Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sochařství"" "subject:"loďařství""
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Ikonografie buddhistického sochařství v Koreji / The Iconography of Buddhist Art in KoreaLee, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
in English: The aim of this thesis is to present the Korean Buddhist sculpture throughout the Korean history. The thesis presents Buddhist iconography at the beginning, focusing on the Korean art especially. Afterwards the main and most important Buddhist sculpture masterpieces are introduced. The sculptures represent certain period of Korean history. The work contains Korean Buddhist sculptures from the times of introducing Buddhism in Korea, i.e. Three Kingdoms period, and then presents the Buddhist sculpture from this time on, in Unified Silla, Koryŏ Kingdom and Chosŏn Kingdom. Key words: Buddhism, sculpture, iconography, Korea
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Sochaři ve službách piaristického řádu na Moravě a ve Slezsku / Sculptors in the service of piarist order in Moravia and SilesiaŠinclová, Eva January 2019 (has links)
After the arrival of Piarists to Mikulov in 1631, the order began to spread itself all over Czech lands. When colonizing different places the Piarists usually called upon local sculptors, who then fulfilled various iconographical programs in their churches. This theses will cover Piaristic college churches in Moravia and Silesia in a period from settling down of the order to its peak phase in the half of the 18th century. Attention will be mostly paid to individual sculptors, themes and iconographical programs appearing in these churches to determine the common signs of sculptural decorations of Piaristic churches.
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Narození / BirthPiskova, Olena January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is a continuation of my subject, "Why?", Also includes the theme of man and the environment. I started to be interested in the controversial topic of genetically modified organisms, genetic engineering. I found a personal story in it. Now it is difficult to comment on the extent to which these researches are important, but we shouldn’t stop there.
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Sochař Čeněk Vosmík (1860 - 1944) / Sculptor Čeněk Vosmík (1860 - 1944)Perlíková, Zdenka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the life and artwork of sculptor Čeněk Vosmík (1860 - 1944). Thesis contains an overview and evaluation of his artworks in the context of his time. Vosmík's artistic creation is followed from the beginning, which he spent studying in Vienna, through the period of the first successes and early artwork to the stage of his later artworks, when he devoted himself primarily to the religious art. Besides of the religious art thesis deals also with the allegorical, decorative and portrait work as well as restoration works. They are not neglected nor his unrealized proposals of works of art. Is especially emphasized Vosmík's early period of arts and his most important sculptures - The reprobate, The shepherd with bull and The Christ in the desert. Thesis also includes a comprehensive inventory of his art work. Keywords Čeněk Vosmík, sculpture, religious art, allegorical and decorative arts, portraits
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Kamenosochařská a řezbářská díla Jana Karla Hammera ve středních a jižních Čechách / Jan Karel Hammer's Stone Sculptural and Woodcarving Work in Central and South BohemiaŠiková, Terezie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to record and evaluate from art-historical point of view the stone sculptural and woodcarving work of Jan Karel Hammer, whose activity was documented between the years 1737 and 1757 on the border of central and southern Bohemia. The topic of thesis was chosen due to the fact, that this interesting artist has not yet been introduced to the professional public. Automatic attribution of all sculptural and woodcarving work in the area around Čimelice, where Jan Karel Hammer spent the last two decade of his life, to his hand together with a sharp increase of works, that are assumed to belong to him, led to the need for critical review. With the exceptions of Hammer's works the information was drawn from topografical, historical and regional literature and from archival sources. Because of the literary character and limited number of sources the main emphasis was placed on formal analysis. The examined material was divided into several cathegories, as can be seen in the structure of final catalogue. Thanks to detailed knowledge of works it was possible to identify author's distinctive style, which can be detected also in the workshop production, and all specifics of his work. Attention focused on the sources of inspiration and style orientation took us to the Prague art center...
