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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multipage implementation versus Infinite scroll on websites: An examining study of age-group 10 to 12 regarding the optimal design pattern

Djerf, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka två olika designmönster gällande för utveckling av webbsidor och att utreda vilket av de två olika designmönstren som användare föredrar att navigera på och varför, även att ta reda på om användare föredrar att navigera webbsidor med surfplatta eller med PC. De två designmönster vilka granskas är infinite scroll och multi-page.Uppsatsen är baserad på artiklar och teorier. / The purpose of this paper is to investigate the two different designs paradigms regarding web development and to investigate which one of these two technologies that is the most preferable to use and navigate from an user perspective and why this technology is the most preferable. The two design patterns that are being examined are, infinite scroll and multi-page development of websites.

Regenerative Design Theory and Practice: A Demonstration of the Integrated Framework in a Resort Development at Mountain Lake, VA

Hodges, Nancy 24 July 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the theory and practice of regenerative design and how the concepts apply to scales of design. Ultimately, it examines the applicability and limitations of these principles in a non-traditional resort development. The theories of John Lyle, Robert Thayer, and William McDonough are examined to assist in the establishment of a new framework for regenerative design which is can be used in the design process or evaluation. Case studies of the Center for Regenerative Studies, the Ford Rouge Plant and the Loreto Bay Resort were under taken to evaluate the success of current built works utilizing the new framework. Finally, the development of a regenerative resort community at Mountain Lake, in Giles County, Virginia, is undertaken as a vehicle to demonstrate the process of development and evaluation under the integrated regenerative framework. Regenerative design is a form of sustainable design which incorporates the interlocking of communities with the natural ecological cycles, the larger society and environmental costs. The overall goals for regenerative developments are to design communities which exist within natural limits and are interconnected to the regional society for needs outside the given site. Regenerative design incorporates diverse ecological, cultural, social and economical systems while maintaining their integrity within a dynamic whole. The integrated framework is an effort to direct site specific design through a flexible and extensive structure. There are two parts to this regenerative design framework. The first is a conceptual model for regenerative design, utilizing the existing idea of regenerative design rooted in sustainability, and overlays it with design driven elements of culture, experience, and education. The second element of the framework defines a set of strategies for the design process and a means of evaluating a design. / Master of Landscape Architecture

En webbutik för Lampshopen Vintage

Ghate, Navid January 2024 (has links)
This project has been done on the lamp shop named Lampshopen in Falun. The goal of the project has been to create a web application that is designed towards the customer and the administrators. The web application is built with a SPA design which gives the customer the possibility to see the products and have the possibility to book and unbook products given the customer is registered and logged in. The administrators have the possibility to view, add, revise, and delete products and information correlated to the product table. Administrators can also handle categories, other users permission levels and also delete users. The result of the project is a webstore where the demand from the firm is upheld within the projects scope. / Detta arbete har utförts för Lampshopen i Falun. Målet med projektet var att skapa en webbutik som är till för både besökaren och för administratörer. Genom ett SPA ska besökaren kunna se utbudet och ha möjligheten att boka eller avboka produkten givet att hen är registrerad. För administratören ska hen kunna lägga till, revidera eller ta bort produkter samt kunna hantera kategorier och konton på ett lämpligt sätt. Resultatet av projektet är en fungerade webbutik där de efterfrågade kraven uppnåtts.

Exploring the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum: Advancements, Integrated Modeling and Ecohydrological Insights

D'Amato, Concetta 31 May 2024 (has links)
In recent years, the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere (SPA) continuum has faced unprecedented challenges due to anthropogenic modifications and climate change. Understanding the complex dynamics of this system in response to such changes is crucial for addressing contemporary environmental concerns. Albert Einstein's famous quote, "The measure of intelligence is the ability to change", resonates deeply throughout this doctoral thesis. This thesis aims to address the complex issue of SPA interactions by developing a comprehensive set of models capable of representing the intricate dynamics of this system. At the core of this research lies the integration of sophisticated descriptions of hydrological and plant biochemical processes into a novel ecohydrological model, GEOSPACE-1D (Soil Plant Atmosphere Continuum Estimator model in GEOframe). Through a combination of theoretical exploration, engineering methodologies, and empirical experiments, this thesis aims to advance our understanding of SPA interactions. The development of adaptable models, represents a significant contribution to the field. The thesis emphasizes the practical implications of employing models to analyze experimental data, thereby enhancing our comprehension of various phenomena. In conclusion, this thesis provides valuable insights into SPA interactions and lays the groundwork for future research and applications. By embracing the challenge of understanding and modeling the SPA continuum, this work contributes to the ongoing efforts to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable practices.

