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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attraktivt arbete i offentlig sektor bland enhetschefer inom vård och omsorg

Karlsson, Josefina, Nilsson, Jessica January 2015 (has links)
HR-funktionens uppgift i en organisation är att tillvarata den mänskliga resursen och se till att goda arbetsförhållanden uppnås. Detta för att kunna attrahera, rekrytera, behålla och utveckla kompetens (Kira 2003). På senare år har arbetsförhållanden och arbetsvillkor uppmärksammats på kommuner i Sverige för bland annat enhetschefer i äldreomsorgen. Arbetsförhållandena, arbetsvillkoren och framför allt den höga personalomsättningen bland dessa, har lett till en problematik som var en av valets viktigaste frågor 2014. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva arbetsförhållanden för enhetschefer inom mindre kommuner i Sverige, inom den sociala sektorn och belysa hur dessa skulle kunna förbättras. Som studieobjekt har Orsa kommun använts. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att arbetssituationen för enhetschefer är övermäktig, då det är hög arbetsbelastning samt dålig struktur i arbetet. Enhetscheferna själva skulle gynnas av en assistent samt en arbetsbeskrivning för att minska arbetsbelastningen och få struktur i arbetet. Vår slutsats är att kommuner i Sverige borde arbeta med att skapa bättre arbetsförhållanden för enhetschefer samt arbeta för att underlätta arbetsbördan. Vårt förslag till Orsa kommun är att ta hjälp av vår handlingsplan och därmed anställa assistenter till enhetscheferna samt skapa arbetsbeskrivningar. Vidare forskning i ämnet skulle kunna belysa mentorskapets betydelse i den offentliga sektorn inom kommuner i Sverige samt organisationsstrukturens bemärkelse för arbetets attraktivitet. / HR function's role in an organization is to safeguard the human resource and ensure that good working conditions are achieved. This is to attract, recruit, retain and develop skills (Kira 2003). In recent years, working conditions and working conditions attracted the attention of local authorities in Sweden, among other heads of units in the elderly. Working conditions and above all the high staff turnover among these, has led to a problem that was one of the valets important issues in 2014. The aim of this study is to describe the working conditions of unit managers in smaller municipalities in Sweden, the social sector and highlight how these could be improved. We have used Orsa kommun in this study. The results of the survey showed that the employment situation of heads of unit is overpowering when the work structure it poor and the level of stress is high. Unit managers themselves would benefit from an assistant and a job description to reduce the load and the structure of the work. Our conclusion is that municipalities in Sweden should work to create better working conditions for home directors and work to ease the workload. Our proposal to Orsa kommun is to take the help of our action plan and to employ assistants to heads of unit as well as create job descriptions. Further research on the subject could enlighten the importance of mentoring in the public sector within the municipalities in Sweden and the organizational structure to create more attractive work conditions.

Donkey pronouns

Chen, Hsiang-Yun, 1979- 23 October 2012 (has links)
Donkey pronouns seem to defy the conventional categories of referential and anaphoric pronouns and hence cannot be analyzed as variables. An orthodox treatment is that donkey pronouns are semantically equivalent to definite descriptions. I argue on the contrary that donkey pronouns can be analyzed as bound variables given a distinct notion of binding. I provide a systematic comparison between the static, description-theoretic approach and Discourse Representation Theory (DRT), a representative of dynamic semantics. By exposing the inadequacy of various descriptivist theories, I motivate and argue that DRT is the better alternative. DRT is superior for being a coherent and flexible analysis of donkey pronouns, a unified analysis of pronouns in general, and an intuitively appealing model of meaning. In addition, I uncover the similarities between the situational descriptivist account and DRT. I show that when fully elaborated, the former turns out to be a notational variant of the latter. I then trace their common problems to the Lewisian assumptions of quantification and conditionals; my proposed solutions suggest non-trivial modifications to and clarifications of the underlying Lewisian framework. / text

Effects of task automation on the mental workload and situation awareness of operators of agricultural semi-autonomous vehicles

