Spelling suggestions: "subject:"asteroid"" "subject:"enteroid""
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Androgen receptors in the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo: CDNA cloning and tissue-specific expression in the male reproductive tractTyminski, John P 01 June 2007 (has links)
Androgens and the androgen receptor (AR) play important roles in virilization, spermatogenesis, and sexual behavior in vertebrates. An understanding of the distribution and levels of expression of the ARs on the cellular and tissue level demonstrates the pattern of responsiveness to the androgenic hormones in a given organism. In this study, a fragment of the AR gene was cloned and sequenced from the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo, an elasmobranch species with a well-defined annual reproductive cycle. Acquiring this gene sequence facilitated the construction of species-specific AR polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers and species-specific AR mRNA probes that were used to screen reproductive tissues for evidence of AR gene expression using reverse transcription (RT)-PCR and in situ hybridization (ISH), respectively. The RT-PCR screens demonstrated AR gene expression in the testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles, and claspers of male sharks.
The use of relative PCR revealed that these organs have variable levels of AR gene expression that significantly differ with the stage of the shark's seasonal reproductive cycle. ISH results localized the AR RNA in the interstitial cells, Sertoli cells, and developing sperm of the testes, and mature spermatozoa within the seminal vesicles and the epididymides. Immunocytochemical methods used to detect the AR protein using a rabbit polyclonal antibody, PG-21, produced comparable results in the shark testes but did not yield positive results in the seminal vesicles or the epididymides. However, the Leydig gland, whose secretions contribute to the seminal fluid, demonstrated consistent AR immunoreactivity. Results of ICC in male and female embryos of S. tiburo revealed AR protein in the developing kidney but not in the embryonic reproductive structures.
By characterizing AR distribution in the reproductive tract of male S. tiburo, this study provides the basis for future research on the direct and indirect effects of androgenic hormones in this species.
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Tissue tumor marker expression in normal cervical tissue and in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, for women who are at high risk of human papilloma virus infection, are smokers, contraceptive users or in fertile ageSamir, Raghad January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this research was to study the correlation between tissue tumor marker expression and HR-HPV infection, smoking, hormonal contraceptive use and sex steroids in women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or normal epithelium. The study investigated the expression of 11 tumor markers in cervical biopsies obtained from 228 women with different diagnoses ranging from normal cervical epithelium to various stages of CIN. 188 women were recruited at our colposcopy clinic (out-patient surgery, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Falun Hospital) for laser cervical conization or a directed punch biopsy, either because of a vaginal smear (Pap smear) that showed cytological findings suggesting CIN, or because of repeated findings showing atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS). For 40 volunteers, punch biopsies were taken from the normal cervical epithelium. The time period for this study was 2005-2007. Study I : 228 women, of whom 116 were tested, 64 were positive to HR-HPV. The results showed that Ki67 tumor cell proliferation index was the only marker that independently correlated to both the presence of HR-HPV and the severity of cervical lesions. Study II: 228 women, of whom 83 were smokers (36, 9%). Smokers showed lower expression of p53, FHIT (tumor suppressor markers) and interleukin-10 .Higher expression of Cox-2 and Ki-67 (tumor proliferation markers). Study III: 195 women who were premenopausal. There was increased p53 expression (tumor suppressor) in the progestin-IUD users compared to non-users. Decreased IL-10 expression (immunological marker) was observed in both COC users and any progestin-only users. Study IV: Serum from 80 premenopausal women was available. The main finding was that the increased levels of serum progesterone and estradiol were associated with increased Cox-2 expression (proliferation marker). Serum progesterone and estradiol levels influence cellular and extracellular proteins which have been associated with neoplastic development in normal epithelium and CIN. Conclusion: The results of these studies support previous epidemiological findings on the role of smoking, contraceptive use and sex steroids as co-factors in development of CIN and that tumor marker expression varies in different grades of CIN.
