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"New" Social Movements: Alternative Modernities, (Trans)local Nationalisms, and Solidarity EconomiesProsper, Mamyrah 20 March 2015 (has links)
My dissertation is the first project on the Haitian Platform for Advocacy for an Alternative Development- PAPDA, a nation-building coalition founded by activists from varying sectors to coordinate one comprehensive nationalist movement against what they are calling an Occupation. My work not only provides information on this under-theorized popular movement but also situates it within the broader literature on the postcolonial nation-state as well as Latin American and Caribbean social movements. The dissertation analyzes the contentious relationship between local and global discourses and practices of citizenship. Furthermore, the research draws on transnational feminist theory to underline the scattered hegemonies that intersect to produce varied spaces and practices of sovereignty within the Haitian postcolonial nation-state. The dissertation highlights how race and class, gender and sexuality, education and language, and religion have been imagined and co-constituted by Haitian social movements in constructing ‘new’ collective identities that collapse the private and the public, the rural and the urban, the traditional and the modern. My project complements the scholarship on social movements and the postcolonial nation-state and pushes it forward by emphasizing its spatial dimensions. Moreover, the dissertation de-centers the state to underline the movement of capital, goods, resources, and populations that shape the postcolonial experience. I re-define the postcolonial nation-state as a network of local, regional, international, and transnational arrangements between different political agents, including social movement actors. To conduct this interdisciplinary research project, I employed ethnographic methods, discourse and textual analysis, as well as basic mapping and statistical descriptions in order to present a historically-rooted interpretation of individual and organizational negotiations for community-based autonomy and regional development.
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L'émergence de l'économie sociale et solidaire : une histoire de la société civile organisée en France et en Europe de 1968 à nos jours : groupements, discours et institutionnalisations / The Emergence of the Social and Solidarity Economy : a History of Organized Civil Society in France and Europe from 1968 to Nowadays : associations, speeches, and institutionalizationsDuverger, Timothée 16 June 2015 (has links)
« L’économie sociale et solidaire n’existe pas ». La sentence du sociologue Matthieu Hély dénonce une forme de privatisation qui consiste à transférer la solidarité de l’État social vers les initiatives socio-économiques, compatible avec le nouvel esprit du capitalisme. Mais la formule prête à confusion. En pointant un possible oxymore, il laisse penser que l’économie sociale et solidaire n’a pas d’existence ontologique. Or, c’est une réalité sociale, dont les racines plongent dans le XIXe siècle. Si elle connaît une éclipse à partir des années 1930, elle réapparaît en 1968 à la faveur d’une réarticulation des rapports entre l’État, le marché et la société civile. Elle se scinde en deux branches : l’économie sociale historique et l’économie sociale émergente, qui prend successivement la forme de l’économie alternative, de l’économie solidaire et de l’entrepreneuriat social. À l’approche statutaire de la première, fait pendant l’approche axiologique de la seconde. L’économie sociale et solidaire est une émergence. Ce n’est pas la simple addition des formes d’entreprises qui la composent (coopératives, mutuelles et associations, puis sociétés commerciales à finalité sociale). Au contraire, « le tout est plus que la somme des parties ». Une alchimie particulière a lieu : l’acte d’institution, qui revient à poser la question du politique. Le problème est celui de la création qui survient dans le passage d’une économie sociale et solidaire en soi à une économie sociale et solidaire pour soi. Il convient donc d’explorer ses trajectoires, en considérant que l’économie sociale et solidaire n’a pas seulement une histoire, mais qu’elle est une histoire, c’est-à-dire le produit de dynamiques de groupements, de discours et d’institutionnalisations. À partir de l’étude de ces trois axes, cette thèse invite à s’intéresser aux métamorphoses de la société civile organisée de l’économie sociale et solidaire, dans une perspective multiscalaire, à la fois française et européenne, scandées par trois évènements structurants : l’irruption sociale de Mai 68, la fin de la guerre froide de 1989 et la crise du capitalisme de 2008. / “There is no such thing as the Social and Solidarity Economy”. The sentence rendered by sociologist Matthieu Hély is targeted at a form of privatization, which consists in transferring the social solidarity of the State to socio-economic initiatives, which are more compatible with the new spirit of capitalism. And yet his words are misleading. By pointing at a possible contradiction in terms, he leads us to believe that the social and solidarity economy has no ontological existence, despite the fact it is a social reality that has its roots in the XIXth century. Although it