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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O \'sistema de vogais\' no Mémoire de Ferdinand de Saussure (1879): uma proposta de tradução / On the Vowel System in the Mémoire of Ferdinand de Saussure (1879): a translation proposal

Edgard Santana Bikelis 03 April 2017 (has links)
Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) é conhecido especialmente por ser o autor do Curso de Linguística Geral de 1916, obra vista, pelas gerações que o sucederam, como a fundadora tanto do chamado estruturalismo linguístico, como também da Linguística contemporânea. O Curso, como se sabe, foi editado a partir das notas feitas por seus alunos dos três cursos de linguística geral, proferidos por ele, entre 1907 e 1911, na Universidade de Genebra, e é como autor dessa obra que Saussure é reconhecido no movimento estruturalista do século XX. Em vida, no entanto, seu reconhecimento se deu em grande parte pela publicação do Mémoire sur le système primitif des voyelles indo-européennes, em 1879. Buscamos neste trabalho investigar, pelo viés da Historiografia Linguística, o contexto e o conteúdo do Mémoire de Saussure, ao reconstruir os desenvolvimentos da Linguística Histórica a partir do século XIX e ao traduzir o primeiro capítulo dessa obra, com vistas a recuperar-lhe o sentido do termo sistema, que viria a ser de grande importância para a história da Linguística no século XX. / Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) is mainly known for being the author of the Course in General Linguistics of 1916, a work that was to be regarded, by the future generations, as both the foundation of the linguistic Structuralism and also of the modern Linguistics. The Course, as it is well-known, was edited from the annotations of his students in the three courses in General Linguistics that he lectured, from 1907 to 1911, in the University of Geneva, and it is as the author of this work that Saussure is acknowledged in the Structuralist movement of the 20th century. During his life, however, his renown was due mainly to the publication of the Mémoire sur le système primitif des voyelles indo-européennes, in 1879. We strived, in this this dissertation, to investigate the context and content of this work through the method of the Linguistic Historiography, by reconstructing the development of Historical Linguistics from the start of the 19th century, by translating the first chapter of his book, aiming to recover the sense of the term system being used therein, and which would come to grow in importance for the future history of Linguistics in the 20th century.

Definir e exemplificar: estratégias didáticas no Curso de Linguística Geral (1907) / Defining and Exemplifying: teaching strategies in the Course on General Linguistics

