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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A contribution to a paradigm shift in CSR : a study through the lens of Structuration theory / Une contribution à un changement de paradigme en RSE : une étude à travers la théorie de la Structuration

Bataillard, Carole 23 September 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse s’éloigne des cadres habituels des recherches en gestion ayant étudié les tensions en matière de RSE pour adopter un nouveau cadre intégrateur afin d'explorer de manière descriptive son intégration à la fois aux niveaux individuel, organisationnel et institutionnel.Des analyses de contenus d’entretiens, de documents historiques et de récits de vie ont permis de mettre au point un modèle décrivant les conditions nécessaires à l’intégration de la RSE au sein d’un système social. Ainsi, les modalités des structures de signification, de légitimation et de domination sont examinées (Giddens, 1984) afin de révéler les caractéristiques et les mécanismes sous-tendant les schémas interprétatifs, normes et ressources mobilisés (Giddens, 1984).Cette thèse contribue à la littérature sur la RSE en remettant en question les idées conventionnelles selon lesquelles celle-ci est intrinsèquement complexe, et suggère que les éléments constitutifs de la RSE ne sont pas nécessairement divergents et difficiles à mettre en œuvre simultanément. En ce sens, elle démontre qu’une congruence peut se produire entre la structure institutionnelle et les actions RSE sous certaines conditions. / Constructed upon management research that has studied CSR tensions, this thesis shifts away from the usual frames toward a new integrative frame to descriptively explore the integration of CSR at the individual, organizational and institutional levels simultaneously.The content analyses of interviews, historic documents and self-narratives yielded insights which enabled us to build a model describing the necessary conditions for CSR integration to occur. In this way, the structural modalities of the signification, legitimation and domination structures are examined and the dynamics which attend the integration of CSR in the social system are explored in order to reveal the characteristics and mechanisms underlying the interpretative schemes, norms and resources (Giddens, 1984).Consequently, a model of a sustainable paradigm grounded in empirical data is developed and the theoretical implications discussed. This thesis contributes to the CSR literature by challenging the conventional ideas that CSR is inherently difficult in suggesting that the constitutive elements of CSR are not necessarily divergent and difficult to implement simultaneously. In this sense, it empirically demonstrates that congruence between the institutional structure and CSR may occur under certain conditions.

En sak i taget – bättre förutsättningar för god eftervård på förlossningen : Personalens erfarenheter av den omedelbara eftervården efter ett förbättringsarbete / One thing at a time - better conditions for good postpartum care : Staff experience of the immediate postpartum care after an improvement work

Gröndal, Katarina January 2021 (has links)
De första timmarna efter födseln ska en rad åtgärder, viktiga för såväl kvinnan som det nyfödda barnet, utföras. Den nyblivna familjen lämnas ofta innan dessa åtgärder är slutförda.  Förbättringsarbetets syfte var att skapa bättre förutsättningar för god eftervård på förlossningsavdelningen under barnets första två–tre levnadstimmar. Studiens syfte var att efter förbättringsarbetet undersöka personalens erfarenheter av förbättringsarbetet och av att ostört arbeta klart med den omedelbara eftervården Förbättringsarbetet utfördes med hjälp av 5p, Nolans förbättringsmodell och sensemaking-aktiviteter. Studiens gruppintervjuer analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Andelen kvinnor som fick ha ostörd personal kvar ökade. Kvinnornas upplevelser av den omedelbara eftervården förbättrades liksom medarbetarnas bedömning om rimlig arbetsbelastning. Andelen barn som ammat ökade. Den kvalitativa intervjustudien visade att arbetssättet upplevdes ha betydelse för patientsäkerhet och arbetstillfredsställelsen. Sensemaking-aktiviteterna hade skapat förståelse för syftet med förbättringsarbetet.  Att ostört arbeta vidare med den omedelbara eftervården gav ökat värde för kvinnan och för barnet.  Personalens arbetstillfredsställelse ökade. Det krävs arbete för att påminna om när anpassningar mellan kvalitet och effektivitet är nödvändiga. Sensemaking är verkningsfullt för att skapa förståelse för förändring men metoden är tidskrävande. / In the first hours after birth, a number of measures, important for both the woman and the newborn, must be performed. The new family is often left alone before these measures are completed.  The aim was to create better conditions for good postpartum care during the child's first 2-3 hours of life. The aim of the study was to examine the staff's experiences of the improvement work and of working undisturbed with the immediate postpartum care.  The improvement work was carried out with the help of 5p, Nolan's improvement model and sensemaking activities. The study's group interviews were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The proportion of women who were allowed to keep undisturbed staff increased. The women's experiences of immediate postpartum care were improved, as was the employees' assessment of a reasonable workload. The proportion of children who breastfed increased. The interviews showed that the working method was perceived to be important for patient safety and job satisfaction. The sensemaking activities reminded of the importance of postpartum care.  Being able to work undisturbed with the immediate postpartum care increased value for both the woman and the newborn. It also improved job satisfaction for the staff. Efforts are needed to remind when adjustments between quality and efficiency are necessary. Sensemaking is effective in creating motivation for change, but the method is time-consuming.