Tribological and vibratory approaches for amplified piezoelectric inertia motors / Approches tribologique et vibratoire des moteurs piézoélectriques inertiels amplifiés

Dubois, Fabien 27 October 2017 (has links)
Les SPA sont des moteurs piézoélectriques inertiels amplifiés. Ils fonctionnent en convertissant des vibrations asymétriques en μ-déplacements par frottement, grâce au phénomène d’adhérence-glissement. Ces vibrations et ce frottement soulèvent des problématiques liées à l’usure et au bruit. Pour y répondre, ces travaux étudient les comportements tribologique et vibratoire de ces moteurs. Dans un premier temps, un tribomètre pion-plan, actionné par un SPA, a été développé. Il a permis d’observer, in-situ et en fonctionnement, les débits solides interfaciaux: le 3ème corps. Ces observations directes, couplées à des analyses post-mortem ont permis de décrypter les sollicitations tribologiques et de multiplier par dix la durée de vie des moteurs. Dans un second temps, des analyses numérique et expérimentale ont été proposées afin de mieux appréhender le comportement vibratoire des SPA. Le modèle existant, à constantes localisées, a été modifié en une version hybride, constantes localisées-FEM, plus versatile. Les tests expérimentaux ont permis de déterminer le principal contributeur acoustique et de réduire le niveau de bruit de seize dBA. Finalement, la double approche tribologie/mécanique vibratoire a permis de mieux saisir les subtilités des SPA. Elle a notamment mené au développement de structures innovantes tels qu’un moteur à trois degrés de liberté et deux moteurs rotatifs. / SPA are amplified piezoelectric inertia motors. They operate by converting asymmetrical vibrations into μ-displacements by means of friction through stick-slip. These vibrations and this friction raise issues related to wear and noise. So, the present work investigates both the tribological and vibratory behaviours of these motors. First, a pin-on-pad tribometer, actuated by a SPA, was developed. It led us to observe, in-situ and in operation, interfacial solid flows: the 3rd body. These direct observations carried out in conjunction with post-mortem analyses resulted in decrypting the tribological solicitations and in increasing by ten the lifetime of the motors. Second, numerical and experimental considerations have been proposed to better grasp the vibratory behaviour of SPA. The existing lumped model was modified to a more versatile hybrid lumped-FEM model. The experimental tests made it possible to determine the main acoustic contributor and to reduce the noise level by sixteen dBA. Finally, this dual - tribology/vibratory - approach provided a better understanding of the SPA intricacies. In particular, it led to develop innovative structures such as a motor with three degrees of freedom and two rotary motors.

Särdrag i projekt : utformning av ett ramverk för strukturerad projektanalys / Distinctive characteristics of projects : framework design for structured project analysis

