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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiscale modeling for radiation protection and cancer treatment : from nanodosimetry to cell response / Modélisation multi-échelle pour la radioprotection et le traitement du cancer : de la nanodosimétrie à la réponse cellulaire

Cunha, Micaela 14 June 2016 (has links)
L'interaction des rayonnements ionisants avec le vivant est marquée par des phénomènes stochastiques importants aussi bien en termes de dosimétrie physique que des effets biologiques induits. Cette thèse aborde trois problématiques de la thérapie et de l'estimation du risque des radiations pour la santé, à l'aide d'outils de modélisation et de simulations Monte Carlo. En effet, des calculs de l'énergie spécifique dans des volumes de différentes tailles ont montré que les amplitudes des fluctuations dépendent fortement de la taille de la cible. Elles sont particulièrement grandes dans le cas des cibles nanométriques. À partir de ces calculs, une étude sur la taille des dosimètres implantables pour le monitorage des traitements de radiothérapie a montré que des dimensions au moins micrométriques sont nécessaires pour assurer des mesures fiables. Les mêmes calculs ont permis l'analyse des effets de faibles doses d'irradiation, notamment la compatibilité de différentes tailles de cibles avec des données expérimentales d'aberrations chromosomiques. Les résultats suggèrent que l'activation du réseau mitochondrial peut être liée au déclenchement de mécanismes de radiorésistance dans les cellules CAL51. Finalement, un nouveau modèle (NanOx) de prédiction de l'efficacité de l'hadronthérapie (radiothérapie par faisceaux d'ions) est présenté et appliqué à la lignée cellulaire V79. Ce modèle est complètement stochastique et intègre les calculs de dosimétrie à plusieurs échelles pour modéliser des effets locaux et non locaux pouvant correspondre respectivement à des lésions de l'ADN et à un stress oxydatif / The interaction between ionizing radiation and living tissues is characterized by stochastic phenomena with non-negligible consequences both in terms of physical dosimetry and induced biological effects. The present work addresses three issues concerning radiotherapy and the estimation of radiation risks for health, by means of modeling tools and Monte Carlo simulations. Indeed, specific energy calculations in volumes of different sizes showed that the level of fluctuations strongly depends on the target size. Such fluctuations are especially high in the case of nanometric targets. Based on these calculations, a study about the size of implantable dosimeters employed in the monitoring of radiotherapy treatments demonstrated that these dosimeters should have at least micrometric dimensions in order to ensure reliable measurements. The same calculations have allowed the analysis of the effects of low doses of radiation, namely the compatibility between different target sizes and experimental data regarding chromosomal aberrations. The results suggest that the activation of the mitochondrial network may be linked to the triggering of radioresistance mechanisms for the CAL51 cell line. Finally, a new model (NanOx) to predict the effectiveness of particle therapy (radiotherapy with ion beams) is presented and applied to the V79 cell line. Such a model is completely stochastic and integrates the dosimetry calculations at multiple scales for modeling local and non-local effects, which can correspond respectively to DNA lesions and cellular oxidative stress