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Reproductive Biomarkers to Identify Endocrine Disruption in a Native Endangered Fish, Bonytail Chub (Gila elegans), Exposed to Treated EffluentParetti, Nick January 2007 (has links)
We exposed a native endangered species, bonytail chub (Gila elegans), to graded concentrations of secondarily-treated effluent. At the end of each treatment period, we collected water from all raceways and samples were analyzed for the presence of 83 organic wastewater compounds. We extracted blood plasma from control and treatment fish in each raceway and samples were analyzed for hormones, 17β-estradiol and 11-ketotestosterone, and the egg yolk protein, vitellogenin.17β-estradiol concentrations were consistently lower in treatment females than those detected in control females. The 17β-estradiol and vitellogenin concentrations were always higher in treatment males than those found in control males. Concentrations of 11-ketotestosterone were consistently lower in treatment males than those detected in control males.Endocrine disrupting effects occurred in male and female fish exposed to low concentrations of effluent. Changes in hormone levels suggested a feminizing effect in treatment male fish and an androgenizing effect in treatment female fish.
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Human pregnancy is characterized by significant increases in central ventilatory drive and perceived respiratory discomfort (breathlessness). The physiological mechanisms of hyperventilation and breathlessness in pregnancy remain largely unknown and understudied.
Objective: The main purpose of this research was to elucidate the mechanisms of maternal hyperventilation, and to systematically examine the contribution of alterations in central ventilatory drive, static/dynamic respiratory mechanics and their interaction with respect to the intensity of perceived breathlessness during exercise in pregnancy.
General Methods: Experiments were conducted between 34-38 wks gestation and again 4-5 months post-partum in a total of 35 healthy, young women. A comprehensive mathematical model of ventilatory control was used to examine the role of alterations in wakefulness and central chemoreflex drives to breathe, acid-base balance and female sex hormones in maternal hyperventilation. The effects of pregnancy on detailed ventilatory (breathing pattern, airway function, operating lung volumes, esophageal pressure-derived indices of respiratory mechanics) and perceptual (breathing and leg discomfort) responses to incremental cycle exercise to the limits of tolerance were also examined.
Results: Maternal hyperventilation resulted from a complex interaction between alterations in arterial and central acid-base balance and other factors that directly affect ventilation, including increased wakefulness and central chemoreflex drives to breathe, increased metabolism and decreased cerebral blood flow. Mechanical adaptations of the respiratory system, including recruitment of resting inspiratory capacity and reduced airway resistance, accommodated the increased demand for tidal volume expansion during exercise in pregnancy, while preserving effort-displacement and breathlessness-ventilation relationships. Variation in the severity of gestational breathlessness could not be explained by respiratory mechanical/muscular factors, but ultimately reflected variation in the amplitude of maternal hyperventilation and temporal desensitization to the sensory consequences of increased ventilation.
Conclusion: Our results indicated that 1) the hyperventilation and attendant hypocapnia/alkalosis of pregnancy can be explained by alterations in wakefulness and central chemoreflex drives to breathe, acid-base balance, metabolic rate and cerebral blood flow; 2) mechanical adaptations of the respiratory system obviated the anticipated rise in perceived breathlessness for a given ventilation during exercise in pregnancy, and helped to ensure that peak aerobic working capacity was admirably preserved, even in late gestation; and 3) gestational breathlessness ultimately reflected the normal awareness of increased ventilation and contractile respiratory muscle effort. / Thesis (Ph.D, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2008-08-28 16:01:40.78
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Morphologische und immunzytochemische Charakterisierung der Gonaden männlicher PapageienvögelReitemeier, Susanne 10 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Gefährdete Spezies in Menschenobhut zu reproduzieren und zu erhalten soll dem weltweiten Rückgang zahlreicher Papageienarten entgegenwirken. Der Erfolg solcher Zuchtprogramme wird unter anderem durch begrenzte Kenntnisse über physiologische und pathologische Vorgänge im Fortpflanzungssystem dieser Vogelordnung erschwert.
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Etablierung aussagekräftiger Parameter zur Einordnung des Reproduktionsstatus von männlichen Papageienvögeln. Dabei wurde ein Probenumfang fixierter, männlicher Reproduktionsorgane acht verschiedener Gattungen mit standardisierten histologischen und immunzytochemischen Methoden untersucht. Im Vordergrund stand die morphologische Beurteilung der untersuchten Gonaden im Bezug auf Fortpflanzungsaktivität und -status. Gleichzeitig sollten die immunzytochemischen Analysen Aufschluss über die beteiligten Hormone und Enzyme geben. Für die Etablierung vogel-spezifischer Marker wurde als Vertreter der Psittaciformes der Wellensittich (Melopsittacus undulatus, n=45) als Modellspezies ausgewählt. 15 verschiedene Antikörper aus der Gruppe der Steroidrezeptoren, steroidogenen Enzyme, Relaxinpeptide und Proliferationsmarker wurden an dieser Art getestet. Anschließend erfolgte der Transfer der erarbeiteten Methodik auf sieben weitere Papageiengattungen (Nymphicus, Eolophus, Cacatua, Psittacus, Amazona, Ara, Cyanopsitta).
