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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social policy outcomes of Zimbabwe's fast track land reform program (FTLRP) : a case study of Kwekwe District

Chibwana, Musavengana Winston Theodore 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores social policy outcomes of the FTLRP. The thesis comes from an appreciation that there has been a lot of attention that has been given to the process and outcomes of the FTLRP. Various and sometimes antagonistic analytical frameworks have been employed by different scholars who come from different epistemological standings resulting in academic polarity on the subject of the FTLRP in Zimbabwe. This thesis transcends all the analytical frameworks to provide a unique perspective of the extent to which the FTLRP achieved social policy outcomes. Some of the scholars who have written on this subject have grappled with some of the social policy outcomes without however a deliberate focus on social policy outcomes. The main contribution of this thesis to the body of knowledge is its exploration of the extent to which the FTLRP has been a social policy tool that has achieved social policy outcomes. This is important because for a long time land reform has not been generally considered as a social policy tool in the main stream social policy literature. The reason for this is that social policy literature has been dominated by OECD scholars who naturally focused more on social policy tools that are more relevant to their contexts. In the process they have sought to transpose the tools that are more prevalent in their contexts to Africa. Consequently, social policy tools from the global south, such as land reform, have not featured in any significant way in mainstream social policy literature. The thesis used the transformative social policy framework in both the research and analysis of the data. The conceptual framework identifies five functions of social policy namely redistribution, production, protection, reproduction and social cohesion. Using a mixed methods approach, the thesis interrogated the extent to which the five functions of social policy were realised by the FTLRP. Research findings have shown that the major outcome that was unequivocally realised was redistribution. This is so because the country’s agrarian structure dramatically changed from a bi-modal set up where 6000 white farmers owned more than 35 percent of the arable land to a new structure where about 180 000 households of diverse backgrounds, inter alia former farm workers, people from communal areas, civil servants, war veterans, pensioners, government senior civil servants and the unemployed, now work and live on the same land. The other four social policy functions were achieved to varying degrees. Lastly, the research looked at the human development outcomes of the FTLRP by focusing on the state of education in the resettled areas. The research observed that the FTLRP increased both primary (13%) and secondary (31%) education accessibility for the children of land beneficiaries. Due to the abrupt nature with which education services were on demand, the quality was compromised. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)

Právní aspekty související se získáváním finančních prostředků ze Strukturálních fondů EU / Law aspects associated with obtaining financial resources from Structural funds of EU

KOKŠTEJNOVÁ, Dita January 2010 (has links)
Práce popisuje právní aspekty upravující čerpání finančních prostředků ze Struktrurálních fondů Evropské unie. Dále se zabývá zmapováním úspěšnosti či neúspěšnosti českých fyzických a právnických osob při čerpání ze Strukturální fondů Evropské unie v porovnání s úspěšností či neúspěšností osob (fyzických i právnických) ze srovnatelné země a zjištěním na jaké projekty byly nejčastěji čerpány finanční prostředky ze Strukturálních fondů Evropské unie.

"Man fick faktiskt kämpa" : En kvalitativ studie om hur det var att komma som ensamkommande barn och integreras i Sverige

