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Sociala företags finansieringsproblematik : En litteraturstudie om bidragande faktorer till finansieringsgapet mellan sociala företag och dess finansiärer / The financial problem for social enterprises : A literature review on contributing factors to the funding gap between social enterprises and its financiers.Lindgren, Håkan, Koznar, Jeanette, Nilsson, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Titel: Sociala företags finansieringsproblematik: En litteraturstudie om bidragande faktorer till finansieringsgapet mellan sociala företag och dess finansiärer. Författare: Jeanette Koznar, Håkan Lindgren och Sandra Nilsson Handledare: Anders Wrenne Institution: Managementhögskolan, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Kurs: Kandidatarbete i Företagsekonomi, 15 högskolepoäng Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att identifiera det befintliga kunskapsläget för hur fem utvalda faktorerna påverkar finansiärers benägenhet att investera i sociala företag, för att därefter urskönja mönster mellan dessa fem faktorerna och diskutera hur ett samspelande kan minska finansieringsgapet. Metod: Vi valde att använda oss av en explorativ litteraturstudie som metod då denna karaktäriseras av att fördjupa förståelsen för ett forskningsproblem. Slutsatser: Vi fann att genom att se sambanden mellan de faktorer som påverkar finansieringsgapet, mellan sociala företag och finansiärer, kan flera faktorers inverkan på finansieringsgapet minskas framförallt genom att attackera en av dessa faktorer: de organisatoriska färdigheterna. / Title: The financial problem for social enterprises: A literature review on contributing factors to the funding gap between social enterprises and its financiers. Authors: Jeanette Koznar, Håkan Lindgren och Sandra Nilsson Supervisor: Anders Wrenne Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology Course: Bachelor’s thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to identify the existing level of knowledge for how the five specifically chosen factors affect financiers' propensity to invest in social enterprises, and descry patterns between these five factors and discuss how an interaction between them can reduce the funding gap. Method: We chose an exploratory literature review as a method to conduct this study based on that it is characterized by further deepening the understandings of a specific research problem. Results: We found that by investigating the connection between the factors that contribute to the funding gap between social enterprises and financiers, the impact on the funding gap can be reduced primarily by attacking one of these factors: the organizational skills.
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Avaliação epidemiológica de doentes mentais em casas de acolhimento de idosos na região sudoeste mineiro-Brasil / Epidemiological evaluation of mentally ill persons residing in Elderly Homes in the Southwest of Minas Gerais State, BrazilGiubilei, Maurício 11 September 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-09-11 / Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nïvel Superior / Aims The authors tried to identify de-hospitalized mentally ill patients living in shelters or homes and then quantify and stratify them as to their destinations residence and behavior specially towards other residents in Elderly Homes The de-hospitalizations took place by the end of the 80s with changes to the Mental Health policy the creation of Paulo Delgado law and the consequent deactivation of psychiatric beds in Brazil mainly in Minas Gerais state Methods Two questionnaires were made one for the Elderly Homes and the other for their residents The survey only began after a Term of Consent was signed authorizing the participation in this study The first questionnaire consisted of questions regarding care homes themselves their managers main religion budget source number of employees and their specific duties Main types of covenants public or private endowments for specific and complementary assistance as well as the number of beds for elderly and mentally ill residents were also evaluated The Ministry of Health regulations regarding mentally ill patients were unknown to their managers As to the boards of directors they found it acceptable to have both mentally ill and elderly persons in the same environment However they were careful to explain the discomfort of this sociability Psychiatric support or specific hospitals were acknowledged The questionnaire consisted of residents data sociofamiliar factors psychiatric and psychological diagnostics medication and dosages Those residents coming from hospitals number of specialized psychiatric confinements and their behavior adjustments were also considered 520 residents in 11 homes located in 10 cities in the southwest region of Minas Gerais were evaluated Results Gender distribution was the same Average age was 22 to 100 years old (65,60 ± 14,39) Ages between 51 and 70 years old corresponded to 48,65% while in 82.49% of residents the ages were between 51 and 90 years Caucasian was 70.60% Regarding the laboring capacity 67.90% was between none and little Of all residents evaluated 72.90% had never had a psychiatric hospitalization and 10.40% had been hospitalized more than five times The results show that 20.00% of all residents suffer from dementia 19.80% were chronic psychotics and 13.30% schizophrenics 21.70% were mentally ills and 12.70% was the percentage of healthy residents The remaining residents presented other neuropsychiatric diagnostics 3,70% (19) were de-hospitalized from Psychiatric Hospital In general 15.30% had