was somehow eclipsed in the 1930s, it came back to the fore in 1968 with the reshuffling of the relationship between the State, the market, and civil society. It then split into to branches: the historical social economy, and the emerging social economy, which found an expression in the alternative economy, the solidarity economy, and finally in social entrepreneurship. The statutory approach of the first found a match in the axiological approach of the second. The social economy is a form of emergence. It is not simply the sum of the forms of initiatives it is composed of (cooperatives, mutual fund organizations, and trading companies with a social aim). Much to the contrary, in fact, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. A particular chemistry takes place through the act ofinstitution, which consists in questioning its political dimension. The issue lies in the creation process that occurs in the transitional phase from a social economy in itself to a social economy for itself. This requires us to explore the different paths it took based on the assumption that the social and solidarity economy does not only have a history, but also is a history in the sense that it spawned from group dynamics, speeches, and institutionalizations. Based on the study of these three key processes, this thesis seeks to offer a new insight into the metamorphosis of the organized civil society of the social and solidarity economy on both French and European levels, articulated around three main events: the social irruption of May 1968, the end of the Cold War, and the 2008 crisis of capitalism.
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Economia solidária como instrumento para desenvolvimento no Proeja do Piauí / Solidarity economy as a tool for development in Piauí ProejaLeonardo Santos da Silva 16 September 2016 (has links)
Este estudo discorre sobre a contribuição da Economia Solidária, na Educação de Jovens e Adultos do Curso Técnico em Cozinha, do Instituto Federal do Piauí Campus Teresina Zona Sul. Foi estabelecido como objetivo analisar a utilização da Economia Solidária como prática educativa para propiciar melhorias de inserção dos alunos no mercado de trabalho e objetivos específicos: verificar como os princípios da economia solidária são contemplados nas práticas de ensino da Educação de Jovens e Adultos e discutir as potencialidades da Economia Solidária como prática educativa e melhoria da inserção do aluno do PROEJA no mercado de trabalho. A pesquisa bibliográfica e documental realizada em fontes como o Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) e o Projeto de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI) e registros escolares, corroboraram para análise do objeto em questão, e, dessa forma, evidenciar as diretrizes, metodologias e ações que possibilitarão a inserção do aluno no mercado de trabalho. Os resultados revelam a ausência de práticas e abordagens em sala de aula que contextualize o mercado de trabalho e a contemplação da motivação dos alunos por empreender a própria atividade, os resultados mostram que a maioria dos alunos permanece em situação de desemprego depois de formados, este cenário, demostram a necessidade de planejamento educacional que favoreça a capacidade do aluno de conseguir trabalho e/ou gerar sua própria atividade. Para essa realidade, permite sustentar que as contribuições da Economia Solidária possibilitariam a inserção dos alunos no mercado de trabalho pelo intermédio da organização de atividades coletivas e oportunidade de uma prática educativa contextualizada. Espera-se que este estudo, venha contribuir para melhores ações nas práticas da Educação de Jovens e Adultos para melhoria da inserção no mercado de trabalho. / This study discusses the contribution of the Solidarity Economy in Education Youth and Adult Course Technician Kitchen, Federal do Piauí Campus Teresina South Zone Institute. It was established to analyze the use of the Solidarity Economy as an educational practice to provide integration improvements of students in the labor and specific objectives market: check how the principles of solidarity economy are included in the teaching practices of the Youth and Adult Education and discuss the potential of solidarity economy as an educational practice and improving PROEJA the students insertion into the market job. The bibliographic and documentary survey of sources such as the Pedagogic Political Project (PPP) and the Institutional Development Project (IDP) and school records, corroborated for analysis of the object in question, and thus highlight the guidelines, methodologies and actions will enable the inclusion of students in the labor market. The results reveal the absence of practices and approaches in the classroom that contextualize the labor market and the contemplation of student motivation for undertaking the activity itself, the results show that most students remains unemployed after graduation, this scenario, demonstrate the need for educational planning that favors the students ability to get work and / or generate their own activity. For this fact, allows to maintain that the contributions of Solidarity Economy would make possible the integration of students into the labor market by means of the organization of collective activities and opportunity to a contextualized educational practice.
