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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strukturen des St. Petersburger Opernlebens im dritten Viertel des 18. Jahrhunderts

Weiss, Stefan 14 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Wenn es sich also bei diesem dritten Jahrhundertviertel auch um keine abgeschlossene Epoche handelt, so verspricht seine Betrachtung doch Aufschluß über die institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen einer entscheidenden musikgeschichtlichen Weichenstellung: Gab es vor 1750 noch kein einziges musikalisches Bühnenwerk in russischer Sprache, so bringt das folgende Vierteljahrhundert nicht nur den ersten russischen Operntypus überhaupt – die russifizierte \"opera seria\" –, sondern auch seine Überwindung zugunsten der russischen komischen Oper, die die Produktion der folgenden Jahrzehnte dominiert und im 19. Jahrhundert zur russischen Nationaloper führt.

Italienische und russische Oper in St. Petersburg 1881 - 1900

Braun, Lucinde 14 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Der vorliegende Beitrag ist eine Skizze, die das bereits in der knappen Zeitspanne von 1881 bis etwa 1900 mehrfach wechselnde Verhältnis zwischen russischen und italienischen Operntruppen in Petersburg zu umreißen versucht.

The Apocalyptic Marriage: Eros and Agape in Keats's The Eve of St. Agnes

Gilbreath, Marcia L. (Marcia Lynn) 12 1900 (has links)
This analysis of Keats's poem proffers evidence and arguments to support the contention that The Eve of St. Agnes presents allegorically the poet's speculations regarding the relationship between eros and agape, speculations which include a sharp criticism of Christianity and a model for a new, more "humanistic" system of salvation. The union of Madeline and Porphyro symbolizes the reconciliation of the two opposing types of love in an apocalyptic marriage styled on the Biblical union of Christ and the Church. The irony inherent in the poem arises from Keats's use of Christian myths, symbols, and sacraments to accomplish this purpose.

BEAR: Benchmarking the Efficiency of RDF Archiving

Fernandez Garcia, Javier David, Umbrich, Jürgen, Polleres, Axel January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
There is an emerging demand on techniques addressing the problem of efficiently archiving and (temporal) querying different versions of evolving semantic Web data. While systems archiving and/or temporal querying are still in their early days, we consider this a good time to discuss benchmarks for evaluating storage space efficiency for archives, retrieval functionality they serve, and the performance of various retrieval operations. To this end, we provide a blueprint on benchmarking archives of semantic data by defining a concise set of operators that cover the major aspects of querying of and interacting with such archives. Next, we introduce BEAR, which instantiates this blueprint to serve a concrete set of queries on the basis of real-world evolving data. Finally, we perform an empirical evaluation of current archiving techniques that is meant to serve as a first baseline of future developments on querying archives of evolving RDF data. (authors' abstract) / Series: Working Papers on Information Systems, Information Business and Operations

Caracterização gravimétrica da zona de fratura São Paulo e Arquipélago São Pedro e São Paulo na porção Equatorial do Oceano Atlântico / Gravimetric characterization of St. Paul Fracture Zone and Archipelago and St Peter and St Paul in the equatorial portion of the Atlantic Ocean

Medeiros, Roberta Ladislau de 24 September 2010 (has links)
A investigação da Terra através da gravimetria implica um grande número de informações sobre o seu interior em diferentes escalas de observação. O presente estudo considerou pesquisas anteriormente realizadas na área da Zona de Fratura São Paulo (ZFSP) e Arquipélago São Pedro e São Paulo (ASPSP), no Oceano Atlântico Equatorial, cujos dados geoquímicos e petrológicos apontam a presença de uma anomalia térmica. Nesta área alguns levantamentos geofísicos já foram realizados, mas nada que contribuísse de forma significativa através de dados gravimétricos. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é a caracterização gravimétrica da Zona de Fratura São Paulo através de dados de gravidade, anomalia ar livre, anomalia bouguer, tensor gradiente da gravidade e altura geoidal residual. Como objetivo secundário, procurou-se a expressão desta anomalia térmica no campo geopotencial. Entretanto, os resultados obtidos indicam que o efeito da batimetria sobre este dados deve ser levado em consideração. Uma vez que área de estudo está localizada na porção equatorial da dorsal mesoatlântica e o processo de compensação isostática nesta área está influenciando os valores da gravidade no local. Sendo, portanto, necessária a confluência de outros métodos geofísicos para detectar a expressão desta anomalia térmica. / The investigation of the Earth by gravity implies a lot of information about the interior at different scales of observation. This study considered research previously conducted in the area of St. Paul Fracture Zone (ZFSP) Archipelago and St Peter and St Paul (ASPSP), the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, whose petrological and geochemical data indicate the presence of a thermal anomaly. In this area some geophysical surveys have been conducted, but nothing that would contribute significantly by gravity data. The main objective of this work is the characterization of gravimetric St. Paul Fracture Zone by gravity data, free air anomaly, Bouguer anomaly, the gravity gradient tensor and residual geoid height. As a secondary objective, have sought the expression of this thermal anomaly in the field geopotential. However, the results indicate that the effect of bathymetry on this data should be taken into consideration. Since the study area is located in the equatorial portion of the mid-ridge atlantic and the process of isostatic compensation in this area is influencing the gravity values at the site. Therefore required the confluence of other geophysical methods to detect the expression of this thermal anomaly.

