le sujet des règles que de la pédagogie. Ainsi, avec les soutiens adéquats par rapport à l'usage de la technologie, l'environnement éducatif, la stratégie d'apprentissage et l'accompagnement des tuteurs et les pairs, les apprenants ont prouvé être capables et responsables ; ils ont réussi leurs formations en s'entraidant, en coopérant et en collaborant tout en faisant les activités demandées à leurs propres rythmes. Suite à notre recherche, nous pouvons avancer que l'interaction dispensée au bon moment anticipe une démarche proactive des apprenants dans l'apprentissage. / With the aim of studying the learning processes of students in an online environment, we have focused our research on the analysis of their synchronous interactions during tutorial and team work activities, with and without the presence of their tutors. The emphasis is to search for factors which would serve as support to distance education students who face problems such as isolation, lack of motivation and uncertainty. Although the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is considered to be the acquired tool to bridge the distance today, they are not sufficient to help students persevere in their studies. With the help of a questionnaire - survey, we have come up with important learning phases of students, and then we proceeded with the qualitative analysis: at macro level, we made use of Kuutti [96] and d'Engeström [87] models and, to deepen further our queries, the Panchoo/Jaillet methodology has successfully brought to light more details on the nature of those exchanges. The quantitative analysis along with the visual presentations used, showed the various trends that existed in the different online meetings as well as in the behavior of tutors and students. The 84 meetings analysed revealed that the interactions consisted more of rules exchanges than those relating to pedagogy. Therefore, with relevant support such as the use of technologies, the educational environment, the learning strategies and the company of tutors and peers, students have proved to be very capable and responsible; they succeeded in their studies by helping each other, by cooperating and collaborating while doing the requested activities at their own pace. Further to our research, we can deduce that the interactions given at the right time can trigger proactive learning activities of relevant actors.

Musique, numérisation, loi HADOPI : analyse d’une controverse dans les médias français

Paciullo, Emmanuelle 02 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la controverse médiatique entourant le projet de loi HADOPI en France, à compter du dépôt du rapport Olivennes en novembre 2007 jusqu’à son adoption définitive en octobre 2009, loi qui vise à développer l’offre légale d’œuvres culturelles sur Internet, en régulant les pratiques de téléchargement. Durant ces deux années, HADOPI a fait l’objet de maintes discussions, de débats et de négociations sur les activités des internautes ayant recours à ces nouveaux modes de consommation de la musique sur Internet, entre autres. L’étude porte sur un corpus d’articles journalistiques des principales institutions médiatiques françaises, tant la presse généraliste quotidienne qu’hebdomadaire. Son cadre théorique s’inspire essentiellement des travaux du sociologue français Michel Callon et sa notion de cadrage (framing) qui suppose qu’un problème identifié à un environnement donné est avant tout défini et pris en charge par des acteurs spécifiques à cet environnement. Je défends l’idée que l’adoption définitive de la loi HADOPI repose sur un processus de négociations complexe, dont les points de vue dans les discours de presse semblent être organisés en deux camps par les médias, les « pour » et les « contre ». La définition de la situation du point de vue d’un « camp » comme de l’autre évoque les principaux constats de la controverse médiatique selon les intervenants concernés. / This research explores the media controversy about the HADOPI law project in France, from its inception in November 2007 until its final adoption in October 2009, in particular surrounding illegal downloading activity. During those two years, HADOPI was the subject of a series of discussions, debates, arguments and negotiations about those activities. This study analyzes media articles from major French media institutions using popular papers from the daily and weekly press. The theoretical framework is based on Michel Callon’s notion of framing, according to which an issue identified in a specific context is defined by specific actors from this environment. I also argue that the adoption of the HADOPI law was the result of a complex process of negotiation, and the points of view are split into pros and cons camps for and against, by each media outlet. The definition of the context from one camp or the other presents the media controversy’s assessments from the actors involved.

L'impact de l'adhésion aux statines sur les maladies cérébrovasculaires en prévention primaire dans un contexte réel d'utilisation

Ellia, Laura January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

L’usage de la force en contexte de crise : les interventions policières varient-elles selon le type de menace rencontré?

