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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Persoonlikheidsfunksionering van androgene individue binne huwelikskonteks

13 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The aim of this study was to generate hypotheses concerning personality functioning of androgynous individuals, and more specifically within the context of marital relationships. Ideally, a holistic view of a person in his/her unique life situation should be taken into account in scientific research. In order to limit this study only two personality concepts were studied, self concept and locus of control. it must be kept in mind , however that there is an ecological interaction between many more and unknown factors and granting that it is artificial to isolate only two factors from encompassing whole.

Modelling the Level of Trust in a Cooperative Automated Vehicle Control System

Rosenstatter, Thomas January 2016 (has links)
Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication is the key technology for achieving increased perception for automated vehicles where the communication allows virtual sensing with the use of sensors placed in other vehicles. In addition, this technology also allows recognising objects that are out-of-sight. This thesis presents a Trust System that allows a vehicle to make more reliable and robust decisions. The system evaluates the current situation and generates a Trust Index indicating the level of trust in the environment, the ego vehicle, and the other vehicles. Current research focuses on securing the communication between the vehicles themselves, but does not verify the content of the received data on a system level. The proposed Trust System evaluates the received data according to sensor accuracy, behaviour of other vehicles, and the perception of the local environment. The results show that the proposed method is capable of correctly identifying various situations and discusses how the Trust Index can be used to make more robust decisions.

Life situation of next of kin to persons in need of care-cronic sorrow, burden, quality of life

Liedström, Elisabeth January 2014 (has links)
Nursing research has been performed during the last 20-30 years, about the next of kin’s vulnerability. Despite this, the health care system has had difficulties to integrate the next of kin in a way that gives support. The overall aim of the thesis was to describe and further explore the life situation of the next of kin to persons who are long-term ill, disabled, and/or older, and in need of care. Method: Multiple methods were used. Study I had a descriptive design, 44 next of kin of patients with multiple sclerosis were interviewed, latent content analysis was used for the analysis. Study II had a mixed method approach; the descriptive core study was analyzed with directed content analysis. The supplementary study with descriptive, correlative design was analyzed with descriptive and correlative statistics. Forty-four next of kin of patients with multiple sclerosis were interviewed; thereafter 37 of them answered a questionnaire about Quality of Life. Study III had a descriptive, explorative design. Twelve next of kin of older persons were interviewed with repeated informal conversational interviews, analyzed with latent content analysis. Study IV was cross-sectional with a descriptive, correlative design. Eighty-four next of kin of persons who were long-term ill, disabled, and/or older answered two questionnaires about Burden and Quality of Life that were analyzed with descriptive and correlative statistics. Results and Conclusions: Next of kin described a balance/imbalance in their relations to others and a high burden, but in general a good Quality of Life. Some next of kin also experienced chronic sorrow. Significant correlations were found between interpersonal relations and Quality of Life as a whole. Love and obligations were two anchor points on a continuum, describing the next of kin’s relationship to the ill/disabled person. The relationship with the health care personnel was described through cooperation and obligations. Good communication was seen as the key to balance the relationship with others. One possibility to achieve symmetrical communications is to adapt the Partnership Model, as a tool for creating good relationships. Honest and specific communication between the health care personnel, the next of kin, and the care receiver are necessary.

Föräldrars copingstrategier för att hantera tiden efter att deras barn fått en cancerdiagnos : en litteraturstudie

