Spelling suggestions: "subject:"byspecific languages"" "subject:"byspecific ianguages""
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Som att hänga upp en tavla du inte gillar : En intervjustudie om fyra gymnasielärares erfarenheter av att motivera elever till läsningEngström, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Läsning av skönlitteratur är en stor del av svenskämnet på gymnasieskolan men lärare har idag allt större bekymmer med att motivera sina elever till läsning. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka gymnasielärares erfarenheter av elevers motivation i samband med läsning. Arbetets teoretiska ram utgår från de motivationsteorier som Jenner (2004) och Imsen (2006) beskriver som behandlar yttre och inre motivation, där motivation kan ses ur ett kognitivt perspektiv när inre faktorer påverkar samt ur ett behavioristiskt perspektiv när det är yttre faktorer som påverkar. För att besvara syftet och frågeställningarna har halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med fyra svensklärare som alla är verksamma på gymnasiet. Resultatet visar att bokvalet är det mest avgörande i lärares arbete för att motivera sina elever till läsning. Resultatet visar också att det finns delade meningar om hur miljön runt omkring eleverna bör se ut i litteraturundervisningen. Det framgår också att det är viktigt att läraren tydliggör syftet med läsningen och att eleverna inte sätts under för stor press då de kan bli rädda för att misslyckas vilket i sin tur kan leda till en minskad motivation. Angående vad lärarna tror att det finns för orsaker till att skolan inte lyckas väcka läslusten hos alla elever framgår det att hemförhållandena är avgörande. Även den tidigare skolgången innan gymnasiet verkar vara avgörande då många elever påstår sig aldrig ha läst en bok under grundskolan. Det mest avgörande för att skolan inte lyckas väcka läslusten verkar dock vara att det finns stor konkurrens utanför skolan idag. Elever har idag många andra fritidsintressen än tidigare och många elever väljer att använda digitala och sociala medier istället för att läsa en bok. / <p>Svenska</p>
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Nybyggarmål i ny tid : En diskursanalytisk studie av norrbottniska dialekters beskrivningar i tre läroböckerPettersson, Erica January 2019 (has links)
I denna uppsats kartläggs och analyseras beskrivningar av norrbottniska dialekter som presenteras i tre inflytelserika läromedel i dialektologi. Detta har gjorts i syfte att undersöka hur beskrivningarna kan kopplas till begreppet dialekt samt huruvida beskrivningarna kan relateras till identitetsskapandet hos talare av norrbottniska dialekter. Materialet utgörs av Elias Wesséns Våra folkmål (1969), Bengt Pamps Svenska dialekter (1978) och Gertrud Petterssons Svenska språket under sjuhundra år (2005). Uppsatsen använder sig av den diskursanalytiska nivån dispositiv. Genom metoden kontrasteras materialets beskrivningar av språket i södra respektive norra Norrbotten. Resultatet visar att materialets beskrivningar av språket i norra Norrbotten är ytliga och i vissa fall icke-existerande. Studiens slutsats är att materialet reproducerar en dialektologiskt traditionell bild av norrbottniskt språk, som inte stämmer överens med områdets faktiska språkförhållanden. Till sist visar studien även på ett behov av ny forskning om språket i norra Norrbotten.
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La influencia del género en el uso de la cortesía verbal / The influence of gender in the use of verbal courtesyAndersson, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
The objective of the essay is to discover whether gender is a variable that affects the way to apply one of the pragmatics fields, that is, the verbal courtesy. In the second aspect, the aim also consists in exploring which of the different courtesy strategies each gender tends to use. At last, the purpose is also to analyse and determine if the application of the verbal courtesy between men and women change according to the geographic location. To be able to conduct the essay, a survey will be distributed at the University of Stockholm and at the University of Malaga. The survey contains questions which alternatives are related to the different courtesy strategies, which will make it possible to establish men and women’s ways of using verbal courtesy respectively.This research illustrates that the utilization of the verbal courtesy differs between men and women since they use the courtesy strategies with a different frequency. Nevertheless, there is not a marked difference since they both tend to use the same strategies. In addition, the result also shows that women use more often than men three of the strategies that have the major focus on the politeness. It furthermore shows that men tend to use a strategy that is a more direct way of making speech acts, comparing to women. Ultimately, there is a difference of the use of verbal courtesy between the people of each gender more noticeable in the University of Stockholm, due to the strategy that men use the least, off-record, is not corresponding to the one that women are using the least, which is bald on-record.