”Jag var beredd på att bli arbetslös men jag njöt, det var ju sommar.” : En studie om hur anställda skapar mening under nedskärningar / ” I was prepared to be unemployed, but it was summer, so I enjoyed it.” : A study of how employees create meaning during layoffs

Måhlgren Radibratovic, Emma, Gutierrez, Silvana January 2022 (has links)
Restaurangbranschen i Sverige har blivit hårt drabbat av pandemin covid-19 vilket gjort att många restauranger varit tvungna att genomföra nedskärningar. Det har medfört att många individer blivit arbetslösa. Sensemaking uppstår när individer försöker förstå meningen bakom en upplevelse som har inträffat. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur medarbetare inom restaurangbranschen skapar mening i samband med nedskärningar för att ta reda på vilka faktorer som har en påverkan på individens sensemaking. Studien har primärt använt sig av Karl Weicks (1995) teori gällande de sju principerna av sensemaking som teoretiskt ramverk men även relevanta forskningsstudier om nedskärningar i restaurangbranschen och sensegiving. Det empiriska underlaget utgår från åtta genomförda semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda inom restaurangbranschen som har blivit uppsagda under pandemin. Genom att använda sig av en tematisk analys på det empiriska materialet har det hittats samband och olikheter mellan respondenterna svar som utformat teman som exempelvis kommunikation, tidigare erfarenheter, ryktesspridning, hantering av nedskärning och relationer. Studiens resultat visar på att respondenterna skapat sin sensemaking i samband med nedskärningarna genom att förlita sig sina tidigare erfarenheter, interaktioner med andra i sin omgivning och individens egen självuppfattning. Påverkande faktorer har bestått av ekonomiskt stöd, familj och vänner, självkänsla och individens tidigare erfarenheter. Slutsatsen är att individernas sensemaking påverkats negativt av organisationsstrukturen, chefers agerande och avsaknaden av den interna kommunikationen som finns inom restaurangbranschen. Studien belyser att bristande faktorer inte verkar prioriteras, dock uppkommer det en svårighet att bedöma det då studien utgår från ett medarbetarperspektiv. Trots de bristande faktorerna som identifierats är det de andra faktorer som blir mer påtagliga och utgör grunden i individens sensemaking-process. / The restaurant industry in Sweden has been hit hard by the pandemic covid-19, which has meant that many restaurants have had to make cuts. As a result, many individuals have become unemployed. Sensemaking occurs when individuals try to understand the meaning behind an experience that has occurred. The purpose of the study is to investigate how employees in the restaurant industry create meaning in connection with cuts to find out which factors have an impact on the individual's sensemaking. The study has primarily used Karl Weick's (1995) theory regarding the seven principles of sensemaking as a theoretical framework but also relevant research studies on cuts in the restaurant industry and sensegiving. The empirical data is based on eight completed semi-structured interviews with employees in the restaurant industry who have been laid off during the pandemic. By using a thematic analysis of the empirical material, connections and differences have been found between the respondents' answers that has shaped themes such as communication, previous experiences, rumors, handling of cuts and relationships. The results of the study show that the respondents created their sensemaking in connection with the cuts by relying on their previous experiences, interactions with others and the individual's own self-perception. Influencing factors have consisted of financial support, family and friends, self-esteem, and the individual's previous experiences. The conclusion is that the individuals' sensemaking was negatively affected by the organizational structure, the actions of managers and the lack of internal communication that exists in the restaurant industry. The study highlights that the lack of factors does not seem to be prioritized, however, there is a difficulty in assessing it as the study is based on an employee perspective. Despite the lack of factors identified, it's the other factors that become more apparent and form the basis of the individual's sensemaking process.

