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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Poétique de la situation dans quatre recueils d’Henri Michaux : La nuit remue, Plume précédé de Lointain intérieur, Épreuves, exorcismes et La vie dans les plis. Approche grammaticale et stylistique / Poetics of situation in four works by Henri Michaux : La nuit remue, Plume précédé de Lointain intérieur, Épreuves, exorcismes, and La vie dans les plis. A grammatical and stylistic approach

Durain, Marc 12 December 2013 (has links)
La présente étude explore les diverses résonances de la notion de situation, dans quatre recueils poétiques d’Henri Michaux : La nuit remue, Plume précédé de Lointain intérieur, Épreuves, exorcismes et La vie dans les plis. Il s’agit de montrer, en se fondant sur un examen linguistique et grammatical précis de la construction de l’espace et de la temporalité dans ces textes, comment la notion de situation structure l’écriture michaldienne, suivant trois grandes entrées : la première, c’est le principe de disproportion. Michaux situe en effet souvent des objets trop grands dans des espaces trop petits, ou des objets petits dans des espaces immenses ; nous y voyons la marque d’une intervention particulière, diverse dans ses enjeux, sur l’espace textuel. La seconde entrée, c’est le principe de mobilité : en prenant appui sur les textes cadres des recueils et des sections, on met en évidence la densité du maillage assuré par les verbes de mouvement, illustrés dans toute la gamme de leurs significations, de leur emploi spatial concret (renvoyant à une modification de la situation au sens premier) à leur utilisation la plus abstraite ou désémantisée ; il apparaît ainsi que la mobilité revêt une dimension proprement linguistique. La troisième entrée enfin, c’est celle de l’énonciation : après avoir étudié les structurations situationnelles à l’œuvre dans le monde du texte, on s’intéresse à l’inscription, dans celui-ci, des coordonnées de la deixis, c’est-à-dire de l’ancrage personnel et spatio-temporel de l’énonciation ; ce qui permettra d’éclairer la singularité de la parole michaldienne, à la fois fortement située et souvent insituable. / This study explores various aspects of the concept of situation in four poetry collections by Henri Michaux: La nuit remue, Plume précédé de Lointain intérieur, Épreuves, exorcismes et La vie dans les plis. Based on detailed linguistic and grammatical analysis of how space and temporality are constructed in these texts, it aims at showing how this idea of situation structures Michaux’s writing through three main points of entry. First, disproportion. Indeed, Michaux often places items that are too big in spaces that are too small, or small objects into huge spaces. This testifies to a specific intervention—with various goals—on the textual space. Second, mobility. A wide network of verbs of movement can be found in the framing texts of the collections and of each section; these are used in all their meanings¬—from their literal spatial use (referring to a modification of the situation proper) to their more abstract or desemanticized sense. Mobility thereby takes on a properly linguistic dimension. Finally, enunciation. After having studied situational structuring in the realm of the texts, I focus on the coordinates of the deixis, i.e. the personal and spatio-temporal markers of enunciation, that appear in the poet’s writing; this will help bring out the singularity of Michaux’s voice—a located and unlocatable one.

VARIATION I VALDELTAGANDE : - En statistisk undersökning av moderniseringens subnationella effekter på det svenska valdeltagandet

Elfving, Johan, Rosén, Elin January 2017 (has links)
This essay sets out to bring further knowledge within the field of political participation on an aggregated level in Sweden. The theoretical access point for this study is the modernization theory provided by Lipset (1959). This theory will be investigated to see if variables within this theory have an effect on the Swedish voter turn-out. Furthermore this study aims to investigate if the contexts of the economical situations have an effect on modernization. The main questions of this essay is: (1) what effects do modernization have on voter turn-out in Swedish municipals? (2) Regarding the economic cycles, what influence does the effects of modernization have on voter turn-out? The method used in this essay is a qauntative analysis in the form of a bivariate and a multiple regression analysis. The empirical material in this study includes statistics from different public agencies. The analysis aims to investigate three election years, 1994, 2006 and 2014. The empirical study shows that socioeconomic pre-conditions, such as average income level, and urbanization have a positive and strong effect on the Swedish voter turn-out on an aggregated level. This shows that modernization theory is not relevant in full, it rather shows that certain parts of the original theory is relevant today. The effects modernization have on voter turn-out is also a lot stronger when the economic context is an economic boom. When the economy goes down the effect goes down with it.

