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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lesbian mothers' lived psychological experience of planned motherhood in three South African cities : an exploratory study

Van Ewyk, Johanna Jacquetta 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The concept of what constitutes a “normal” family has changed within recent years. This is because various family forms have been found viable. The current study is exploratory and focuses on the planned lesbian family. It aims to describe lesbian mothers’ lived psychological experience of planned motherhood. Utilising a feminist phenomenological approach, the narratives of 10 lesbian couples were obtained. Their emotional experiences are discussed under four headings, namely; the decision to become mothers; the actual process of becoming mothers; motherhood experience; and the anticipation of and actual responses to lesbian motherhood, lesbian families and children of lesbian mothers. Significant findings reveal the decision making involved in becoming mothers; the influence the type of donor has on the couple and their child; the joys and challenges of raising children; the fair division of childcare and household chores; the importance of partner support; the level of bonding with social and adoptive mothers; society’s lack of parental validation; the issue of homophobia and the preparation of their children against homophobia. Lesbian mothers seem to experience motherhood in very similar ways to heterosexual mothers, except that they do not seem as lonely and isolated. The aim of this study was not only to explore the experiences of lesbian mothers, but also to give them a voice within the psychological literature and to strive towards the acceptance of diverse families within mainstream psychology and the broader South African community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konsep van wat ’n “normale“ familie behels het in die afgelope jare verander. Die rede is dat verskeie gesinsvorme as lewensvatbaar bevind is. Die gesinsvorm onder bestudering is die beplande lesbiese gesin. Hierdie was ’n verkennende studie wat gefokus het op die beskrywing van lesbiese ouers se sielkundige ervaring van beplande lesbiese moederskap. Daar is gebruik gemaak van ’n feministies-fenomenologiese benadering om die verhale van 10 lesbiese paartjies te verkry. Hulle ervarings word onder vier adelings bespreek, naamlik; die besluit om moeders te word; die werklike proses om moeders te word; moederskap ervarings; en die verwagte en werklike reaksies tot lesbiese moederskap van lesbiese families en kinders van lesbiese moeders. Noemenswaardige bevindings onthul die besluitneming betrokke om moeders te word; die invloed wat die tipe skenker op die paartjie en hulle kind het; die vreugde en vereistes van kinders grootmaak; die regverdige verdeling van kindersorg en huishoudelike take; die belangrikheid van lewensmaat ondersteuning; die krag van kinders se band met sosiale en aangenome moeders; die samelewing se tekort aan ouerlike bekragtiging; die kwessie van homofobie en die voorbereiding van hulle kinders hierteen. Dit wil voorkom of lesbiese moeders moeders in baie opsigte dieselfde ervaar as heteroseksuele moeders, behalwe dat hulle nie so alleen en geïsoleerd voorkom nie. Die studie se voorneme was nie net om die ervarings van lesbiese moeders te verken nie, maar ook om aan hulle ’n stem te bied binne die sielkundige literatuur en om te streef na die aanvaarding van uiteenlopende gesinsvorme binne hoofstroom sielkunde asook die breër Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap.

From incarceration to successful reintegration : an ethnographic study of the impact of a halfway house on recidivism amongst female ex-offenders