Anhand der Histologie konnten alle untersuchten Gonaden den drei verschiedenen Reproduktionsstadien aktiv, intermediär und inaktiv zugeordnet werden. Hierbei wurden Kriterien wie die Ausdehnung von Samenkanälchen und Interstitium, Morphologie des Keimepithels, Vorhandensein von Lipofuszin in den Samenkanälchen sowie die Teilungsaktivität von Keimzellen herangezogen. Aktive Hoden zeigen ausgedehnte Tubuli und ein schmales Interstitium, ein Keimepithel mit allen Keimzellstadien, wenig Lipofuszin und eine hohe Teilungsaktivität bei den Keimzellen. Inaktive Hoden hingegen besitzen schmale Tubuli und ein breites Interstitium, ein Keimepithel bestehend aus Sertoli-Zellen und Spermatogonien, Massen an Lipofuszin im Lumen der Samenkanälchen und eine geringe Proliferationsrate der Keimzellen.
14 der 15 getesteten Marker konnten mittels Immunzytochemie erfolgreich am Wellensittich etabliert werden. Hinsichtlich der Einordnung des Reproduktionsstatus war in erster Linie ein Absinken der steroidogenen Enzymaktivität von 3β-Hydroxysteroid-Dehydrogenase (HSD) und 17β-HSD-2 bei sexuell inaktiven gegenüber aktiven und intermediären Tieren zu verzeichnen. Auch der Androgenrezeptor (AR) wurde im Ruhestadium nicht mehr exprimiert. Die übrigen Steroidrezeptoren, steroidogenen Enzyme und Relaxinpeptide zeigten variable zelluläre Verteilungsmuster, die keine klare Aussage zum Fortpflanzungsstatus zuließen. Dennoch konnten anhand der Lokalisation dieser Faktoren in Keimzellen, somatischen Zellen des Hodens und Zellen des Nebenhodenepithels funktionelle Gesichtspunkte geklärt werden. Beispielsweise zeigte die Koexistenz des Östrogenrezeptors ERα und des steroidogenen Enzyms Aromatase in Hoden und Nebenhoden, dass nicht nur androgene Einflüsse in die Steuerung der Gonaden involviert sind. Auch der erstmalige Nachweis von Relaxin, Relaxin-like factor und ihren Rezeptoren in testikulären und epididymalen Zellen deutet darauf hin, dass diese die Funktion der beim Vogel nicht vorhandenen Prostata übernehmen.
Zudem ist der Transfer der etablierten immunzytochemischen Methoden auf sieben weitere Papageiengattungen (Nymphicus, Eolophus, Cacatua, Psittacus, Amazona, Ara, Cyanopsitta) gelungen. Auch hier konnten 14 Marker in verschiedenen Zellen von Hoden und Nebenhoden sichtbar gemacht werden. Die teilweise heterogene Verteilung der Marker in verschiedenen Zelltypen war eindeutig spezies-abhängig. Dies hat gezeigt, dass die beim Wellensittich mittels Immunzytochemie erzielten Resultate nur eingeschränkt auf andere Papageienspezies übertragbar sind. Entscheidend für die Beurteilung des Reproduktionsstatus ist daher die individuelle Auswahl der Marker in Abhängigkeit von der untersuchten Spezies.
Die Resultate dieser Studie liefern die Grundlage für weitere Forschungsansätze in der Reproduktionsdiagnostik von Papageienvögeln. Zum einen können die etablierten Marker in Analyse-Systemen zum Einsatz kommen, die nicht-invasiv gewonnene Medien (z. B. Faezes) untersuchen und vor allem in Zuchterhaltungsprogrammen bedrohter Arten hilfreich sind. Zum anderen ist die immunzytochemische Untersuchung von Hodenbioptaten pathologisch veränderter Hoden (z. B. Tumoren oder Entzündungen) als eine sinnvolle Ergänzung der Diagnostik von Infertilität bei männlichen Psittaziden anzusehen.