Making sense of digitalization : En fallstudie om digital transformation

Lyxell, Tobias, Mossö Wendelius, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie visar hur både sensemaking och berättelser tjänar som verktyg för att ge fördjupad förståelse för de implikationer som digitalisering innebär för moderna organisationer och därigenom samspelet mellan organisering och digitalisering. Berättelser bidrar med en djupare förståelse för hur sensemaking konstrueras och struktureras i en organisation under digital transformation. Sensemaking och berättande visar hur organisationen konstruerar olika förändringsbilder av digitalisering, hur dessa fluktuerar, samt vad detta kan innebära för organisationens arbete med detta. / This study shows how both sensmaking and storytelling serve as a tool for providing in-depth understanding of the implications that digitalization entails for modern organizations and thereby the interaction between organizing and digitization. Stories contribute with a deeper insight of the way in which sensmaking is constructed and structured within an organization undertaking digital transformation. Sensemaking and storytelling show how the organization portrays various change images of digitization, the way these fluctuate, and what implications they may pose for organizations.

Att rationalisera en kris : en kvalitativ studie om hur event managers skapat mening under Covid-19 / To Rationalize a Crisis : a qualitative study on how Event Managers made sense during Covid-19

Persson, Michaela, Löfman, Cecilia, Fleige, Antonia Charlotte January 2022 (has links)
I början av 2020 påverkade Covid-19-pandemin hela vårt samhälle och satte flertalet branscher i svåra situationer. Folkhälsomyndigheten införde tillsammans med regeringen olika begränsningar för offentliga och privata sammankomster i Sverige, vilket drabbade eventbranschen särskilt hårt. Åtgärderna tvingade svenska eventorganisationer att skjuta upp, ställa in eller tänka om utförandet av dess event vilket resulterade i en stor förändring och påverkan av branschen. Men under början av 2022 kom beslutet att häva de flesta restriktionerna i samhället och de event managers som fortfarande arbetade inom branschen fick möjlighet att reflektera över de upplevelser de varit med om under denna kris. Studien syftar till att studerar hur event managers rationaliserat sina upplevelser under Covid-19-pandemin. Upplevelserna analyseras genom ramverket av Weicks teori om sensemaking, som beskrivs som en process av sju ”egenskaper”. Dessa om hur individer förstår och skapar mening av komplexa samt osäkra situationer, för att finna positiva effekter av pandemin. Genom 14 semistrukturerade intervjuer med verksamma individer inom eventbranschen ger studien en djupgående bild över dess upplevelser under Covid-19. Slutsatsen som dras i studien är att event managers har rationaliserat sina upplevelser under Covid-19 genom Weicks teori om sensemaking och genom denna process har de funnit positiva effekter av krisen. Vidare visas att alla delar av processen är viktiga för att kunna skapa mening i en osäker situation som Covid-19-krisen var. Studien ger dessutom ett nytt positivt perspektiv på Covid-19-pandemins effekter och bidrar med reflektion kring hur eventbranschen påverkats. Studien är skriven på svenska. / In early 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic took over our entire society and put most industries in a difficult position. The Swedish Public Health Agency, together with the government, introduced various restrictions on public and private gatherings in Sweden, which particularly affected the event industry. The measures forced Swedish event organizations to postpone, cancel planned events or think about new ways to create value, which resulted in a major change and impact on the industry. However, in the beginning of 2022, a decision was made to have most of the restrictions removed in the society and the event managers who worked in the industry had the opportunity to reflect back on the experiences they had during this crisis. This essay studies how event managers rationalized their experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. The experiences are analyzed through the framework of Weick's theory of sensemaking, which is described as a process of seven “properties” around how individuals understand and create meaning of complex and uncertain situations, this to find positive effects of the pandemic. The study provides an in-depth picture of event managers' experiences of Covid-19 as a crisis through 14 semi-structured interviews with individuals working in the event industry. The conclusion drawn in this study is that event managers have rationalized their experiences during Covid-19 through Weick's theory of sensemaking and through this process they have found positive effects of the crisis. Furthermore, the study shows that all parts of the process are important in order to be able to create meaning in an uncertain situation such as the Covid-19 crisis. The study also provides a new positive perspective on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and contributes with reflection on how the event industry has been affected. The study is written in Swedish.


