Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial life"" "subject:"cocial wife""
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Permanence and change : a philosophical inquiry into the problem of relating new architecture to existing settingsGaniatsas, Vassilios January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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香港城市研究: 主題化--商品化--資訊化下的香港城市文化. / Xianggang cheng shi yan jiu: zhu ti hua--shang pin hua--zi xun hua xia de Xianggang cheng shi wen hua.January 2004 (has links)
陳英凱. / "2004年8月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2004. / 參考文獻 (p. 89-93) / 附中英文摘要. / "2004 nian 8 yue". / Chen Yingkai. / Lun wen (Zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2004. / Can kao wen xian (p. 89-93) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / 引言 --- p.1-8 / Chapter 第一章 --- 旅遊主題下的都市空間 --- p.9 / 閱讀香港´ؤ´ؤ主題公園 --- p.11-18 / 創造/模擬「動感」 --- p.19-27 / 都市空間的銷售與呈現 --- p.28-32 / 商界意見 --- p.33-37 / 小結 --- p.38-41 / Chapter 第二章. --- 都市空間的商品化與資訊化 --- p.42 / 廣告資訊構成的商品化都市景觀 --- p.45-62 / 令人目眩的屏幕化都市與超真實 --- p.63-78 / 小結 --- p.79-81 / 結語 --- p.82-88 / 參考書目 --- p.89-93
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雍城時期秦文化的發展與演變. / Study of development of Qin culture during Yong Cheng period / Yongcheng shi qi Qin wen hua de fa zhan yu yan bian.January 2013 (has links)
雍城作為秦都達300年之久,對秦政治、軍事、經濟、文化、宗教等方面的發展都發揮了很大的作用。此時期的秦文化既繼承了之前的西北、周文化傳統,又吸收了三晉、巴蜀、楚等地的文化特色,文化內涵漸趨豐富。前人對雍城的研究雖多,可是大多著重考古挖掘與都城結構兩方面,而較少從文化交流的角度分析相關議題。本文以前人研究為基礎,結合文獻與考古材料,先從「點」的層面開始,探討雍城所反映的春秋戰國之際,秦國的上層文化面貌。進而從「點」擴展至「線」的層面,縱向討論西周、春秋、戰國時期秦文化的演變,以及橫向考析天水、寶雞、西安地區不同等級的秦墓所反映的文化面貌。文中透過全面的整合與分析前人研究成果、文獻及考古材料,了解到秦國雖透過政治與軍事擴張而與「他者」文化接觸,但其文化發展卻沒有排他性。因此,秦國與「他者」的文化交流模式屬許倬雲所說的「傳播和擴散型」。 / The city of Yong(雍城) was the capital of Qin state(秦國) for 300 years. During this period, Qin had experienced a great development from the area of politic, military, religion, culture to economy. This thesis deals mainly with the development of Qin's culture, and holds the opinion that Qin culture became sophisticated gradually with numerous cultural elements from the surrounding ethnic groups. Qin culture as a cultural complex, it inherited the traditions of Zhou(周), and absorbed cultural elements from the Northwest, Southwest and the Central Plain(中原). Archaeological researches on the city of Yong in the past fifty years have great achievements on Qin’s early history, however, there is no consensus in regard to some aspects of the early Qin culture, such as the palace structure of the city of Yong. By investigating the documents and unearthed relics, including tombs, pottery and bronze vessels, this thesis examines the characteristics and changes of Qin culture during Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou periods, and analyzes the process and pattern of cultural communication between Qin and the Other. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 林淑娟. / "2013年7月". / "2013 nian 7 yue". / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 189-216). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Lin Shujuan. / Chapter 序章 --- 緒論 --- p.頁1 / Chapter 甲、 --- 解題 / Chapter (一) --- 「秦早期」與「雍城時期」 / Chapter (二) --- 「文化」:群體、社會的生活方式 / Chapter (三) --- 文化交流與相融:「自我」與「他者」的相互作用 / Chapter 乙、 --- 前人研究綜述 / Chapter (一) --- 半個世紀的雍城考古成果 / Chapter (二) --- 秦早期中、小型墓研究概況 / Chapter (三) --- 秦早期器物研究綜述 / Chapter 丙、 --- 研究目的及各章重點 / Chapter (一) --- 研究目的 / Chapter (二) --- 各章重點 / Chapter 第一章 --- 論九都八遷:秦早期的「都」、「城」與「邑」 --- p.頁23 / Chapter 甲、 --- 論九都八遷:秦歷世所居之地的爭議 / Chapter (一) --- 奠基之都:犬丘、西犬丘 / Chapter (二) --- 因文而異:西垂與西界 / Chapter (三) --- 一地多稱:汧渭之會、汧渭之間、秦 / Chapter (四) --- 遷汧之議:《史記正義》的誤載 / Chapter 乙、 --- 釋「都」、「城」與「邑」 / Chapter (一) --- 「都」與「邑」:處宗廟與否 / Chapter (二) --- 「城」與「城市」:軍事、經濟功能之差別 / Chapter (三) --- 秦早期的「都」、「城」與「邑」 / Chapter 丙、 --- 靈公、獻公居地的爭議 / Chapter 第二章 --- 定都雍城:雍城的結構佈局(上篇) --- p.頁50 / Chapter 甲、 --- 定都雍城原因探究 / Chapter (一) --- 關中:沃野千里的地理優勢 / Chapter (二) --- 雍城與大鄭宮:前人經營的成果 / Chapter 乙、 --- 雍城的城郭制度 / Chapter (一) --- 城郭之制:城以衛君,郭以守民 / Chapter (二) --- 雍城與咸陽:由郭至城 / Chapter 丙、 --- 〈考工記〉與東周列國都城 / Chapter (一) --- 〈考工記〉所反映的周禮精神 / Chapter (二) --- 理想與現實:東周列國都城之營建 / Chapter 第三章 --- 定都雍城:雍城的結構佈局(下篇) --- p.頁79 / Chapter 甲、 --- 離宮別苑相望:雍城的宮殿遺址 / Chapter (一) --- 馬家莊三號建築遺址 / Chapter (二) --- 姚家崗宮殿區及鐵溝、高王寺宮殿區 / Chapter (三) --- 城郊宮殿遺址 / Chapter 乙、 --- 昭穆之制:雍城的宗廟建築 / Chapter (一) --- 五廟、七廟之爭 / Chapter (二) --- 馬家莊一號建築遺址的三廟之制 / Chapter (三) --- 《儀禮》與雍城的宗廟結構 / Chapter 丙、 --- 雍城秦公陵園區 / Chapter (一) --- 分邦墓之地域:雍城陵園區的兆域 / Chapter (二) --- 大墓墓主身份考析 / Chapter 第四章 --- 周秦文化的「融合」:秦公墓與中、小型墓的比較 --- p.頁112 / Chapter 甲、 --- 秦公一號大墓的形制與葬俗 / Chapter (一) --- 天子之墓制:黃腸題湊 / Chapter (二) --- 秦國的人殉制度 / Chapter 乙、 --- 秦早期墓葬的出土與分布:天水、寶雞與西安 / Chapter (一) --- 天水、寶雞、西安地區的秦墓 / Chapter (二) --- 由西而東:秦國中、小型墓的分布 / Chapter 丙、 --- 秦中、小型墓的特色:屈肢葬、西首 / Chapter (一) --- 秦早期墓葬的分級 / Chapter (二) --- 秦公墓與中、小型墓的比較 / Chapter 丁、 --- 秦早期墓葬的文化元素 / Chapter (一) --- 屈肢葬的兩個體系:仰身屈肢與側身屈肢 / Chapter (二) --- 秦墓中腰坑、殉狗來源的爭議 / Chapter (三) --- 西北地區的葬俗:西首 / Chapter 第五章 --- 秦早期文化特色及演變:以青銅器、陶器為中心 --- p.頁141 / Chapter 甲、 --- 由簡至繁:墓葬器物的組合及演變 / Chapter (一) --- 從日用陶器到禮器:隨葬品類型的轉變 / Chapter (二) --- 文化交流與器物組合的多樣性 / Chapter 乙、 --- 陶器的文化成分:以鬲、罐、盆、豆為例 / Chapter (一) --- 聯襠鬲、袋足鬲 / Chapter (二) --- 圓肩罐、大喇叭口罐 / Chapter (三) --- 深腹盆 / Chapter (四) --- 喇叭圈足豆 / Chapter 丙、 --- 秦早期器物的器形、紋飾及文化元素 / Chapter (一) --- 青銅禮器與周文化 / Chapter (二) --- 銅鍑、銅劍與北方文化 / Chapter (三) --- 雙耳器、袋足鬲與西北地區文化 / Chapter (四) --- 帶蓋器與三晉文化 / Chapter (五) --- 陶釜、銅劍、銅鍪與巴蜀文化 / Chapter 終章 --- 結語 --- p.頁177 / Chapter 附錄一: --- 秦國世系圖 --- p.頁182 / Chapter 附錄二: --- 兩周時期秦國東向發展圖 --- p.頁183 / Chapter 附錄三: --- 天水、寶雞及西安地區出土秦早期墓葬列表 --- p.頁185 / p.頁189
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The ruling elite of Korea: 1894-1907Quiñones, C. Kenneth (Carlos Kenneth), 1943- January 1969 (has links)
No description available.
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Tracking down Social Impacts of Products with Social Life Cycle AssessmentEkener-Petersen, Elisabeth January 2013 (has links)