Björkman, Josefin, Sandberg, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nästan dagligen drabbas ett barn i Sverige av cancer. Barncancer kan vara en långvarig process som involverar hela familjen. Föräldrarna är barnets trygghet och är vanligtvis delaktiga i barnets vård. Cancerdiagnosen orsakar påfrestande känslor hos föräldrarna, då kan föräldrarna på olika sätt hantera och anpassa sig till den förändrade livssituationen.     Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva hur föräldrar till ett cancersjukt barn hanterar/hanterade livssituationen under sjukdomstiden. Samt att beskriva undersökningsgruppen i de inkluderade artiklarna.   Metod: En deskriptiv litteraturstudie som grundar sig på tolv vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats som erhölls genom sökningar i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed.       Huvudresultat: Genomgående i resultatet sågs copingstrategier vara effektiva. I resultatet framkom copingstrategier som (1) stöd vilket föräldrarna inhämtade från religion, andra i liknande livssituation och omgivningen. (2) Upplevelse av kontroll, som föräldrarna åstadkom genom information, rutiner och planering. (3) Förändrat tankesätt och känslor, genom att bibehålla hoppet, tänka positivt, vara optimistisk, ha ett undvikande beteende och utföra distraherande aktiviteter. Majoriteten av deltagarna i inkluderade artiklar var kvinnor. Åldern varierade mellan 20-60 år. Två av artiklarna var genomförda i Sverige och resterande i andra länder.   Slutsats: Copingstrategier sågs vara ett effektivt sätt för föräldrarna att klara av den svåra tid som de infann sig i. Tre övergripande copingstrategier uppmärksammades vara behjälpliga för föräldrarna, stöd, förändrat tankesätt och känslor samt upplevelse av kontroll. Genom att hälso- och sjukvårdpersonal får förståelse för hanteringen hos föräldrarna och bidrar eller stärker copingstrategier kan de arbeta mot att främja hälsa och välbefinnande bland föräldrarna. / Background: Almost on a daily basis a child gets affected by cancer in Sweden. Childhood cancer can be a long process involving the whole family. The parents are the child’s safety and are usually involved in the care of the child. The cancer diagnosis causes demanding emotions among the parents, and that is when they can institute different ways to manage and adapt to change of living. Aim: The aim of the present study was to describe how parents to children diagnosed with cancer handle the life situation during the period of illness. Also to describe the included articles study sample. Method: A descriptive literature study based on twelve scientific articles with a qualitative approach, obtained through searches of the databases Cinahl and Pubmed. Main results: Throughout the result, coping strategies were seen to be effective. The result showed coping strategies as (1) support which parents obtain from religion, others in similar situation and people in the surrounding. (2) Experience of control, which parents achieved through information, routine and planning. (3) Changing the emotions and way of thinking, by maintaining hope, positive thinking, being optimistic, having an avoidance behavior and performing distracting activities. A majority of the participants in the included articles were women. Ranged in age from 20 to 60 years. Two of the articles were from Sweden and the remaining from other countries. Conclusion: Coping strategies were seen to be effective ways for the parents to cope with the difficult time they appeared in. Three general observed coping strategies were accommodating for the parents; support, changed emotions and way of thinking and experiences of control. By gaining an understanding of the management method of the parents and contribute and strengthen coping strategies, the health professionals can work to promote health and well-being among the parents.

"Ibland vill jag bli en rättshaverist" : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av sin arbetssituation utifrån deras position som gräsrotsbyråkrat / ”Sometimes I want to be a querulant” : A qualitative study of social secretary experiences of their work situation based on their position as street-level bureaucrat