Keza, Amiella, Ablatova, Diana January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att beskriva och analysera hur unga vuxna i efterhand minns hur det var att komma som ensamkommande barn och integreras i Sverige. I denna studie har en kvalitativ metod använts, och fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med unga vuxna med erfarenheter av att komma till Sverige som ensamkommande barn. Studiens teoretiska referensram består av Giddens (2014) idealmodeller för etnisk integration, Lidskogs (2009) resonemang kring social sammanhållning och kulturellt korstryck och Al Baldawis (2014) teori om migration och anpassning. Tidigare forskning består av studie om begreppet integration, hur integration kan se ut för ensamkommande barn samt hur socialtjänsten arbetar med ensamkommande barn. Tidigare forskning i denna uppsats har använts i kombination med uppsatsens teoretiska referensram i analysdelen. Uppsatsens huvudresultat visade bland annat att unga vuxna upplevde att mycket ansvar låg i deras händer gällande sin integration i Sverige. Resultatet visade även att det var en utmaning för de unga vuxna att möta den nya kulturen och det nya samhällssystemet. Denna utmaningen klarade vissa unga vuxna på egen hand medan andra fick hjälp av vuxna personer eller nya kompisar. Vidare framkom det att unga vuxna upplevde att språk och umgänge var viktiga komponenter som ingick i integrationsprocessen. / The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how young adults remember in retrospect, what it was like to come as unaccompanied minors and integrate in Sweden. In this study, we use the qualitative research method with the help of five semi structured interviews that were conducted with young adults that hold the experience of coming to Sweden as unaccompanied children. The theoretical framework of this study lies in Giddens (2014) ideal models for ethnic integration, Lidskog’s reasoning about social cohesion and cultural pressures and Al Badawi’s (2014) theory of migration and adaption. Earlier research in this study has been of use in combination with the essays theoretical framework in the analysis. The main result in the essay has indicated (amongst other things) that young adults experience having much responsibility concerning their integration in Sweden. Results also showed that it was challenging for the young adults to encounter the new culture and the new social system. This challenge was successfully handled by some young adults single-handedly while the others got help from adults and new friends. Furthermore, it was found that young adults experienced that language and social intercourse were important components which was part of the integration process.

Capital social em comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem / Capital social em comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem

Anita Vera Bliska 17 August 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um instrumento de medição de desempenho em Comunidades Virtuais de Aprendizagem (CVA). Para isso foram utilizadas as variáveis da teoria do capital social. Todo o trabalho está direcionado à construção de uma matriz composta pelas variáveis: (a) capital social estrutural, sob o enfoque econômico, aqui relacionado aos fatores de infra-estrutura tecnológica e utilização de ambientes virtuais, bem como às políticas de incentivo ao uso de recursos de Tecnologia da Informação; (b) capital social cognitivo, gerado por meio da criação da cultura virtual e (c) coesão social sob o enfoque ações coletivas, analisadas a partir da interação e colaboração entre seus participantes no tocante à promoção de tais ações. A pesquisa parte do pressuposto de que a geração de conhecimento em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem está relacionada à alfabetização digital e à conseqüente utilização dos ambientes virtuais pelos participantes da comunidade em estudo. A metodologia está fundamentada na análise etnográfica do ambiente estudado, nas técnicas de coleta por meio de questionário, bem como na análise da construção de um discurso do sujeito coletivo. Uma visão estruturada dessas questões relativas ao desempenho de uma CVA está representada na Matriz do Capital Social resultante. Esta visão converge para os requisitos almejados nas análises de desempenho, ou seja para o estabelecimento de metas de gestão e a avaliação de seus resultados. / This paper has the objective of proposing a measuring tool for performances in Virtual Learning Communities (VLC). For this purpose, variables of the theory of social capital have been used. The whole work heads for the building of a matrix with the following variables: a) structural social capital under economic focus, here related to factors such as technological infra-structure and the use of virtual environments, as well as policies to encourage the use of resources of Information Technology (IT); b) cognitive social capital, generated through the creation of virtual culture, and c) social cohesion under the focus of social actions, analyzed from the point of view of the interaction and cooperation of their participants in respect to the promotion of such actions. The research starts from the presupposition that knowledge generation in virtual learning environments is related to digital literacy, and the use of virtual environments by the participants of the studied community is a consequence. The methodology is based on the ethnographic analysis of the environment under study, on the techniques of collecting data through questionnaires, as well as on the analysis of the construction of a discourse of a collective subject. A structured view of these questions related to the performance of a VLC is represented in the resulting Social Capital Matrix. This view converges to the requisites desired in the different performance analyses or, in other words, to the establishment of management goals and the assessment of their results.