inadequate behaviors which interferes in their daily life and 64.40% make daily use of psychotropic medication against 35.60% who uses with non-psychotropic drugs or only and nothing at all Of the psychotropic medications used haloperidol is the main in 35.20% followed by diazepam 34.00% Biperideno 23.00% followed by Phenobarbital 21.50% and amitriptyline 14.90% Conclusion The study concluded that the number of psychiatric patients de-hospitalized and transferred to Elderly Homes was little in the evaluated area However a significant number of patients with chronic characteristics who alternated between Elderly Homes and Psychiatric Hospitals were identified Most of the Elderly Homes avoided residents with some sort of mental disorder especially schizophrenic ones Other chronic psychiatric patients with light symptoms and lack of monetary and family support were accepted in as a matter of philanthropy and humanity / Objetivo Através das mudanças na Política de Saúde Mental a partir da Lei Paulo Delgado e sua conseqüente diminuição de leitos psiquiátricos os autores buscaram por evidencia quantificar e estratificar doentes mentais de custódia desospitalizados seus destinos e habitações especialmente nas Casas de Acolhimento de Idosos em cidades do sudoeste mineiro Os comportamentos destes pacientes e dos outros condôminos suas capacidades psíquicas e funcionais número de internações psiquiátricas as medicações administradas foram avaliados e estratificados Método Após os diretores dessas casas autorizarem a realização deste estudo dois questionários foram aplicados um a elas e outro aos seus moradores O primeiro identificou uma a uma seus representantes dados econômicos operacionais quantidade de colaboradores e suas funções No segundo cada condômino foi identificado e obteve-se seu diagnóstico social econômico familiar psiquiátrico psicológico e seu tratamento após assinar um Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido anuindo o nosso exame Todos seus 520 moradores doentes mentais ou não foram avaliados clinicamente e seus diagnósticos estabelecidos segundo a CID-10 Onze dessas casas foram visitadas em dez cidades nessa região definida Resultados A distribuição por sexo foi a mesma e as idades entre 22 a 100 anos Resultou que a predominância foi entre 51 a 70 anos cor de pele branca em 70,60 % e capacidade laborativa inapta em 67,90 % Seis ou mais internações psiquiátricas aconteceram em 10,40% e 20,00% encontravam-se demenciados Psicóticos crônicos e esquizofrênicos respectivamente eram 19,80% e 13,30 % Deficientes mentais encontrados em 21,70% contra 12,70 % de idosos preservados Apenas 3,70% (19) eram egressos de hospitais de custódia No total 15,30 % tinham comportamentos que interferiam no cotidiano dos condôminos Dos que usavam medicamentos regularmente 64,40 % usavam remédios psicotrópicos associados ou não a outros clínicos Destes 35,60% tomavam medicações clínicas ou nenhuma delas Das drogas psiquiátricas prescritas a prevalente foi o haloperidol em 35,20 % seguido do diazepan em 34,00 % o biperideno em 23,00 % fenobarbital em 21,50 % e a amitriptilina em 14,90 % Inexistiram leitos específicos para idosos e doentes mentais Conclusões Este estudo concluiu que o número de egressos de hospitais psiquiátricos de custódia encontrado foi pequeno em relação ao número de doentes mentais moradores dessas casas A capacidade de seus diretores em fazer diagnóstico de perfil de doente mental assim como o faz o psiquiatra inibiu a inclusão de novos condôminos A grande maioria de sua população (87,10%) era portadora de doenças mentais neurológicas neuriátricas entre outras com sintomatologia psiquiátrica Seis ou mais internações psiquiátricas ocorreram em 10,40% inferindo-se que esta alternância entre estas casas e hospitais psiquiátricos foi uma institucionalização contínua em psiquiatria O impacto social apresentou significativo grau de injúria seja ela física ou psíquica demonstrando que essas casas eram inespecíficas e incompletas para que houvesse harmonia entre condôminos de perfis geriátricos e psiquiátricos
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A survey of social involvement by the Pentecostal Assemblies of God (Zambia)Phiri, Elisha Francis 30 November 2012 (has links)
The subject of social involvement though, still under debate and being pursued by the Church of Jesus Christ even this time around has not wholly been appreciated by most Pentecostals. This is despite the fact that some of the early Pentecostals, including the early Church as seen from the ‘Acts of the Apostles’ chose to pursue social dimension of the gospel in addition to the Church’s mandate of ‘pure evangelism.’ Although social involvement has been at the very heart of Pentecostal theology, traditionally speaking, PAOG (Z), being one of the Pentecostal groupings has been seen to place much emphasis on ‘pure evangelism’, rather than ‘embracing’ both forms of missional dimensions. However, this trend is slowly changing as observed from the social involvements that some of its congregations and institutions are currently undertaking. This study views that part of the reason for the lack of an all-round social involvement’ by all the PAOG (Z) congregations lies in its theology of mission and thus critically examines it. The other aspect is the non-utilization or recognition of known professions of clergies that could normally enhance social involvement in most of its congregations. Next it makes an in-depth study of one PAOG (Z) - PAOC run projects and few congregations for the purpose of doing a social impact assessment, which has shown positive impacts in the communities that these projects are being undertaken.
