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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors affecting alien grass invasion into West Coast Renosterveld fragments

Van Rooyen, Suretha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With only 1.76% conserved West Coast Renosterveld remaining it is crucial to prioritize the conservation and management of this fragile vegetation type. Because of its occurrence on fertile soils, renosterveld has been cleared for cultivation and other agricultural use and is thus fragmented to a critical point. These remaining fragments are subject to extensive edge effects and the exact parameters of a viable fragment must still be determined. The extent of alien grass species invasion into remnant renosterveld patches was determined using data collected using the line-intercept method. Sampling included three different management treatment areas adjacent to old lands: 1) a recently burned area, 2) a grazed area and 3) an unburnedlungrazed area providing a control sample. Additionally all small-scale soil disturbances along the lines were recorded. Results showed that Briza spp., Bromus spp. and Avena fatua were the most significant invading alien grass species. There was a significantly high variation between alien grass cover in each treatment, with the grazed area containing the highest overal! level of alien grass invasion. The control area, with the exclusion of fire and animal activity, showed minimum alien grass invasion. Edge effects were apparent in all treatments, but were lowest in the control area, where percentage alien grass cover significantly decreased after a distance of fifteen meters into the remnant patch. A weak positive correlation between the occurrence of alien grass and indigenous grass was found, as well as evidence of a weak association between alien grass cover and shrub cover. The possibility that small-scale soil disturbances could be an important contributing factor to alien grass invasion was supported by the positive correlation between disturbances and percentage alien grass cover. A positive correlation was found between the occurrence of indigenous grass and small-scale soil disturbances, while shrub cover tended to be less associated with animal activity. It is concluded that the correct management regime could effectively control the excessive invasion of alien grass species into the remnant renosterveld patches. Grazing (including all animal activity and small-scale soil disturbances) was the main facilitator of alien grass establishment - even dominating the prominent consequences of edge effects by facilitating alien grass establishment much deeper into the remnant patches. It could be assumed that a precise balance of low-pressure grazing and fire management should be established to enable the effective control of alien grass species while maintaining optimum biodiversity. Keywords: renosterveld, alien grass, grazing, fire, management, small-scale soil disturbances / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met slegs 1.76% oorblywende Weskus Renosterveld wat bewaar word, is die beskerming en effektiewe bestuur van hierdie bedreigde plantegroei 'n prioriteit. Die vrugbare grond waarop renosterveld voorkom, het veroorsaak dat dit uitgeroei word om eerder die kultivering van ekonomies produktiewe landbou gewasse moontlik te maak. Dus het renosterveld verminder en gefragmenteer tot 'n kritieke punt. Hierdie ooblywende klein areas bedek met renosterveld, is blootgestel aan ekstensiewe invloede van die omliggende areas en die presiese afmetings vir 'n effektiewe grate renosterveld fragment vir bewarings doeleindes, moel nog vasgestel word. Die male van uitheemse gras spesie indringing in hierdie renosterveld fragmente is ondersoek deur die versameling van data deur die lyn-onderskep metode. Drie verskillende bestuursstelsels vir renosterveld is ondersoek om vas te stel wat die ergste graad van uitheemse gras indringing voorkom. Die studie het 'n 1) onlangs gebrande area, 2) 'n beweide area en 3) 'n kontrole area (wat nie gebrand of bewei is nie) ondersoek. Alle kleinskaalse grond-versteurings langs die lyne is ook aangeteken. Die