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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Robust, Real Time, and Scalable Multi-Agent Task Allocation

Kivelevitch, Elad H. 05 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

De « petits » employés d’un « grand » magasin : Enquête sur les employés de la vente au Bazar de l’Opéra / "Small" employees a "big" store : Survey employees selling Bazar and l'Opera

Barbier, Pascal 21 November 2012 (has links)
Qui sont les vendeurs des magasins du grand commerce et quel est leur quotidien ? A partird’une enquête ethnographique réalisée, par observation participante et par entretiens dans ungrand magasin parisien, cette thèse répond à ces questions et apporte deux contributionsprincipales. La thèse contribue d’abord à la sociologie du travail de la vente en magasin. Ens’intéressant aux conditions de travail des vendeurs, à leurs modes d’emploi, à leurs pratiquesde travail, à leur rapport au travail, et notamment à l’ambivalence que nourrit la relation avecun client, elle réalise une sociologie du travail d’une activité professionnelle peu étudiéejusqu’ici. Elle en montre le caractère bigarré. Par certains aspects, ce travail est profondémentenraciné dans le salariat d’exécution, proche notamment d’une figure professionnelle àlaquelle les employés de commerce sont couramment identifiés, la « caissière ». Mais, dans lemême temps, ce travail s’en arrache en raison de l’autonomie et de la richesse que disentéprouver les vendeurs devant certaines tâches, comme la mise en valeur de la marchandise oula relation avec les clients. La thèse contribue aussi à la sociologie des employés decommerce. Armée d’une analyse du travail et des trajectoires de ceux qui l’effectuent, la thèsemontre que les vendeurs des grands magasins composent un fragment singulier parmi les« employés de commerce ». Ils composent une « petite aristocratie ». Mais la thèse rappellequ’il s’agit d’une « petite aristocratie » sous tension. En effet, celle-ci voit ses attributsglorieux malmenés par des rationalisations du travail et des transformations dans lesconditions d’emploi. / Who are the sales assistants and what does their day at work look like? Based on anethnographic survey (participant observation in a parisian department store and interviews),this thesis answers these questions and contributes to the sociology of work and the sociologyof the clerks. Firstly, by exploring the working and employment conditions of the salesmen,their technics and savoir-faire, the way they see their work, it sheds light on a work rarelyobserved by the sociology of work. Secondly, the thesis contributes to the sociology of clerks.It analyses a part of this group that can be seen as belonging to an “in-between” area: betweenthe most insecure job and the steady and qualified work.

以傳記式問卷甄選壽險推銷員之信度與效度研究 / The Reliability and Validity Research of Biographical Information Inventory with Life Insurance Salesmen.

劉繼升, Liu, Chi-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的為發展一套有系統、適合用來甄選壽險推銷員的傳記式問卷,並進一步探討該問卷的信度以及其對於壽險推銷員表現的同時效度。 本研究之傳記式問卷共計十個向度,研究者以此為預測變項,探討本問卷與壽險業務員表現的關係。其中,以職等、任期、個人所得、保單成交件數、離職傾向、公司認同及工作滿意七個效標來代表業務員的表現。 本研究正式施測人數713人,有效樣本686人,其中,任期超過一年者390人,為本研究之效度分析樣本。結果顯示,本研究所編製之傳記式問卷內部一致性信度約為.6左右(N=686),再測信度則約為 .8 (N = 31) 。同時效度方面,以職等、任期、個人所得、保單成交件數、離職傾向、公司認同及工作滿意七個效標,針對北南不同地區業務員,分別求取其迴歸係數。就北部地區而言(N=268),效度係數中數為.45 ;就南部地區而言(N=132),效度係數中數為.44。最後研究者提出本研究之限制,與學術研究及實務應用之建議。 / Although biographical information have been shown to be valid predictorsin selection,they have rarely been used in Taiwan, especially in practical field. Toward this end, 713 life insurance salesmen were asked to fill in the biographical inventory to provide personal life history data and 7 easures of the salesmen's performance (tenure,job level, earnings, the number of dealing, intent to leave, identification with the company, and job satisfaction)and 686 were valid. Totlally there are 101 items which can be divided to ten .dimensions in the inventory. The Cronbach alpha value is about .6 (N=686), and retest reliability is about .8 (N=31). Multiple regression analyses of the the factors scores against each of criterion easures of perfromance yield median correlation of .45 (N=268) for the Nouth Taiwan,and .44 (N=168) for the NorthTaiwan. Regression weights were nterpreted to explain the differentialimportance of the factors to the difference performance. The result of the study were interpreted as contributing to the enhanced understanding ofthe life history antecedents of salesmen's performance.