Análise do perfil de expressão, produção e secreção das toxinas termolábil (LT) e termoestável (ST) em isolados de Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica. / Analysis of the expression production and secretion profile of heat labile (LT) and heat stable (ST) toxins by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates.

Yamamoto, Bruno Bernardi 05 December 2016 (has links)
Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC) é frequentemente associada com diarreia dos viajantes, e é uma das principais causas de mortalidade infantil em países em desenvolvimento. Para melhor colonizarem os diferentes nichos em que se encontram, essas bactérias precisam se adaptar às diferentes condições impostas pelo ambiente regulando assim, a expressão dos seus genes. ETEC adere-se aos enterócitos por meio de fatores de colonização (CFA) e provoca diarreia aquosa pela secreção das toxinas termolábil (LT) e termoestável (ST). Não há um padrão único de secreção das toxinas LT e ST pelos isolados de ETEC. Sendo assim, decidimos investigar como seria o perfil de expressão dos genes que regulam a produção e secreção dessas toxinas. O objetivo do presente trabalho é comparar o perfil de secreção e produção das proteínas LT e ST, bem como analisar a expressão dos genes envolvidos na produção dessas toxinas em isolados de ETEC. Os resultados obtidos nesse estudo permitiram concluir que os genes eltA, sta1 e sta2 presentes nas cepas H10407 e 5 são expressos diferencialmente nas bactérias cultivadas em caldo EC. Apesar da semelhança, não há correlação entre a expressão gênica e secreção e produção das toxinas, sugerindo que há outros mecanismos envolvidos no controle da produção dessas toxinas. / Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is often associated with travelers diarrhea, and is a major cause of infant mortality in developing countries. To better colonize different niches in which they are, these bacteria need to adapt to different conditions imposed by the environment thus regulating the expression of their genes. ETEC adhere to the enterocytes by colonization factors (CFs) and causes watery diarrhea for secretion of heat-labile toxin (LT) and heat-stable (ST). There is no single pattern of secretion of toxins LT and ST by isolates of ETEC. Therefore, we decided to investigate how would the expression profile of genes that regulate the production and secretion of these toxins. The objective of this study is to compare the profile of secretion and production of proteins LT and ST, as well as to analyze the expression of genes involved in the production of toxins in isolated ETEC. The results of this study showed that the eltA, sta1 and sta2 genes present in strains H10407 and 5 are differentially expressed in bacteria grown in EC broth. Despite the similarity, there is no correlation between gene expression and secretion and production of toxins, suggesting that there are other mechanisms involved in controlling the production of these toxins.

Dosagem sérica da enzima creatinafosfoquinase-isoenzima MB (CK-MB) e de troponina I (cTnI) de cães eletrocardiograficamente normais e naqueles com desníveis (infra e supra) do segmento ST, utilizando ensaio imunométrico por quimioluminescência / Serum determination of creatinephosphokinase-isoenzyme MB (CK-MB) enzyme and of troponin I (cTnI) in electrocardiographic normal dogs and in those with ST deviation (elevation or depression) by a chemiluminescent immunometric assay

