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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude de la voie de signalisation Artn/Gfrɑ3 dans le pancréas / Artn/Gfralpha3 signaling in the pancreas

Nivlet, Laure 21 October 2014 (has links)
L’identification de signaux impliqués dans la formation des cellules endocrines pancréatiques permettra d’apporter de nouvelles connaissances sur les mécanismes régissant la différenciation des cellules endocrines et de nouvelles applications dans le domaine de la génération de cellules sécrétrices d’insuline afin de traiter des patients atteints de diabète. C’est dans ce contexte que nous avons étudié l’expression et la fonction du récepteur membranaire Glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor Family Receptor α 3 (Gfrα3) et de son ligand Artemin au cours du développement du pancréas et dans le pancréas adulte chez la souris. Des techniques de PCR quantitatives, d’hybridations in situ et d’immunofluorescences nous ont permis de caractériser l’expression de Gfrα3, d’Artn mais aussi d’autres ligands et récepteurs de cette famille. Nous avons aussi utilisé un modèle de souris perte de fonction et générer un modèle de souris transgénique sur exprimant Artn dans le pancréas afin d’étudier la fonction de la voie de signalisation Artn/Gfrα3 dans le pancréas. Nous avons ainsi découvert que le récepteur Gfrα3 est exprimé au cours du développement du pancréas par les progéniteurs endocrines, les cellules insulines-positives et glucagon-positives ainsi que les cellules embryonnaires neuronales. Au stade adulte, Gfrα3 n’est pas exprimé par les cellules à insuline et est exprimé par quelques cellules à glucagon. A ce stade, son expression est aussi observée au niveau des cellules gliales, ainsi que des neurones du système nerveux sympathique et parasympathique. Les différentes expériences de perte et de gain de fonction réalisées afin de comprendre le rôle pancréatique de Gfrα3, ont révélé que ce récepteur n’est pas essentiel à la différenciation et au maintien des cellules endocrines, ni à la formation et au maintien de l’innervation endocrine. En conclusion, nous avons découvert et caractérisé un nouveau marqueur de surface exprimé dans les cellules endocrines pancréatiques en développement. Cette caractéristique pourrait s’avérer utile pour purifier par cytométrie en flux et étudier des sous populations cellulaires générées au cours des protocoles de différentiation in vitro visant à générer de nouvelles cellules sécrétrices d’insuline pour une thérapie cellulaire du diabète. / The generation of therapeutic ß-cell from human embryonic stem cells relies on the identification of growth factors that faithfully mimic pancreatic ß-cell development in vitro. In this context, the aim of the study was to determine the expression and function of a novel endocrine progenitor surface marker, the Glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor receptor α3 (Gfrα3) and its ligand Artemin in islet cell development and function.RT-PCR, In situ hybridization and immunochemistry were used to characterize the expression of Gfra3 and Artn mRNAs and proteins as well as of other members of the GDNF receptor and ligand family. We used Gfra3-deficient mice to study Gfrα3 function and generated a transgenic mice over expressing Artn in the embryonic pancreas to study Artn function. We found that Gfrα3 is expressed at the surface of a subset of Ngn3-positive endocrine progenitors as well as of embryonic α- and ß-cells, while Artn is found in the pancreatic mesenchyme. Adult ß-cell lack Gfrα3, but rare ß cell express the receptor. Gfrα3 is also found in parasympathetic and sympathetic intra islets neurons as well as in glial cell in the embryonic and adult pancreas. The loss of Gfrα3 or overexpression of Artn has no impact on Ngn3-and islet cell formation and maintenance in the embryo. Islet organisation and innervation as well as glucose homeostasis is normal in Gfrα3-deficient mice. Our data show that Gfrα3 is dispensable for islet cell differentiation and innervation suggesting functional redundancy. Gfrα3 could be instrumental as a surface marker for antibody–mediated sorting and characterization of relevant cell population during islet cell differentiation.