Pump schedule optimisation techniques for water distribution systems

Bene, J. G. (József Gergely) 18 November 2013 (has links)
Abstract This thesis deals with the pump schedule optimisation of regional water distribution systems. The aims and the possible applications of the presented methods differ from each other; all of them are intended to solve a particular but realistic problem. The developed techniques use the capacity of the water reservoirs in order to find the optimal pump-schedule of the system. The optimisation task is always deterministic and discrete in time; the stochastic behaviour of the water consumptions is approximated by expected values. A so-called neutral genetic algorithm equipped with new constraint handling is presented first. The method is able to solve the scheduling problems of real-size and complex networks, e.g. the network of Budapest with coupled hydraulic simulations where both variable and fixed speed pumps are in the network. The results are compared to other ones obtained by widely used genetic algorithms and state-of-the-art general purpose optimisation solvers. A dynamic programming based method was also carried out which provides the global optimum of the so-called ’combinatorial’ pump scheduling problems. This modelling type is very common in the industry, which can be used if the operation points of the pumps take discrete values. The basic idea of the method is exploiting the ’permutational invariance’ of the model which results in a perfect discretisation of the state space without any loss of information. An approximate dynamic programming technique is also presented which solves the same type of problems as the formerly mentioned genetic algorithm does. The technique splits the water network model into smaller units, namely into the so-called well fields and the main distribution system. The state space of the main distribution system was further decreased while the quality of the results does not decay. A part of the test examples is the same as in the case of the former presented genetic algorithm; thus, the two methods can be compared. Finally, a small water network fed by a single variable speed pump was investigated. The presented methods are based on the minimisation of the specific energy consumption. The gained results are compared to ones obtained using a high-resolution discrete dynamic program. Novel optimisation techniques for water distribution network pump scheduling were developed in this work. A particular focus was put on the dynamics between pumping, water reservoirs, and water use. The work shows the applicability of the approach via numerous realistic simulation case studies. / Tiivistelmä Työ käsittelee alueellisten vedenjakelujärjestelmien pumppauksen aikataulutuksen optimointia. Esitettyjen menetelmien tavoitteet ja mahdolliset sovellukset poikkeavat toisistaan. Kaikki on kuitenkin tarkoitettu tiettyjen todellisten ongelmien ratkaisemiseen. Kehitetyt tekniikat käyttävät vesivarastojen kapasiteettia optimaalisen pumppausohjelman löytämiseksi. Jokainen optimointitehtävä on aikadiskreetti ja deterministinen, vedenkulutuksen stokastista käyttäytymistä on approksimoitu odotusarvoilla. Ensimmäiseksi työssä esitetään ns. neutraaleja geneettisiä algoritmeja varustettuna rajoitusten käsittelyllä. Menetelmällä voidaan ratkaista skedulointiohjelmia reaalimittakaavaisille ja monimutkaisille verkostoille (esim. Budapestin verkosto varustettuna hydraulisilla simuloinneilla, sekä muuttuvanopeuksisilla että vakionopeuksisilla verkoston pumpuilla). Tuloksia verrataan toisiin yleisesti käytössä olevilla geneettisillä algoritmeilla saatuihin, sekä johtavilla yleiskäyttöisillä optimointitekniikoilla saatuihin tuloksiin. Työssä käytettiin myös dynaamiseen ohjelmointiin pohjaavaa menetelmää, jolla saadaan globaali optimi ns. "kombinatoorisille" pumppauksen