Bashiri, Behzad January 2015 (has links)
The effects of in-vehicle automation and driving assistant systems on the mental workload and situation awareness of drivers have been the interest of many studies; some of the implications of automation in such man-machine systems have been identified. Due to the introduction of advanced automated systems in agricultural machinery, farmers are currently working with semi-autonomous vehicles. A human factors perspective on the design of these systems will ensure safe and efficient operation of such man-machine systems. In this study, a systematic approach was utilized to address human factors issues associated with operating a semi-autonomous agricultural vehicle, and to provide design recommendations. The study was carried out in three stages. First, a task analysis was used to identify tasks associated with operating an agricultural vehicle and to select appropriate experimental variables. Next, a preliminary experiment was performed to validate the test procedure and measurement techniques. Finally, the main experiment was administered. Experiments were conducted using the Tractor Driving Simulator located in the Agricultural Ergonomics Laboratory at the University of Manitoba. Thirty young experienced tractor drivers participated in this study. The experiment investigated the effects of i) vehicle steering task automation (VSTA) and ii) implement control and monitoring task automation (ICMTA) on mental workload and situation awareness of drivers. It was found that ICMTA significantly affected situation awareness (and its underlying components) of the operator. The situation awareness of drivers increased as the automation support level increased, but the highest level of automation, where the participants were out of the task loop, resulted in low situation awareness, similar to the condition with no automation support. VSTA only reduced the attentional demand of the situation, one of the three components of the situation awareness, which had negative effect on overall situation awareness. Based on the results from a subjective mental workload measure, moderate levels of mental workload were reported when the participants were involved in the implement control and monitoring task loop. The highest level of ICMTA reduced the average mental workload by 18%. Reaction time of drivers and number of errors committed by drivers both decreased as the automation level increased. / October 2015

Using Shared Priorities to Measure Shared Situation Awareness : A new approach for measuring shared team variables / Delat situationsmedvetande mätt som delade prioriteringar : En ny ansats för att mäta delade teamvariabler

Höglund, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
While the concept of situation awareness have received a lot of attention over the past 15 years and many different measures have been developed and tested, the concepts of team situation awareness and shared situation awareness have not gotten as much attention and less progress has been made in developing a meaningful and validated measure. Thus, the purpose of this study is to operationalize the concept of shared situation awareness and test its consequences and relation to other concepts. In this study a new measure for shared situation awareness was developed and its potential evaluated. The measure was a shared priorities measure where the participants of the study each wrote down and rank ordered five factors they thought were important for good team performance in the situation. The factors were then scrambled and handed over to the other participant who once again ordered them according to priority. The correspondence between the two participants’ ratings was hypothesized to correlate with shared situation awareness. The results show that the shared priorities measure in this study did not relate to shared situation awareness. Several methodological concerns was identified which could have affected the results. The measure did relate to subjective ratings of cooperation which is very interesting and it is suggested that the measure captured aspects of teamwork. The shared priorities measure was easy to employ, required little preparation, has a high face-validity and is a promising addition to team research. / Under de senaste 15 åren har konceptet situationsmedvetande uppmärksammats en hel del, och många mått har utvecklats och blivit testade. Däremot har inte konceptet delat situationsmedvetande kommit lika långt i form av metodutveckling och validering. Syftet med denna rapport är att operationalisera begreppet delat situationsmedvetande och pröva det mot andra koncept. Inom ramen för detta arbete utvecklades ett nytt mått för delat situationsmedvetande som också testades empiriskt. Måttet mäter hur väl ett team har delade prioriteringar. Varje deltagare genererar fem faktorer för vad som är viktigt för god teamprestation i situationen och rangordnar dem i prioritetsordning. Dessa faktorer blandades sen om och delas ut till den andre teammedlemmen som i sin tur rangordnar faktorerna i prioritetsordning. Hur väl faktorernas rangordning korresponderar med varandra antogs vara ett mått på teamets delade situationsmedvetande. Resultatet visar att rangordningsmåttet inte har något samband med subjektivt bedömt delat situationsmedvetande. Flera metodologiska problem identifierades som kan ha påverkat resultatet. Däremot korrelerade rangordningsmåttet med hur väl samarbetet i teamet ansågs fungera, vilket tyder på att måttet fångar aspekter av hur teamet fungerar som team. Rangordningsmåttet var enkelt att använda, krävde lite förberedelse, har hög face-validity och verkar vara en möjlig väg att fortsätta studera team.

Att synliggöras eller hindras? : En intervjuundersökning om kvinnorepresentationen på högre chefsnivåer.

Shala, Burbuqe January 2006 (has links)
The purpose with this inquiry was to investigate why women do not advance to higher positions of leadership in a bank. I have interviewed five female employees in the company. The theoretical starting points I have used in this study are such as organization theory and leadership. There are four conceptions that obstructs women to develop for higher positions of leadership. There are conceptions that men ought to have better social network with other men than women. Other conceptions that affects women’s position in the company is the dictatorial language that are used by the sexes. Women and men don’t understand each other, and it conducts in complications for women. The fourth conception is the family situation, for instance the maternity leave affects women in there position in the company. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för varför kvinnliga anställda inte avancerar till lokalbankschefsnivån i en bank. Jag har intervjuat fem kvinnliga anställda på företaget. De valda teoretiska utgångspunkterna utgör organisationsteori och ledarskap. Det finns fyra föreställningar som hindrar kvinnor att avancera sig på högre chefsnivå. Det är bland annat föreställningarna om att kvinnor och män har skilda uppfattningar om ledarskap. Det finns föreställningar om att männens nätverkskontakter skulle vara bättre än kvinnornas. Andra föreställningar som påverkar kvinnors situation på företaget är den maktspråk som finns. Kvinnor och män förstår inte varandra, vilket leder till komplikationer för kvinnorna. Den fjärde föreställningen är familjesituationen, exempelvis mammaledighet påverkar kvinnors position på företaget.

