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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialisation och livsval : en hermeneutisk, fenomenologisk intervjustudie inriktad på socialisationsprocesser inom jordbruksfamiljen

Meza, Maja, Ström, Cecilia January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the early process of socialization and its influence on the choices in life, with the example taken from the agricultural family. The question is considering how the process of socialization within an agricultural family has influenced on the choices in life of four women. A qualitative method with a hermeneutic, phenomenologic perspective is applied and four interviews have been done with women who all grew up in an agricultural family. The results have been analysed through social constructive-, psychodynamic-, attachment- and cognitive theory. The results indicate that socialization is a complex process. The women have early been socialized in the discourse of work with distinct norms and set of values, which seems to follow them in their grown-up life. Not only the discourse but also the early relations within the families seems to have been influenced by the conditions of farming. We are of the opinion that the early relations within the families have influenced on the choices in life of these four women. Also, the commitment to a Free Church communion during the growth has been a strong factor of socialization to these women. Above all, we think that the decision of leaving the Free Church communion has had a great significance to these women, for example in their choice of residential area.</p>

Inkludering på vitryska : Fältstudier i Vitryssland gällande inkludering av

Abrahamsson, Julia January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to describe and examine the characteristics of inclusion of children with disabilities in the kinder garden and primary school in Belarus. The data in this study were collected through interviews with special teachers and staff at the Developing and Rehabilitation center. The interviews were supported by child-observations and a literature study. Staying in boarding schools prevents handicap students from integrating with the society as well as getting social experience. Integrated education demands the combination of two regularities: education of children with normal development and special education of children with psycho-physiological problems. Many research works consider the interconnection between socio-cultural development of the society and the values in upbringing which are prioritized in the society. Socialisation is possible when the child is involved in the processes of the daily life as well as interacting with adults and friends. It is easier for a child to adapt to a social behaviour when he realises what happens around him, understanding the subjective processes which happen inside other people and when the child can use his knowledge and experience on practice. Therefore, socialization is both a process and a result of realisation and active implementation of a social experience by a child. Integration is a systematic stage in the development of special education caused by change in the attitude of the society and state towards individuals with disabilities, admitting their rights for the equal opportunities in different spheres of life including education. Successful implementation of integrative education depends a lot on the level of material, organisational, educational as well as methodological in educational institutions. Moreover, this process depends on socio-psychological factors and moral atmosphere in the society. Practical solution of the problems in integration attracts not only teaching staff in specific institutions, children with different development and their parents but also children and their parents, teachers in normal secondary schools.</p>

Forskares socialisation : Kunskapssociologisk visit i doktoranders livsvärldar

Karlsson, Peder January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis is an exploration into the socialization of researchers as it takes place in various research practices. Using a lifeworld-perspective, a qualitative interview-study with doctoral students from different academic milieus is conducted. The organizational context of the study is the academic department as it is experienced, apprehended and constructed by the doctoral student.</p><p>The “societal” context is described and discussed in a brief analytical exposé of Swedish science policy in the last decade of the twentieth century. Questioning the political reliance on a systems-perspective, and the shortcomings of system theory for the understanding of research practices in different academic milieus, a lifeworld-theoretical turn is suggested.</p><p>A lifeworld-perspective is formulated in a meta-theoretical discussion focusing on the concepts of <i>practice</i>, <i>time</i> and <i>language</i>. Jürgen Habermas’ critique of phenomenological lifeworld-perspectives is the point of departure and theoretical inputs are derived from the sociology of knowledge, the sociology of scientific knowledge and phenomenological sociology. The solution is found in an integrative model of socialization as continual synchronization of subjective systems of coordinates and socio-cultural networks. Mediating between subjective consciousness and inter-subjective knowledge is language, and this is manifested in concrete practices observed in “real-time”.</p><p>The empirical study reveals some influences of the system on the lifeworld. “Inside” the lifeworld, however, the interviewees mostly use their departments as frames of reference in their descriptions and discussions. A more elaborate exploration of the life-world results in an understanding of socialization in terms of <i>positioning</i>. This concept denotes the ways in which the interviewees describe themselves, their socio-cultural surroundings and themselves in relation to these milieus. At any given moment, positioning can be understood as a “co-construction” of subjective position and socio-cultural milieu. Positioning is thereby the empirical correlate to synchronization, and socialization can be “read off” from the ways in which doctoral students position themselves “here and now”. Problematic, though, is that “doctoral student”, and especially “female doctoral student”, are found to be vague and vulnerable categories with no clear meanings for the socialised nor for the socio-cultural environment. In a more speculative manner, these difficulties of positioning are put in relation to “scientist” as a vague category. If “scientist” cannot be defined, how then can we know what “scientists in the making” are?</p><p>This thesis offers an insight into the plural “realities” of doctoral students in different academic milieus. It offers a lifeworld-perspective on socialization and is thereby relevant for discussions of post-graduate education among scholars as well as among policy makers.</p>