Santos, Andre Luis Fernandes dos 11 March 2005 (has links)
Ao contrário do homem, as cardiopatias de natureza hipóxica/isquêmica são pouco relatadas nos cães. Raros são os relatos de infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) nesses espécimes; entretanto, existem achados eletrocardiográficos que indicam hipóxia/isquemia miocárdica, como os desníveis (infra e supra) do segmento ST. Com o intuito de constatar algum dano nas células do miocárdio em condições de má perfusão, utilizaram-se 38 cães, dos quais 20 com traçados eletrocardiográficos normais e 18 com desníveis (infra e supra) do segmento ST, na derivação DII, velocidade de 50 mm/s e sensibilidade N. Nos animais normais (grupo 1), a dosagem sérica da enzima creatinafosfoquinase isoenzima MB (CK-MB) e da troponina I (cTnI) destinou-se à obtenção dos valores de referência (em ng/mL). Estes valores de referência foram confrontados com os obtidos de cães portadores de desnível (grupo 2), permitindo confirmar ou não a injúria miocárdica. Em relação à CK-MB, os cães do grupo 1 apresentaram média de 0,54 ng/mL e desvio-padrão de 0,89 ng/mL e os do grupo 2 apresentaram média de 0,44 ng/mL e desvio-padrão de 1,106 ng/mL. A média e o desvio-padrão foram, respectivamente, de 0,16 ng/mL e 0,110 ng/mL e de 0,20 ng/mL e 0,111 ng/mL, nos grupos 1 e 2. Houve 18 valores nulos de CK-MB, igualmente distribuídos entre ambos os grupos. O grupo 1 apresentou três valores nulos para cTnI. Houve diferença marcante em relação à idade, sendo o grupo 1 constituído por animais, preponderantemente, abaixo de 7 anos; o contrário ocorreu no grupo 2. São significativas, ao nível de significância de 5%, as associações da variável CK-MB com as variáveis idade, massa e CK-T (creatinafosfoquinase total) no grupo 1, e com a variável CK-T no grupo 2. A variável cTnI não apresentou evidências de associação, ao nível de significância de 5% , com as variáveis idade, massa, CK-T e nível sérico de potássio, para cada um dos níveis da variável grupo. Tanto para a variável CK-MB quanto para a cTnI, não houve diferenças significativas, ao nível de 5%, entre os grupos 1 e 2. Conclui-se que é possível a utilização do \"kit\" de ensaio imunométrico quimioluminescente humano para a espécie canina e que a hipóxia/isquemia, revelada pelo desnível do segmento ST, não acarreta dano miocárdico, ou que este é mínimo. / Although very often in men, hypoxic and ischemic heart diseases are poorly documented in dogs. There are few reports of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in this species. However, some electrocardiographic findings may suggest myocardium hypoxia/ischemia, like ST segment elevation or depression. In order to investigate myocardial cells injury in poor perfusion conditions, 38 dogs, being 20 with normal electrocardiogram and 18 with ST segment elevation or depression in lead II, at a paper speed of 50 mm/sec and N sensibility (1 mV = 1cm), were included. Serum measurement of creatinephosphokinase isoenzyme MB (CK-MB) enzym and troponin I (cTnI) in normal dogs (group 1) determined reference values (in ng/ml). These values were compared to those obtained in dogs with deviation (group 2), which allowed confirmation or not of myocardial injury. CK-MB mean values obtained from dogs in groups 1 and 2 was 0,54 ng/mL (SD±0,54 ng/mL) and 0,44 ng/mL (SD±1,106), respectively. Mean cTnI values in groups 1 and 2 was 0,16 ng/mL (SD±0,110 ng/mL) and 0,20 ng/mL (SD±0,111 ng/mL) respectively. Three cTnI null values were found in group 1. There was a marked difference concerning to age, being group 1 composed, mainly, by animals ageing under 7 years, on the contrary of group 2. At a significance level of 5%, was significant the relation of CK-MB with age, mass and total creatinephosphokinase (CK-T) in group 1 and with CK-T in group 2. There is no relation, at a significance level of 5%, of cTnI with age, mass, CK-T or serum potassium concentration, for each level of group variable. Both CK-MB and cTnI variables showed no difference, at 5% level, between groups 1 and 2. In conclusion, it is possible to use the human chemiluminescent immunometric assay kit in canine species and that hypoxia/ischemia revealed by ST segment deviation does not mean significant myocardium injury.