Bohlin, Emeli, Eklund, Emilia January 2017 (has links)
The municipal social services under the Social Services Act is responsible for the municipality’s citizens, but is at risk because of the situation in social services as social secretaries choose professions other than the exercise of authority. Social service work may be compromised on the basis that there will be a heavy workload for those social secretaries that stays when there are not enough resources. How social secretaries experience control in their work affects the way to trade and manage their work situation and the perceived control may be a discretion. The purpose of this study was to investigate how social secretaries perceive their work situation. The study was conducted based on a qualitative method and consisted of interviews of five social secretaries that all work in the same municipality. It was revealed from the qualitative content analysis that the social secretary job situation may seem complicated and the social secretaries tend to ”end up trapped” on the basis o fits position between the organization and the client. The conclusion of the study show that social secretaries work situation is characterized by frustration, both from the client and from the social secretaries own frustration to feel limited in their role as street-level bureaucrat. The framework constituting the discretion consists of organizational and social factors that the social secretaries needed to relate to. The discretion was perceived limited but constituted mainly a security in the complex work. / Kommunens socialtjänst har enligt socialtjänstlagen det yttersta ansvaret för kommunens medborgare, men detta riskeras på grund av den situation som råder inom socialtjänsten då socialsekreterare väljer andra yrken än myndighetsutövningen. Socialtjänstens arbete kan äventyras utifrån att det blir en hög arbetsbelastning för de socialsekreterare som arbetar kvar och att resurserna inte räcker till. Hur socialsekreterare upplever kontrollen i arbetet påverkar deras sätt att handla och hantera sin arbetssituation och den upplevda kontrollen kan utgöras av ett handlingsutrymme. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare upplever sin arbetssituation. Studien genomfördes utifrån en kvalitativ metod och bestod av intervjuer av fem socialsekreterare som arbetar inom samma kommun. Det framkom av den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen att socialsekreterares arbetssituation kan upplevas som komplicerad och att socialsekreterare tenderar att ”hamna i kläm” utifrån sin position mellan organisationen och klienten. Slutsatsen av studien visar att socialsekreterarnas arbetssituation präglas av frustration, dels från klient och dels från socialsekreterarnas egen frustration i att känna sig begränsad i sin roll som gräsrotsbyråkrat. Ramen som utgör handlingsutrymmet består av organisatoriska och sociala faktorer som socialsekreterarna behövde förhålla sig till i arbetet. Handlingsutrymmet upplevdes begränsat men utgjorde till största del en trygghet i det komplicerade arbetet.

Le rôle de la profession et du secteur économique sur le risque de dépression majeure

Murray, Mélissa January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Le lien entre le stress parental du père et le développement de la relation d’activation chez les enfants âgés entre 12 et 18 mois

Moffette, Valérie 11 1900 (has links)
De nos jours, le père est de plus en plus présent dans le quotidien de son enfant. Par son implication et son engagement, le père dans le développement de l’enfant a un rôle important et unique. Sa contribution se ferait entre autre par rapport à l’ouverture au monde en encourageant l’enfant à prendre des risques. Comme être mère, être père c’est de faire face à un ensemble de situations nouvelles quotidiennes, de vivre des déséquilibres et de l’imprévisibilité et de ne pas toujours être en contrôle des évènements qui se produisent. Ainsi, exercer ce rôle peut entraîner un certain niveau de stress qui peut influencer le développement de l’enfant. La présente étude vise à examiner l’existence d’un lien entre le stress parental du père et la relation d’activation chez les enfants âgés entre 12 et 18 mois ainsi que l’attachement père-enfant. Des données ont été recueillies auprès de 58 pères et leur enfant âgé entre 12 et 18 mois. Les résultats montrent que le stress parental n’est pas significativement lié à la relation d’activation ni à l’attachement père-enfant. De plus, le sexe de l’enfant ne modère pas ce lien. On note que le sexe de l’enfant est corrélé à la relation d’activation, c’est-à-dire que les garçons sont plus activés positivement que les filles. / Nowadays, the father is increasingly present in everyday life of his child. By his commitment and involvement, the father has an important and unique role in the child’s development. His contribution would be related to the child openness to the outside world and in encouragements to take risks. As with being a mother, being a father involve coping with a lot of new situations every day, living with imbalances and unpredictability and not being always in control of many given situations. So, exercising this role can cause a certain level of stress which can influence the development of the child. The aim of the present study is to examine the existence of a link between fathers’ parental stress and activation relationship of their 12 to 18 months-old children, as well as the father-child attachment relationship. Data were collected among 58 father-child dyads. The results show that parental stress is neither significantly associated to activation relationship nor to attachment relationship. Moreover, the child’s gender does not act as a moderator in this relationship. However, it appears that the child’s gender is correlated with activation relationship. The results show that boys are activated more positively than girls.