Vad styr ekonomistudenternas val av arbetsgivare? : En undersökning riktad mot studenter vid Ekonomprogrammet på Högskolan i Gävle

Nicolaisen, Johanna, Thorgren, Elsa January 2007 (has links)
<p>Vi är intresserade av att studera ”vad som styr ekonomistudenternas val av arbetsgivare” eftersom vi själva är ekonomistudenter och har börjat fundera på framtida arbetsgivare.</p><p>Det är även intressant för företag och organisationer att veta vad som styr ekonomistudenternas val av arbetsgivare eftersom det kan gör det lättare att locka till sig passande arbetskraft. Men när företagen och organisationerna väl har hittat rätt medarbetare gäller det att behålla dem och genom att veta vilka behov de anställda har kan arbetsgivaren tillfredsställa dessa behov, vilket resulterar i nöjda anställda.</p><p>Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad som styr ekonomistudenterna val av framtida arbetsgivare utifrån deras motivationsfaktorer och om dessa motivationsfaktorer stämmer in på befintliga motivationsteorier. Vi är dessutom nyfikna på om företag och organisationer vet vad som intresserar ekonomistudenterna samt vad som kan få studenter att vilja bosätta sig i Gävle efter avslutade studier.</p><p>Vi använde oss av mailintervjuer för att samla in material till vår undersökning eftersom vår första idé om att ha fokusgruppsdiskussioner inte gick att genomföra på grund av lågt intresse. Mailintervjuerna genomfördes med nio stycken ekonomistudenter vid Högskolan i Gävle och tre stycken organisationer i Gävle som är med i NU!, Näringslivsintegrerad utbildning.</p><p>För att få djupare insikt i vad som motivera människor har vi valt att fördjupa oss i ett flertal motivationsteorier. Vi har valt några, för oss, välkända teorier för att skapa en grund att komplettera med mindre omtalade teorier som ger andra infallsvinklar, bl.a. diverse teorier av Hans L. Zetterberg.</p><p>Motivationsteorierna kompletteras ytterligare med fakta om arbetsmarknaden i Gävleborgs län, en undersökning om vilka förväntningar studenterna vid Högskolan i Gävle har på sin framtida arbetsmarknad, Universum Communications ”FöretagsBarometern” samt insikt i livets socialiseringsprocess.</p><p>De viktigaste motivationsfaktorerna som vår svarsgrupp tittar på rörande framtida arbetsgivare är: arbetsuppgifterna (är de stimulerande, varierande och meningsfulla?), lönen (kompenserar lönen min ansträngning och ”förlorade” tid?), utvecklingsmöjligheter (kan jag utvecklas både personligt och yrkesmässigt?), arbets- och pendlingstid (finns det tid att umgås med familj och vänner samt ägna sig åt fritidsintressen?) och trivsam arbetsmiljö (kommer jag att trivas här?).</p><p>Av de motivationsteorier som vi valt var det ingen som fullständigt förklarade svarsgruppens val av motivationsfaktorer. Dock kan utvalda delar av teorierna ge viss förståelse av studenternas val, men för en djupare förståelse krävs en kombination av flera teorier.</p><p>Arbetsgivarna verkar ha viss insikt i vad studenterna i vår svarsgrupp söker men inte en komplett bild, eftersom ingen av dem nämner arbetsuppgifterna som en viktig faktor.</p><p>Båda svarsgrupperna tror att en positivare arbetsmarknad skulle kunna attrahera studenter att stanna i Gävle, d.v.s. att det finns arbeten inom ekonomiområdet. Många av ekonomistudenterna kan tänka sig att stanna i Gävle om de får ett arbete som de trivs med.</p> / <p>We are interested in studying “what determines the students of business administration’s choice of employer” since we are students of business administration ourselves and have started to think about our future employers.</p><p>This subject is also interesting for companies and organizations since knowledge about what determines the choice can make it easier to attract suitable co-workers. When the companies and organisations have found the right employees it’s a matter of keeping them and one way of doing this is by knowing and satisfying the employees’ needs.</p><p>The purpose of this essay is to examine what determines the students of business administration’s choices of future employer through their factors of motivation and if these factors is consistent with existing theories on motivation. We also want to find out if companies and organizations know what students of business administration are interested in and what can be done to make students want to live in Gävle after they are finished with their studies.</p><p>The method we have chosen for our study is e-mail interviews since our first idea of discussions in focus groups couldn’t be followed through because of a lack of interest. Nine students of business administration at the University College of Gävle and three organizations in Gävle, that are involved in the NU!-project, participated in the interviews.</p><p>To get a deeper knowledge into what motivates people we have chosen to study a number of motivational theories. We have chosen a few, to us, well-known theories to create a base to which we add less discussed theories to give us different angles of approach.</p><p>We also present facts about the labour market in Gävleborgs län, a study concerning what expectations the students at the University College of Gävle have on their future labour market, Universum Communications’ “FöretagsBarometern” and an understanding of the process of socialisation.</p><p>The most important motivational factors that the studentgroup is concerned with regarding future employers are: the work assignments (are they inspiring, diverse and meaningful?), the salary (is it a fair compensation?), growth opportunities (both personally and professionally?), work hours and commuting time (will I have time for family, friends and interests?) and a pleasant work environment (will I like working here?).</p><p>The motivational theories that we chose didn’t fully explain the students’ choice of motivational factors. There is however certain parts of the theories that offers some understanding of the students’ choices, but to get a deeper understanding a combination of several theories is needed.</p><p>The employers seem to have some insight in what the students of business administration are looking for but they don’t have the complete picture, since none of them mention work assignments as an important factor.</p><p>Both groups think that a more positive labour market could attract more students to stay in Gävle, i.e. that there are work related to business administration available. Many of the students of business administration could imagine staying in Gävle if they got a work that suited them.</p>