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Social Digital Currency and Basic Income – the Development Strategy of the Future? : A case study of social currency, basic income and local business in Maricá, Rio de JaneiroMartins Grapengiesser, Izabella January 2021 (has links)
This study is based on interviews with local business owners in the Brazilian municipality of Maricá, Rio deJaneiro, conducted in November 2021. The municipality receives royalties from the rich oil reserves that werefound in the bottom of the pre-salt area of the Atlantic Ocean, and has implemented a basic income programcalled Renda Básica de Cidadania (RBC). The RBC benefit is paid through a social digital currency via the localcommunity bank, which is a model developed by the Conjunto Palmeiras in Fortaleza that has spread throughoutBrazil as the ‘Palmas model’. The Palmas model does not include a basic income but uses community banks todevelop a ‘solidarity economy’ with a local social currency, whose circulation is restricted to within thecommunity. This thesis discusses how the RBC interacts with the Palmas model and considers potentialproblems and solutions arising in the case of Maricá in relation to local economic development, political trustand political participation. The study uses previous research about basic income, social currencies, solidarityeconomies, political trust and political participation to look at how public institutions and civil society interactwith the local market in Maricá. The study also investigates how this relationship is affected by the basic incomeprogram and by the move toward a solidarity economy with a local social currency.The study finds that the business owners who were interviewed participated in the implementation of the RBCthrough their usage of the social currency Mumbuca. They have accepted the social currency and the use ofMumbuca is well consolidated and normalized as a currency among the local business owners interviewed.They do not participate in any more active way in the community bank, but the study shows that through theiruse of the currency they are important actors for the consolidation of a solidarity economy in the municipality ofMaricá. The study shows that the respondents did not see the RBC as a basic income, but as a cash-transfer tothe poor. The majority of respondents believed that the implementation of the RBC and the social currency hadcontributed to the local economic development of the municipality, but that the main factor in the localeconomic development was the wealth of the municipality. The study shows that the respondents' level of trusttoward public institutions was considerably high.
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Activating Community to Enable Residential Energy EfficiencyRoswell, David 16 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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L'économie sociale et solidaire face à la question du travail. Une comparaison Mexique-France / The social and solidarity economy facing the question of work. A comparison Mexico-FranceAlcalde Castro, Reynalda Bérénice 06 November 2017 (has links)
Pendant plusieurs décennies, les théories économiques néolibérales ont essayé de valider le principe d’un marché global en argumentant que toute activité humaine peut être mieux réalisée au sein du libre marché. Cependant, les différentes crises économiques ont montré que les inégalités se sont accentuées et qu'il n'y a pas assez d'emplois pour tout le monde. La question sociale a principalement porté sur la relation entre le revenu et le travail comme moyen de redistribuer la richesse.Un autre "monde" n'est pas seulement souhaitable mais nécessaire. Dans ce contexte, l'économie sociale et solidaire (ESS), est présentée comme un « modèle alternatif » qui fait face au néo-libéralisme. Ce modèle implique une certaine ambivalence, d’une part, le souhait de mettre au centre des préoccupations le bien-être des personnes et non pas le capital, ce qui signifie qu'il faut trouver une logique de travail différent qui soit en mesure de résister à la pression du capitalisme; et d'autre part, être un palliatif qui contribue à résoudre, à court terme, les problèmes auxquels fait face le système en réinsérant, de diverses manières, encore et encore, les personnes qui ont été exclues du marché du travail, en se basant sur l'acceptation de la relation salariale comme accès aux droits fondamentaux.Face à cela, il y a donc lieu de se demander : quelle est la contribution de l'économie sociale et solidaire à la construction d’alternatives en relation à la question du travail ? Sur la base de cette question et à partir d'une étude des concepts et de l'histoire de l’ESS, cette recherche propose, dans un premier temps, neuf principes qui permettront de différencier l'ESS de l'économie capitaliste. Par la suite, l’étude établi cinq axes d’action liées au travail: la finance solidaire; l’accompagnement et la formation socioprofessionnelle; les mécanismes et réseaux de coopération pour la promotion du travail; le