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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Buvusių globos namų ir socializacijos centrų auklėtinių gyvenimo scenarijaus korekcija / The Correction of Life Scenario of Former Students of Foster Homes and Socialization Centres

Prišmontienė, Aušra 03 September 2013 (has links)
Vaikai dėl įvairių priežasčių, netekę tėvų globos patenka į globos įstaigas, patirdami prieštaringus išgyvenimus, net nesąmoningai reiškia protestą, elgiasi negatyviai. Problemiško, nekontroliuojamo elgesio globos namų auklėtinius šių įstaigų darbuotojai nukreipia į socializacijos centrus. Vaikai, keliaujantys iš vienos institucijos į kitą, tampa tarsi institucinės aukos. Štai toks asmuo, praėjęs kelias skirtingo griežtumo globos institucijas, subręsta ir patenka į suaugusiųjų pasaulį. Jų gyvenimo scenarijus kuriamas ant sutrikdytos (iškreiptos) socializacijos pamato jau nuo ankstyvos vaikystės. Per patirtį įgyta programa nematomai veikia žmogaus gyvenime nepriklausomai nuo pasipriešinimo ir laisvo pasirinkimo. Korekcijos proceso veiksniai galėtų pakreipti buvusių globos namų ir socializacijos centrų auklėtinių gyvenimo scenarijų. Tai įtakotų jų nuostatas savo ir aplinkinių atžvilgiu, kurios susijusios su veiklos perspektyvomis, gyvenimo kokybe bei sėkminga integracija visuomenėje. / The children who have lost their parents due to some reasons get to foster homes. Having gone through different contradictory negative emotions there, they, sometimes even subconsciously, express their protest behaving badly. The children who are uncontrollable and break behavioral norms are directed to socialization centres by social workers. These children who move from one such an organization to another are practically becoming victims of these social institutions. At last, after being in these organizations that can rather differ in their limits of freedom, such a person grows up and becomes an adult. Life scenario of these young people is created on a destorted social basement since their early childhood. The acquired life programme invisibly influences a person’s life through his/her experience independently on any kind of struggle or a free choice. Some activities that correct this process can seriously change life scenario of former students of foster homes and socialization centres. In such a way we can influence their previous perception of themselves and the surrounding world in order to change it because this perseption is directly connected with work with a different perspective, life quality and successful integration in the society.

Sources and varieties of working class conservativism : the working class conservative debate re-examined

Sullivan, Michael J., 1944- January 1977 (has links)
No description available.

The Role of Swedish in Forming Social Relations Beneficial to Learning Outcomes in the English Classroom

Juhlin, Jenny January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The Swedish National Curriculum for Upper Secondary School states that English should be taught essentially in English. The aim of this study was to discuss the use of Swedish in the upper secondary English classroom with regard to building teacher-student relations and learning outcomes. A hypothesis was articulated, claiming that judicious use of Swedish in the English classroom would help establish teacher-student relations, which would benefit learning outcomes. The study focused on students’ attitudes on the use of Swedish in the English classroom, on the importance of student-teacher relations with regard to learning outcomes, and on the effect English has on building relations and learning outcomes. The material for the study was obtained from a student questionnaire with mixed multiple choice and essay questions. Results showed that most students preferred the inclusion of Swedish in English education and considered it beneficial to their learning. Despite students’ opinion, the national curriculum’s guidelines, and the line of current modern language research, a rather large part of students’ teaching appeared to be conducted in English only. Results furthermore showed that students considered the relation to their teacher more important for their learning outcomes than the language used by the teacher in class. An English-only requirement was experienced as inhibiting by a small majority of students with regard to building relations. It was concluded that Swedish could be seen as an useful instrument when forming teacher-student relations in the English classroom, which raised the thought that the national curriculum should, instead of restricting the amount of Swedish, stress when and how the use of Swedish is fruitful. This study is important as it shows how Swedish could be a useful tool in the specific environment of the English classroom, which calls for a different approach to English language learning than is supported in the national curriculum.   Key words: English, L1/L2, learning outcomes, relational pedagogy, socialization, student, teacher

Jaunimo edukacinė emigracija: mokinių, tėvų ir mokytojų vertinimas (Švenčionių Z. Žemaičio gimnazijos atvejis) / Youth educational emigration: pupils, parents and teachers value (Švenčionys Z. Žemaičio gymnasium case)