Cool bollpistol eller glittrig sminkväska : En kvalitativ komparativ undersökning av tecknade serier för barn ur ett genusperspektiv / Cool gadgets and glittery accessories : How male and female are presented in comics for children.

Bryngelson, Elin, Green, Sanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Our main purpose in this study was to identify the gender representations in comics and how these are presented to their readers. We focused on how comics, with six to ten year old children as their implied readers, represent male and female roles for identification. We also aimed to investigate differences and similarities in comics addressing boys or girls as implied readers.</p><p>The study was based on theories on gender, media and children in order to give some explanations to socialization and gendered identity processes in comics implied for young readers. We used qualitative methods, as discourse and semiotics, to analyze the chosen comics. According to these, in society media content also supports the male role as an unaware norm, and that media use during childhood have some effects on our identities as grown ups.</p><p>The result of our study shows that comics present young readers with stereotypical gender roles of male and female identities in society. The stories main characters are generally represented by men, while women often play the supporting parts to these male leading characters.</p>

Formation of Threat Image and Identity Building in Latvia during the pre- and post-Accession Period to the EU and NATO

Capra, Yves January 2007 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, I explore if Latvia has experienced, during the last ten years, a change in identity and threat perception that could allow for the building of a “cooperative security community” in Northern Europe. Recent constructivist researches contend that such change is in progress in neighboring Estonia. This research, performed through a discourse analysis of political elite’s speeches, reveals the presence – explained by the concept of interim inconsequentiality - of two opposite identity/security discourses. I link the first, inclusive, discourse to Latvia’s Western socialization, but not to a change in identity, as I contend that both threat images and identity have been instrumentalized for the sake of the accession strategy. As for the second, exclusionary, discourse that shows a persistent distrust of both Russia and the ethnic Russian minorities, and is the more prevalent in terms of political behavior, I link it to Latvia’s identity as a small ethnic nation vulnerable to external pressures - an identity strengthened during the period by Russia’s behavior. I verify this thesis by exposing the exclusionary discourse’s salience on the EU integration issue. I conclude that the period of reference, far from resolving the security dilemma, has, on the contrary, reinforced it.</p>

Bemötandet av tvåspråkiga barn efter inskolningen. :  Tre pedagogers arbetssätt & metoder. – En kvalitativ studie med tvåspråkiga barn inom mångkulturellt område / Treatment of bilingual children’s after acclimatization : A study of three pedagogues' way of working and method to develope bilingual children’s Swedish languages. This is a qualitative study in multicultural territory.

