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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The social response of Christianity in Angola: selected issues

Okuma, Thomas January 1964 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / 1. PROBLEM OF THE DISSERTATION The problem of the dissertation is to define, analyze, and evaluate the social response of Christianity to slave trade, forced labor, and nationalism in Angola. Foremost to the problem of the dissertation are two questions: First, "What were the factors which influenced the response of Christianity to the selected issues?" And second, "Were the responses of Christianity to the selected issues unequivocal?" 2. METHOD OF THE DISSERTATION The principal method of this study is historical-sociological. The historical aspect is concerned with time, place, and events; the sociological describes the social behavior of institutions and peoples. The dissertation will also be a critical examination of the norms inherent in the missionary enterprise. The sources are in Portuguese and in English. 3. CONCLUSIONS i. Responses of Christianity The responses of Christianity to the selected issues were characterized by policies of co-operation, acceptance, avoidance, and opposition. The response of Catholicism to slave labor and forced labor was similar, acceptance which eventually led to a policy of co-operation with the state, slave traders, and labor recruiters. As the Protestant movement in Angola was founded after the heyday of the slave trade, its response could not be measured. On forced labor, Protestantism's response was one of qualified acceptance, respecting the political rights of the Portuguese to govern its overseas territories. Prior to the March 1961 revolt, the policy of both Catholicism and Protestantism on nationalism was avoidance of the issue. After the March 1961 disturbances, Catholicism co-operated with the Portuguese state, a policy to crush the rebellion. The response of Protestantism was one of opposition to the position of the Portuguese state. Within these general patterns of responses, there were always exceptions to the prevailing response of Christianity to each of the selected issues. ii. Factors Shaping Christianity's Response A first factor was Catholicism's identification with the state's colonial policy. For Protestantism, separation from the state placed her in a problematic position; Protestant missions were conscious of their precarious legal position in a Catholic state. But the problematic position was abandoned when Protestantism was confronted by an abrupt disruption of church-state relations after the 1961 revolt. A second factor was that of motivation. Three motivations, often conflicting, predominated in Catholic mission work: the economic, the civilizing, and the Christianizing. For Protestantism, two motivations seemed important, the humanitarian and the evangelizing. A third factor was the colonial situation. Catholicism identified itself with the cultural policy of the colonial state. Protestantism also adapted itself to the colonial situation; its response was existential and expedient. A fourth was the time factor, especially pertinent for Protestantism. In many instances Protestant missionaries refrained from criticizing the contract labor system because previous protests were ineffective. A fifth was the factor of Africanization. The Catholic hierarchy was predominantly European. Consequently, Catholicism's response to nationalism was European oriented. Protestantism's strength was distinctly African; this is one reason why Protestant Africans were suspect after the northern revolt in 1961. iii. Dilemmas In a broad sense the dilemmas for Catholicism and Protestantism were analogous. On the one hand, opposition to the policies of the state involved a rupture in t he relationship between Christian groups and the state, disaffection by European settlers, and the threat of expulsion from the country by the state. Christianity's support of the policies of the state, on the other, invited a compromise on the ethical position of Christianity on these problems; it prolonged the colonial situation; it made the church an instrument of the state's aim to civilize; and, it alienated the African population from the Christian church. / 2999-01-01

Slavery, Fear, and Disunion in the Lone Star State: Texans' Attitudes toward Secession and the Union, 1846-1861

Ledbetter, Billy D. 08 1900 (has links)
This work is a study of white Texans' attitudes toward their role in the federal Union and their right to secede from it during the antebellum period. The central question of the study is why did people so strongly Unionist in 1846 became so strongly secessionist by 1861. In tracing this significant shift in Texans' sentiment, the author especially emphasizes the racial attitudes of white Texans, their emotional defense of the institution of slavery, and their strong conviction that the Negroes, if emancipated, would destroy white society. Of special importance to this study is the relationship of Texans' racial attitudes to their attitudes toward the Union.

Thomas Jefferson and Slavery

Beatty, James Paul 12 1900 (has links)
Throughout the history of American slavery and abolitionist activities Jefferson was a key figure. Because he so clearly and fervently denounced slavery as inconsistent with natural rights and the ideology of the Revolution, he has been hailed by many as a champion of equality. On the other hand, Jefferson owned many slaves during his lifetime, and he freed only seven, five of these being emancipated through his will. This fact has made him vulnerable to attacks from modern historians. The critics have oversimplified and distorted matters relating to slavery as they applied to Jefferson and his time. Slavery during his lifetime was not the dramatic issue that it has been made out to be. The major passion of Jefferson's generation was the establishment of a sound Union for whites, based on general principles of republicanism. Specifically, for Jefferson, this meant the establishment of a nation for self-governing, self-sufficient white farmers. In his Notes on Virginia, Jefferson declared that "those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God if ever he had a chosen people."2 The Creator had deposited in these people, to a greater extent than in any other group, a large amount of true virtue. Looking back through the ages for evidence of the farmer's virtues, Jefferson concluded that *corruption of morals in the mass of cultivators is a phenomenon of which no age nor nation has furnished an example."3 The "'cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens," he wrote. "They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bonds."