The study also reveals that the lack of clear constitutional guidelines concerning this has contributed to the absence of social programs in most of its churches resulting in not having a strong ‘social’ voice compared to the Catholic Church. The thesis uses a modified “praxis cycle” to structure its theoretical framework and research methodology. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)
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Turismo rural en comunidades indígenas amazónicas y su relación con la identidad local / Rural tourism in Amazonian indigenous communities and its relationship with local identityGaray Meza, Yamir Victoria, Quispe Huamani, Karen Mishell 02 December 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito, demostrar a través textos académicos y argumentos científicos, la relación que existe entre el turismo rural en comunidades indígenas amazónicas y la identidad local. Así mismo, las metodologías empleadas fueron; la revisión bibliográfica de artículos académicos, artículos científicos, libros, tesis y publicaciones técnicas basadas en el turismo rural indígena. Así mismo, se considera que el turismo afecta a las comunidades indígenas amazónicas en diferentes aspectos, ya sea en las relaciones sociales, de adaptación y de autonomía de los pobladores. Sin embargo, el turismo rural, logra atraer a turistas extranjeros quienes generan beneficios económicos, pero también desventajas sociales, como la pérdida cultural y el deterioro de identidad. Así mismo, se identificó que el turismo rural puede intervenir de manera positiva respecto a los territorios de las comunidades indígenas, pues puede reducir el riesgo que implican las actividades extractivas y depredadoras de recursos naturales, que con el turismo se lograrían conservar. Sin embargo, también existen desventajas que podrían impactar al medio ambiente si es que la implementación de la actividad turística rural no se desarrolla de la manera adecuada, como; la destrucción del hábitat natural de especies endémicas, lo cual genera la migración de los mismos. Finalmente, luego de demostrar la relación del turismo rural en las comunidades indígenas amazónicas y su influencia en la identidad se pretende recomendar acciones preventivas que protejan el patrimonio tangible e intangible. / The purpose of this research work is to demonstrate through academic texts and scientific arguments, the relationship that exists between rural tourism in Amazonian indigenous communities and local identity. Likewise, the methodologies used were; the bibliographic review of academic articles, scientific articles, books, theses and technical publications based on indigenous rural tourism. Likewise, it is considered that tourism affects the Amazonian indigenous communities in different aspects, whether in social relations, adaptation and autonomy of the inhabitants. However, rural tourism manages to attract foreign tourists who obtain economic benefits, but also social disadvantages, such as cultural loss and deterioration of identity. Likewise, it was identified that rural tourism can intervene in a positive way with respect to the territories of indigenous communities, since it can reduce the risk implied by extractive and predatory activities of natural resources, which with tourism would be able to conserve. However, there are also disadvantages that could impact the environment if the implementation of the rural tourism activity is not developed in an adequate way, such as; the destruction of the natural habitat of endemic species, which generates their migration. Finally, after demonstrating the relationship between rural tourism in Amazonian indigenous communities and its influence on identity, it is intended to recommend preventive actions that protect tangible and intangible heritage. / Trabajo de investigación
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Community-based Culturally Relevant Art Education for Korean-American Elementary Students: Impact and Policy ImplicationsKoh, Youngaah 02 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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The Social Impacts of Tourism in the UNESCO Champlain Adirondack Biosphere Reserve (USA)Cerialo, Kelly L. 30 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Místo filantropie v komunitní sociální práci se zaměřením na efektivitu výkonu / Significance of Philantrophy in community social work focusing on efficiency of performanceSittová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
Significance of Philanthropy in community social work focusing on efficiency of performance Abstract (in English) The aim of this diploma thesis is the presentation of the subject of philanthropy in community social work. Special attention is however paid to the concept of effectivity of performance of social work. It is also endeavoured to delineate the concepts such as community social work, philathropy, quality of social services and measuring social impact. The main purpose of the research part of the thesis is exploration of the question whether there is a connection between effectivity of an organization and its success. In the commercial sector, success is perceived as long-term stability of the organization and its market prosperity. The aim of the research was to find out if this relationship holds true for non-profit sector or social services as well. The chosen strategy was qualitative research. The data collecting was conducted by means of individual semi-structured interviews. The main contribution of the thesis is the finding that the performance capacity of an organization is conditioned primarily by its staffing. More precisely, the more high-quality employes the organization has the higher performace it should achieve.