Boreikaitė, Vilma 11 July 2011 (has links)
Edukacinė emigracija buvo svarbi visais laikais ir visame pasaulyje vyko nuo senų senovės. Lietuva taip pat ne išimtis, mūsų šalyje daugybė studentų vyksta į užsienį studijuoti, bet pastaruoju metu tapo aktyvūs ir abiturientai. Jie jau nesirenka mūsų universitetų, jie žvalgosi kitų šalių aukštųjų mokyklų. Juos skatina ne tik nauji iššūkiai, galimybė keliauti, bet ir nemokamas mokslas, mokslo kokybės siekis, ko atrodo pasigendama Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose, universitetuose. Darbo tikslas: išsiaiškinti kokios priežastys ir motyvai skatina abiturientus siekti aukštojo mokslo užsienyje ir kaip tai vertina tėvai ir mokytojai. Tyrimo uždaviniai: pateikti edukacinės emigracijos sampratą; aptarti jaunimo edukacinės emigracijos ES tendencijas; aptarti veiksnius skatinančius jaunimo edukacinę emigraciją Lietuvai įstojus į ES; remiantis atliktu tyrimu, išsiaiškinti mokinių, mokinių tėvų ir mokytojų vertinimą į edukacinę emigraciją. Tyrimo objektas: jaunimo edukacinė emigracija. Tyrimo dalykas: mokinių, mokinių tėvų ir mokytojų požiūris į edukacinę emigraciją. Tyrimo hipotezės: mokinius edukacinei emigracijai skatina siekis gauti kokybiškesnį išsilavinimą bei universitetų prestižas; mokiniai aukštai vertina įgytą išsilavinimą užsienio universitetuose kaip priemonę savo ateities gerovei kurti; tikėtina, kad labiausiai skatinantys edukacinę emigraciją yra materialiniai ir ekonominiais veiksniai; dauguma tėvų mano, kad gerą išsilavinimą galima įgyti ir Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work was made by Vilma Boreikaite, Political sociology master’s degree student of VPU Social sciences faculty Sociology and political sciences department. The subject of the work is youth educational emigration: pupils, parents and teachers ratings (Švenčionys Z. Žemaitis Gymnasium case). The director of the work is Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Pruskus. The work size is 76 pages. Problem: Educational emigration was important at all times and all over the world took place in the old days. Lithuania is no exception, in many of our students go abroad to study, but has recently become active and recent graduates. They are already not choosing our universities; they have looking other countries high schools. They promote not only new challenges, the ability to travel, but also free education, pursuit of quality education, what seems missing in Lithuanian high schools and universities. The aim of work: to find out what are the reasons and motives that encourage graduates to pursue higher education abroad and how it value the parents and teachers. The work tasks are: 1. Provide educational concept of emigration. 2. Discuss emigration of young people educational trends in the EU. 3. Discuss the factors encouraging the emigration of youth educational Lithuanian entry to the EU. 4. According research to ascertain pupils, parents and teachers an assessment about educational emigration. The object of research: educational youth emigration. Subject of research: pupils, parents and teachers... [to full text]

Origins and development of representational systems in early childhood

Campbell, Robin N. January 1992 (has links)
It is argued in Chapters 1 to 4 that in cognitive psychology in general, and in the disciplines of language acquisition and cognitive development in particular, there is substantial benefit to be derived from distinguishing between two representational systems, one system being deployed in long-established or highly-practiced functions, and the second deployed in novel tasks, or where difficulties interrupt the first system. It is also argued that the proper subject of cognitive development is the second of these systems. Chapters 5 and 6 are concerned in different ways with the origins of language in the individual, in particular with the question of what innate knowledge of language might be justified. It is concluded that many questions regarding innate knowledge remain open, and that a source in human evolution for knowledge of language is no more likely than sources in individual or social development. In Chapter 7 it is argued that representational drawing emerges late in the 4th year of life, and some new techniques are described for studying early representational drawing. Following these treatments of external systems of representation, Chapter 8 offers a general developmental theory of forms of representation, extending Piaget's insight that mental representation is co-extensive with thought, and that the main axis of cognitive development is the content of thought and representation. Chapters 9 to 12 apply this theory to the representation of belief and desire, and of extrinsic and intrinsic qualities of objects, by 11/2 to 4 year-old children. Chapter 13 introduces a new method for analyzing the free classification task, a task sometimes used to assess children's ability to think about intrinsic qualities, and applies this method to various data sets. Chapter 14 applies these insights and results to the problem of characterizing concepts and concept development and favourably discusses the idea that more precise knowledge of this aspect of development may help to explain certain features of early language acquisition.

Preparation for Bias as a Buffer Against the Effect of Racial Discrimination on Academic Attitudes of African American College Students

Thomas, Dominique 09 May 2015 (has links)
Racial inequalities in the education system are an issue that has yet to be adequately addressed. Given how discriminatory experiences adversely impact African American students, it is important to understand how their educational attitudes are impacted and ways that students can be protected from these harmful experiences. The study aims to answer six research questions: 1) How does racial discrimination predict African American college students’ value placed in education? 2) How does racial discrimination predict African American college students’ expectations for success? 3) How do preparation for bias messages predict the value they place in education? 4) How do preparation for bias messages predict African American college students’ expectations for success? 5) Do preparation for bias messages buffer the effect of racial discrimination on value placed in education? 6) Do preparation for bias messages buffer the effect of racial discrimination on expectations for success?