Lygia Rachel Testa Torelli 07 July 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a atividade docente de Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) relativa à Linguística Geral, em 1907, quando o então experiente professor assumiu, pela primeira vez, o ensino da disciplina (Curso I). Nossos pressupostos teóricos provêm da Historiografia Linguística, tal como praticada por Auroux (1994), Koerner (1996) e Swiggers (2004). Nossa problemática parte do reconhecimento de que uma das maneiras de perpetuar a presença de Saussure no cânone dos estudos linguísticos consiste em repetir metáforas e exemplos a ele creditados, como a célebre metáfora do jogo de xadrez para ilustrar o conceito de língua. A partir de estudos historiográficos das funções semiótica e argumentativa de definições e de exemplos de língua (Rey, 1995; Quijada Van den Berghe e Swiggers, 2009; Chevillard et al., 2007), repartimos o material de análise (Saussure, 1996[1907]) em três porções, a que chamamos domínios (Caussat, 1978): Fonologia, Fonética e Analogia, temas do Curso I, para os quais estabelecemos três objetivos principais de pesquisa [1 a 3], e um objetivo secundário [4]: [1] levantar e caracterizar definições nos três domínios; [2] levantar e caracterizar os exemplos de língua nos três domínios; [3] correlacionar o uso de definições e de exemplos de língua nos três domínios; [4] correlacionar os dados apurados em [3] com com o contexto imediato de emergência do Curso I, ou seja, com o ensino da disciplina Linguística Geral na Faculté de Lettres et Sciences Sociales, em Genebra, em 1907 (Vincent, 2013). Nossas análises, que abarcaram 60 (sessenta) definições, apontam para a preferência de se construir uma definição pelo termo (definitio nominis), e não pela coisa (definitio rei), quando se trata de apresentar definições prioritárias ao assunto. Quanto aos exemplos, foram apuradas mais de 2000 (duas mil) ocorrências, com saliente revezamento entre francês e alemão nos três domínios, acompanhados por latim e grego, em uma representação das línguas-objeto feita principalmente por compreensão, ou seja, pelo uso generalizável dos exemplos de língua, que ilustram o conteúdo temático de maneira não-exaustiva. A unidade majoritária dos exemplos é a palavra, e sua disposição espacial preferencial são séries paralelas, ora em contraste simultâneo, ora em relação de sucessão temporal, com poucos paradigmas e declinações. As perguntas retóricas desempenham papel didático frequente e flexível, desde o teste de hipóteses até a apresentação de definições. Observamos, ainda, a ocorrência de definições que apresentam diretamente exemplos de língua, em uma relação bastante forte de interdependência. Reunimos, ainda, mecanismos de organização dos conteúdos temáticos (numerais, grafemas alfabéticos) e de esquematização (tabelas, símbolos e outras rupturas com a linearidade da exposição oral e da anotação escrita). Por fim, observamos estruturas de negação em todos os mecanismos investigados: definições que apresentam aquilo que não é antes daquilo que é, exemplos de língua que não ilustram determinado assunto, perguntas retóricas com respostas frequentemente negativas e oposições entre conceitos, de modo que as relações de oposição, algumas antinômicas, parecem caracterizar de maneira geral a didática de Saussure antes mesmo da formulação explícita do conceito de signo linguístico, que ocorreu, como sabemos, no curso de 1910-1911. / This paper aims to examine the teaching activity of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857- 1913) as to General Linguistics, in 1907, when the experient professor first started a course on the subject. Our work assumes that one way of perpetrating the canon consists of repeating some metaphors and examples accredited to him, as it goes to the famous saussurian chess game metaphor which illustrates the concept of langue. Our theoretical background lies on the Historiography of Linguistics, as professed by Auroux (1994), Koerner (1996) and Swiggers (2004), and the same applies for our methodological assumptions (Rey, 1995). Having established three separate domains within the first course (Saussure, 1996[1907]), Phonology, Phonetics and Analogy, we have then settled three main goals [1 to 3] and one secondary objective [4]: [1] to describe the definitions given in the three domains; [2] to describe and assess the language examples provided by the three domains; [3] relate the uses of definitions to those of language examples; [4] to relate [3] to the immediate context of emergence of the first course, the institutional background of General Linguistics at the Faculté de Lettres et Sciences Sociales, (Geneva, 1907). In order to accomplish the first step [1], we have adopted the classification of definitio rei, definitio nominis, as far as the definition incidence is concerned, and essencial, formal and functional definition, as to its content (Quijada Van den Berghe e Swiggers, 2009). The language examples [2] were analysed through their démarcation, the way they appear in the text; the way the languages being described are represented in the text, which can assume two forms: either par extension, when the totality of the cases are listed, either par compréhension, when the examples are models from which one can generate new instances (Chevillard et al., 2007). Our corpus comprises 60 (sixty) definitions and over two thousand examples. In general terms, the definitio nominis is enhanced when it comes to define priority terms, such as phonology. As to the examples, four languages appear intensely in the domains: french, german, greek and latin. These languages entertain a kind of representation mainly in comprehension.These instances occur as words, in horizontal and parallel series, scarcely in paradigms or declensions. There are definitions which exemplify overtly and directly, with no more material to accomplish a definition, which shows the strict interdependence of these constructions, together with a different mechanism, the rethorical questions. We have gathered, as well, organizing mechanisms (items, topics) and schematization procedures (tables, symboles and strategies that lessen the linearity of the text). Eventually, we have spotted the wide-spread use of negative strategies, such as defining something by what it is not, or excluding elements from a definition, as well as providing language examples which uncorrectly illustrate what is being said, in order to anticipate possible mistakes. Such procedures seem to be a hallmark on Saussures teaching.

