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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatial ecology of marine top predators

Jones, Esther Lane January 2017 (has links)
Species distribution maps can provide important information to focus conservation efforts and enable spatial management of human activities. Two sympatric marine predators, grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), have overlapping ranges but contrasting population dynamics around the UK; whilst grey seals have generally increased, harbour seals have shown significant regional declines. A robust analytical methodology was developed to produce maps of grey and harbour seal usage estimates with corresponding uncertainty, and scales of spatial partitioning between the species were found. Throughout their range, both grey and harbour seals spend the majority of their time within 50 km of the coast. The scalability of the analytical approach was enhanced and environmental information to enable spatial predictions was included. The resultant maps have been applied to inform consent and licensing of marine renewable developments of wind farms and tidal turbines. For harbour seals around Orkney, northern Scotland, distance from haul out, proportion of sand in seabed sediment, and annual mean power were important predictors of space-use. Utilising seal usage maps, a framework was produced to allow shipping noise, an important marine anthropogenic stressor, to be explicitly incorporated into spatial planning. Potentially sensitive areas were identified through quantifying risk of exposure of shipping traffic to marine species. Individual noise exposure was predicted with associated uncertainty in an area with varying rates of co-occurrence. Across the UK, spatial overlap was highest within 50 km of the coast, close to seal haul outs. Areas identified with high risk of exposure included 11 Special Areas of Conservation (from a possible 25). Risk to harbour seal populations was highest, affecting half of all SACs associated with the species. For 20 of 28 animals in the acoustic exposure study, 95% CI for M-weighted cumulative Sound Exposure Levels had upper bounds above levels known to induce Temporary Threshold Shift. Predictions of broadband received sound pressure levels were underestimated on average by 0.7 dB re 1μPa (± 3.3). An analytical methodology was derived to allow ecological maps to be quantitatively compared. The Structural Similarity (SSIM) index was enhanced to incorporate uncertainty from underlying spatial models, and a software algorithm was developed to correct for internal edge effects so that loss of spatial information from the map comparison was limited. The application of the approach was demonstrated using a case study of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus, Linneaus 1758) in the Mediterranean Sea to identify areas where local-scale differences in space-use between groups and singleton whales occurred. SSIM is applicable to a broad range of spatial ecological data, providing a novel tool for map comparison.

Nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emission from grazed grassland: upscaling from lysimeters to farm

Dennis, S. J. January 2009 (has links)
Irish agriculture is becoming increasingly regulated, with restrictions on fertiliser application rates and stocking rates to reduce nitrate (NO₀⁻) leaching losses. However these regulations have been, to date, based on minimal field research. The purpose of this study was to determine the actual leaching losses of nitrate from Irish dairy pasture at a range of stocking rates, and to investigate the effectiveness of the nitrification inhibitor DCD at reducing nitrate leaching losses where these are deemed excessive. In grazed pastures, a major source of leached nitrate is the urine patch, where a high rate of N is applied in one application. This trial recorded the losses from urine and non-urine areas of pasture separately. Nitrate leaching losses from three soils were recorded using lysimeters at Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford, over two years. Total nitrate losses were higher from the freely drained Clonakilty and Elton soils than from the heavy Rathangan soil. Mean nitrate losses from urine patches ranged from 16 - 233 kg nitrate-N / ha⁻¹, and were reduced by up to 53% when DCD was applied. DCD also reduced peak and mean nitrate-N concentrations in many cases. In addition, DCD halved the nitrous oxide (N₂O) emission factor on the Rathangan soil, caused increases in pasture N content, and increased herbage yield in some treatments. The distribution of urine patches under dairy grazing was recorded using GPS at Kilworth, Co. Cork. Cows were also found to deposit 0.359 urine patches per grazing hour. A model was produced to predict field-scale nitrate leaching losses from dairy pasture at a range of stocking rates. At 2.94 cows per hectare, the highest stocking rate, annual field N loss was below 34 kg nitrate-N ha⁻¹, mean drainage N concentrations were below 5.65 mg nitrate-N L⁻¹ (the EU drinking water guideline value), and the worst-case-scenario autumn peak concentration did not exceed 21.55 mg nitrate-N L⁻¹ (above the EU Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) but below the World Health Organisation (WHO) drinking water limit). DCD reduced total annual field N loss by 21% (a conservative estimate), and also reduced mean and peak nitrate concentrations. Provided fertiliser application rates are at or below 291 kg N ha⁻¹, and based on current legislative values for drinking water quality, this trial does not support any blanket restrictions on the stocking rate of Irish dairy farms. However where particularly high water quality is required, DCD shows potential as a useful tool to achieve low nitrate concentrations.