Ergin, Yasemin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Thanks to preschool Bamse and the entire literature I have related to in my degree work I have both got an explanation for my question at issue, and a clearer insight for my main question "The treating of bilingual children after acclimatization". I have within the investigation chosen to study on the basis of the educationalists perspective on bilingual way of working. My question at issue on this investigation has been to see how a regular day of language development looks and how the group of children developed the Swedish language.</p><p>The purpose with my degree work was to be able to get an insight in the educationalists way of working and methods and also to see how the educationalists treats bilingually individuals after the acclimatization. I have when it concerns choice of method and material collections assumed from a qualitative investigation and gathered the material with help from participation notices and interviews.</p><p>Down here I will sum up the investigation in poles and describe the aspect the informants have pointed out under the interviews.</p><p>Bilingually children’s develop the Swedish language with the educationalists by:</p><ul><li>Converse and communicate with the child</li><li>Name word and objects</li><li>Using the body language at conversations</li><li>Building security in the group of children</li><li>Integrate the playing to a language development in the regular day</li><li>Confirm the child’s meaning at different connections</li><li>Create a god relation with the individual</li><li>Take part of the mother tongue in the program to name single words</li><li>Giving the individual the opportunity to express their thoughts freely</li><li>Place the child at the center of attention among the group of children</li><li>Take part of the parents experience with the mother tongue</li><li>Giving space to create own imagination with the playing for the individual</li><li>Have the language as an approach</li></ul><p>Even the theories mediate that the educationalists shall promote the work with bilingual children so that they control the purpose and see the meaning of activity. The play shall be reason for all activity to increase the will for the group of children. Litterateur also brings out that the preschool program shall establish that the individual gets the opportunity to develop its mother tongue to increase the understanding of the Swedish language. Finally I want to point out that on the basis of the interviews and observations on the preschool program, the educationalists consider that the mother tongue is like a foundation for bilingually children so that they will develop the Swedish language.</p>

”Vissa barn älskar faktiskt sånna dära TV-reklamer” : - En övergripande studie om hur barn upplever och tolkar TV-reklam -

Norberg, Lotta January 2007 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Titel: “Some kids really love those commercials” -A study of how children experience and construe commercials. (Vissa barn älskar faktiskt sånna dära TV-reklamer” – En övergripande studie om hur barn upplever och tolkar tv-reklam.)</p><p>Number of pages: 40</p><p>Author: Lotta Norberg</p><p>Tutor: Amelie Hössjer</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies C</p><p>Period: Autumn term 2007</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University</p><p>Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to make a study of how children experience and construe commercials. Key questions to be answered are; can children distinguish commercials from TV programmes? What do the children think of commercials? How do they watch commercials? What do they think about a ban against commercials directed to children? Do they understand the purpose of commercials? Do their buying habits change?</p><p>Material/Method: A qualitative method with 18 interviews and 3 observations with 7, 9 and 11 year old children.</p><p>Main results: The children in my study can distinguish commercials from TV programs. What they think about commercials and how they watch commercials depend on their stage of development and from previous experience. The younger children do not understand the purpose of commercials, they think it is funny to watch them and important so they know what to buy. Most of the 9- and 11 year olds understand that the companies want to sell their products.</p><p>Keywords: Children, commercials, attitudes, experience, holistic view, socialization, consumer, development.</p>

Affective Socialization Processes in Mathematics Doctoral Study: Gaining Insight from Successful Students

Wagener, Lauren L 01 August 2010 (has links)
Mathematics has the highest attrition rate among all liberal arts disciplines (and among all disciplines, except for health professions) and the second highest attrition rate of all doctoral programs in the United State. In order to prevent the loss of so many students, mathematics departments must consider the root causes for attrition and determine what individual skills and knowledge and departmental systems and support will help more mathematics doctoral students to succeed. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to explore the interactions mathematics doctoral candidates at one institution have had during graduate school and the value that the students place on the interactions in their continued pursuit of and success in doctoral study of mathematics. Nine doctoral candidates from the mathematics department at a large, public research university in the Southeastern United States who had attended United States schools throughout their K-graduate education agreed to participate in the study. I conducted a series of two, semi-structured, approximately sixty minute, one-on-one interviews with each participant. In addition to providing insight into the nature of several relationships already established in the extant research, the results of the present study indicated the possible existence of three new relationships. A series of themes were also found across the students’ experiences that depict key interactions participants had with peers and faculty and the meaning and value given to these interactions. For faculty, the themes were (1) Inadequacy and Importance, (2) Being Uninformed, (3) Self-Sufficiency, and (4) Collaboration; and for peers, (1) Insight Versus Deficit and (2) Gauging Their Experience. In addition, Living in a World of Paradoxes was an overarching theme in the findings. This study informs several lines of thought: (a) collaboration is more than just a crutch; (b) graduate students struggle to find a balance between independent scholar and active collaborator; (c) graduate school is not a uniform experience; (d) knowing and learning in mathematics is conceived from the cognitive perspective; and (e) there are multiple paths for socializing students. Recommendations for future research and practice are also presented.

Vom Elend des "offensiven Idealismus" : eine Antwort auf Hellmanns "Traditionslinie" und "Sozialisationsperspektive" / About the misery of the "offensive idealism" : an answer to Hellmann's "Traditionslinie" and "Sozialisationsperspektive"

Link, Werner January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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