Van Wyk, Stephanie Anne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis examines the psychological and social reasons for recidivism among women offenders of the law and explores the impact halfway houses could have on reducing recidivism in SA. Despite the problem of high crime and offender recidivism in SA there is a lack of research into projects within the country that are attempting to address the situation. This paper ascribes to be an authentic voice from one who has had the unique opportunity of observing the SA prison system from within, over a period of 15 years, and one who has sought to assist ex-offenders in their reintegration from prison to society by providing support once outside of prison over the past 10 years. The thesis is auto-ethnographic in design and method. This research examines the reasons for criminal acts among women and seeks to investigate and determine the unique complexities surrounding women and crime. A high prevalence of sexual and physical abuse is corroborated as common precursors to conduct problems in female offenders, while mental ill health is found to be marked among women in prison. Recommendations are made for the establishment of halfway houses in SA and strategies are suggested for the development of such halfway houses. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek die sielkundige en sosiale redes vir residivisme onder vroue oortreders van die wet en ondersoek die impak wat halfweghuise kan hê op die vermindering van residivisme in Suid-Afrika. Ten spyte van die probleem van hoë misdaad en residivisme in Suid-Afrika is daar nie baie geskryf oor projekte in die land wat probeer om die situasie aan te spreek nie. Hierdie verhandeeling is geskryf om 'n outentieke stem te wees van ‘n persoon wat ‘n unieke geleentheid het om die Suid-Afrikaanse gevangenis stelsel van binne af te sien oor 'n tydperk van 15 jaar, en wat poog om die probleem wat ex-oortreders vind met herintegrasie uit die tronk deur middel van ondersteuning buite die tronk vir die afgelope 10 jaar. Die verhandeling is outo-etnografies in ontwerp en metode. Hierdie tesis neem die redes in ag van kriminele dade onder vroue en poog om die unieke kompleksiteit rondom vroue en misdaad te ondersoek. Die navorsing staaf 'n hoë voorkoms van seksuele en fisiese mishandeling as 'n gemeenskaplike voorloper probleem in vroulike oortreders. Geestesgesondheid is waar geneem onder vroue in die tronk. Die idee van halfweghuise in die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap is op die been gebring. Die artikel stel verder strategie vir die ontwikkeling van die halfweghuise in Suid-Afrika voor.