Systém otroctví v tradiční Koreji / System of slavery in traditional Korea

Rybáriková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive account of the development of the institution of slavery in Korea. Slavery was a part of Korean society from its earliest times, and the evidence of this can be found in the penal code of eight provisions enacted by the mythical emperor Kidža, where he for the first time mentioned slavery as a punishment for theft. From this time on it was ceaselessly present in Korean society until its abolition in 1894. The oldest form of slavery as a punishment was gradually supplemented with other ways of how a person could fall into slavery. Individual slavery gradually evolved into hereditary slavery. Despite the fact that slavery was ceaselessly present in Korean society, the character and even the existence of it are still called into question in academic discussions. In the introductory part of my thesis I focused on the very essence of slavery. Afterwards, I gave a brief overview of the characteristics of three typical slave societies i.e. ancient Greece, ancient Rome and the United States of America. Studying the important characteristics of slavery in other slave societies provided the base for a detailed analysis of the connections with the Korean type of slavery. Some of this information confirms the hypothesis that slavery in Korea was...

\"Escravos da Nação\": o público e o privado na escravidão brasileira, 1760-1876 / \"Slaves of the nation\": the public and the private in Brazilian slavery, 1760-1876

Rocha, Ilana Peliciari 24 April 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta a caracterização dos espaços públicos e privados na relação da escravidão brasileira a partir da análise de escravos públicos existentes no final da Colônia e no Império. Estes escravos eram chamados escravos da nação ou escravos nacionais, e forneciam mão de obra para estabelecimentos públicos e obras públicas. As hipóteses levantadas decorrem da possibilidade de tratamento diferenciado em decorrência da condição de escravos estatais, e a sua associação às características do Estado apontadas pela historiografia para este período. Delimitou-se entre os anos de 1760 até 1876, quando o Império Português expulsa a Companhia de Jesus confiscando os seus bens, entre eles os escravos, e quando se encerra o prazo de cinco anos determinado pela Lei do Ventre Livre (1871), para que os escravos saiam da supervisão do Estado e alcancem a liberdade. Estes escravos eram utilizados em fazendas, fábricas e repartições públicas em diversas regiões do Império. Nesta pesquisa examinou-se a existência ou não de uma política estatal em relação aos escravos públicos no século XIX. À título de exemplo se estendeu na análise pormenorizada da Imperial Fazenda de Santa Cruz (Rio de Janeiro) e da Fábrica de Ferro de São João de Ipanema (São Paulo). / This research presents the characterization of public spaces and private in the relationship of Brazilian slavery from the analysis of existing public slaves at the end of the Colony and Empire. These slaves were called slaves in the nation or national, and provided slave labour for public establishments and public works. The raised hypotheses arise from the possibility of differential treatment because of the condition of State-owned slaves, and their association with the characteristics of the State pointed out by historiography for this period. Set limits between the years 1760 until 1876, when the Portuguese Empire expelled the society of Jesus by confiscating their property, including slaves, and when it ends the period of five years determined by the law of the Free Womb (1871), to which the slaves leave the State supervision and achieve freedom. These slaves were used on farms, factories and Government offices in various regions of the Empire. This research examined the existence or absence of a State policy in respect of public slaves in the 19th century. The example was extended in the detailed analysis of the Imperial Fazenda de Santa Cruz (Rio de Janeiro) and Fábrica de Ferro São João de Ipanema (São Paulo).