Les quartiers créatifs : une dynamique de club : analyse croisée des quartiers des Olivettes (Nantes), du Panier (Marseille) et Berriat (Grenoble) / Creative Quarters : a Club Dynamic. : Cross Analysis of the Districts of Olivettes (Nantes), Le Panier (Marseille) and Berriat (Grenoble)

Michel, Basile 16 November 2017 (has links)
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, les activités culturelles et créatives (art, architecture, etc.) sont plébiscitées par les pouvoirs publics et les scientifiques pour leur rôle culturel mais aussi économique, social et urbain. Leur agglomération spatiale dans d’anciens quartiers industriels et ouvriers fait peser de multiples enjeux sur ces territoires. Planifiée par les décideurs politiques ou construite par des dynamiques spontanées, cette agglomération transforme des espaces en friche en quartiers créatifs. Ces quartiers sont le lieu d’ancrage de clusters qui lient les travailleurs créatifs dans un réseau social d’échange et de coopération marqué par l’entre-soi. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’interroger le fonctionnement et les enjeux des quartiers créatifs en vérifiant l’hypothèse de la mise en place d’un club de travailleurs créatifs au sein de ces territoires. Défini comme un regroupement volontaire d’individus autour de la jouissance exclusive de biens et de services, le club est porteur à la fois de dynamiques collectives de partage et de logiques d’entre-soi et de ségrégation. Questionner son existence dans les quartiers créatifs introduit une réflexion autour de la cohésion et de la fragmentation sociales d’une part, et de la créativité et de l’innovation d’autre part.Fondée sur une analyse qualitative croisée de trois quartiers créatifs des villes de Nantes, Marseille et Grenoble, cette thèse montre comment des clubs de travailleurs créatifs se forment dans ces territoires, quel est leur fonctionnement et quels sont leurs impacts sociaux et économiques. / For twenty years, cultural and creative activities (art,architecture, etc.) have been promoted by public authorities and scientists for their cultural, economic,social and urban roles. Their spatial agglomeration informer industrial districts implies multiple issues on these territories. Planned by political decision-makers or resulting from spontaneous dynamics, this agglomeration transforms industrial wasteland into creative quarters.Clusters that link creative workers in collaborative social networks are embedded in these quarters. These social networks are characterized by cooperation and a senseof togetherness.This thesis aims to question the functioning and the stakes of creative quarters by confirming the hypothesis of the establishment of a creative workers’ club within these territories. The club is defined as a voluntary grouping of individuals around the exclusive enjoymen tof goods and services. It carries both collective dynamics of sharing and logics of exclusion and segregation.Questioning its existence in creative quarters induces a reflection on social cohesion and fragmentation on the one hand, and creativity and innovation on the other one. Based on a qualitative analysis of three creative quarters in the cities of Nantes, Marseille and Grenoble, this thesis illustrates how clubs of creative workers are formed in these territories, how they work and what their social and economic impacts are.

The passionate economy of graffiti and street art : Building social cohesion through art collecting

Jacobson, Malcolm January 2017 (has links)
This study examines how social cohesion is built through exchange of urban art. Graffiti and street art are treated like dirt and washed away. Unsanctioned art is often perceived as alien to museums and private homes. Despite this, many graffiti and street artists produce art in studios that are sold in galleries as urban art. Through ethnographic tools and site visits to homes of collectors in the United States and Sweden this study explores what it means to exchange and own urban art. Guided by Émile Durkheim’s theories on social cohesion and Georg Simmel’s writings on social boundaries, sociological implications of material things are investigated. The analysis shows that exchange of urban art produces and affirms social bonds and passionate feelings about belonging to a specific art world. Artworks in private homes symbolically represent unsanctioned art; which makes collectors feel joy, purpose, and confidence. Urban art collectors dodge discursive definitions of art in favor of nondiscursive and pragmatic boundary work. In contrast to a Bourdieusian perspective this study found that art is not as much about reproduction of social hierarchies as about making social life meaningful and connected. The results suggest further research on materiality in times of digital media.

L'insertion socioprofessionnelle des adultes seniors handicapés dans le milieu ordinaire de travail à La Réunion : état des lieux et perspectives / The social and occupational insertion of the senior adult disabled in the ordinary working environment at Reunion Island : current situation and perspectives