Tellier, Jennyfer 04 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire s’intéresse aux interventions policières en contexte de crise. Il s’attarde plus particulièrement à l’usage de la force par les structures d’intervention spécialisée. L’intérêt de cette étude découle principalement du manque de connaissances empiriques sur le sujet. L’objectif général de cette étude est de comprendre les éléments qui peuvent expliquer le recours à la force par les structures d’intervention spécialisées et de vérifier si ces facteurs varient selon le type de menace auquel font face les policiers. Nous nous sommes intéressés à 438 événements de crise suicidaire, de barricade et de prise d’otage qui se sont déroulés au Québec, de 1990 à 2011, et durant lesquels est intervenu le groupe tactique d’intervention (GTI) de la Sûreté du Québec (SQ). Pour une meilleure compréhension de cette problématique, il sera en premier lieu question de comparer, selon leur niveau de risque, les personnes présentant une menace uniquement pour elles-mêmes avec celles présentant une menace pour autrui et les personnes qui présentent une menace tant pour elles-mêmes que pour autrui. En second lieu, malgré le fait que près de 90 % des situations de crise se terminent par une reddition pacifique, il est pertinent de connaître les facteurs qui expliquent l’usage de la force de la part des policiers et de voir si ces facteurs varient selon le niveau de risque de l’individu. Des analyses descriptives ont permis d’établir que les situations où l’individu en crise présente uniquement une menace pour lui-même diffèrent des autres groupes sur la base de certaines variables. Cet individu est davantage jugé comme suicidaire et il possède plus souvent des antécédents psychiatriques. L’élément déclencheur est souvent associé aux problèmes conjugaux, ce qui coïncide avec le fait que c’est souvent la conjointe ou l’ex-conjointe qui appelle les autorités. Des analyses bivariées n’ont pas illustré de profils distincts selon la problématique de la crise. Or, certains facteurs se démarquent des autres de manière générale pour l’ensemble de l’échantillon et les différents groupes. La possession d’une arme par l’individu, le degré d’intoxication, la présence d’antécédents psychiatriques, la durée du premier contact avec les policiers et la qualité de la négociation sont effectivement des facteurs qui semblent influencer à un certain point les opérations. Les analyses de régression logistique indiquent que les policiers interviennent davantage lorsqu’il n’y aucun contact n’est établi avec l’individu. Nous observons également que ces derniers restent davantage en retrait lorsque l’individu, présentant une menace pour lui-même, est en possession d’une arme à feu. D’autre part, il semble que les policiers réagissent plus souvent auprès des individus présentant une menace pour autrui lorsque la négociation est jugée non satisfaisante. Nous pouvons en conclure qu’ils semblent davantage s’attarder à des facteurs précis qu’au type de menace, ce qui rejoint un certain segment de la littérature à ce sujet. / This thesis argues that police intervention in a crisis context focuses specifically on the use of force by specialized intervention teams. The interest in this study pinpoints mainly the lack of empirical data on the subject. Therefore, the main objective is to understand how to explain the use of force by specialized intervention teams and to verify if these factors vary according to the type of threat police encounter in a particular situation. We studied 438 suicidal crises, barricade and hostage-taking situations that occurred in Quebec from 1990 to 2011, supervised by the Sûreté du Québec’s tactical intervention group (GTI). To begin with, for a better understanding of this issue, we will compare individuals according to the level of risk each one represents, i.e. those presenting a threat only to themselves, those presenting a danger to others and those who pose a threat to themselves and others. Secondly, despite the fact that almost 90 % of critical incidents end in a non-violent conclusion, it is interesting to understand the risk factors involved that explain the use of force by the police and to realize that these factors vary according to the level of risk exhibited by the individual in crisis. Descriptive analyses were used to demonstrate that the situation where the individual in crisis was a threat only to himself differed from other instances based on different variables. Overall, the general level of risk for this type of intervention is less significant since the danger appears to be directed specifically to the individual in crisis, taking into consideration that negotiation has been successful, also, considering the subject has limited or no access to firearms, and considering weapons are not frequently used. Bivariate analysis relating the different characteristics of the individual, the situation and negotiation with the use of force by the police, suggest that certain variables can have different effects depending on the type of threat facing authorities. For example, a history of psychiatric issues would increase the risk of police intervention among those who pose a non-aggressive threat to himself, but would decrease the probability of police intervention for those individuals who present a double threat, i.e. to themselves and others. Consequently, bivariate analyses suggest that certain variables, such as the possession of a weapon by an individual, the degree of intoxication, the presence of known psychiatric issues, the duration of the first contact with the police and the quality of the negotiation, could influence the use of force by police officers. Logistic regression analyses indicate that few of these variables resist multivariate analyses. These findings suggest that police intervene more so when there is no contact established with the individual, and this, regardless of the type of threat manifested. On the contrary, a non-satisfactory negotiation would encourage police to use force in cases where the individual presents no threat to himself. In sum, these multivariate analyses show that the police are less influenced by the type of threat, rather preferring negotiation as long as possible.

Impact de la non-adhésion aux statines sur la survenue d'événements coronariens en prévention primaire dans un contexte réel d'utilisation

Bouchard, Marie-Hélène January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

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