La renaissance néosaussurienne du paradigme différentiel en linguistique et son illustration négative par la théorie du présent de l’indicatif en français / The Neosaussurean Renaissance of the differential paradigm in linguistics and its negative illustration by way of the theory of the present indicative in French

Băltăreţu Thénault, Virginica Créola 09 December 2014 (has links)
La découverte du manuscrit De l’essence double du langage (paru dans les Écrits de linguistique générale en 2002) suscite un regain d’intérêt pour Ferdinand de Saussure et, surtout, permet une réévaluation de son programme scientifique. Dans cette mouvance, une interprétation nouvelle de ce programme a été développée par Simon Bouquet : celui-ci entend, dans un cadre épistémologique de type galiléen radicalisant le principe de différentialité, unifier les champs de la linguistique de la langue et de la linguistique de la parole. C’est à une présentation critique du modèle de Bouquet – dit linguistique néosaussurienne de l’interprétation – qu’est consacrée la première partie de cette thèse. Dans la seconde partie, on a voulu mettre en évidence le caractère largement impensé du principe de différentialité en science du langage. On examine pour cela, comme un cas d’école, le traitement réservé par les grammaires à la théorie du présent de l’indicatif en français. On constate que les grammaires anciennes (du XVIe siècle à la fin du XIXe siècle), antérieures à la divulgation du principe de différentialité par le Cours de linguistique générale, tout autant que les grammaires modernes, postérieures au Cours, sont enferrées dans le paradoxe d’une continuité théorique conjuguée à l’absence d’une théorie satisfaisante et partagée ; et l’on argumente que ce paradoxe tient précisément à ce que ces grammaires rejettent de facto le principe saussurien de différentialité. Une conclusion, en forme d’ouverture, esquisse ce que pourrait être une grammaire décrivant, du point de vue de la langue, le système sémantique du présent en français, ainsi que des lois de corrélation postulées par une linguistique néosaussurienne pour rendre compte de l’essence double du langage qui est d’être simultanément langue et parole. / The discovery of the manuscript De l’essence double du langage [The double essence of language] (which appeared in the Écrits de linguistique générale [Writings in General Linguistics] in 2002) gave rise to a renewed interest in Ferdinand de Saussure and, above all, allowed for a revaluation of his scientific project. As part of this movement, a new interpretation of his project has been developed by Simon Bouquet: this involves bringing together the fields of linguistics of both langue and parole within a Galilean epistemology that radicalises the principle of differentiality. The first section of this thesis is dedicated to a critical presentation of Bouquet’s model – known as the linguistique néosaussurienne de l’interprétation. The second section explores the largely understudied nature of the principle of differentiality in the science of language. The way in which grammar books treat the theory of the present indicative in French is examined as a case in point. It is posited that the old grammar books (dating from the 16th to the 19th century), which preceded the diffusion of the principle of differentiality with the ‘Cours de linguistique générale’; and modern grammar books, coming after the Cours; are enmeshed within the paradox of a theoretical continuity conjugated with the absence of a satisfying and shared theory; and it is argued that this paradox conforms exactly with that which these grammar books reject de facto as the Saussurean principle of differentiality. The conclusion, in the form of an opening, outlines the possibility of a grammar which describes, from the perspective of language, the semantic system of the French present tense; as well as the laws of correlation postulated by a neosaussurean linguistics; to give an explanation of the double nature of language which is at once both langue and parole.

Saussure e a questão da referencia na linguagem / Saussure and the issue of reference in the language