Évaluation multidimensionnelle de l’expérience sexopérinatale des couples parentaux francophones en situation linguistique minoritaire de la région d’Ottawa et de l’Est de l’Ontario

de Pierrepont, Catherine January 2016 (has links)
Durant la transition à la parentalité, la dimension intime et sexuelle de la relation conjugale de futurs et nouveaux parents est la plus vulnérable et la plus affectée. L’objectif de cette enquête descriptive exploratoire est de faire le portrait de l’expérience sexopérinatale de 67 couples parentaux francophones en situation linguistique minoritaire (FSLM) de la région d’Ottawa et de l’Est de l’Ontario, en mettant l’emphase sur leur vécu, leurs besoins et les services en français (offerts, utilisés, manquants et souhaités) dans le domaine. Sous forme d’étude de cas avec un devis mixte, cette recherche est constituée de cinq articles originaux. L’Article 1, divisé en deux parties consécutives, correspond à un examen de la portée sur la sexopérinatalité couvrant 123 articles empiriques publiés dans les 15 dernières années. La partie 1 s’attarde à l’état des recherches retenues et à la sexualité prénatale ; la partie 2 s’intéresse à la sexualité pendant le travail et l’accouchement, à la sexualité postnatale et à la sexualité en contexte d’allaitement. L’Article 2 expose les résultats quantitatifs du vécu sexopérinatal des 67 couples recrutés. L’Article 3 couvre les résultats qualitatifs de ce même vécu sexopérinatal chez cinq de ces couples parentaux. L’Article 4 aborde les besoins et les services en français en matière de sexopérinatalité perçus par les 67 couples parentaux, combinant des données quantitatives et qualitatives. Cette étude permet aux chercheurs et cliniciens de mieux connaître simultanément deux domaines importants de recherche et d’intervention encore peu explorés : la sexopérinatalité et les FSLM en Ontario. Cette recherche s’inscrit dans une vision équitable en santé des populations et dans une optique de promotion du couple, de la famille et de la société pour favoriser l’accès équitable et adapté aux services de soins de santé collaboratifs, continus et durables en matière de santé sexuelle pour les canadiens.

Fúze obchodních korporací a jejich vliv na finanční situaci / Mergers of Business Corporations and Their Influence on Financial Situation

Kubáňová, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with domestic mergers of business corporations realized between 2009 - 2012 and their influence on financial situation of chosen subjects. The first part of my paper describes basic theoretical aspects of mergers including their division and motives leading to the realization and their phases. The second chapter consists of trade-legal and accounting adjustment of mergers. Considering practical part, the main focus is on legal modification valid from 31. 12. 2011 to 1. 1. 2012. Following part of this thesis explains accounting solutions of mergers in example, where the immediate impact is shown on realization of the opening balance sheet. The fourth part is concerned with financial analysis, where the sources, users and relevant methods are mentioned. All analysis and results are submitted and described in the final part of my thesis.

Finanční analýza společnosti Sitronics TS, Czech Republic a.s. / Financial analysis of Sitronics TS, Czech Republic a.s.

Brabec, Jan January 2007 (has links)
This graduation thesis is concerned with financial analysis of company that operates in the telecomunication industry. We can find there analysis of financial statements and financial indicators, in this context, activities of company and influence of alliance with russian holding were described. There were evaluated financial situation and strong and weak points of the company. We can also find there swot analysis, targets and strategies and their fullfilment.

Aplikace metod BCM do havarijního plánování / Application of methods of BCM into emergency planning

Cihlářová, Aneta January 2009 (has links)
Enterprises during their operation are impacted many threats and risks that could dramatically affect their business. Business Continuity Management has evolved to provide resistance against the eternal operational risks. BCM aims to ensure business continuity in case of its danger. The goal of this thesis is to apply the selected methods of the BCM into emergency planning, which is regulated by legislatively for businesses in the Czech Republic.