Dominanzverhältnisse, Interaktionen und räumliche Verteilung von Barsch, Plötze und Seeforelle in der mesotrophen Talsperre Saidenbach

Kahl, Uwe 18 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die in der mesotrophen Talsperre Saidenbach bedeutendsten Fischarten (Plötze, Barsch, Seeforelle) bezüglich ihrer Populationsstruktur, der Nahrung und der Habitatnutzung untersucht. Ziel war einerseits, die Analyse der Ausgangssituation und der Umsteuerungsphase bezüglich biomanipulationsbedingter Effekte, um einen späteren Vorher-Nachher-Vergleich innerhalb des Ganzseenexperimentes zu ermöglichen. Andererseits sollte untersucht werden, ob die Hypothese des konkurrenzbedingten juvenilen Flaschenhalses der Barsche auch auf große und tiefe Gewässer übertragbar ist und welche Faktoren die Zusammensetzung der Fischartengemeinschaft steuern. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der trophische Status eines Gewässers nicht die alleinige Steuergröße für die Dominanzverhältnisse in Fischartengemeinschaften ist. Entgegen den Erwartungen dominierten in der Talsperre Saidenbach trotz mesotropher Verhältnisse Plötzen. Eine bedeutende Einflussgröße auf die Dominanzverhältnisse ist die Habitatvariabilität, die auch durch die Morphometrie des Gewässers bestimmt wird. In großen und tiefen Gewässern besteht im Gegensatz zu kleinen und flachen Gewässern die Möglichkeit der Ausbildung zusätzlicher Umweltgradienten (z. B. vertikaler Temperaturgradient). Diese Gradienten erhöhen die Habitatdiversität innerhalb des Gewässers und bilden damit weitere Nischen aus, welche wiederum eine zusätzliche Nischentrennung zwischen konkurrierenden Gruppen ermöglichen. Die höhere Effizienz der Plötzen gegenüber Barschen bei der Nutzung von Zooplankton im Freiwasser scheint eine weitere Ursache für die Dominanz der Plötzen in dem stark pelagisch geprägten Nahrungsnetz der Talsperre Saidenbach zu sein. Darüber hinaus war die Barschpopulation durch die Prädation von piscivoren Barschen in der Talsperre Saidenbach wesentlich stärker beeinflusst als die Plötzenpopulation, was generell ein ausschlaggebender Faktor für die Plötzendominanz in mesotrophen Gewässern sein kann. Barsch, Plötze und Seeforelle wiesen vor allem während der Schichtungsperiode eine räumliche Trennung sowohl in horizontaler als auch in vertikaler Richtung innerhalb des Gewässers auf. Der Grad der Piscivorie der bisher besetzten Seeforellen war noch zu gering, um einen wirksamen fraßbedingten Einfluss auf die Plötzenpopulation ausüben zu können. Für Seeforellen konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Grad der Piscivorie mit zunehmender Länge steigt. Überwiegend piscivor ernährten sich die Seeforellen in der Talsperre Saidenbach ab einer Länge von 50 cm. Sowohl Barsch als auch Plötze zeigten in der Talsperre Saidenbach ein gutes Wachstum. Nach etwa vier Jahren erreichten beide Arten ein Größenrefugium vor Prädation durch andere Raubfische. Plötzen erreichten ein höheres Alter als Barsche und verblieben damit länger in diesem Größenrefugium. Das führte zu einer Akkumulation großer Plötzen im Gewässer. Plötzen aller Größen waren ausgeprägt zooplanktivor. Im Zooplanktonanteil der Nahrung traten fast ausschließlich Daphnien auf. Mit dieser Ernährungsweise übten Plötzen einen hohen Fraßdruck auf das große filtrierende Zooplankton aus. Sowohl 0+ Barsche als auch ältere Barsche nutzten zu einem hohen Anteil Zooplankton als Nahrungsressource. Somit waren die juvenilen Barsche nicht zu einem frühzeitigen Nahrungswechsel zu benthischen Makroinvertebraten gezwungen. Zwischen juvenilen Barschen und Plötzen bestand nur eine geringe Überlappung der Nahrungsnischen. Die erweiterte Nischentrennung von Barsch und Plötze in großen und tiefen Gewässern reduziert sowohl die interspezifische als auch die intraspezifische Konkurrenz. Unter diesen Bedingungen sind Barsch und Plötze fähig, in großen Mengen zu koexistieren ohne dabei Kümmerwachstum zu zeigen. Ein juveniler Flaschenhals existiert trotz der Plötzendominanz offenbar in großen und tiefen Gewässern nicht, so dass die Flaschenhalshypothese auf kleine und flache Gewässer mit geringer Habitatdiversität beschränkt werden muss.

