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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microstructure of Flash processed Steel Characterized by Electron Backscatter Diffraction

Wu, Chun-Hsien 07 January 2010 (has links)
Flash processing is a new heat treatment process being developed to produce steel with relatively high strength and ductility. It involves rapidly heating steel sheet or strip to a temperature in the austenite range and quenching; the entire thermal cycle takes place within 15 seconds. The resulting microstructure is fine and difficult to resolve using standard metallographic techniques. In this investigation, electron backscatter diffraction was used to measure the grain size, grain orientations, and phase fractions in AISI 8620 samples flash processed to a series of different maximum temperatures. The combination of high strength with moderate ductility obtained by flash processing arises from a refined martensitic microstructure. The morphology of the microstructure depends upon the maximum processing temperature; a lower maximum temperature appears to produce a finer prior austenite grain size and an equiaxed martensite structure whereas a higher maximum processing temperature yields a more conventional lath martensite morphology. / Master of Science

Particle Size Distribution Analysis of a Mining-Impacted Gravel-Bed Stream in Ohio Using a Hybrid Sediment Sampling Technique

Dalecky, Amanda Lee 26 November 2001 (has links)
As part of a risk assessment study of the Leading Creek Watershed in Ohio, a prior Virginia Tech researcher collected pavement and subpavement sediment samples at 17 sites using the hybrid areal sampling technique with a clay adhesive. The watershed, which is heavily impacted by mining and agricultural activities, suffers from low pH, high concentrations of metals and sediment in the water column, and excessively silted streambeds. The current work presents the results of the particle size analyses performed on the hybrid samples in the context of evaluating the effectiveness of the technique itself and as a tool in future watershed/ecological studies, as well as examining possible relationships between siltation and indicators of ecological health in Leading Creek. By combining clay grid and adhesive sampling methods, the hybrid technique consistently achieved an effective particle size sampling range of 0.05 mm (1.97 x 10-3 in) to over 300 mm (11.8 in), thereby reducing the common problem of trunction. However, the overlap of the clay adhesive and natural sediment distributions and atypical sediment loading from surrounding abandoned and reclaimed mine lands obscured expected trends such as downstream fining and hindered the analysis of materials finer than 0.125 mm (4.93 x 10-3 in). Volumetric conversion of areal samples using the Modified Cube Model with a traditional exponent of -1 for clay was complicated by the large amount of fines in the Leading Creek samples. Further investigation into a more appropriate conversion technique for the evaluation of fine sediment samples is warranted. / Master of Science

Improvements to the Modeling of Average Floc Size in Turbulent Suspensions of Mud

Kuprenas, Rachel Leah 25 June 2018 (has links)
The accuracy of sediment transport models depends on identifying an appropriate sediment settling velocity. Determining this value for mud suspensions can be difficult because cohesive mud particles can aggregate, forming flocs whose sizes are a function of hydrodynamic and physiochemical conditions of the suspension. Here we present a new model refining the predicted floc size based on hydrodynamic conditions and inherited floc sizes, as well as on the salinity of the fluid environment. The improvements come from modifications made to the Winterwerp (1998) (W98) model. These improvements include: limiting floc size to the Kolmogorov microscale and including an initial salinity dependence. Limiting floc size in this way brings the model predictions more in line with flocculation theory and experimental observations. The salinity dependence was introduced based on a preliminary set of experiments that were conducted to examine floc growth rate and equilibrium size under different salinity conditions. In these experiments, increasing salinity from 2.5 to 10 PSU did not affect equilibrium floc size. However, the increases in salinity did result in longer times to equilibrium and an apparent increase in floc density or fractal dimension. The modified W98 model allows calibrated aggregation and breakup coefficients obtained under one set of concentration values (for both sediment and salinity) to be used to predict floc size under other concentration conditions. Comparing the modified W98 model with laboratory data shows more accurate predictive values, indicating that the modified W98 equation is a promising tool for incorporation into larger sediment transport models. / Master of Science / In order to assist in efforts to improve the environments of rivers, oceans, and estuaries, it is essential for scientists to have the ability to model all of the processes involved. One of the more difficult processes to model is sediment transport, specifically, cohesive sediment transport. How quickly a particle settles out of the water, and thus, how far a particle travels, is related to the density, size, and shape of the particle. With non-cohesive particles, this results in a relatively simple model as the particles stay the same size, shape, and density throughout time and space; however, cohesive particles are constantly changing as they can grow and shrink depending on the properties of the water at any given time. This process is called flocculation, and resulting particles are called flocs. This study aims to improve the modeling of cohesive sediment in the water column. Using existing data from [Tran et al., 2018], improvements were made to the existing Winterwerp [1998] model to account for the dependency of the particle size on sediment concentration. Tests were then run to collect data on how salinity impacts flocculation. This data was then used to further modify the Winterwerp [1998] model in order to account for salinity. These modifications resulted in predictions that better matched laboratory data, indicating that the modified Winterwerp [1998] equation is a promising tool for incorporation into larger sediment transport models.