resultate het aangetoon dat Briza spp., Bromus spp. en Avena fatua, as uitheemse grasse, die belangrikste indringers was en dus die grootste bedreiging inhou. Daar was 'n beduidende hoë variasie tussen die mate van uitheemse gras bedekking aangeteken in elk van die bestuurs-stelsels. Die beweide area het die hoogste graad van uitheemse gras indringing getoon, terwyl die kontrole area (in die afwesigheid van vuur en weidings aktiwiteite) die meeste weerstand teen uitheemse gras indringing getoon het. Die invloed van die omliggende omgewing was ook duidelik sigbaar in al drie die bestuurs-stelsels, maar was duidelik minder in die kontrole area waar die persentasie uitheemse gras indringing aansienlik verminder het na 'n afstand van vyftien meter in die renosterveld fragment in. 'n Swak positiewe korrelasie tussen die voorkoms van uitheemse grasse en inheemse gras spesies was aangeteken, asook bewyse van 'n swak negatiewe assosiasie tussen die uitheemse gras spesies en die inheemse bosse. Soos verwag, is daar bewyse gevind vir die teorie dat kleinskaalse grond-versteurings 'n belangrike fasiliterende faktor is vir uitheemse gras vestiging. Daar was 'n duidelike positiewe korrelasie tussen hierdie grond-versteurings en die persentasie uitheemse gras grondbedekking. Dieselfde positiewe assosiasie was gevind tussen die inheemse gras en hierdie kleinskaalse grond-versteurings, terwyl die inheemse bossie duidelik minder verbind was met die verskynsel. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat 'n korrekte bestuurs-plan die indringing van uitheemse grasse effektief sal kan beheer. Dier aktiwiteite (insluitende beweiding, grawe van gate, mier en termiet neste ens.), en dus kleinskaalse grond-versteurings. was die grootste fasiliteerders van uitheemse gras indringing en vestiging binne hierdie renosterveld stukke. Dit oorheers selfs die aansienlike effek wat invloede van die omringende omgewing op hierdie areas het, deur die uitheemse gras indringing selfs dieper in die fragmente in aan te help. Daar kan dus aangeneem word dat 'n presiese balans tussen lae-intensiteit beweiding (en dus fauna aktiwiteit) en veld brande vasgestel moet word vir die effektiewe beheer van uitheemse gras spesies terwyl die optimum bio-diversiteit terselfde tyd gehandhaafword. Sleutelwoorde: renosterveld, uitheemse grasse, beweiding, vuur, veldbestuur, kleinskaalse grond-versteurings

'n Evaluering van sommige plantkundige faktore wat kleinwild-digthede in die Weskus Nasionale Park beinvloed

Heydenrych, Aneria Janine 03 1900 (has links)
Tesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University, 1995. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A map of the different plant communities in a part of the West Coast National Park (WCNP) is presented. The approach of the Zurich-Montpellier school is used for the phytosociological studies. Thirty plant communities are described and related to environmental factors. One new alliance, two sub-alliances, seventeen associations, seven sub-associations and three variations are described. It is suggested that the Willdenowio -- Diospyretum austro-africanae is raised to alliance level and the Eucleo -- lschyrolepion eleocharidis lowered to sub-alliance level. The different floristic groups in which the plant communities fell were Strandveld, Proto-fynbos, marsh, strand and ecotones between Strandveld and Fynbos. A further extensive survey was conducted in the Postberg Nature Reserve (PNR), which forms part of the West Coast National Park, to determine the possible cause of decline in small antelope numbers (duiker, grysbok and steenbok). The potential production of the vegetation of the Postberg Nature Reserve is about 561.64 kg DM/ha/yr. Rumen analyses of the small antelopes were performed in an attempt to assess the possible relationship between plants and animals. It is found that the small antelope utilizes a big spectrum of plants. Different plant communities were structurally examined and it is proved that the steenbok are bolder than the other two small antelope and are prepared to feed in areas having a lower plant density. Duiker and grysbok preferentially prefer plant communities taller than 60 cm. KEYWORDS Braun-Blanquet, community structure, distribution, Fynbos Biome, habitat, plant communities, Raphicerus campestris, Raphicerus melanotis, Strandveld, Sylvicapra grimmia. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Plantgemeenskapskaart is vir 'n deel van die Weskus Nasionale Park (WNP) opgetrek. Die Zurich-Montpellier fitososiologiese benadering is gebruik om die plantegroei te analiseer en te beskrywe. Dertig plantgemeenskappe is geklassifiseer, beskryf, gekarakteriseer en ekologies geinterpreteer. Ben nu we alliansie, twee sub-alliansies, sewentien assosiasies, sewe subassosiasies en drie variasies is beskryf. Daar is voorgestel dat die Willdenowio -- Diospyretum austro-africanae tot alliansievlak verhoog en die Eucleo -- Ischyrolepion eleocharidis na suballiansievlak verlaag word. Die verskillende floristiese groepe waarin hierdie plantgemeenskappe geval het bestaan uit Strandveld, Protofynbos, strand-, vleiland-, en ekotone tussen Strandveld en Fynbos. 'n Verdere intensiewe studie is in die Postberg Natuurreservaat (PNR), wat deel uitmaak van die Weskus Nasionale Park, ondemeem om 'n moontlike verklaring te vind vir die afname van kleinwildsoorte (duiker, grysbok en steenbok). Die produksiepotensiaal van die Postberg Natuurreservaat (PNR) is bepaal op ongeveer 561.64 kg DM/ha/jaar. Maaginhoud ontledings van die kleinwildsoorte is gebruik om 'n moontlike verhouding tussen plant en dier te bepaal. Daar is bevind dat die kleinwildsoorte 'n groot spektrum van plante kan benut. Verskillende plantgemeenskappe is t.o.v. plantegroeistruktuur ondersoek en daar is bewys dat die steenbok minder skugter as die grysbok en duiker is en in oop areas, met 'n laer plantdigtheid, sal beweeg. Die duiker en grysbok verkies plantgemeenskappe wat meer as 60 cm hoog is. TREFWOORDE Braun-Blanquet, Fynbosbioom, gemeenskapstruktuur, habitat, plantgemeenskappe, Raphicerus campestris, Raphicerus melanotis, Strandveld, Sylvicapra grimmia, verspreiding.

Ondersoek na onderrigpraktyke in skryfvaardighede aan milieu-geremde leerders by plattelandse skole in die Wes-Kaap

Plaatjies, Bernadictus O’Brain 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Leerders wat uit swak sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede kom, die sogenaamde milieu-geremde leerders, se prestasie in geletterdheid is dikwels baie swakker as diegene wat uit meer bevoorregte huise uit kom. Skryf, as ‘n kernaspek van geletterdheidsvaardighede, kan tereg beskou word as een van die ingewikkeldste vaardighede. Die bemeestering daarvan stel ‘n bykans onbereikbare eis aan die milieu-geremde leerder en kan grootliks toegeskryf word aan die leeragterstande wat sulke leerders ondervind. Die probleem word dikwels vererger deur ‘n gebrek aan opvoederbekwaamheid en die algemene afwesigheid van goeie onderwys waar hierdie leerders skoolgaan. Hoewel baie ingrypingsmaatreëls en strategieë deur die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement (WKOD) en ook die Departement van Basiese Onderwys (DBO) al van stapel gestuur is om die talle uitdagings rondom veral geletterdheidsprestasie hok te slaan, blyk dit dat ingrypings om leerders se skryfvaardighede te verbeter, dikwels afgeskeep word. Hierdie konstruktivistiese studie was daarop gemik om ‘n omvattende ondersoek te doen en die uitdagings wat milieu-geremde leerders ten opsigte van skryfvaardighede ondervind, op ‘n holistiese wyse binne die konteks van arm plattelandse skole aan te spreek. Hierdie kwalitatiewe ondersoek is uitgevoer by nege plattelandse skole in die Weskusdistrik van die Wes-Kaap. Taalopvoeders in die Intermediêre Fase is in die studie betrek. Die skole is geleë in woongebiede waar opsigtelike tekens van swak sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede voorkom, en gekies vanweë hulle status as skole in die laer kwintiele. Die teoretiese perspektiewe van Piaget, Vygotski, Bronfenbrenner en Bandura met hul fokus op sosiokulturele teorieë van leer, is bestudeer. Bepaalde strategieë en beginsels is vanuit hierdie perspektiewe met hierdie studie in verband gebring. Die bevordering van skryfvaardighede in die konstruktivistiese klaskamer is bestudeer met klem op Brian