Psychosocial stress experienced by correctional officials

Le Tape, Andre Rhyno 12 1900 (has links)
On t.p.: Master in Social Work (Welfare Programme Management) / Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempts to gain insight into the nature of psychosocial stress experienced by correctional officials. In order to achieve this, a literature study was undertaken regarding the nature of psychosocial stress from an ecological perspective as well as strategies that the occupational social worker, management and central government can employ to address stress experienced by correctional officials. Secondly, an empirical study was undertaken and information on the research topic was obtained from correctional officials that worked on the sections inside prisons and who worked directly with inmates. The study indicated that low motivation amongst colleagues, insufficient salaries and bad collegial co-operation were factors that had a major influence on psychosocial stress experienced by correctional officials. Factors such as family responsibilities as opposed to work responsibilities; drug-or alcohol abuse as well as physical constraints have less of an impact on psychosocial stress. It was furthermore found that the need for confidentiality, guidance in stress management and emotional support enjoys a high priority with correctional officials regarding social worker intervention. Issues such as the need that the social worker should form part of a multi-disciplinary team or that he/she should mobilise their colleagues and supervisors for support enjoyed a lesser preference with correctional officials. With regard to the role of management it was found that correctional officials require that management should primarily provide more promotional opportunities and should develop a more satisfactory merit system. Dissatisfaction with the Department of Correctional Services' Employee Assistance Programme and the present shift system were less of a concern to correctional officials. It was concluded that that stressors experienced by correctional officials are varied and include feelings of anger, depression and a general dissatisfaction with managerial styles and certain departmental actions and procedures. It was also very evident that many correctional officials felt that they do not have an appropriate avenue to deal with their stress. If this situation prevails, it was concluded that it will exacerbate correctional officials' poor social functioning. With regard to social worker intervention it was concluded that the vast majority of correctional officials are in dire need of social work intervention to assist them in effectively dealing with stress. It was further concluded that the Department of Correctional Services does not have sufficient structures in place to support correctional officials during stressful periods. Management has a vital role to play in supporting correctional officials when coping with psychosocial stress. If the present situation remains unattended to by management it may impede correctional officials' ability to deal with stress. Recommendations by respondents also indicated a low level of involvement by management in the practical stressors which correctional officials may face. It was also concluded that present attempts by management to deal with psychosocial stress effectively through the induction of an Employee Assistance Programme and the longstanding grievance procedure, have severe practical limitations. Recommendations were made to the social worker, management and central government regarding effectively addressing psychosocial stress experienced by correctional officials working on sections and who are primarily responsible for the guarding of inmates. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is ondersoek ingestel na die aard van psigo-sosiale stres wat deur korrektiewe beamptes ervaar word. Ten einde hierin te slaag,is eerstens 'n literatuurstudie onderneem ten opsigte van die aard van psigo-sosiale stres vanuit 'n ekologiese perspektief. Daar is ook gekyk na strategieë wat die bedryfsmaatskaplike werker, bestuur sowel as die sentrale regering kan aanwend om psigo-sosiale stres wat deur korrektiewe beamptes ervaar word aan te spreek. Daarna is 'n empieriese studie onderneem deur vraelyste aan korrektiewe beamptes te stuur wat direk op seksies binne in gevangenis met gevangenes werksamig is. Die navorsing het aangedui dat lae motivering onder kollegas,onvoldoende salarisse en swak kollegiale samewerking die grootste bydraende faktor is tot psigososialestres wat deur korrektiewe beamptes ervaar word. Faktore soos alkohol- of dwelmmisbruik en liggaamlike gebreke oefen In mindere invloed uit op psigososiale stres wat deur korrektiewe beamptes ervaar word. Met betrekking tot die behoefte aan maatskaplike intervensie is daar bevind dat vertroullkheld, leiding in stres hantering en emosionele steun die hoogste prioriteit by korrektiewe beamptes geniet. Faktore soos die behoefte dat die maatskaplike werker deel moet vorm van 'n multi-dissiplinêre span of dat hy/sy die korrektiewe beampte se kollegas en supervisors moet mobiliseer vir ondersteuning, het 'n mindere prioriteit by korrektiewe beamptes geniet. Met betrekking tot die rol van bestuur, is daar gevind dat korrektiewe beamptes meer bevorderings geleenthede en 'n verbeterde meriete stelsel van bestuur verwag. Ontevredenheid met die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste se werknemer bystandsprogram (WBP) en die huidige skofstelsel was 'n laer prioriteit vir korrektiewe beamptes. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat stressors wat ervaar word deur korrektiewe beamptes uiteenlopend van aard is en dit sluit in gevoelens van depressie, woede sowel as 'n algemene ontevredenheid met bestuurstyle en sekere departementele aksies en prosedures. Dit was ook baie duidelik dat baie korrektiewe beamptes nie 'n geskikte hulpmiddel het om hulle in staat te stelom psigososiale stres effektief te hanteer nie. Indien die huidige situasie bly voortbestaan, kan korrektiewe beamptes se swak maatskaplike funksionering verder belemmer word. Met betrekking tot maatskaplike werk intervensie ,is gevind dat die oorgrote meerderheid van korrektiewe beamptes 'n noodsaaklike behoefte daartoe het dat die maatskaplike werker hulle moet ondersteun om psigososiale-stres effektief te hanteer. Voorts is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die Departement van Korrektiewe I Dienste nie oor toereikende strukture beskik om die korrektiewe beampte te ondersteun tydens stresvolle tydperke nie. Bestuur het 'n noodsaaklike rol in die ondersteuning van die korrektiewe beampte in sy/haar hantering van psigososiale stres. Indien die huidige situasie nie voldoende deur bestuur aangespreek word nie, kan dit die korrektiewe beampte se vermoë om psigososiale-stres te hanteer verder strem. Aanbevelings deur respondente het ook 'n lae vlak van betrokkenheid deur bestuur aangedui by die praktiese stressors wat korrektiewe beamptes mag ervaar. Die gevolgtrekking is ook gemaak dat huidige pogings deur bestuur om psigososiale stres aan te spreek deur middel van 'n werknemer bystandsprogram en die reeds gevestigde griewe prosedure, grootskaalse beperkings het. Aanbevelings is aan maatskaplike werkers,bestuur en die sentrale regering gemaak oor hoe om psigososiale stres wat deur korrektiewe beamptes werksaam op seksies binne in gevangenisse en wat primêr vir die bewaking van gevangenes verantwoordelik is, aan te spreek.

The impact of positive organisational factors on the career success of black employees in the South African work environment: An exploratory study