Silva, Karen Alves da 08 July 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Fausta Cajahyba Pereira de Castro / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T12:08:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_KarenAlvesda_M.pdf: 1678036 bytes, checksum: a13a3de05bb5bce9a61e460162a07418 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Se para os estudos lingüísticos anteriores a Saussure, o signo se fundava por uma relação de representação assimétrica - A representa B e, B não precisa representar A -, para o genebrino, o signo lingüístico é fruto de uma relação de associação recíproca entre significado e significante: A está associado a B e, isto implica que B esteja associado a A (cf. Milner, 2002, p. 27). Este deslocamento da representação assimétrica para a associação recíproca foi uma importante inovação de Saussure, pois assim a sua teoria, diferentemente dos estudos da época, pôde abdicar de qualquer compromisso para com a forma das coisas materiais (a conjuntura) a fim de focar estritamente as relações lingüísticas. Desse modo, como os objetos materiais não estariam abarcados na teorização saussuriana, a questão da referência não compareceria: a suposta ligação entre língua e mundo material não colocaria problema para a teorização de Saussure. Contudo, segundo Bouquet (1992), os manuscritos do genebrino permitem descobrir um Saussure, ao tratar da relação da língua com os objetos, que menciona a relação do signo a um terceiro termo. De fato, o próprio Saussure, pelo menos uma vez, evoca o modelo triádico de signo para tratar dos nomes geográficos e próprios. Então, teríamos de um lado, as articulações referentes à língua e, de outro, a possibilidade de que a referência compareça na teoria. Diante dessa aparente dicotomia, indagamo-nos se o comparecimento da questão da referência estaria relacionado à "reverberação" dos objetos materiais na teorização do genebrino. Até que ponto o mestre teria conseguido afastar a forma das coisas materiais de suas articulações, se assim objetivava fazer? Buscando entender esses questionamentos e refletir sobre a interferência dos objetos materiais na teorização de Saussure, tecemos algumas considerações, nesta dissertação de mestrado, sobre o momento histórico em que o trabalho do genebrino estava inserido e sobre os deslocamentos teóricos feitos pelo mestre (Capítulo I); sobre a questão do valor e sobre o toque oblíquo das palavras nos objetos materiais (Capítulo II); sobre como o mestre entenderia a questão do sentido lingüístico e sobre como a questão da referência permitiria refletir sobre a constituição das articulações de Saussure (Capítulo II). Sumariamente, nesta dissertação, buscaremos refletir - guiados pelos Escritos de Lingüística Geral (2004), pelo Curso de Lingüística Geral (2001[1916]), por Engler (1989), por Bouquet (1992; 2000), por Milner (2002) e por outros teóricos - sobre a possibilidade da questão da referência ser efetivamente ligada ao trabalho de Saussure ou desta questão ser tratada como uma das "incompletudes" do genebrino e como a problemática do sentido estaria relacionada a estas questões. / Abstract: If for language studies prior to Saussure the sign was established by an asymmetrical relation of representation - A represents B, and B does not need to represent A, for the Genevan, however, the linguistic sign is the result of a relation of reciprocal association between signified and signifier: A is associated with a B, and this implies that B is associated with an A (cf. Milner, 2002, p. 27). This displacement of asymmetrical representation to reciprocal association was an important innovation brought by Saussure. Therefore, unlike the contemporary studies, his theory could abdicate from any commitment to the form of material things (the conjuncture) in order to hold strictly to linguistic relations. Thus, as the material object would not be covered by Saussurian theory, the issue of reference would not appear: the supposed linkage between language and the material world would not pose a problem for Saussure. According to Bouquet (1992), however, the Genevan's manuscripts enable us to discover a Saussure that, when dealing with the relations of language to objects, pointed out a third term in relation to the sign. In fact, Saussure himself, at least once, evoked the triadic model of sign to deal with proper and geographical names. Moreover, in another manuscript, the master questioned himself about the fact that it is intrinsic to the functioning of languages to establish a connection to the world, and that the apparent solution to this conflict is to state that naming approaches the objects obliquely. On the one hand, we would have the joints concerning the language and, on the other, the possibility that the reference emerges at the theory. Facing this apparent dichotomy, we are drawn to question ourselves if the issue of reference would be related to the "reverberation" of material objects in the theory of the Genevan. / Mestrado / Linguistica / Mestre em Linguística

A Semiotic Study of Signs Used in a Swedish Primary School.

Dahl, Alice January 2016 (has links)
Semiotics and the concept of signs can be used to analyse the signs that can be found in a Swedish primary school in order to understand and expand our understanding of the role of signifiers, including cultural ones, in child education. The study identifies what signs can be found, what purpose they have and what category of sign they belong to, whether they are signs as defined by Saussure, how they might be categorized within Peirce‘s triadic typology and, applying Barthes’ notion of cultural signification, the extent to which they contribute to maintaining and promoting a school’s identity and values. In order to analyse the signs, a Swedish public primary school located in Halmstad was visited and the visible signs were photographed and catalogued. In order to confirm the intentions behind the design and meaning of signs, an interview with a senior teacher was arranged. The result, and signs, that were documented and described; these included drawings, emergency escape signs, posters, diplomas and other instructions with picture or sign language representations. The signs were categorized and analysed using semiotic theories of signs suggested by Saussure, Peirce and Barthes. The study facilitates a clearer understanding of the range of functions of signs in schools, both for practical purposes and as signifiers of culture and identity, and also highlights the possible applications and limitations of using semiotic theories in investigating generated meanings in physical locations.

Langage et histoire chez Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Balagué, Laurent Escoubas, Éliane. January 2008 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat : Philosophie : Paris Est : 2008. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre.