développement local et territorial; et la promotion, la sensibilisation et l'intervention en faveur du travail et de l'emploi.Grâce à une analyse comparative entre le Mexique et la France, l’étude distingue les pratiques spécifiques de l’ESS, avec des études de cas, et les axes d'action déterminés résultant de l'utilisation d'instruments quantitatifs et qualitatives. Ainsi elle cherche à montrer les convergences et les divergences afin d’ouvrir le débat et montrer les défis dans la matière. / For several decades, neo-liberal economic theories have attempted to validate the “all market” principle, arguing that human activities can best realized under a free market system. However, the numerous economic crises have further exacerbated inequalities and have highlighted the lack of employment opportunities for all. In response to this problem, the social question has focused mainly on the relationship between income and work as a form of redistribution of wealth.Therefore, another “world” is not only desirable but necessary. Under this context, the social and solidarity-based economy (SSE) is presented as an "alternative model” to neo-liberalism. This model implies a certain ambivalence, on the one hand, is the desire to place people’s welfare at the centre of the concern and not capital, which leads to the search for a different approach capable of resisting the pressure of capitalism. On the other hand, is to be a palliative that contributes to solve, in the short term, the problems that the system faces by continuously reintegrating by various means, , individuals who have been excluded from the labour market, beginning with the acceptance of the fact that wage relations enable access to fundamental rights.In the face of this, it is worth asking: what is the contribution of the social and solidarity economy to the construction of alternative solutions to the issue of work? Based on this question and by exploring the concepts and history of the SSE, this research first presents nine principles to differentiate SSE from capitalist economy. Subsequently, the study establishes five axes of action related to work: solidarity finance; guidance and professional training; cooperation mechanisms and networks for the promotion of work; local and territorial development; and promotion, awareness-raising and intervention in favour of work and employment.Through a comparative analysis between Mexico and France, the research breaks down the specific practices of the ESS, including case studies, and the principles and axes of action determined by the use of quantitative and qualitative instruments. As a result, it seeks to bring out the convergences and divergences, and open room for further debate and to identify new challenges posed by the matter. / Durante varias décadas, las teorías económicas neoliberales han intentado validar el principio de mercado total, sosteniendo que las actividades humanas pueden realizarse mejor en mercados libres. Sin embargo, las diversas crisis han profundizado las desigualdades y han puesto de manifiesto la insuficiencia de empleo para todos. La cuestión social se ha enfocado principalmente alrededor de la relación ingreso y trabajo como forma de redistribución de la riqueza.Otro mundo no sólo es deseable sino necesario; en este contexto, la economía social y solidaria (ESS), es presentada como “un modelo” alternativo al neoliberalismo, la cual conlleva una ambivalencia, por un lado, el anhelo de poner en el centro de su preocupación el bienestar de las personas, y no el capital, lo que implica la búsqueda de una lógica de trabajo distinta capaz de resistir a la presión del capitalismo; y por otro lado, ser un paliativo que contribuye a resolver, a corto plazo, los problemas que enfrenta el sistema, reinsertando por diversas vías, una y otra vez, a los individuos que han sido excluidos del mercado laboral, partiendo de la aceptación de la relación salarial como acceso a derechos fundamentales. Frente a ello, vale la pena preguntarse: ¿cuál es la aportación de la economía social y solidaria a la construcción de alternativas frente la cuestión del trabajo? Con base en esta pregunta y partiendo de un estudio sobre los conceptos e historia de la ESS, primeramente, esta investigación plantea nueve principios para diferenciar a la ESS de la economía capitalista. Posteriormente, se establecen cinco ejes de acción relacionados al trabajo: finanzas solidarias; acompañamiento y formación socio-profesional; mecanismos y redes de cooperación para el impulso al trabajo; desarrollo local y territorial; y promoción, sensibilización e intervención en favor del trabajo y del empleo. A través de una comparación entre México y Francia, se disgrega dentro del complejo quehacer de la ESS, las prácticas específicas de dicha temática, entretejiendo los casos de estudio, con los principios y ejes de acción determinados, producto de la utilización de instrumentos cuantitativos y cualitativos, para poner en evidencia sus convergencias y divergencias, que abren una ventana de debate y desafíos en la materia.