ALANE DE OLIVEIRA BARBOSA 03 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese tem como objetivo entender como as funcionárias de uma empresa brasileira do ramo de construção civil estão percebendo, interpretando e construindo o sentido acerca das ações que essa empresa vem implementando com o intuito de diminuir a desigualdade de gênero no ambiente organizacional. A tese subjacente a esse objetivo é que a construção de um ambiente mais igualitário em termos de gênero depende, principalmente, do entendimento, da criação e do compartilhamento dos sentidos - entre as pessoas - sobre a importância da busca por igualdade de gênero e sobre a pertinência das ações voltadas a esse propósito. Para compreender a construção desse entendimento coletivo, a perspectiva teórica do sensemaking foi explorada nessa tese com vistas a entender o processo de sensegiving da construtora e as transformações de significados diante das mudanças que estão ocorrendo, no ambiente organizacional, para ampliar a igualdade de gênero nessa empresa. Para aprofundar o entendimento desse sentido, criado e compartilhado entre as funcionárias da empresa pesquisada, elegeu-se a lente teórica desenvolvida por Joan Acker que discute as subestruturas de gênero, os regimes de desigualdade e o trabalhador ideal forjados nos contextos organizacionais. O método de pesquisa escolhido é o qualitativo, mais aderente a investigações de cunho interpretativista, como a endereçada nesta tese. Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais e em grupo focal com trabalhadoras mulheres que atuam na construtora escolhida para a pesquisa. Além de uma pesquisa documental com a exploração de e-mails e conteúdos publicados em redes sociais. A análise dos dados das entrevistas foi feita através da análise de narrativa temática buscando entender como as funcionárias vêm interpretando e criando sentidos relativos às políticas e iniciativas que a empresa vem implementando. Para a análise documental a análise de conteúdo foi usada para entender a implementação da Gestão da Diversidade. Dentre os principais achados da pesquisa, destaca-se que que o patriarcado, enquanto sistema social, é uma barreira que impende a evolução do processo de construção de sentido acerca das políticas que buscam um ambiente mais igualitário de gênero, todavia, os exemplos positivos compartilhados pelas mulheres trouxeram esperança por um ambiente mais igualitário de gênero. Chamou atenção, durante as entrevistas, que muitas das entrevistadas não sabiam sobre práticas e políticas, houve a necessidade de explicar o que a construtora está implementando. A importância da liderança dentro do processo pela busca de um ambiente mais igualitário de gênero é outro achado desta pesquisa. Espera-se que a pesquisa contribua para os estudos sobre gestão de pessoas e gestão da diversidade ao explorar o processo de implementação de políticas que buscam por diversidade e inclusão. Para os estudos feministas, espera-se contribuir para o entendimento de como o tema igualdade de gênero vem sendo interpretado, na prática, no contexto das organizações. Para os estudos organizacionais, em especial para a perspectiva do sensemaking, busca contribuir com o desvelamento do processo de sensegiving acerca das iniciativas voltadas para a promoção da diversidade de gênero em uma organização de grande porte. / [en] This thesis aims to understand how employees of a Brazilian company in the construction industry are perceiving, interpreting and constructing meaning about the actions that this company has been implementing with the aim of reducing gender inequality in the organizational environment. The thesis underlying this objective is that the construction of a more egalitarian environment in terms of gender depends, mainly, on the understanding, creation and sharing of meanings - among people - about the importance of the search for gender equality and about the relevance of actions aimed at this purpose. To understand the construction of this collective understanding, the theoretical perspective of sensemaking was explored in this thesis with a view to understanding the construction company s sensegiving process and the transformations of meanings in the face of the changes that are occurring, in the organizational environment, to expand gender equality in this company. To deepen the understanding of this meaning, created and shared among the employees of the researched company, the theoretical lens developed by Joan Acker was chosen, which discusses gender substructures, inequality regimes and the ideal worker forged in organizational contexts. The chosen research method is qualitative, more in line with interpretative investigations, such as the one addressed in this thesis. Individual and focus group interviews were carried out with female workers who work in the construction company chosen for the research. In addition to documentary research exploring emails and content published on social networks. The analysis of interview data was carried out through thematic narrative analysis, seeking to understand how employees have been interpreting and creating meanings related to the policies and initiatives that the company has been implementing. For document analysis, content analysis was used to understand the implementation of Diversity Management. Among the main findings of the research, it is highlighted that patriarchy, as a social system, is a barrier that impedes the evolution of the process of constructing meaning regarding policies that seek a more gender egalitarian environment, however, the positive examples shared by women brought hope for a more gender-equal environment. It was noteworthy during the interviews that many of the interviewees did not know about practices and policies, there was a need to explain what the construction company is implementing. The importance of leadership within the process of seeking a more gender-equal environment is another finding of this research. It is expected that the research will contribute to studies on people management and diversity management by exploring the process of implementing policies that seek diversity and inclusion. For feminist studies, it is expected to contribute to the understanding of how the theme of gender equality has been interpreted, in practice, in the context of organizations. For organizational studies, especially from the perspective of sensemaking, it seeks to contribute to the unveiling of the sensegiving process regarding initiatives aimed at promoting gender diversity in a large organization.