Augmenting Annual Runoff Records Using Tree-Ring Data

Stockton, Charles W., Fritts, Harold C. 23 April 1971 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1971 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 22-23, 1971, Tempe, Arizona / Statistical analyses of existing hydrologic records suffer from the problem that such records are of relatively short duration, and therefore may not necessarily be random samples of the infinite population of events. On the hypothesis that tree-ring series and runoff series respond to a common climatic signal or signals that permit prediction of annual runoff from annual ring-width index, tree-ring data are used to extend available runoff records backwards in time to permit more accurate estimates of the 3 most common statistics used in hydrology: the mean, the variance and the 1st order correlation. It is assumed that both series are generated by the climatic parameters of precipitation, temperature, evapotranspiration, seasonal regime and spatial distribution. Of major concern in the reconstruction of annual runoff series from tree-ring records was the difference in persistence within each of the 2 series. A matrix of the tree-ring data was constructed, lagged up to 3 times and principal components were extracted. The covariation in this matrix was then decomposed by extracting the Eigen-vectors, and multiple regression was then used to weight the respective series and the differences in persistence were determined. This method was applied to watersheds of diverse characteristics and improved estimates of the mean and variance were obtained.

An Analysis of Yearly Differences in Snowpack Inventory-Prediction Relationships

Ffolliott, Peter F., Thorud, David B., Enz, Richard W. 06 May 1972 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1972 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - May 5-6, 1972, Prescott, Arizona / Inventory-prediction relationships between snowpack conditions and forest attributes may be useful in estimating water yields derived from snow, but such relationships are developed usually from source data collected over a short time period. Analyses of long-term data suggest inventory-prediction relationships developed from limited data may have more general application, however. Available records from 18 snow courses in the ponderosa pine type in Arizona provided source data in this study, which was designed to empirically analyze inventory-prediction relationships developed from long-term snow survey records. The primary hypothesis tested and evaluated by statistically analyzing the family of regression equations representing a snow course, was that, given a precipitation input, the distribution of snowpack water equivalent at peak seasonal accumulation is determined by the spatial arrangement of the forest cover, e.g. basal area. Generally 12 of the 18 snow courses evaluated appeared to support the hypothesis, three courses did not, and three courses were considered inconclusive.

Patrons de distribution des crustacés planctoniques dans le fleuve Saint-Laurent

Cusson, Edith 04 1900 (has links)
La recherche porte sur les patrons de distribution longitudinale (amont-aval) et transversale (rive nord - rive sud) des communautés de crustacés planctoniques qui ont été analysés le long du fleuve Saint-Laurent entre le lac Saint-François et la zone de transition estuarienne, à deux hydropériodes en mai (crue) et en août (étiage). Les données zooplanctoniques et environnementales ont été récoltées à 52 stations réparties sur 16 transects transversaux en 2006. Au chapitre 1, nous présentons les principaux modèles écosystémiques en rivière, une synthèse des facteurs influençant le zooplancton en rivières et les objectifs et hypothèses de recherche. Au chapitre 2, nous décrivons la structure des communautés de zooplancton dans trois zones biogéographiques du fleuve et 6 habitats longitudinaux, ainsi que les relations entre la structure du zooplancton et la distribution spatiale des masses d’eau et les variables environnementales. Au chapitre 3, nous réalisons une partition de la variation des variables spatiales AEM (basées sur la distribution des masses d’eau) et des variables environnementales pour évaluer quelle part de la variation du zooplancton est expliquée par les processus hydrologiques (variables AEM) et les conditions locales (facteurs environnementaux). Le gradient salinité-conductivité relié à la discontinuité fleuve-estuaire a déterminé la distribution à grande échelle du zooplancton. Dans les zones fluviales, la distribution du zooplancton est davantage influencée par la distribution des masses d’eau que par les facteurs environnementaux locaux. La distribution des masses d’eau explique une plus grande partie de la variation dans la distribution du zooplancton en août qu’en mai. / The research aims to determine the distribution patterns of crustacean plankton along the longitudinal (west-east) and transversal (north shore - south shore) axes of the St. Lawrence River between Lake Saint-François and the estuarine transition zone, during two hydroperiods in May (high discharge) and August (low discharge). The zooplankton samples and the environmental data were collected at 52 stations distributed along 16 transversal transects in 2006. In chapter 1, we present the theoretical concepts of river ecosystem models, and a synthesis on the generative processes driving zooplankton spatial patterns in rivers. We also present our research objectives and hypotheses. In chapter 2, we describe spatial patterns of the zooplankton community structure in three biogeographic zones of the St. Lawrence and 6 longitudinal habitats, together with the relationships between zooplankton spatial structure and water masses spatial distribution and environmental characteristics. In chapter 3, we perform a variation partitioning procedure on spatial variables AEM (based on water masses spatial distribution) and environmental variables in order to assess how much of the zooplankton variation is explained by hydrological processes (AEM variables) and local conditions (environmental factors). The salinity-conductivity gradient related to the fluvial-estuary discontinuity determines the large-scale spatial patterns of the crustacean zooplankton. In the fluvial zones, the zooplankton distribution patterns are more influenced by the water masses spatial structure than by local environmental factors. The spatial distribution of the water masses explained more of the spatial structure of zooplankton communities in August than in May.

