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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Användning av högnivåspråket Swift i webbläsaren och i Android : En studie på möjligheterna att återanvända högnivåspråket Swift utanför iOS i andra plattformar som webbläsare och Android / Using the high-level language Swift in the browser and on Android : A study on the possibilities of reusing the high-level language Swift outside of iOS in other platforms such as browsers and Android

Albaloua, Mark, Kizilkaya, Kenan January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka möjligheterna att använda högnivåspråket Swift utanför iOS i webbläsaren och i Android. Detta för att minska mängden kod som skrivs och därmed minska utvecklingstiden för att skapa applikationer för iOS, webbläsaren samt Android. För att hitta lämpliga verktyg som löser frågeställningen har en undersökning av tidigare arbeten och metoder gjorts. Resultatet från undersökningen ledde till användningen av ramverket Tokamak tillsammans med WebAssembly för att återanvända Swift i webbläsaren och verktyget SwiftKotlin för att återanvända Swift i Android. En applikation med designmönstret Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) skapades i avsikt att testa återanvändbarheten. Resultatet visade att Tokamak tillsammans med WebAssembly möjliggör återanvändning av ursprungliga koden för iOS-applikationen komplett förutom plattformsspecifika funktioner som lokalt sparande och nätverksanrop. SwiftKotlin möjliggör återanvändning av modellklassen i applikationen med små justeringar, medan vymodell och vyklasserna behöver skrivas manuellt. / The purpose of this work was to study the possibilities of using the high-level language Swift outside of iOS in the browser and on Android. This is to reduce the amount of code written thus reducing development time to create applications for iOS, browser, and Android. To find suitable tools to solve the problem, a study on previous works and methods has been made. The results of the study led to the use of the framework Tokamak together with WebAssembly to reuse Swift in the browser and the tool SwiftKotlin to reuse Swift on Android. An application using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern was created with the intention of testing reusability. The results showed that Tokamak with WebAssembly made it possible to use all the code from the original iOS application except platform-specific functions such as local saving and network calls. SwiftKotlin made it possible to reuse the model class with some small adjustments while the viewmodel and view classes must be manually written.


POLYANA SAMPAIO RAMOS BARBOZA 06 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] A área da saúde desponta como um terreno fértil para a pesquisa científica em Tecnologia da Informação. As atividades de pesquisa na área permitem abordar diversas questões para promover o desenvolvimento tecnológico. Além disso, em relação aos aplicativos para dispositivos móveis, as principais lojas de aplicativos registraram um crescimento significativo no número de aplicativos de saúde disponíveis. Esses crescimentos encontram uma de suas causas na realidade pandêmica que enfrentamos desde o início de 2020. Para lidar com os diferentes desafios de saúde apresentados atualmente, o uso de sistemas multiagentes tem sido considerado uma boa abordagem para lidar, por exemplo, com distribuição, pró-atividade e autonomia dos sistemas. Embora várias plataformas conhecidas utilizem agentes de software, algumas delas não oferecem suporte adequado para o desenvolvimento de agentes, como a plataforma iOS. Assim, nesta dissertação propusemos um framework BDI para iOS que visa apoiar o desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis de saúde com agentes de software. Esse framework é chamado de Swift Agent Development framework for health (SADE4Health) e usa recursos nativos do iOS, como o Healthkit, que é um repositório central de dados de saúde e condicionamento físico para acessar e compartilhar dados, mantendo a privacidade e o controle do usuário. Para mostrar como o framework suporta o desenvolvimento de novos aplicativos iOS com agentes de software, são explicados os passos mínimos necessários para criar um agente usando os recursos de saúde oferecidos pelo iOS, assim como um cenário de uso modelado a partir deles. Além disso, é apresentado um cenário de uso relacionado ao monitoramento remoto de sinais vitais de pacientes, ilustrando como desenvolver uma instância do framework proposto. Por fim, uma avaliação empírica com desenvolvedores iOS para medir a usabilidade do framework trouxe importantes achados. / [en] The healthcare area is emerging as a fertile ground for scientific research in Information Technology. Research activities in this field allow us to address several issues to promote technological development. In addition, regarding mobile device apps, the leading app stores registered significant growth in the number of available eHealth apps. One of the causes of this growth derives from the pandemic reality we have faced since the beginning of 2020. In order to confront the different health challenges presented currently, the use of multi-agent systems has been considered a good approach, dealing with, for example, distribution, pro-activity and autonomy of systems. Although several known platforms that use software agents, some of them do not offer appropriate support to develop agents, such as the iOS platform. Thus, in this dissertation we have proposed a BDI framework for iOS that aims to support the development of health mobile apps with software agents. This is known as Swift Agent Development Framework for Health (SADE4Health) and it uses native iOS resources, such as Healthkit, comprising a central repository for health and fitness data to access and share data while maintaining the user s privacy and control. To show how the framework supports the development of new iOS apps with software agents, the minimum necessary steps to create an agent using health features offered by iOS are explained, as well as a modeled use scenario based on it. Furthermore, a use scenario related to remote monitoring of patients vital signs that illustrates how to develop an instance of the proposed framework is presented. Finally, an empirical evaluation with iOS developers to measure the framework usability brought important findings.