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Por um novo modelo de gestão das relações de trabalho para empresas recuperadas por trabalhadores: processos de formação integral e continuadaLima, Maria das Graças de 24 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-05-08T11:32:58Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-04-24 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This Research characterized as a case study and the subject of its investigation is the work relationship of two Empresas Recuperadas por Trabalhadores — ERTs (companies recuperated by workers): UNIFORJA E CONES. These companies were born from the bankruptcy of capitalist firms and became cooperatives that work under self-management system.
The investigation and analysis aimed to understand to which extent these ERTs, after 20 years of existence, were or were not able to remain faithful to the self-management system. The investigation also tried to identify contradictions and ambiguities in the ERTs daily routines, as well as possibilities to overcome these contradictions, once the ERTs are embedded in the capitalist market, subdued by production logic and capital reproduction.
The central point of this investigation is based on the principle of self-management as a radicality in the practice of direct democracy that seeks the meaning of its generalization in society as mean and end of the worker´s struggle against capitalism.
What we found was the reproduction of capitalist work relationships mixed with a few innovations generated by attempts to remain faithful to the self-management principles.
However, self-management is stumbling due to strongly hierarchical power relationships based on an egalitarian relation of duties and rights that does not promote equality of conditions and knowledge, does not develop new leadership, and does not form the workers’ critical conscience – not even the conscience of their condition as workers.
Therefore, we can talk about a class division between the ERTs worker-partners based on income inequality, differentiated knowledge levels, the leaders’ ideological formation and work social division, all of which producing alienation.
Our analysis corroborated our initial suspicion that, by using the same structures and models of production organization and work management, the ERTs put at risk the self-management practices. Our conclusions point towards the creation of a new model of production organization and work management based on the principles of self-management, democracy and equality, with the authentic participation of workers in every process of planning and organization of production and management, and aiming at overcoming alienated work.
Based on the analysis of the objective and subjective conditions we found in the ERTs we researched and considering its ambiguities and contradictions generated by continuities and discontinuities in the processes of production organization and work management, we understand that the object of a new model of work relationships management is the effective participation of the workers in the work management, and the objective is to overcome the alienated work. Therefore, we finish by presenting a proposal to develop a New Model of Work Relationships Management, grounded in two axes: the development of Processes of Integral and Continuous Formation for the worker-partners and the creation of (or participation in) Networks of Solidarity / Esta pesquisa caracterizada como um estudo de caso, teve como objeto de investigação, as relações de trabalho em Empresas Recuperadas por Trabalhadores (ERTs): UNIFORJA E CONES. Estas são empresas que nasceram a partir da falência de empresas capitalistas e se tornaram cooperativas que funcionam sob o regime de autogestão.