An important aspect of sustainable development is the social impacts from the consumption of goods and services. A recently developed method for social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) assesses the potential positive and negative social impacts along a product’s life cycle, while avoiding shifting negative impacts from one part of the supply chain to another. This thesis evaluated the applicability of S-LCA in three case studies, as well as a way of introducing an ethical perspective on the distribution of social impacts among stakeholders. The case study of laptop computers identified workers and the local community as the stakeholders at greatest risk of negative social impacts, with China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Brazil being most prone to these impacts. A case study of vehicle fuels identified some fossil and some renewable fuels with high or very high risks of negative impacts, suggesting a need for strict procurement requirements on social performance for all types of vehicle fuels. A study of e-waste recycling in Pakistan revealed negative social impacts on workers and the community, while decreasing poverty by providing employment. By performing a social hotspot assessment using S-LCA methodology, much can be learned about the potential social impacts associated with a product’s life cycle, and potentially important aspects that would otherwise have been neglected can be identified. Some methodological issues of S-LCA requiring further attention are: Indicator relevance. Impact pathways between indicators and performance assessment on social issues must be examined and improved. Aggregation and weighting of impacts and indicators. With major uncertainties still present, results must be transparent, but also aggregated for the purposes of interpretation and communication. Assessment of the use phase. To be more complete, S-LCA methodology needs to be complemented with an assessment of the use phase. Introduction of context. Identifying the context of relevant stakeholders in different parts of the life cycle would allow identification of the greatest leverage in improvement of social conditions. / En viktig del av hållbar utveckling är att hantera social påverkan från konsumtionen av varor och tjänster. Social livscykelanalys (S - LCA) är en metod som syftar till att bedöma positiv och negativ social påverkan av produkter under hela deras livscykel och samtidigt undvika att bara flytta negativ påverkan från en del av livscykeln till en annan. Denna avhandling utvärderar S - LCA i tre fallstudier, samt undersöker hur fördelningen av den sociala påverkan på olika intressentgrupper kan bedömas ur ett etiskt perspektiv. I en fallstudie som utfördes på en laptop identifierades arbetstagare och lokalsamhället som de intressenter, som löper störst risk för negativ social påverkan. Länder som Kina, Ryssland, Saudiarabien, Thailand och Brasilien var de som var mest kopplade till denna påverkan. En fallstudie kring fordonsbränslen visade att av de bränslen som bedömts uppvisade både en del fossila och en del förnybara bränslen höga eller mycket höga risker för negativ social påverkan, vilket tyder på att strikta upphandlingskrav gällande social prestanda behövs för alla