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Language Evolution to Reduce Code CloningNovakovic, Marko January 2013 (has links)
Domain-specific languages can significantly speed up the development of software applications. However, it usually takes a few iterations of the language design before it achieves such power. At the same time, many domains tend to evolve quite often today, which implies that domain-specific languages have to evolve accordingly. Thus, being able to evolve a language in a painless manner is crucial. Unfortunately, current state-of-the-art research does not provide enough answers on how to efficiently evolve domain-specific languages.
We present an approach to evolving a language in order to reduce the amount of code cloning it introduces. The approach specifically targets those languages whose design causes users to create many duplicated code segments.
We target domain-specific languages as they tend to be more challenging to evolve due to their specifics, but the approach may be applicable to general purpose programming languages as well. The approach was tested on a real-world domain-specific language that is used in a financial domain. We proposed three improvements and current users helped us evaluate them. We found that the proposed improvements would reduce code cloning, which provides evidence that the approach can be used in a real-world environment.
Furthermore, this work provides a solid basis for further research in the area of application of code cloning detection results. In particular, code cloning detection results and the ideas we presented show potential to be extended and used to facilitate domain analysis.
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FLECS: A Data-Driven Framework for Rapid Protocol PrototypingBeg, Mirza Omer January 2007 (has links)
Flecs is a framework for facilitating rapid implementation of communication protocols.
Forwarding functionality of protocols can be modeled as a combination of packet processing components called abstract switching elements or Ases. The design of Ases is constrained by the axioms of communication which enables us to formally analyze forwarding mechanisms in communication networks. Ases can be connected in a directed graph to define complex forwarding functionality. We have developed Flecs on top of the Click modular router. The compilers in the Flecs framework translate protocol specifications into its Click implementation. We claim that the use of our framework reduces the implementation time by allowing the programmer to specify Ases and the forwarding configuration in a high-level meta-language and produces reasonably efficient implementations. It allows rapid prototyping through configuration, as well as
specialized implementation of performance-critical functionality through inheritance.
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FLECS: A Data-Driven Framework for Rapid Protocol PrototypingBeg, Mirza Omer January 2007 (has links)
Flecs is a framework for facilitating rapid implementation of communication protocols.
Forwarding functionality of protocols can be modeled as a combination of packet processing components called abstract switching elements or Ases. The design of Ases is constrained by the axioms of communication which enables us to formally analyze forwarding mechanisms in communication networks. Ases can be connected in a directed graph to define complex forwarding functionality. We have developed Flecs on top of the Click modular router. The compilers in the Flecs framework translate protocol specifications into its Click implementation. We claim that the use of our framework reduces the implementation time by allowing the programmer to specify Ases and the forwarding configuration in a high-level meta-language and produces reasonably efficient implementations. It allows rapid prototyping through configuration, as well as
specialized implementation of performance-critical functionality through inheritance.
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Language Evolution to Reduce Code CloningNovakovic, Marko January 2013 (has links)
Domain-specific languages can significantly speed up the development of software applications. However, it usually takes a few iterations of the language design before it achieves such power. At the same time, many domains tend to evolve quite often today, which implies that domain-specific languages have to evolve accordingly. Thus, being able to evolve a language in a painless manner is crucial. Unfortunately, current state-of-the-art research does not provide enough answers on how to efficiently evolve domain-specific languages.
We present an approach to evolving a language in order to reduce the amount of code cloning it introduces. The approach specifically targets those languages whose design causes users to create many duplicated code segments.
We target domain-specific languages as they tend to be more challenging to evolve due to their specifics, but the approach may be applicable to general purpose programming languages as well. The approach was tested on a real-world domain-specific language that is used in a financial domain. We proposed three improvements and current users helped us evaluate them. We found that the proposed improvements would reduce code cloning, which provides evidence that the approach can be used in a real-world environment.
Furthermore, this work provides a solid basis for further research in the area of application of code cloning detection results. In particular, code cloning detection results and the ideas we presented show potential to be extended and used to facilitate domain analysis.