Cativeiro e cura: experiências religiosas da escravidão atlântica nos calundus de Luzia Pinta, séculos XVII-XVIII / Captivity and cure: religious experiences of Atlantic slavery on Luzia Pintas calundus, 17th-18th centuries

Marcussi, Alexandre Almeida 07 August 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste em uma análise das práticas religiosas de origem africana conhecidas como calundus, denominação aplicada a cerimônias bastante disseminadas na América portuguesa entre os séculos XVII e XVIII, frequentadas por africanos, afrodescendentes e brancos. Os calundus possuíam funções eminentemente divinatórias e terapêuticas, e suas origens culturais remontavam às práticas religiosas das sociedades ambundas e bacongas da África Centro-Ocidental. Partindo da análise de um processo movido pela Inquisição de Lisboa contra Luzia Pinta, praticante de calundus na região de Sabará, Minas Gerais, em meados do século XVIII, esta pesquisa intenta esclarecer os sentidos sociais e simbólicos dessa prática terapêutica afro-luso-americana. O caso de Luzia Pinta é abordado de forma mais verticalizada, mas também é comparado a outras ocorrências de calundus registradas nos territórios da Bahia e de Minas Gerais entre os séculos XVII e XVIII, com o intuito de compor uma análise mais abrangente a respeito dessa prática devocional. A descrição morfológica dos calundus procura ressaltar sua heterogeneidade formal e a fluidez de suas fronteiras em relação a outras práticas religiosas do universo cultural luso-americano. A análise de sua simbologia subjacente evidencia que a categoria cosmológica que fundamentava essa prática devocional era a ancestralidade, na medida em que o rito consistia em uma tentativa de reatar os laços espirituais entre os africanos e seus antepassados, rompidos pelas dinâmicas do comércio de escravos. A tese empreende também uma discussão a respeito dos papéis ocupados por essa prática religiosa na sociedade imperial portuguesa, abordando as relações que os calundus e seus praticantes mantinham com alguns dos principais fenômenos e instituições que estruturavam a sociedade luso-americana, como a religião católica e a escravidão. Pretende-se evidenciar como, entre os séculos XVII e XVIII, os calundus codificaram uma complexa visão de mundo elaborada pelos centro-africanos na América, por meio da qual eles manifestaram sua perspectiva a respeito da escravidão e elaboraram projetos políticos alternativos ancorados em uma consciência histórica utópica. A perspectiva africana sobre o cativeiro, representada pela terapêutica dos calundus, configurou uma importante ameaça simbólica contra a ideologia que legitimava moralmente a existência da escravidão na América portuguesa a partir de um discurso construído usando as categorias da teologia católica. A tese pretende analisar os embates entre calunduzeiros e instituições de repressão religiosa como aspectos de um debate político, intelectual e ideológico, travado no idioma da religião, que dizia respeito à existência e à legitimidade do cativeiro no mundo imperial português. / This study focuses African-American religious practices known as calundus, which existed in many parts of Brazil during the 17th and 18th centuries and were attended by Africans, American-born black people and the white population alike. The aims of the calundus were mainly divinatory and therapeutical, and their origins lie in Mbundu and Bakongo religious pratices from West Central Africa. This research is based on the analyses of the inquisitorial process of Luzia Pinta, a practitioner of calundus in the region of Sabará (Minas Gerais) during the 18th century, and it intends to clarify the social and symbolic meanings associated to this form of African-Brazilian therepeutical practice. Luzia Pintas case is analysed thoroughly, but it is also compared to further occurrences of calundus registered by ecclesiastical authorities in Bahia and Minas Gerais during the 17th and 18th centuries. Such a comparison aims to broaden the scope and applicability of the conclusions of this study beyond the particular case of Luzia Pinta. The morphological description of the calundus aims to show the diversity of its manifestations e the fluid boundaries between them and other religious practices in the Brazilian culture of the time. The analysis of its symbolical dimensions reveals ancestrality as the fundamental cosmological notion underlying this devotional practice, as the ritual attempted to reforge spiritual links between Africans and their ancestors, broken by the dynamics of the slave trade. The thesis also discusses the roles played by this religious practice in Brazilian colonial society, investigating how the calundus and their devotees related themselves to some of the most relevant aspects and institutions of Brazilian colonial society, such as the catholic religion and slavery. Between the 17th and 18th centuries in Brazil, calundus have become a ritual language through which West Central Africans in America manifested a complex worldview, elaborated their perspectives and thoughts regarding slavery, and were able to put together alternative political projects anchored on an utopian historical conscience. The African perspective on captivity, represented by the calundus, was an important symbolical threat to the ideology which used theological concepts and ideas to give slavery its moral legitimacy in Brazil. This study aims to analyse the conflicts between practitioners of calundus and institutions of religious repression as aspects of a broader political, intellectual and ideological debate over the existance and legitimacy of slavery in the Portuguese Atlantic territories, a debate which manifested itself in a religious language.