Le rôle de l’adénosine au cours de l'embryogenèse des vertébrés / Role of adenosine during the embryogenesis of vertebrates

Tocco, Alice 28 October 2014 (has links)
L’adénosine extracellulaire appartient à la voie de signalisation purinergique et réguledivers processus physiologiques à travers l’activation de ses récepteurs spécifiques (adora).La disponibilité de cette purine dans l’espace extracellulaire est régulée par plusieurs ectoenzymesassurant sa production ou sa dégradation, mais également par des transporteurs denucléosides permettant son passage à travers la membrane. Chez l’adulte, le rôle del’adénosine est assez bien connu. Cependant, l’implication de cette purine au cours del’embryogenèse reste très peu étudiée. Pourtant, un excès d’adénosine dans les phasesprécoces du développement est létal chez la souris et l’oursin, démontrant l’importance de larégulation des concentrations de cette molécule de signalisation lors de l’embryogénèse. Lebut de ma thèse est de comprendre le rôle de l’adénosine au cours de l’embryogenèse enutilisant l’amphibien xénope. En effet, ce modèle a permis de mettre en évidence in vivol’implication de l’ADP au cours du développement de l’oeil chez les vertébrés. La premièrepartie de ce projet a permis de caractériser les acteurs de la voie de signalisation del’adénosine chez le xénope afin d’établir la première carte comparative de leur profild’expression embryonnaire. Cette partie a également permis de mettre en avant laphosphatase alcaline alpl pour son profil d’expression particulier, dans le rein et la rétine. Laseconde partie s’est focalisée sur l’étude fonctionnelle de cette enzyme. Les expériences deperte de fonction montrent son implication lors de la formation de ces deux tissus. / Extracellular adenosine belongs to the purinergic signalling pathway and regulatesvarious physiological processes through activation of specific receptors named adora. Theextracellular concentration of adenosine is regulated by several ecto-enzymes involved eitherin its generation or in its degradation but also by nucleoside transporters enabling its exitoutside or entry inside the cell. In adults, the functions of adenosine are quite well known,however, the its involvement during embryogenesis remains poorly studied. An excess ofadenosine in early phases of development is lethal in mouse and sea urchins, demonstratingthe importance of the extracellular adenosine level regulation during embryogenesis. The aimof my phD is to understand the role of adenosine during embryogenesis using Xenopus as avertebrate model. Indeed, the first in vivo evidence of the implication of the purinergic signallingpathway during vertebrate development, and in particular of ADP during eye formation hasbeen demonstrated using this model. The first part of this project was to characterize all theadenosine signalling pathway actors in Xenopus in order to generate the first comprehensiveand comparative embryonic expression map of these genes. This work allowed me to selectthe alkaline phosphatase alpl for functional studies based on its specific expression profile, inthe retina and kidney. These functional studies, mostly carried out by knockdown experiments,constituted the second part of this phD and showed the implication of this enzyme during theeye and kidney development.

Model-based integration analysis revealed presence of novel prognostic miRNA targets and important cancer driver genes in triple-negative breast cancers

Zaka, M., Sutton, Chris W., Peng, Y., Konur, Savas 09 March 2020 (has links)
Yes / Background: miRNAs (microRNAs) play a key role in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) progression, and its heterogeneity at the expression, pathological and clinical levels. Stratification of breast cancer subtypes on the basis of genomics and transcriptomics profiling, along with the known biomarkers’ receptor status, has revealed the existence of subgroups known to have diverse clinical outcomes. Recently, several studies have analysed expression profiles of matched mRNA and miRNA to investigate the underlying heterogeneity of TNBC and the potential role of miRNA as a biomarker within cancers. However, the miRNA-mRNA regulatory network within TNBC has yet to be understood. Results and Findings: We performed model-based integrated analysis of miRNA and mRNA expression profiles on breast cancer, primarily focusing on triple-negative, to identify subtype-specific signatures involved in oncogenic pathways and their potential role in patient survival outcome. Using univariate and multivariate Cox analysis, we identified 25 unique miRNAs associated with the prognosis of overall survival (OS) and distant metastases-free survival (DMFS) with “risky” and “protective” outcomes. The association of these prognostic miRNAs with subtype-specific mRNA genes was established to investigate their potential regulatory role in the canonical pathways using anti-correlation analysis. The analysis showed that miRNAs contribute to the positive regulation of known breast cancer driver genes as well as the activation of respective oncogenic pathway during disease formation. Further analysis on the “risk associated” miRNAs group revealed significant regulation of critical pathways such as cell growth, voltage-gated ion channel function, ion transport and cell-to-cell signalling. Conclusion: The study findings provide new insights into the potential role of miRNAs in TNBC disease progression through the activation of key oncogenic pathways. The results showed previously unreported subtype-specific prognostic miRNAs associated with clinical outcome that may be used for further clinical evaluation. / EPSRC (EP/R043787/1).

