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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Narratwist alteration in meaning in a short film text : this exegesis is submitted to Auckland University of Technology in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Art & Design, 2008.

El-Noor, Mardo. January 2008 (has links)
Exegesis (MA--Art and Design) -- AUT University, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references. Also held in print (xi, 44 p. : col. ill. ; 22 cm. + 1 disc) in the Archive at the City Campus (T 791.4372 ELN)

Grandpa?! /

Lin, TzuHui. January 2010 (has links)

The window this thesis is submitted to the Auckland University of Technology in partial fulfilment of the degree of Master of Arts (Art and Design) in the year 2005.

Jain, Priti. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (MA--Art and Design) -- Auckland University of Technology, 2005. / Also held in print (69 leaves, col. ill., 22 cm., + DVD) in Wellesley Theses Collection. (T 791.4372 JAI)

Shorts : the potential role of the short film in the development of the South African film and television industries

Maasdorp, Liani 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDram)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study starts with a general analysis of the South African film industry and finds that lack of funding, the shortage of dedicated, industry-accredited training, the political climate of the past, censorship, the subsidy system, local distribution problems, and the success of Hollywood films have all played a part in bringing about a veritable dearth in local film production in South Africa. While the local film industry may not be able to repair itself fully in the short term, I do believe the energy and talent is there to start making a concerted effort to actively stimulate the production of a wide variety of local films to kick-start the healing process. I believe short films (shorts) have the potential to play an important role in this process, and the bulk of the study explores this idea by looking at the nature, form, and potential of shorts as well as the processes involved in their production. I fmd that the short film is the ideal medium for experimentation and development, and can serve as a valuable teaching tool in film and television training. As importantly, the short is one of the best mediums of empowerment for disadvantaged filmmakers, due to the relatively small size of its budget. Shorts have the ability to playa part in stimulating the growth of the local film and television industries, and in redressing socio-political imbalances of the past in a country where film was previously used as a tool of propaganda and oppression. It seems clear from the examples of other small film industries internationally that the encouragement, through innovative funding initiatives and international co-productions, of vibrant, authentic local short and feature film production can play an important role in strengthening the local film industry. It can be beneficial to stimulate the production of shorts in particular, as this will enable new and experienced filmmakers alike to experiment and develop ideas and techniques, thereby also developing the industry as a whole. Among the specific suggestions made in the thesis are the implementation of a quota system governing the screening of local productions, the stimulation of film literacy through establishing film festivals and a short film website, the stimulation of short film production through public and private funding and co-productions, and the advancement of film training. In addition, local broadcasters could be encouraged to participate more in funding feature and short film production in order to stimulate the development of a healthy, viable film industry in South African. South Africans can gain a lot from a healthy film industry - an increased number of employment opportunities, improved training institutions, an increase in tourist activity, and a medium that can serve as a form of expression and a forum for discussion. We still have a long way to go before these projected gains become an everyday reality, but it seems that shorts can, and must, play an invaluable part in taking local talent and the South African film industry as a whole to a level of performance where it will be able to exploit these opportunities to the full. / AFRIKAANSE OSPOMMING: Die tesis begin met 'n ontleding van die Suid-Afrikaanse filmbedryf waarin gevind word dat plaaslike filmproduksie in Suid-Afrika gekortwiek is deur verskeie faktore, waaronder 'n tekort aan befondsing en geskikte opleiding, die politiese klimaat van die verlede, sensuur, die subsidie stelsel, plaaslike verspreidingsprobleme, en die sukses van Hollywood films. Dit word ook duidelik dat die plaaslike bedryf nie binne 'n oogwink herstel kan word nie, maar dat die energie en talent tog bestaan waarmee die produksie van 'n wye verskeidenheid plaaslike ftlms weer gestimuleer sou kon word. Ek glo dat kortfilms die potensiaal het om 'n uiters belangrike rol te speel in hierdie proses, en in hierdie tesis bekyk ek die gedagte aan die hand van 'n indringende studie van die aard, form en potensiaal van kortfilms, en die prosesse betrokke by die produksie daarvan. 'n Sleutel bevinding is dat die kortfilm nie net die ideale medium vir eksperimentering en ontwikkeling is nie, maar dat dit ook kan dien as 'n waardevolle hulpmiddel in film- en televisieopleiding. Net so belangrik is die bevinding dat kortfilms. danksy hullae produksiekoste, een van die beste mediums is vir bemagtiging van minderbevoorregte filmmakers, Kortftlms kan dus 'n rol speel in die stimulering van die plaaslike film- en televisiebedrywe, én help om van die ongelykhede van die verlede uit die weg te ruim, in 'n land waar film voorheen gebruik is as 'n werktuig van propaganda en onderdrukking. Dit blyk duidelik uit die voorbeelde van ander klein filmbedrywe dat die aanmoediging van die aktiewe vervaardiging van oorspronklike kort- en vollengte films ons eie fIlmbedryfkan versterk. Innoverende befondsingsondernemings en internasionale mede-produksies is ook van belang in hierdie verband. Dit is dan ook veral van belang omjuis kortfIlmproduksie te stimuleer, aangesien dit beide nuwe en ervare filmmakers die geleentheid gee om te eksperimenteer en idees en tegnieke te ontwikkel, wat dan weer vernuwend kan inwerk op vollengte fIlmproduksie en die ontwikkeling van die bedryf in sy geheel. Ander spesifieke voorstelle wat in hierdie tesis gemaak word is onder andere die implementering van 'n kwota-stelsel wat die wys van plaaslike produksies sal reguleer, die bevordering van entosiasme, kennis en inligting oor ftlms en die filmbedryf deur middel van fIlmfeeste en die internet, die stimulering van kortfIlmproduksie deur verhoogde privaat- en regeringsbefondsing en die aanmoediging van mede-produksies, en die bevordering van goeie opleiding in fIlmproduksie. Verder kan plaaslike uitsaaiers aangemoedig word om te help met die befondsing van kortfilms sowel as vollengte films. 'n Gesonde, lewensvatbare filmbedryf in Suid-Afrika sal nie net voordele inhou vir filmmakers en -kykers nie, maar ook vir gewone Suid-Afrikaners, aangesien dit onder andere meer werksgeleenthede, verbeterde opleidingsinstansies en verhoogde toeristeaktiwiteit sal meebring. Dit sal ook 'n medium daar stel wat kan dien as 'n vorm van kreatiewe uitlewing sowel as 'n gespreksforum. Alhoewel dit tyd sal neem om al hierdie voordele 'n realiteit te maak, kom dit tog voor of kortfilms 'n onontbeerlike rol kan, en moet, speel om plaaslike talent en die filmbedryf as 'n geheel op 'n vlak te kry waar film-makers die beskikbare geleenthede ten volle kan benut.