Socialiniai tinklai kaip jaunimo socializacijos veiksnys / Social networks as a factor in the socialization of young people

Narkūnaitė-Leščinskienė, Aušra 04 September 2014 (has links)
Svarbu nustatyti, ar ugdymas, edukacinės erdvės gali būti kuriamos socialinių tinklų pagalba ir kaip toks metodas yra vertintinas. Darbe siekiama pabrėžti, kad socialinių tinklų analizė – XX-ojo ir XXI-ojo amžių sandūroje plačiai taikoma teorinė paradigma. Būtent „socialinio tinklo“ sąvoka tapo viena pagrindinių sąvokų tiriant socialinius santykius sociologijoje, antropologijoje, medicinoje, vadyboje, komunikacijos ir kituose socialiniuose moksluose. Taigi ir ugdymo aspektu, išgryninant jauno žmogaus edukacinę erdvę, atlikus socialinį empirinį tyrimą, socialinių tinklų analizė – ne tik galimas, bet ir reikalingas darbas. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti socialinių tinklų vaidmenį jaunimo socializacijos kontekste. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Pristatyti socializacijos sampratos ypatumus; 2. Aptarti socialinio tinklo teorinius aspektus; 3. Atskleisti veiksnius, skatinančius ir trukdančius akademinio jaunimo dalyvavimui socialiniuose tinkluose. Šiame magistro darbe tyrimo objektas – socialiniai tinklai jaunimo socializacijos kontekste. Hipotezės: 1. Interneto socialiniai tinklai šiandienos jaunimo tarpe – vienas iš svarbesnių socializacijos būdų; 2. Per didelis užimtumas, laisvalaikio trūkumas sąlygoja ir nepakankamus socialinius tinklus jaunų žmonių tarpe. Tyrimo metodologija: Darbo autorės nuomone galimos ir reikiamos kelios skirtingos socialinių tinklų analizės metodologinės kryptys, tačiau tikslingiausia daugiausia dėmesio skirti naujausioms tendencijoms, nagrinėjančioms socialinius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / It is important to determine whether education, educational spaces can be created on the social networking support and how the method is assessed. The paper aims to emphasize that the social network analysis - the twentieth century and the twenty-first century, the turn of widely used theoretical paradigm. It was the “social network” concept has become one of the key concepts in researching social relations sociology , anthropology , medicine , management, communication and other social sciences. Thus, the educational aspect of the purification of the young person's educational area, the following empirical social research, social network analysis - not only possible but necessary work. The aim - to identify the role of social networks in the context of the socialization of young people. Tasks: First introduce the concept of socialization medium; Second Discuss social network theoretical aspects ; 3rd Uncover the factors that promote and hinder the academic youth participation in social networks. In this thesis the subject matter - the social networks of young people in the context of socialization. Hypotheses: First Internet social networks among young people today - one of the most important ways of socialization; 2nd Over- employment, lack of leisure time is determined by the lack of social networks among young people. Research methodology: Labour possible opinion of the author , and the required number of different social networks analysis methodological orientations... [to full text]

Politinio dalyvavimo svarba jaunimo socializacijai (LEU atvejis) / The importance of political participation in youth's socialization