La construction du sens des expériences interculturelles au sein d’une organisation multinationale : une étude de cas.

Yang, Lu 03 1900 (has links)
Avec une mondialisation omniprésente, les études sur l’aspect interculturel des organisations deviennent de plus en plus d’actualité et fascinent les chercheurs comme les praticiens. Notre étude suit donc cette voie et porte sur la construction du sens de l’expérience interculturelle au sein d’une entreprise multinationale. Nous avons cherché à comprendre, d’un point de vue interprétatif, comment les acteurs construisent le sens des caractères multinationaux et interculturels de l’entreprise, à travers leurs expériences au sein d’une multinationale québécoise. La recherche existante discute les aspects culturels et communicatifs tels que le contexte, la langue et le flux de message, identifiés par E.T. Hall (Hall, 1976, 1990) comme centraux dans la problématique générale de la communication interculturelle. Nous avons cependant abordé ces mêmes aspects depuis la perspective de la théorie du sensemaking (Weick, 1995) en nous centrant sur les points de vue des acteurs et de leurs expériences. Sur la base d’entrevues en profondeur, la recherche montre que, bien qu’il soit fortement valorisé par tous les interviewés, l’aspect interculturel n’a pas été profondément intégré dans les pratiques communicatives de tous les jours, comme nous aurions pu le croire. Néanmoins, cet aspect exerce une influence réelle et considérable pour certains employés, comme les gestionnaires des ressources humaines et des relations publiques, due essentiellement à la nature même de leurs fonctions. Les résultats suggèrent également que l’aspect interculturel est vécu de manière fort différente selon l’identité qui est attachée à l’organisation. Cette dernière est en effet parfois considérée comme (1) une organisation « locale », c’est-à-dire en référence à son origine québécoise, comme (2) une organisation multinationale, en référence aux interactions entre les parties de l’organisation dispersées dans le monde entier, et enfin (3) comme une firme étrangère du point de vue des acteurs des pays hôtes. Dans les trois cas les enjeux interculturels pour les acteurs varient considérablement tout comme, en conséquence, le sens qui est accordé à cet aspect de l’organisation. Mots-clés : Expérience interculturelle, organisation multinationale, théorie du sensemaking, communication interculturelle. / As globalization expands, the intercultural dimensions of organizations and organizational communication draw more and more scholars and practitioners’ attention. Along these lines, this study describes how managers of a multinational organization make sense of their intercultural experiences in everyday work life and their views on the intercultural aspect of the company, using an interpretive perspective. Current research identifies a number of themes as central to intercultural communication: context, message flux and language (Hall, 1976, 1990). This study revisits these constructs from the standpoint of the theory of sensemaking developed by Karl E. Weick (1995), on the basis of which managers’ accounts of their daily experiences of intercultural communication are examined. From interview data, the study shows how the issue of interculturality, although regarded as important and as a valuable asset of the organization, is not consequential for the daily communication practices of most managers in the case under study. It is however quite influential for HR and