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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace kovaných vysokotlakých elementů zásobníku paliva systému common rail / Optimization of Forged High Pressure Elements of Fuel Accumulator of Common Rail System

Klepetko, David January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the optimization of forged high pressure elements of fuel accumu-lator of Common Rail System. The aim of this work is to assess the current state and design the individual high pressure elements in the CAD system. There is implemented strain and stress analysis in the FEM system Abaqus/CAE and in fatigue postprocessor FEMFAT for all designs. On the basis of this analysis are proposed optimized design solutions.

Stanovení modulu pružnosti zdiva ve směru ložné spáry / Determination of masonry modulus of elasticity in the direction of bed joints

Kuchař, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The determination of strain properties of masonry in the direction parallel to bed joints is a fundamental pre-requisite for designing structures, where masonry is subjected to horizontal stresses (e. g. strengthening with prestressing). The diploma thesis summarized techniques of determination of masonry modulus of elasticity presented in available literature. The goal is to suggest suitable methodology of determination of masonry modulus in direction parallel to the bed joints. In the practical part of the diploma thesis is that methodology verified by experimental test and results of tests are analyzed and discussed.

Performance characterisation of duplex stainless steel in nuclear waste storage environment

Ornek, Cem January 2016 (has links)
The majority of UK’s intermediate level radioactive waste is currently stored in 316L and 304L austenitic stainless steel containers in interim storage facilities for permanent disposal until a geological disposal facility has become available. The structural integrity of stainless steel canisters is required to persevere against environmental degradation for up to 500 years to assure a safe storage and disposal scheme. Hitherto existing severe localised corrosion observances on real waste storage containers after 10 years of exposure to an ambient atmosphere in an in-land warehouse in Culham at Oxfordshire, however, questioned the likelihood occurrence of stress corrosion cracking that may harm the canister’s functionality during long-term storage. The more corrosion resistant duplex stainless steel grade 2205, therefore, has been started to be manufactured as a replacement for the austenitic grades. Over decades, the threshold stress corrosion cracking temperature of austenitic stainless steels has been believed to be 50-60°C, but lab- and field-based research has shown that 304L and 316L may suffer from atmospheric stress corrosion cracking at ambient temperatures. Such an issue has not been reported to occur for the 2205 duplex steel, and its atmospheric stress corrosion cracking behaviour at low temperatures (40-50°C) has been sparsely studied which requires detailed investigations in this respect. Low temperature atmospheric stress corrosion cracking investigations on 2205 duplex stainless steel formed the framework of this PhD thesis with respect to the waste storage context. Long-term surface magnesium chloride deposition exposures at 50°C and 30% relative humidity for up to 15 months exhibited the occurrence of stress corrosion cracks, showing stress corrosion susceptibility of 2205 duplex stainless steel at 50°C.The amount of cold work increased the cracking susceptibility, with bending deformation being the most critical type of deformation mode among tensile and rolling type of cold work. The orientation of the microstructure deformation direction, i.e. whether the deformation occurred in transverse or rolling direction, played vital role in corrosion and cracking behaviour, as such that bending in transverse direction showed almost 3-times larger corrosion and stress corrosion cracking propensity. Welding simulation treatments by ageing processes at 750°C and 475°C exhibited substantial influences on the corrosion properties. It was shown that sensitisation ageing at 750°C can render the material enhanced susceptible to stress corrosion cracking at even low chloride deposition densities of ≤145 µm/cm². However, it could be shown that short-term heat treatments at 475°C can decrease corrosion and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility which may be used to improve the materials performance. Mechanistic understanding of stress corrosion cracking phenomena in light of a comprehensive microstructure characterisation was the main focus of this thesis.
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Numerical investigations on the uniaxial tensile behaviour of Textile Reinforced Concrete