Mažeikaitė, Ineta 05 September 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas ir problema Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais Europoje ir Lietuvoje nemažai akcentuojamas pilietinis ir politinis dalyvavimas kaip viena iš svarbiausių pilietinės visuomenės ir demokratiškos valstybės garantų. Lietuva yra demokratinė valstybė ir viena iš pagrindinių stiprios, vieningos ir gerai funkcionuojančios valstybės sąlygų – piliečių pasitikėjimas valdžia bei dalyvavimas politikoje. Kaip teigia L. Diamond, aktyvi pilietinė visuomenė yra tarpinis reiškinys tarp privataus gyvenimo ir valstybės (Diamond, 1997). Ji neapima privačios, į save nukreiptos veiklos, o skatina pasitikėjimą, bendradarbiavimą su kitais visuomenės nariais. Tuo tarpu, R. J. Dalton teigia, kad, šiuo metu didžiausia šiuolaikinių demokratijų problema yra ta, kad piliečiai vis labiau nepasitiki politikais, abejoja demokratinių institucijų ir demokratinio proceso veiksmingumu (Dalton, 2004). Dažnai žmogaus laisvėms ir pačiai demokratijai kyla pavojus, kai didžioji dauguma visuomenės nereiškia jokio susidomėjimo valdžios institucijų veikla, o tiesioginis gyventojų dalyvavimas viešųjų reikalų tvarkyme dažniausiai suvokiamas tik kaip piliečių dalyvavimas rinkimuose. Palyginus, ne daug piliečių aktyviai dalyvauja politiniame gyvenime, dauguma yra linkę leisti priimti sprendimus atsakingiems valstybės tarnautojams. Demokratinėje valstybėje svarbu, kad kiekvienas pilietis suvoktų, kad jo dalyvavimas politikoje yra būtinas. Juk piliečių dalyvavimas sprendimų priėmimo procese liudija apie visuomenės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Civil and political participation is emphasized as one of the most important civil society and democratic state guarantors. In democratic state, it is important that every citizen would be aware that his involvement in politics is necessary, therefore, one of the priorities should be the promotion of youth's participation in politics, because young people are society's and state's future. Generation change, value preservation, learning to make decisions and take full responsibility for them are required. For all that to happen, it is crucial for young people to more actively participate in politics. It is necessary to develop youth's public spirit and political activity, try to teach them to make decisions and solve problems, because future politics depend on young people. Unfortunately, there is noticeable passivity in youth's participation in politics, complete lack of political values and attitudes. Thus, this master's thesis' goal is to analyze the political participation as one of the socialization means and determine the factors promoting and obstructing youth's participation. Youth's political participation attitudes' and motivation's to participate (in the context of socialization) analysis parts are: 1. Political participation's theoretical assumptions: concept, main forms of participation, levels; 2. Legal regulation of youth's participation; 3. Lithuanian youth's politics and factors influencing political activity; 4. The empirical results which reveal youth's... [to full text]

Culture change of Japanese expatriates in the mid-western U.S. : dialectical biculturalism

Kawata, Hisato January 1994 (has links)
People who are in a different culture from their own often encounter and deal with various difficulties of culture shock in its broad sense. This ethnographic study of Japanese expatriates in the Midwestern U.S. delineates their culture change, concentrating on culture shock and its results. The problems in interpersonal relationships among the Japanese housewives whose husbands work for the same company in the community were found to be the source of their most serious culture shock. It made each housewife conscious of her previous cultural assumptions and those of the others regarding interpersonal relationships such as friendship, privacy, and the roles of housewives. These cultural assumptions were integrated into their new cultural order to support their solutions to the problem, i.e., changing the association with those belonging to the same company, or constructing new associations with those belonging to different Japanese companies. / Department of Anthropology

Skolan, en viktig del i ensamkommande flyktingbarns socialisation

Tarhan, Sevim, Zatara, Rima January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of our study is to reach an understanding of the situation of unaccompanied refugee minors in school. Thus the study aims to investigate what sort of possibilities and limits they encounter when going through their school education. We have chosen a qualitative method and conducted interviews with four persons between the ages of 18 and 21 years. The result of the study shows that unaccompanied refugee minors experience numerous limitations and lesser possibilities than other students, which prevents their educational and social development. The limitations partly depend on the school personnels lack of knowledge about this target group, and partly on the difficulty of dealing with a new culture which is different from the students original culture.  An important conclusion that our study has shown is that the educational system has a great impact on how well the students manage to function in the new society later on.  Therefore it is of great importance that the teachers have access to competence development , since this is of substantial importance for the  unaccompanied refugee minors development and socialization. / Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka ensamkommande flyktingbarns situation i skolan, främst med avseende på de begränsningar och eventuella hinder som barnen möter under skolgången.  Det insamlade datamaterialet har analyserats med hjälp av en tematisk tolkande ansats, där framförallt begreppet socialisation varit vägledande i tolkningsprocessen. Resultatet visar att ensamkommande flyktingbarn upplever många begränsningar och färre möjligheter i skolan. Detta försvårar deras möjligheter till kunskapsutveckling och socialisation. De hinder som ensamkommande flyktingbarn brottas med kan i relation till en övergripande nivå ses som en konsekvens av omfattande begränsningar inom skolan som institution. Inom den svenska skolan råder brist på resurser av varierande slag. Det saknas kunskap och insyn i ensamkommande barns livssituationer, vilket i sin tur begränsar elevernas förutsättningar att smälta in i och socialiseras i de nya förhållandena. En viktig slutsats i vår studie är att skolan har stor påverkan på hur eleverna klarar sig senare i livet i det nya samhället. Det är således av stor vikt att lärarna har tillgång till kompetensutveckling, eftersom lärares kapacitet i mötet med eleverna i en förlängning får stor betydelse för ensamkommande flyktingbarns lärande och socialisation.

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