aikataulutusongelmille. Tällainen mallinnustapa on hyvin yleistä teollisuudessa. Sitä voidaan käyttää, jos pumppujen toimintapisteet saavat diskreettejä arvoja. Menetelmän perusajatuksena on "permutationaalisen invarianssin" hyväksikäyttäminen, josta seuraa tila-avaruuden virheetön diskretointi ilman informaation häviämistä. Työssä esitellään myös approksimoidun dynaamisen ohjelmoinnin tekniikka, jonka avulla voidaan ratkaista samantyyppisiä ongelmia kuin yllämainituilla geneettisillä algoritmeilla. Tämä tekniikka jakaa vesijohtoverkoston mallin pienempiin yksiköihin: lähdekenttiin ja pääjakeluverkostoon. Pääjakeluverkoston tila-avaruutta voitiin edelleen pienentää ilman, että tulosten laatu heikkeni. Osa käsitellyistä esimerkkitapauksista on samoja kuin edellämainittujen geneettisten algoritmien osalla, joten tuloksia voidaan verrata. Lopuksi tutkittiin pienen muuttuvanopeuksisella pumpulla syötetyn vesijohtoverkoston toimintaa. Esitetyt menetelmät perustuvat ominaisenergiankulutuksen minimointiin. Saatuja tuloksia verrataan korkearesoluutioisella diskreetillä dynaamisella ohjelmoinnilla saatuihin tuloksiin. Työssä kehitettiin uusia optimointitekniikoita vedenjakelujärjestelmien pumppauksen aikataulutuksen optimintiin. Erityisesti työssä keskityttiin pumppauksen, vesitornien ja kuluttajien käyttäytymisen väliseen dynamiikkaan. Työssä osoitettiin tekniikoiden toimivuus realististen esimerkkisimulointien avulla. / Kivonat Jelen doktori disszertáció regionális ivóvízellátó-hálózatok üzemvitel-optimalizációjával foglalkozik. A bemutatott módszerek alkalmazhatósági köre rendszerint eltér egymástól, mindegyik egy-egy speciális, de a való életben is előforduló problémára kíván megoldást nyújtani. A kidolgozott módszerek a medencék tárolókapacitását kihasználva, az optimális szivattyú-menetrendet keresve kívánják megtalálni az adott vízműhálózat üzemviteloptimumát. Az optimalizáció egy időben diszkrét, ugyanakkor determinisztikus feladat megoldását igényli, a vízfogyasztások sztochasztikus viselkedését a várható értékekkel közelítettem. Elsőként egy új mellékfeltétel-kezeléssel ellátott, ún. neutrális genetikus algoritmus bemutatása a cél. A kidolgozott módszer alkalmas nagy, valós méretű (pl. Budapest) és bonyolultságú (kapcsolt hidraulikai szimulációk, frekvenciaváltós és direkt szivattyúk a hálózatban) ivóvízhálózatok napi üzemvitel optimalizálására. Az eredményeket más genetikus algoritmusokkal és a világ élvonalába tartozó, de általános célú optimalizációs módszerekkel hasonlítottam össze. Kidolgozásra került egy dinamikus programozás alapú, a valós, globális optimumot adó módszer is. Az algoritmus a gyakorlatban elterjedt, ún. "kombinációs" hálózatként modellezhető vízműhálózat típusokra alkalmazható, ahol a szivattyúk munkapontjai diszkrét értékek. A megoldás alapját az ún. "permutációs invariancia" jelensége adja, mely lehetővé teszi az állapottér információveszteség nélküli, tökéletes diszkretizációját. Egy, a korábban bemutatott genetikus algoritmuséhoz hasonló problémakört megoldó, de közelítő dinamikus programozás alapú módszer is bemutatásra kerül. Az algoritmus a hálózat kisebb részegységekre (víztermelő területekre és fő elosztó hálózatra) való felbontásával és a fő elosztó hálózat állapotterének önkényes, de a megoldás jóságán jelentősen nem rontó csökkentésével éri el a program futtatásához szükséges számítási igény csökkentését. A tesztfeladatok egy része megegyezik a genetikus algoritmus tesztfeladataival, így azok közvetlenül összehasonlíthatóak. Végül bemutatásra kerül egy kisméretű, mindössze egy darab változtatható fordulat- számú szivattyúval táplált rendszer energetikai vizsgálata. Az itt bemutatott módszerek mind a fajlagos energiafelhasználás minimalizálásán alapulnak. Az eredményeket egy nagyfelbontású dinamikus programozás alapú módszerhez hasonlítottam.