Biosynthesis, role(s) and regulation of the PI-2b pilus in the hypervirulent ST-17 clone of Streptococcus agalactiae / Biosynthèse, rôle(s) et régulation du pilus PI-2b dans le clone hypervirulent ST-17 de Streptococcus agalactiae

Szili, Noémi Réka 07 June 2017 (has links)
Streptococcus agalactiae (Streptocoque du Groupe B, SGB) est une bactérie pathogène opportuniste à Gram-positif responsable principalement d’infections néonatales. Les études épidémiologiques ont montré que les souches appartenant au complexe clonal 17 (ST-17) sont responsables de 80% des cas de méningites tardives. La génomique comparative a permis de mettre en évidence des gènes codant pour des protéines de surface spécifiques au clone ST-17 comme les adhésines Srr2 et HvgA. On y trouve également un locus codant pour un pilus spécifique appelé PI-2b, qui constitua l’objet principal de cette thèse. Ce locus PI-2b est ubiquitaire dans les souches ST-17, mais on le retrouve également dans quelques souches humaines non-ST-17 comme la souche A909 ainsi que dans les souches bovines. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons comparé l’expression du pilus PI-2b dans les souches ST-17 versus non-ST-17. L’expression du locus PI-2b, bien que variable au sein du complexe ST-17, est plus faible que dans les souches non-ST-17. Dans la souche représentative du ST-17 BM110, l’expression du gène spb1codant pour la piline majeure est 4-6 fois plus faible que dans la souche A909. Nous avons montré que cet effet est dû à la présence d’une séquence de 43 paires de base en amont du locus PI-2b, formant une structure de type tige-boucle, qui empêche la transcription provenant du locus situé en amont codant pour l’antigène B. Grâce à des expériences de fusion transcriptionnelle avec un gène rapporteur codant pour la GFP, nous avons montré qu’une région étendue du promoteur ainsi que des facteurs spécifiques à S. agalactiae sont nécessaires pour l’expression maximale du locus PI-2b. Le niveau maximal de transcription du pilus PI-2b est observé à 37 °C. L’ensemble de nos résultats suggère une régulation complexe de l’expression du locus PI-2b, dont l’expression plus faible dans les souches ST-17, pourrait conférer aux bactéries la capacité d’échapper au système immunitaire de l’hôte et de disséminer plus efficacement. La deuxième partie de ce travail a porté sur le rôle des gènes orf, lep et san1519 dont la fonction sur la biosynthèse du pilus n’était pas connue. Nous avons montré que les gènes orf et lep sont importants pour l’expression et la polymérisation du pilus PI-2b. Nous avons montré que lep code pour une signal peptidase fonctionnelle qui participe à la maturation de la piline majeure. Quant à orf, nos autres résultats ainsi le chevauchement traductionnel entre ce gène et lep, conservé dans d’autres espèces de streptocoques, suggèrent un rôle dans la stabilisation des ARNm / Streptococcus agalactiae (also known as Group B Streptococcus, GBS) is an opportunistic Gram-positive pathogen responsible for severe invasive infections, especially in neonates. GBS strains belonging to the ST-17 sequence type are responsible for 80% of late-onset neonatal meningitis. Genomic comparison of ST-17 strains to non-ST-17 GBS isolates revealed a few surface proteins that are characteristic of ST-17 clone, such as HvgA and Srr2, which contribute to colonization and dissemination. Similarly, the PI-2b type pilus is conserved in ST-17 strains and the main goal of this PhD project was to decipher the role of this pilus in the physiopathology of ST-17 strains. In the first part of this work, we compared the expression of the PI-2b pilus in our ST-17 representative strain BM110, and a non-ST-17 human clinical isolate, A909. We showed that PI-2b expression, although variable, was lower in ST-17 isolates as compared to non ST17 isolates. In the representative strain BM110, we demonstrated that the lower expression was be due to the presence of a 43-base pair (bp) hairpin-like structure in the upstream region of PI-2b, preventing read-through transcription from upstream antigen B (AgB) operon. Furthermore, gene reporter assays to characterize the Ppi-2b promoter region revealed the requirement of an extended 5’ region and of GBS-specific regulatory factors to drive PI-2b transcription. PI-2b transcription was shown to be maximal at 37 °C. Collectively our results suggest a complex regulation of PI-2b expression in ST-17 clinical isolates, that may confer a selective advantage in the human host either by reducing host immune responses and/or increasing their dissemination potential.In the second part of this work, we sought to investigate the role of the putative adhesin AP1-2b, and the two accessory genes lep and orf in the biosynthesis of PI-2b pilus. We showed that both orf and lep are important for PI-2b expression. Our results suggest that Lep is a functional signal peptidase involved in the optimal processing of the major PI-2b pilin. The role of orf remains to be uncovered