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Ikonografie Rudolfa II. / Iconography of Rudolf II.Zlatohlávková, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
Many portraits of Rudolf II were painted and created during his lifetime, forming a significant component of Rudolfine art, however, they have not received a sufficient art historical attention. They document, at times at stylyzed manner, the transformation of Rudolf's appearance. However, their most important task was to demonstrate and make tangeable Rudolf's authentic appearance to the world and to celebrate his magnanimity and personality. Thus, there are many portraits that represent Rudolf as a good emperor or a brilliant commander, although, as we know, they did not correspond to reality. A special chapter of the portrait iconography also create complicated allegories about Rudolf's reign relying on representations of personifications, mythological and animal symbols using Rudolf's personal impresa. Most of the portraits follow former portrait types typical for the 16th century, as bust, standing figure or equestrian monument. However, the peculiarity for Rudolfine portraiture is the allegorical portrait Rudolf as Vertumnus painted by Giuseppe Arcimboldo that combines classical portrait with allegory.
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Zahrada zámku v Dobříši a její výzdoba / Garden of Dobříš castle and her decorationKocurová, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
My work will aim to castle garden in Dobříš, her decoration and history. Bigger attention will be given to person of sculpturer Ignác František Platzer, which workshop did the sculpture decoration in the garden.
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Tvorba Jana Jiřího Schaubergera na Moravě / Work of Jan Jiří Schauberger in MoraviaBřečka, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Work of Jan Jiří Schauberger in Moravia This Diploma thesis treats about the life and work of Jan Jiří Schauberger, a baroque artist, who came from Austria, but worked and lived in Moravia, where he created many statues, as well as wooden or stucco sculptures, particularly in the interiors of churches. Among his best known and also the first work in Moravia belong riding statue of Caesar's fountain placed in Olomouc, erected in 1725. For the rest of his artistic life concentratedd his work primarily for sacral objects. He died relatively young as in his roughly 44 years in 1744, the exact date of his birth is unknown but is widely placed of about 1700. The first chapter is devoted to detailed criticism of literature related to the topic. Second, extensive chapter deals comprehensively with the life and work of sculptor. In the third chapter the author reflects on J. J. Schauberger's personality, in the next as about the artist. And last, the great part, is divided into several subsections depending on the material that was used for each major works, which the author discussed in detail in further sections. At the end the summarizes his findings.
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Typologie a ikonografie motivu Odpočívajícího Krista. Devoční námět Odpočívajícího Krista na historickém území Čech pozdní gotiky a rané renesance / Typology and Iconography of Christ in Distress. Devotional theme of Christ in Distress in historical Bohemian lands in Late Gothic and early RenaissanceŠormová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The thesis named Typology and Iconography of Christ in Distress motive. Devotional theme of Christ in Distress in historical Czech lands in late Gothic and early Renaissance wants to survey the occurrence of an unusual topic that began more often appear in the last quarter of the 15th century in central Europe. It expanded at the beginning of the following century in our territory. The thesis reflects a problem of terminology, seeks views on the origin and typological comparison of the theme. Different iconographic types sitting Suffering Christ are located and the most important artworks are presented in the accompanying catalog. The author concludes that the motive was very close to Franciscan spirituality, but also to notable feature of medieval spiritual life of human, namely the expectance of Apocalypse. Key words Christ in distress / devotional (subject) / iconography / sculpture / Czech
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Stavební plastika administrativních budov první Československé republiky / Sculptural Decoration of First Czechoslovak Republic's Administrative BuildingsČervený, Marek January 2011 (has links)
We can consider the sculptural decoration of first Czechoslovak Republic's administrative buildings to be one of the typical manifestations of its time. In its iconography it translated to its contemporaries, as well as to the future generations, the basic ideological motives which the representative, artists and major part of the society considered to be the most important for the existence of the young democratic state. Their message is so clear that even today it can be understood. This thesis discusses in the first chapter the roots of basic iconographical circles (labor, working people) in the Czech art of the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century. Afterwards it focuses on the wider conditions of European art leading to the growing interests in realistic, neo-classical art and new objectivity. Following parts are aimed on arrival of civilism into the Czech interwar art scene and discuss the terms social art, social realism and social civilism and its possible use in the scope of sculptural decoration of administrative buildings. Then continues the overview of the most important iconographical motives which penetrated into the field of the sculptural decoration with special focus on the Czechoslovak pavilion at the International exhibition of decorative arts in Paris 1925. The following...
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