Hartig, Jens 27 January 2011 (has links)
In the present work, the load-bearing behaviour of Textile Reinforced Concrete (TRC), which is a composite of a fine-grained concrete matrix and a reinforcement of high-performance fibres processed to textiles, exposed to uniaxial tensile loading was investigated based on numerical simulations. The investigations are focussed on reinforcement of multi-filament yarns of alkali-resistant glass. When embedded in concrete, these yarns are not entirely penetrated with cementitious matrix, which leads associated with the heterogeneity of the concrete and the yarns to a complex load-bearing and failure behaviour of the composite. The main objective of the work was the theoretical investigation of effects in the load-bearing behaviour of TRC, which cannot be explained solely by available experimental results. Therefore, a model was developed, which can describe the tensile behaviour of TRC in different experimental test setups with a unified approach. Neglecting effects resulting from Poisson’s effect, a one-dimensional model implemented within the framework of the Finite Element Method was established. Nevertheless, the model takes also transverse effects into account by a subdivision of the reinforcement yarns into so-called segments. The model incorporates two types of finite elements: bar and bond elements. In longitudinal direction, the bar elements are arranged in series to represent the load-bearing behaviour of matrix or reinforcement. In transverse direction these bar element chains are connected with bond elements. The model gains most of its complexity from non-linearities arising from the constitutive relations, e. g., limited tensile strength of concrete and reinforcement, tension softening of the concrete, waviness of the reinforcement and non-linear bond laws. Besides a deterministic description of the material behaviour, also a stochastic formulation based on a random field approach was introduced in the model. The model has a number of advantageous features, which are provided in this combination only in a few of the existing models concerning TRC. It provides stress distributions in the reinforcement and the concrete as well as properties of concrete crack development like crack spacing and crack widths, which are in some of the existing models input parameters and not a result of the simulations. Moreover, the successive failure of the reinforcement can be studied with the model. The model was applied to three types of tests, the filament pull-out test, the yarn pull-out test and tensile tests with multiple concrete cracking. The results of the simulations regarding the filament pull-out tests showed good correspondence with experimental data. Parametric studies were performed to investigate the influence of geometrical properties in these tests like embedding and free lengths of the filament as well as bond properties between filament and matrix. The presented results of simulations of yarn pull-out tests demonstrated the applicability of the model to this type of test. It has been shown that a relatively fine subdivision of the reinforcement is necessary to represent the successive failure of the reinforcement yarns appropriately. The presented results showed that the model can provide the distribution of failure positions in the reinforcement and the degradation development of yarns during loading. One of the main objectives of the work was to investigate effects concerning the tensile material behaviour of TRC, which could not be explained, hitherto, based solely on experimental results. Hence, a large number of parametric studies was performed concerning tensile tests with multiple concrete cracking, which reflect the tensile behaviour of TRC as occurring in practice. The results of the simulations showed that the model is able to reproduce the typical tripartite stress-strain response of TRC consisting of the uncracked state, the state of multiple matrix cracking and the post-cracking state as known from experimental investigations. The best agreement between simulated and experimental results was achieved considering scatter in the material properties of concrete as well as concrete tension softening and reinforcement