Sacred or Profane: The Influence of Vatican Legislation on Music in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, 1843 - 1938

Byrne, John Henry, res.cand@acu.edu.au January 2005 (has links)
Despite the authoritative and very explicit directions from the Vatican in 1903, the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne successfully resisted the demands for a major reform of liturgical Church music for 35 years. This thesis will examine the reasons for this strong and effective resistance to the demands of the Holy See and show that despite being complex and interrelated these reasons can be summarised under two fundamental headings. The thesis will examine the broad spectrum of music performed in the Melbourne Archdiocese, but because of the limited availability of information and the prime importance of the two principal churches of the Archdiocese, it shall concentrate on St. Patrick’s Cathedral and on St. Francis Church. The thesis shall also examine in detail the documents of the Holy See concerning liturgical music which were relevant to musical practice in Melbourne. Special attention is drawn to the influential Motu proprio Tra le sollecitudini (1903) issued by Pope Pius X. The time span of this thesis covers the 95 years from March 1843 when the first music was sung in Melbourne’s only Catholic church to 1938 when Archbishop Daniel Mannix ordered the reforms to liturgical music as demanded by the Vatican. The thesis shall demonstrate that the resistance to the reform of liturgical music in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne was due to the two following influences: the fact that the new freedom and wealth that the immigrant Irish community of the Archdiocese of Melbourne experienced enabled them to establish churches and liturgies whose grandeur and artistic excellence symbolized their success in establishing a major new social and cultural status in their new home. Church music was one of the great manifestations of this and as an integral part of their new significance and sense of achievement, it was to be jealously guarded. the second was the matter of authority and the independence of the Catholic bishops from the dictates and interference of the Vatican authorities. These Irish-born bishops were trained in an historical milieu in Ireland and Europe which fostered a fierce pride in the value of autonomy from external and alien authority. In this they were given a great degree of protection by the isolation of Australia and its distance from outside authority. In this Archbishops Carr and Mannix both proved to be strongly independent leaders who proved to be most reluctant to automatically implement reforms imposed by the Vatican. It will be shown that only in the fourth decade of the twentieth century was Episcopal authority finally brought to bear to make reforms to liturgical music a reality in the Catholic Church in Melbourne.

Managing Coral Reefs in the Face of Global Climate Change: Developing a Coral Resilience Framework

Porter, Megan Ann 01 January 2010 (has links)
Two experiments were performed to determine the effect of ocean acidification on Montastraea faveolata vertical skeletal growth and lesion healing. The first experiment used three different CO2 concentrations: present day atmospheric pCO2, 380 microatm, and the atmospheric pCO2 expected by the years 2050, 560 microatm, and 2100, 800 microatm. The second experiment used 380 and 560 microatm. In the second experiment where the influence of parent colony was analyzed, M. faveolata fragments from one coral colony had significantly slower skeletal growth rates and less healed lesion area than other colonies. Corals that calcify and regenerate tissue slower may have less resilience to ocean acidification. The experiments demonstrated that the corals in 800 microatm grew significantly slower than corals in 380 or 560 microatm. Increased CO2 concentrations increased M. faveolata skeletal growth rates and healed lesion area until a threshold was reached, 560 microatm, then growth rates and healed lesion area decreased. Less than 1% of the variability in healing rates could be explained by CO2. The Nature Conservancy Resilience Model was used as a framework to identify current management strategies of wider Caribbean MPAs that may increase coral reef resilience to climate change. Seven out of the 8 MPAs had representation, critical areas, connectivity, and effective management as determined by each MPA's management plan. Three management plans had specific climate management strategies. Each management plan had actions to build coral reef resilience, but institutional incapacities and other barriers can decrease the ability to increase reef resilience. Because of the weaknesses of the Resilience Model, revised resilience guidelines were developed with the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) as a case study. The coral lesion experiment results and interviews with FKNMS managers and the FKNMS's Sanctuary Advisory Council helped design the revised resilience guidelines. The revised climate-based coral reef resilience guidelines are to 1) incorporate more no-take zones and hedge the risks against ocean acidification, 2) identify resilient coral reefs and perform more climate change research, 3) reduce local stressors, 4) enhance coral reef recovery, and 5) increase public awareness and education on climate change impacts to coral reefs.

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