Role of the hedgehog signalling pathway in inflammatory bowel disease

Lees, Charles William January 2009 (has links)
Introduction. The inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), are common in Western Europe (200-400 cases /100,000) and associated with substantial morbidity, although mortality is now low. There is presently a great unmet need for novel therapeutics in IBD as present agents are limited by lack of efficacy, toxicity and poor patient acceptance. Recent findings from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have characterised the genetic architecture of CD and UC. Defects in innate and adaptive immunity have been clearly established, and substantial novel insights into disease pathogenesis have been gained. Over 30 genes / loci are now associated with CD; a number of these, along with a few specific loci, are also associated with UC. The hedgehog (HH) signalling pathway is critical to gastrointestinal development and plays key roles in intestinal and immune homeostasis. Furthermore, in addition to well described roles in tumorigenesis, it is evident that recapitulation of embryonic HH signals play critical roles in response to acute and chronic inflammatory challenge in diverse tissues. Aims. The main aims of the work presented in this thesis were to characterise the expression of key HH signalling components in the healthy and inflamed human intestine, establish whether germline variation in HH genes is associated with IBD and describe the in vitro responses of intestinal epithelial cells to pathogen associated molecular patterns. The WNT pathway, antagonised by HH in the intestine, and two HH target genes (NKX2.3 and CCL20) were also analysed for evidence of association with IBD. Methods. Expression of HH and WNT signalling components was described by immunohistochemistry and microarray analysis in healthy controls (HC), CD, UC, and non- IBD inflamed terminal ileal and colonic samples. Gene-wide haplotype-tagging studies were performed for GLI1 in Scottish, English and Swedish CD and UC, and Scottish early-onset colo-rectal cancer, IHH in Scottish IBD, NKX2.3 in Scottish and UK IBD, and CCL20 in Scottish, Swedish and Japanese IBD. Evidence for association of all HH (n=13) and WNT (n=27) signalling genes in CD was established by analysis of UK GWAS data and metaanalysis from UK, French/Belgium and N American studies. The effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and muramyl dipeptide (MDP) on HH signalling was assessed in colonic epithelial cells (SW480). The effect of HH pathway agonists and antagonists on NFκB activity and cytokine expression was analysed in SW480 cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (HC and IBD patients) in vitro. Results. The expression of HH pathway ligand is present in the intestinal epithelium and the pathway response network in the lamina propria demonstrating the paracrine nature of HH signalling in the intestine. Immunohistochemical studies and microarray analysis demonstrates that HH pathway activity is decreased in all forms of colonic inflammation studied in man. Variation in Glioma-associated oncogene homolog 1 (GLI1), a key HH transcription factor located at 12q13 (IBD2), was associated with IBD (p<0.0001), UC (p<0.0001) and to a lesser extent CD (p=0.03) in Scotland, a finding replicated in English IBD and UC. This association was attributed to a non-synonymous SNP (rs2228226C→G) with pools odds ratio of 1.194 in meta-analysis of over 5000 individuals from Scotland, England and Sweden (p=0.0002). There was association of this SNP with early-onset colorectal cancer, but of borderline significance (p=0.05). The variant protein (Q1100E) is 50% less active than wild-type protein in vitro. IHH was not associated with CD or UC. Preliminary evidence was produced for association at SUFU (10q24; p=0.005), a GLI1- binding protein, and at the WNT3 / WNT9B locus (17q21; p=0.0005). MDP stimulation of colonic epithelial cells decreased HH pathway activity. Exogenous HH increased expression of CCL20. CCL20 promoter polymorphisms were associated with UC in Japanese patients (p=0.018) but not in Scotland or Sweden. NKX2.3 was associated with IBD in Scotland (UC>CD), but there was insufficient power for fine-mapping of causative variants. Conclusions. Multiple lines of evidence presented here demonstrate that the HH signalling pathway is involved in IBD pathogenesis. In key complementary in vivo studies (conceived by CWL; conducted in collaboration with the Gumucio lab in Ann Arbor) we have demonstrated that Gli1+/- mice develop early, severe colitis with high mortality in response to acute inflammatory challenge. Furthermore, lamina propria antigen presenting cells are identified as the key HH target cells. With HH agonists and antagonists in extensive preclinical and early clinical testing, these studies have real potential to translate into novel therapeutics for patients with IBD.

