Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sport."" "subject:"aport.""
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De bortglömda "grabbarna" : - Faktorer som påverkar pojkars deltagande i idrott och hälsa i årkurs 9Henrysson, Petter January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Understanding coaching as a judgement and decision making process : implications for coach development practiceAbraham, Andrew January 2015 (has links)
In completing this thesis I am interested in two broad questions; what is coaching and how do we develop it? Surprisingly after nearly forty years of coaching research there is no agreed answer to these questions in the literature. This is perhaps not that surprising since other more established roles such as teaching are still struggling with answering this sort of ontological question after many more years of research. Despite this struggle, I focus my attention on applying the theory of Professional Judgement and Decision Making (PJDM) to understanding what coaching is and what the implications are for coach development. In taking this approach and seeking answers to the broad questions I present five substantive chapters, two of which are critical desk top studies, the other three being empirical studies. These are wrapped in introduction (Chapter 1) and conclusion (Chapter 7) chapters. Chapter 2 presents what PJDM is and how it can work as a parsimonious theory to draw in current coaching literature to understand what coaching is and how it can work. Chapter 3 presents data from long jump coaches that suggests that coaches are capable of engaging and do engage in PJDM but only when pressured to do so. Prior to this, the coaches preferred to take more of a folk, experiential, gut feeling approach to solving a contextualised coaching problem. Building from Chapter 3, Chapter 4 identifies how individual differences in how coaches view knowledge and learning can explain their willingness to engage in PJDM and aligned formal coach development activities. More specifically, that coaches with a dualistic view on learning and knowledge will shy away from or even disrupt coach development that confuses their view on the world. Alternatively, coaches with a more relativistic view will actively seek out new knowledge to improve their understanding of coaching and athlete development. Drawing on the findings of the thesis to this point Chapter 5 identifies that to improve coaches’ willingness and capacity to engage in PJDM the biggest impact must come from formal coach education. As such Chapter 5 offers a summary of a broad range of empirical and theoretical research and how an aligned application of this research can lead to more impactful formal coach development. Chapter 6, builds from Chapter 5 by noting that more impactful formal coach development will require more professional coach developers. As such, in this chapter I define what a high performing coach developer should know and be capable of. This definition was subsequently used to develop of Postgraduate Certificate in Coach Education for The Football Association. To conclude therefore, I deliver answers to the two broad questions set at the beginning of the thesis. Firstly and briefly, coaching is a PJDM process that draws on formal, theoretical knowledge to solve coaching problems and make decisions leading to the achievement of goals. Secondly, that to develop coaches capable of PJDM, coach development must practice what it preaches and engage in creating development programmes that are supported by theoretical and empirical research relating to programme development, adult learning, curriculum building and individual differences.
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Lifestyles and leisure participationMcInnes, Hamish Alan January 1989 (has links)
The objectives of this research are twofold; firstly, to provide a more complete appraisal of leisure participation than hitherto available, and secondly, to see whether or not leisure lifestyles can be identified on the basis of people's behaviour. Leisure life styles of individuals are poorly understood. Research to date has concentrated on specific activities or the use of facilities. It has been almost wholly descriptive in nature. This thesis aims to examine individual leisure behaviour with particular reference to the neglected sphere of informal and home based leisure.