The Role of Height and Weight in the Performance of Salesmen of Ordinary Life Insurance

Murrey, Joe H. 12 1900 (has links)
Despite the obvious importance attached to the psychological significance of height and weight in everyday life, few researchers have studied the relationship of these variables to the sales performance of ordinary life insurance salesmen. In the present study, it was hypothesized that (1) taller and/or heavier ordinary life insurance salesmen are more successful than shorter and/or lighter ordinary life insurance salesmen; (2) those who possess more "ideal statures" are more successful than those who do not; and, secondarily, (3) life insurance companies tend to hire taller and/or heavier applicants for life insurance sales positions. The results of this study offer further support for the view that many sales managers and recruiters tend to believe that "the bigger they are, the better," and to select applicants accordingly, with the qualification that in this sample, female agents were taller, but lighter than average. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for the life insurance industry and future investigations.

Personlighetsegenskaper och dess koppling till utbrändhet : En studie om hur Big fives personlighetsegenskaper påverkar utbrändhetssyndrom hos fastighetsmäklare i Europa

Häggström, Hampus, Wiklund, Cornelia January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: “Personlighetsegenskaper och dess koppling till utbrändhet” Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i företagsekonomi C Författare: Hampus Häggström och Cornelia Wiklund Handledare: Dr. Jonas Kågström och biträdande handledare Martin Ahlenius Datum: Juni 2022 Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning är att kartlägga och analysera utbrändhet hos fastighetsmäklare genom Maslach burnout inventory utifrån Big fives personlighetsegenskaper. Metod: Denna studie är utformad ur en kvantitativ metod med ett deduktivt synsätt. Datainsamlingen utgick från en webbaserad enkätundersökning som skickades ut till 3126 verksamma fastighetsmäklare i Europa. Analysen av datan utfördes i statistikprogrammet “JASP”, där primärt bivariata korrelationsanalyser utfördes för att finna signifikanta samband mellan de olika variablerna. Denna information kunde sedan användas för att redovisa och tolka resultatet. Resultat & slutsats: Utifrån den analyserade datan visade undersökningen att fastighetsmäklarnas personlighetsegenskaper påverkade individens nivå av utbrändhet. Det anträffade positiva signifikanta samband mellan egenskapen neuroticism och utbrändhet. Personlighetsegenskaperna extraversion och conscientiousness visade däremot negativa samband med utbrändhetssyndromen. Undersökningen visade dessutom att det inte endast var personlighetsegenskaperna som påverkade välmående. Trivseln på arbetsplatsen hade även det en stor betydelse för den enskilde individens välmående. Examensarbetets bidrag: Denna studie bidrar teoretiskt med en klarare uppfattning kring utbrändhetsdimensionerna utifrån personlighetsegenskaperna inom Big five. Likaså sambandet till välmående, arbetstillfredsställelse och individens tanke om att lämna arbetsplatsen. Detta praktiska bidrag kan hjälpa individen att förstå dess sårbarhet och utmaningar för att i praktiken kunna förebygga utbrändhetssyndrom. Det hjälper dessutom chefer och ledare som bedriver fastighetsmäklarkontor i Europa att få en inblick i vilka anställda som föreligger större risk att utsättas för utbrändhetssyndrom samt är i behov av extra stöttning. Cheferna och ledarna kan därmed anpassa arbetsmiljön och förhållandena efter individens behov för att bidra till ett bättre välmående på arbetsplatsen och minska personalomsättningen. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Denna studies population omfattar fastighetsmäklare i Europa. Ett intressant bidrag till forskningen hade varit att undersöka andra specifika demografiska områden för att sedan jämföra dessa mot varandra för att se om arbetssättet i de olika områdena skulle vara bättre eller sämre ur ett utbrändhetsperspektiv. / Title: “Personality traits and its connection to burnout” Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Hampus Häggström and Cornelia Wiklund Supervisors: Dr. Jonas Kågström and assistant Martin Ahlenius Date: June 2022 Aim: The purpose of this study is to map and analyze burnout among real estate agents through Maslach burnout inventory based on Big fives personality traits. Method: This study is designed from a quantitative method with a deductive approach. The data collection is based on a web-based survey that was sent out to 3126 active real estate agents in Europe. The analysis of the data was performed in a statistics program named “JASP”, where primarily bivariate correlation analysis was performed to find significant correlations between the various variables. This information could then be used to report and interpret the results. Result & Conclusion: Based on the analyzed data, the study showed that the real estate agents personality traits affected how exposed the individual was to burnout. There were strongly positive significant associations between the trait neuroticism and burnout, while the personality traits extraversion and conscientiousness showed negative associations with burnout syndrome. The study also showed that it was not only the personality traits that affected the well-being of the individual. The comfort of the workplace, however, also has agreat importance for well-being. Contribution of the thesis: This study theoretically contributes with a clearer understanding of the dimensions of burnout based on the personality traits through Big five. Likewise, the connection to well-being, job satisfaction and the individual's thoughts of leaving the workplace. This practical contribution can help the individual to understand its vulnerability and challenges in order to be able to prevent burnout syndrome in practice. It can also help leaders and managers who run real estate agencies in Europe, to gain an insight into which employees are at greater risk of being exposed to burnout syndrome and the employees that are in need of extra support. The leaders and managers can thus adapt the work environmentand conditions to the individual's needs in order to contribute to a better workplace and reduce turnover intention. Suggestions for further research: The population of this study includes real estate agents in Europe. An interesting contribution to science would have been to examine other specific demographic areas and then compare these against each other in order to see if the working methods in the different areas would be better or worse from a burnout perspective.