Investigating the porcine feto-maternal interface throughout gestation : associations with foetuses of different size and sex

Stenhouse, Claire January 2018 (has links)
Background: Inadequate foetal growth cannot be remedied postnatally, leading to severe consequences for neonatal and adult development. Furthermore, sexual dimorphism in placental development has been suggested in humans although this remains poorly investigated in the pig. Hypotheses: Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) occurs due to aberrant conceptus attachment, which leads to alterations in angiogenesis and vascularity of the feto-maternal interface. Altered gene expression and vascularity will be observed at the feto-maternal interface in male foetuses compared to female foetuses. Increased apoptosis and decreased proliferation will be observed in the feto-maternal interface associated with the lightest foetuses compared to the closest to mean litter weight (CTMLW) foetuses. Aims: This thesis aimed to investigate the association between foetal size and sex and: integrin signalling; apoptotic and proliferation pathways; umbilical arterial (UA) blood flow; and angiogenesis and vascularity at the feto-maternal interface. This was performed by the collection of placental and endometrial samples associated with conceptuses or foetuses of different size (lightest and CTMLW) and sex at gestational day (GD) 18, 30, 45, 60 and 90. Conclusion This thesis has presented novel findings of associations between foetal size and sex, and placental and endometrial integrin signalling, apoptosis and proliferation, and angiogenesis and vascularity. Currently, this is the first suggestion in the literature that foetal size, and more intriguingly foetal sex, may have a strong influence on the activity of the endometrium. The mechanisms behind these findings warrant further investigation. Switches in the direction of differences at the feto-maternal interface between foetuses of different size were observed throughout gestation, notably between GD45 and 60, highlighting the dynamic nature of the feto-maternal interface and suggesting this as a potential window that could be manipulated by the industry to attempt to rescue the postnatal phenotype of IUGR piglets.

BMP9 signalling in ovarian cancer

Walsh, Peter January 2015 (has links)
Ovarian Cancer is the 5th most common cause of cancer death in women and the second most common gynaecological cancer in the UK. Worldwide, around 152,000 women were estimated to have died from ovarian cancer in 2012. Survival rates for women with epithelial ovarian cancer have not significantly changed since platinum-based treatment was introduced over 30 years ago. This is particularly disconcerting considering the fact that there is a less than 5% five year survival rate for patients diagnosed with late stage high grade serous ovarian cancer. This thesis examines the role of BMP signalling in ovarian cancer using in vitro cancer cell models. It builds upon the initial published work by the Inman lab identifying autocrine BMP9 as a promoter of ovarian cancer cell proliferation. The findings of Chapters 3-5 provide strong evidence indicating BMP9 as a context specific modulator of ovarian cancer cell proliferation. This significantly builds upon on the sole pro-proliferative BMP9 growth response previously described. Responding cell lines were subjected to a microarray with and without BMP9 treatment In order to determine early BMP target genes which were subsequently transiently knocked down in order to determine their role in the aetiology of said growth phenotype. ID1 gene expression was found to significantly contribute to the BMP9 proproliferative phenotype. Moreover several other BMP genes identified significantly alter basal cell proliferation. It was subsequently determined that BMP9 implemented a cell growth phenotype by negating apoptosis. .Excitingly, preliminary evidence suggests a marked reduction in detectable levels of a recently described Bax isoform, Bax β that coincide with BMP9 addition and the resultant anti-apoptotic phenotype observed. This is very interesting as no prior evidence correlating the BMP family and Bax β currently exists. These findings provide an enhanced understanding of BMP9s contribution to ovarian cancer pathogenesis that may result in the development of effective and targeted therapeutic interventions upon further stratification of the contextuality of the BMP induced growth response.

Etudes des protéines Patched et SUFU impliquées dans la voie de signalisation Hedgehog / Study of proteins Patched and SUFU involved in the hedgehog signaling pathway