Seasonal reproduction and sexual size dimorphism of the African helmeted turtle, Pelomedusa subrufa (family Pelomedusidae)

Strydom, Aliki V. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: PELOMEDUSA SUBRUFA is a freshwater turtle widely distributed throughout Africa and Madagascar, and is described as a Tropical to Sub-tropical species. 1 examined the female and male reproductive cycles of P. subrufa, over a 20-month period to determine whether they display a typical Tropical to Sub-tropical type reproductive cycle (pre-nuptial) or a typical Temperate Zone type reproductive cycle (post-nuptial). Blood and tissue samples were collected from wild specimens captured in the Western Cape, South Africa and these samples were supplemented by tissue samples obtained from museum specimens. In female P. subrufa seasonal variation in related circulating reproductive hormones in the plasma (estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone) were analyzed using validated ELISA kits. Plasma vitellogenin (yolk precursor produced in liver) was measured using a newly developed universal vitellogenin ELISA for vertebrates (UNIVTG). Ovarian follicles were measured (± 0.1 mm) and female ovaries were staged macroscopically (non-active, pre-vitellogenic, vitellogenic, gravid), and results were confirmed via histological sectioning of ovaries and oviducts. Females exhibited a cyclic reproductive pattern, with distinct phases of follicular enlargement (vitellogenesis), ovulation and a gravid period. Seasonal timing of the reproductive cycle coincided with those of other temperate zone freshwater turtles. Vitellogenic recrudescence began in summer (late December), and continued unabated through winter with ovulation occurring in the following spring (September-October). My data suggested that P. subrufa females mostly lay a single clutch of eggs during the late-spnng summer period (September through January). Clutch size varied between 7 -3 7 eggs, with the number of eggs being significantly correlated with maternal body size (r = 0.82, P < 0 001). Plasma estradiol and plasma vitellogenin concentrations peaked once during the ovarian cycle, typically coinciding with the period of early- to mid-vitellogenesis in late summer. Plasma testosterone varied throughout the year, but significant increases were measured during the ovulation and mating period in spring. Plasma progesterone concentrations were significantly elevated during the gestation period prior to ovi-position in mid-summer (December). In male P. subrufa spermatogenesis in mature specimens was distinctly seasonal and timing of the reproductive cycle coincided with those of other temperate zone freshwater turtles. Spermatogemc recrudescence began in summer, following emergence from a winter hibernation period (brumation) and spring mating. Peak testicular volume and maximum spermiogemc activity occurred in late summer and early autumn. Testicular regression commenced in autumn through winter. Spermatozoa were abundant in the ducti epididymi throughout the year. Plasma testosterone concentrations peaked once during the testicular cycle, typically coinciding with spermio genes is in late summer, early autumn. Ducti epididymi diameter showed significant variation throughout the year, whereas the epithelial cell height showed no significant seasonal variation. Peak secretory activity coincided with spermiogemc activity and high circulating testosterone concentrations in late summer, early autumn. Testicular recrudescence was correlated with increasing ambient air temperatures, photopenod and summer rainfall, whereas testicular regression, during late autumn, corresponded conversely with decreasing ambient air temperatures, photopenod and rainfall. Female and male reproductive cycles were asynchronous in that the peak spermatogenic activity occurred in autumn at the time when most females were depositing yolk in growing ovarian follicles. Therefore, adult females displayed a typical postnuptial vitellogemc cycle and adult males displayed a typical post-nuptial spermatogenic cycle. Differences between sexes in body size are common in many animals, and the African helmeted turtle is no exception. Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in P. subrufa was pronounced, and using principal component analysis, it was clear that adult male P. subrufa was significantly larger than adult females. Using carapace length as the measure of body size (covariate), adult males, adult females, and juveniles differed significantly in absolute size of the carapace width, carapace depth, plastron length, plastron width, and head depth. However, there was no significant difference between adult males, adult females and juveniles in head width and head length. Therefore, adult males were larger than adult females in the seven traits measured, except in carapace depth where the females were significantly larger In the occurrence of ontogenetic growth patterns, the adults grow at a slower rate than juveniles in plastron length. There was no significant difference between adults and juveniles in shell width, however in depth, the adults grow at a faster rate when compared to the juveniles. Adults significantly grow at a faster rate than juveniles in absolute head size as well. However, when these traits were used as a whole data set (eight traits measured), there was no difference in growth rate between adults of either sex. Similarly, there was no significant difference in adults compared to juveniles in shell size, however, adults grow at a faster rate than juveniles in absolute body size and head size. Differences in body size, and in the size of traits such as shell measurements and head measurements relative to absolute body size, were assessed to clarify SSD of P. subrufa in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: PELOMEDUSA SUBRUFA is ‘n varswaterskilpad wat wyd verspreid oor Afrika en Madagascar voorkom en word beskryf as ‘n Tropiese tot Sub-tropiese spesies. Die manlike en vroulike