Cambourne (1934-) se invloedryke werk wat fokus op die voorwaardes vir leer en ook op die wyse waarop opvoeders ‘n klaskameretos kan skep om goeie skryfvaardighede te ontwikkel. Die konstruktivistiese beskouing het ook die dataversamelingsproses gerig en uit die data is temas en subtemas geïdentifiseer wat bespreek en ontleed is. Bevindinge in hierdie navorsing het getoon dat skryf ‘n ingewikkelde aktiwiteit vir beide opvoeders en leerders is en dat die onderrig en bevordering daarvan in vele opsigte te kort skiet. Opvoeders beskik oor beperkte kennis en begrip ten opsigte van die onderrig en assessering van skryfvaardighede. Die bevindinge toon ook dat min maatreëls in plek is om die eiesoortige eise wat milieu-geremde leerders stel, aan te spreek. Die studie het ook getoon dat die ouers van milieu-geremde leerders ‘n belangelose, apatiese houding teenoor hul skoolwerk openbaar. In ‘n neutedop kan gesê word dat hierdie studie getoon het daar beslis baie meer gedoen moet word om nie net die skryfvaardighede van milieu-geremde leerders by armer plattelandse skole te verbeter nie, maar dat daar ook indringend na oplossings gesoek moet word vir die talryke ander uitdagings wat milieu-geremde leerders by plattelandse skole ervaar. / The performance in literacy of learners hailing from poor socio-economic circumstances, the so-called environmentally deprived learners, is often much poorer than those from more advantaged homes. Writing, as a core aspect of literacy skills, can rightly be viewed as one of the most complicated skills. The mastering thereof puts an almost unattainable demand on the environmentally deprived learner. This situation is largely attributed to the learning deficit experienced by such learners. The problem is often exacerbated by a lack in educator proficiency and the general absence of good education where these learners go to school. Although many intervention measurements and strategies have been initiated by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) and the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to inhibit the many challenges surrounding especially literacy performance, it would seem that interventions to improve learners’ writing ability is often neglected. This constructivist study was aimed at undertaking an encompassing investigation and to address the challenges that environmentally deprived learners experience in terms of writing skills in a holistic manner within the context of poor rural schools. This qualitative investigation was executed at nine rural schools in the West Coast district of the Western Cape. Language educators in the Intermediary Phase were involved in the study. The schools are situated in areas where there are visible signs of poor socio-economic circumstances, and chosen for their status as schools in the lower quintiles. The theoretic perspectives of Piaget, Vygotski, Bronfenbrenner and Bandura, with their focus on socio-cultural theories, were studied. Specific strategies and principles from these perspectives were aligned with this study. The promotion of writing skills in the constructivist classroom was studied, with a focus on the influential work of Brian Cambourne (1934-), which focuses on the conditions for learning and also the way in which educators can create a classroom ethos to develop good writing skills. The constructivist view also guided the data collection process and from the data themes and subthemes were identified that were discussed and analysed. Findings of this research has shown that writing is a complicated activity for both educators and learners and that the teaching and promotion thereof are lacking in many aspects. Educators have limited knowledge in respect of the teaching and assessment of writing skills. The findings also show that few measures are in place to address the unique demands made by environmentally deprived learners. The study has also shown that the parents of environmentally deprived learners display an uninterested, apathetic attitude towards their schoolwork. In a nutshell it can be said that this study has shown that there is indeed much to be done not only to improve the writing ability of environmentally deprived learners in poorer rural schools, but that solutions should also urgently be sought to the countless other challenges experienced by environmentally deprived learners in rural schools. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Kurrikulumstudies)