Ljung, Lennart January 2011 (has links)
En utgångspunkt för den föreliggande avhandlingen och doktorsstudien är den spridning och ökning av projektarbetsformens tillämpning, som skett sedan mitten av 1900-talet. Det har blivit allt vanligare med så kallade multiprojektmiljöer, dvs. verksamheter där projekt är en normalt förkommande arbetsform och av så stor betydelse att projektledning och projektstyrning (t.ex. värdering och uppföljning av projekt) är en viktig fråga för organisationens ledning. För många organisationer där förmågan att hantera projektarbetsformen blivit avgörande för överlevnad och lönsamhet finns därför ett stort behov av att förbättra projekthanteringen. Det dominerande synsättet har länge varit att alla projekt i grunden är likartade och kan ledas och styras effektivt med standardiserade projektledningstekniker och modeller. Alltfler forskare menar dock att det är så stora skillnader mellan olika projekttyper att projekthanteringen måste anpassas efter projektens särdrag, vilket förutsätter en möjlighet att analysera det aktuella projektet – att kunna ställa en ”projektdiagnos”. I en ambition att öka kunskapen om projekten i sig, är syftet med doktorsstudien att utveckla beskrivningar av de särdrag i projekt som har avgörande betydelse för projekthantering i multiprojektmiljöer. Tre fallstudier har genomförts i tre organisationer som utvecklat och implementerat en projektmodell för att förbättra sin projekthantering. Fallstudierna har delvis genomförts med aktionsforskning som metod. Detta har gjort det möjligt att studera projekthanteringen under lång tid, och att skapa nyanserade beskrivningar av särdragen i respektive multiprojektmiljö. Utifrån fallstudierna, projektforskningen och egna erfarenheter från projektmiljöer, har ett ramverk för strukturerad projektanalys utformats i syfte att öka resultatens generaliserbarhet. Ramverket, som består av tre analysmodeller och tre grundläggande perspektiv på projekt, utgör en begreppsapparat för strukturerad projektanalys som är fristående från fallstudierna. Studien visar hur särdragen i olika projekttyper, t.ex. förekomsten av dubbla operativa logiker och olika slag av komplexitet, är avgörande dels för projekthanteringen, dels för vilka förbättringsåtgärder som är effektiva i en multiprojektmiljö. Ytterligare ett bidrag från studien är det ramverk som utformats med utgångspunkt i den stora variation som olika projekt uppvisar ur ett resultatperspektiv. / A starting point for the present thesis is the increased application of the project work form, a form that has been growing in usage since the mid 1900s. Today, multiproject environments have become increasingly common, i.e. organisations where projects are a normal part of the working environment and where they are of such great importance that project management and project steering (e.g. evaluation and follow-up) are considered important for the organisation's management. In many organisations where the ability to apply the project work form is critical for survival and profitability, there is a great need to improve the management of projects. The dominating view has long been that all projects are inherently alike, and can be effectively managed and controlled with standardised project management techniques and models. However, more and morere searchers are pointing out that because there are in fact quite distinct differences between different types of projects, project management must be adapted to the distinctive characteristics of the project, which presupposes the possibility of analysing the project in question – of being able to make a "project diagnosis". In an attempt to increase knowledge about projects as a type of work form, this doctoral study aims to develop descriptions of distinctive characteristics in projects that are essential for project management in multiproject environments. Three case studies have been performed in three organisations that have developed and implemented a project model to improve their project management. The case studies have been performed using action research methodology. This has made it possible to study project management during an extended period of time, creating nuanced descriptions of the distinctive characteristics in each multiproject environment. From the case studies, project research and personal experience in project environments, a framework for Structured Project Analysis (SPA) has been designed with the aim of increasing the generalisation of the results. The framework, based on three analysis models and three basic perspectives of projects, provides a conceptual model for structured project analysis independent of the case studies. The study shows how the various distinctive characteristics of different project types, such as the presence of dual operational logics and varying types of complexity, are crucial for both management of projects and for deciding which improvement measures are most effective in a multiproject environment. A further contribution of the study is the framework that has been designed based on the wide variation presented by different projects through a results perspective.