Tillämpning av träbaserat modulväggsystem för påbyggnad av efterkrigstidens flerbostadshus : Utifrån energikrav och ekonomiska förutsättningar / Application of Wood Based Module Wall System for Vertical Attic Extension of Post-war Residential Building : By Energy Demand and Economic Preconditions

Samuelsson, Jimmy, Debes, Yahya January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Nya svenska energikrav definieras som nära-nollbyggnader för både nybyggnation och renovering, där man strävar efter en årlig balans mellan ingående och utgående energi för byggnaden. Påbyggnad genom prefabricerade modulsystem med bärande väggar av korslimmat massivträ har genom internationella studier visat sig både tids- och kostnadseffektiv vid renovering. Målet med rapporten är att undersöka möjligheten att tillämpa detta påbyggnadssystem för svenska renoveringsprojekt av efterkrigstidens flerbostadshus som både är kostnadseffektivt och som klarar nya svenska energikrav. Metod: Rapporten syftar till att besvara frågeställningarna genom en fallstudie. Inledningsvis, under en litteraturstudie, beskrivs incitament till påbyggnation vid renovering. Utefter en dokumentanalys av referensbyggnaden, utförs sedan energi- och kostnadsjämförelser mellan påbyggnation av korslimmade massivträväggar och platsbyggd träregelkonstruktion. Resultat: Svenska efterkrigstidens bostadsbestånd visar sig, via renovering och påbyggnation, ha hög potential för att positiv påverka den i Sverige genomsnittliga specifika energianvändningen samtidigt som det erbjuder snabb och kostnadseffektiv urban bostadsförtätning. Den värmeisolerande förmågan för korslimmat massivträ är, för en påbyggnad, likvärdigt det av platsbyggd träkonstruktion. Beräkningarna visar däremot hur byggnation från efterkrigstiden har svårt att uppnå krav för nära-nollenergihus. Kostnad för montering av påbyggnadsstomme och innerväggar m.m. visar på ca 2,7 % besparing för förslag av korslimmat massivträ. Konsekvenser: Rapporten lyfter fram möjligheterna kring renovering av svenska flerbostadshus från efterkrigstiden och fördelarna att göra detta i kombination med påbyggnation. Det finns goda förutsättningar för implementering av korslimmade massivträväggar även i svenska påbyggnadsprojekt och detta till något lägre pris och arbetstid gentemot platsbyggd konstruktion. Trots att detta vilar mycket på valet av prefabricering, har undersökningen lyckats exponera ett befogat alternativ för påbyggnadsprojekten i framtiden. Eventuella svårigheter i att uppnå nya energikrav vid renovering av äldre bostadsbestånd har även lyfts fram i rapporten. Begränsningar: Kontroll av bärförmåga för referensbyggnaden via konstruktionsmässiga beräkningar genomförs inte i denna rapport. Beräkning av livscykelkostnad ingår inte i detta arbete. Rapporten fokuserar istället på ekonomisk effektivitet i produktionsskedet. Rapporten fokuserar sin undersökning kring åtgärder för energianvändning och berör inte eventuella åtgärder för t.ex. högre tillgänglighet. / Purpose: New Swedish energy requirements are defined as Near Zero Energy Buildings for both new construction and renovation, with the purpose of balancing energy entering and exiting the building. Vertical attic extensions through prefabricated module system containing loadbearing walls of cross laminated timber has, by international studies, shown the potential for time and cost efficiency during renovation projects. The purpose of this inquiry is to examine the possibility to apply this extension system for Swedish renovation projects on post-war residential buildings that are both cost effective and that satisfies new Swedish energy regulations. Method: The report aims to answer the questions through a case study. Initially a literature study describes the incentives of vertical attic extensions and renovation. Then through a document analysis of a reference building, energy and cost comparisons are carried out between an attic extension of cross laminated timber and wood construction assembled on site. Findings: The Swedish post-war housing stock shows high potential through renovation and attic extension, to positively influence the Swedish average specific energy use while simultaneously providing fast and cost effective urban densification. The heat insulating performance of cross laminated timber is, for an attic extension, equivalent that of an on-site assembled wood construction. However, calculations shows difficulties for post-war housing stock to achieve the requirements for Near Zero Energy Buildings. The cost for assembling extending structure and interior walls etc. reveals approximately 2,7 % savings with cross laminated timber. Implications: The report brings forth the possibilities regarding renovation of the Swedish post-war stock of multifamily housing and the advantages of doing so in combination with vertical attic extensions. There are good conditions for implementation of cross laminated timber walls even in Swedish extension projects, while having the potential to lower costs slightly and saving time in relation to on site construction. Even though the results depend a lot on the choice of prefabrication, the study has exposed a valid alternative for future attic extension projects. The report also reveals potential difficulties in achieving new energy requirements for renovation of older housing stock. Limitations: Verification of load capacity through constructional calculations are not performed in this inquiry. Calculating the life-cycle cost is not a part of this project, which instead focuses on economic efficiency during production. The report focuses its research at energy-saving measures and doesn’t concern measures regarding for example higher accessibility.