A investigação e análise procuraram compreender em que medida estas ERTs, depois de quase 20 anos de existência, conseguiram se manter fiéis ou não ao sistema de autogestão, buscando identificar em suas práticas cotidianas contradições e ambiguidades, e possibilidades de superação dessas contradições, já que estão inseridas que estão no mercado capitalista, subjugadas à lógica de produção e reprodução do capital. O ponto central da investigação se assenta no princípio da autogestão como radicalidade na prática da democracia direta que busca o sentido de sua generalização na sociedade, como meio e fim da luta dos trabalhadores contra o capitalismo. O que encontramos foi a reprodução das relações de trabalho do sistema capitalista, mescladas com algumas poucas inovações promovidas pela tentativa de se ser fiel aos princípios da autogestão.
Contudo, a autogestão aparece cambaleante devido as relações de poder hierarquizadas, baseada na relação igualitária de direitos e deveres, sem, no entanto, ser capaz de promover a igualdade de condições, sem equiparação de saberes, sem formar novas lideranças e sem formação da consciência crítica dos trabalhadores, nem sequer sobre sua condição de trabalhadores.
Nesta medida podemos falar em uma divisão de classes entre os (as) sócios (as) trabalhadores (as) das ERTs a partir das desigualdades nas retiradas, do desnível de conhecimentos, da formação ideológica dos líderes e da divisão social do trabalho que permanece produzindo alienação.
Enfim a análise corroborou nossa suspeita inicial de que ao utilizar as mesmas estruturas e formas de organização da produção e gestão do trabalho, as ERTs colocam em risco a prática da autogestão.
Assim, concluímos que é mister a criação de um novo modelo de organização da produção e gestão do trabalho, a partir dos princípios autogestionários de democracia e igualdade, com a participação autentica dos trabalhadores em todos os processos de planejamento, organização da produção e da gestão, tendo como objetivo a superação do trabalho alienado.
Tomando como base a análise das condições objetivas e subjetivas que encontramos nas ERTs pesquisadas, considerando suas ambiguidades e contradições geradas pelas continuidades e descontinuidades nos processos de organização da produção e gestão do trabalho, compreendemos que o objeto de um novo modelo de gestão das relações de trabalho é a efetiva participação dos trabalhadores na gestão do trabalho, e o objetivo é a superação do trabalho alienado. Assim concluímos com a apresentação de uma proposta para o desenvolvimento de um Modelo de Gestão das Relações de Trabalho, ancorados a partir de dois eixos de atuação: O desenvolvimento de Processos de Formação Integral e Continuada para todos (as) sócios (as) trabalhadores (as); e a criação e/ou a participação em Redes Solidárias
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La conscience en droit social / Conscience and consciousness in social lawMannes, Alice 16 November 2018 (has links)
La conscience se définit comme la connaissance que chacun a de son existence et de celle du monde extérieur. Par extension, elle correspond à la représentation mentale claire qu'un individu peut se faire de la réalité d'une situation. Lorsque le monde extérieur prend les traits de l'environnement de travail et que les situations à appréhender relèvent de l'exécution du contrat y afférent, quelle peut être l'influence de la conscience ? Existe-t-il des limites quant à sa compatibilité avec l'accomplissement du travail ou avec le bon déroulement des relations sociales ? Cette thèse a pour objectif l'étude des différents "cas de conscience" au sein de l'entreprise, à travers le point de vue des différents acteurs concernés - employeurs, salariés, organisations syndicales et représentants du personnel, autorités administratives et organismes de protection sociale. Il s'agit de comprendre dans quelles types de situation la conscience, sous sa forme individuelle comme collective, a la possibilité de s'exprimer, voire de jouer un rôle. En outre, il convient de s'interroger sur l'appréhension - ou la non-appréhension - de ces manifestations de la conscience par le droit social interne, international et comparé. Si les contours de certaines occurrences de la conscience sont a priori cernés, à l'image notamment des droits d'alerte ou des clauses éponymes insérées parfois dans les contrats, l'encadrement d'autres déclinaisons, sans doute plus sensibles, demeure encore à construire. / Consciousness can be defined as the knowledge of one’s existence and the outer world. By extension, it is someone’s clear mental picture of an actual situation and the ability of judging the morality of such a situation is called conscience. When the outer world is the work environment and when the actual situations to deal with are work-related, what could be the role of consciousness and conscience? Could they interfere with work duties or the conduct of good industrial relations? The purpose of this thesis is to study the “issues of conscience” within the corporation, in a broad sense, through the relevant stakeholders’ perspectives – including employers, administrative authorities, workers, trade unions, or even staff representatives – in order to know when individual and collective consciousness and conscience can have a legal impact. One should ask oneself about the existence of a statutory regime for those “issues of conscience” in domestic, comparative and international laws. Some manifestations of consciousness and conscience are already well known, such as whistleblowing or conscience clauses, but some others still need to be provided with a legal framework.