waviness. / Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Untersuchungen zum einaxialen Zugtragverhalten von Textilbeton. Textilbeton ist ein Verbundwerkstoff bestehend aus einer Matrix aus Feinbeton und einer Bewehrung aus Multifilamentgarnen aus Hochleistungsfasern, welche zu textilen Strukturen verarbeitet sind. Die Untersuchungen konzentrieren sich auf Bewehrungen aus alkali-resistentem Glas. Das Tragverhalten des Verbundwerkstoffs ist komplex, was aus der Heterogenität der Matrix und der Garne sowie der unvollständigen Durchdringung der Garne mit Matrix resultiert. Das Hauptziel der Arbeit ist die theoretische Untersuchung von Effekten und Mechanismen innerhalb des Lastabtragverhaltens von Textilbeton, welche nicht vollständig anhand verfügbarer experimenteller Ergebnisse erklärt werden können. Das entsprechende Modell zur Beschreibung des Zugtragverhaltens von Textilbeton soll verschiedene experimentelle Versuchstypen mit einem einheitlichen Modell abbilden können. Unter Vernachlässigung von Querdehneffekten wurde ein eindimensionales Modell entwickelt und im Rahmen der Finite-Elemente-Methode numerisch implementiert. Es werden jedoch auch Lastabtragmechanismen in Querrichtung durch eine Unterteilung der Bewehrungsgarne in sogenannte Segmente berücksichtigt. Das Modell enthält zwei Typen von finiten Elementen: Stabelemente und Verbundelemente. In Längsrichtung werden Stabelemente kettenförmig angeordnet, um das Tragverhalten von Matrix und Bewehrung abzubilden. In Querrichtung sind die Stabelementketten mit Verbundelementen gekoppelt. Das Modell erhält seine Komplexität hauptsächlich aus Nichtlinearitäten in der Materialbeschreibung, z.B. durch begrenzte Zugfestigkeiten von Matrix und Bewehrung, Zugentfestigung der Matrix, Welligkeit der Bewehrung und nichtlineare Verbundgesetze. Neben einer deterministischen Beschreibung des Materialverhaltens beinhaltet das Modell auch eine stochastische Beschreibung auf Grundlage eines Zufallsfeldansatzes. Mit dem Modell können Spannungsverteilungen im Verbundwerkstoff und Eigenschaften der Betonrissentwicklung, z.B. in Form von Rissbreiten und Rissabständen untersucht werden, was in dieser Kombination nur mit wenigen der existierenden Modelle für Textilbeton möglich ist. In vielen der vorhandenen Modelle sind diese Eigenschaften Eingangsgrößen für die Berechnungen und keine Ergebnisse. Darüber hinaus kann anhand des Modells auch das sukzessive Versagen der Bewehrungsgarne studiert werden. Das Modell wurde auf drei verschiedene Versuchstypen angewendet: den Filamentauszugversuch, den Garnauszugversuch und Dehnkörperversuche. Die Berechnungsergebnisse zu den Filamentauszugversuchen zeigten eine gute Übereinstimmung mit experimentellen Resultaten. Zudem wurden Parameterstudien durchgeführt, um Einflüsse aus Geometrieeigenschaften wie der eingebetteten und freien Filamentlänge sowie Materialeigenschaften wie dem Verbund zwischen Matrix und Filament zu untersuchen. Die Berechnungsergebnisse zum Garnauszugversuch demonstrierten die Anwendbarkeit des Modells auf diesen Versuchstyp. Es wurde gezeigt, dass für eine realitätsnahe Abbildung des Versagensverhaltens der Bewehrungsgarne eine relativ feine Auflösung der Bewehrung notwendig ist. Die Berechnungen lieferten die Verteilung von Versagenspositionen in der Bewehrung und die Entwicklung der Degradation der Garne im Belastungsverlauf. Ein Hauptziel der Arbeit war die Untersuchung von Effekten im Zugtragverhalten von Textilbeton, die bisher nicht durch experimentelle Untersuchungen erklärt werden konnten. Daher wurde eine Vielzahl von Parameterstudien zu Dehnkörpern mit mehrfacher Matrixrissbildung, welche das Zugtragverhalten von Textilbeton ähnlich praktischen Anwendungen abbilden, durchgeführt. Die Berechnungsergebnisse zeigten, dass der experimentell beobachtete dreigeteilte Verlauf der Spannungs-Dehnungs-Beziehung von Textilbeton bestehend aus dem ungerissenen Zustand, dem Zustand der Matrixrissbildung und dem Zustand der abgeschlossenen Rissbildung vom Modell wiedergegeben wird. Die beste Übereinstimmung zwischen berechneten und experimentellen Ergebnissen ergab sich unter Einbeziehung von Streuungen in den Materialeigenschaften der Matrix, der Zugentfestigung der Matrix und der Welligkeit der Bewehrung.
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