Energieffektivisering med fukthänsyn av ytterväggar på plankhus / Energy efficiency with moisture consideration of wooden walls on massive wooden house

Persson, Simon, Krantz, Edwin January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: Villas built before 1960 represent around 45% of the dwelling in Sweden. Since the average U-value in their walls is around 0,5 W/m2K, there is a great concern to improve  these values. The Swedish government's goal is to reduce energy intensity in the country by 2020 by 20 % from 2008’s values. The aim of this study is to reach phase renovation proposals taking into account energy and moisture on houses consisting of standing shelves. With this, the authors wish to contribute and encourage renovation of existing villas, which in turn can lead to reduced energy consumption. Method: This work is based on a case study of a 1940’s wooden house located in Skillingaryd. Measurements and parameters have been taken in order to calculate the house's specific energy usage in the BV2 analysis program. Document analyses and interviews have been used to get a deeper knowledge of existing conditions, and to suggest ways to utilise the material that the market offers nowadays. This should serve the purpose of creating as energy-efficient phase resolution as possible. Result: The study shows that an outer wall of a massive wooden house should keep a U-value of 0,15 W/m2K to meet the specific energy consumption of 90 kWh/m2 and year, when the other house is additional insulated. The study presents two refurbishment proposals supported by interviewed experts in the insulation and consulting industry. The first option leaves large parts of the old facade untouched, adding new insulation layers of the desired thickness. The second option advises to tear away all old panels into the shelf frame, thus re-building with new materials. Both proposals address the issue of how the facade should be refurbished in order to make it moisture proof. They mostly solve the problem by refurbishing it outwards and by eventually placing a vapor barrier for a maximum of one third in of the insulation. This vapor barrier may or may not be a watershed according to the experts. Some think it is unnecessary when the plank is considered sufficiently diffusion-proof; some believe that it will help to identify where a possible condensation might occur in the wall.  Consequences: The study shows that by means of additional insulation, BBR 24 recommended values ​​can be achieved for an exterior wall while keeping the façade moisture proof. One strength the study shows that the two reported renovation proposals achieve the same end result, although the interference on the facade varies in size. Therefore the authors of the above study recommend to tear down the old facade and build a new control wall with a finishing facade disc. This is when you face a vapor barrier on the façade with a vapor barrier that is laid on the old baselayer of the roof. Then a new roof construction could be built up with roof beams, shavings and roof tiles. As a result, a windy, yet proportional, construction can be created.   Restrictions: The study assumes that the entire house would be refurbished in order for the specific energy use to be possible. Furthermore, the work is based of a shelf shelter located at a particular geographical site. Due to this, the study also offers suggestions on wooden facades only.  Keyword: Plank body, Phase renovation, Specific energy use, diffusion, convection, U-value, air density.

Výroba stlačeného vzduchu v TŽ Třinec / Production of compressed air in the TZ Trinec

Kohut, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of this master’s thesis is description of the current technology of compressed air production in the grounds of Třinecké Železárny, a.s. (TZ). Compressed air for companies in the TZ area is manufactured and distributed by company Energetika Třinec, a.s. (ET). The part of the thesis is the preparation and execution of measurement including evaluation of specific energy consumption for production of compressed air by compressors of ET company. In conclusion there is proposed the possibility of substitution of compressors including the economic evaluation.