Henes, Felipe Moraes 18 November 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The expansion of the data communication, due to the large ow of information that pass through these systems has meant that the security becomes an item of constant concern. Even when considering the efficient encryption systems that exists today, which present relevant mathematical protection, some implementations in hardware of these systems will favor the leak of confidential information through side channels attacks, such as power consumption and electromagnetic radiation. Performance issues have fundamental importance in the design of a physical system, however aspects which make the system robust against side channel attacks has gotten more attention nowadays.This work focuses on hardware architectures based on the RSA public key algorithm, proposed by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman in 1977, which presents the modular exponentiation operation, calculated from several modular multiplications, as main operation. The RSA algorithm involves integers in order of 1024 or 2048 bits, so the division inherent in modular multiplications can become a major problem. In order to avoid these divisions, the Montgomery algorithm, proposed in 1985, appears as an efficient alternative. On this context, this dissertation presents a multiplexed architecture based on the properties of the Montgomery's algorithm. Forwarding, an improvement to this architecture is presented, implemented with the randomization of internal memories accesses, in order to increase system robustness against specialized side-channel attacks. Thus, the implemented architecture is exposed to side channels SPA (Simple Power Analysis) and SEMA (Simple Electromagnetig Analysis) and the aspects of security and robustness of the implemented system are evaluated and presented. / A constante expansão dos sistemas de comunicação de dados devido ao grande fluxo de informações que trafegam por estes sistemas tem feito com que a segurança se torne um item de constante preocupação. Mesmo ao considerar-se os eficientes sistemas de criptografia atuais, os quais apresentam relevante proteção matemática, a implementação em hardware destes sistemas tende a propiciar a fuga de informações confidenciais através de ataques por canais laterais, como consumo de potência e emissão eletromagnética. Mesmo sabendo-se que questões de desempenho tem fundamental importância no projeto de um sistema físico, aspectos que tornem o sistema robusto frente a ataques por canais laterais tem obtido maior atenção nos últimos anos. Neste trabalho apresentam-se arquiteturas implementadas em hardware para o cálculo do algoritmo de chave pública RSA, proposto por Rivest, Shamir e Adleman em 1977, o qual tem como principal operarção a exponenciação modular, calculada a partir de várias multiplicações modulares. Sabendo-se que o algoritmo RSA envolve números inteiros da ordem de 1024 ou 2048 bits, a divisão inerente em multiplicações modulares pode tornar-se o grande problema. A fim de que se evite estas divisões, o algoritmo de Montgomery, proposto em 1985, aparece como uma boa alternativa por também trabalhar em um contexto de precisão múltipla e com números na base numérica de potência de dois. Neste contexto apresenta-se inicialmente uma arquitetura multiplexada, baseada nas propriedades de execução do algoritmo de Montgomery. A seguir apresenta-se uma melhoria a esta arquitetura com a implementação da randomização dos acessos as memórias internas, com o objetivo de aumentar a robustez do sistema frente a ataques por canais laterais especializados. Sendo assim, a arquitetura implementada é submetida a ataques por canais laterais SPA (Simple Power Analysis) e SEMA (Simple Electromagnetig Analysis) e os aspectos de segurança e robustez do sistema implementado são analisados e apresentados.

Webbportal för nätverks-övervakning : Utveckling av en Single Page Application i .NET och JavaScript / Web Portal for Network Monitoring : Development of a Single Page Application. NET and JavaScript

Borgström, Joakim, Gerdin, Stefan January 2013 (has links)
I detta projekt jobbar vi för att skapa ett program åt Infozone Sverige AB tillsammans med professionella utvecklare från företaget. Programmet är en webbportal som används till att övervaka och visa driftinformation om ett nätverk. Tanken är att denna portal skall integreras i ett ännu ej byggt system för nätverksövervakning som Infozone senare kan sälja till kund. Produkten tas fram med Scrum samt testdriven utveckling och under utvecklingen jobbar laget med bestämda metoder och SOLID-principerna för att säkerställa programmets kvalitet. Webbportalen utnyttjar moderna teknologier och ramverk för webbutveckling, bland annat är den en Single Page Application (SPA), använder följsam webbdesign och utnyttjar Microsofts .NET-plattform. I slutändan är inte alla ställda krav uppfyllda, men i och med att Scrum används är programmet fungerande vid projektets avslutande. De krav som faktiskt implementeras görs så till fullo. Vidare visar det sig att det inte alltid är bäst att använda de senaste ramverken, utan mer beprövade metoder och teknologier kan i vissa fall vara mer lämpliga. / In this project we are creating a program for Infozone Sverige AB together with professional developers from the company. The program is a web portal which will be used to monitor and show system status of a network. The plan is that this web portal will be integrated into a not yet built network monitoring system which Infozone later can sell to their clients. The product is developed using Scrum together with test-driven development and during the development the team is working with certain methods and the SOLID principles to ensure the quality of the program. The web portal takes advantage of modern technologies and frameworks for web development, among other things it is a Single Page Application (SPA), uses responsive design and Microsoft’s .NET platform. In the end not all requirements are met, but because we are using Scrum, the program is functioning at the end of the project. The requirements that are implemented, are fully so. Furthermore, it is shown that it is not always best to use the latest frameworks, but the more tested methods and technologies can in some cases be more appropriate.