typer av drivmedel. En studie av återvinning av elektroniskt avfall i Pakistan uppvisade påtaglig negativ social påverkan på arbetstagarna och lokalsamhället, samtidigt som återvinningen gav sysselsättning som minskar fattigdomen. Genom att använda S-LCA vid bedömningen av en produkt finns det mycket att lära om potentiell social påverkan från produktens livscykel. Viktiga aspekter, som annars riskerar att missas, kan nu identifieras med S-LCA. Metoden är dock inte färdigutvecklad, och metodfrågor som behöver ytterligare uppmärksamhet är: Relevanta indikatorer. Kopplingen mellan indikatorerna och den påverkan man försöker mäta måste undersökas närmare och förbättras. Sätt att aggregera och väga ihop påverkan. Med tanke på de osäkerheter som ännu så länge finns kring metoden måste resultaten hållas transparenta, samtidigt som sammanfattande resultat behövs för tolkning och kommunikation. Påverkan i användningsfasen. För att bli mer komplett, måste metoden kompletteras med en bedömning av social påverkan i användningsfasen. Sätta resultaten i sitt sammanhang. Utgångsläget för dem, som berörs av en produkts sociala påverkan avgör vilken hävstångseffekt en förbättring av de sociala förhållandena kan ha, och kan därmed påverka vilka åtgärder som bör prioriteras. / <p>QC 20131217</p>
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You Are Not Alone: Self-Identity and Modernity in Neon Genesis Evangelion and KokoroUnknown Date (has links)
To understand the impact of the 20th century on Japanese consciousness, one must examine examples of its popular culture that have had a profound impact on its audience. To best accomplish this, this paper examines the main characters from two works of popular culture, Sensei from the 1914 classic novel Kokoro, and Shinji Ikari from the 1995 television series Neon Genesis Evangelion. This study analyzes the events occuring at the time of and between the two stories, and also examines the authors themselves in order to determine why these seminal works are especially representative of human beings in general and especially the Japanese. If the Twentieth Century is an age of remarkable freedom, it is one in which human beings exist in an abandoned state. Lacking an essential truth about what they should want or ought to be, humans must struggle to find their own purpose, sense of self, and happiness. At the same time, forces around them dramatically change the landscape, removing traces of familiarity and a recognized history. These two works feature protagonists struggling to weather the storm of their respective eras. By understanding their struggle, we can learn how to survive modernity. / A Thesis submitted to the Department of Asian Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master
of Arts. / Fall Semester, 2008. / October 24, 2008. / Despair, Modern Self, Self-Identity, 20th Century, Japan, Gendai, Kindai, Modernity, Anno, Anime / Includes bibliographical references. / Yoshihiro Yasuhara, Professor Directing Thesis; Feng Lan, Committee Member; Kathleen Erndl, Committee Member.