A cabinet in the clouds J.A. de Luc, H.B. de Saussure and the changing perception of the high Alps, 1760-1810 /

Goldstein, Eric, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis ( M.A.). / Written for the Dept. of History. Title from title page of PDF (viewed 2008/01/14). Includes bibliographical references.

O saussurismo e a escola francesa de análise de discurso: ruptura ou continuidade? / Le saussurisme et l'ecole française d'analyse de discours: rupture ou continuité?

Cruz, Marcio Alexandre 28 April 2006 (has links)
Depuis 1957, un travail de caractère philologique concernant les écrits du linguiste Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) se développe. Ces recherches, en général, écartent l étude du Cours le linguistique générale, considéré comme un texte apocryphe, et leur intérêt est surtout la reconstitution de la « véritable » pensée saussurienne, « déformée » par le travail des éditeurs du Cours. Néanmoins, d après nos analyses dans ce travail, nous avons conclu que, dans une grande mesure, le Cours n est pas en effet un texte tout à fait apocryphe. En nous concentrant sur la dimension historique des faits linguistiques chez Saussure, nous avons vu que la langue comme système de signes ne s oppose pas à l histoire, même si l on prend comme référence le Cours, ce qui d ailleurs ouvre un nouveau débat : pourquoi a-t-on lu Saussure de cette façon ? Cela posé, nous n envisageons pas une nouvelle lecture. Notre question concerne plutôt le « comment » des représentations de Saussure. Nous avons ainsi comme objet d étude des lectures de Saussure. Nous nous concentrons en particulier sur la lecture du linguiste et philosophe français Michel Pêcheux (1938-1983) lors de son projet d une analyse de discours dans les années 1960/70, dont le point de départ se situe là où, pour lui, la linguistique trouve ses limites. L auteur pointe une filiation à la perspective de Saussure aussi que la nécessité d un changement de terrain. Nous nous demandons toutefois jusqu à quel point un tel changement de terrain s opère-t-il effectivement. Il nous semble que, si l historiographie à court terme pointe des ruptures, nous pouvons faire valoir à long terme des continuités entre l ordre de la langue et l ordre du discours. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Since 1957, a philological work concerning the writings of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) has been developed. These researches, in general, reject the study of the Cours de linguistique générale, considered as an apocryphal text, and their interests is mainly the reconstitution of Saussure s true thought, deformed by the work of the editors of the Cours. Nevertheless, according to our analyses in this work, we have concluded that, in a large measure, the Cours is not in fact such an apocryphal text. Concentrating ourselves on the historical dimension of linguistic facts in Saussure, we have seen that the langue as a system of signs is not opposed to history, even if we have as reference the Cours, which opens a new debate: why have we read Saussure this way? Thus we do not want to make a new reading. Our question concerns rather the how of the representations of Saussure. We have as object readings of Saussure. We concentrate ourselves specially on the reading by the french linguist and philosopher Michel Pêcheux (1938-1983), during the constitution of his project of a discourse analyses in the 1960/70, whose start is the point where, according to him, linguistics finds its limits. The author indicates his filiation to Saussure as well as the necessity of a terrain change. However, we ask in which measure such a change actually takes place. It seems that, if short-term historiography points ruptures, we can point as well long-term continuities.

Towards accounting semiology : an interdisciplinary re-conceptualisation of IFRS asset recognition and measurement