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The development of a computer-based objectives, actions, and opinions model to facilitate improved public consultation with regards to the planning of tourism in the historic city of Chester, EnglandSnaith, Timothy Guy January 1999 (has links)
At the outset, the purpose of this research was to establish a framework that, once in place, could identify and monitor changes in residents' opinions of tourism development in the cities of York, Bath and Chester in England. As well as establishing a framework, it was also anticipated that comparative analysis might well establish a basis for theory development regarding the social impacts of tourism on residents of historic cities in England. As the research developed, it became increasingly apparent that although the studies were providing an interesting benchmark of the social impacts of tourism in historic cities, they said little about residents' opinions regarding the planning actions taken by local government to manage tourism development. The three social impact studies proved interesting in that similarities and differences were found within and between the resident populations. Their most important contribution however is that they: 1) provided a response to the established need for more extensive longitudinal and comparative urban tourism research; 2) documented residents' opinions of tourism in three historic cities; 3) established a reliable sampling methodology for use in urban environments; 4) contributed a most important basis for the subsequent redirection of this doctoral research in that they led to the recognition that the social impacts of tourism should be investigated at the planning action level and not purely on a general level. In recognition of this observation, this research sought to develop a second framework that would enable residents to evaluate the specific tourism planning objectives and actions undertaken by local government. In order to achieve this, three further research phases were designed. The objectives of these phases were: 1) to establish the strategic tourism planning objectives and actions of local government in England (research phase II); 2) to develop a conceptual model which established a valid association of distinct planning actions with specific objectives (research phase II); 3) to investigate the commitment of local government to conducting resident tourism surveys (research phase III); 4) to utilise the information attained in the earlier research phases to develop a new methodology which is operationalised through the development of a computer model (research phase IV); 5) to involve the tourism officers in historic cities in the evaluation of this new methodology in terms of its potential to capture residents' opinions and improve the potential for more meaningful public consultation in the tourism environment (research phase IV).
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Vad är en rörelse av komplex karaktär? : Ett projektarbete med gruppintervjuer om en intervention / What is a movement of complex character? : A project work with group interviews about an interventionEhn, Amanda, Höglund, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med projektet är att undersöka rörelser av komplex karaktär. I särskilt fokus står hur elever upplever och beskriver i projektet specifikt valda rörelser av komplex karaktär. Men även hur olika rörelsekvalitéer kan skilja sig åt. Frågeställningarna lyder: · Hur upplever elever rörelser av komplex karaktär? · På vilket sätt skiljer sig olika rörelsekvalitéer i undervisningen enligt eleverna? Metod: Projektet har en kvalitativ forskningsansats med intervjuer. För att synliggöra elevers syn på komplexa rörelser samt hur olika rörelsekvalitéer skiljer sig i undervisningen enligt eleverna har en gymnasieklass valts ut för att genomföra tre lektioner med tre efterföljande gruppintervjuer med fyra elever. Resultat: Intervjuerna visar genomgående att komplexa rörelser handlar om att göra flera saker samtidigt. När eleverna pratar om komplexa rörelser beskriver de att rörelser blir mer komplexa när de måste tänka samtidigt som de rör sig. Att göra en rörelse kontrollerat och snabbt är ytterligare kriterier för att göra en rörelse mer komplex, enligt eleverna. Eleverna är även medvetna om att en komplexitet inom rörelse innebär att de måste tänka skadeförebyggande samt att de måste tänka utanför sig själva. Vad för bakgrund och erfarenheter eleverna har utgör en betydelse för hur de olika rörelserna upplevs. I rörelselärande påverkas eleverna enligt dem själva av lektionsinnehållet, hur de får lära sig rörelser samt hur läraren undervisar. Eleverna anser att det finns tydliga skillnader mellan de olika betygsnivåerna. Slutsats: Eleverna anser att rörelsers komplexitet grundas i en motoriskt skicklig kontroll av kroppen i olika idrotter och fysiska aktiviteter. Det ställer krav på att flera olika kroppsrörelser involveras samtidigt. I utvecklandet av en komplexitet i rörelseutförandet påverkas elevernas av deras egna idrottsliga bakgrund. Olika rörelsekvalitéer kan urskiljas genom uppmärksamhet på hur pass tajmat eller snabbt rörelsen utförs. / Purpose and aim: The purpose of this project is to examine movements of complex character. This means, how students experience and describe movements of complex character. And also, how different movement qualities can differ. The main questions are: • How are students experiencing movements of complex character? • In what way do different movement qualities differ in teaching according to the students? Method: The project has a qualitative research method and is completed through interviews. To highlight the students, view on complex movements and how different movement qualities can differ, a class from a gymnasium was three lectures performed and later on three group interviews were held with four students in each group. Results: The result of the student interviews shows that most of the students agree that doing several things at the same time makes movements more complex. In the same way, many of the students think that movements are more complex when they need to think at the same time as they move. To do movements in a controlled and fast way are two other criteria that makes a movement more complex according to the students. The students are also aware that complex movements make them consider prevention of injury and what is going on around them to a higher degree. Background and earlier experiences are of big importance when it comes to how the students execute and experience different movements. In movement learning the students influences according to themselves by the lesson content, how they learn movement and how the teacher instructs. The students think that there are clear differences between the different grading levels. Conclusion: The students believe that the complexity of movements is based on a motorily skilled body control in various sports and physical activities. It requires multiple body movements to be involved simultaneously. In the development of a complexity in the performance of the movement, the students are affected by their own sports background. Different movement qualities can be distinguished by paying attention to how fast or fast the motion is performed.