Les compétences émotionnelles exercées en situation professionnelle par les directrices et les directeurs généraux des cégeps au Québec

Bélanger, Lyne January 2017 (has links)
Cette étude vise à comprendre comment les directrices et les directeurs généraux du réseau collégial exercent leurs compétences émotionnelles en situation professionnelle. De cette question de recherche découle l’objectif général : comprendre la façon dont l’intelligence émotionnelle de la directrice ou du directeur général d’un cégep l’amène à exercer ses compétences émotionnelles en situation professionnelle. Puis, les deux objectifs spécifiques de recherche assurent une incidence théorique tout au long du processus de recherche : 1) repérer les situations professionnelles dans lesquelles sont impliqués la directrice ou le directeur général et les classifier par axe de compétences, 2) identifier les compétences émotionnelles qui soutiennent un agir compétent par la directrice ou par le directeur général. Le cadre conceptuel repose sur deux concepts théoriques, à savoir : 1) l’intelligence émotionnelle et 2) le modèle conceptuel du savoir agir avec compétence. L’interrelation épistémologique qui émerge de ces deux concepts nous conduit vers un construit pragmatique peu exploré : les compétences émotionnelles. À cet égard, le modèle des cinq compétences émotionnelles de base de Mikolajczak, Quoidbach, Kotsou et Nélis (2009, 2014) a été fort utile et complémentaire pour mettre l’accent sur les habiletés intrapersonnelles et les habiletés interpersonnelles. L’innovation de cette recherche exploratoire selon une approche compréhensive s’observe par l’aspect méthodologique mise en oeuvre qui a permis de développer une perspective méthodologique qualitative où se croise le récit de pratique et l’entretien d’explicitation pour en faire un récit d’explicitation de pratique professionnelle (REdEPP). C’est donc à partir de cet outil que s'échelonne un cadre d’analyse de contenu en quatre temps menant vers une démarche de théorisation ancrée. Les données empiriques recueillies auprès de huit directrices ou directeurs généraux des cégeps au Québec sont analysées à l'aide du logiciel QDA Miner. Les retombées de cette recherche sont certainement riches de sens au regard des pratiques de gestion en milieu collégial et pourront servir la formation de ces gestionnaires en milieu scolaire, notamment par l'enrichissement de nouvelles compétences émotionnelles. Les résultats permettent de présenter de nouveaux savoirs scientifiques et praxéologiques pour les gestionnaires en éducation.

Hydrosynoptická analýza mimořádných situací horní Berounky / Hydro-synoptic analysis of floods on Berounka basin

Kacíř, Jan January 2010 (has links)
Hydro-synoptic analysis of floods on Berounka basin This thesis she aims to analyze the meteorological causes of floods, a database foundation flood situation and determine the potential effect of Šumava and Brdy flow of flood wave in Beroun. Overall, the relatively high impact of floods in Beroun have Úhlava (Šumava flow) and Klabava (Brdy flow). We can say that closer ties to the Šumava streams. Undoubtedly contributes to the shape of the basin after Serrated profile Plzen - Bílá Hora. Analysis of the meteorological causes of observed recurrent selected weather situations, but the most extreme floods (1978.1981, 2002) were caused by both type C. A detailed examination of the flood flows in the basin was prepared Berounka bank flood episodes. Keywords: Flood, the flood wave, basin Berounka, causal situation, hydro-synoptic analysis.

Zobrazení každodennosti velkomětského života na příkladu Berlína v románech přelomu dvacátých a třicátých let 20. století / The Depiction of Everyday Life in the City in the Novels at the Turn of the 1920s and 1930s: The Case of Berlin

Nováková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis attempts to present the literary conception of a modern pulsing German metropolis at the end of the 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s in three significant novels of that time: Döblin's Berlin Alexanderplatz. Die Geschichte vom Franz Biberkopf (1929), Kästner's Fabian. Die Geschichte eines Moralisten (1931) and Keun's Das kunstseidene Mädchen (1932). Attention is paid, on the one hand, to the picture of a babbling city, the presence of technology, new means of transport and advertising in the streets. Most importantly, however, the thesis gives an insight into the social situation of that time, i.e. the issues of everyday life in a metropolis which can be summarized, in the words of the personae, under the term "hard times" - unemployment, criminality or the politicisation of inhabitants in the years before the Nazi seizure of power. In addition, the thesis covers likewise the situation of the new social stratum of employees, the fates of women and an outline of cultural, entertainment and media industry in Berlin. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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