voortplantingspatroon van P. subrufa is oor ‘n tydperk van 20 maande bestudeer om vas te stel of hul voortplanting ooreenstem met ‘n tipiese tropiesie tot sub-tropiese voortplantingspatroon of ‘n tipiese gematigde-sone voortplantingspatroon. Waterskilpaaie is uit damme in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afnka gevang en bloed- en weefselmonsters is versamel. Materiaal en data is aangevul deur weefselmonsters van waterskilpaaie wat in museumversamelings gehuisves word. Ovarium follikels in P. subrufa wyfies is gemeet en die wyfies se ovanums is makroskopies gegradeer (onaktief, pre-vitellogenies, vitellogemes, dragtig) en resultate is deur histologiese snitte van die ovaria en ovidukte bevestig. Wyfies vertoon ‘n sikliese voortplantingspatroon, met duidelike fases van follikulere groei (vetllogenese), ovulasie en dragtigheid. Sirkulerende voortplantingshormone in die bloedplasma (estradiol, progesteroon en testosteroon) is ook geanaliseer met behulp van gevalideerde hormoonspesifieke ELISA bepalings. Plasma vitellogeen (‘n dooiervoorloper wat in die lewer vervaardig word) konsentrasies is ook bepaal met ‘n nuut ontwikkelde, universele (spesifiek vir werweldiere) vitellogeen ELISA (UNIVTG). Seisoenale tydsberekemng van die voortplantingsiklus het ooreengestem met die van ander varswaterskilpaaie vanuit die Gemagtigde-sone. Vitellogenese het in die somer begin en duur voort deur die grootste gedeelte van die somer, herfs en winter gevolg deur ovulasie in die daaropvolgende lente (September - Oktober). Die data ingewin stel voor d a t/5. subrufa wyfies meestal een broeisel eiers tydens laat lente-somer le (September tot Januane). Broeiselgrootte het gewissel tussen 7-37 eiers, met die hoeveelheid eiers wat beduidend met moederlike liggaamsgrootte gekorreleer was (r = 0.82, P < 0.001). Plasma estradiol en vitellogeen konsentrasies het een keer tydens die ovariumsiklus gepiek, en gewoonlik saamgeval met vroee tot middel vitellogenese in die laat somer. Plasma testosteroon het dwarsdeur die jaar gevarieer, maar beduidende toenames is gemeet tydens ovulasie en die paartydperk in die lente. Plasma progesteroon konsentrasies was beduidend hoer tydens dragtigheid kort voor eierlegging in die middel van die somer (Desember). In volwasse P. subrufa mannetjies was spermatogenese sterk seisoenaal en het die voortplantingsiklus ooreengestem met die van ander varswaterskilpadspesies wat in die gematigde streke voorkom. Na ‘n oorwinteringsperiode (brumasie), volg die panngstydperk gedurende die lente. ‘n Nuwe spermatogemese siklus het in die somer begin. Maksimale spermatogeniese aktiwiteit en testis-volume word in die laat somer en vroee herfs bereik. Testikulere regressie neem in aanvang in die herfs en duur voort tot na paringstyd in die lente. Tydens testikulere regressie word spermatosoe in die ducti epididymi gestoor. Plasma testosteroon konsentrasies het in die laat somer en vroee herfs gedurende die testikulere siklus, spermiogenese (sperm produksie fase), gepiek. Die grootte (omtrek) van die ducti epididymi het beduidende vanasie dwarsdeur die jaar getoon, terwyl epiteel selhoogtes geen beduidende seisoenale vanasie getoon het nie. Piek sekretonese aktiwiteit het saamgeval met spermiogeniese aktiwiteit en hoe vlakke van sirkulerende testosteroon tydens laat somer en vroee herfs. Testikulere groei het goed gekorreleer met toenemende omgewingstemperatuur, fotopenode en reenval, terwyl testikulere regressie in herfs met ‘n daling in omgewingstemperature, fotopenode en reenval gekorrespondeer het. Die vroulike en manlike voortplantingspatrone was nie goed ge-sinkroniseerd nie, deurdat piek spermatogeniese aktiwiteit tydens herfs voorgekom het, gedurende die tyd waann meeste wyfies besig was om dooier in groeiende ovarium follikels neer te le. Daarteenoor vertoon die mannetjies testikulere regressie tydens die pre-ovulatoriese fase en ovulasie penode van die wyfies. Dus toon volwasse wyfies ‘n tipiese gematigde sone vitellogeniese patron en volwasse mannetjies ‘n tipiese gematigde sone spermatogeniese patroon. ‘n Verskil in liggaamsgrootte tussen die geslagte is 'n algemene verskynsel by baie diere en P. subrufa is geen uitsondering me. Daar was wesenlike geslagtelike grootteverskille (SSD) in P. subrufa en ‘n hoofkomponent analise (PC A) het getoon dat daar beduidende morfometnese verskille tussen volwasse mannetjies en wyfies was. Deur karapakslengte as 'n maatstaf vir liggaamsgrootte te gebruik (mede-veranderlike), het volwasse mannetjies, volwasse wyfies en onvolwassenes beduidend verskil ten opsigte van absolute grootte van hul karapaksbreedte, karapaksdiepte, plastronlengte, plastronbreedte en kopdiepte. Geen beduidende verskil in kopbreedte en koplengte in volwasse mannetjies, volwasse wyfies en onvolwassenes is gevind nie. Derhalwe was volwasse mannetjies groter as volwasse wyfies in sewe van die liggaamseienskappe wat gemeet is, buiten vir karapaksdiepte waar die wyfies beduidend groter was. In terme van die voorkoms van ontogenetiese groeipatrone het volwassenes teen ‘n stadiger tempo as onvolwassenes in plastronlengte toegeneem. Daar was geen beduidende verskil in die groeitempo van dopbreedte tussen volwassenes en onvolwassenes nie, alhoewel dopdiepte van volwassenes teen ‘n vinniger tempo gegroei het as die van onvolwassenes. Absolute kopgrootte van volwassenes het ook teen ‘n vinniger tempo gegroei as in onvolwassenes. Wanneer hierdie eienskappe as ‘n volledige datastel gebruik word (al agt gemete eienskappe), wil dit voorkom asof daar geen verskil in groeitempo van volwassenes van die onderskeidelike geslagte is me. Daar was geen beduidende verskil tussen volwassenes en onvolwassenes, ten opsigte van dopgrootte nie, alhoewel volwassenes klaarblyklik teen ‘n vinniger tempo in liggaamsgrootte en kopgrootte toeneem. Verskille in liggaamsgrootte en grootte van ander veranderlikes, soos byvoorbeeld dop- en kop-eienskappe, relatief tot absolute liggaamsgrootte, word aangebied om geslagsdimorfisme in P. subrufa vir die eerste keer te beskryf.