\"Escravos da Nação\": o público e o privado na escravidão brasileira, 1760-1876 / \"Slaves of the nation\": the public and the private in Brazilian slavery, 1760-1876

Ilana Peliciari Rocha 24 April 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta a caracterização dos espaços públicos e privados na relação da escravidão brasileira a partir da análise de escravos públicos existentes no final da Colônia e no Império. Estes escravos eram chamados escravos da nação ou escravos nacionais, e forneciam mão de obra para estabelecimentos públicos e obras públicas. As hipóteses levantadas decorrem da possibilidade de tratamento diferenciado em decorrência da condição de escravos estatais, e a sua associação às características do Estado apontadas pela historiografia para este período. Delimitou-se entre os anos de 1760 até 1876, quando o Império Português expulsa a Companhia de Jesus confiscando os seus bens, entre eles os escravos, e quando se encerra o prazo de cinco anos determinado pela Lei do Ventre Livre (1871), para que os escravos saiam da supervisão do Estado e alcancem a liberdade. Estes escravos eram utilizados em fazendas, fábricas e repartições públicas em diversas regiões do Império. Nesta pesquisa examinou-se a existência ou não de uma política estatal em relação aos escravos públicos no século XIX. À título de exemplo se estendeu na análise pormenorizada da Imperial Fazenda de Santa Cruz (Rio de Janeiro) e da Fábrica de Ferro de São João de Ipanema (São Paulo). / This research presents the characterization of public spaces and private in the relationship of Brazilian slavery from the analysis of existing public slaves at the end of the Colony and Empire. These slaves were called slaves in the nation or national, and provided slave labour for public establishments and public works. The raised hypotheses arise from the possibility of differential treatment because of the condition of State-owned slaves, and their association with the characteristics of the State pointed out by historiography for this period. Set limits between the years 1760 until 1876, when the Portuguese Empire expelled the society of Jesus by confiscating their property, including slaves, and when it ends the period of five years determined by the law of the Free Womb (1871), to which the slaves leave the State supervision and achieve freedom. These slaves were used on farms, factories and Government offices in various regions of the Empire. This research examined the existence or absence of a State policy in respect of public slaves in the 19th century. The example was extended in the detailed analysis of the Imperial Fazenda de Santa Cruz (Rio de Janeiro) and Fábrica de Ferro São João de Ipanema (São Paulo).

A fazenda Santa Sofia: cafeicultura e escravidão no Vale do Paraíba Mineiro, 1850-1882 / The Santa Sofia: coffee production and slavery in the \'Mineiro\' Paraiba Valley, 1850-1882

Cohn, Marjorie Rocha 13 December 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objeto a escravidão na economia cafeeira do Vale do Paraíba mineiro durante a segunda metade do século XIX. A análise parte do estudo de uma fazenda, a Santa Sofia, durante o período compreendido de 1850 a 1882. Nesta quadra, a fazenda pertenceu a Camilo Maria Ferreira Armond, Conde de Prados em 1881. A pesquisa pretende tratar, com base nesse foco espacial e temporal específico, um elenco de temas que vêm sendo explorados pela historiografia brasileira nas últimas décadas: a composição demográfica da escravaria da fazenda em tela; a organização do seu processo de trabalho (o que envolve o estudo das estratégias de controle empregadas pelo fazendeiro bem como das estratégias de resistência dos escravos); a organização do processo de produção do café (técnicas agronômicas e de beneficiamento dos grãos); a organização espacial da fazenda; as relações do fazendeiro com o mercado cafeeiro do Rio de Janeiro; finalmente, os impactos da crise da instituição da escravidão, na década de 1880, sobre as relações escravistas na fazenda. / The object of this dissertation is the slavery in the coffee economy in the Paraiba Valley during the second half of the 19th century. The starting point is a property, the Santa Sofia, during the period between 1850 and 1882. During this time, the property belonged to Camilo Maria Ferreira Armond, Count of Prados in 1881. Based on these special and temporal focus, the aim is to approach a range of themes that are being investigated by the Brazilian historiography on the last decades: the demography of slavery; the organization of the Santa Sofias work process (including the study of the control strategies employed by the farms owner and also the slave resistance); the organization of the coffee production (agronomical techniques and coffee processing); the spacial organization; the relations between the producer and the coffee market in Rio and, finally, the impacts of the slavery crisis in the 1880s.