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Departamento de economia solidária do BNDES: uma proposta de melhorias na estrutura organizacional e no modelo de apoio a empreendimentos de baixa rendaBarbosa, Rodrigo Correia 24 October 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Rodrigo Correia Barbosa (rodrigo.cbarbosa@globo.com) on 2016-11-25T19:05:05Z
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TRABALHO FINAL RODRIGO BARBOSA V1.pdf: 3019243 bytes, checksum: 7fb566d2128e415f0f635455c0848d4a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2016-11-28T12:29:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
TRABALHO FINAL RODRIGO BARBOSA V1.pdf: 3019243 bytes, checksum: 7fb566d2128e415f0f635455c0848d4a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-07T11:42:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-10-24 / BNDES, throughout its history, has sought to expand the scope of its actions, using new forms of multiplication of their financial support and this relentless pursuit of innovative initiatives keeps Institution in constant transformation and consolidates its position to service needs and expectations of the Brazilian nation. The Solidarity Economy Department of the BNDES (DESOL) acts in supporting social economy enterprises, seeking employment and income generation and economic inclusion of low-income population. Historically, the performance of this Department was happening directly between BNDES and the beneficiary, following the same steps applied to the bigger companies and with intensive use of staff resources and time. Recently, in order to expand the scope of its activities, the DESOL implemented a new way of acting, with emphasis on building partnerships to ensure the expansion of the range to your target audience in a sustained way, and under a systemic which resulted in changing the process of lending to these projects, which resulted in a breakthrough in terms of scope and disbursement. However, some bottlenecks can already be perceived and this paper presents proposals for improvements in the structure and form of action that considers various constraints of the Department and provides possibilities for implementation in the short and medium term. / O BNDES, ao longo da sua história, tem buscado ampliar o alcance de suas ações, valendo-se de novas formas de multiplicação de seu apoio financeiro e essa incansável busca por iniciativas inovadoras mantém a Instituição em constante transformação e consolida sua posição de atendimento às necessidades e expectativas da nação brasileira. O Departamento de Economia Solidária do BNDES (DESOL) atua no apoio a empreendimentos de economia solidária, buscando a geração de trabalho e renda e a inclusão socioeconômica da população de baixa renda. Historicamente, a atuação deste Departamento acontecia diretamente entre o BNDES e o beneficiário, seguindo as mesmas fases operacionais aplicáveis aos grandes financiamentos, de maneira unitária, e com consumo intensivo de recursos de pessoal e tempo. Recentemente, com o intuito de em ampliar o alcance de sua atuação, o DESOL implementou uma nova forma de atuação, com ênfase na construção de parcerias que garantam a ampliação do alcance ao seu público-alvo, de forma sustentada, e sob uma visão sistêmica que implicou na mudança do processo de concessão de crédito a estes empreendimentos, o que resultou em um grande avanço em termos de alcance e desembolso. Entretanto, alguns gargalos já podem ser percebidos e este trabalho apresenta propostas de melhorias na estrutura e na forma de atuação que considere as diversas restrições do Departamento e preveja as possibilidades de implantação a curto e médio prazo.