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Idrottslärares arbete med hälsa i ämnet idrott och hälsa : En kvalitativ studie om hälsoundervisningen på en gymnasiesärskolaLidholm, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med studien är att undersöka lärarnas arbete med hälsa i skolämnet idrott och hälsa på en gymnasiesärskola. För att uppnå studiens syfte har följande frågeställningar formulerats: På vilka sätt arbetar lärare med hälsa inom ramen för ämnet idrott och hälsa på en gymnasiesärskola? Vilka perspektiv på hälsa framkommer? Metod: Metoden som använts är en kvalitativ intervjumetod där sju lärare från en gymnasiesärskola i Stockholm intervjuats. Intervjuguiden bestod av semistrukturerade intervjufrågor för att ha möjlighet att styra samtalet med eventuella följdfrågor. Intervjuerna spelades in och därefter analyserades intervjumaterialet utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Resultat: Resultatet visar att lärarna upplever hälsa abstrakt och därmed svårt att förhålla sig till. Lärarna anser att eleverna har svårt att tänka långsiktigt gällande hälsa, men enklare med det som händer här och nu. Flera av lärarna liknar hälsa med att må bra och beskriver hälsa utifrån deras hälsocirkel som består av: social hälsa, fysisk hälsa, återhämtning och kost. Lärarnas sätt att arbeta med hälsa inom ämnet idrott och hälsa sker främst i samband med en fysisk aktivitet. De ser den fysiska motionen som viktig samt att flera av lärarna ser svårigheter med att enbart ha teoretiska lektioner. En stor del av hälsoundervisningen på gymnasiesärskolan handlar om att testa på och uppleva aktiviteter som eleverna även kan göra i framtiden. Det läggs stor vikt på temadagar och ämnesöverskridandearbete för att bidra till den sociala hälsan. Eftersom eleverna på gymnasiesärskolan har olika begränsningar ligger även stort fokus på individanpassning. Slutsats: Tidigare forskning tillsammans med denna studie visar att arbetet med hälsa inom ämnet idrott och hälsa framförallt upptas av den fysiska hälsan. Vidare menar lärarna att den fysiska hälsan bör prioriteras eftersom den bidrar med stora hälsovinster. Lärarna har som mål att eleverna ska känna sig trygga och bekväma att utföra olika fysiska aktiviteter efter avslutade studier.