Ontogeneze a evoluce velikosti a pohlavní dvojtvárnosti u plazů / Ontogeny and evolution of body size and sexual size dimorphism in reptiles

Frýdlová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Monitor lizards (Varanidae) are morphologically very uniform in body shape, but much diversified in body size along both phylogenetic and ontogenetic axes. A striking sexual size dimorphism exists in monitor lizards; they are capable of fast growth, metabolism and sexual maturation. I collected the data concerning body size of particular species and verified the validity of Rench's rule, which said that there is bigger difference in body size of a conspecific male and females growing with larger body size of the species. Males are markedly bigger than females. In the next step, I focused on the model species of monitor lizards, Varanus indicus. I monitored its ontogeny very carefully. I found that this monitor lizard has pronounced sexual size dimorphism, but there are only small differences in body shape. It is capable of rapid growth and sexual maturation. The sexual dimorphism in body shape is only poor, but still measurable right in those places where the selection pressures were expected. Blood sampling monitored biochemical and haematological parameters. The concentrations of the biochemical parameters revealed the economy of resources of particular sexes partially, the costs of body growth and reproduction. Although both sexes produce the same amount of biomass (the body growth of males vs. the...

Efeitos de uma nova intervenção interdisciplinar baseada na abordagem \"Health at Every Size®\" sobre o perfil lipí­dico em mulheres obesas / Effects of a new interdisciplinary intervention based on the \"Health at Every Size®\" approach on lipid profile in obese women.