Makamté Kemdib, Staëlle Sonia 20 March 2017 (has links)
Parmi les voies de signalisation, la voie hedgehog (HH) intervient dans la formation de la polarité segmentaire. Si elle est défectueuse, elle entraine plusieurs malformations. De nombreux cancers présentent une suractivation de cette voie. La voie HH activée par la fixation du ligand HH sur le récepteur Patched (hPtc) et fait intervenir plusieurs partenaires cytoplasmiques dont Supressor of Fused (SUFU).Peu de données moléculaires et structurales sont disponibles pour cette voie et pourtant, ces données sont nécessaires pour comprendre sans ambiguïté son fonctionnement. De plus, la voie HH a été proposée comme pouvant être la cible de traitements chimio thérapeutiques mais, la protéine hPtc est impliquée dans l’efflux des drogues anticancéreuses. Une inhibition de hPtc par la fixation de son ligand entraine l’inhibition de l’efflux de drogues. Néanmoins, le site de fixation de HH sur son récepteur n’a pas encore été déterminé.Durant cette thèse, les travaux effectués ont permis l’étude structurale de la protéine hPtc notamment la détermination du site de fixation de HH. Dans un deuxième volet de cette thèse, j’ai effectué des études structurales de certaines protéines SUFU.Dans un premier temps, je me suis concentrée sur les domaines extracellulaires de hPtc qui ont été décrits comme nécessaires pour la fixation du ligand HH. J’ai cloné une protéine chimère constituée de ces deux domaines liés par le lysozyme du phage T4 (hPtcD1D2). Cette construction a été exprimée dans la bactérie E.coli. Les conditions d’expression testées permettent d’obtenir la protéine sous forme de corps d’inclusion dans le cytoplasme de la bactérie. Dans un deuxième temps, j’ai cloné la protéine dans un vecteur d’expression en levure. De manière concomitante, j’ai exprimé la protéine hPtc tronquée de ses régions N et C terminales (hPtcΛNΛC). Ce sont des régions intrinsèquement désordonnées qui ne permettraient pas une bonne cristallisation de la protéine. L’expression a été effectuée dans la levure. La solubilisation de cette protéine membranaire est en cours d’expérimentation.Ce travail a permis de poser les bases de l’expression de hPtcD1D2 et de hPtcΛNΛC. Ceci va notamment permettre la surexpression de la protéine et sa cristallisation afin de déterminer sa structure 3D et de caractériser le site de fixation de son ligand.Enfin, j’ai entrepris des études structurales des protéines SUFU. Un nouveau site de fixation du Zn a été caractérisé. En effet, après purification de la protéine, j’ai effectué des mesures d’affinité à l’aide d’un composé colorimétrique, le PAR et des expériences de spectroscopie d’émission atomique dans lesquelles j’ai fait varier le pH et la concentration en Zn. Ainsi, j’ai pu déterminer que SUFU a une affinité nanomolaire pour le Zn meilleure à pH 8 qu’à pH 6,5. La fixation du Zn se ferait donc sur un site basique. La structure de SUFU a été publiée en 2013 par deux équipes, je me suis inspirée des conditions de cristallisation de ces deux articles, pour cristalliser SUFU en présence de Zn. Les expériences de dichroïsme circulaire ont permis d’affirmer que ces protéines sont organisées en hélices α et en feuillets β. De plus, grâce à la diffusion des rayons X aux petits angles, j’ai pu déterminer que dSUFU, hSUFU et zSUFU n’ont pas la même conformation en solution. Alors que SUFU de drosophile est un monomère globulaire, les protéines humaine et de poisson zèbre seraient plutôt allongées et dimériques. La région N-terminale potentiellement impliquée dans la dimérisation de hSUFU a été tronquée et hSUFUΛ30 présente des différences d’état d’oligomérisation. / The hedgehog (HH) signalling pathway is involved in the segmentary polarity formation. A dysfunction of this pathway is involved in several malformations. Many cancers are caused by an overactivation of this pathway. The HH signalling pathway is activated by the binding of HH on the receptor Patched (hPtc) and included many cytoplasmic partners such as Suppressor of Fused (SUFU). Few molecular and structural data are available on this pathway even if these data are important to fully understand the pathway functioning. Furthermore, the HH signalling pathway maybe be the target of chemotherapy treatments. However, hPtc is involved in drugs efflux. Inhibition of hPtc by the binding of its ligand HH may lead to this efflux inhibition. Yet, the binding site of HH on its receptor hPtc is not yet determined.During this thesis, the structural study of hPtc have been engaged especially the study of the binding site of HH. On the second hand, I have structurally studied some SUFU proteins.First of all, I have expressed the extracellular domains of hPtc. These domains have been described as necessary for HH binding. I have cloned a chimeric protein made by the extracellular domains of hPtc associated with the lysozyme T4 (hPtcD1D2). This protein have been expressed in the E.Coli bacteria. The protein expressed in inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of the bacteria. In the other hand, I have cloned the protein in a yeast expression vector. Part of this, I have also expressed the protein hPtc without its N and C terminus regions (hPtcNC). These regions are intrinsically disrupted. They may lead to crystallization problems. The protein has been expressed in yeast.This work permits to expressed hPtcD1D2 and hPtcΛNΛC. This will lead to the expression of the protein and its crystallisation in order to determine its 3D structure and to characterize its ligand binding site.Finally, I structurally studied the protein SUFU. A novel Zn binding site has been characterized. In fact, after the protein purification, I have made affinity measures using a colorimetric compound, PAR. I also performed spectroscopic experiments in which I varied the pH and the Zn concentration. I determined the SUFU has a nanomolar affinity for the Zn best at pH 8 than pH 6.5. Indeed, the Zn binding site may be basic.The SUFU 3D structure has been published in 2013 by two teams. Inspired by their crystallization conditions, I crystallized SUFU with Zn. Circular dichroism experiments permitted to know that the proteins are organized in  helices and  sheets. Moreover, small angles X ray spectroscopy experiments show that dSUFU, hSUFU and zSUFU did not have the same conformation in solution. Drosophila SUFU is globular and human and zebrafish SUFU are long and dimeric. The N-terminal region involved in hSUFU has been removed and hSUFUΛ30 is present in different oligomerization forms.