Hayoun, Shaul January 2018 (has links)
In the spirit of interdisciplinary critical accounting studies and in light of the IASB’s on-going Conceptual Framework project, this thesis problematises and proposes a re-conceptualisation of two fundamental financial accounting practices: recognition and measurement of assets. In order to do so, the thesis steps outside financial accounting’s conventional disciplinary resources of economics and finance. It proposes to mobilise Ferdinand de Saussure’s semiology, which, defined as a theory of social sign systems, provides a meaningful delineation of financial accounting as a purposeful sign technology. With such a lens and with a research approach of going beyond IASB’s proclaimed concepts and narrative to its nuanced prescriptions, the thesis challenges taken-for-granted assumptions with regard to the market-based nature of Fair Value measurement and the characterisation of judgement involved in recognition. With respect to value measurement, the thesis harness semiology to fracture the dichotomy between the market and the entity perspectives, which is generally assumed in extant accounting research and policy-making. It is shown how the IASB’s Fair Value measurement prescriptions demonstrate semiology's two-dimensional 'value constellation', where the asset’s value is not merely relational (and not intrinsic) but, importantly, relational in two distinct dimensions. It is a product, first, of differentiation from other values in the market and, second, of interrelation with other values in the specific entity. With a semiological theorisation of the financial statement, market-based and entity-specific perspectives serve as complementary inputs rather than contradictory outputs. With respect to recognition, the thesis proposes to shift the locus of judgment from questions of recognition thresholds (probability and reliability) to the under-investigated issue of the asset’s separability from the firm’s general cash flow. It is shown how the IASB’s procedures manifest the semiological principle of ‘reciprocal articulation’: accounting entities (e.g., ‘assets’) are not passive representations of pre-existing economic resources, but rather a product of delimiting – carving out – the asset/resource from the broader category (or the entire firm). With such theorisation, the crux of recognition is separability, which is never natural or technical, but rather anchorless and reciprocal. The thesis thereby sheds light on the plasticity of recognition for both tangible and intangible assets. With its theory-informed analysis the thesis offers a set of conceptual instruments – value constellation and reciprocal articulation – as the logic of the balance sheet as a sign technology: its semio-logic. With Saussure’s ground-breaking linguistic semiology, it offers a parallel financial-numeric semiology: an Accounting Semiology.

Fundamentos filosóficos da semântica argumentativa: um legado de Platão à linguística

Rocha, Thomas January 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-14T18:10:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 000477586-Texto+Completo-0.pdf: 916017 bytes, checksum: 7fc4984a72f7186a0d7ddeaadb3ff16f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / This work aims to address the nexus between the theory of alterity developed by Plato in his Sophist dialogue and the theory of linguistic value introduced by Ferdinand de Saussure in his Course in General Linguistics (CGL). It departs from the hypothesis raised by Oswald Ducrot that Saussure, by developing the notion of linguistic value, applies in the study of language what Plato stated about ideas. Ducrot – an expert in classical philosophy – draws in the linguistic value theory to develop the branch in linguistic studies known as Argumentative Semantics. According to Ducrot, it is possible to find the philosophical origin of Saussure's theory of value in Plato's theory of alterity. The article intends to draw on a detailed study on the dialogue between Sophist and CGL to circumscribe concepts belonging to different fields of study: philosophy and linguistics. Thus, it aims an epistemological perspective. By the means of the aforementioned works, Ducrot set a nexus between the idea of alterity and the notion of value by finding in both the idea of “opposition” as constitutive of the issues under analysis. Through the investigation and the deepening of the understanding on the notion of value, it tries to reveal the philosophical influences under the concept developed by the Genebrian linguist. Both Plato and Saussure have set discourses which echo in posterity. These discourses are texts dialoguing with the theories they help to build. In this regard, it looks to counterpoint their interdiscursivity. / Nesta dissertação, nos propomos a fazer um estudo que coloca em relação a teoria da alteridade, elaborada por Platão no diálogo Sofista, e a teoria do valor linguístico apresentada no Curso de linguística geral (CLG) de Ferdinand de Saussure. Partimos da hipótese levantada por Oswald Ducrot de que, ao desenvolver a noção de valor linguístico, Saussure aplica ao estudo da linguagem o que Platão disse sobre as Ideias. Profundo conhecedor da filosofia clássica, Ducrot encontrou, na teoria do valor linguístico, a fundamentação que o lançou na pesquisa linguística e que hoje conhecemos pelo nome de Semântica Argumentativa. Segundo Ducrot, na teoria da alteridade concebida por Platão encontramos a origem filosófica da teoria saussuriana do valor. Nossa intenção é, partindo de um estudo minucioso do diálogo Sofista e do CLG, circunscrever a concepção de diferentes conceitos que, por sua vez, pertencem a diferentes campos do conhecimento: a filosofia e a linguística. Dessa forma, é de uma perspectiva epistemológica que nos colocamos. Foi através desses textos que Ducrot pode relacionar a ideia de alteridade com a noção de valor, ao encontrar, em ambas, a ideia de “oposição” como constitutiva das entidades a serem analisadas. De modo que, ao investigar e aprofundar a noção de valor, tentamos explicitar as influências filosóficas que fundamentaram o conceito desenvolvido pelo linguista genebrino. Tanto Platão quanto Saussure são fundadores de discursos que ecoam na posteridade. São textos que dialogam com as teorias que ajudam a constituir, de modo que buscamos colocar em contraponto essa convergência discursiva.

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