PR management because of the very nature of their activities. Results also suggest that the intercultural dimension of a multinational organization is experienced in slightly different ways depending on the framing of the organization’s identity. From the standpoint of its region or country of origin, the organization is framed as “local” and domestic. From the perspective of its many relations with its divisions around the world, the organization’s identity tends to be framed as “multinational” and, finally, from the standpoint of the host country, the organization’s identity is framed as “foreign”. These framings are consequential for the definitions and meanings of intercultural communication managers make out of the intercultural dimension of the organization. Keywords: intercultural experiences, intercultural communication, sensemaking, multinational organization.

Prévenir les risques psychosociaux permet-il de préserver la santé au travail ? : une analyse par les théories de l’auto-détermination et du sensemaking / Preventing psychosocial risks helps to preserve health at work ? : an analysis by the theories of self-determination and sensemaking

Nestea, Paula 21 September 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse de doctorat, le sujet de la transformation de démarches de prévention des risques psychosociaux en outils de la préservation de la santé au travail est abordé sous le prisme des théories de l’auto-détermination et du sensemaking. Cette recherche consiste en une étude qualitative de différentes organisations publiques dans lesquelles des démarches de prévention des risques psychosociaux ont été mises en place et à la collecte et à l’analyse quantitative de 1373 questionnaires administrés aux employés d’une organisation publique. Les résultats obtenus soulignent le rôle de l’action créatrice de sens, de la motivation autonome et de la satisfaction des besoins d’autonomie, d’affiliation et de compétence comme des variables cruciales de la réussite de démarches de prévention de risques psychosociaux et de la mise en place de mécanismes de prévention primaire. La satisfaction des besoins d’autonomie, d’affiliation et de compétence joue aussi un grand rôle dans la réalisation du bien-être au travail. Cette recherche présente donc des apports théoriques nouveaux en gestion des ressources humaines qui peuvent aussi inspirer de meilleures pratiques organisationnelles. / This PhD thesis addresses the issue of the transformation of interventions destined to prevent psychosocial risks into more durable organisational changes that would increase the health and well-being of employees, analysed through the lens of the theories of self-determination and of sensemaking. This research consists in a qualitative case study of different public organisations in which such interventions have been conducted, and in the quantitative analysis of 1373 surveys collected in one public organisation. The results of this research highlight the importance of sensemaking, of autonomous motivation and satisfaction of the three fundamental needs for autonomy, relatedness and competence as major variables for the success of interventions for the prevention of psychosocial risks. Furthermore, helping their employees to fulfil their needs for autonomy, relatedness and competence is also linked to an increase in their well-being. This research introduces a new theoretical frame that can both benefit the academic field of human resources management and organisational practices.