The perception of patients regarding comprehensive care rendered by Clinical Nurse Practitioners in the West Coast rural district in the Western Cape

Van Heerden, Petro 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Primary Health Care (PHC) provide a quality, comprehensive health service to the community, based on the principles of equity, affordability, accessibility and community participation. It is a nurse driven service with the Clinical Nurse Practitioner (CNP), a registered nurse specialising in the clinical elements of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention at the forefront. It is against this background that this study was endeavored to investigate the community’s perceptions and lived experiences of the quality of care being rendered by CNPs in the West Coast rural district of the Western Cape. The objectives of this study included the following: - To explore and describe the perceptions of patients in the West Coast rural community regarding the attitudes, knowledge and skills of CNPs. - To provide policy makers with feedback and possible recommendations with regards to the implementation of this nurse driven PHC service. - To provide recommendations for improvement of the existing curricula at nursing education institutions based on whether the current training meets patients’ needs and thereby possibly influence curricular change. A qualitative, descriptive, research design was used. The guideline by Colaizzi (as cited in Streubert & Carpenter, 1999:14) was used for data collection and analysis. Twenty-six participants took part in five different group interviews. Semi-structured, open ended questions were used to encourage the participants to actively partake. Each interview was audio taped and field notes were taken. Thematic analyses was performed to highlight three main themes, i.e. the attitudes of the CNPs, the knowledge and skills of CNPs, and the impact of the current training programmes on the quality of care being rendered by these CNPs. Written approval from the Ethics Research Committee, University of Stellenbosch, as well as from the Research unit of the Western Cape Department of Health was obtained. Prior informed consent was further obtained from each participant, after being assured of voluntary participation, confidentiality and anonymity. Credibility, dependability and transferability were ensured by returning to two participants who validated that the transcripts were a true reflection of their experiencesand opinions. This study concluded that patients perceived CNPs as being unfriendly, uncompassionate and unprofessional. Dissatisfaction with the prevalence of unjust practices due to family members and certain race groups being attended to first by CNPs, were expressed. Participants found the competency levels of CNPs more than adequate when assessing, examining and providing health information and medicine. However, they expressed the need that CNPs should be able to prescribe a greater variety of medicines and perform more diagnostic tests than currently permitted by the scope of practice as set out by the South African Nursing Council. Therefore, these views of the participants indicated that the current postgraduate training programme do fulfill their health needs, although the need for expansion of the role and function of the CNP were expressed. Recommendations made included: - An in-depth investigation into the alleged rude attitudes of CNPs should be undertaken, soas to improve the professional behavior of CNPs towards patients. - Applicable policy makers should consider expanding the roles and functions of the CNP. - Enforcing continuous, professional competency through adequate and productive in-service training programmes. In conclusion, this study showed that CNPs need to be constantly aware that they work with human beings, with feelings and with health needs. The need for a therapeutic environment is thus crucial to the rendering of a quality, comprehensive service to the community they serve. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Primêre Gesondheidsorg (PGS) voorsien ’n kwaliteit, omvattende gesondheidsdiens aan die gemeenskap, gebaseer op die beginsels van gelykheid, bekostigbaarheid, toeganklikheid en gemeenskaps-betrokkenheid.Dit is `n verpleegaangedrewe diens met die Kliniese Verpleegspraktisyn (KVP) wat gespesialiseerd is in die kliniese elemente van primêre, sekondêre en tersiêre voorkoming, aan die voortou. Dit is teen hierdie agtergrond wat hierdie studie aangepak is, ten einde ondersoek in te stel aangaande die gemeenskap se persepsies en geleefde ervarings van die kwaliteit van sorg wat deur KVPs in die plattelandse Weskusdistrik van die Wes-Kaap gelewer word. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie het die volgende ingesluit: - Om die persepsies van pasiënte, rakende die ingesteldhede (gedrag), kennis en vaardighede van KVPs te ondersoek. - Om toepaslike beleidsmakers metterugvoer en moontlike aanbevelings te voorsien aangaande die implimentering van verpleegaangedrewe, PGS. - Om aanbevelings te maak vir die verbetering van bestaande kurrikula aan verpleegopleidingsinstellings op grond van óf die huidige opleiding in pasiëntbehoeftes voorsien, en sodoende kurrikulumverandering moontlik te beïnvloed. ’n Kwalitatiewe, beskrywende navorsingsontwerp is gebruik. Die raamwerk van Colaizzi (soos beskryf in Streubert & Carpenter, 1999:14) is tydens datainsameling en analiese gebruik. Ses-en-twintig deelnemers het aan die vyf verskillende groepsonderhoude deelgeneem. Semi-gestruktureerde, oop-einde vrae was gebruik om die deelnemers aan te moedig om aktief aan die besprekings deel te neem. Elke onderhoud is op oudio band opgeneem en veldnotas is gemaak. Tydens analiese is drie hooftemas geïdentifiseer, nl die houdings van KVPs, die kennis en vaardighede van die KVPs sowel as die impak van die opleidingsprogram op die kwaliteit van sorg wat deur KVPs gelewer word. Skriftelike toestemming vir die studie is by die Etiese Navorsingkommittee, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, asook die Navorsingseenheid van die Wes- Kaapse Departement van Gesondheid verkry. Voorafgaande toestemming is voorts vanaf elke deelnemer verkry, nadat hulle verseker is van vrywillige deelname, konfidensialiteit en anonimiteit. Geloofwaardigheid, afhanklikheid en oordraagbaarheid is verseker, deur na twee van die deelnemers terug te gaan wat die transkripsies geverifieër het as juis en korrek. In hierdie studie is tot die slotsom gekom dat pasiënte KVPs as onvriendelik enongevoeligervaar het. Onbillike praktyke kom steeds voor, deurdat familielede en sekere rassegroepe voorkeur behandeling kry. Deelnemers se ervarings aangaande die bevoegdheid van KVPs was as toereikend beskryf aangaande die assessering, ondersoek en voorsiening van gesondheidsinligting en medisyne. Hulle het egter ook die behoefte uitgespreek dat die KVP’s `n groter verskeidenheid medisyne behoort voor te skryf en meer diagnostiese toetse behoort te kan uitvoer as wat tans binne die bestek van praktyk, soos neergelê deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Raad op Verpleging, moontlik is. Hierdie persepsie van die deelnemers impliseer dat die huidige nagraadse opleidingsprogram voldoende is en hul gesondheidsbehoeftes aanspreek. Die behoefte vir die uitbreiding van die rol en funksie van die KVP is egter uitgespreek. Die aanbevelings wat gemaak is sluit in: - ’n In-diepte ondersoek oor die onbeskofte ingesteldhede van KVPs behoort uitgevoer te word, ten einde die professionele gedrag van KVPs teenoor pasiënte te verbeter. - Beleidmakers behoort die uitbreiding van die rolle en funksies van die KVP te oorweeg. - Benadruk voortgesette, professionele bevoegdheid deur toepaslike en produktiewe indiensopleidingsprogramme. Ter aflsuiting: hierdie studie het aangetoon dat KVPs voortdurend bewus moetbly dat hulle met mense werk wat gevoelens het en wat gesondheidshulp benodig. Dit is uiters belangrik om aan die behoeftesvan ’n terapeutiese omgewing te voorsien, ten einde ’n kwaliteit, omvattende diens aan die gemeenskap te lewer.