壽險業務員對業績比賽的認知評估、因應策略與工作投入間之關係研究 / Cognition of selling volume comparison, coping strategies and job involvement.

游紫華, Yu, Tza-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主旨在瞭解壽險業務員對於業績比賽的重要性、業績冠軍的相似性以及個人對於業績表現的控制力評估,是否會影響業務員對於自己業績表現不如他人訊息的因應,並且探討個人所採用的因應方式與後續工作投入程度的關係。本研究的樣本為國內六家壽險公司的323位現職業務員,以問卷調查的方式進行研究,使用的研究工具包含『業績比賽相關題目』、『認知評估量表』、『相似性評估量表』、『因應策略量表』及『工作投入量表』,資料分析主要採用因素分析與變異數分析等方法。 本研究的結果主要為:(一)自我關聯程度評估對於『情緒虛理』、『問題解決』與『逆來順受』因應策略產生顯著影響,並且當個人對於業績比賽的自我關聯程度評估高時,曾較自我關聯評估低組,採用較多的因應策略,而控制力變項則對於『情緒處理』、『問題解決』與『尋求支持』三種因應策略造成顯著影響,即當個人對於業績進步的控制感高時,會較控制感低的業務員,採用較少的『情緒處理』與『尋求支持』,而採用較多的『問題解決』方式來面對業績比賽不如他人的情形。(二)採用較多『情緒處理』因應策略的業務員,其後續的工作投入情形會低於採用較少本策略的業務員;而在『問題解決』因應上,則獲致相反的結果,即採用較多此策略者,其工作投入情形較高。(三)在人口統計變項中,不同的性別對於自我關聯程度、控制力、情緒處理與尋求支持因應策略、工作即生活與工作投入量表總分有影響,而不同年齡則在逆來順受與尋求支持兩變項上有差異,婚姻狀況在尋求支持、工作即生活及工作投入量表總分上有差異,不同的組織別,其控制力、問題解決與尋求支持因應策略亦有所不同。 最後,本研究根據所得結果進行檢討,並對於企業界及後續研究提出一些建議。

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