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As mulheres da Pracaju: um olhar sobre gênero e Economia Solidária em Baixa das Carnaúbas, Caucaia - CE / Women of Pracaju: a look at gender and Solidarity Economy in Baixa das Carnaúbas, Caucaia - CETeixeira, Gabriela Colares January 2016 (has links)
TEIXEIRA, Gabriela Colares. As mulheres da Pracaju: um olhar sobre gênero e Economia Solidária em Baixa das Carnaúbas, Caucaia - CE. 2016. 90f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-10-23T18:55:27Z
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2016_dis_gcteixeira.pdf: 3763715 bytes, checksum: 71f4f818e684ef10deb1ba024a4f812d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-27T17:43:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016 / This dissertation deals with the association of experience within the social economy, women in the group Pracaju project - Rural Production Alternative Cashew held in Lower community of Carnaúbas, locality Matões, Guararu district of Caucaia - CE. This project is the production of food for sale from fruits of the region, with the flagship beneficiation Cashew (Anacardium occidentale), making use, however, during the off season, other fruits that occur in the community, as hog plum (Spondias mombin), guava (Psidium guajava), mango (Mangifera indica), acerola (Malpighia glabra), ubaia (Eugenia pyriformis) etc. On the assumption that poverty affects specifically women, the investigation was scope to understand how women of an associative project in Ceara rural areas live the collaborative process between them, and how they experience and interpret the experience of being linked to an association and income generation. In this context, this research is directed to analyze how features a process in motion which has solidarity as a possible way to stimulate the breaking of a dependency logic intrinsic to a patriarchal society, to open up prospects for autonomy and of harmonious coexistence with the environment. The study has also sought to understand how such cooperation contributes to the local development of the community where the project operates. The field work was inspired by an anthropological perspective and prioritized the adoption of strategies, methods and qualitative techniques, in order to observe the process of self-organization of these women. In addition to field observation, recorded interviews were conducted that followed a semi-open script. The research was theoretical and conceptual contributions on the topics: gender, social economy, theory of gift and local development. / Esta dissertação aborda a experiência do associativismo, no âmbito da economia solidária, no grupo de mulheres do projeto Pracaju – Produção Rural Alternativa de Caju, realizado na comunidade Baixa das Carnaúbas, localidade de Matões, distrito de Guararu, em Caucaia – CE. O referido projeto consiste na produção de alimentos para venda a partir de frutos da região, tendo como carro-chefe o beneficiamento do Caju (Anacardium occidentale), fazendo uso, no entanto, durante a entressafra, de outros frutos que se produzem na comunidade, como cajá (Spondias mombin), goiaba (Psidium guajava), manga (Mangifera indica), acerola (Malpighia glabra), ubaia (Eugenia pyriformis) etc. Partindo do pressuposto de que a pobreza atinge de modo específico as mulheres, a investigação teve por escopo compreender como as mulheres de um projeto associativo no meio rural cearense vivem o processo de colaboração entre elas, e de que forma vivenciam e interpretam a experiência de estarem vinculadas a uma associação e da geração de renda. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa direcionou-se a analisar como se caracteriza um processo em movimento, que tem a solidariedade como uma via possível para estimular o rompimento de uma lógica de dependência, intrínseca a uma sociedade patriarcal, no sentido de abrir perspectivas de autonomia e de convivência harmoniosa com o meio ambiente. O estudo buscou perceber ainda de que maneira tal cooperação contribui para o desenvolvimento local da comunidade onde o projeto se insere. O trabalho de campo inspirou-se em uma perspectiva antropológica e priorizou a adoção de estratégias, métodos e técnicas qualitativas, com o intuito de observar o processo da auto-organização dessas mulheres. Além de observação em campo, foram realizadas entrevistas gravadas que seguiram um roteiro semi-aberto. A pesquisa contou com aportes teóricos-conceituais sobre os temas: gênero, economia solidária, teoria da dádiva e desenvolvimento local.
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