Roux, Shayne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is rooted in career psychology with implications for career management. In addition, the study draws from various fields including the positive organisational behaviour paradigm. The underlying assumption of this study is that certain organisational and individual factors influence the experience of subjective career success amongst black employees in the South African work environment. In order to evaluate this assumption an attempt was made to gain an understanding of the antecedents of subjective career success. An overview of the literature led the researcher to the conclusion that transformational leadership, job resources, supportive organisational climate, psychological empowerment, and psychological capital (PsyCap), could be regarded as antecedents of subjective career success. Based on the literature, a theoretical model was developed that portrays a sequential process within which the identified variables play roles that vary in salience, depending on the stage in the sequential process. A mixed-methods research design was employed to guide the investigation. More specifically, the study consisted of a qualitative strand, followed by two quantitative strands. In the qualitative strand (Phase 1), a semi-structured interview was used to obtain information about the factors influencing career success from 30 black employees in white-collar jobs from three different South African organisations. The purpose of the qualitative strand was two-fold, firstly to seek confirmation that the instruments utilised covered the most salient issues. Secondly, to obtain guidance on how to supplement constructs that were not adequately covered, before continuing with the subsequent quantitative strands. The outcome of Phase 1 provided evidence of sufficient coverage of the variables as based on the literature review. However, it was decided to add three questions to the job resources measuring instrument, as well as two items to the supportive organisational climate instrument. During both the quantitative strands, survey research was used. To facilitate the collection of data during the survey research, an electronic web-based questionnaire was compiled. Standardised questionnaires were utilised to measure each of the ten constructs. The purpose of Phase 2 was to pilot test the composite questionnaire. A total of 220 usable questionnaires were analysed during Phase 2 with regard to the psychometric properties associated with each of the constructs. Evidence of the psychometric properties was obtained by means of internal consistency, confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. All the instruments used in Phase 2 had acceptable reliabilities and goodness-of-fit, with the exception of the psychological capital instrument (PCQ). More specifically, less than satisfactory reliability coefficients were observed for resilience (α= .60) and optimism (α= .48). On the basis of this, no changes were made to the content of the instruments for use in Phase 3. However assumptions about the factorial structure of the job resources scale had to be revisited. The outcome of Phase 2 was a set of reliable and valid measuring instruments that could be used with confidence. The purpose of Phase 3 was to evaluate thirteen propositions guiding the current study. A total of 418 usable questionnaires were analysed during Phase 3. During Phase 3, further confirmation was found that all the instruments used had acceptable reliabilities, as well as goodness-of-fit. In addition, correlation analysis, step-wise multiple regression and structural equation modelling (variance and covariance-based) were employed. All the independent variables were significantly related to the dependent variable, subjective career success, except for objective career success (past). Job resources, psychological capital and supportive organisational climate, however, were the only significant predictors of career success. In order to evaluate the appropriateness of the proposed sequential model, both variance and covariance-based structural equation modelling were used. Model exploration was facilitated by the use of variance-based structural equation modelling. Both non-significant paths, as well as significant, but weak paths, were removed during the exploration process. The covariance-based approach allowed the utilisation of modification indices to arrive at an optimal model. A model consisting of only the significant paths were subjected to covariance-based structural equation modelling. The modification indices suggested adding three direct paths between subjective career success and transformational leadership, job resources, as well as supportive organisational climate. However, in the optimal model, the direct path between transformational leadership and subjective career success was excluded due to not being statistically significant. In the optimal model all the proposed paths were significant. Acceptable goodness-of-fit was obtained for this optimal model. The results of Phase 3 provided evidence supporting the majority of the thirteen propositions that guided the current study. With the unique combination of variables, this study can be seen as making a contribution to the existing theory and literature by explicating the interrelationships between transformational leadership, job resources, supportive organisational climate, psychological empowerment, psychological capital (PsyCap), and subjective career success. The researcher made recommendations for future research, as well as for scientific and practical interventions regarding the development of subjective career success. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is gegrond in loopbaansielkunde met implikasies vir loopbaanbestuur. Hierbenewens het die studie op verskeie velde gesteun, insluitend, en veral, die positiewe organisatoriese gedragsparadigma. Die onderliggende aanname in die studie was dat die ervaring van subjektiewe loopbaansukses onder swart werknemers in die Suid-Afrikaanse werkomgewing deur sekere organisatoriese en individuele faktore beïnvloed word. Ten einde hierdie aanname te evalueer, is gepoog om ’n begrip te vorm van die aanleidende oorsake van subjektiewe loopbaansukses. ’n Literatuuroorsig het die navorser tot die slotsom gebring dat transformasionele leierskap, werkhulpbronne, ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat, sielkundige bemagtiging en sielkundige kapitaal (PsyCap) as oorsaaklike faktore van subjektiewe loopbaansukses beskou kan word. ’n Teoretiese model wat op die literatuur gebaseer was, is ontwikkel om ’n opeenvolgende proses waarin die geïdentifiseerde veranderlikes wissellende rolle ten opsigte van prominensie speel, weer te gee. ’n Gemengde-metodes-ontwerp is in die navorsing gebruik om die ondersoek te rig. Meer besonderlik het die studie ’n kwalitatiewe fase behels, wat deur twee kwantitatiewe fases gevolg is. In die kwalitatiewe fase (Fase 1) is semigestruktureerde onderhoude met 30 swart gesalarieerde werknemers in drie verskillende Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies gevoer om inligting oor die faktore wat loopbaansukses beïnvloed, in te win. Die doel van die kwalitatiewe fase was tweeledig: eerstens om bevestiging te verkry dat die instrumente wat gebruik is, die mees belangike kwessies gedek het. Tweedens was die doel om uit te vind hoe om die konstrukte wat nie behoorlik gedek is nie, aan te vul voordat daar met die daaropvolgende kwantitatiewe fases voortgegaan word. Die uitkoms van Fase 1 het getuienis gelewer dat daar, soos op die literatuuroorsig gebaseer, voldoende dekking van die veranderlikes was. Daar is egter besluit om drie vrae by die meetinstrument vir die meet van werkhulpbronne by te voeg, sowel as om twee items by die meetinstrument vir die meet van ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat by te voeg. Opname-navorsing is gedurende beide kwantitatiewe fases gebruik. ’n Elektroniese web-gebaseerde vraelys is opgestel om die opname-navorsing te vergemaklik. Gestandaardiseerde vraelyste is gebruik om elk van die tien konstrukte te meet. Die doel van Fase 2 was om ’n voortoetsing met die saamgestelde vraelys uit te voer. Twee honderd en twintig bruikbare vraelyste is gedurende Fase 2 ontleed met betrekking tot die psigometiese eienskappe wat met elk van die konstrukte geassosieer was. Getuienis omtrent die psigometriese eienskappe van die meetinstrumente is deur middel van interne konsekwentheid, en bevestigende en ondersoekende faktorontleding verkry. Al die instrumente wat in Fase 2 gebruik is, het aanvaarbare betroubaarheid en goeie passing getoon, met die uitsondering van die sielkundige kapitaal (PsyCap) instrument, meer spesifiek, minder aanvaarbare vlakke van betroubaarheid is gevind in die geval van veerkragtigheid (α= .60) en optimisme (α= .48). Daar is egter geen veranderinge vir gebruik in Fase 3 aan die inhoud van die instrumente aangebring nie. Aannames ten opsigte van die faktoriale struktuur van die werkhulpbronneskaal moes egter hersien word. Die uitkoms van Fase 2 was ’n betroubare en geldige stel meetinstrumente wat met vertroue gebruik kon word. Die doel van Fase 3 was om die dertien hipoteses wat die huidige studie gerig het, te evalueer. Hiervoor is 418 bruikbare vraelyste tydens Fase 3 ontleed. Verdere bevestiging dat al die instrumente aanvaarbare betroubaarheid, asook goeie passing getoon het, is tydens Fase 3 verkry. Daarbenewens is korrelasie-ontleding, stapsgewyse meervoudige regressie en strukturele vergelykingsmodellering (variansieen kovariansie-gebaseerd) gebruik. Behalwe vir objektiewe loopbaansukses (vorige), was al die onafhanklike veranderlikes beduidend verwant aan die afhanklike veranderlike, naamlik subjektiewe loopbaansukses. Werkhulpbronne, sielkundige kapitaal en ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat was egter die enigste beduidende voorspellers van loopbaansukses. Beide variansie- en kovariansie-gebaseerde strukturele vergelykingsmodellering is gebruik om die toepaslikheid van die voorgestelde konseptuele model te evalueer. Verkenning van die model is met gebruik van variansie-gebaseerde strukturele vergelykingsmodellering bewerkstellig. Beide nie-beduidende bane, sowel as beduidende, maar swak bane, is tydens die verkenningsproses verwyder. Met die benutting van modifikasie-indekse het die kovariansie-gebaseerde benadering dit moontlik gemaak om ’n optimale model daar te stel. Die model, wat slegs uit die beduidende bane bestaan het, is aan kovariansie-gebaseerde strukturele vergelykingsmodellering onderwerp. Die modifikasie-indekse het die toevoeging van drie direkte bane tussen subjektiewe loopbaansukses en transformasionele leierskap, werkhulpbronne, en ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat voorgestel. In die optimale model is die direkte baan tussen transformasionele leierskap en subjektiewe loopbaansukses egter uitgeskakel omdat dit nie statisties beduidend was nie. Al die voorgestelde bane was in die optimale model beduidend en goeie passing is vir hierdie optimale model verkry. Die resultate van Fase 3 het bewys gelewer vir die aanvaarding van die meerderheid van die dertien hipoteses wat die huidige studie gerig het. Vanweë die ontwikkeling van die onderlinge verband tussen transformasionele leierskap, werkhulpbronne, ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat, sielkundige bemagtiging, sielkundige kapitaal (PsyCap), en subjektiewe loopbaansukses, kan hierdie studie, met hierdie unieke samestelling van veranderlikes, as bydraend tot die bestaande teorie en literatuur beskou word. Die navorser doen aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing, sowel as vir wetenskaplike en praktiese intervensies ten opsigte van die ontwikkeling van subjektiewe loopbaansukses.