Talking pictures a creative utilization of structural and aesthetic profiles from narrative music videos and television commercials in a non-spoken film text : this thesis is submitted to Auckland University of Technology in partial fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2005.

Ings, Welby, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- Auckland University of Technology, 2004. / The digital copy of the exegesis, and the 2 CDs of images, props and environments created for the work have been removed from the thesis and are held by the Library's Digital Services Team. Also held in print (423 p. : ill. ; 25 x 27 cm. + 1 DVD of the film Boy (ca. 15 min.)), in Wellesley Theses Collection. (T 791.4372 ING)

Baggage : unpacked - analysing the short film and its place in the world

Noonan, Michael January 2004 (has links)
In the seedy confines of his one-bedroom apartment, reclusive loner Harris Babel delights in watching the camcorder images of others: images he buys from a strange, smoke-filled store at the end of an alleyway. They are pre-recorded trips to faraway places, memories he pretends are his own. Holidays to Madagascar, trips to Lord Howe Island, tours through Kakadu National Park -- there are no boundaries. But Harris' claustrophobic world takes a disturbing turn when he receives a phone call from the airport, claiming he left luggage behind from a trip he doesn't remember. A trip he never went on. Or did he? From script to screen, Baggage was an exhausting 14-month journey, beginning with the first draft of the script in May 2001 and culminating in the exhibition of the film in July 2002, two days after the final sound and vision cut was completed. At its heart, the film is an exploration of identity, memory and the childhood demons that haunt us. It is about loss and abandonment, camcorder voyeurism and the obsessions that make us human. On reflection, it is a film with many flaws. But the process of recognising these flaws and better understanding the filmmaking process is an essential part of development and growth. This paper will explore the writing and directing process involved in the making of Baggage, analysing structure, cause-and-effect, character identification, suspense, style and substance. It will also evaluate the state of the short film in Australia, its importance in the development of filmmakers and the avenues for exhibition and distribution.

FuXi /

Tsao, TungTe. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.F.A.)--Rochester Institute of Technology, 2008. / Typescript.

Lockers /

Bergstrom, Ander. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.F.A.)--Rochester Institute of Technology, 2008. / Typescript.

Longshi /

Lee, Pei-Cheng. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.F.A.)--Rochester Institute of Technology, 2009. / Typescript.

Do you hear what I hear /

Giles, Zachary. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.F.A.)--Rochester Institute of Technology, 2009. / Typescript.

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