Batty, Maxime 03 December 2012 (has links)
À La Réunion, de nombreux demandeurs d'emploi en situation de handicap, âgés de plus de 50 ans, sont victimes de chômage prolongé et sombrent dans la précarité. Ce statut peu enviable que leur impose un environnement économique délabré par la crise et rendu très sélectif, les prédisposent à la marginalisation. L'existence d'entraves physiques, socioéconomiques, discriminatoires, auxquelles s'additionnent de représentations péjoratives, sont particulièrement préjudiciables à l'insertion professionnelle de ce public senior. Privé de travail qui est un élément fondamental de la structuration identitaire mais aussi un moyen unanimement reconnu d'intégration à la vie sociale, cette population se retrouve en posture d'échec, subit des perturbations psychologiques importantes. La dépression et la crise identitaire qui résultent de la survenue du handicap amplifiées par les effets du chômage prolongé, provoquent l'émergence d'un phénomène de déstructuration. Profondément affecté, l'individu se fragilise et ne se reconnaît plus dans une société qui le stigmatise et le pousse vers l'exclusion. Sortir de cette spirale infernale occasionne dans la plupart des cas des dommages collatéraux marquants si l'on se réfère aux témoignages de ceux qui ont pu le surmonter. / At Reunion Island, many job-seekers disabled of more than 50 years old, are victims of prolonged unemployment and sink into the precariousness. This little enviable status which imposes them an economic environment ruined by the crisis and the very selective depiction, predispose them to the marginalization. The existence of physical obstacles, socioeconomic, discriminatory and pejorative representations are particularly harmful, discriminate the occupational integration of this senior public. Deprived of work which is a fundamental element of the identical structuring but also a means unanimously recognized of integration in the social life, he meets in posture of failure, undergoes important psychological disturbances. The depression and the identity crisis which result from the arisen of the handicap amplified by the effects of the prolonged unemployment, cause the emergence of the phenomenon of disintegration. Deeply affected, the individual weakens and does not recognize any more in a society which stigmatizes him and pushes him to the exclusion. Go out of this infernal spiral often causes collateral damage according to accounts given by those who were able to overcome it.

Analysis of consumption patterns and their effects on social cohesion from a Zulu cosmology perspective

Lombo, Sipho January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of Ph. D (Public Managment), Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2017. / Using historic and ethnographic data collected from KwaZulu-Natal, this study examines food consumption from the Zulu Cosmology epistemic point of view. The study highlights as a prosocial behaviour that reduces the importance of self in favour of pro social norms of sharing and selflessness. In other words, personhood is understood as a process and the product of interconnectedness experienced in social spaces. Pro-social behaviour is therefore seen as a determinant of harmonious and social cohesive communities. The study concluded that social cohesive communities develop a set of cultural protocols and boundaries that reward prosocial norms and punish antisocial behaviour. Social cohesion as a concept was also found to be inseparable from the notion of shared values, identities and norms. The study delved deeper and found that the land, the livestock and the cultural rituals to honour the living and the dead defined a unique interconnectedness of the Zulu person to his culture. Eating and eaten products were part of a uniting culture that linked a Zulu man, woman, girls, old men and women to other people, their animals and their land. Zulu people lived for, and with, other people in peace. No man or family would go hungry. Immediately that becomes known, another man would give the destitute man a few cattle to start his own flock and feed his family. This and other eating rituals contributed to a strong, peaceful and social cohesive nation of King Shaka ka Senzangakhona. On the basis of the understanding of the cultural rituals, their link with the land and animal the study concluded that land restitution and agrarian policies can be enhanced by taking into consideration their need for land to cultivate vegetables and fruits that have cultural meaning, policies that enable to have livestock as well as space to practise their culture. The study is envisaged to inspire social welfare and community development policies that instil the prosocial values of Ubuntu and interconnectedness. / D

Rozhodovací, implementační a kontrolní mechanismy v oblasti operačních programů ČR / Operational Programmes Decision, Implementation and Control systems in Czech Republic

Tužinská, Iva January 2008 (has links)
Upon accession to the European Union, the Czech Republic has been given the opportunity to use the support provided within the scope of economic and social cohesion policy. For the Programme period 2007-2013 the Czech Republic has prepared twenty four Operational Programmes. In this work I focus on one Oprational programe - Education for Competitiveness to be able cover all necessary aspects of Decision, Implementation and Contol mechanisms.

Community-based Culturally Relevant Art Education for Korean-American Elementary Students: Impact and Policy Implications

Koh, Youngaah 02 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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