Vyrų socialinės-ekonominės padėties sąsajos su subjektyvia fizine sveikata ir psichologine gerove / Men of the social ecinomic situation interface with the subjective physical health and psychological well – being

Senkuvienė, Lina 15 January 2009 (has links)
Kadangi manoma, jog dauguma vyrų mūsų visuomenėje turi geresnius socialinius-ekonominius rodiklius (geresnes pareigas darbe, daugiau uždirba), todėl daroma prielaida, jog jų subjektyvi fizinė sveikata ir psichologinė gerovė turėtų būti geresnė nei moterų. Tad šiame darbe mes norėsime patikrinti šiuos socialinius-ekonominius ryšius su subjektyvia fizine sveikata ir psichologine gerove vyrų imtyje. Šio darbo tikslas - įvertinti vyrų socialinės-ekonominės padėties bei subjektyvios fizinės sveikatos ir psichologinės gerovės skirtumus sociodemografinių duomenų atžvilgiu (išsilavinimo, šeimyninės padėties, darbo stažo) bei nustatyti socialinės-ekonominės padėties sąsajas su subjektyvia fizine sveikata ir psichologine gerove. Tyrime dalyvavo 132 vyrai, dirbantys trejose skirtingo dydžio Marijampolės miesto autotransporto įmonėse, teikiančiose transporto paslaugas. Socialinė-ekonominė vyrų padėtis šiame darbe buvo matuojama socialinės-ekonominės padėties indeksu (12 klausimų, sudarytų darbo autorės, 2007). Vyrų subjektyviai suvokiama sveikata matuota subjektyvios sveikatos indeksu (12 klausimų, parengtų darbo autorės, 2007). Vyrų psichologinė gerovė buvo matuota Carol Ryff psichologinės gerovės skale (Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-Being, 1989 m.), susidedančia iš eilės teiginių, atspindinčių 6 psichologinės gerovės sritis: autonomiškumą, aplinkos valdymą, asmenybės augimą, teigiamą ryšį su kitais, tikslą gyvenime ir savęs priėmimą. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, vyrai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Whereas it is considered that most of the men in our society have improved the social – economic indicators ( better obligation at work, bigger earnings ), therefore it is assumed that their subjective physical health and psychological well – being should be better then women. So into this paper we want to check these social – economic ties to its subjective physical health and psychological well – being of men sample. The aim of this work - to assess the social economic men situation and the subjective physical health and welfare differences between the sociodemographical both (education, marital status, seniority) and to identify the social - economic links with subjective physical health and psychological well-being. The study included 132 men working in three different sizes Marijampolė city truck companies providing transport services. Socio - economic situation of men in this work was measured in the social - economic situation index (12 questions, made of the author of the work, 2007). Men subjectively perceived health measured subjective health index (12 questions prepared by the author, 2007). Men's psychological well-being was measured of Carol Ryff psychological well-being scale (Ryff Scale of Psychological Well - Being, 1989), a series of statements that reflect the psychological welfare of 6 areas: autonomy, environmental masteryt, personal growth, positive relationship with others, purpose in life and self-acceptance. The results of the study showed that the... [to full text]

L'action en situation d'urgence : facteurs d'efficacité dans la gestion du réseau routier en cas de crues rapides. L'exemple du département du Gard.

Aublet, Benoit 23 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse a pour ambition de comprendre les mécanismes et les processus qui régissent l'action en situation de crise, c'est-à-dire dans des conditions de gestion fortement marquées par l'urgence et la nécessité d'agir vite en situation d'incertitude. Le constat d'une vulnérabilité du réseau routier face aux crues rapides nous conduit à la question suivante : quelles sont les modalités de gestion de crise lors d'événements pluvieux violents ayant pour conséquences des fermetures, des coupures ou des submersions du réseau routier ?