Leerkultuur in skole van die voormalige Departement van Onderwys en Opleiding

08 August 2012 (has links)
D.Ed. / This study focuses on the problem of the lack of a culture of learning in schools of the former Department of Education and Training (DET). It is common knowledge that the culture of learning in many schools leaves much to be desired. The schools are characterised by early school dropout, an anti academic attitude, low morale among pupils and teachers, loss of time on a large scale and poor results. The purpose of this study is to analyse, describe and classify the nature of the culture of learning in schools of the former DET in parts of Gauteng, Mpumalanga and the Free State. This purpose was realised by undertaking a theoretical investigation in the first place and secondly an empirical investigation into various aspects of the culture of learning. In the theoretical investigation, which served as basis for the empirical investigation, an attempt was made to obtain clarity about the meaning of the concept 'a culture of learning'. A concept analysis indicated that 'a culture of learning' points to the disposition towards learning and the atmosphere of diligence_ or industry that develops in a school as a result of a combination of the personal characteristics of pupils, certain elements in the family, elements in the school and elements in the community. The empirical investigation consisted of visits to fourteen schools in parts of Gauteng, Mpumalanga and the Free State. Qualitative and quantitative methods were combined during the empirical investigation. During the quantitative investigation objective observation techniques were used, namely two questionnaires - one for teachers and one for pupils. During the qualitative investigation participating data collection techniques were used, namely semi-structured interviews with pupils, teachers, principals and DET officials. By combining these two procedures a clearer overall representation could be obtained of the nature of the culture of learning in schools and the validity of the eventual conclusions could be promoted by the process of triangulation. A few deductions concerning the personal characteristics of pupils, elements of the family and elements of the school are hereby presented: Prominent features of pupils that are a result of the qualitative and quantitative data and that have an inhibiting influence on the culture of learning, include: irregular school attendance and a lack of punctuality ; an inadequate language code and a limited capacity of expression ; inadequate study methods ; an inferior knowledge base or frame of reference ; the absence of a work ethic ; the presence of a passive or unconcerned attitude towards learning a lack of motivation and discipline. The investigation proved that the family structure forms the foundation on which the culture of learning at school must build. As a result of various. problems the families of a large number of pupils are not able to support the pupil in preparing for the demands of the school. These problems include: the disintegration of families ; the lack of involvement of parents ; illiteracy of parents ; inadequate facilities in the home. 3 • Prominent features of schools with a negative influence on the culture of learning that continue the vicious cycle of poor performance and failure, include: disorder and lack of discipline the ineffective functioning of the principal ; an inadequate culture of teaching/instruction ; wasting of time on a large scale ; over occupation and inadequate facilities. Many of the problems that have a negative influence on the culture of learning in schools of the former DET, are deeply embedded in the South African community. It must therefore, be accepted that the solution to the problem regarding the culture of learning in South Africa will require time, intensive attention and a change of attitude in all parties concerned, in order to be solved.