Ett badhus i Umeå / A Bath House in Umeå

Israelsson, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Umeå kommun har sedan 1995, med varierande intensitet, planerat för en ny simhall som ska ersätta den gamla från 1970. Det nu liggande förslaget har mötts med skiftande åsikter och de många kritiska handlar om både förslagets placering (mitt i centrala staden på en all- deles för trång tomt) och programmets omfattning (för lite). Eftersom jag delar dessa kritiska åsikter så har detta gett mig ett ypperligt tillfälle att som mitt examensarbete titta på hur jag anser att placeringen, omfattningen och gestaltningen av ett nytt badhus i Umeå ska se ut. Mina huvudsakliga frågeställningar har varit just placeringen, programmets omfattning samt naturligtvis även gestaltningen av ett badhus för Umeå kommun med sina 110 000 invånare. Jag har utvärderat de alternativa placeringar som föreslagits och samtliga platser har naturligtvis både sina för- och nackdelar men jag har kommit fram till att jag vill placera ett nytt badhus på samma plats som den nuvarande simhallen som planeras att rivas. Det som fick min jämförelse att väga över för min valda plats är att det ligger på randen av Gam- mliaskogen, ett rekreationsområde helt omgivet av stad men där det finns flera skid- och joggingspår. Detta är en möjlighet som är för bra för att försitta. / Umeå municipality have, since 1995, at varying intensity, been planning for a new bath house to replace the existing from 1970. The current proposal has been met with mixed critique and the more critical ones fokus on both the placement (in the city centre on a too narrow lot) and the extent of the programme (too small). Since I share these critical opinions it has given me an excellent opportunity for this thesis work to examine the placement, extent and figuration of a new bath house in Umeå.


陳妍君 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來市場上出現一個宣稱可以平撫情緒、舒緩壓力、以身心靈合一作為主要訴求的新商品-Spa。花草茶、植物精油、心靈音樂、仿自然視野、按摩則是幫助達成這個訴求的主要配方。在過去的認知中,我們以為消費只是滿足所需,後來我們知道「消費」,其實擁有更多認同或是符號意義的價值於其中,但當心靈也淪為一種商品形式或訴求時,這在整個消費歷史的脈絡中又意味著什麼。 本研究因缺乏文獻參考,而成為一初探性的研究,援引質性研究裡的行動理論作為研究依循的方向。從瞭解Spa整體消費現象出發,試圖把梳出攀附於Spa商品背後的深層意義,據以重新檢視或反省我們現存的生活環境。於探索結束後,根據研究結果與心得重新建構本文呈現方式。 論文主要由兩種觀看Spa的方式構成。【卷一】是運用行銷學與傳播理論的知識分析Spa。這個部分像是Spa的剖面圖,透過與Spa消費相關之二手及一手資料的收集,建構出對Spa消費一整體性的認識。包含:Spa背景介紹、Spa字義初探、描述Spa市場、分析Spa銷售方式以及Spa經驗的陳述等。【卷二】主要乃是奠基於卷一的研究結果出發,採取較為社會與文化面向的觀點探索Spa。試圖將Spa置於消費歷史的脈絡中,藉以分辨出Spa不同於過往的特殊性-一種訴求於內在心靈的商品。並接續從文獻中尋找出內在心靈訴求產品興起的源由,以及其所透露出關於消費者或整體社會轉變的訊息。其後尚補充台灣在地消費文化與此外來商品碰撞後所呈現出的另一種Spa形象。 探索結尾,則陳述研究者對此新興消費的感想,包含對於Spa的批判觀點但也併陳樂觀面的敘述,最後根據研究心得撰寫對於未來的想像,並補充研究建議提供後續研究者參考作為本探索研究的結束。 關鍵字:Spa‧消費‧心靈‧消贅文化‧社會變遷‧行動研究

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