Det kompetenta och beroende barnet : en undersökning om omsorg, lärande och kön / The competent and dependent child : a study on care, education and gender

Louthander, Jessica January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker hur samtal om omsorg och lärande fördelas under förskolans hämtningssituation. Syftet är att analysera hur det kan förstås konstruera barn och barndom. Lärande och omsorg ses som separerade begrepp för att synliggöra omsorg i en övrigt dominant diskurs om lärande. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt är socialkonstruktivistisk och delvis kopplad till barndomsforskning. För att uppnå syftet har hämtningar observerats på två kommunala förskolor under fyra eftermiddagar i Stockholm under mars-april 2013. Uppsatsen bygger på en etnografisk ansats och insamlat material tolkas utifrån en hermeneutisk tolkningsram. Samtalen under observerade hämtningar handlar övervägande om omsorg varav endast fyra samtal berör lärande. De fyra samtalen om lärande handlar om flickor. När barnens kön skrevs ut även gällande samtal om omsorg, exponerades fler aspekter av hur kön konstrueras under observerade hämtningssituationer. Observationerna visar på en tendens där samtal om omsorg gällande pojkars mat och sömnrutiner beskrivs mer ingående än flickors. När det gäller kläder, som en del av omsorg, förväntas flickor ta ansvar för sina kläder men inte pojkar. Detta åskådliggör en tendens i observerade hämtningssituationer där pojkar i högre grad konstrueras som beroende av omsorg medan flickor istället konstrueras som kompetenta och ansvarstagande. / This essay is an attempt to investigate how conversations about learning and care are distributed in the pick-up situation in preschool. The intention is to analyse how that could be understood in constructing children and childhood. Education and care are in the text separated concepts to clarify aspects of care in an otherwise dominant discourse of learning. The theoretical viewpoint is based on social constructivism and partly on childhood studies. To reach the purpose of this essay, observations where done during four afternoons at two public preschools in Stockholm March- April 2013. This essay is based on an ethnographic approach, and understood from a hermeneutic view. The conclusion and result from the observations is that conversations during observed pick-up situations are mainly about care. Only four conversation concerns learning, these four conversations are about girls. When the children’s gender was written out in conversations about care as well, it exposed other aspects of how gender is constructed in observed pick-up situations. The observations reveals a tendency whereas conversations about care, understood as routines connected to eating and sleeping, are described more in detail about boys. When it comes to clothes, as an aspect of care, girls are expected to take responsibility over their clothes, but never boys. This elucidates how boys are more likely to be constructed as depending on care, whereas girls are constructed as reasonable and learning in observed pick-up situations.

Deminutyvai uteniškių, vilniškių ir širvintiškių patarmėse / The diminutives in the uteniškiai, vilniškiai and širvintiškiai subdialects

Dunauskaitė, Alma 16 August 2007 (has links)
Analizuojamas rytų aukštaičių uteniškių, vilniškių ir širvintiškių patarmėse rastų daiktavardžių deminutyvų vartojimas kalbėjimo situacijose, tekste, semantinėse ir sintaksinėse stiliaus figūrose, nagrinėjamos deminutyvų atliekamos funkcijos (tikslinamoji, vertinamoji, teksto siejamoji ir estetinė). / Researching the usage of the diminutives of nouns in the subdialects of eastern Aukštaičiai Uteniškiai, Vilniškiai and Širvintiškiai in speech situations, in the text, in semantic and syntactic figures, analysing the functions of the diminutives (evaluating, specifying, text related and aesthetical functions).

Antros ir ketvirtos klasės mokinių gebėjimas vartoti skyrybos ženklus sakinio gale atsižvelgiant į intonaciją ir komunikacinę situaciją / An ability to use seperation marks at the end of the sentence according to the teacher's intonation and in consider in the situation of communication (the 2nd and 4th grade)

Vaškevičiūtė, Neringa 23 June 2005 (has links)
An ability to use seperation marks at the end of the senAn ability to use separation marks at the end of the sentence is one of the determining factors of successful written communication. In this paper the ability to use separation marks at the end of the sentence is discussed according to the results of the research. Two researches were made to distinguish ability mentioned above. The goal of the first research was to find out, how pupils can use separation marks at the end of the sentence according to the teacher's intonation. The goal of the second research was to find out, what marks pupils use in the created works in consider in the situation of communication. The results of the research confirmed the hypothesis that pupils of the 2nd and the 4th grade are able to use proper separation marks at the end of the sentence when sentences are read by the teacher. Though in creative works pupils mostly use declarative sentences that do not reveal the situation of communication. According to the information received from conversations with teachers and from my own experience I can assert, that ability to express situations of communication using proper separation marks at the end of the sentence in creative written works can be developed: - paying regular attention to the sense of marks in the folklore, belles-lettres texts; - dramatizing texts mentioned above; - reading texts in roles; - using interactive teaching strategies.

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