Återanvända modellkod skriven i C på Android, iOS och HTML5 : En studie om möjligheten att återanvända modellkod skriven i C på Android, iOS och HTML5 / Reuse model code written in C across Android, iOS and HTML5 : A study on the possibility of reusing model code written in C on Android, iOS and HTML5

Demirel, Emre, Chowdhury, Shifat January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är utforska möjligheterna att återanvända modellkod, skriven i C, över flera plattformar, nämligen iOS, Android och HTML5. Målet är att undersöka kodstorlek och komplexitet vid återanvändning av modellkod skriven i C på plattformarna. Genom en noggrann granskning av tidigare forskning och existerande metoder identifierades lämpliga verktyg och metoder. Det som framkom är att WebAssembly var det rekommenderade verktyget för att koppla C- kod till HTML5. För Android var Java Native Interface (JNI) det mest lämpliga verktyget för att koppla C-kod till Kotlin. Swift, å andra sidan, har inbyggda verktyg för interoperabilitet som möjliggör koppling mellan Swift-kod och C. Därav påvisade resultaten att det är möjligt att återanvända modellkod skriven i C på Android, iOS och HTML5. Dock, för Android krävdes det tillsats av extra kod för att hantera kopplingen mellan Kotlin och C-modellkod. Eftersom dessa språk hanterar datatyper och minneshantering på olika sätt. Inom iOS krävdes inte lika mycket extra kod som på Android för att hantera kopplingen mellan Swift och C eftersom Swift är utvecklat med naturligt stöd för C. I HTML5 behövdes inte lika mycket extra kod som på Swift och Android eftersom Emscripten möjliggjorde automatisk generering av en omvandling från modellkod skriven i C till JavaScript. Detta underlättade utvecklandet av bindningen mellan C-baserad modellkod och HTML5-applikationen. / The purpose of this study was to explore the possibilities of reusing model code, written in C, across multiple platforms, specifically iOS, Android, and HTML5. The objective was to investigate code size and complexity when reusing model code written in C on these platforms. Through a thorough review of previous research and existing methods, suitable tools and methods were identified. It was found that WebAssembly was the recommended tool for linking C code to HTML5. For Android, the Java Native Interface (JNI) was the most appropriate tool for linking C code to Kotlin. Swift, on the other hand, has built-in tools for interoperability that allow for the connection between Swift code and C. The results indicated that it is possible to reuse model code written in C on Android, iOS, and HTML5. For Android, additional code was required to manage the connection between Kotlin and C model code, as these languages handle data types and memory management differently. However, within iOS, there was not needed additional code compared to Android, to manage the linkage between Swift and C. Since Swift is developed with inherent support for C. For HTML5, there was not as much additional code required as in Swift and Android, primarily because Emscripten enabled automatic conversion of model code written in C to JavaScript. This facilitated the development of the binding between C-based model code and the HTML5 application.

#FLAWLESS: The Intersection of Celebrity Culture and New Media in the Modern Feminist Movement

Schwartz, Laurel 01 January 2015 (has links)
People have organized around gender equality in modern America for the last century. However, with the advent of new technology, people largely organize in around social movements in online spaces. This thesis explores the ways in which new media expands a popular understanding of the Feminist movement.

Comment le sens est-il extrait de l'information visuelle ? Le système visuel exploré des catégories à la conscience

Koenig, Roger 19 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Comment le sens est-il extrait de l'information visuelle ? Cette thèse est focalisée sur la capacité du système visuel d'humains et de singes à extraire et représenter l'information visuelle sur différents niveaux de complexité. Nous avons étudié différent niveaux de représentations visuelles, de la production de représentations visuelles primaires jusqu'à l'élaboration de représentations visuelles conscientes. Ce manuscrit présente six travaux dans lesquels nous avons exploré : (1) les attributs visuels nécessaires pour réaliser la tâche de catégorisation ultra-rapide chez l'homme et le singe au moyen de méthodes psychophysiques, (2) la dynamique spatio-temporelle de l'attention visuelle chez l'homme au moyen de méthodes psychophysiques, (3) les corrélats neuronaux des représentations de haut niveau en EEG grâce au développement d'une nouvelle technique appelée SWIFT, (4) les corrélats neuronaux de la conscience visuelle dans la rivalité binoculaire en EEG, (5) la synchronie des signaux cérébraux en fonction de la reconnaissance consciente au moyen d'enregistrements intracrâniens chez des patients épileptiques et (6) les corrélats neuronaux associés à la prise de conscience chez le singe au moyen d'enregistrements intracrâniens. Les résultats de ces travaux nous ont permis d'ébaucher un modèle de la perception visuelle, cherchant à dissocier l'attention et la conscience.