Graphol and vanadia-linkedzink-doped lithium manganese silicate nanoarchitectonic platforms for supercapatteries

Ndipingwi, Miranda Mengwi January 2020 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Energy storage technologies are rapidly being developed due to the increased awareness of global warming and growing reliance of society on renewable energy sources. Among various electrochemical energy storage technologies, high power supercapacitors and lithium ion batteries with excellent energy density stand out in terms of their flexibility and scalability. However, supercapacitors are handicapped by low energy density and batteries lag behind in power. Supercapatteries have emerged as hybrid devices which synergize the merits of supercapacitors and batteries with the likelihood of becoming the ultimate power sources for multi-function electronic equipment and electric/hybrid vehicles in the future. But the need for new and advanced electrodes is key to enhancing the performance of supercapatteries. Leading-edge technologies in material design such as nanoarchitectonics become very relevant in this regard. This work involves the preparation of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), pristine and zinc doped lithium manganese silicate (Li2MnSiO4) nanoarchitectures as well as their composites with hydroxylated graphene (G-ol) and carbon nanotubes (CNT). / 2023-12-01

Effects of mill rotational speed on the batch grinding kinetics of a UG2 platinum ore

Makgoale, Dineo Mokganyetji 11 1900 (has links)
In this study, the effect of speed was investigated on the breakage rate of UG2 platinum ore in a batch mill of 5 dm3 and 175 mm internal diameter. One size fraction method was carried out to perform the experiment. Five mono-sized fractions in the range of 1.180 mm to 0.212 mm separated by √2 series interval were prepared. The fractions were milled at different grinding times (0.5, 2, 4, 15 and 30 min) and three fractions of mill critical speed were considered (20%, 30%, and 40%). The target of critical speed below 50% was due to the need of lower energy consumption in milling processes. The selection and breakage function parameters were determined and compared for fractions of critical speed. First the grinding kinetics of the ore was determined and it was found that the material breaks in non-first order manner. Thereafter, effective mean rate of breakage was determined. It was found that the rate of breakage increased with increase of mill speed and optimum speed was not reached in the range of chosen mill speed fractions. Again the rate of breakage was plotted as a function of particle size, the optimum size was 0.8 mm when milling at 30% critical speed. As for 20% and 30% optimum size was not reached. The selection function parameters estimated at 30% critical speed were 𝑎0 = 0.04 min−1 , 𝛼 = 1.36, 𝜇 = 0.9 mm, and Λ = 3. Breakage function parameters were determined and was noticed that the material UG2 platinum ore is non-normalised, i.e. Φ value was changing from 0.25 to 0.90 depending on feed size and mill speed. The parameters 𝛽 and 𝛾 were constant at 7.3 and 1.17 respectively. / College of Science, Engineering and Technology / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

Beräkning av värmeenergiförluster i flerbostadshus genom analys av den totala fjärrvärmeenergianvändningen : / Calculation of the thermal energy losses in apartment buildings through analyze of the total district thermal energy consumption :

Fredhav, Dennis, Briggert Sjöstrand, Carl Andreas January 2012 (has links)
This thesis has been carried out on behalf of IV Produkt AB and intends to set an average ratio of thermal energy losses in apartment buildings that were built during the 1960-1990. This shall be derived by analyzing the total district energy consumption that has been divided into three parts: heat energy losses (the actual heating requirements), the heating of domestic hot water and heating energy consumption for the controlled ventilation. Three different residential areas that were built during the years 1962-1966 and one that was built in 1993 has been analyzed. All residential areas are located in Växjö urban and contains between four and six apartment buildings. The analyzed objects have a mechanical exhaust ventilation systems and district heating as the heating method. No own laboratory work or experiments have been done in this thesis, the calculations have been done on the basis of parameters from VEAB, interviews with property managers, and literature studies. By calculations, we have got a result that is reported in Chapter 6. The result is given as a thermal energy loss as a percentage of the total heat consumption. In this thesis there has also been a review of the rules on requirements for the specific energy consumptions in buildings, indoor environment and indoor temperature from the National Board of Housing and the National Board of Health and Welfare.

Thermal Snail : Design and Performance Evaluation of a Non-Electronic Autonomous Vehiclefor Harnessing Thermal Expansion of Volatile Fluid for Movement

Chen, Xin, Velin, Benjamin January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

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