Aburad, Luiz Gustavo 26 October 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A obesidade é um problema de saúde pública, de etiologia multifatorial, relacionada à incidência de comorbidades, como as doenças cardiovasculares - causa número um de mortes, globalmente. Contudo, os tratamentos para reverter essa condição não surtem efeito em longo prazo, fazendo com que novas intervenções para seu tratamento sejam utilizadas, como a abordagem Health at Every Size® (HAES®), que ainda mostra resultados inconclusivos quanto à melhora no perfil lipídico relacionado às doenças cardiovasculares. Objetivo: Analisar os efeitos de uma nova intervenção interdisciplinar baseada na abordagem HAES®, sobre o perfil lipídico relacionado às doenças cardiovasculares em mulheres obesas. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, baseado em ensaio clínico randomizado controlado com duração de sete meses. Noventa e sete participantes foram recrutadas, após aprovação nos critérios de inclusão e exclusão da amostra, e foram aleatoriamente dividas nos grupos \"Intervenção\" ou \"Controle\", cujas atividades conduzidas tiveram os princípios da abordagem HAES® como norteadores. Participantes do grupo \"Intervenção\" realizaram cinco oficinas filosóficas, aconselhamento nutricional quinzenalmente e atividade física três vezes por semana. Já as participantes do grupo \"Controle\" participaram bimestralmente de palestras relativas à filosofia, nutrição e atividade física. A coleta e análise foram realizadas antes e depois da intervenção para os seguintes parâmetros: triglicérides, colesterol total, colesterol não-HDL, colesterol-VLDL, colesterol-LDL e colesterol-HDL. Variáveis foram comparadas antes e depois da intervenção usando Teste T de Student. Resultados: Foram observadas reduções para colesterol total, colesterol LDL e colesterol NHDL em ambos os grupos. Já para colesterol VLDL e triglicerídeos, houve aumento nos níveis observados. Quanto ao colesterol HDL, o grupo \"Intervenção\" teve uma diminuição após o estudo, ao passo que o grupo \"Controle\" teve um aumento no mesmo. Contudo, para todas as variáveis observadas, não houveram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Conclusão: a intervenção por si não foi suficientemente eficaz para provocar mudanças no perfil lipídico. / Introduction: Obesity is a public health problem, with multifactorial etiology, related to the incidence of comorbidities, such as cardiovascular diseases - the number-one cause of death globally. However, treatments to reverse this condition have no long-term effect, and new interventions to treat obesity are formulated, such as the Health at Every Size® (HAES®) approach, which still shows inconclusive results regarding the improvement in metabolic profile related to cardiovascular diseases. Objective: To analyze the effects of a new interdisciplinary intervention based on the HAES® approach on biochemical markers related to cardiovascular diseases in obese women. Methods: Prospective, quantitative study based on a randomized controlled clinical trial lasting seven months. Ninety-seven participants were recruited, after approval in the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the sample, and were randomly assembled into the \"Intervention\" or \"Control\" groups, whose activities had the principles of the HAES® approach as guides. Participants in the Intervention group held five philosophical workshops, nutritional counseling every two weeks and physical activity three times a week. The participants of the \"Control\" group participated bimonthly in lectures related to philosophy, nutrition and physical activity. Data collection and analysis were performed before and after the intervention for the following parameters: triglycerides, total cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, VLDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol. Variables were compared before and after the intervention using Student\'s t-test. Results: Reductions were observed for total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and NHDL-cholesterol in both groups. On the other hand, for VLDL-cholesterol and triglycerides, there was an increase in the levels observed. As for HDL-cholesterol, the \"Intervention\" group had a decrease after the study, whereas the \"Control\" group had an increase in the same. However, for all observed variables, there were no statistically significant differences. Conclusion: The intervention itself was not effective enough to cause changes in the lipid profile.

Beleza sem medidas? Corpo, gênero e consumo no mercado de moda plus-size / Beauty without measures? Body, gender and consumption in plus-size fashion market

Betti, Marcella Uceda 05 December 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos o mercado de moda plus-size, segmento especializado em tamanhos grandes, vem crescendo no Brasil e ganhando relativa visibilidade por meio da construção de seus próprios espaços legitimação - como desfiles, ensaios fotográficos, concursos de beleza, marcas e lojas - e da divulgação feita por blogs e veículos de comunicação. As interlocutoras desta pesquisa, mulheres que se identificam como gordinhas, têm acompanhado de perto a expansão deste mercado, atuando como consumidoras ou como profissionais do segmento e defendendo que não é preciso ser magra para se vestir bem e para se sentir bonita e atraente. Um dos principais objetivos desta pesquisa é investigar este recente boom da moda plus-size, mostrando a importância dos eventos do segmento, dos blogs e dos discursos de profissionais e consumidoras. Outro objetivo importante é analisar de que maneira as interlocutoras, frente aos estereótipos que as definem de maneira negativa em função de sua forma física, procuram construir uma imagem mais positiva de si mesmas e de seus corpos, reelaborando discursos de saúde, beleza e feminilidade. / In the last years, the plus-size fashion market, specialized in larger sizes, has been growing and gaining a relative visibility in Brazil through the constitution of its own spaces of legitimacy - fashion shows, photo shoots, beauty pageants, brands and stores - and its diffusion via blogs and media. The subjects of this research, women who identify themselves as chubby, have closely followed the expansion of this market, acting as consumers or as professionals of this area, supporting it is not necessary be skinny to be well-dressed and to feel beautiful and attractive. A major goal of this research involves investigating this recent boom in plus-size fashion, pointing out the importance of the events, blogs and discourses of professionals and consumers. Another important objective is to analyze how the subjects, facing stereotypes that define them negatively because of their body size and shape, seek to build a more positive image of themselves and their bodies, reworking discourses of health, beauty and femininity.