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Jag kan inte serva! : en studie om skador hos ungdomar i samband med tennisservenvon Schewelov, Martinique January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställning Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka som är de vanligaste skadorna inom tennis i samband med serverörelsen. Studien ämnar undersöka om det finns några skillnader i förekomst av skada vid utförandet av de tre olika servetyperna kick-, flack- och sliceserve, samt om det förekommer några skillnader mellan pojkar och flickor. Frågorna som undersöks är vilka skador som är vanliga i samband med serverörelsen, vilka skillnader som förekommer gällande skadeförekomst vid de tre serveteknikerna, samt upplevd orsak till skadeuppkomst. Hypotesen är baserad på Kovacs och Ellenbeckers modell om teknikskillnader i serverörelsen, och att skadorna i samband med serverörelsen uppstår på grund av bristfällig teknik och/eller bristfällig fysisk kapacitet. Metod Studien är utförd med en enkätstudie på 14 i Sverige tävlingsaktiva juniorer i åldrarna 13-16 år. Enkäten är skapad och analyserad i det webbaserade programmet SurveyMonkey. Resultaten är sammanställda och analyserade utifrån en 8-stegs serveanalysmodell som tagits fram specifikt för tennis. Resultat Studiens resultat visade att axelskador, rygg- och bålskador är vanligt förekommande bland spelarna (5,5 skador/pojke och 1,8 skador/flicka). Det var ingen skillnad i skadetyp eller grad av smärta beroende på vilken typ av serveteknik som användes. Skillnader mellan könen förekommer enbart i förmågan att utföra samtliga tre servetekniker. Inga bevis för att bristfällig teknik och fysisk kapacitet skulle vara orsaken till skada kunde hittas, för detta behövs mer omfattande studier utföras. Slutsats Studien bekräftade resultat i tidigare studier med avseende på att de vanligaste skadorna i samband med serverörelsen i tennis är i övre delen av kroppen, framför allt axel och rygg. Resultaten kunde inte visa någon skillnad i skadetyp beroende på vilken serveteknik som utövas. / <p>Ämneslärarprogrammet, Specialidrott</p>
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Changing times : discovering how openly lesbian athletes navigate team sportBullingham, Rachael January 2016 (has links)
Research on lesbian athletes’ experiences is dated, with the majority being conducted in the 1980s and early 1990s. However, the 1980s represent a unique socio-cultural period, one Anderson (2009b) describes as homohysteric. Thus, as society has become more inclusive in previous generations, including within women’s sport (Fink et al 2012; Anderson & Bullingham 2013) and men’s sport (Anderson 2000, 2002, 2005a, 2005b, 2009b, 2011a; Adams & Anderson 2011) there is a need to reconsider the relationship between homophobia and sport. Semi-structured interviews from 31 lesbian athletes (from beginner to international standard players) were analysed using the coding procedures within Charmaz’ approach to grounded theory (Charmaz 2006). Results were subsequently applied to the adapted model of homohysteria (Anderson 2009b; Worthen 2014). Memos were used throughout the coding procedure to aid reflexivity and to ensure that results were grounded in data. Results show athletes competing in a positive environment, gaining support from teammates and coaches. Social situations were fully inclusive, including attending socials in LGBT friendly bars, demonstrating that fear surrounding the lesbian label has declined. Language has helped to develop this inclusive atmosphere; talking about sexuality has been shown to negate the environment of silence formerly experienced by lesbian athletes. This change in environment has changed how athletes ‘come out’. No longer do athletes need to prepare a statement; in fact coming out has become something of a non-event. Some athletes were even able to demonstrate an improvement in their professional lives, due to the diminished requirement to conceal their (homo)sexuality. However, some athletes still shunned the lesbian label, not through fear but by deeming it an unimportant facet of their individuality. Additionally, players’ athletic capital had no effect on their acceptance within the team, with the exception of international athletes. Participants faced very limited incidence of homophobia, but in those cases where homophobia was experienced, they would actively challenge the negative behaviour or language, as would their teammates. The supportive environment extended to providing advice and comfort to any athletes struggling with the process of coming out. In addition, participants in some cases became role models for their teammates. While the majority of the results were positive, there remained room for improvement in certain areas. There is still clear evidence that the environment has not changed for all athletes and there remain some areas to be addressed by sporting administrations. Old stereotypes of the predatory lesbian or the affective nature of sport on sexuality were raised by participants but tended to refer to historic events (over 10 years old).
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En jämförelse av aerob högintensiv intervallträning kombinerad med styrketräning och upprepad sprint kombinerad med styrketräningFredriksson, Filip, Johansson, Victor January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Mental träning och spänningsreglering i ämnet Idrott och hälsaKropp, Angelina January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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