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Glucocorticosteroid receptor characteristics of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in oral steroid dependent asthma : utilization of an in vitro model of steroid resistant asthma to investigate mechanisms of resistance and functional consequences of altered receptor affinity.Irusen, Elvis Malcolm. January 2007 (has links)
Background: Although glucocorticoids are the most effective treatment for
asthma, some patients show a poor response. In such patients with steroid resistant asthma, this has been ascribed to altered glucocorticoid receptor (GR) ligand-binding affinity induced by IL-2 combined with IL-4 or IL-13
alone- all of which can also modulate glucocorticoid function in vitro.
Objective: We sought to assess the ligand-binding affinity in a distinct group
of oral steroid-dependent asthmatic subjects and examine the mechanisms by
which IL-2 and IL-4 (or IL-13) modify the ligand-binding affinity of the GR.
Methods: Using dexamethasone-binding assays, we examined PBMCs ex
vivo from healthy subjects, subjects with controlled asthma, and oral steroiddependent
subjects with severe asthma. In addition, IL-2 and IL-4 were used to alter GR affinity in vitro. We used mediators or inhibitors of signal
transduction to investigate the mechanisms of resistance. We also determined
cytokine production of PBMC's by means of ELISA.
Results: GR ligand-binding affinity was significantly reduced in the nucleus but not in the cytoplasm of oral steroid-dependent asthmatic subjects compared with that seen in steroid-sensitive and healthy subjects (dissociation
constant, 41.37 ± 17.83 vs. 25.36 ± 2.63 nmol/L vs. 9.40 ± 4.01 nmol/L,
respectively [p<.05 for both in comparison to normals] ).
This difference in ligand-binding affinity could be mimicked by IL-2 and
IL-4 co-treatment and was blocked by the p38 mitogen-activated protein
kinase (MAPK) inhibitor SB203580. PBMC's rendered resistant in vitro
demonstrated lower IL-10 and increased GM-CSF production following LPS
or PMA & PHA stimulation compared to cells with normal GR affinity.
Resistant cells also showed reduced dexamethasone repression of LPSstimulated
IL-10 release. These effects were also reversed by SB203580.
Inhibition of the ERK MAPK pathway by PD098059 (10 mol/L),
phosphoinositol 3 kinase by wortmannin (5 nmol/L) or treatment with IL-10
(10 ng/mL) failed to modulate the effect of IL-2 and IL-4 on receptor affinity.
Ro318220 (10 nmol/L), a specific protein kinase C inhibitor and theophylline,
similarly, had no effect on affinity.
Conclusion: GR ligand binding affinity is tiered; compared to normal
subjects; steroid responsive asthmatics have a mild reduction in ligand binding whereas oral steroid dependent asthmatics have greater reductions.
When mononuclear cells are rendered resistant in vitro, cytokine production
(low IL-10 and high GM-CSF) favours a pro-inflammatory state. Our data do
not support the ERK MAPK, phosphoinositol 3 kinase, protein kinase C
pathways in steroid resistance. Treatment with IL-10 and theophylline also
failed to modulate the effect of IL-2 and IL-4 on receptor affinity. However, P38 MAPK inhibitors may have potential in reversing glucocorticoid
insensitivity and re-establishing the beneficial effects of glucocorticoids in patients with severe asthma. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2007.