Pupils from informal settlements in Indian secondary schools : guidelines for the educational psychologist

20 November 2014 (has links)
D.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / Since 1989 most of the schools in Lenasia which were under the auspices of the now dissolved House of Delegates, began to 'admit black children. Most of these children live at the informal settlements in Lenasia. Soon after the admission of these children many Indian teachers expressed their difficulties with them, especially with regard to language, teaching and learning. Teachers also complained that children from the informal settlement lacked discipline, they often came to school late and they had difficulty in completing their homework. As a result of the several complaints from teachers the researcher decided to conduct a study on the experiences of children from the informal settlements at predominantly Indian schools in Lenasia. A pilot study revealed that the experiences of the children at the informal settlements also needed to be taken into consideration. Standard six children from the informal settlements, parents from the settlements and members of the camp education committee were identified as the target populations in the study. A qualitative research design that is explorative, descriptive and contextual, specifically to the experiences of standard six children from the informal settlements was used for the study. The study was conducted in two distinct phases. Phase one of the study involved the collection of data on the experiences of standard six children from the informal settlements both at their schools as well as their place of residence. Data was collected through the use of phenomenological interviews, focus group discussions, life studies and a projective test. Phase one of the study also focused on the analysis of the data that were obtained. The analysis of the data showed that children from the informal settlements had several negative experiences both at their schools as well as at the informal settlements which caused them to feel disempowered...

Women students in political organizations : appropriating and reinterpreting apartheid history in post apartheid South Africa.

Mashigo, Thembelihle N. C. 12 June 2014 (has links)
This research project explored how young women involved in political organizations make sense of apartheid history and how they appropriate that history into their identities. Nine black women students who were involved in political organizations were interviewed from the University of Witswatersrand. The women that were chosen participated in a narrative style interview about their lives and the history of apartheid. The data were then analyzed using narrative thematic analysis and organised in the temporal zones of past, present and future. The analysis revealed the complexities of race, class and gender and how these are embodied, enacted and made sense of in the construction and reconstruction of the identities of these young women. In imagining and reflecting on the apartheid past, race was understood through both distant, public narratives and through personal and intimate family narratives. Gendered roles or positions were talked about in reference to three thematic symbols of women as nurturers, iconic wives and heroes. In progression from the apartheid past and its particular, separated and structured understanding of race and gender, the journey into the present and future, reflects increasingly complex, dynamic and multilayered understandings. In particular, the conflation of race and class under apartheid is beginning to fragment and these young women are thinking through their positionality in terms of personal class mobility and simultaneous identification as black and committed to the continuation of race struggles. It is also very clear that the question of gender equality is now very prominent for these young women as they navigate their roles in political leadership in the present and envisage themselves in the future.

HIV/AIDS related knowledge and stigma in the Rustenburg area of North West Province : a representative cross-sectional survey.

Adewumi, Olaoluwa Olusola. January 2013 (has links)
In response to the HIV epidemics since its onset in 1981, several preventive measures have been applied or employed to combat the epidemics. Up to date, the epidemics have reported limited success and/or increased incidence inspite of various interventions. It is widely known that stigma constitute a major setback to preventive interventions of this disease. This informed, amongst others, information, education and communication (IEC) interventions directed at combating HIV stigma through the enhancement and creation of awareness on HIV knowledge. However, lack of adequate and correct knowledge on HIV and AIDS is believed to be a main pre-cursor to HIV stigma. This cross sectional study therefore investigates and reports findings on the associations between HIV stigma and other relevant variables such as HIV related knowledge, exposure to mass media and some socio-demographic characteristics among representatives of the ethnic groups aged between 18 and 49 in the broader Rustenburg community (N = 351). The study utilized some data collected by the Aurum Institute of Health Research in partnership with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and the European Union. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and presented in figures and tables. Independent sample T-tests and ANOVA were employed to compare means while the Pearson’s product moment was used to find the association between variables. A standard multiple regression analysis was applied to assess the predictors of HIV/AIDS stigma. Findings from the study showed an adequate knowledge of HIV/AIDS as 72.8% scored more than 17 out of the 24 basic questions on HIV/AIDS correctly. The respondents’ overall mean HIV/AIDS knowledge score was 18.22±3.80 out of 24 points. However there was a deficit in knowledge on the preventive role of male circumcision in HIV transmission (27.6%) and the high chance of getting HIV infection from sexual intercourse with a recently HIV infected individual (48.4%). Misconceptions existed among the respondents about the association between ritual cleansing of widows and HIV transmission (43.0%) and the stopping of ART at will due to side effects (54.1%). With respect to knowledge acquisition, the leading source of information is the electronic media (52.9% for radio, 75.8% for TV and 81.4% for cell phone) while newspapers (17.2%) are a minor source. Regarding HIV stigma, the findings revealed that HIV stigma is intertwined with other contextual stigmas of gender and sexual immorality. There was a high prevalence in the attribution of blame on female prostitution and promiscuity for the cause of HIV infection in this study. Furthermore, the findings in this study showed very pronounced negative stigmatising attitudes towards HIV infected women in the community especially in relation to child bearing. Levels of HIV/AIDS knowledge and AIDS stigma were influenced by education, perceived socio-economic status, living standard, media exposure, racial differences and employment status (p<0.05). The study revealed that there was a significant main effect of age group (18-24, 25-35, 36-49), specifically with knowledge regarding HIV transmission and the physiological impact of HIV; social distance towards PLWHA and stigmatising attitude towards HIV infected women.This study underscore the importance of developing and implementing stigma reduction interventions in the community to address attitudinal biases towards PLWHA especially regarding the females by encouraging social cohesion and support, HIV disclosure and involvement of role models, more greater awareness regarding PMTCT. Education on the importance of male circumcision and the long life usage of ART are also of utmost importance. To lend support to the current intervention measures on HIV/AIDS messages via a telephone helpline, there is need of sending text messages as a means of increasing HIV/AIDS knowledge should be encouraged. Finally, there is need for further explorative studies in acceptability, perceptions and barriers to male circumcision; the perceptions of ART and HIV infection and the relevance of ART in HIV stigma as well as AIDS stigma regarding childbearing and HIV infected women. Findings from this study have implications for the reduction of HIV related stigma and prevention. It is hoped that these findings and recommendations will greatly inspire, influence and inform policy makers, communities, stakeholders, empower PLWHA to cope with stigma as well as reduce stigma prevalence in the study area in particular and South Africa. Areas of further research that require urgent attention are also highlighted. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.