Vallée du Khabour. Quartiers d'habitation et premiers moments de l'urbanisme en Mésopotamie du Nord

Sánchez, Cruz (Sánchez Ruiz) 19 April 2012 (has links)
Este trabajo está dedicado al estudio de la arquitectura doméstica de los yacimientos del valle del Habur (Siria), durante el periodo que va desde el Neolítico hasta el segundo milenio a.C. Basándonos en la información de los registros arqueológicos de los asentamientos hemos podido observar en la arquitectura de las construcciones domésticas un empleo sistemático del ladrillo “crudo”, así como una gran homogeneidad en la forma, dimensiones y distribución espacial de las casas, durante todo el período estudiado. Nos encontramos con pequeñas construcciones rectangulares en su gran mayoría, con tres o cuatro habitaciones, más una habitación central que sirve para organizar la circulación interior. La entrada a las casas es estrecha, y se encuentran en su interior hornos, hogares, estructuras de almacenaje y bancos adosados a la pared, lo que nos indica una doble utilización del espacio, como vivienda y lugar de trabajo. El análisis de los datos de que disponemos sugiere una uniformidad arquitectónica en este periodo en el que se sitúa el origen de la sedentarización y el urbanismo. / The aim of this thesis is to the study the domestic architecture of the sites located in the Khabur Valley (Syria), during the period between the Neolithic and the second millennium b.C. According to the information found in the archaeological reports of the sites, we can observe a systematic use of the mud brick in the architecture of the domestic constructions, as well as a great homogeneity in the shape, dimensions and spatial distribution of the houses, during the whole period considered. We find mostly small rectangular constructions, with three or four rooms, plus a central room used to organize the internal circulation. The entrance to the houses is narrow, and inside we find ovens, fireplaces and associated structures, which indicates a double use of the interior space, as a house and a work place. The analysis of the data suggests an architectonic uniformity during this period when the origin of the sedentarization and urbanism took place.

Impact of a landing obligation on coupled dynamics ecosystem-fishers : individual-based modelling approach applied to Eastern English Channel / Impact d'une obligation de débarquement sur les dynamiques couplées écosystème-pêcheurs : approche par modélisation individu-centrée appliquée à la Manche Orientale