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Hormone concentrations during pregnancy and maternal risk of epithelial ovarian cancerSchock, Helena January 2015 (has links)
Background: The aim of this thesis was to study the relationship of pre-diagnostic circulating concentrations of sex steroid hormones (androgens, estradiol, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, and progesterone), growth factors (insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), placental growth hormone (GH)), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) with risk of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) overall, and by tumor invasiveness and histology. A longitudinal study was used to assess patterns of hormonal changes during a single pregnancy, and in two consecutive pregnancies. Materials & Methods: A case-control study was nested within the Finnish Maternity Cohort and the Northern Sweden Maternity Cohort. A total of 1 052 EOC cases were identified through linkages with the cancer registries in both countries. For each case, 2-3 controls were selected. Cases and controls were matched on cohort, age and date at blood draw, as well as for parity at blood draw and at diagnosis (n=2 695). Odds ratios (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals [CI] were estimated using conditional logistic regression. The longitudinal study was based on 71 pregnant Finnish women, who donated blood samples in each trimester of pregnancy. Results: Higher androgen concentrations were associated with an increased risk of overall EOC (e.g., testosterone ORT3 vs. T1: 1.56 [1.30-1.87], ptrend<0.0001), while the risk of endometrioid tumors increased with higher estradiol concentrations (ORT3 vs. T1: 2.76 [1.04-7.33], ptrend=0.03). Higher IGF-I was associated with a non-significant decrease in risk for invasive (ORT3 vs. T1: 0.79 [0.62-1.02], ptrend=0.07) and endometrioid tumors (ORT3 vs. T1: 0.55 [0.28-1.07], ptrend=0.07). The inverse association between IGF-I levels and risk of invasive EOC was stronger in analyses limited to women aged <55 years at diagnosis (ORT3 vs. T1: 0.74 [0.57-0.96], ptrend=0.03). No associations were observed between pre-diagnostic progesterone, SHBG, placental GH, and AMH with EOC risk overall, or by tumor invasiveness and histology. The longitudinal study showed that hormone concentrations were more strongly correlated between consecutive trimesters of a pregnancy than between the 1st and 3rd trimesters. Further, 3rd trimester hormone concentrations can be estimated from 1st or 2nd trimester measurements. Conclusion: Higher pre-diagnostic androgens, estradiol, and IGF-I are associated with EOC risk, and associations differ by tumor invasiveness and histology.
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Ovarian steroids in rat and human brain : effects of different endocrine statesBixo, Marie January 1987 (has links)
Ovarian steroid hormones are known to produce several different effects in the brain. In addition to their role in gonadotropin release, ovulation and sexual behaviour they also seem to affect mood and emotions, as shown in women with the premenstrual tension syndrome. Some steroids have the ability to affect brain excitability. Estradiol decreases the electroshock threshold while progesterone acts as an anti-convulsant and anaesthetic in both animals and humans. Several earlier studies have shown a specific uptake of several steroids in the animal brain but only a few recent studies have established the presence of steroids in the human brain. In the present studies, the dissections of rat and human brains were carried out macroscopically and areas that are considered to be related to steroid effects were chosen. Steroid concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay after extraction and separation with celite chromatography. The accuracy and specificity of these methods were estimated. In the animal studies, immature female rats were treated with Pregnant Mare's Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) to induce simultaneous ovulations. Concentrations of estradiol and progesterone were measured in seven brain areas pre- and postovulatory. The highest concentration of estradiol, pre- and postovulatory, was found in the hypothalamus and differences between the two cycle phases were detected in most brain areas. The preovulatory concentrations of progesterone were low and the highest postovulatory concentration was found in the cerebral cortex. In one study, the rats were injected with pharmacological doses of progesterone to induce "anaesthesia". High uptake of progesterone was found and a regional variation in the formation of 5<*-pregnane-3,20-dione in the brain with the highest ratio in the medulla oblongata. Concentrations of progesterone, 5a-pregnane-3*20-dione, estradiol and testosterone were determined in 17 brain areas of fertile compared to postmenopausal women. All steroids displayed regional differences in brain concentrations. Higher concentrations of estradiol and progesterone were found in the fertile compared to the postmenopausal women. In summary, these studies show that the concentrations of ovarian steroids in the brain are different at different endocrine states in both rats and humans and that there are regional differences in brain steroid distribution. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1987, härtill 5 uppsastser</p> / digitalisering@umu
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Whiplash injury : a clinical, radiographic and psychological investigationPettersson, Kurt January 1996 (has links)