Influência da obesidade em adolescentes sobre a atividade da paraoxonase (PON1) e o tamanho da Lipoproteína de Alta Densidade (HDL)

Sanibal, Claudia Assef 28 March 2012 (has links)
A obesidade é um importante problema de Saúde Pública e, segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) representa uma epidemia global. Nesse contexto, os adolescentes como foco de mudanças fisiológicas, anatômicas, culturais e sociais representam um grupo com elevado risco de obesidade e suas co-morbidades. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o possível efeito dos componentes da dieta sobre a atividade antioxidante da proteína paraoxonase (PON1) e o tamanho da HDL em adolescentes. Foram recrutados adolescentes de ambos os sexos, com faixa etária de 10 a 19 anos e de escolas públicas da cidade de São Paulo. Os adolescentes foram distribuídos em três grupos: Eutrófico, Sobrepeso e Obeso, segundo COLE et al. (2000). Após jejum (12-15h) foi coletada uma amostra de sangue e a partir do plasma realizamos as seguintes análises: Perfil lipídico, apo A1, apo B, CETP, Tamanho da HDL (laser- scatering), Atividade da Paraoxonase. Foram coletadas informações antropométricas (peso, altura, circunferência da cintura, porcentagem de gordura corporal). A análise estatística foi realizada com o auxílio do programa SPSS&#174, com valor de significância de p< 0,05. Dos 242 indivíduos elegíveis, 94 (39%) foram meninos e 148 (61%) meninas, com idade média de 13,9 ± 2,3 anos. Baseados no IMC, os adolescentes foram distribuídos em três grupos: Eutrófico: n= 77 adolescentes (32%); Sobrepeso: n= 82 adolescentes (34%) e Obeso: n= 83 adolescentes (34%). Esses grupos não apresentaram diferenças significativas quanto ao sexo, escolaridade da mãe, renda, maturação sexual e história clínica atual. Considerando que os grupos apresentaram diferença significativa entre a idade, as análises estatísticas foram ajustadas por essa variável. As diferenças entre CC e porcentagem de gordura corporal confirmaram os resultados obtidos com o IMC. Verificamos também que os elevados valores de IMC favoreceram a hipertigliceridemia (p= 0,046), e aos baixos valores de HDL-C (p= 0,002). Entretanto, os valores de CETP variaram em função do IMC. Analisando as correlações verificamos que o IMC mostrou correlação positiva com concentração plasmática de colesterol total (r= 0,347 e p= 0,035) e de LDL-C (r= 0,353 e p= 0,032), confirmando o impacto negativo da obesidade sobre os fatores do perfil cardiometabólico. Na análise do TAM HDL não houve diferença significativa entre os 3 grupos. A PON apresentou diferença entre os grupos (p=0,001) o que favorece o seu efeito antioxidante e antiinflamatório. Portanto, os resultados obtidos até a presente data demonstram que adolescentes obesos, mesmo ainda considerados clinicamente saudáveis, apresentam diversos parâmetros antropométricos e bioquímicos alterados, o que indica o elevado risco cardiovascular dessa população. / Obesity is a major public health problem and, according to World Health Organization (WHO) is a global epidemic. In this context, adolescents as the focus of physiological changes, anatomical, cultural and social groups to represent a high risk of obesity and its comorbidities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible effect of dietary components on the antioxidant activity of the protein paraoxonase (PON1) and HDL size in adolescents. We recruited adolescents of both sexes, aged from 10 to 19 years and public schools in São Paulo. The adolescents were divided into three groups: Well-nourished, overweight and obesity, according to Cole et al. (2000). After fasting (12-15h) was collected and a blood sample from the plasma to the following analysis: lipid profile, apo A1, apo B, CETP, HDL size (laser-scatering), of paraoxonase activity. Data were collected anthropometric (weight, height, waist circumference, percentage body fat). Statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS software programSPSS&#174, with significance level of p <0.05. Of the 242 eligible individuals, 94 (39%) were boys and 148 (61%) girls, mean age 13.9 ± 2.3 years. Based on BMI, adolescents were divided into three groups: Eutrophic: n = 77 adolescents (32%) Overweight: n = 82 adolescents (34%) and obese: n = 83 adolescents (34%). These groups showed no significant differences regarding sex, maternal education, income, sexual maturation, and current medical history. Whereas the groups showed significant difference between age, statistical analysis was adjusted for this variable. The differences between CC and percentage of body fat confirmed the results obtained with BMI. We also found that high BMI values favored hipertigliceridemia (p = 0.046), and low HDL-C (p = 0.002). However, the values of CETP varied according to BMI. Analyzing the correlations we found that BMI was correlated positively with plasma total cholesterol (r = 0.347 and p = 0.035) and LDL-C (r = 0.353 and p = 0.032), confirming the negative impact of obesity on cardiovascular risk factors . In the analysis of TAM HDL no significant difference among the three groups. The PON was different between groups (p = 0.001) which favors the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the results obtained to date show that obese adolescents, even those deemed clinically healthy, have several anthropometric and biochemical changes, which indicates that the high cardiovascular risk population.