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Painted Interiors from the Houghton ShahnamehUnknown Date (has links)
The following study utilizes a 1981 reproduction of a ca.1525, Safavid version of the Persian national epic, the Shahnameh, to investigate the manuscript's numerous illustrations of painted interior design. Initial research focuses on the history of wall painting in Iranian culture from the ancient through the Safavid eras. The following section offers a brief history of the Safavids themselves, as well as an overview of the immediate cultural and artistic influences that combined to create their newly syncretized aesthetic. The body of the research concentrates on an original system of classification allowing each interior motif to be categorized as one of five basic types. Labeled A through E the master types are sub-divided into several lesser categories based on their degrees of separation from the original motif. In an attempt to trace each pattern's stylistic origins, the designs are evaluated in relation to three different media that either predate or are contemporary to the production of the Safavid Shahnameh: similar images from illustrated volumes, the literary accounts of extinct Timurid and Turkman murals and the wall paintings of extant edifices. A notable corollary to this research is the conclusion that a number of the Shahnameh's interior wall paintings exhibit far eastern, aesthetic influences that pre-date the Mongolian invasions of the thirteenth century. While it is difficult to classify each of the myriad layers of meaning projected on these images, quite a few of the motifs appear to contain Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Hindu and Sufi religious symbolism as well as Soghdian and Sassanian secular references. In particular it is proposed that, in many cases, the Shahnameh's illustrations are a reliable indication of the interior wall paintings that decorated contemporaneous Turkman and Timurid palaces. / A Thesis submitted to the Program in Asian Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Art. / Fall Semester, 2004. / August 19, 2004. / Safavids, Persian painting, miniature painting, Shah Isma'il, Shah Tahmasp, Shahnama, Shahnameh / Includes bibliographical references. / Peter Garretson, Professor Directing Thesis; Jonathan Grant, Committee Member; Susan Lee, Committee Member.
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Designating Deviance: Championing Definitions of the Appropriate and the Inappropriate Through a Christian Political Voice / Designating DevianceGrills, Charles Scott 05 1900 (has links)
<p>This dissertation begins from one central claim about the understanding of social life - that the unit of analysis most appropriate for the task of sociology is the joint act (Blumer, 1969). If we are to understand social life, then we must take our social science to people and their accomplishments.</p>
<p>My research attends to one specific set of accomplishments: the designation of the objects of our worlds as appropriate or inappropriate. This, I argue, is the essential quality of the social dramas which accompany the designation of deviance. promoting definitions of
This extended process of the appropriate and the inappropriate, I refer to as the process of championing. Championing is built upon the accomplishments of Becker's (1973) labeling theory, yet carries with it a critique of this tradition. Championing is my attempt to examine the
generic dimensions of deviance designation.</p>
<p>My theoretical claims find their empirical application in a study of one group of champions - the actors who comprise the Christian Heritage Party of Canada. Within this group we find those who promote their religious based definitions of the way the world ought to be within
the setting of Canadian electoral politics. My research
examines the activities and perspectives of these actors. Attending to deviance designation as accomplished action, my work examines the perspectives of actors, their careers of involvements, the symbolic relevances of political policy, and the sales dimensions of political recruitment.</p>
<p>My work is derived from a phenomenological interactionism. It confronts the social world with a methodology of participant observation and interview and a naturalistic respect for an understanding of life as it is
lived. The sociology of deviance is a sociology of everyday life.</p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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雲南大理洱海東岸地區的地方社會與宗教. / Yunnan Dali Erhai dong an di qu de di fang she hui yu zong jiao.January 2012 (has links)
張文偉. / "2012年8月". / "2012 nian 8 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-89). / Zhang Wenwei. / 目錄 --- p.1 / 大理洱海東岸地圖 --- p.2 / Chapter 第一章 --- 引言 --- p.3-12 / Chapter 第二章 --- 南詔大理國至元代的佛教國家傳統概述 --- p.13-23 / Chapter 第三章 --- 法力之水與地方之水 --- p.24-38 / Chapter 第四章 --- 洪武十五年的天兵降臨洱海東 --- p.39-47 / Chapter 第五章 --- 禮儀變奏曲 --- p.48-69 / Chapter 第六章 --- 崇儒攘佛 --- p.70-74 / Chapter 第七章 --- 結論 --- p.75-79 / 參考書目 --- p.80-89
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The social dynamics of lifecourse timing in historical perspective : transitions in an Australian rural community, Boonah, 1850-1978Cole, John R. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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