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On the construction of reliable device driversRyzhyk, Leonid, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is dedicated to the problem of device driver reliability. Software defects in device drivers constitute the biggest source of failure in operating systems, causing significant damage through downtime and data loss. Previous research on driver reliability has concentrated on detecting and mitigating defects in existing drivers using static analysis or runtime isolation. In contrast, this dissertation presents an approach to reducing the number of defects through an improved device driver architecture and development process. In analysing factors that contribute to driver complexity and induce errors, I show that a large proportion of errors are due to two key shortcomings in the device-driver architecture enforced by current operating systems: poorly-defined communication protocols between drivers and the operating system, which confuse developers and lead to protocol violations, and a multithreaded model of computation, which leads to numerous race conditions and deadlocks. To address the first shortcoming, I propose to describe driver protocols using a formal, state-machine based, language, which avoids confusion and ambiguity and helps driver writers implement correct behaviour. The second issue is addressed by abandoning multithreading in drivers in favour of a more disciplined event-driven model of computation, which eliminates most concurrency-related faults. These improvements reduce the number of defects without radically changing the way drivers are developed. In order to further reduce the impact of human error on driver reliability, I propose to automate the driver development process by synthesising the implementation of a driver from the combination of three formal specifications: a device-class specification that describes common properties of a class of similar devices, a device specification that describes a concrete representative of the class, and an operating system interface specification that describes the communication protocol between the driver and the operating system. This approach allows those with the most appropriate skills and knowledge to develop specifications: device specifications are developed by device manufacturers, operating system specifications by the operating system designers. The device-class specification is the only one that requires understanding of both hardware and software-related issues. However writing such a specification is a one-off task that only needs to be completed once for a class of devices. This approach also facilitates the reuse of specifications: a single operating-system specification can be combined with many device specifications to synthesise drivers for multiple devices. Likewise, since device specifications are independent of any operating system, drivers for different systems can be synthesised from a single device specification. As a result, the likelihood of errors due to incorrect specifications is reduced because these specifications are shared by many drivers. I demonstrate that the proposed techniques can be incorporated into existing operating systems without sacrificing performance or functionality by presenting their implementation in Linux. This implementation allows drivers developed using these techniques to coexist with conventional Linux drivers, providing a gradual migration path to more reliable drivers.
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Ordet apartheid i utvidgad betydelse och som metafor : En korpusstudie av bruket i svenska tidningar åren 2001–2013Månsson, Ninnie January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to show how the word apartheid is used in Swedish newspapers 2001–2013, when it’s not referring to the former system of racial segregation in South Africa. One part of the study focuses on the linguistic structure of the metaphorical use and the other part analyses the phenomena that are described with the metaphor apartheid. A corpus study is carried out in Korp from Språkbanken and finds 329 tokens of the word apartheid that indicate semantic broadening or metaphorical use. 156 of them are compounds, in which apartheid can appear as either head or modifier. The most frequent phenomenon to be conceptualized as apartheid is the political situation in Israel/Palestine. Other frequent themes are ethnic/religious/national groups of people, gender, migration and immigration and the former racial segregation in the U.S.
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Valbroschyrernas modelläsareLindberg, Simon January 2018 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen studeras valbroschyrer från tre svenska partier utgivna åren 1998 och 2010 för att identifiera modelläsarna i dessa broschyrer. De tre partierna är Moderaterna, Socialdemokraterna och Sverigedemokraterna. Modelläsare är den presupponerade läsaren av en text som kan sägas vara den som avsändaren av texten riktar sig mot. Modelläsaren är textintern vilket innebär att det är en identitet som skapas på olika nivåer i texten. Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera hur modelläsarna konstrueras i broschyrerna, vilka egenskaper de ger uttryck för, om de skiljer sig partierna emellan och om det skett en förändring av modell-läsaren mellan de två årtalen. Metoden som används grundar sig i den systemisk-funktionella grammatiken, en grammatikmodell som utgår från språkets betydelse. Analysen delas in i två huvudkategorier, den skriftliga analysen och bildanalysen. I den skriftliga analysen undersöks först den ideationella betydelsen i form av textens processer och deltagare. Det andra steget består av att analysera den interpersonella betydelsen i form av språkhandlingar, modalitet distans och attityder. I den skriftliga analysens sista del analyseras textens presuppositioner, det innebär vad som kan antas om modelläsaren i form av bland annat sociala och kulturella egenskaper. Bildanalysen består av två steg. Först studeras den ideationella betydelsen där, precis som i den skriftliga analysen, processanvändningen står i fokus. Det andra steget är den interpersonella betydelsen då bildhandlingarna i bilderna analyseras samt distans och attityder. Undersökningens resultat visar sex individuella modelläsare som har både likheter och olikheter sig emellan, både över partigränser och mellan årtalen. Ett övergripande mönster som exempelvis syns är att modelläsare i oppositionspartiers broschyrer i större utsträckning ser negativt på rådande samhällsläge och regering till skillnad från modelläsare som tillhör regerande partier. Alla tre partiers modelläsare förändras mellan årtalen till olika grad där den sverigedemokratiske visar upp störst förändring.
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