Förskollärares uppfattningar av stora barngrupper och dess konsekvenser : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares arbetssituation / Preschool Teacher´s Conceptions of Large Children´s Groups : A Qualitative Study of Preschool Teacher´s Work Situationens

Varg, Felicia January 2017 (has links)
This study is about preschool teacher´s children´s groups experience of large children´s grups in preschool and what it´s concequences. In my view there is little research on the subject of large children´s groups in preschool and therefore I want to contribute with knowledge. I have studied how preschool teachers decribe their experiences and reactions, children´s reactions and educational consequences of large groups. To find answer to the questions, I chose qualitative interviews and these were conducted with five preschool teachers. In order to investigate how preschool teachers experience the phenomenon, I have used Antonosky´s theory and a central concept that I have used is sense of coherence.The results showed that the impact of stress on preschool teachers varied depending on the sense of coherence they experienced. It was found that the preschool teachers  were affected by stress through emotions of frustration, inadequacy, fatigue and that they could not do what they planned. When I aksed what could be donet o make it better, the answer was that number of children in the child group should decrease. / Den här undersökningen handlar om förskollärares upplevelser av stora barngrupper i förskolan och vad det får för konsekvenser. Jag anser att det finns för lite forskning kring ämnet stora barngrupper i förskolan och vill därför bidra med kunskap om det. Jag har undersökt hur förskollärare beskriver sina egna upplevelser och reaktioner, barnens reaktioner och pedagogiska konsekvenser av stora barngrupper. För att undersöka dessa frågor så blev metodvalet kvalitativa intervjuer och dessa genomfördes med fem förskollärare. För att jag ska kunna undersöka hur förskollärare upplever stora barngrupper så har jag använt mig av Antonovskys teori och ett centralt begrepp som jag har använt mig av från honom är en känsla av sammanhang. Studien visade att påverkan av stress hos förskollärare varierade beroende på hur känsla av sammanhang som de hade. Det framkom att förskollärarna upplevde stress genom känslor av frustration, otillräcklighet, trötthet och att de inte hinner göra det som de har planerat. När jag frågade vad man skulle kunna göra för att det ska bli bättre var ett genomgående svar att antalet barn i barngruppen borde minska.

Analýza ekonomicko-politické situace Chorvatska v souvislosti se vstupem do EU / Analysis of the economic and political situation in Croatia in relation to the entry into the EU

Vítová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with Croatia, the newest member of the European Union. Within the theoretical foundations it focuses on the European integration, describes the development of the European Union and introduces the entry conditions for the candidate countries, it also characterizes the basic macroeconomic concepts, which are being used further in the work. The second part of this work presents the long journey of Croatia towards European membership, with a focus on problem areas of the accession negotiations. The main part of the work is an analysis of the economic and political situation, firstly in the period before and then after the country's accession to the EU. After that the changes which this event represents for Croatia and the European Union are evaluated. Finally, an evaluation of the country's preparedness for potential entry into the euro area is submitted along with the arguments for and against the adoption of the single currency.

Marketingová strategie obchodu SLUSNY / Marketing strategy of SLUSNY

Kroutil, Václav January 2014 (has links)
This Master's Thesis follows up creation of marketing strategy of SLUSNY shop. The author, is actively participating in the leading of the company. The Thesis is based on data received from situation analysis of SLUSNY's microenvironment, macroenvironment and from marketing research. The situation analysis contains several marketing analysis means used in business practice. According to founded data, the author is generating suitable marketing strategy for SLUSNY shop. The goal of the Thesis is to create marketing strategy, which is logically connected to obtained data, is based on competition advantage and can lead company to its goal.

Návrh marketingového plánu pro vybranou společnost / Marketing plan proposal for chosen company

Rysová, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on creation of marketing plan for specific project, which offers the services of extreme yachting. The main idea of the project called Evelyna Expeditions is to offer the possibility to participate on the expedition of yacht Evelyna on her journey around the world. Yachting is getting more popular among Czech tourists, but some of them desire even bigger adventure and want to exploit the potential of boat to explore places on the earth which are accessible only from the sea. The project is designed especially for these people. Theoretical part of the thesis explains the different stages of marketing plan (situation analysis, marketing objectives, marketing strategy, budget, action plan) and gives recommendations how to work with them. The practical part of the thesis brings more specific characterization of the project Evelyna Expeditions, for which is subsequently developed the specific marketing plan based on the recommendations outlined in the theoretical part.

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