Efeitos de uma nova intervenção interdisciplinar baseada na abordagem \"Health at Every Size®\" sobre o perfil lipí­dico em mulheres obesas / Effects of a new interdisciplinary intervention based on the \"Health at Every Size®\" approach on lipid profile in obese women.

Luiz Gustavo Aburad 26 October 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A obesidade é um problema de saúde pública, de etiologia multifatorial, relacionada à incidência de comorbidades, como as doenças cardiovasculares - causa número um de mortes, globalmente. Contudo, os tratamentos para reverter essa condição não surtem efeito em longo prazo, fazendo com que novas intervenções para seu tratamento sejam utilizadas, como a abordagem Health at Every Size® (HAES®), que ainda mostra resultados inconclusivos quanto à melhora no perfil lipídico relacionado às doenças cardiovasculares. Objetivo: Analisar os efeitos de uma nova intervenção interdisciplinar baseada na abordagem HAES®, sobre o perfil lipídico relacionado às doenças cardiovasculares em mulheres obesas. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, baseado em ensaio clínico randomizado controlado com duração de sete meses. Noventa e sete participantes foram recrutadas, após aprovação nos critérios de inclusão e exclusão da amostra, e foram aleatoriamente dividas nos grupos \"Intervenção\" ou \"Controle\", cujas atividades conduzidas tiveram os princípios da abordagem HAES® como norteadores. Participantes do grupo \"Intervenção\" realizaram cinco oficinas filosóficas, aconselhamento nutricional quinzenalmente e atividade física três vezes por semana. Já as participantes do grupo \"Controle\" participaram bimestralmente de palestras relativas à filosofia, nutrição e atividade física. A coleta e análise foram realizadas antes e depois da intervenção para os seguintes parâmetros: triglicérides, colesterol total, colesterol não-HDL, colesterol-VLDL, colesterol-LDL e colesterol-HDL. Variáveis foram comparadas antes e depois da intervenção usando Teste T de Student. Resultados: Foram observadas reduções para colesterol total, colesterol LDL e colesterol NHDL em ambos os grupos. Já para colesterol VLDL e triglicerídeos, houve aumento nos níveis observados. Quanto ao colesterol HDL, o grupo \"Intervenção\" teve uma diminuição após o estudo, ao passo que o grupo \"Controle\" teve um aumento no mesmo. Contudo, para todas as variáveis observadas, não houveram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Conclusão: a intervenção por si não foi suficientemente eficaz para provocar mudanças no perfil lipídico. / Introduction: Obesity is a public health problem, with multifactorial etiology, related to the incidence of comorbidities, such as cardiovascular diseases - the number-one cause of death globally. However, treatments to reverse this condition have no long-term effect, and new interventions to treat obesity are formulated, such as the Health at Every Size® (HAES®) approach, which still shows inconclusive results regarding the improvement in metabolic profile related to cardiovascular diseases. Objective: To analyze the effects of a new interdisciplinary intervention based on the HAES® approach on biochemical markers related to cardiovascular diseases in obese women. Methods: Prospective, quantitative study based on a randomized controlled clinical trial lasting seven months. Ninety-seven participants were recruited, after approval in the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the sample, and were randomly assembled into the \"Intervention\" or \"Control\" groups, whose activities had the principles of the HAES® approach as guides. Participants in the Intervention group held five philosophical workshops, nutritional counseling every two weeks and physical activity three times a week. The participants of the \"Control\" group participated bimonthly in lectures related to philosophy, nutrition and physical activity. Data collection and analysis were performed before and after the intervention for the following parameters: triglycerides, total cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, VLDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol. Variables were compared before and after the intervention using Student\'s t-test. Results: Reductions were observed for total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and NHDL-cholesterol in both groups. On the other hand, for VLDL-cholesterol and triglycerides, there was an increase in the levels observed. As for HDL-cholesterol, the \"Intervention\" group had a decrease after the study, whereas the \"Control\" group had an increase in the same. However, for all observed variables, there were no statistically significant differences. Conclusion: The intervention itself was not effective enough to cause changes in the lipid profile.