The effectiveness of the N.P.A.T. KwaZulu-Natal Midlands ecotherapy programme.

Streatfield, Gregory William. January 2003 (has links)
There is much support for ecotherapy as a psychological intervention within the current literature. Research has indicated that ecotherapy does have a detectable therapeutic effect, particularly for programmes that run for more than 20 days. Furthermore, a number of studies have provided evidence ofthe effectiveness ofecotherapy in improving self-esteem and psychological health. However, research and evaluation ofecotherapy programmes have been plagued with poor quality studies with serious methodological problems. Many past evaluations ofecotherapy programmes have used anecdotal evidence and outcome-based interpretations. The current study evaluated the effectiveness ofthe N.P.A.T. KwaZulu Natal Midlands Ecotherapy Programme. The study focused on subjects' self-esteem and the manifestation ofpsychological symptoms as outcome measures. The experimental design employed three different experimental groups and a control group. All experimental and control groups were administered a pretest and posttest consisting ofthe Symptoms Checklist-90-Revised and the Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventory-2. The pretest was administered before the ecotherapy programme. The experimental groups were administered the posttest one month after the ecotherapy programme. The control group were given no intervention, and were administered the posttest one month after the pretest. Pretest and posttest differences were tested for significance using repeated measures analysis ofvariance (ANOVA). No statistically significant difference was found between the experimental and control groups on the pretest and posttest. This suggests that the ecotherapy programme had no detectable effect on the experimental group subjects' self-esteem or the manifestation of psychological symptoms. The implications ofthese results and future considerations were discussed. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

An exploration of adolescents' experiences of parental AIDS-related illness and bereavement.

Mbete, Unati. January 2009 (has links)
South Africa is one of the countries most affected by HIV/AIDS, and the impact on children living in affected households and communit ies is significant. The loss of a parent or caregiver due to an AIDS. related illness has le ft many children orphaned. Understandings of bereavement. particularly amongst African adolescents. and adults’ responses to orphans’ psychological and emotional d ifficulties, remains under.developed. This paper explored adolescents’ experiences of par ental AIDS.related illness and bereavement. Ten adolescents participated in this s tudy. Qualitative methods such as observation, individual interviews and a focus grou p were the means of data collection. Key findings of the study were that: adolescents we re profoundly affected by the death of their parents with some showing signs of great anxi ety in relation to their future; were in need of emotional and material support; and were af fected by the intense stigma associated with HIV/AIDS which resulted in secrecy and shame. This study suggests that if we listen to the voices of children, we will learn about thei r emotional, psychological, developmental, and behavioural needs, which in turn will inform interventions working with vulnerable and orphaned children. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009.

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