Bourdaud, Pierre 23 January 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse était d'anticiper les effets de l'Obligation de Débarquement (OD) mise en place en UE depuis début 2015 en Manche Orientale (MO). Pour accomplir ces objectifs, il a été prévu de : i) mieux comprendre la distribution spatiale saisonnière d'espèces commerciales à l'aide d'observations embarquées sur des navires commerciaux, ii) les comparer avec la distribution de l'effort de pêche à fine échelle des chalutiers de fonds (OTB), et iii) développer un modèle individu-centré de dynamique des flotilles, DSVM, à intégrer avec le modèle écosystémique OSMOSE pour simuler l'OD. L'utilité des données d'observations embarquées a été prouvée pour une majeure partie des espèces échantillonnées, en utilisant une validation par la bibliographie et un indicateur géostatique. Ensuite la comparaison de l'effort de pêche à fine échelle a fourni une amélioration de la quantification de l'effort de pêche effectif et mis en valeur l'importance de la seiche et du rouget barbet pour la distribution des OTB en MO. De plus, l'intensité de ciblage des OTB a été quantifiée en octobre à l'aide d'un nouvel indicateur, et démontré l'intérêt pour les mêmes espèces, mais aussi la contrainte d'un faible quota de cabillaud pour les pêcheurs. Les résultats du couplage OSMOSE-DSVM montrent que k'OD aurait des effets négatifs à court terme pour le revenu des pêcheurs, induits par le déplacement de l'effort de pêche afin d'éviter les dépassements de quota, mais serait profitable à moyen terme. Cependant, l'OD provoquerait une hausse de la pression de prédation produite par le cabillaud et le merlan sur les autres espèces, ce qui n'améliorerait pas l'état global de l'écosystème. / The objective of this thesis was to anticipate the effects if the EU Landing Obligation (LO) implemented since the beginning of 2015 in the Eastern English Channel (EEC). To achieve these objectives, it was planned to : i) better understand seasonal spatial distribution of commercial species using on-board commercial vessels observation data, ii) compare them with the final scale fishing effort distribution of EEC bottom otter trawlers (OTB), and iii) develop an individual-based model of fleet-dynamics, DSVM, to be integrated within the ecosystem model OSMOSE to simulate a LO. The usefulness of on-board observation data was proved for a main part of a species sample, using validation from the literature and a geostatistical indicator. Then the comparison of fine scale fishing effort provided an improvement of the quantification of effective fishing effort and emphasized the importance of cuttlefish and red mullet for the global distribution of EEC OTB. In addition, the targeting intensity of OTB was quantified in October using a newly-developed indicator, and demonstrated the attractiveness of the same species, but also the constraint of low cod quota for fishers. Results of the OSMOSE-DSVM coupling show that the LO would have short-term negative effects on fishers' revenue, induced by a large reallocation of their fishing effort to avoid quota over-shooting, but would be profitable in the medium-term. However, the LO would induce an increase of the predatory pressure operated by cod and withing on the other species, which would not improve the overall ecosystem health.

Distribuição socioespacial da esporotricose humana de pacientes atendidos no Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas no período de 1997 a 2007, residentes no Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Sociospatial distribution of human sporotrichosis patients treated at the Institute of Clinical Research Evandro Chagas in the period 1997-2007, in the State of Rio de Janeiro