Influência da obesidade em adolescentes sobre a atividade da paraoxonase (PON1) e o tamanho da Lipoproteína de Alta Densidade (HDL)

Claudia Assef Sanibal 28 March 2012 (has links)
A obesidade é um importante problema de Saúde Pública e, segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) representa uma epidemia global. Nesse contexto, os adolescentes como foco de mudanças fisiológicas, anatômicas, culturais e sociais representam um grupo com elevado risco de obesidade e suas co-morbidades. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o possível efeito dos componentes da dieta sobre a atividade antioxidante da proteína paraoxonase (PON1) e o tamanho da HDL em adolescentes. Foram recrutados adolescentes de ambos os sexos, com faixa etária de 10 a 19 anos e de escolas públicas da cidade de São Paulo. Os adolescentes foram distribuídos em três grupos: Eutrófico, Sobrepeso e Obeso, segundo COLE et al. (2000). Após jejum (12-15h) foi coletada uma amostra de sangue e a partir do plasma realizamos as seguintes análises: Perfil lipídico, apo A1, apo B, CETP, Tamanho da HDL (laser- scatering), Atividade da Paraoxonase. Foram coletadas informações antropométricas (peso, altura, circunferência da cintura, porcentagem de gordura corporal). A análise estatística foi realizada com o auxílio do programa SPSS&#174, com valor de significância de p< 0,05. Dos 242 indivíduos elegíveis, 94 (39%) foram meninos e 148 (61%) meninas, com idade média de 13,9 ± 2,3 anos. Baseados no IMC, os adolescentes foram distribuídos em três grupos: Eutrófico: n= 77 adolescentes (32%); Sobrepeso: n= 82 adolescentes (34%) e Obeso: n= 83 adolescentes (34%). Esses grupos não apresentaram diferenças significativas quanto ao sexo, escolaridade da mãe, renda, maturação sexual e história clínica atual. Considerando que os grupos apresentaram diferença significativa entre a idade, as análises estatísticas foram ajustadas por essa variável. As diferenças entre CC e porcentagem de gordura corporal confirmaram os resultados obtidos com o IMC. Verificamos também que os elevados valores de IMC favoreceram a hipertigliceridemia (p= 0,046), e aos baixos valores de HDL-C (p= 0,002). Entretanto, os valores de CETP variaram em função do IMC. Analisando as correlações verificamos que o IMC mostrou correlação positiva com concentração plasmática de colesterol total (r= 0,347 e p= 0,035) e de LDL-C (r= 0,353 e p= 0,032), confirmando o impacto negativo da obesidade sobre os fatores do perfil cardiometabólico. Na análise do TAM HDL não houve diferença significativa entre os 3 grupos. A PON apresentou diferença entre os grupos (p=0,001) o que favorece o seu efeito antioxidante e antiinflamatório. Portanto, os resultados obtidos até a presente data demonstram que adolescentes obesos, mesmo ainda considerados clinicamente saudáveis, apresentam diversos parâmetros antropométricos e bioquímicos alterados, o que indica o elevado risco cardiovascular dessa população. / Obesity is a major public health problem and, according to World Health Organization (WHO) is a global epidemic. In this context, adolescents as the focus of physiological changes, anatomical, cultural and social groups to represent a high risk of obesity and its comorbidities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible effect of dietary components on the antioxidant activity of the protein paraoxonase (PON1) and HDL size in adolescents. We recruited adolescents of both sexes, aged from 10 to 19 years and public schools in São Paulo. The adolescents were divided into three groups: Well-nourished, overweight and obesity, according to Cole et al. (2000). After fasting (12-15h) was collected and a blood sample from the plasma to the following analysis: lipid profile, apo A1, apo B, CETP, HDL size (laser-scatering), of paraoxonase activity. Data were collected anthropometric (weight, height, waist circumference, percentage body fat). Statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS software programSPSS&#174, with significance level of p <0.05. Of the 242 eligible individuals, 94 (39%) were boys and 148 (61%) girls, mean age 13.9 ± 2.3 years. Based on BMI, adolescents were divided into three groups: Eutrophic: n = 77 adolescents (32%) Overweight: n = 82 adolescents (34%) and obese: n = 83 adolescents (34%). These groups showed no significant differences regarding sex, maternal education, income, sexual maturation, and current medical history. Whereas the groups showed significant difference between age, statistical analysis was adjusted for this variable. The differences between CC and percentage of body fat confirmed the results obtained with BMI. We also found that high BMI values favored hipertigliceridemia (p = 0.046), and low HDL-C (p = 0.002). However, the values of CETP varied according to BMI. Analyzing the correlations we found that BMI was correlated positively with plasma total cholesterol (r = 0.347 and p = 0.035) and LDL-C (r = 0.353 and p = 0.032), confirming the negative impact of obesity on cardiovascular risk factors . In the analysis of TAM HDL no significant difference among the three groups. The PON was different between groups (p = 0.001) which favors the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the results obtained to date show that obese adolescents, even those deemed clinically healthy, have several anthropometric and biochemical changes, which indicates that the high cardiovascular risk population.

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