La construction du sens des expériences interculturelles au sein d’une organisation multinationale : une étude de cas

Yang, Lu 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

O sensemaking e o Comit? Regional das Associa??es e Cooperativas do Artesanato Seridoense :buscando compreender um complexo de rela??es

Sousa, Andre Lacerda Batista de 07 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-24T20:17:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AndreLBS_DISSERT.pdf: 2336976 bytes, checksum: 8dfd6a3f335c142b16fcc2ff38debedf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-07 / The generation of direction, sensemaking, is the process where the actors start to perceive the events around them establishing and creating meanings in their actions that they play daily. At the moment where they happen the interactions in a net business-oriented between the actors are that sensemaking is generated. A business-oriented example of a relationship net is the work developed for the Committee of Associations and Regional Cooperatives of Handcraft of Serid? - CRACAS. This organization, with headquarters in the city of Caic? - Rio Grande of North exists with the objective to manage the net of craftsmen of the region of the norteriograndense Serid?. The present inquiry had as objective generality to understand the generation of sensible of the activities carried through for the organizational, inserted actors in the CRACAS in Caic?/RN, directed toward the use of the resources in its daily business-oriented. The specific objectives had been) To identify the resources used for the organizational actors of the CRACAS; b) To apprehend the way for which the craftsmen play activities directed toward the control and use of the available resources in its environment business-oriented; c) To identify the role played for the organizational actors (craftsmen) in its business-oriented daily activities; d) To understand as the organizational actors of the CRACAS they generate sensible of its business-oriented activities and finally e) To verify the principles that guide the interactions of the craftsmen. Of this process of empirical inquiry, the methodology used in the inquiry consisted of a Study of Case in the CRACAS and the seven Associations of the Embroidering it. It was concluded that sensemaking happens during the accomplishment of the activity as during the confection of the products. In accordance with craftsman the financial resources do not come from the CRACAS. One evidenced that the seven cities of the business-oriented embroidering interact as a net of the handcraft and that it exists a lack of resources and infrastructure in the associations / A gera??o de sentido, sensemaking, ? o processo onde os atores organizacionais come?am a perceber os eventos ao seu redor estabelecendo e criando significados nas a??es que desempenham em seu cotidiano. No momento em que acontecem as intera??es em uma rede de neg?cios entre os atores ? que o sensemaking ? gerado. Um exemplo de uma rede de relacionamento de neg?cios ? o trabalho desenvolvido pelo Comit? de Associa??es e Cooperativas Regionais de Artesanato do Serid? - CRACAS. Essa organiza??o, com sede na cidade de Caic? - Rio Grande de Norte existe com o objetivo de administrar a rede de artes?os da regi?o do Serid? norteriograndense. A presente investiga??o teve como objetivo geral compreender a gera??o de sentido das atividades realizadas pelos atores organizacionais, inseridos no CRACAS em Caic?/RN, voltadas para a utiliza??o dos recursos em seu cotidiano de neg?cios. Os objetivos espec?ficos foram a) Identificar os recursos utilizados pelos atores organizacionais do CRACAS; b) Apreender a maneira pela qual os artes?os desempenham atividades voltadas para o controle e utiliza??o dos recursos dispon?veis em seu ambiente de neg?cios; c) Identificar o papel desempenhado pelos atores organizacionais (artes?os) em suas atividades cotidianas de neg?cios; d) Compreender como os atores organizacionais do CRACAS geram sentido de suas atividades de neg?cios e por fim e) Verificar os princ?pios que norteiam as intera??es dos artes?os. Nesse processo de investiga??o emp?rica, a metodologia utilizada na investiga??o consistiu-se em um Estudo de Caso no CRACAS e nas sete Associa??es das Bordadeiras filiadas a ele. Concluiu-se a gera??o de sentido acontece durante a realiza??o da atividade como a confec??o dos produtos. De acordo com as artes?s os recursos financeiros n?o prov?m do CRACAS. Constatou-se que os sete munic?pios do bordado interagem como uma rede de neg?cios do artesanato e que existe uma car?ncia de recursos e infraestrutura nas associa??es

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