Silva, Margarete Bernardo Tavares da January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010 / Historicamente a esporotricose esteve associada a profissionais que lidam com a terra, local onde o fungo causador habita. No entanto, recentemente em determinada área urbana tem sido registrada a ocorrência de casos relacionados à arranhadura ou mordedura de animais como o gato, levando a surtos familiares, acometendo indivíduos de todas as faixas etárias e sexo. Objetivo: Analisar a distribuição sócio-espacial da esporotricose na Região Metropolitana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no período de 1997 a 2007, caracterizando padrões e espaços críticos e condições particulares da transmissão. Metodologia Estudo descritivo sócio-espacial dos dados do Serviço de Vigilância em Saúde/IPEC,que foram complementados pela revisão dos prontuários. Para espacialização foi utilizada a técnica de Georreferenciamento dos casos, pelo endereço de residência. Resultados: Foram diagnosticados 1.848 casos, com média de 168 casos/ano. O último quadriênio totalizou 1.289 casos - 2,3 vezes mais que nos sete anos anteriores. Foram atendidas predominantemente mulheres (66,9 por cento), com idade entre 20 e 69 anos (53,3 por cento), que permaneciam no domicílio por um período prolongado, à serviço ou não (33,1 por cento) em relação a 8,4 por cento de homens.Do total de atendidos, 16,61 por cento relatou história de trauma com plantas e 66,88 por cento trauma com animal: 78,1 por cento correlacionado a gatos e 8,8 por cento sem correlação com felinos. Relacionou-se a existência de felino(s) no domicílio à contaminação pelo Sporotrichum schenckii através do gato. 95 por cento dos pacientes residiam na Região Metropolitana. . O georreferenciamento de 1.681 casos (91 por cento), mostrou que 1.610 residiam em cinco Municípios limítrofes ao Rio de Janeiro. A análise de Kernel evidenciou sete áreas onde a transmissão apresentou-se mais intensa. Duas localidades foram selecionadas para estudo dos padrões de transmissão: a primeira identificada como AQ-RJ e a segunda identificada como AQ-DC. A primeira foi escolhida pela intensidade variada durante o período e a segunda pela intensidade no final do período. Utilizando como limite para análise a primeira faixa de intensidade do Kernel foram identificados os casos que compunham cada localidade - em ambas a distribuição por sexo permaneceu 2:1 mulheres / homem, com atividades relacionadas à casa 37,5 por cento e 62,5 por cento respectivamente. Neste aspecto foi observada ligeira diferença com relação ao perfil do Estado, onde a média foi de 41 por cento. Na AQ_RJ 58,3 por cento e na AQ_DC 75 por cento dos pacientes adoeceram por trauma com gato, em média 66 por cento dos pacientes possuem gato no ambiente domiciliar. Conclusões: Gatos em ambiente domiciliar, como opção para controle de roedores e em contato com a natureza, é fator de risco para contaminação por esporotricose. Os ratos podem estar sendo a população-ponte entre o fungo e os gatos e, principalmente nos lugares onde a intensidade de transmissão da doença tem sido mais elevada, existe um ambiente propício para sua difusão. Ações de educação em saúde, o tratamento dos animais, o controle dos vetores e a melhoria das condições de saneamento são caminhos importantes para o controle da doença. O desconhecimento sobre a doença e os cuidados necessários para evitar a contaminação, contribuem para manutenção dos casos ao longo destes anos. Para o real conhecimento da situação epidemiológica da esporotricose humana no Estado do Rio de Janeiro é necessária a instituição desta como Doença de Notificação Compulsória a Nível Estadual. / Historically sporotrichosis has been related to professionals dealing with soil, which is the place where causal fungus live. Recently however, case occurrence registers, related to animal scratches or animal bites, as cats living in an urban area, leading to family outbreaks and individuals exposure from all ages and genre. Objective: to analyze the sporotrichosis socio-spacial distribution in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro state through the period of 1997 to 2007, characterizing patterns and critical spaces and particular transmission conditions. Methodology: descriptive socio-spatial data study from the Health Surveillance Service / IPEC, which has been complemented by medical forms review. Case georeferencing technique was used for spatialization through home addresses. Results: 1848 cases were diagnosed with mean of 168 cases per year, and the last quadrennium totalizing 1289 cases- 2,3 more times than the last past 7 years. Women were predominantly treated (66,9%), adults (between 20 and 69 years old =53,3%), staying at home for long periods, either workers or non-workers; 33,1% in relation to 8,4% males. 16,61% told a story about trauma with plants to 66,88% trauma with animal, from these 78,1% related it to their cat and 8,8% did not mention the feline source. The Sporotrichum schenckii relation to contamination was identified by cats, by the fact of having a cat at home. 95% of patients lived in the Metropolitan Region. Georeferencing of 1681 cases (91%), showed that 1610 lived in 5 Municipality areas neighboring the Rio de Janeiro municipality. Kernel analysis brought 7 areas into evidence where the most intense transmission was shown. For the transmission patterns study two localities were identified: the first one was identified as AQ-RJ and the second one was identified as AQ-DC, the first one was chosen because of its varied intensity during the period and the second one for the intensity at the end of that period. Using the first Kernel intensity for the analysis limit, the cases which comprehended each locality were identified, in both, genre distribution remained 2:1 female/male, with home related activities 37,5% and 62,5% respectively, this fact is differentiated from the State profile, where the mean was 41%. In these localities 58,3% and 75% patients became ill by trauma with cats, with an average of 66% having a cat in the home environment. Conclusions: cats into home environment as an option to rodent control and nature contact, are the risk factor for sporotrichosis contamination. Rats may be the bridging population between fungus and cats, mainly in places with highest transmission intensity with an appropriate environment for their spreading. Health education actions, animal treatment, vector control and sanitation improvement conditions are important ways to control the disease. Lack of disease knowledge and necessary care, in order to avoid contamination, contribute for the maintenance of cases along the years. For the actual epidemiological situation acknowledgment of human sporotrichosis in the Rio de Janeiro state, it is necessary to establish it as a Mandatory Disease Reporting at State level.

Dynamics of fish spatial distribution in reservoirs / Dynamics of fish spatial distribution in reservoirs

ŘÍHA, Milan January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation thesis focuses on several aspects of fish ecology in reservoirs and the methodology of their sampling. It is divided to three parts. The first part focuses on the dynamics of fish distribution throughout the seasons and between day and night. The second part deals with the efficiency and the selectivity of the beach seine net, trawl and purse seine net. The third part describes the long-term development of fish populations in the Římov Reservoir.

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