Assessment of managed aquifer recharge using GIS based modeling approach in West Coast, South Africa

Zhang, Heng January 2019 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Due to climate change, rapid urbanization, and population expansion, the water demand and supply is showing increasing fluctuations, especially in the arid or semi-arid regions. One of the most important water resource management strategies to improve water security in these drought-prone areas is managed aquifer recharge (MAR), which is developed to recharge groundwater purposefully and increase its storage to overcome the temporal imbalance between local water demand and availability, thus improving water security of the water supply. Assessment of an MAR project requires the integration of many types of methods, data and information from many disciplines, which makes it a challenge. This thesis addressed a GIS based modeling approach for assessing the implementation of MAR in terms of suitable sites as well as appropriate scheme in drought-prone area. The West Coast of South Africa was studied as a case. Langebaan Road

An investigation into factors influencing the quality of nursing care in district hospitals in the West Coast Winelands region of the Western Cape

Eygelaar, Johanna Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur (Nursing Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Every patient comes to a hospital with the expectation of getting quality care. It is not always within the ability of nursing personnel to give quality care in the work situation. Guided by the research question “What are the factors influencing the quality of nursing care in district hospitals in the West Coast Winelands Region of the Western Cape?” a scientific investigation was undertaken. The goal of this study was to identify the factors which influence the quality of nursing care in the eight (8) district hospitals of the West Coast Winelands Region of the Western Cape. The objectives set for the study were:  to determine whether staffing is adequate for all activities;  to evaluate what the perceptions of the nursing staff is about their current working situation;  to determine what the effect of the absence of full time doctors are on the management of patient care;  to evaluate whether adequate equipment is available for the execution of nursing care and to evaluate whether adequate provisions for the execution of nursing care is done. A descriptive non-experimental design with a quantitative approach was applied. The population for this study was all the nursing staff available at the time of data collection, working in the eight district hospitals of the West Coast Winelands Region. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The final sample of nursing staff was N= 280 of a total population of 340 – all the members were invited to participate. Reliability and validity were assured by means of a pilot study and the use of experts in nursing research, methodology and statistics. Data were collected personally by the researcher. Ethical approval was obtained from Stellenbosch University and various health authorities. Informed written consent was obtained from the participants. The data was analyzed with the support of the statistician; it was expressed in frequencies, tables and histograms. Comparisons between variables were made using either ANOVA (Analysis of variance) techniques or cross-tabulations with the Chi-square test. The 95% confidence interval was applied to determine whether there was an association between the various variables. The analysis shows that participants of the separate wards hospitals N=142 (90%) and the mixed wards type hospitals N=113 (95%) disagree that staff provision (numbers) is adequate. From the analysis it is clear that the patient documentation is not up to standard. A statistical significant correlation between hospital type and adequate time for the completion of written records (Chisquare Test p=0.00) was shown. Management N=13 (100%), registered nurses N=80 (86%), enrolled nurses N=63 (86%) and nursing assistants N= 81 (83%) disagree that it is not necessary to act beyond their scope of practice. The following recommendations were made: Safe staffing levels have to be determined; qualify staff with the necessary skills; where unit managers are still lacking, they have to be appointed; to make personnel development possible for staff; continuous auditing of patient documentation. It is necessary that there is always adequate equipment and consumables. More training is necessary for the effective and efficient implementation of the Batho Pele principles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Elke pasiënt kom na ‘n hospitaal met die verwagting om kwaliteit verpleegsorg te ontvang. Dit is nie altyd binne die vermoë van die verpleegpersoneel om sodanige diens te kan lewer nie. “Watter faktore het ‘n invloed op die lewering van gehalteverpleegsorg in die distrikhospitale van die Weskus Wynlandstreek in die Wes Kaap? het die wetenskaplike ondersoek gelei. Die doel van die