Swift and Stewart: The Societal Background and Influence of Satirists in Turbulent Times

Raby, Jon Nathan 04 August 2011 (has links)
In this paper, I consider the success of Jonathan Swift’s The Drapier’s Letters and Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show in changing the political climate of the world around them. By analyzing the political background of America in the 2000s and the Irish reaction to William Woods’ patent in the 1720s, I prove the influence of Stewart and Swift’s satire. I then analyze the specific tactics each employs in order to achieve an audience and influence change, concluding by comparing the similar tactics that each use, including persona, irony, and humor as a veil of serious intent.

Erotic Spaces, Close Encounters and Isolation: Advice to Domestic Servants from Defoe, Haywood and Swift

Slagle, Judith Bailey 05 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The scientific background of Part III of Gulliver's travels /

Cassini, Marc. January 1980 (has links)
No description available.

Anställda soldaters tillit till officerare - effekten av utlandstjänst : En enkätstudie om anställda soldaters tillit till officerare avseende deras erfarenhet av utlandstjänst

Hübel, Edvard January 2013 (has links)
I en förändrad försvarsmakt där officerarna inte längre alltid har störst erfarenhet förändras också relationerna mellan soldaterna och officerarna. Erfarna soldater innebär att officeren måste förändra sitt sätt att instruera, leda, trupputbilda och truppföra. Hur tar soldaterna emot den kunskap som lärs ut av officeren? Gör det skillnad ifall officeren gjort utlandstjänst? Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån Försvarsmaktens nya organisation bestående av anställda soldater skapa förståelse för anställdas soldater tillit till officerare med och utan erfarenhet av utlandstjänst. Enkätundersökning nyttjades som tillvägagångssättet för att undersöka huruvida soldater känner mer tillit till officerare som gjort utlandstjänst och i så fall varför, 79 soldater från olika förband valde att svara på enkäten. Resultatet visade att tilliten till officerare som gjort utlandstjänst är högre och att personliga egenskaper i större grad än faktorn sakkunskap påverkade ökningen av tillit avseende utlandstjänstgöring. / The Armed Forces has changed and the officers are no longer always the most experienced. This is changing the relations between the soldiers and the officers. Experienced soldiers means that the officer must change the way they instruct and lead. Does the soldiers learn when the officer teaches? Does it make a difference if the officer have served abroad? The purpose of this paper is that by the Swedish Armed Forces new organization composed of professional soldiers investigate soldiers trust in officers with respect to the officers experience of serving abroad. A questionnaire survey was used to reach an answer to the question whether the soldiers feel more trust in an officer whos served abroad and in that case why. 79 soldiers from various units chose to answer the survey. The results showed that trust increases for officers who served abroad. The factor refered to as “personal haracteristics” were identified as the lead factor rather than the factor “expertise” in affecting trust linked to overseas service.

Male Subjectivity in the Narratives of Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift

Shih, Yao-hsi 11 September 2007 (has links)
This thesis argues that all subjects are constructed through discourse or ideology and are incapable of acting or thinking outside the limits of that discursive or ideological construction. Based on Louis Althusser¡¦s theory, ¡§individuals are always-already subjects,¡¨ living in ¡§the system of the ideas and representations which dominate the mind of a man or a social group.¡¨ This Marxist notion serves as the point of departure for the thesis, which defines a subject¡¦s imaginary relation to the world. For Defoe and Swift, their ideological subjection to ¡§the system of the ideas and representations¡¨ is presented in their narratives, which relate the respective subject¡¦s imagination to the world in the eighteenth century. The first chapter begins with Ian Watt¡¦s critique of the eighteenth century individualism, which demands domestic alienation. It argues that if Gulliver¡¦s misanthropy loses its moral dimension, his domestic alienation is questionable. As Gulliver¡¦s counterpart, Crusoe bases his autonomy upon nonreciprocal human relationships, and his self-claimed omnipotence, under constant threats, is false and illusory. The second chapter modifies Helene Moglen¡¦s dualistic interpretation of Crusoe¡¦s consciousness and analyzes his internal contradictions from the perspective of Hegelian dialectics. The course of establishing the colonial hierarchy in Robinson Crusoe further exposes the dialectical reality of colonial tension and contradiction, which also lends itself to interpreting the triangular relationships among the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver, and the Yahoos in Gulliver¡¦s Travels. In the third chapter, the focus of concern shifts to the representation of sexual other. Though Roxana and Moll are constructed to emulate Crusoe and embody the female versions of economic autonomy, these two female-based narratives, Roxana and Moll Flanders, bring to light the paradoxes of eighteenth-century male subjectivity that discriminates men from women in terms of domesticity and individualism. While Roxana is further commodified to be enlisted in the service of imperialist ideology to mask the reality of colonial aggression and imperialist expansion, the same sleight of substitution also underlies Swift¡¦s systematic attacks on women in his Irish Tracts and misogynist poems. Lastly, the fourth chapter aims to bring these two categories of difference together. Through Swift¡¦s and Defoe¡¦s imagination, the racial other and their sexual counterpart enter into a metaphorical alliance. Thus Defoe¡¦s Amazon and Swift¡¦s Yahoo trope not only synthesize what are considered two discrete and separate categories of discrimination, but also demonstrate that their creations of race and gender derive from the same source of reference.

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