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Assessing a Swedish Social Impact Assessment model for the construction Industry : A Case Study of the Development Project JärvalyftetMattsson, Elin, Ternstedt, Susanna January 2012 (has links)
The construction industry has an increased focus on using sustainable methods to reach a more sustainable society but is still lacking the social aspect of sustainability. The belief is that this aspect has to be a natural part in construction projects to successfully plan and develop sustainable societies. A method to achieve this could be the use of Social Impact Assessment (SIA), a method frequently used in other countries such as U.S, Australia and Canada. The aim with the thesis is to investigate how this method can be used in a Swedish context, but also how the public in the best manner can be involved in decisions that affect them. To complement the theory with empirical findings a case study is done within Järvalyftet, one of the biggest redevelopment projects in the Stockholm region at the moment. A SIA deals with several areas and issues and is therefore complex to perform in an efficient way. It is consequently important to create a team with mixed disciplines to be able to manage the work and face the different problems in the best possible way. The thesis indicates that public involvement is of major importance to create an acceptance for the planned project among the affected parties in order to reduce both the timeframe and the costs of the project. Further, the thesis indicates that public involvement early on in a project facilitates for the affected people to deal with changes and trade-offs resulting by the project. / Byggbranschen har idag ett större fokus på att använda hållbara metoder i byggandet för att på så sätt nå ett mer hållbart samhälle, men saknar fortfarande fokus på den sociala aspekten inom hållbarhet. För att lyckas med att planera och bygga hälsosamma och hållbara samhällen måste de här aspekterna bli en naturlig del i byggprojekten. En metod för att lyckas med detta kan vara användandet av Social Konsekvensbeskrivning, en metod som ofta används i länder som USA, Australien och Canada. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur denna metod kan användas, men också hur allmänheten på bästa sätt kan bli involverade i beslut som berör dem själva. För att komplettera teorin som använts i arbetet har en case study gjorts inom Järvalyftet, ett av dagens största ombyggnadsprojekt i Stockholmsområdet. En SKB berör många olika områden och frågor och är därför en komplex process att genomföra. Det är följaktligen viktigt att skapa en grupp med varierande yrkesdiscipliner för att hantera arbetet och möta de olika problemen på bästa möjliga sätt. Arbetet visar på att allmänhetens deltagande är av stor betydelse för att skapa förankring bland berörda parter då ett projekt planeras, för att på så sätt minska både projektets tidsram och kostnad. Vidare visar även arbetet att involvering av allmänheten i ett tidigt skede av projektet underlättar för de berörda att hantera de förändringar och avvägningar som projektet medför.
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Knihy Jana Wericha / Jan Werich's BooksHovorková, Ivana January 2011 (has links)
(in English): The diploma thesis opens a new perspective on Jan Werich - famous Czech writer, playwright and actor. Its goal is to describe part played by books in formation of character, life and work of this eminent personality of Czech culture and social impact of his work. An important part of this work is the reconstruction of contents of Jan Werich's personal library. The thesis is based on analysis of Werich's literary work, analysis of collection of personal documents in Literary archive of The Museum of Czech Literature, study of documents in the archive of Theatre ABC and Prague City Archives. It is also based on testimonies of some close Werich's friends and on reader's survey "The books of Jan Werich". First chapter is concerned with Jan Werich's personal library. It describes the search for destiny of this library, on its probable current situation and on various sources for the reconstruction of its contents. It also contains information on Werich's work with a book, mostly on lending and borrowing books and on property marking of documents. The main part of first chapter is the reconstruction of contents of Jan Werich's personal library; its bibliogprahy forms an appendix to this work. Second chapter deals with social impact of Werich's artwork in several fields - presence of books...
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Social Impact Assessment of Open Knowledge Platforms Based on User Community FeaturesSkulimowski, Andrzej M.J. 11 March 2022 (has links)
This paper is concerned with general issues related to social impact modelling and assessment of AI-enabled web-based learning platforms (AILPs) fnanced through public funds. The approach described here sheds new light on the assessment of open-access knowledge repositories, overcoming the difculties associated with the estimation of their fnancial characteristics that limit the usefulness of the well-known social return on investment (SROI) method (Pathak, & Dattani, 2014). Another group of methods, namely those based on innovation difusion models (Li et al., 2020), turned out to be inadequate as they do not fully grasp the network-dependent characteristics of online information difusion and immediate social recommendation propagation n the Internet. A promising research case is the successful implementation of the e-science platform within the recent Horizon 2020 project MOVING. Among the contractual goals of this platform is to leverage knowledge provision for efcient training and research in academia, corporations, and public administration. Thus, social impact goals can be achieved with efcient user community building, which assumes the wide use of existing cooperation networks between potential users, and explores the opportunities provided by social media. [Aus: Problem statement]
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