studie is om die faktore te identifiseer wat ‘n invloed het op die lewering van gehalteverpleegsorg in die ag (8) distrikhospitale van die Weskus Wynlandstreek in die Wes Kaap. Die doelwitte van die studie is:  om te bepaal of personeelvoorsiening voldoende is vir al die aktiwiteite;  om te evalueer wat die persepsies is van die verpleegpersoneel betreffende hulle huidige werksituasie,  om te bepaal watter effek die afwesigheid van voltydse geneeshere het op pasiënte sorg;  om te evalueer of toerusting voldoende is vir pasiënte sorg;  om te evalueer of daar voldoende voorsiening gemaak is vir die lewering van pasiënte sorg. ‘n Beskrywende, nie-eksperimentele ontwerp as metodologie is gebruik met ‘n kwantitatiewe benadering. Die bevolking betreffende die studie was alle verpleegpersoneel, werksaam tydens die insameling van die data in die ag distrikhospitale van die Weskus Wynlandstreek. ‘n Gestruktureerde vraelys was gebruik om die data te versamel. Die finale steekproef van die verpleegpersoneel was 280 uit die totale bevolking van 340. Betroubaarheid en geldigheid is verseker deur middel van ‘n loodstudie, en deur gebruik te maak van kenners betreffende verpleegnavorsing, metodologie en statistieke. Data is persoonlik deur die navorser ingesamel. Etiese goedkeuring was verkry vanaf die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en die verskeie gesondheidsowerhede. Ingeligde, skriftelike toestemming is van elke deelnemer verkry. Data is ontleed met die ondersteuning van die statistikus en is uitgedruk in die vorm van frekwensies, tabelle en histogramme. Vergelykings tussen die veranderlikes was gedoen deur gebruik te maak van ANOVA (analise met betrekking tot variansie) en kruis-tabulerings met die Chi-kwadraat toets. 95% Betroubaarheidsinterval is toegepas om te bepaal of daar ‘n assosiasie was tussen die onderskeie veranderlikes. Die analise het getoon dat deelnemers betreffende die hospitale met aparte afdelings N=142 (90%) en die gemengde sale hospitale N=113 (95%) verskil, betreffende die stelling dat daar voldoende personeelgetalle is. Dokumentasie is volgens die analise nie op standaard nie. ‘n Statistiese betekenisvolle korrelasie is verkry met betrekking tot die hospitaal tipe en voldoende tyd betreffende volledige geskrewe dokumentasie (Chi-kwadraat Toets p=0.00). Verpleegbestuur N=13 (100%), geregistreerde verpleegkundiges N=80 (86%), stafverpleegsters N=63 (86%) en verpleegassistente N=81 (83%) het verskil met die stelling dat dit nie nodig is om buite bestek van hul praktyk te werk nie. Die volgende aanbevelings is gemaak: die bepaling van veilige personeel vlakke moet gedoen word; voldoende personeel moet gekwalifiseer word met die nodige vaardighede. Eenheidsbestuurders moet aangestel word waar dit ontbreek; personeelontwikkeling moet moontlik wees en deurlopende oudits van dokumentasie moet plaasvind. Voldoende toerusting en voorraad is nodig om kwaliteit verpleegsorg moontlik te maak. Verdere opleiding in die beginsels van Batho Pele is nodig ten einde effektiewe en doeltreffende implementering daarvan moontlik te maak.

Virtual reconstruction of stratigraphy and past landscapes in the West Coast Fossil Park region

Erasmus, Lelandi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The West Coast Fossil Park near Langebaanweg in the Western Cape, South Africa, is known for its abundance of marine, freshwater and terrestrial fossils of Mio-Pliocene age. The fossil bearing deposits reflect the complex and varied depositional environments, which were influenced by the change in course of the Berg River and regressions and transgressions of sealevel. The fossil deposits at this site are world-renowned for their species richness and uniqueness and there was a need to gain an in-depth understanding of the events that gave rise to this situation. To understand these complexities, it was necessary to construct a composite model of the pre-history of the West Coast Fossil Park, incorporating topological, geological and palaeontological data. GIS provided the ideal platform to integrate data from such varied sources, using spatial correlation to interpret commonalities. Subsequently, a spatially explicit database of the present-day study area, from Dwarskersbos in the north to just north of Yzerfontein in the south, was constructed. The oldest geological formation, the basement layer, as well as three successive formations was reconstructed on a regional scale using borehole data. Interpolation of point data to regional surfaces was a dual process incorporating expert opinion and purpose-built tools within ESRI’s ArcInfo and ArcMap 8.3. A similar reconstruction at a finer scale was done for the West Coast Fossil Park area using kriging as an interpolation method. These reconstructed geological layers can be used to predict the depth and location of fossil-bearing deposits. There is scope for further study and analysis to compare the accuracy of alternative interpolation methods, and combining it with field-based validation of modelled outputs.

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