Insights into the Holobiont of the Early Branching Metazoan Vaceletia sp. and its Biomineralization Strategy

Germer, Juliane 13 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Vliv kanonické Wnt signální dráhy na diferenciaci polydendrocytů po ischemickém poranění nervové tkáně / The effect of the canonical Wnt singalling pathway on the differentiation of polydendrocytes after ischemic brain injury

Knotek, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Polydendrocytes, or NG2 glia, are fourth type of glial cells in mammal central nervous system. In the adult brain, NG2 glia represent important cell type with respect to their role in gliogenesis and nervous tissue regeneration following injury. Ligands from the Wingless/Int (Wnt) family play key role in proliferation and differentiation of NG2 glia and they can also influence regeneration of nervous tissue after ischemia. The aim of this thesis was to elucidate the role of NG2 glia in neurogenesis and gliogenesis following ischemic brain injury and investigate the impact of Wnt signalling on the reaction of NG2 glia to this type of injury. To fulfil these aims, transgenic mouse strains with tamoxifen-inducible recombination, that enabled simultaneous expression of red fluorescent dye and either activation or inhibition of the Wnt signalling pathway in NG2 glia, were employed. To induce ischemic injury, middle cerebral artery occlusion model was used. Changes in differentiation and electrophysiological properties of NG2 glia were analysed using patch-clamp technique. Activation of the Wnt signalling pathway under physiological conditions and 7 days after ischemic injury led to increased differentiation of NG2 glia toward astrocytes, while 3 days after ischemic injury activation of this signalling...

Attenuation of Cardiac Dysfunction by HSPA12B in Endotoxin-Induced Sepsis in Mice Through a PI3K-Dependent Mechanism

Zhou, Hongmei, Qian, Jin, Li, Chuanfu, Li, Jingjin, Zhang, Xiaojin, Ding, Zhengnian, Gao, Xiang, Han, Zhihua, Cheng, Yunlin, Liu, Li 01 January 2011 (has links)
Aims Cardiac dysfunction is a critical manifestation of severe sepsis/septic shock and is responsible for high mortality due to sepsis. Recent evidence suggests that angiogenic factors have a protective effect on sepsis-induced organ damage. Heat shock protein A12B (HSPA12B) is a newly discovered gene that is essential for angiogenesis. We hypothesized that overexpression of HSPA12B would induce protection against endotoxin-induced cardiac dysfunction.Methods and results To evaluate this hypothesis, we generated transgenic mice overexpressing the human hspa12b gene (Tg). Wild-type (WT) littermates served as controls. Tg and WT mice were treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and cardiac function was measured after 6 h. LPS treatment caused cardiac dysfunction in WT mice. In contrast, cardiac function was significantly preserved in Tg mice following LPS administration. LPS increased the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1)/intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and leucocyte infiltration into the myocardium of WT mice. In Tg mice, LPS-increased VCAM-1/ICAM-1 expression and leucocyte infiltration were significantly attenuated. Overexpression of HSPA12B also prevented the decrement in the activation of phosphatidlyinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (Akt) signalling in the myocardium. Importantly, PI3K inhibition with Wortmannin abolished the protection of HSPA12B against LPS-induced cardiac dysfunction. Conclusion These results suggest that HSPA12B plays an important role in the attenuation of endotoxin-induced cardiac dysfunction and that the mechanisms involve the preserved activation of PI3K/Akt signalling, resulting in attenuation of LPS-increased expression of VCAM-1/ICAM-1 and leucocyte infiltration into the myocardium.

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