A política da escravidão no império do Brasil, 1826-1865 / The politics of slavery in the Empire od Brazil, 1826-1865

Parron, Tâmis Peixoto 30 April 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação examina as defesas do tráfico negreiro e da escravidão negra no Império do Brasil entre 1826 e 1865, isto é, desde o início regular do regime representativo no país até o desenlace da Guerra Civil nos Estados Unidos. O corpus documental compreende discursos políticos emitidos na forma de falas parlamentares, pareceres do Conselho de Estado, artigos de jornal, panfletos, memórias, livros e representações municipais e provinciais. Os textos foram interpretados por meio não apenas da análise do discurso, mas também da história social e política, de forma que se verificou seu impacto sobre a intensidade do contrabando negreiro, as articulações partidárias e as relações sociais. O primeiro capítulo aborda os efeitos do convênio antitráfico anglo-brasileiro sobre as relações entre Executivo e Legislativo, bem como as expectativas correntes sobre o fim definitivo do comércio. O segundo estuda sua reabertura sob a forma de contrabando, fundada no apoio sólido de determinados grupos sociais a políticos que o vindicavam (sobretudo, o grupo do Regresso e saquaremas). O seguinte narra as respostas pró-cativeiro dos estadistas imperiais à diplomacia mais agressiva da Grã-Bretanha na década de 1840, enquanto o último afere como os líderes parlamentares, mesmo depois da supressão do contrabando (1850), defenderam a sobrevida da escravidão no Brasil por tempo indeterminado como meio de desenvolvimento nacional. / This work studies the defense of slavery and slave trade in Imperial Brazil from 1826 to 1865, since the regular workings of Parliament until the outcome of the Civil War in the United States. It focuses on political discourses such as parliamentary speeches, State Council rulings, journal articles, pamphlets, books and political petitions. These evidences have been interpreted in the field not only of discourse analysis, but also of Social and Political History, in order to verify their impact upon slave trade dynamics, party building and social relations. The first chapter approaches the effects of the Anglo-Brazilian Slave Trade Treaty over Executive and Legislative relations, as well as the widespread conviction that the odious commerce was definitely finished. Chapter two handles its reopening as an illegal activity through articulated actions of particular social groups and members of Parliament (mainly the so-called grupo do Regresso and saquaremas). The following chapter relates the proslavery strategies of imperial politicians to cope with the increasingly more aggressive British diplomacy in the 1840s. The last one shows how parliamentary leaders, even after the slave trade suppression (1850), vindicated the political existence of slavery in Brazil as a means of national development for an indeterminate period of time

A política da escravidão no império do Brasil, 1826-1865 / The politics of slavery in the Empire od Brazil, 1826-1865

Tâmis Peixoto Parron 30 April 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação examina as defesas do tráfico negreiro e da escravidão negra no Império do Brasil entre 1826 e 1865, isto é, desde o início regular do regime representativo no país até o desenlace da Guerra Civil nos Estados Unidos. O corpus documental compreende discursos políticos emitidos na forma de falas parlamentares, pareceres do Conselho de Estado, artigos de jornal, panfletos, memórias, livros e representações municipais e provinciais. Os textos foram interpretados por meio não apenas da análise do discurso, mas também da história social e política, de forma que se verificou seu impacto sobre a intensidade do contrabando negreiro, as articulações partidárias e as relações sociais. O primeiro capítulo aborda os efeitos do convênio antitráfico anglo-brasileiro sobre as relações entre Executivo e Legislativo, bem como as expectativas correntes sobre o fim definitivo do comércio. O segundo estuda sua reabertura sob a forma de contrabando, fundada no apoio sólido de determinados grupos sociais a políticos que o vindicavam (sobretudo, o grupo do Regresso e saquaremas). O seguinte narra as respostas pró-cativeiro dos estadistas imperiais à diplomacia mais agressiva da Grã-Bretanha na década de 1840, enquanto o último afere como os líderes parlamentares, mesmo depois da supressão do contrabando (1850), defenderam a sobrevida da escravidão no Brasil por tempo indeterminado como meio de desenvolvimento nacional. / This work studies the defense of slavery and slave trade in Imperial Brazil from 1826 to 1865, since the regular workings of Parliament until the outcome of the Civil War in the United States. It focuses on political discourses such as parliamentary speeches, State Council rulings, journal articles, pamphlets, books and political petitions. These evidences have been interpreted in the field not only of discourse analysis, but also of Social and Political History, in order to verify their impact upon slave trade dynamics, party building and social relations. The first chapter approaches the effects of the Anglo-Brazilian Slave Trade Treaty over Executive and Legislative relations, as well as the widespread conviction that the odious commerce was definitely finished. Chapter two handles its reopening as an illegal activity through articulated actions of particular social groups and members of Parliament (mainly the so-called grupo do Regresso and saquaremas). The following chapter relates the proslavery strategies of imperial politicians to cope with the increasingly more aggressive British diplomacy in the 1840s. The last one shows how parliamentary leaders, even after the slave trade suppression (1850), vindicated the political existence of slavery in Brazil as a means of national development for an indeterminate period of time

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