Whiplash injury is a common and troublesome disorder and approximately 10-40 per cent of its victims develop chronic symptoms. The annual incidence is estimated at 1/1000 inhabitants and the prevalence at 1%. The cause of chronic symptoms after whiplash injury is still unknown and no effective treatment has been presented so far. The present study is divided into two parts; the first part includes clinical, radiographic and psychological investigations, and the second part the effect of surgical intervention as well as intervention with medication. MRI studies (n=39) showed a larger proportion of pathologic findings compared to normal subjects, but no correlation with initial neurologic deficits was found. At the 2-year follow-up all patients with disc herniations with medullary impingement had persistent symptoms. Three patients had disc herniations that deteriorated from slight and moderate initial changes on the MRI to severe changes with medullary cord impingement. This deterioration might be a first sign of disc degeneration. Thus our results indicate that disc pathology is a contributing factor in the development of chronic symptoms. Measurements from standard lateral radiographs taken in neutral position were evaluated (n=48). A graphic digitizer connected to a microcomputer was used and the sagittal diameters were determined. Multivariate analysis of variance showed that the spinal canal was significantly smaller in patients with persistent symptoms indicating that a narrow spinal canal is unfavourable in patients subjected to whiplash injury. A psychological investigation (n=70) revealed no relationship between pre-existing personality traits and persistent symptoms. In our study, whiplash patients showed no differences in personality traits compared to normal controls. Our results after discectomy and anterior cervical fusion (n=20) because of chronic symptoms after whiplash injury were not satisfactory. We noticed that about half of the cases had less headache and neck pain but no beneficial effects on radicular pain, vertigo, visual and auditory symptoms were observed. Based on the criteria of a surgical evaluation, two patients were classified as good, nine as fair and nine as poor. A prospective randomised double-blind study of high-dose methyl-prednisolone compared to placebo was conducted (n=40). A clinical follow-up with repeated neurological examinations and a standardised questionnaire including VAS-scales and a pain sketch form were used for the evaluation of initial symptoms, before drug administration and at the follow-ups at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, and 6 months after the injury. At the 6-month follow-up there was a significant difference between the actively treated patients and placebo concerning disabling symptoms defined as inability to return to previous work, number of sick-days and sick-leave profile. All the actively treated patients had returned to work and none had multiple symptoms though three of them complained of intermittent neck pain. Our conclusion is therefore that acute treatment with high-dose corticosteroids might be beneficial to the prevention of disabling symptoms after whiplash injury. / <p>Härtill 6 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu
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Hormonal Regulation of Vaginal MucosaKunovac Kallak, Theodora January 2015 (has links)
Vaginal atrophy symptoms such as dryness, irritation, and itching, are common after menopause. Vaginal estrogen therapy is the most effective treatment but not appropriate for all women. Women with estrogen-responsive breast cancer treated with aromatase inhibitor (AI) treatment, suppressing estrogen levels, often suffer from more pronounced vaginal atrophy symptoms. However, vaginal estrogen treatment is not recommended, leaving them without effective treatment options. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of long-term anti-estrogen therapy on circulating estrogen levels and biochemical factors in vaginal mucosa in relation to morphological changes and clinical signs of vaginal atrophy. Circulating estrogen levels were analyzed by use of mass spectrometry and radioimmunoassay. Immunohistochemistry was used to study vaginal proliferation and steroid hormone receptors in vaginal mucosa. Vaginal gene expression was studied by use of microarray technology and bioinformatic tools, and validated by use of quantitative real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. An estrogenic regulation of aquaporins and a possible role in vaginal dryness was investigated in vaginal mucosa and in Vk2E6E7 cells. Aromatase inhibitor-treated women had higher than expected estradiol and estrone levels but still significantly lower than other postmenopausal women. Aromatase was detected in vaginal tissue, the slightly stronger staining in vaginal mucosa from AI-treated women, suggest a local inhibition of vaginal aromatase in addition to the systemic suppression. Vaginal mucosa from AI-treated women had weak progesterone receptor, and strong androgen receptor staining intensity. Low estrogen levels lead to low expression of genes involved in cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation as well as weak aquaporin 3 protein immunostaining. The higher than expected estrogen levels in AI-treated women suggest that estrogen levels might previously have been underestimated. Systemic estrogen suppression by treatment with AIs, and possibly also by local inhibition of vaginal aromatase, results in reduced cell adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, and weak aquaporin 3 protein staining. Low proliferation and poor differentiation leads to fewer and less differentiated superficial cells affecting epithelial function and possibly also causing vaginal symptoms. Aquaporin 3 with a possible role in vaginal dryness, cell proliferation, and differentiation should be further explored for the development of non-hormonal treatment options for vaginal symptoms.
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